The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Adventures of a Mad Scientist

Chapter 26

I heard it. The car door slamming shut. They must have done that on purpose. Tyler heard it too cause everyone stopped. He walked over to the window and looked outside.

“There’s an old man outside. Do you know him?”

“I’m not expecting anybody.”

“Don’t lie to me!”

“I’m not!”

Somehow Tyler sensed I was lying even though I wasn’t. I wasn’t expecting him, I was hoping he’d be coming. Not a lie in this situation. The man rang the doorbell.

Tyler was hoping he’d go away if no one answered. No one in the house could move but us, and I wasn’t allowed to yet. I was hoping he’d let me answer it, but I knew to doubt that would happen. The man rang again. Tyler looked out the window and saw him standing there waiting and waiting. Ringing and ringing. There was a method to the rings. 1, 2, 1, 3, 2. That was my signal that it was Dan. Chances are Jake was already inside the house ready with his part. Finally Tyler saw Dan turn around and walked back to his car.

“Good, he’s leaving.”

We heard his car door open and his car drove off. Tyler had stopped watching, like an idiot. If he had looked he would have realized someone else drove the car off. I know how Dan works.

“Let’s get back to business.” He grinned at me. Just then a noise came from the hallway.

“What the... Blake go see what that was.”

Blake walked to the hallway and didn’t come back after minute.

“Where did he go?! Chad go look!”

Chad left and the same thing happened. At this point Tyler is worried and pissed. He wanted to go to the hall, but didn’t want something to happen to him. He still had a hold on me and I had no idea how to shake him off. Just then I heard Dan deep in my subconscious.

“Don’t worry we are on our way in soon, are you alone?”

“Just us two” I was able to say that in my head without Tyler noticing.

Tyler looked over at me. “You and I are leaving together to see what’s going on. If you have anything to do with this you know you’re dead.”

“What good would that do you? A bunch of statues. Woo hoo!” I broke free to be a smart ass.

He glared. He grabbed whatever he could find to hold me hostage with and put underwear on me. He untied me from the ceiling, but held me close with chains still. He was poking me with something that didn’t feel like a gun or a knife. He wrapped his arm around my neck as if he would snap it in half and we walked out of the room.

There was Chad and Brent sleeping like babies on the floor just outside the door. Tyler became more infuriated. We kept walking out

He asked “Who’s there?!”

“Your worst nightmare.” I heard Jakes voice.

“Hah! Jake you have no mind power. I can squash you like a bug.” Tyler’s choke hold got stronger on me. “Better come out or I will snap his neck.”

I had no idea how this was better than a gun to my back, but I wasn’t even nervous about him killing me. I knew he wouldn’t be able to. I felt Dan’s presence near. I’m sure Tyler wishes he had a gun at the moment to threaten me with.

Jake came out of the far part of the hall and laughed. “Really? Squash me like a bug? You need better material to be a real villain.”

Tyler was pissed. He started choking me, and I started choking. Jake was antagonizing him further, while I was slowly passing out. I didn’t know what the plan was but this wasn’t good. I’d rather not be choked.

Dan spoke to me in my head “let him choke you out, trust me”

“Great” is all I thought.

Tyler held me closer and got me closer and closer to passing out. Jake was still antagonizing him and I couldn’t hear it anymore. My vision blurred and my eyes closed. I was out.

When I went out Tyler put me down on the ground. He tried to work on Jake and make him his slave. And Jake played along as if it had worked. Jake had a strong mind, but Dan has Jake under his control the whole time. This allowed him to hear what Tyler was pushing toward him and allowed Jake to react naturally.

Meanwhile Dan slowly walked up behind Tyler unnoticed. Tyler was focusing all of his energy on Jake. Dan reached out and put his hand on Tyler’s head. Tyler froze in place. He couldn’t move.

Jake ran over completely aware as he had been the whole time and tried waking me up. I did awake after a few seconds and smiled. Jake kissed me.

Dan still had his hand on Tyler’s head and he was still frozen. No words came out of either of their mouths. Dan released his grip and Tyler stayed frozen.

“I haven’t much time, I must bring him with me to the main lab.”

“Use mine? I don’t want you alone with him.”

“Scott you know me better than that, I’m much stronger than him.”

“I don’t care, if you leave we will go with you. You need Jake in case”

“I’ll make some calls, they’ll come here. Bring us there.”

We all walked down to the lab and we carried Tyler. We tied him down and put a cap on his head. This prevented him from expelling his thoughts. Dan had one handy, I never thought I’d need one. Dan made some calls and Jake was overly emotional.

“Babe I was so nervous. I liked the statue idea for a minute or two but then I felt like it was coming and I thought you were going crazy.”

“I know, I didn’t know I was being taken control of.”

Tyler began to awake from his frozen state as we waited for the help Dan called for. Tyler was gagged so no words could be said—and his mind was stuck with the cap on his head.

Dan looked down at him and shook his head. Tyler glared at him. Dan ungagged Tyler to talk with him.

“Listen up punk, this is the end of the line for you—I hope you realize that.”

Tyler laughed. “You wish old man.”

“How dare you. You don’t even know who you’re messing with buddy.”

Tyler shook his head, “I don’t need to. One day I’ll be strong enough to take over your mind. Look at what I’ve done already.”

Dan stared at him. “Over my dead body.”

Tyler cackled. “That can always be arranged.”

“Not if we have anything to do with it. The mind is a powerful thing, unfortunately for you, yours is broken, and I know exactly how to fix it.”

I heard the doorbell. Dan gagged Tyler back up.

Dan looked at me “Go ahead and get the door—should be three of them. They’ll show badges.”

“Jake, stay here with Dan, I’ll be right back.”

I walked upstairs and looked through the peephole to see three people with badges in their hands. As a precaution, I left the chain on the door, and asked who they were and who they were here to see. They answered correctly, so I let them in and escorted them to the lab.

The two women walked in front with the man behind. They walked down to the lab and saw Dan—who recognized them and Dan introduced them to Jake and I.

One of the women touched Tyler’s temple with her hands and he was knocked out and out cold.

“That should do it,” she said. “We can bring him to the lab to wipe him clean now. Transporting him will be easy.”

I smiled, “So that’s it? This problem should be over now?”

“We should hope so—we’ve taken care of many situations like this before, so far no problems.”

Jake’s expression grew wide. He was excited.

“Awesome, I appreciate your help, all of you.”

The other woman smiled over at Jake and me, “You’re welcome; however there is one catch.”

I gulped, “Let me guess, our minds are cleared of your visit?”


Dan shook his head, “Sorry bud, I can’t mess with protocol. You know me, and that’s a pleasure enough. The good news is, you’ll both be asleep in bed when you awake to find your house back to... normal. All memories of this guy will be erased from everyone’s mind except yours.”

I sighed. Jake looked at me nervously.

“Go ahead, it’s better than nothing. I’m sure I’ll see you later this week at my next appointment.”

The woman went up to Jake and said “Don’t worry, this won’t hurt.” She grabbed his shoulder and gave him a brief massage on it and he was out like a light. She stared at him and cleared his mind of everything necessary. She erased everything that had happened that day, including meeting Dan. I knew that would be one of the consequences.

She finished with him and the man brought him upstairs to bed.

I looked at her, and said “thank you. I appreciate your work. Just remember that.”

“I will.”

I nodded at Dan, and shook his hand “Thanks Dan. I’m glad you were around.”

He smiled “I’m here anytime.”

With that, she massaged my shoulder and out I went. The three visitors carried Tyler out to the car, and Dan went around the house and removed everyone from being a statue and forgot the day—with the exception of Chris and Troy who would still remember the fun we had that morning. Dan left unnoticed, and a few minutes later I awoke as if the day started over again.