The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

“If you are younger than eighteen years
Or sex is taboo for your neighborhood peers
If you are aghast at frank, sexual sleaze
Take your eyes elsewhere—immediately please.”

Please ask permission before posting this story elsewhere. © 2000 by Sara H

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by Sara H

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The room was dark with shadows, despite the nearby streetlight. Finally, employees from the power company had installed a hood that kept it from shining directly in the window, and it was making a huge difference. Maria cuddled up with her pillow, and snuggled under the blankets. Within minutes she was falling quickly into her first sound sleep in many, many nights.

The rustling sound outside her window an hour later didn’t wake her, and neither did the tiny red dot that moved over her dresser, across the door, and down the wall to find her sleeping body. As the window slid upward in its tracks, all she did was shift slightly as the sound of passing cars entered the room.

The black silhouette that stepped through the open portal and into her room padded lightly to the side of her bed, stopping as if to appreciate the lithe form even night goggles could ascertain was beneath the covers.

There was a slight hiss from a canister, followed by a gentle mist that fell down over her Maria’s face, visible only as it passed through the small streaks of light that were otherwise unseen except as spots on the floor.

She would be sleeping even more soundly, now.

A gloved hand reached to the opposite wrist and pushed a button. A tiny green LED flashed once in unison with a tiny beep. The silhouette moved to the window, reaching out for a small black bag that was now being held up in easy reach. There was the sound of a zipper, and another rustle as the contents were removed.

The hands began to unfold what had looked initially like a small thin sliver of bright silver metal shaped in an arc—so bright that even in the sparse light glinted across the curves of the object slowly taking shape.

The silhouette, visible now as a female form, knelt on one knee, and very gently, as if Maria were capable of waking, lifted her sleeping head and placed what could now be seen as a light framework helmet over it. As if tending to a child, one hand held Maria’s head up while the other continued its work.

Contact pads were carefully fitted loosely between the framework and Maria’s head at several points... five at the base of her neck, more continuing up and over the center of her head from back to front. One side of the pads conformed to the silver harness, with the other side showing short, needle-like wires that would allow contact with the scalp despite the presence of thick, auburn hair.

Flat contact pads were placed between Maria’s skin and the framework at her temples, above her eyes, and across the bridge of her nose, and directly in front of her ears.

Finally, a transparent one-piece visor was snapped quietly into place in front of her closed eyes, and a small, one-inch flexible antenna was attached to the harness near the top of her head. Reaching to the base of the antenna, a finger lightly pressed a small button with a slight snick of contact.

With an almost pneumatic hiss, the frame instantly contracted until it was tightly embracing Maria’s deeply anesthetized head, pressing the contacts to her scalp hard enough to dimple her skin.

The silhouette stood, and pulled a rectangular object from a pocket in the bodysuit. There was a single flat button on its widest face.

The nameless, faceless intruder hesitated. It was impossible to tell if it was in appreciation, or simply one last look to make certain that everything was as it should be.

A finger seductively traced the outline of the button, and then pressed. A red LED at the end of the antenna began flashing, searching for the carrier wave that would give it instructions to pass along to the framework which would, in turn, pass them on to Maria.

Work done, the woman-shadow handed the bag to unseen hands outside, and quietly exited through the window, closing it behind her, with only the blinking antenna and the framework helmet as any evidence anyone had come in at all.

Outside in the street, nine identically dressed black figures converged and boarded a newspaper delivery van. After a short few minutes, it pulled away as quietly as it had arrived.

In Maria’s room, the LED of the antenna had already turned green and steady.

Her eyes flipped open, staring blankly and steadily ahead. The edges of the visor began to show evidence of an indigo greenish light, framing her face slightly as her cheeks began to twitch. Her fingers lifted and jerked once. Then they jerked again, followed by her feet, torso and limbs. The movements slowly built to a frantic speed, but not convulsively.

There was purpose, although it was impossible to fathom.

Her lips went from a smile to a grimace and back again at blinding speed... the effect was nearly comic in its obsessed motion. Her dilated eyes moved back and forth and up and down, as if following a series of invisible, supersonic events. Faster and faster they moved, from point to point, almost blurring in their inhuman speed.

Occasionally they would stop, intensely staring; her entire body pausing as if receiving new, insane orders from a maniacal instructor, and then the process would begin again, with even more intensity.

When her body finally came to rest, light was shining brightly through her bedroom window.

It was nine in the morning.

After nearly another hour, she sat up slowly, stretched, and went into the bathroom. She gazed at herself in the mirror, casting a critical eye on her appearance. Definitely something wrong.

She pressed the button at the front of the antenna as she walked back to her bedroom, releasing her Trainer, and she threw it on the bed. Looking through the top drawer of her dresser, she smiled as she found what she was looking for.

She went back to the bathroom and placed the tube of lipstick on the sink. Then, looking again into the mirror, she considered her hair. It had always been one of her most prized assets... flowing to the middle of her back, it shone with highlights that caught the slightest hint of light. It was, in a word, gorgeous.

It did seem to her, though, that it had gotten a little out of hand. Pulling a pair of scissors from the medicine cabinet, she reached up and began clipping the ends. She stopped after a few moments, shrugged, and began again.

* * *

Dana was sitting down to eat when Maria came out to the bright yellow kitchen of the small townhouse they shared. Glancing at Maria as her roommate stood in the doorway, she set down the bottle of hand lotion she had been holding.

“Did you change your hair or something?” quizzed Dana.

“Yeah, just in the mood this morning.”

“Funny, me too. You like?”

Maria felt a smile playing at the corners of her mouth. “Well, it seems we are having a sudden onset of similar taste.”

Dana picked up the bottle of hand lotion again as she continued, “Well, here’s to good taste!” She squirted a large helping of the creamy lotion on her fried eggs.

“What are you doing?” said Maria, her eyes bugging out. She quickly walked over and picked up Dana’s plate, taking it to the sink where she rinsed it off under the tap. “Hold on... Jesus, you’ll do anything to make me fix something for you.”

She picked up a bar of soap and placed it on the plate. Bringing it back to the table, she doused it in hand lotion and set it down in front of her friend. “Bon appetit, mon amie,” she said, bowing with a flourish.

“God, Maria, I don’t know what I was thinking!”

“Well, that’s the trouble,” answered Maria, giggling. “You were trying to think again!”

Maria smiled and sat down across from the other woman... and felt like she was the luckiest woman in the world. A fabulous place to live... a fabulous job... a fabulous friend...

Dana smiled gently to herself as she noticed Maria’s brown-eyed stare.

* * *

Veronica felt her heart beat wildly at the unexpected voice behind her.

“How are our two new recruits doing?”

“As expected, Andrea. It goes well. They didn’t question anything in the initial protocols.”

“And the cameras?”

“They don’t see them.”

“Let’s have a look, then.”

Veronica’s fingers danced over the control panel, keying in the sequence to route the video signal to the control room monitors.

“Andrea, meet Maria Sizen, on the right, and Dana Jarret.”

The picture showed two women sitting at a kitchen table, naked and completely free of body hair, except for their eyebrows... but even they had been plucked and sculpted with incredible care. They were smiling vacantly at each other, conversing lightly.

One was eating a bar of soap covered in hand lotion. From what could be seen, she was enjoying her meal immensely.

With impeccable handwriting, each had written across her own chest, in bright red lipstick, the words, “PHASE ONE COMPLETE.”


“Yes, Veronica.”

“Why do you have them do such foolish things?”

“Do you see how they accept these things as utterly usual, Veronica? Their nakedness? Their body writing? Their hair and choice of food?”


“Sometimes, personal subservience is not the best indicator of successful programming.”

“I see. So their acceptance of these things as normal tells you more than if they were merely given instructions of obedience.”

“Exactly. Now, call them on the phone. Begin protocols Zed-Slash-Alpha-Two-Nine through Zed-Slash-Epsilon-Eight-Three,” said Andrea, pleased with her secretary’s increasing understanding. She would make an able assistant yet.

“Immediately, Andrea. What will these protocols do?”

“I have their senses and motor functions under my control. Next, I want their emotions.”

“As you desire, Andrea.”

“Always, Veronica, always.”

* * *

Dana pushed back her chair, picked up the ringing phone and answered, “Hello?”

“Andrea rising,” said a tinny, female voice.

“Eclipsing the sun,” responded Dana, her eyes widening and staring blankly forward.

“Good girl. Return to your bedroom. It’s time to train.”

“As you desire.”

“Hand the phone to Maria, Dana.”

Dana stood and handed the phone to Maria, who gave her a quizzical look, and then continued to her bedroom, pushing the door closed with what would have been, in other circumstances, a rude bang. She fitted her shiny, silver Trainer over her newly naked scalp and pressed the activator button. Twenty seconds later, the sound of the slamming door across the hall indicated that Maria had followed similar instructions.

That is, if Dana could have heard anything at all.

* * *


“Governor, your daughter is calling, line three. Are you available?”

Normally, Thelma hated the intercom interruptions, but a call from Sylvia was a welcome respite from what was proving to be a difficult day.

“I’ll take it, Tim. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome, Governor.”

Thelma picked up the phone, already smiling. “Hi sweetie... this is an unexpected pleasure!”

“Oh, come on, Mom, its not like I never call or anything. But I do have some news, and I thought I should tell you about it.”

Thelma couldn’t resist guessing. “So Phil and you are going to finally tie the knot?”

There was an unexpectedly tense pause.

With a slight hesitation, Sylvia answered, “Um... nooooo, I, um, don’t think that’s likely to happen, Mom. That’s part of the news I’m calling about. I mean, you might not like it so much.”

Thelma was taken aback. Phil and Sylvia had been dating for two years, and just a few nights ago he had quietly taken Thelma aside to see how she felt about the possibility of gaining a son-in-law. “But, honey...”

“Don’t ‘honey’ me, Mom. It’s just not where my head is at. I don’t need... or want... a boyfriend.”

Thelma fell into her motherly tone, “Now, darling, these little tiffs happen to all of us. Your father and I, when he was alive, went through...”

“No, Mom. This isn’t like that. I don’t want a boyfriend... ever.”

Thelma sat speechless for a moment, unable to comprehend the meaning of Sylvia’s words. Yes, she had a blossoming career as a software engineer, and though dedicated, she’d never been a workaholic. She would never let her career get in the way of...

Thelma gulped as the realization of what Sylvia was saying moved through her in a slow wave. But her daughter had never shown any sign of... homosexual leanings. Sylvia’s words echoed in her head. Her stomach felt hollow. She’d always advocated tolerance but this was her... her daughter.

Thelma felt her political convictions about the rights of consenting adults conflict with the aspirations she had for her daughter, and with what, deep inside, she felt was normal and not normal.

Despite years of promises to herself never to invalidate her daughter’s adult decisions, she found herself arguing. “But Sylvia Lynn... this could devastate your career...”

“So what, Mom? This is my life I’m talking about. And you’re right; it would never be tolerated at Haldenstemmer... it’s so unbelievably square there. But that’s really not important...”

“Not important? Sylvia, you have to be able to hold a job, and like it or not, the best jobs require a certain conformity...”

“... and that’s already handled, Mother. I resigned yesterday morning to accept a position with the Johannsen Research Group.”

“Johannsen...?” Thelma repeated the name distractedly, as she felt her arguments hitting a brick wall. She suddenly had a thousand memories, a million feelings for which she couldn’t find the words spinning in her head, that kept coming back to a single thought: ‘My daughter...’

“Yes. It’s a pay cut, for sure, but this company is really doing innovative things in the area of digital communication. It’s the best job a woman could ask for,” said Sylvia, sounding oddly dreamy and wistful.

But Thelma was having a hard time listening. She wasn’t sure that she could handle any more without screaming. Acting completely on reflex, she began to lean on her well-practiced “political distance”, while inside, she was crumbling in confusion.

Carefully keeping her voice from shaking, she finally said, “Honey, I know this is big, and I have... I’m sorry, my mind drifted for a second. I have an advisor waiting on me, and besides, the phone isn’t the place to talk about this. How about... maybe dinner? I have... let me see... Thursday evening open... but I’ve got to run right now...”

“Sure Mom, Thursday night is good for me. Listen. Everything will be fine. I love you,” said Sylvia, waiting briefly for a response that didn’t come, before hanging up.

Thelma sat at her desk with the phone to her ear... “If you’d like to make a call, please hang up, and try your call again. If you need help, hang up, and then...” She shook herself out of her daze as the recorded voice chided her for her inattention, and hung up before the awful beeping started. ‘I need to wake up,’ she thought, mentally pinching herself. Except... reality wasn’t cooperating. It was a nightmare, and waking up wasn’t an option. ‘I love you, too, little girl,’ she thought with a twinge of pain.

Very softly, she began to cry.

After a few minutes, she managed to stifle her tears, and called Tim into her office. He promptly entered, and, sensing his boss’s unease, he asked, “Is there anything I can do, Governor?”

“Yes, Tim, cancel my afternoon appointments.”

“Yes Ma’am,” he responded, his business-like tone managing to reassure her. “Anything you want on your calendar?” he continued.

“Dinner Thursday with Sylvia and... and...” Thelma knew she needed to find out more about this before then... it just wasn’t making sense. And she only had two places to start. Phil Cameron, and this new company with which Sylvia seemed so enamoured.

“And...?” queried Tim.

“And try to find Phil Cameron. You know, Sylvia’s boyfriend. In the meantime, I’m going out to... Johannsen... umm...”

“Research Group?” Tim prompted.

“Yes, how did you know?”

“The company CEO, Andrea Johannsen, has been trying to get an appointment with you for over a month.”


“I’ve interceded, as usual. Nothing company, nothing person— no appointment.”

“Make it. Tomorrow morning. Ten o’clock.”

Tim raised his eyebrow as he wrote on his pad. “Yes, Ma’am.”

“And Tim... with the legislature out of session, please make an announcement that I’m taking a week’s private vacation. Scoot.”

With that, Tim left the room to make the necessary arrangements and changes in schedule.

* * *

Phil had provided no insights. He quite plainly had been devastated, and Thelma found that she just didn’t have words to say. He was as confused as she was, and after a halting, uncomfortable and apologetic conversation, she had hung up the phone with even more questions than before.

She hoped that the meeting with Andrea Johannsen would at least give some indication of this topsy-turvy turn in Sylvia’s life. She stood as Tim announced the arrival of her guest, and smiled in diplomatic welcome as Ms. Johannsen entered the large office.

She walked out from behind her desk, extending her hand.

“Ms. Johannsen? Welcome to my little neck of the woods. Please, have a seat,” she said, gesturing warmly to a sofa in front of a coffee table. “Can I get you some coffee? A soft drink perhaps? Water?”

“No thank you, Governor Harkins, it’s already gracious of you to meet with me,” said Andrea. “I’m grateful that you could take the time.”

Thelma got herself a cup of coffee from a small silver service in the corner of the room, and came back to sit in a chair opposite this mysterious woman. She had hoped that seeing Ms. Johannsen might bring a sense of normalcy to the last twenty-four hours, but it simply was not the case.

The woman was in her late twenties, perhaps five-foot-five, but the black platform high-heeled boots she wore brought her up to nearly six feet. She was conservatively dressed otherwise, at least at first glance, but her clothes exuded a kind of seductive grace that was at once disturbing and intimidating.

She was confident, and confident without a single waver. She was obviously completely at home in her role as the head of a small but growing technology company, and unafraid of the power or authority of others.

Her immaculate pageboy blonde hair and piercing light blue eyes were striking, to say the least, but rather than giving her an austere look, they simply added to her seemingly boundless natural elegance.

And, on top of everything, she exuded a charisma that was hard to set aside. Andrea Johannsen possessed a natural gift that was more valuable even than her astonishing beauty.

She was absolutely charming.

“My administrative assistant says that you have been trying to schedule an appointment to see me for over a month. I’m sorry that it has taken so long, but my schedule has been so busy...”

“I’m sure it doesn’t hurt that I recruited your daughter away from a lucrative position and an incredibly bright future.”

Thelma nearly spilled coffee out of her mouth in shock at the recognition of her transparent motives.

‘Charming and incredibly frank,’ she thought, once the initial embarrassment had passed. “Well, yes, actually, that fact did pique my interest. I do have a certain... maternal concern. May I ask exactly what your company does, Ms. Johannsen?”

“Please. Call me Andrea. And I think your concern is admirable.”

She studied the Governor for a moment before continuing.

“We are a consulting company, Governor. People come to us for solutions. Digital communications, information processing, corporate security, and a much longer list of smaller projects. Our growth in the last three years has been, even using conservative measurements, phenomenal. Our clients now range from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies.

“So far, we have kept our ventures in the private sector. But, as you may have guessed by my continued pursuit of this meeting, we are very interested in moving into the public arena. We have been recruiting the best minds available, your daughter’s included, to give our company leverage in new and exciting fields of endeavor.

“I can assure you, your daughter’s future is in good hands. And so is the future of the state, if I have the good fortune of assisting you.”

Thelma considered her reply for a moment. This was certainly not what she had expected, and it was getting her no closer to solving the mystery of Sylvia’s overnight change of sexual orientation. Instead of answers, she was getting a sales pitch, albeit a fascinating one.

“Well, Ms. Johannsen... Andrea, I must tell you that it sounds impressive, and you certainly have the tenacity to accomplish your goals. If you like, you can leave information with my admin and I’ll see if we can give you a list of projects on which you may be interested in bidding. That’s about all I can do at the moment without further information. Unless, of course, there’s something else you’d like to talk about.”

“No, I only planned on making an informal presentation today,” said the smiling blonde. “There is one favor I’d like to ask, though, Governor,” she Andrea, with a slightly enigmatic grin. “Would it be possible to get a picture of us together? I brought a camera just for the occasion. I know it sounds silly, but pictures like this help me keep my goals in focus. Eventually, I’m hoping that it will be a picture indicative of a long, enduring relationship.”

Thelma considered the request for a moment before answering, “No, I have no problem at all with that, as long as you don’t use the picture for political gain or promotional materials. I’ve had to learn that as a public figure, pictures are part of the daily routine.” Thelma smiled. “The way your business is growing, you’ll know that soon, too.” She walked over to her desk and dialed the phone rather than using the intercom. “Tim, could you come in here for a moment? Oh, and remember, I’m not here.”

A few seconds later, Tim entered the office, and closed the doors behind him. “Yes, Governor?”

“Be a dear and take a picture of us with Ms. Johannsen’s camera?”

“Of course, Governor.”

Thelma took Andrea’s hand and put other arm around Andrea’s shoulder in a well-practiced political pose. She looked at her guest for a moment and then faced the camera, smiling widely. She didn’t notice as Andrea tightly closed her eyes.

“Say, ‘PAC Money!’” quipped Tim as he pressed the button.

Andrea stepped out from under Thelma’s arm, frozen in place.

“Nicely done, slut-boy. Now go back out and make sure we aren’t disturbed. I’ll let you know when we’re done.”

“As you desire, Andrea,” replied Tim, beaming with Andrea’s praise as he left the office, quietly closing the double doors behind him.

Andrea walked up to Thelma, looking directly into her motionless smiling face and eyes. “The mind-lock is interesting, isn’t it, Thelma dear. Your daughter thought so, too. Seeing, hearing everything, but retaining nothing for more than a few short minutes. Well, fifteen, to be exact.”

She walked over to her large handbag that was still sitting near the sofa, and pulled out a palmtop computer and what looked initially like a slightly irregularly shaped, bright metallic arc.

Unfolding it, she continued, “This is called a Trainer. You’re simply going to love having one. Sylvia certainly loves hers. It works on a slightly different principle than the mind-lock. I’d explain, but I don’t really have the time. And neither do you. Besides, you wouldn’t remember it anyway.

“You know... I’m sorry for the cringing I know is happening inside your brain, but I promise, I’m merciful. Within a half-hour it won’t matter to you. And not long after that, you’ll be begging me to allow you to give this gift to your friends and associates. I know you don’t believe it now, but trust me... you won’t even remember not believing.”

Andrea carefully installed the Trainer on Thelma’s head. With two minutes to spare before the mind-lock wore off, she set a chair behind the Governor and pressed her stiff but yielding body down to the seat.

Coming back around to the Governor’s front, she said, smiling, “I’m sorry if it’s uncomfortable, Thel, dear. You should have seen the first one, though. Big bulky full-head helmet, kind of like a cleaning bucket that weighed about twenty pounds... I had to drug the inventor to keep him still while I fitted it onto him. Shortly after that, though, he worked day and night to develop this version. And within the next few days, I’m expecting something that will fit onto a pair of glasses, or in dentures, or... well isn’t it just exciting?” Andrea shook Thelma’s head up and down. “I knew you’d think so!” she said, laughing softly.

She reached slightly upward to press the activator on the Trainer, took a step back, and started a program on her tiny computer.

She watched the progress, her hand unconsciously reaching up to fondle her breast. She moaned slightly, her tongue gently moistening her lips, as Thelma’s arm dropped and her eyes widened.

“Sweet dreams, Thel,” she added in a low, sultry voice.

* * *

“Thelma... wake up. Thelma.”


“It’s Andrea. Andrea Johannsen. Are you okay?”

“Um...” Thelma licked her lips with her thick tongue. “Guv’ner.”

“No, you’re the Governor... I’m your most trusted advisor.”

“Trusted...?” croaked Thelma.

“More than even yourself. But you already knew that.”

Thelma let her head fall back and breathed heavily. “... right...”

“By the way, I have to tell you... I’m really rather touched that you’ve admitted you still love me, even with all we’ve been through.”

“I... don’t...”

Thelma’s body tensed as Andrea activated the Trainer again. Personal indoctrination was not usually necessary, but this one needed to be both strong and subtle.

Much of Thelma’s personality would have to remain intact. Improvisation could be called for during the conversion, and Andrea needed Thelma’s facade to be perfect.

She let her hand wander down to the front slit of her skirt and inside to her wetness as she watched Thelma’s brain accept the Trainer’s information... even after thousands of these sessions, it still sent shivers of arousal through her as if it were the first time. She moaned as her finger tried to keep time with Thelma’s eye movements.

After a time, and many more moans, she shut down the signal.

“Thelma... wake up. Thelma.

Thelma smiled slightly. “Mmmm Andrea.”

“I can tell you’re having trouble thinking straight. That will last quite awhile longer, so it’s very important that you listen to and do every little thing I say.”

“Every... little thing.” Thelma sighed happily, her eyes still closed.

“That’s right. In fact, if I haven’t given you something to do, you feel all hollow and empty inside. It’s so sad, but so true.”

“So... ummm... true.”

“Because I care for you more than anyone else. That’s why I’m so hurt that you could ever have been unfaithful. Your husband may be long gone, but the treachery of leaving me for him still makes you feel guilty. So guilty. So ashamed. I thought you were better than that. At least you’ve given me your daughter. Or, should I say... my daughter. Well, I think you should tell me. Now.

“Who is Sylvia?”

“Your... nnnng... daughter...”

“That’s right. She loved you deeply, Thelma, but now she knows what a conniving little bitch you’ve been. She was so hurt. Last night, I allowed her to forget about you completely, while we made love for simply hours. You should see how happy she is.”

Thelma’s lower lip started to tremble as her heart ached in shame.

“You cheated on me. You proved that you’re nothing but a whore. Worthless. Even if you serve me the rest of your life, you still will never be able to repay your betrayal. You tried to deny your destiny, but you are nothing but a horny cuntlicker. Governor Thelma Cuntlicker. Your only thought... only true purpose is trying to make me happy again, to earn my affection, isn’t it?”


“And whose cunt is it you want to lick and suck?”

“Yours, Andrea... I have to prove...”

“Prove what?”

“Prove I’m worthy...”

“Show me. Lick my slick, sweet cunt.”

Thelma opened her eyes and slid from the couch to her knees, literally crawling to Andrea. Andrea hissed in satisfaction as Thelma’s entire past was rebuilt to serve Andrea’s needs. It wasn’t like she wanted or needed another lover. What she needed was complete control of the Governor.

Andrea spread her legs as Thelma’s virgin tongue stretched up to find her wet, swollen snatch.

‘On the other hand,’ thought Andrea as she sighed in pleasure, ‘another lover isn’t ever a bad idea...’

The licking began in earnest as Andrea addressed her new slave. “Thelma, you shameless little cuntlicker... when I am mmmmmm... NOT here... mmmm you are doing sooo wellllll... you will act like yooo-ooo-oooooooou always have... Governor Harkins... or if we’re not mmmmmm alone... not alone... hnnnn... we are a secret trysssst... unless I say...sayy...sayyy mmmmmm differently...

“Oh jesus, yes suck my... lick ohhhhh... yesssss god do it to my little clit mmmmmm god i’m gonna... so fucking close... there... nnnng... like that... yesssssss... holy fucking... YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS...”

Andrea’s legs bucked as she ground her hot slit into Thelma’s enthusiastic lips and tongue... head shaking, rasping breath making nonsense noises and almost-words... until finally.... with a last heave of her breasts... the motion slowed... and stopped.

Raising herself from Thelma’s face, she straightened her skirt and shook her head, flinging her sweat across the coffee table.

“Awwww, poor baby... so needy... so horny... mmmm and I know just the thing for you...”

She listened to Thelma whimper softly as she turned off her computer and placed it back in her handbag. She reached down and removed Thelma’s Trainer and placed it on the wide cherry desk.

Blowing Thelma a kiss, Andrea walked out of the office, and stopped beside Tim’s desk. Placing her finger under his chin, she looked him straight in the eye.

“Harden,” she whispered.

Instantly, his prick grew painfully solid, straining inside his pants.

“You’ve done well, slut-boy... and as much as I hate to admit it, you deserve a reward.

“Your boss is in her office and she needs a good fucking. First in the pussy, and then in the ass. You will not cum until she has had at least four orgasms. Then install the mini-cams.”

“As you... desire, Andrea,” Tim sighed, his eyes glazing over in obedient lust.

“Always, slut-boy...” replied Andrea, as she turned and walked out the door.

Tim stood and walked into the Governor’s office, his mind free from worry about what had been or what would come... only knowing that for now, Andrea had another wonderful task for him to perform.

“Governor,” said Tim, his voice quavering with desire, “Andrea... rising...”

* * *


Veronica watched the young woman through the control room window with great interest. There was a delicious hint of fear in the girl’s defiant eyes, and Veronica couldn’t help but savor it for a few moments longer.

The girl was strapped into a reclining chair that faced the mirrored control room window. The arms of the chair sat outward from her body at sixty-degree angles, and the legs at thirty. The width of the chair was barely wider than the girl was, but it was not uncomfortable—Veronica had spent more than a few hours there recently as preparations were made for its first major test.

Veronica smiled to herself. If she squinted just right, it looked like the girl was suspended in midair.

The wide, black rubber straps that held the girl in place did not diminish her natural beauty. Thick, raven-black hair fell backwards over the headrest, showing her olive complexion and dark brown eyes. She could almost have been of Arabic descent, but the fire in her eyes was the fire of Spanish ancestry.

The lines of her neck stood out as she strained, her large, spheroid breasts a shared testament to her youth and to her plastic surgeon.

‘No matter,’ thought Veronica, wryly. Soon enough, the breasts, the eyes, the lips and tongue, and even the hair would have but one purpose... to wait upon the pleasure of Andrea.

Three technicians came in wearing white, hooded cleansuits. They began to work around the girl, without speaking or hesitating, as if performing some mysterious, ancient ritual. Over her body, wires were attached with pads. Some were to monitor and her status. Some were to transmit and receive information.

Some were to shape her soul.

The three figures worked quickly and stepped back. There were wires extending into every orifice in her body, attached to devices that lay inside her, waiting to do their insidious work.

Next, the three figures attached tubes and needles into the woman’s arms, legs, torso, feet and hands, and even at the base of her neck, so that when they were finally done, the poor girl looked like some artistic rendering of a cyborg in the making, a mix of human form and mechanical efficiency. Veronica slowly fingered her intensely itching clit through her spandex bodysuit as the eroticism of the sight sank into her mind.

“Segment Two complete,” came a voice through the speaker in the control room. Veronica smiled. That would be Dana. She let her mind wander back in lust for a moment to the mild, slightly tart taste of the recently trained femslut.

“Clear the room. Beginning Segment Three,” she said into the microphone, as her face again became impassive.

The three figures left the room.

Veronica flipped a switch and spoke into the microphone, her voice carrying through the wires and emerging from the tiny earbuds that were not presently visible under the vixen’s lovely hair.


The girl’s eyes moved to the control room window. Her upper lip pulled slightly open and her chest heaved, a sign of her increased fear upon hearing her name in such an alien circumstance.

“You don’t have to struggle. Pretend this is a nightmare and that you will awaken soon.”

Veronica flinched as Ramona’s well-aimed spittle hit the control room window.

“Now, now, Ramona... is that any way to treat someone with a gift? Please look up.”

Ramona, her breathing still fast and defiant, stared at the control room window.

“Look up, Ramona, and this will be over much sooner.”

Ramona glanced angrily upward and Veronica could see it as she started to move her eyes back down to the control room window. But the Infusor was like fly paper to the woman’s brain. She simply could not look away on her own. And naked, immobile, breathing easier now, she was so much the fly in Veronica’s sticky web.

Veronica pressed another button and watched as the round, flattened cylinder of the Infusor above Ramona’s head began to descend. Half way down, two red laser-dots appeared on her face, and began to move, scanning slowly until they centered on the rapt woman’s pupils.

Ramona’s eyes opened impossibly wide, her muscles pulling harder than she herself could ever have managed.

The cylinder adjusted slightly from side to side as it descended, finally resting two inches above Ramona’s head. From beside each laser, a tiny wire filament descended and pressed into the outside corner of each eye, stopping when five inches had been inserted. There was the sound of a light snick as the wire was snapped off inside Ramon’s head and the excess inch was pulled back out.

Veronica was cringing. Although she knew that Ramona could not feel or see what was happening, it still looked particularly gruesome. Once done, however, the process left no evidence or scars, and Veronica relaxed as the insertion device pulled away.

Besides, she loved the next part. She realized that before too long, she would probably love this part, too.

Veronica turned off the Infusor. “You see? The hard part is all done, Ramona.”

“What did you... do to me?” asked the confused girl, as if she were having trouble framing the words.

“Nothing. You thought we did something but we didn’t do anything.”

“Yes, you did.”

Ramona was much more placid, now. The effects of the Infusor had still not completely worn off, and it was as if the girl were under the influence of a slight narcotic. In a few moments, she would be under the influence of something much stronger.

Veronica turned to the computer keyboard beside her, typed “seg3” and hit the enter key.

The lights in the lab dimmed as Ramona’s chair rotated to the side, straightening and bringing her to almost a standing position. Another device dropped from the ceiling... this time, it a large projection screen, shaped in an arc that nearly surrounded Ramona, taking up her entire field of vision. She didn’t even seem to notice.

“Watch the screen, Ramona.”


Veronica watched as the intravenous tubes began injecting a series of drugs into Ramona’s body. Some were local stimulants, some, psycho-active agents that would increase her emotional response, and some had a slightly hallucinogenic effect, which would bring the coming images to life.

Ramona gasped as she was faced with a picture of her mother. She felt the onslaught of the realization that she was helpless. She longed desperately for the solace that only her mother could offer. She felt a deep ache to have Mother close by so that she could tell her daughter everything would be all right. Quietly, she felt tears come to her eyes as her heart begged to touch the woman who had brought her into the world.

Veronica watched the computer monitor with interest as it recorded every neural pathway that was stimulated by the vision. It was hard to believe that the numbers flying by on the screen were a representation of what Ramona felt, but she knew it was so.

Next, Ramona was shown a picture of her fiance. Again, there was the longing of having him near, but there was also the sure knowledge that he would rescue her and take her away and make love to her, and keep her safe from these monsters who were doing these terrible, unknown things to her. If only he knew, Ramona knew he would be here at her side.

The captive girl gasped with a sharp intake of breath as a sudden spark of arousal came from her clit... and traveled... no, expanded up her body, recruiting every part of her into a muted, wonderful pleasure.

She saw the picture of her fiance change... it almost looked like he was turning to face her... breathing... in relief against the screen, as if the image were not far away, but directly on her eyes... and she moaned as she was overcome with the tidal wave of emotion crashing down every barrier inside her.

Again, the computer recorded the information.

The speed began to increase as the computer recorded only the new pathways, and skipped what had already been recorded... her favorite foods, religious icons, lovers, friends... even the cars she loved to drive. Feelings of love, care, nurturing, trust, longing, lust, happiness, excitement, adoration, worship... everything was captured and compressed, strengthened by Ramona’s decreasing resistance and increasing senses and emotions.

Negative impulses were filtered out and stored also... the random bursts of boredom, fatigue, disgust, hatred, intolerance, frustration, anger, rage... the list was long and subtle, but nothing was missed, nothing overlooked, nothing hidden.

Ramona’s eyes began flitting over the screen as the images came and went so fast that Veronica could only see a blurred light show... and then, with a short beep, the computer signaled that it had recorded every pathway at least ten times with no new pathways noted.

The lights came up slowly and the chair rotated around so that Veronica could look directly at Ramona.

There was a line of slick drool coming from the corner of the girl’s mouth.

“You did very, very well, Ramona.”

“Fuck you, bitch...” said Ramona, her breath heavy and slow as she tried to recuperate. As expected, all of these images had strengthened her resolve and self-assurance. It was a necessary stage.

“I assure you, Ramona, that soon, you will be begging rather than demanding.”

“It’ll be a cold day in Hell...”

“No, my dear,” answered Veronica. “It’s actually a quite pleasant seventy-one degrees.”

Even through the haze of the psycho-active drugs, Ramona froze as she heard the smile in Veronica’s voice.

Veronica entered the next segment into the computer, and watched Ramona’s chair rotate back to the screen.

As the lights lowered, the screen showed a picture of Andrea Johannsen. Veronica’s voice spoke softly in her ear, “Do you recognize this woman?”

“No,” answered Ramona without thinking.

“Do you want to make love to her?”


“Thank you.”

More drugs surged into Ramona’s mind, along with a picture of a cockroach.

“Do you know what this is?”

“A cockroach.”

“And how do you feel about it?”

Ramona didn’t answer. She pressed her head backward in revulsion. She wanted to kill it, stomp it out, get rid of it any way she could.

“Cockroaches are filthy and disgusting, aren’t they, Ramona.”

Ramona felt the words echo inside her mind... and noticed that the thing was moving... it was more than a picture, it was consuming her vision, eating her mind... she had to stop it... kill it... smash it... flush it away...

Veronica smiled as she watched the information flow into the computer for processing. The tone had been set, and now, all there was to do was wait for the cycle to end. She picked up the phone, and dialed an extension.

“Hello, Maria,” she said into the phone. “I have a couple of hours, and I have something I want to show you... no, not the new recruit... this is more... personal. Vulva Delecta. ...Yes, pretty Maria... that’s much better, femslut... mmmm feel the desire and obedience burning in you... succumb to the sensations... obey your lust... obey your Training... I’ll be waiting in the control room.”

She hung up the phone and stepped out of her body suit, spreading her legs and pressing a finger deep into her pussy while she thumbed her swollen clit. Maria had the best tongue she had recruited yet.

It was going to be a glorious afternoon.

* * *

Veronica brought up number 201 in the continuing series of pictures.

“Who is this, Ramona?”

“Ummmm it’s... my mother? I think?” said Ramona, creasing her brow as she concentrated.

Veronica sent another signal, increasing the output by a factor of three. “I don’t know, Ramona. You’re the one who said you knew. So who is she?”

“Ummmm... fuck it. I have no idea.”

“Really? Are you sure? Never seen her?” pressed Veronica.

“No. What am I supposed to do... lie to you?”

“Not at all. Just wanted to be sure. We plan to kill this woman,” Veronica lied.

“Yeah, well, her tough luck.”

Veronica adjusted a few settings on the panel before her and watched Ramona with eager eyes as she pressed another button.

Ramona responded immediately as the vaginal and anal probes sent electrical bliss into her lower body. The witch’s brew of sensual stimulants added to the intense sensations, registering in cascading tingles through the inside of her head... god... she had never felt anything so good...

As she began to writhe her hips and moan, Veronica encouraged her, “Yes, that’s right... such a slut... so good... mmmm let it overtake you... and this is just where we begin...”

Veronica gradually reduced the signal. Slowly Ramona recovered, and sighed, “Mmmmm, do that again...”

“I will... if you are willing to do us a favor.”

“God... anything,” Ramona panted.

“Kill this woman for us.”

Ramona felt incredible rage blast through her brain at the suggestion. How dare these people imply that she would ever kill someone... she would ever... A look of temporary confusion came over Ramona’s face, followed by a physical jerk, and then a look of cold certainty. How dare these people imply that she would ever shirk her responsibility and disobey.

“Absolutely. I’ll kill the sniveling, ugly cunt for you. No problem.”

Veronica, as promised, gave Ramona another dose of programmed orgasm, similar in body, but a hundred times more powerful in the girl’s mind. She watched as Ramona bucked and quaked, her resistance to suggestion lowered further, her corruption becoming easier with every passing second.

“Oh, you’ll remember this as nothing, in a little while, love,” said Veronica. Her own pussy was pulsing with excitement as she watched the changes happening inside the once-defiant girl. From here on in, it was simply a case of mechanics over mind.

She brought up the next slide, a picture of Robert Morgan, Ramona’s fiance.

“Do you know who this is?”

“He’s my... my... fiance. Yes. My fiance, Robert.

“Yes, your fiance. How exactly do you feel about him?”

“I suppose I love him.”

“You suppose? Maybe you should look at that for a moment.” Veronica pressed yet another button on her panel. “I mean, how do you really feel about him, deep inside?”

“I don’t really like him much, I guess...” said Ramona as she began to frown. Veronica was amused with the strength her subject was showing.

She increased the signal by a factor of ten. “Go on,” she prompted.

“He’s disgusting! Filthy! The god damned bastard deserves to fucking DIE! Fiance?” Ramona spat violently onto the floor. “He’s a fucking brainless waste of human flesh. A shit eating PARASITE!” Ramona’s eyes rolled back into her head as another mix of drugs and electronic pleasure coursed through her body, even more strongly, her head straining against the strap that held it in place as she convulsed in the waves of digitized bliss that flowed into her, sealing her thoughts and beliefs.

When she came to, her eyes were glazed with half lidded lust, her upper lip twitching and covered with beads of perspiration... Veronica thought she was going to cum on the spot.

“And this is?” Veronica brought up the picture of Ramona’s mother again.

“The waste of bitchflesh I’m going to kill,” answered Ramona, with no external stimulation at all.

“One more series of pictures, Ramona.” Veronica projected the next slide.

“Who is this?”

“Oh, God, I know this... Andrea... ummmm Johannsen. Is that right? Please tell me I’m right. I don’t want to hurt again for being wrong.” Ramona was starting to whimper.

“Yes! You’re right, Ramona! And exactly how do you feel about her?” Veronica placed her hand on a large dial, turning it up slowly as Ramona spoke..

“Well, she’s very cute. Elegant. Beauuwwoowoowoowo excuse me beautiful really. Really! Gorgeous. God, she is... amazing... I can see the love in her eyes... the nurturing and protection... oh yes... she is the one who will save me and keep me cuddly and safe and warm and... mmmm HOT! God she is so fucking sexy! It’s making me so wet to think about licking her snatch like a little slut bitch in heat!”

Ramona’s tongue snaked out in the demented motion of pure hallucination.

She closed her eyes as she continued. “Do you think that would please her? Would it? All I want to do is make her happy! I’ll do anything to do that! I don’t fucking care what it is! She is the most important person in my life... she’s everything! Ohhhhh god it makes me want to cum just to know I’m obeying and serving and pleasing Andrea... so good so good so good...yessss Andrea.... eclipsing the SUN...”

With the key words that Veronica had been waiting for, she pressed a final button, and listened as Ramona screamed, bringing forth Veronica’s own scream of ecstasy and obedience, the two women blasting out their love and lust for Andrea... Andrea... into the electric air, with only the thick pane of glass separating their single thought... of cumming... and cumming... and cumming... for... Andrea...

* * *

Andrea ran the vibrator over her clit slowly as she watched the video tape of Veronica and Ramona again. The symbiosis achieved was more than she had hoped for... and hotter than she had ever imagined. Soon, she would have mind-templates for the new cranial probes, which would make the Trainers obsolete... she picked up a pen and pad from the nightstand and wrote “Governor... newly designed helmets for police?”

Setting them back down, she took a sip of wine and then smiled at Thelma kneeling obediently beside the large four-poster bed of the Governor’s mansion. “You do want to lick my asshole while I watch the tape again, don’t you, Thel? Until you make me cum... and even longer, perhaps?”

“More than anything in the world,” answered the Governor, her smile betraying the honor she felt at serving the woman who was the center of her universe.

The Governor had never known such a sense of purpose, in fact. Every moment... every chance to please Andrea filled Thelma’s mind with an incredible, pure light...

... a light that was beyond the reach of darkness and would continue, for the rest of her days, to eclipse the sun...