The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Absinthe Dreams

Disclaimer: This story is suitable only for those 18 years of age or older. Contains suggestive, erotic content, and graphic imagery. All characters are fictional, and any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. There are no government conspiracies.

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The maître d’s nose twitches appreciably with the arrival of a fresh scent. No, two scents. A rosy perfume winds round his head, mixed with a hint of jasmine. He smiles reflexively as he looks up from his reservation screen. A blond removes her sunglasses to reveal blue eyes, and she takes a step forward, casting another rosy rush in his direction.

“What’s your name, ma’am?”

“I didn’t call. I hope that won’t be a problem,” she says.

“Well, we only seat for advanced reservations...” A second woman, a brunette, approaches the maître d’ and she smiles too familiarly, causing the maître d’s face to infuse with warmth. Her hazel-green eyes are considerably beautiful, and she is close enough to touch his hand.

“I believe we have a reservation,” she says. “Ms. Mitchell, party of two.” The maître d’ appears doubtful, but checks anyway, and discovers a new reservation record – one that couldn’t have been there a half hour earlier. “I see,” he says, as a young man with short-cropped hair steps forward. “Brian, would you seat these ladies? I believe we have a table ready?” His breath catches as the brunette’s hand grasps his.

“Yes,” the young man says, “if you would follow me...”

The brunette whispers “Thanks”, then giggles as his face gets even redder, and let’s him go. In one hand she’s carrying a small black leather duffel bag which sways slightly forward and back in time with her legs. She tucks it underneath the table as she and the blond are seated. The waiter pours water, and begins describing the daily specials. The blond selects the soup and salad.

“Excellent choice, ma’am. And miss, are you ready, uhm...”. Brian’s voice falters as he stares at the brunette’s bosom.

“Hi, just call me Melissa.” Startled, he hurriedly looks up to her eyes. She adds, “... and I’ll order the same.”

“Very good... Melissa” Relieved that she said nothing more, Brian tucks his pad into a wide pocket and departs.

While their orders were taken, a door swung open at the front of the restaurant....

Two tall, well-dressed gentlemen entered, and the maître d’ looked up. “May I help you?”

The first man stepped forward, the maitre d’s face reflecting large in his sunglasses. His hand swept inside a pristine grey jacket and pulled out a badge.

“We’ll watch the front for you,” the man said. “Why don’t you go into the back and make sure Ms. Mitchell and her companion are taken care of?”

“Yes,” said the second man, still wearing his shades as he picked up the phone whole and severed the cord with a small utility knife. “That would be best.”

“Ms. Mitchell? How did you... ”, the maître ’d replied, “No women have called today!” Saying it solidified the thought that had subtly nagged him – EVERY reservation call that morning had been from a man. “What’s going on here?”, he asked, rapidly losing all sense of personal security. The second agent reached forward and gripped his shoulder....

Meanwhile, back at the center of the restaurant...

Natalie peers under the table at the duffel bag, and clasps her hands on the table. “Working out this evening?”, she muses.

“Actually, I’m going to be leaving town again shortly,” Melissa responds; one of Nathalie’s eyebrows immediately rises.

“Oh? Robert told me you would be attending the presentation tomorrow.”

“Perhaps he misspoke... or you misunderstood,” Melissa retorts.

“Well, this is news to me! We’ve been working really hard on this deal.. I.. I’ve been working hard on this. Long nights...” Melissa reaches over to touch Nathalie’s hand, but she withdraws. Melissa sighs and smiles.

“I know how tired you must feel, and I’m really sorry for misleading you. However, I am not here for business reasons; I need to talk with you about Jeff.” Natalie’s eyes flash.

“What... about ... Jeff?”

“I know that he has been missing.” Natalie scoots to the edge of her seat and leans forward.

“How do you know that? I haven’t told anyone.” Her voice drops to a whisper. “Are you an investigator?” Melissa laughs.

“No, no, not an investigator. I am a mind control expert.” The maître d’ walks past their table and through the swinging kitchen door, nervousness clear on his face. Nathalie is far too busy fuming to notice. She rises to her feet, hands drawn stiff by her sides. “What is this about? Who ARE you?”

“It is in your best interest to sit down,” Melissa replies calmly.

“I... will.. NOT.” Natalie gulps a shallow breath, and trembles as she sees the seriousness in the other woman’s eyes.


“I will explain if you would sit, please. I know you’re really tired, and it shows, but you’re drawing UNWANTED attention...” Natalie looks around and is startled by the realization that the restaurant is hushed, people staring at her. Hesitantly, she returns to her seat and slides the chair forward.

“You have one minute before I call the police,” Natalie whispers.

“Go ahead and try,” Melissa says. “I hope you can.” Natalie’s hand dips into her purse. She flips open her cellphone, dials, and presses it to her face, expecting a voice on the other end. The display sums up the situation succinctly: Network connection lost.

“They are careful about these things,” Melissa says mysteriously.

“THEY? Who are ’they’?”, Natalie asks, as her heart pounds in her chest.

“Agents. Look at them.. carefully. And, please, don’t rise from your seat again.” In as casual a manner as she can muster, Natalie surveys the room. There are only men in the restaurant, all smartly dressed, looking right at her. One of them smiles as he adjusts something within his ear.

“What’s going on?”

“Natalie, I wish we could discuss this privately, but I believe they can hear everything. If I told a joke, I’m sure that at least a few of them would laugh along with us.” Soft creepy chuckles fill the room.

“They follow directions, you see,” Melissa continues. “They will watch and listen, and ensure that I do not escape with you.”

“Escape?”, Nathalie says, her face a visage of shock as more laughter erupts from the men.

Melissa’s hand brushes back hair from her face. “They laugh because they do not know how clever I am, but soon we will be free, and they will be helpless to stop it.” The men continue grinning. “See, they are intrigued already. Interrogation is old-hat, but I’ll make it easy for them by telling them everything I know right here and now. Jeff’s abduction makes for a interesting prologue, and—”

“What’s happened to Jeff?!”, Natalie interjects. She attempts to rise once more, but Melissa’s hand swiftly envelops her wrist.

“This is necessary for our protection.” As much as Natalie wants to pull free, she suddenly finds that her body refuses to cooperate with her wishes. Melissa gently lowers the woman’s arm back to the table, and reaches to wipe away moisture from the woman’s widening eyes.

“The programming is not yet fully set, but it must suffice. Yes, I know what’s happened to Jeff, and although they may have gotten to you and wiped parts of your mind they don’t want you to see, I can help. I just need you to begin to relax first. Now.” Natalie’s chest rises with a deep breath, as something large moves into their peripheral vision.

“Ah, our drinks have arrived...” Brian pushes a small cart up next to the table. Two glasses filled with a dark green liquid sit atop a tray.

“Perfect, Brian! Thank you. Can you ensure we have some privacy? I will be entertaining awhile.” Brian nods, and excuses himself nervously. “Hey, Brian!”, she says. He stops mid-stride “Everything will be okay.” He silently nods again, gives a hurried bow, and walks away.

Melissa lifts an unusual item from the cart’s lower tray: a hollow crystal bowl filled with chilled water atop a silver stand. Just below where crystal meets metal, two silver spigots extend from the base.

“Natalie, you are likely wondering why you feel strange: perhaps a little numb and light-headed?” Nathalie opens her mouth, and fumbles the word : “Yes”.

“Yes, I hear it in your voice. That feeling you have is the beginning of trance. I have something here that will also help you relax further. Absinthe. It is a special part of our ritual,” Melissa says, holding up one of the glasses. She balances it in front of Nathalie’s face as the glass refracts a pair of sleepy eyes, which also reflect momentarily on the green pool. She places the glass beneath a spigot, and does the same with the other glass. Nathalie’s eyes struggle to follow Melissa’s hands as she continues preparations. Slatted spoons are set across the glasses, and then a single large sugar cube is set atop each spoon.

“The agents can appreciate our ritual too,” Melissa says, “but only as observers. As a teacher, I will help you understand the predicament you are now in by telling a story.” The men laugh again, and Melissa laughs with them.

“Oh, did I say predicament? Yes, I did. Difficult to believe, I know. Thirty men with pistols, watching, and all I am to you is a body to be taken away. You could do it right now if you wished and without consequences, as I am not armed in the way you are. Yet, you just sit there curious, waiting for something to happen. Oh, you know you sense the danger. Maybe you shiver with anticipation now, or maybe you’ll just be shivering later; either way, be careful, or you may be swept up in this.” Melissa stands up, rests a hand on her hip and shakes her head.

“Look at yourselves... Yes, go ahead, look at the other men, and see just how confident they really are. Go ahead...LOOK.” Some men are stony-faced, others ham it up, smiling a little too hard, while a few seem to have suddenly become a bit lost, their eyes darting to and fro.

“Yes, the nervous ones should just walk away right now,” she says matter-of-factly, “I have more fun teasing the macho types. Some of you just fake it, ” At that, many men cross their arms, some of whom had been the eye-darters. Melissa rolls her eyes, and sighs.

“I swear, there is something about all of you that just wants to TEST me. You don’t wish to believe in my abilities, and that’s okay. Just keep watching and listening, and I’m sure you will soon.” She pauses, sits and rests her hands on her lap. “Let’s begin, shall we?”

She turns to Nathalie. “It will be interesting for us to find out how completely comfortable you will find yourself doing as I ask. So just relax and take a clean deep breath... Good.. And now let it out now...Excellent...” Melissa glances around the room, to make sure the men are still watching closely. Of course they are.

“Having been to school, anyone can understand the importance of focus. Children sit and listen awhile to a teacher, and sometimes the urge to fidget is irresistible. Toes may wiggle, fingers may tap, and boys and girls might want to get up out of their seats for a bit, even when they know they cannot. Fortunately, teachers are understanding because while children’s thoughts may stray, words spoken still find a place to exert desired effects. Children’s eyes start to focus on the teacher, yet when those eyes begin to slightly defocus, their minds can achieve a necessary and desirable silence, allowing information to be absorbed fully.”

“Children can also sometimes forget all that is around them, as the teacher controls pacing of her words so even those most tired minds can comprehend them. And as students relax further... and further ... eyelids begin to feel a little droopy... and the room feels warm as it is on a late summer day. It’s too warm, in fact, for minds to pay attention to how difficult it is now to keep eyes open much longer. Eyes may flutter, and if they close on their own, that’s okay, as you will still listen and absorb what the teacher says, and whenever they choose to open again, you can pick up the lesson right where you left off because your mind has forgotten nothing. And if eyes remain open, that’s okay too, as they can close whenever you wish, or as they remain open you gradually enter a waking dream. But if the teacher touches you, you drop immediately into that deep state of relaxation that beckons.”

“... so Sleep Now.” Melissa touches Natalie’s forehead and it sinks forward, her eyelids shut. When Melissa steals a second glance, and notices that many of the men are now clearly entranced. Those few not yet fully under her spell have ’that look’ that tell her they will quickly follow. She smiles knowingly, and holds Natalie’s head in one hand, tilting it back.

“That’s it. Drifting away from the world as you are Now, the restaurant fades. This fading is pleasant, knowing that my story continually draws you deeper into the fantasy. Or is it a reality? Your conscious mind cannot be bothered, as your subconscious understands why You Now Drop.” Melissa cups Natalie’s head between her hands, and as her fingertips massage the woman’s scalp, her mouth slowly slides open; a quick check of her eyelids show that her eyes are rolling up. Satisfied, Melissa gently lowers Natalie’s head back down.

“I was given access to Jeff’s memories, and you can relive his last free moments, IF you promise to listen very closely to my voice.” Melissa pauses as she glances around the room. Everyone is at the precipice. “You want to know what happened, and will do this for me, won’t you?”

“Yes...” All voices have joined with Nathalie’s in this journey.

“Good, Go Deeper. Deeper. That’s right..and now everybody can just LET GO and minds will GO BLANK. Your heavy, heavy hands really just want to rest on your lap. And that is what happens, NOW.” SNAP! Arms sink throughout the room. Men’s eyes that are still open are glazed.

“The story begins now...” Melissa stands up and walks slowly around the table, the strike of her heels softly echoing within an otherwise silent room. The soft lighting from the chandelier above twinkles within her earrings... There is no sign of the maître d’, nor of any servers. She has claimed the entire stage and all within as her own.

“Jeff was working late at the office. Quite the nerd, working on a Friday night. He was finishing some software for a very important project. Having just eaten a takeout meal, he was feeling tired, yet determined to work a few more hours. Indirect lighting cast a soft glow around his monitor as he blinked and rubbed his weary eyes. The screen seemed a bit fuzzier to him than usual – nothing too out of the ordinary. However, there was something running in the background that slowly began synchronizing his thought patterns. A flicker here, a flash there, neither intense nor dramatic. It was sort of like an eye test where you stare at a white screen waiting for the next wavering spot to appear somewhere, and you look for it. But when you see it, you still wonder if it is a real flicker or just your mind

playing tricks on you. Well, I can tell you someone WAS playing a nasty trick on Jeff, as these were not innocent flashes and flickers. With each flash he found himself more and more trapped in his seat, helplessly absorbing each flickering command.”

“By the time I arrived, Jeff was oblivious to the world.” Melissa’s skirt swishes softly as she steps up to the nearest agent. “I must admit, I was aroused by it. I walked right up to him...and ... whispered. Just... like.. this...” She giggles as she gently grasps his face, then lets it sag even limper.

“Yes.. and it was so easy to do. When he next became aware, he had become part of a surreal dream.” Melissa walks back to Natalie and looks her in the face. “You are my protégé, privileged to receive my knowledge.” Melissa smiles flirtatiously, as her fingertips graze Nathalie’s chin.

“Jeff himself would have learned a lot that night had he not been the manipulated prey. He wasn’t prepared for it. A person spends decades spinning wheels in one world, then suddenly another one opens up right beneath them. This particular project took in many of the unsuspecting: psychologists, programmers, engineers, neuroscientists.. all bright, motivated individuals who in one life had been responsible for the birth of a new technology, and the next were caught in the project’s undertow, being pulled under. Of course, I had experience playing with Jeff’s mind far longer than THEY had. In his private life, he was a hypno-fetishist, you know, and we were rather close. That night, when the program began taking hold of him, he somehow knew he was in trouble, and reached out for me. I got there as quickly as I could, but not fast enough.”

“Commands issued from afar had affected him so deeply, he was sinking just beyond my reach. I only had enough time to lock away some of his memories, hoping to protect him. Then the agents arrived, and I watched from my place of hiding as they carried him away.” Melissa’s eyes watered, as she stared.

“I never gave up on him. I followed him, discretely. It was too risky for me to emerge from hiding right away, but one night I snuck my way in, and found him attached to an apparatus, drugs being pumped into him...I saw him failing, and that’s when I decided I had to do something to help.”

“Now remaining fast asleep and under my control, see through his eyes ...” As Melissa continues speaking, images form in the minds of all within the room...

* * *

The ceiling appears old and dark. A stray filament of spider silk strung from a too bright lamp zips down past your head to somewhere behind. You are reclined, comfortable.. content to rest. A beautiful familiar-looking brunette stands above you, wearing a stylish black leather jacket. You can’t quite remember her name – thinking is quite difficult. You can only see her from the waist-up. She moistens her bright red lips with her tongue and speaks to you...

“Can you move?” In your position, you can look down at your fingertips splayed across the armrest, but only the slightest twitch results from your efforts. You are effectively paralyzed. Even speaking is difficult.

“I think it’s the effect of the drugs, Jeff.”

Somehow, your jaw manages to unlock, and you hear your voice say, “They are reprogramming me ... M-Melissa.” You see her eyes water. It’s so difficult to think, you don’t know how you remembered that about her.

“I’m glad you can still remember. And you’re right, Jeff. I found the project files. They are infiltrating your mind by the minute.”

“I ha-ve to... fight. Help...” Speaking is even more difficult, as the chemical influence is growing every moment.

“You’ve never been this susceptible, but they got to you first.. But I can still help her... and I can comfort you, bringing the final sleep. Is this what you want?”, Melissa asks, as she fishes out a sapphire pendant from her blouse. She stoops down, and you hear the swish of unseen silky fabrics.

“YES,” your voice says.

The pendant begins swinging. Dizzy, your consciousness fades with a SNAP.

You recall being awoken by the sensation of a pinprick; an unknown warm fluid begins flowing into your left arm.

“Obedience will only get easier...”, says the disembodied voice – not Melissa’s, but some other woman. “You’ll soon find yourself with the other agents. Now listen carefully...” Your body begins to feel very different... your limbs appear to undulate like waves are passing through them. You lose sense of self as the night unfolds. Yet through it all, there is Melissa’s voice as she comforts you. “Shhhh... he sent me to save you, and whatever happens, I’ll be here...I will show you a way and set you free.”

* * *

The image of Melissa is coming back into focus...

“Focus here,” Melissa says. Your attention is drawn to one of the absinthe-filled glasses. She gradually turns a little spigot. Drip. Drip. Drip. Faster and faster it drips. It’s difficult for everyone to follow them all, and attention is drawn down instead to the fluid below, where there is only the swirling. Soon the glass is nearly filled, and as the flow finally stops, its swirling motion continues captivating.

“That’s it.. your eyes are always focused where they should be, and now they should focus HERE.” Your eyes drift to the second glass, and the verdant fluid is so fascinating. Melissa’s voice is sweet, every word a droplet falling, sinking and swirling around and around as you desire that green absinthe in your mind.

“Legs are heavy...” And they are.

“Feet stuck to the floor..” They must be.

“Leaden calves .. knees... thighs.. all sinking.” They are melting down.

“Hips are now heavy, and your fingers tingle. Trance envelopes you as the endless droplets of absinthe fall into the green pool where they rest. Yes, you can be as affected by my words as Jeff was. It does not matter to your subconscious,” Melissa says to you. “It always responds as it should.” “YES,” says the inner voice.

“Very pay attention to me. Eyes focused, deep in trance.” SNAP!

As your eyes refocus on Melissa, you find her staring vacantly, her voice distant ...

“I find it difficult to tell stories without being affected by them. You all fall into trance, and the more I focus on you, watching you go deeper, the more I find myself lost in my words. And once I am under, I recall more about these Absinthe Dreams we are in. This place has its own rules, and I have been learning, too, you know.”

“I found myself pulled into them the moment I first hypnotized you, Nathalie, and I have been trying to escape ever since.” Melissa seems momentarily confused, lost, as her hazy hazel eyes draw you further into her world...

“I remember Absinthe Dreams, as it was not that long ago. The building there looked old, and as if it had been long vacant, like an abandoned frontier outpost. There was nothing for miles around but summer grasses begging for moisture. And on the edge of the grasses I sat alone with you.”

“ ’I know who you are, and I’m not afraid of you’, you told me, as you slowly twisted dry grasses between your fingers until they snapped. ’I know this can’t be real. This was Jeff’s idea, wasn’t it?’”

“At first, you recalled on your own. But your mind has been changing, and these dreams shift on me, forcing me to adapt. I fear I might lose all control, but I’m trying. I’m going to lead you back, somehow...and now I need you to go deeper” SNAP!

All goes dark, then mental images shift. You look up and see a familiar-looking brunette leaning over you....You sense that pinprick sensation, which is quickly replaced by a warmth that floods your hand and wrist, then works its way into your arm. Your heart pounds a little faster, and a dizziness fills you. You feel the wavy sensations flowing through you once more, losing touch with your body. You see those hazel-green eyes staring, drawing closer. She grabs your shoulder and pushes.. The world rolls back, and blue sky fills your vision as you lay among the grasses. There is only her hand, gliding alongside the breeze. Arousal is building even as thoughts dwindle away. There are distant-sounding moans, becoming just a little louder.... and then you are back in the restaurant again.

“Pleasure is the means to control,” she says simply. Melissa’s eyes look away from yours to lock with another, and another, and another. Each person in turn relives the experience, and the echo of the memory haunts you as you ache for the ritual to continue.

“Nathalie, are you still with me?”, Melissa asks, as she takes her hand into her own. Nathalie’s eyes are still rolled up with pleasure underneath her eyelids. “See, I can fill a woman’s mind with erotic imagery, and her fingers twitch with want. This is MY power within ’Absinthe Dreams’, and it’s too late. Our ritual has begun...”

You are surprised as all are to realize that there are now empty glasses in front of everyone in the room. You sense the aftertaste of alcohol, and warmth in your belly. When did THAT happen?

“The absinthe is still seeping into our minds, Nathalie, and its influence is growing by the minute. I’m going to show you how Absinthe Dreams Sink Deeper within you too, within all of us. But you must know that you are not innocent, Nathalie.”

“No, the last time I visited these dreams, you kept taking mental pictures of me; still snapshots of existence through your eyes. There, inside the interior of that building in the middle of nothingness, I remember the repeated flash of a bulb, unable to move as you posed me provocatively. ’It is the FLASH,’ I thought. Yes, and I couldn’t help but be aroused with every FLASH, so my mind began to associate that with pleasure, and that made it even easier for me to do nothing at all because the pleasure consumed me. With every FLASH, I felt the tingling, and lost track of things, and the next thing I knew, I saw myself in a different outfit. FLASH. A corset here.. FLASH. Now a long skirt down nearly to the floor. FLASH. FLASH.”

“You filled a dimly-lit hallway with these photographs, and later that night I found myself walking past them, vaguely aware that there had been a silent calling. I walked through the door at the end, and saw the tip of a cigarette brightening, a feathery ash drifting. I felt so heavy as I stood there in my lingerie, and as the ash fell and my limbs froze your eyes ran up my body. You considered me as I stood there wearing only my silk hosiery and form-fitting camisole. Your window was cracked, allowing an early fall breeze to flow through, ruffling curtains before sinking towards the floor where a chill worked its way through the stockings, through me. My pussy felt moist, tingling with anticipation...My arms were high above me as you peeled the camisole from my torso.”

“The breeze seemed to flow more quickly over my nakedness. When we felt the pinprick together, my eyes began to roll back, and I fell back onto the bed. Your body collapsed on mine, but you were taking pictures again with your eyes boring into me. FLASH. Frozen. FLASH. I was on my back, and I focused dizzily on a spot in the patterned tin ceiling as I sensed that familiar undulating wave moving through me. Even as FLASH FLASH. Oh god, it felt so good, I moaned. You changed, becoming more aggressive, and you were the first to move again, as I was still frozen. You undressed, moved your breasts astride my own, and your fingers found their way into me as your lips met mine. Now a statue slowly melting, I began to respond to the stimulation. Your mouth opened, and my tongue darted in a bit. Something must have triggered within you, for you grabbed the back of my head and pressed your lips tight against mine, your chest atop my own. Our perfumes intermingled as we perspired in our delight.”

“But when I opened my eyes, and saw something gleaming behind you in the background, I yielded to a different temptation. Curious, I removed your hands from me and stood up. You made no effort to stop me as I walked towards the dresser, casting shadows as I walked in front of the lamp. As I passed by the window where a breeze still flowed, a curtain reached out to tickle my leg. The pendant hung, slowly swinging as the breeze pushed, a lone sapphire suspended by gold clasps on a thin silver chain. I reached for it, and as I pulled it free and turned back towards the bed, you watched me with curious eyes.

“ ’Is this how you will take back control?’, you asked me.”

“I said nothing as I approached again. I took your hands into my own and noticed the quick pulse in your wrist. Your eyes belied the resistance set in your face. The pendant swung; you slipped and fell for me, just like you are right now. Pleasures I returned to you tenfold before an hour had passed. After I was done with you, I pulled over a sheet to keep you warm. Gathering my clothing, I paused to look at your beauty one last time, and walked silently out into the hall, fading into the recesses of your mind until the next calling....Everybody now, open your eyes.” SNAP!

You see Melissa again. Something really strange is happening ... The air is filled with a green haze, and Melissa has Nathalie nestled in her arms. Two chairs are pulled together and they are naked, gazing into each other’s eyes as their legs intertwine slowly. Melissa’s hand is planted flat on the table, a silver chain snaking its way out...

“YOU cannot help but feel this erotic sensation,” Melissa says. “And the men can do nothing to stop this either. They just want to watch, as their minds take in the imagery.

The room grows cooler, as the swirling verdant air surrounds all, whirling around the sexual heat rising at the focal point.

“I am going to make you cum, Nathalie. Now you are close to me. I feel the arousal in your mind, as you feel it in mine. Pleasure building...” The women’s hands lift off the table, and begin gliding across each other’s backs. The whole of the sapphire pendant is there to be seen now, gleaming on the table.

“You remember the sensations we shared that night, my hand gliding across your pussy lips, giving you that tingling SHIVER that runs up your back.” Goosepimples race across her skin, head to toe, and her calf flexes.

“The absinthe runs through you, and gentle swirling sensations take hold in the folds of your flesh...” The agents are tense, aroused yet unable to stop the feminine ritual, as the women continue to caress.

“We are approaching peak pleasure now... the swirling increases... and your thighs tingle in time with my touch.. my hands gliding across, and down... and then back around behind you, as your legs part gently... giving way to the sensations increasing more with every breath.. preparing to release as sensuous dreams have taken hold of us.”

“DEEPER NOW... the tingling increases ... race pulsing more as we hurtle towards our climax...” Women feel every sensation now, in the way they choose to experience the caresses... feeling the warm influence of the absinthe within them. And the agents can only take in the spectacle from where they sit.

“Moan in time with me... oh, I feel it too.. ” Their voices cry out.

“That’s it.. faster.. faster.. Ohhhh... ”

Oh my... you see their soft hands fondling, and the women gasp with the powerful pleasure that is building now...

“You can feel that too?”

“... yessss!! Oh God... ” Melissa’s eyes are half-gone... glazed with pleasure.

The women’s hips begin to grind up against the other, their hands moving faster.. and faster... automatically. The haze of absinthe surrounds all, and now the chandelier seems to alternatively brighten and dim, pulsating in time with their caresses. They are so close now, eye to eye, breast to breast, now looking up as PULSATING SENSATIONS take over.. BRIGHT FLASHES of pleasure consuming their bodies. So VERY BRIGHT.. two women... as one... CUMMING NOW.

The women moan, backs arched, as they collapse against each other, nails digging into each other’s backs. And before that moment of pleasure passes, before Nathalie has a chance to regain control of her senses, Melissa whispers a command in her ear: “Go ahead.. look at them now.”

The agents, stunned by what they have seen, sunk in the absinthe haze, watch Nathalie turn her nakedness towards them. Her eyes sweep the room, and every man can remember what Melissa felt as her eyes meet theirs. Her pupils dilate, taking them in... They are frozen as they are, in an instant. FLASH agents FLASH sitting FLASH still FLASH FLASH.

The scene begins to fade in the agents’ consciousness, as the women dress themselves and walk out of the restaurant, smiling. The effect of the ritual leaves the agents stuck where they are. Many of them twitch and struggle in their seats to no avail. Slowly, over several minutes, freedom of movement is restored, but by then it’s too late. Their intended prey have escaped...

* * *

A woman awaits at a table inside an otherwise desolate white-walled room. A grey-bearded man wearing a blue suit enters. He glances at her, then sits down, scooting forward with a screech. The woman looks up and speaks plainly...

“I don’t belong here,” she says. “I’m not crazy.” The man seems to ignore her, pulling out a binder from a drawer, and flipping it open. He begins reading, then looks up.

“Well, Nathalie, last time we sat together you still believed in conspiracies. You believed Jeff had been hidden by our program, and you were still looking for him.” He glares at her, then looks back down. “But then agents began following you everywhere, making sure you never really escaped.” He clears his throat, and flips the page.

“Do you still believe this?”, he asks, still not bothering to look up. Nathalie stares angrily.

“I don’t feel like I have had a choice. If I tell you it never happened, you tell me I need to be more honest. If I tell you it did, you mock me, Dr. Kline. Yes, see, I can remember your name now. I remember just about everything.” The man looks up, removes his glasses, and sets them on the table. Wetting his lips, he considers the woman seated before him, then leans over and presses a button on his side of the table. The surveillance camera’s red light winks out.

“Off the record, Ms. Mitchell, I thought you were going to be a fine agent .. one of the best. But you have been a difficult case. Whereas Jeff finally accepted our programming, YOU have begun to adopt behaviors that step outside acceptable bounds. At first, we thought there was a flaw in our technique, but no, we simply missed the obvious. Jeff cleverly hid something within your mind.” He chuckles. “We never thought to monitor your dreams.” Nathalie stares in shock.

“An interesting and well-executed concept. This program is admirable, but I’m afraid we have no tolerance for the rogue.” Nathalie trembles.

“I thought I had escaped,” she says, eyes sinking towards the tabletop. “We had escaped.”

“Interesting how people perceive dreams,” the doctor replies. “Eventually they fool us all. I think I can restore a semblance of proper order in your life.” He flips the folder shut, and pulls out a syringe and a vial full of green fluid from a desk drawer. He begins to draw it into the syringe...

In the next room, a guard’s eyes are barely focused. Saliva runs down his chin. He stands up from the flashing monitor, and moves towards the door...

Hair is scrunched in Nathalie’s hands high atop her head as her cuffs abrade her scalp in frustration.

“No, no, no... she’s too smart. She would have planned for this.” The door opens, and the guard walks through. The tranced look in his eyes is unmistakable.

“Now, Nathalie. Look —” The doctor turns his body at the sound of the guards’ footsteps, but then the building’s buzzer alarm sounds once.. and only once. The doctor ’s eyes slam shut, and his head lands on the table as the syringe tumbles from his hand.

“She wants you to leave,” the guard says. He holds his gun forward, its grip facing Nathalie. She hesitates for a moment, then grabs it. The guard’s eyes roll up and he falls to the floor.

Nathalie exits the room and begins running. In every hallway and every office people are slumped over ... She steps over them, hopping over stray arms and legs. Miraculously, the doors are all unlocked. She runs down a flight of stairs and out into open daylight. There awaits an expanse of green lawn surrounded by steel fencing, and she hurries towards a lone opening in the courtyard held by a guard post. As she walks past, she sees the guard unconscious in his seat.

“I’m free!” she thinks, jubilant yet cautious. Crossing the street, she begins walking in a more casual manner—no need to draw unnecessary attention out in public. But before she gets halfway down the next block, a woman’s voice stops her.

“Freeze!” Momentarily, she thinks a female cop has spotted her, but then Nathalie realizes her muscles have locked mid-stride. She begins to topple over, and soft hands catch her as consciousness fades. The women who next appears to her has familiar brown hair, hazel-green eyes—Melissa!

“I’ll take this,” she says, as she reaches into Nathalie’s plain grey sweats, pulls the gun out, and tucks it into her purse. Nathalie can move again, and she slowly sits upright within the alleyway, staring in wonder.

“Wha... how did you find me? How can I see you like this – outside a dream?” Melissa hushes her with a finger over her lips.

“Quiet.. You are free to go about your life, and I will disappear, my purpose soon fulfilled.”

“But they know about you! Me! Everything...” Melissa gives her ’The Look’ that demands silence.

“The project will be dismantled. All of it. Something there will ensure no one will remember...”

“The flasher program?”, Nathalie asks in wonderment. Melissa nods, smiling.

“I do admire other programs sometimes. Your dreams have meant more to me than I could have thought, but I must be on my way soon...”

“What are you going to do with me?”, Nathalie asks, biting her lip nervously.

“In the mood for a drink?”, Melissa asks, her hand rising. Captivated by her eyes, Nathalie’s thoughts are lost, and conscious focus returns with the orgasm.

“WOAH!” shout the men in the bar, clapping and hollering. Nathalie slowly opens her eyes, and finds herself on the edge of a pool table, her head thrown back, back still arched, legs spread wide and shaking with ebbing pleasure underneath a black pencil skirt. In her mind a familiar-looking woman is kissing her neck – it feels magical. There is a pinprick sensation, and a warmth that is flooding her arm, even as a final shiver descends her back. The brunette pulls back, and lets her eyes fall upon her a last time. For a moment, there appears to be a syringe in her hand, but it quickly vanishes – no sleight of hand, it simply fades.

“Thank you,” the woman says, turning and walking out the door. Nathalie is too dazed to follow and ask for her name.

“That was great!” beams a smiling young woman; she turns to whisper in the ear of her boyfriend, and he laughs. Natalie’s head is still spinning, not only from confusion, but from the remnants of pleasure down there.

“Uh, bartender? Can we have two absinthes over here?”, the boyfriend asks. The bartender looks over at Nathalie.

“I think you’ve made an impression on everyone,” he says with a wink.

“Excuse me,” says Nathalie. She feels lightheaded, her intuition telling her she has to be alone. She hurries to the back of the bar and enters the restroom. As she faces the mirror, a wave of dizziness hits her. Her head lowers to the sink, as she feels suddenly ill. Her skin is abuzz with strange wavelike sensations. Her muscles lose their strength, and she sinks to her knees. Head down on the floor, another wave hits her, and this time she finds herself strangely aroused, pleasure building, memories of a green haze swirling within her. She moans, perspiration breaking out on her forehead. It builds on itself and reaches a peak, and all she can do is give herself over to the sensations. The pulsations feel so wonderful, ending even as she wants to hold onto them forever. Nathalie keeps her eyes closed hoping for their return, runs a lone hand through her hair.. and pauses. It’s longer than she remembers...

Nathalie gathers her strength, then slowly stands to look at herself in the mirror. A brunette stares back at her. For a moment, she thinks it is someone else, but then her hands reach for a silver chain around her neck, and lifts it over her head, suspending a perfect sapphire before her eyes. It begins swinging... left.. then .. right. In a detached way, she hears her voice say plainly, “Programming complete.” Her other hand is at the ready. SNAP!

She comes to, and finds herself staring at herself in the mirror, admiring her brown hair and hazel eyes. The pendant is back around her neck. Without a second thought, she pulls a compact makeup case from a duffel bag next to the sink and touches up. When that is done, she walks out of the restroom, and past the bartender. He glances curiously at her, but simply shrugs as he goes back to pouring a beer.

Nathalie’s eyes wince in the sunlight as she makes her way down the street. She is still buzzing slightly from the absinthe, but feels sober enough now to go home. Casually, and without knowledge of how she knows it is there, her hand reaches into a pocket and pulls out a key. She looks down, and sees a blue sporty convertible. It must be hers...

* * *

A convertible waits at a stoplight, to others just another woman enjoying the fall sun with the top down. The vanity mirror is flipped down as she applies lipstick.

“Perfect!”, says Nathalie, and she flips up the mirror. A horn honks behind, and she looks in the rear view. Two young men are in the car, and one of them rudely calls out. Nathalie smiles, and floors it. The engine roars to life and knocks her back in her seat. The other car is quickly left far, far behind.

“I damn well know how to drive!”, she laughs. The stick shift goes into the next gear, and the car accelerates out of town. She pulls her hair back, puts on her sunglasses and thinks “Oh, what a dangerously sexy woman I’ve turned out to be..”