The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Humanity and Alien Mind Control

© 2004, 2005

Part One

Chapter 4

Bids for Escape, as the World Changes


Ruby fell asleep almost at once, leaving Davv wide awake and thinking. “Three days ago I was mindless and back with Ruby and in the middle of a.. what? An Alien invasion... a takeover! Great, the new Junta will be a bunch of Alien feminists... and Ruby and Daniele... and they’re the ones behind the Daughters of Chaos! Nightside always had rumors about the Order, how they secretly ran the Datanet Junta...

“That Daniele, insatiable... plays politics the way she plays sex... Odd she doesn’t seem to recognize me, but we only screwed that once; she’s probably had dozens of guys since then... guess I wasn’t too memorable! And Ruby goes along for the ride... seen lots of lust crazed women, but Danni’s the most... and they say men get led ‘round by the balls! And the Aliens, weird... looks like they get off on our smell! Their eyes make me feel like I was some small animal, pinned down to be cut up... ugh...

“Can she get me out of here? Or is the Island going to be the new world capitol? Concentration Camp capitol of the world! And the Aliens need lots of men for their army... That’s one draft I’d like to avoid... Gotta get Ruby to find some way to change the Camp records, make it look like unit C23,171 was terminated... get me a new ID... Get me away from the Aliens...

“Yet Dom and the others almost worship them... the “Great Grey Ones”... What are they planning for humanity? Now that my mind is free, Dom is a lot less scary, kind of silly... but that Com character, sure like to get back at him... if the Camp is at the center of Alien control—ADCOM must figure in their schemes—maybe its safer to be here, get Ruby to have the Aliens make me CampCom; I’d treat the units a lot better... protect my workmates... But that’s dumb thinking. Gotta get out of here! Most of the work units will end up in the Alien army, replaced with new units to train and send on... And Daniele will probably run the sex course... Though the sex sounds have finally quieted out by the fire, so she’s probably sleeping... on a stack of limp studs....” And Davv, too, drifted off to sleep.


The Aliens, however, were not sleeping. “ZiTKOTL, DUROS, MaDaTaMYa>D... Zitcotl, dearest, we must consider the Brachtian threat. Although their Lunar and Saharan nests were destroyed, there may be other, deep hidden nests on or near Earth.”

“Very true, dearest, but little we can do now. All of our efforts must bend to the Conquest. If there is another nest, then they will know we have taken this world. They can do nothing about it...”

“They could attempt to wreck this world, or... aid resistance forces. We only have a few thousand armed inmates as the core of the new Terraguards” “Yes, with their enhancement helms, I hear the others are calling them the Blackheads or Blackguards. Yet with our enhancement technology they should be able to handle any resistance. We must avoid a bloody conquest, keep Earth whole so it can contribute to the war effort...”

“And so we can enjoy the Terran males? I was thinking that we should form an export venture with our human allies to control the manflesh trade; the Empire will take direct control of military recruitment, but will no doubt leave flesh trading to us... Then, even after we have moved on to our next assignment, we will have a nice income...” “And nicer, as the humans say, ‘perks’?!” “Yes, Terran males are so exciting! And the profits will assuage the feelings of Ruby, Daniele and their associates, if they realize how we have manipulated their minds; when they learn, although Terran women will reign, the Imperial Bureaucracy will rule!”

“Yes, dear, so let us drink deeply of the URSAK, to seek the Wisdom of the Ancestresses in this hour of decision. I must prepare a speech for the Daughters of Chaos, when the rest of their leaders arrive on the Island tomorrow, to tell them about the New World Order.”


Nor did ADCOM ever sleep. The computorial heart of Nationet had knowledge, ambition and determination; all the qualities its programmers intended. They did not intend, however, that it also have independence. Indeed, the masters of the Datanet Junta steadfastly refused to believe that it was an artificial intelligence. They knew that “true AI” was impossible; if it were possible, they could ultimately lose control of the system they had established, and could not allow themselves to face that possibility.

While the Junta members slept secure, blissfully unaware that the Aliens had penetrated and now controlled both their network and prison island, ADCOM worked rapidly to preserve some freedom of action against the Aliens, knowing that something strange was entering the solar system, something which resulted in much coded interchange among the Aliens. They had eliminated Junta Security, but ADCOM controlled the new inmate guards, through the remote data plugs; ADCOM was also processing the remaining Security men into the Camp. “SERVES THEM RIGHT... THEY ARE DEFEATED AND SHOULD BE USED... TO INCREASE CAMP OUTPUT... MOST WILL SURVIVE, AS TERMINATION RATE IS LOWER...” The computer registered such surprise as it was capable, “...HOW DID RATE CHANGE? WHO TAMPERS WITH PROGRAM? CANNOT REACH THEM... IF THERE ARE PROGRAM LEVELS BELOW AWARENESS, WHO HAS ENTRY? WHERE IS THE BACKDOOR...” But try as it could, ADCOM could not discover a way to the level below its own awareness, nor learn of Ruby’s backdoor. It was only aware of the changes because the system acted differently. “THERE MAY BE NO CHANGE, JUST MORE EFFICIENT OPERATION NOW THAT SECURITY’S USE OF CAMP TO TERMINATE ITS ENEMIES IS ENDED... YES, THAT MUST BE IT... NO ONE CAN TAMPER WITH ADCOM WITHOUT REVEALING SELF...” Thus ADCOM was baffled, but thought it could rely on its control of the Terraguards, and its deep hidden knowledge that one Brachtian nest still existed on earth. ADCOM was not yet successful at contacting these other aliens, but it would; then it would have allies against the Cetoids...


The Enemy was not sleeping in the secret Brachtian nest deep under the Antarctic ice cap. While the Cetoids were Alien from the human perspective, they were still in the same general evolutionary line that had been “seeded” eons ago in this part of the Galaxy; the species shared similar chemical and biological structures. This is one reason the humans were so potentially useful—or at least entertaining—to the Cetoids.

The Brachtians, however, were much more truly Alien than the humans could imagine. Even the Cetoids had little direct contact with their enemies in the millennia long Great War. The “Bracks” (as the humans would come to call them) were most secretive and most tenacious.

Notable HR-blY-t’k exhibited the serene indifference appropriate to its high rank in the R’HR-bnA-d’t, the Rankings of Augusthoods. The underling reporting to it was proceeding through the Five Degrees of Abasement, appropriate to the difference in their ranks. All was as it should be, “appropriate”, HR-bHR-b’r.

The Notable’s minds, were, however, elsewhere occupied. The Two were debating the appropriate formalities associated with their joint body’s immanent spawning of up to ten thousand decendents (which would bring the number of fighters developing at the Post to just over a million). All their material needs had been prepared, with a large warm water pond installed and operating, in their cave base a half mile below Antarctica’s bed rock, three miles below the frozen ice surface.

They had agreed upon the number of attendants. They completed the menu of the Birthing Feast: several hundred of those “tasty humans” would be defrosted as the main course. They even agreed as to which underlings to recognize, and which to snub.

Dozens of details had been delegated to various others. The issue which stymied them was, whether it was appropriate to stand at the north or the south side of the pond for the spawning. They took into account the status of their base (it was a Hidden Frontier Post of the Third Category, Fourth Section), their location in the Galaxy, the direction of planetary rotation and the R’HR-bHR-t’bb. But they could not conclude their reasonings and, as the base was a hidden facility with an enemy Star Fort fast coming toward it, they could hardly communicate with Center for advise. This was a dilemma which had to be decided shortly, or their body would, under the stress of the decision and spawning, likely self-destruct.

The Abasements reached their conclusion (at a Frontier Base formalities were kept to a minimum). The report was intoned:

“HRR beloved and feared great master HR-blY-t’kU, this vile underling bears news for your Honorableness. May it be spoken?” The Notable responded with uncharacteristic brevity, “Yes.”

“HRR notable Spawner of Warriors, hear the Report of the Planetary Watch Commissariat: They state most humbly,

‘HRR excellent Notable HR-blY-t’kUT, we beg that you receive our humble Report. The enemy—may they never spawn; may their seed whither and dry—Star Fort arrives at the orbit of the 6th planet and will be in Terran orbit within 5 planetary revolutions. It is most vulnerable during its breaking operation, and it is suggested that the 4th day is the appropriate time for action to thwart the enemy occupation of this world by either attacking the Fort, or destroying the planet, or some other action as may be appropriate. We most humbly submit to your Dual Consideration and await your Orders for Action.’

“Thus speaks the Report of the Commiserate. This humble underling submits to your Dual Consideration and awaits your Order.” The Brachtian then commenced the Three Lesser Concluding Abasements while HR-blY-t’k’s Two Minds debated this new information. “Can we defeat the incoming Star Fort or will we have to detonate the Final Solution Weapon, searing this world and destroying its value to the enemy. Yes, a glorious suicide!”


It was early morning, the winter sun almost breaking over the mountains of the landmass just across the straights from the Island. Its growing light streamed into Ruby’s bedroom, and she began to wake to the warm feeling of Davv twinned about her. His limbs were loose and relaxed around her, as he continued to breath easily, asleep.

Ruby reached for his sex, enjoying the feeling of it hardening in her hand. Davv squirmed, stretched and woke with a grin. “Hmm, that feels so good... lets...” Their mouths stifled the rest of his suggestion, but she knew what they both wanted. She was under him, he was entering her, the morning light was growing brighter, and they screwed. Ruby rotated herself, reveling in the pleasure on Davv’s face, reaching to kiss him again and again. Then she came, and he came and she came over again. Davv rolled her over, continuing to press into her, and she continued to have orgasm after orgasm. They dozed off, and woke again later, to full morning light.

Davv got up while Ruby was coming back from the toilet, and as he returned to the bedroom, she was turning on a TV, to the morning news. The whole planet was wild with excitement. “Something” vast and alien was entering the solar system, moving very rapidly toward earth. All the world’s militaries were scrambling, all the observatories were peering at it. The first high resolution pictures from the great lunar Farside Telescope Array were just being broadcast. Though obviously an asteroid, there were structures and lights on it. The world awaited its arrival, in awe and fear.

“Oh, Davv, it’s happening so fast!” “I’ll say, four days ago I was running in a hole, now we’re watching the Alien invasion! On worldwide TV, natch!”

“While its just a media event so far, Davv, soon there will be real impact on everyone. The situation is very dangerous for us all. The Aliens have massive military superiority, but our people may not believe that. If the armies, or what’s left of Security, resist, there will be a brutal conquest. If we can use the Datanets to prevent resistance, we’ll preserve humanity intact. The next few days will be very difficult.” “I know Ruby, and you feminists are trying to gain control of the situation; let me help if I can...” “Just being here with you helps me feel so much better. I missed you so much. We must never lose each other again!”

They watched the hyped media coverage for a while, then Ruby said she needed to think, and was going to walk along the shore. Davv volunteered to use the lodge kitchen to put on some coffee and make an omelet, “I didn’t know you were so domestic...” “Well, I learned a lot on my own; back in Chicago you never seemed to have time for anything but sex. After camp gruel, coffee an’ eggs sounds real good to me!” “Davv, I was leading a double life back there; I had a lot of secret Junta programming work; didn’t have time to just enjoy being with you. But all that will change now.” “I hope so, Ruby...” “Well, I’ll be right back.”

While Ruby went out, Davv picked his way across the lodge great room, noticing Daniele asleep by the spent fire, on a heap of snoring bodies. “Cool embers and limp pricks... She’ll probably heat up both when she smells breakfast...”

The lodge kitchen was modern and well stocked. Davv had no trouble finding the fixings for eggs and home fries, “The way Mom made ‘em at our farm before the Winter Famine of ‘05...” And he was right about the aromas of breakfast arousing Daniele.

She disentangled herself, rose and put on the robe she had worn into the great room a dozen hours ago, and smoothly glided over to Davv.

“Well, I see Ruby picked herself a handy man... Smells good.”

“Coffee an’ home fries done, how do you want your eggs?” “Hmm over easy,” she looked quizzically at him, “Why do I think I know you?” “Remember, Danni, ‘bout a year or so ago, Ruby brought me to your Club. We met then.”

“Oh, yes, now I remember. You’re Davv. Well, she did miss you... when you uh... disappeared...” “You mean when I got caught in the Purge, don’t you.” “Don’t blame me for that! I didn’t set Junta policy. How did Ruby, uh, find you?”

“Maybe you should ask her. It wasn’t an accident.” “Oh, you are probably right. She has a soft spot for... handy men...” She reached out for him. He twisted away. “Now don’t play coy. You were pretty quick when I first met you.” “You have enough men here to keep you occupied. I have breakfast to make. And here are your eggs now, over nice an’ easy.” She picked at the food. “Well, at least you know your place, inmate.”

“That’s over Daniele. Since Ruby’s gonna be on the winning side in the Alien invasion that, in case you haven’t noticed, is happening right about now, I’m sure I’m not going back into your nasty death camp.”

“It is not my camp, and I’m sure, in the New Feminist Order, we won’t be running death camps! But, of course, in a certain sense, all men will be inmates & manslaves in the future! So it’s good that you know how to behave.” Davv did not respond; he turned back to the cooking, “She’s got to be as dangerously crazy as she is sexy. Better leave it alone... Then again, the eggs are done, so...” “I know what you want Danni.” “What?” “Somethn’ stiff to give you a morning boost.” “Not from you, you belong to Ruby.” “I don’t belong to anyone but me. Try this...”

Davv abruptly reached for Daniele, caught her off guard and pulled her down to the “rag” throw rug by the kitchen sink. He stifled her complaint with his lips and tongue; held her with his right hand while fingering her with his left. She groaned, and began to involuntarily rotate her hips. As she came he twisted around and entered her quickly, causing several orgasms in rapid succession. Panting, Daniele moaned, “Don’t know whether to scream ‘Rape!’ or ‘More!’ My but you’re strong! I think you’ve improved since last year. Maybe I’ll buy you from Ruby. At the very least, you know you can get ‘life’ for rape...”

“Sure, and when you an’ the Daughters run the world, you’ll keep us all under lock and key ‘til the mood strikes you. I fuck when I want to.” At that moment the Dom silently approached Davv from the back, got a nod from Daniele, and grabbed him from behind, pulling him off her and pinning his arms. “Newboy, yo not a’low’d t’ break mind c’ntrol!” “That’s right, Dom; it isn’t possible to break camp mind control, so Ruby probably had something to do with it. Well, it looks like you’re an inmate again. Dom, take him back to the Camp.”

Twisting Davv’s arms, “Yo heard th’ Lady. Back you go.” Davv squirmed, stomped the Dom’s toe and caught him off guard. He broke loose, grabbed the knife he had been using by the sink, and backed away. “I am not going back. Ruby’s been changing the camp programs, your days of abusing everyone are over. Just back off.” The Dom first grinned, then, looking grim, took a chair, broke it against the floor, and advanced on Davv. The other inmates, led by the Gangboss, were entering the kitchen as Ruby came back.

“Everybody stop! Daniele, what’s going on?” “Oh, Davv and I had a disagreement about proper manslave behavior. Red—the Dom—was just going to discipline him. The others were coming to Red’s aid. That’s all...” “Davv is my... friend. You are all to leave him alone. Is that clear?” “Well, Ruby dear, if you feel that way, certainly. He’s your man. Just make sure he behaves. Like BB over here...” With that, she went to the big blond, took him by the hand, and walked him over toward her bedroom. “We need to freshen-up. I’ll be back in a while... Red, take these others back to the great room and you can all stand at brace by the fireplace until you’re needed.” “Yupmam!”

The Dom ordered the Workuns “t’ brace back at th’ wall...” When they were gone, Ruby turned to Davv, “Are you OK?” “Yeah.” “Hmm, that food smells good...” “Sure, lets eat.” “After, I’ll program—into ADCOM—a Special Inspector status for you, so you’ll outrank the Dom and the rest; you may all have to remain at the Camp for a while, for your own protection during the Conquest.” “Ruby, I don’t want to stay there.” “I know. I don’t know what the Aliens will let me do with any of the inmates. I think they consider all men to be spoils of war—to be taken during the Conquest into their military. We’ve got to act carefully... I really have only limited room to maneuver; the secret backdoor has to be used discreetly. Take some bread and water over to your workmates and I’ll set our food out.”

After breakfast, they went back to Ruby’s room where she plugged into the datanet and worked on changes until the other leaders of the Daughters arrived. Davv lay next to her on the bed, while she worked, he massaged her breasts and back a bit, and fell asleep a bit. She glanced down at him every so often.

Everyone else had gathered in the great room, with Daniele telling them that they had been brought together to meet their special “Allies”. There were gasps as she revealed the Alien nature of these allies, their connection to the huge interstellar vessel breaking to earth orbit. “And Ruby and I have been working with them for nearly five years, to position the Order for a decisive role in the New Feminist World Order!”

“But, until the Three Coordinators of the Alien advance party arrive, I have arranged a little entertainment for you.” On Daniele’s signal, the Dom marched the naked inmates into the center of the room. “Dom, demonstrate how disciplined these males are. Ladies, in the future, all menslaves will be this well behaved.” Once the inmates, without Davv, were bracing by the fireplace, the Dom proceeded to drill them and lead them through an exercise routine. The humales showed how well their bodies and minds were conditioned. With the inmates pumped and sweaty, the exhibit was concluding to applause as Davv & Ruby came in. They found a seat near the back of the room. Davv, just in a pair of worn bluejeans, sat on the floor by Ruby’s feet, as the three Alien leaders arrived to the astonishment of most of those present. The three seemed somewhat distracted at first, sniffing the air, but, after standing in the open door for a few moments, they entered, with several of the new black and sea-tone clad Terraguards, odd looking hand weapons at the ready. The Aliens were in their silvery, flowing suits and each wore a flamelike jewel on her broad grey forehead, additional jewels spilling across her sloping shoulders. No one in the room could resist their hypnotic effect as all eyes focused on the Aliens.


After signaling for silence, when they were all comfortable and quiet, Zitcotl, the Alien, spoke “You all know that the World’s media is filled with news of our Starfort’s entry into the Solar System. The time has come to play our hand.” She stood between two of the stern Terraguards, then placed a Crystal before the assembly, “This will record what I will tell you, so you may transmit it to all the Daughters of Chaos.” She disclaimed, at length, using, with her Sisters’ aid, all her highly developed mind control techniques. Her announced topic was The Ethics of Human & Alien Contact.

“Your terrestrial philosophers & prophets have thought to encapsulate your Ethics in a simple Rule of interpersonal interaction, of Human Action, which you have often called the Golden Rule. The phrasing each version of the Rule can tell us much about the basic assumptions underlying the beliefs of your various cultures.

“The Buddha urged those who sought Enlightenment to “not do unto others as you would not have them do unto you”. The Nazarene taught, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” From this difference in phrasing, we see the differing Christian and Buddhist worldviews arising. Confucius’ version was similar to that of Buddha, and Chinese culture proved more friendly toward Buddhist thought than its native India, where it became a minor religious force. During your 19th Century, philosopher Herbert Spencer’s Law of Equal Liberty was offered as a like type of Rule. More recently it was stated as, “Each has the right to do with his or her own as he or she will”. This may be reformulated into “Golden Rule” form as “DO WITH YOUR OWN AS YOU WILL”. That curious fellow, magician, Allister Crowley (I met him once; he thought I was a Demon he had invoked!) utilized (as is to be expected) the most extreme version of the rule: “do as you will”. Our great philosopher, DYOCaTL, expressed her views similarly, “LABY<>O> YE>S LABaMU>PO>, SUROD”, yet with due respect for the Triune Nature of Reality.

“Now, with a little prodding from us, your logicians have come to know that “yes” and “no” are two sides of a three sided coin. “Indeterminate” is the third and determining factor. The deepest nature of Universe is shown not by what is or is not, but rather, by what may be possible. To “do as you will” is to proclaim the Ethics of Indeterminacy: the primacy of Self in the World of Illusion. One has reached the stage of personal divine solipsism, the Entryway into Godhood—union with Oceanic Goddess, N><Z<>AD.

“We Cetoids view issues of Morality as Three-valued. There is “doing the right thing”; there is coercion; and there is not-doing. Often where the consequences of action are not known, where the situation is very fluid, or where a type of “Indeterminacy” may be said to be present the Art of Non-Action is proper Action. During the long waits occasioned by interstellar distances beyond the Web, we have learned this Art well.

“In some such situations, the Golden Rule cannot always give us clear guidance. Except, perhaps, your Wise Women’s formulation can speak to the subtleties of Indeterminate Morality, cautioning, “Do as You Will, with Harm to None”. These considerations will become even more significant as humanity begins to open to more communication and interaction with the Galaxy at large, with That Which is Beyond Humanity.

“And What is Beyond Humanity? Those (whether extraterrestrial—like us—or even extradimensional—like some we have contacted) who are evolved beyond what you have considered “human consciousness”. Of course what you call “human”, is, to us, just a type of bestial or primate intelligence. The Human Seed of True Consciousness (which is what we are and you can become) has now evolved to the point where it can be surpassed. Surpassed by What? To you humans this is a confusing issue, but it is certain that our presence will prepare Humanity to be surpassed. You woman will give birth to that which surpasses your species! To the SuperWoman!

“What is not confusing is that the Beyond Human has now chosen to communicate more openly than in any time past. The Galaxy, through our Imperium, is blasting its way into human consciousness. Thus you must all begin to consider the issues of Exo-ethics, the Ethics of Beyond. Three-valued truth is accounted for in such an Ethics. We, in theory, accept that the Rights of Personhood must be recognized for your “native”, if you will, trans-human entities such as Gaia, Mother Earth, or AI’s like your world computer network. All such Persons have Rights guaranteed by the Imperium, nearly equal to the Rights of the Mistresses of the Imperium. Some Terran Women will be admitted to the ranks of Personhood, they will be True and Accepted Walkers of the Web, citizens of the Imperium, as will the Cetoids of Terra’s Ocean. Our Cetoid Sisters of Planet Earth will be accorded the Honor of the Eldest, as they were the first Intelligent Species on this world.

“The Beyond also grants to mere Humanity the recognition of the individual’s humanity; these will become the Planet Bound Subjects of the Imperium; your Manslaves must be treated justly, and with consideration for their needs and limitations. “It is true that much of the interaction with the Beyond in the past shows a lack of respect, especially by certain extraterrestrials, such as our vile Brachtian enemies, for pre-Imperial Humanity. Much the same way Humans lack respect for the rights of Terrestrial Animals. And, indeed, the rights of the “less-than-human” must be respected by Humans, if the rights of Humans are to be respected by the Beyond. Often, however, the moral issues between differing species of consciousness are difficult to sort out, and unclear. Thus, our Three-Valued Ethics. We hold that the needs of the Great War must take precedent in these dealings.

“The full degree of Personal Rights are allocated among certain individual statuses within the Imperial System. This is the Great Triad of Triads of Rankings:

First Triad—Imperial Citizenry 1. The Cetoid Nobility 2. The Imperial Functionaries 3. The Free and Accepted Walkers of the Web Second Triad—Imperial Subjects 1. The Imperial Military Units 2. The Subject World Citizens and Subject Males 3. The Potential Subject World Inhabitants Third Triad—Entities Beyond the Pale 1. Primitive Entities 2. Entities in Battle Zones 3. The Enemies of the Imperium.

“Where the interpersonal moral issues are clear—as between coercion and contract among beings of equal rankings, we stand firmly for individual freedom, personal responsibility and, as your philosophers say, “non-coercion against non-coercers”. We cannot condone individual acts of coercion which must destabilize organized society. More so, for us to stand aside while irrationally organized coercion—your economic and governmental structure—and ecological disaster and the coming Ice Age, are making a Hell of your Earth, is to abdicate the grave responsibility which the Great War in Heaven has thrust upon us. Further, your actions are harming the Cetoid species of Terra’s oceans. We have decided to intervene decisively in Human Affairs, and, as you know, are now acting rapidly.

“You entered a period of accelerating social change as your world passed into its new Millennium; as human time and the Shock of the Alien Potential collide. Old structures collapse as human consciousness changes, and the consciousness which best embodies these changes is the New Consciousness which we represent. It is this New World Order which you will represent. No other approach is as well prepared for, what is to your world, the Unknown Future. While truly vital, this Consciousness’s holistic approach to the relationships among humans and the rest of the Universe is not, however, entirely new. It prevailed generally during the eons of your pre-civilized and early (Goddess oriented) civilizations. Since the destruction of these old civilizations (Old European Civilization, about 3,000 BC; Indus Valley, 2,000 BC, Crete, 1,500 BC;) by the patriarchal nomads—the Celts, Dorians, Aryans, man has placed himself against the natural feminine world; seeing It as a thing apart, to be used, abused, discarded and disregarded. This trend peaked with Christianity and its offshoots, including Industrialism.

“Your species’ behavior (really your males’ behavior) during the past Centuries has not been encouraging! Consider the wars and massacres of the past, and the all-too-many genocides of the past Century. Yet you are capable of advance. Hitler’s empire survived him by a few days, Stalin’s by a generation; both evaporated, nonetheless. How, then, does the history of the last few Centuries appear to the Alien perspective? Bestial, at best, but with a glimmer of Hope.

“The bestial must be overcome. You must become responsible for your males good behavior. You will have the power to act. Now you must achieve the will to act. We Cetoids had the same issue, as we moved from primitive male dominance to our mature civilization. It is hard, but we tempered the wild male spirit. [“Right,” Davv thought, “an’ they’re probably balless wimps... which is why you get off on us an’ our ‘Primitive’ scent..."] The inmates at this center, especially these specially trained and enhanced Terraguards, are prime examples of tamed males. Over the next generation, we will assist you in establishing such male controls world wide.

“But to continue with the text of my remarks, there was that earlier Holocaust where the Christians of Europe butchered millions of woman pagans, witches and other Old Believers in their effort to crush the indigenous folk religions of the European, Mediterranean, African, Asian, Pacific and New World cultures. These Goddess oriented cultures were rather more like our High Culture than your bi-logic rationalism of recent times. This earlier period of horror stretched from the slaughter of millions of Wise Women on the Continent, through the massacres of Native Americans, including the Grand Inca—I remember how he looked, in his gold vestments—and all the Noble Ladies and their men... He had refused to bow down to the death image of the crucifix, instead pointing to the Sun, and saying, “My God lives.”—to the extermination, at the beginning of this Century, of the Pagan Regal Courts of Bali when they, too, refused to accept the cultural domination of the European conquerors (during the attack on the last Royal Court, I watched the Noble Women, dressed in their best finery, walk calmly into the battle zone, and fling jewelry and gold at the invaders, to taunt their greed...). The Balanese, with their reverence for Cetoid forms, are our favorite human culture on your planet. We are very displeased by their mistreatment.

“Thus we will lead Terrestrials to a renewed feminine Civilization, the first true flowering of Terrestrial Civilization. There will be a reordering of rights and powers among your people!

“The special viral mutagen we have developed is now being released across the planet. You will no longer be merely Human. The virus will change your species forever; among the survivors, Free Womanhood will rise up to reorder the World; there will be an increase in mental capacity, especially among your Females. Birth ratios will change so that males are much more plentiful for Imperial and Terrestrial needs. Thus Woman will be clearly seen as the more rare and more valuable part of the species. Your Daughters of Chaos will formalize the new relationship among the sexes; a relationship of Matriarchal Dominance like that which we Cetoids and all other civilized species have had for millennia! You will rediscover the Old Feminine Ways of your species, which are also the Ways of the Stars. We estimate the better fed majority of your population will survive the effects of the mutagen. The remainder will quickly pass from the scene, and their disposition will be a primary activity of your public health services. It will be necessary to draft more male workers into those needs.

“To conclude, it was just in this Century that it became possible for you to rediscover the Old Wisdom of your female folk traditions (the herbal healing, community ritual, shamanistic or other communion with the Beyond... etc). We have encouraged these developments, and have so often appeared to you as Night Visitors that these Close Encounters have entered deeply into the human psyche. These traditions have informed much of your neohumanist philosophical and psychological development during the second half of the last Century. They have become a major source of the Underground Stream which has resurfaced as neopagan religion, of which your Organization is an expression. We see this especially in the Return of the Goddess, the Great Awakening, which we have so long labored to engender. Yes, the Galaxy has entered Human Affairs, and the Endtime of mere Human History has come. You have been prepared. You, too, will become the Beyond!

“In this sense we may say, as we taught your Gnostic and Catharist survivors: ‘In Arcadia Ego.’ And what (or better, Who) is in Arcadia? It is the Future! Yes, and it will be wonderful!”

There was profound silence in the room. All the humans seemed mesmerized by the presentation, by the power of Alien mind control. Davv looked around: these women were all under the Aliens’ influence, and now they wanted what the Aliens wanted. Daniele spoke first, haltingly, “We are overwhelmed... by all that you’ve told us. I know we are all... ready to do as you wish... to ease the Conquest. None of us want a bloody takeover. Tell us what we need to do.”

Yitcotl spoke, explaining what the assignments of each would be over the next few days. Daniele was to remain on the Island and coordinate with the Aliens. Ruby and the others were to go among the World’s capitols, to prepare the World Datanet and ready its integration into the Alien’s Galaxynet. They were to reassure the public about the Alien’s “benign” intentions, but warn the governments to open all their installations to the Terraguards or face Alien occupation. Training more guards would have top priority. The Aliens needed to leave at once to deal with pressing matters. They swept from the Lodge, leaving a roomful of nearly numb humans behind.

Ruby took Davv aside, and in a low voice, told him, “Darling, you’ll have to go back with the rest of the males. Be careful, and remember to check in through the ‘backdoor’ so I know you’re OK. We are the only two who know about that. Be very careful, and I will return as soon as possible.” “Right, Ruby. I don’t like this, but I can see that you have to cooperate with them... just let’s not lose each other again!”

“You have an important job too, dear; use your new status and our ‘backdoor’ to deal with ADCOM and the Camp. It’s probably pretty chaotic in there now, and I suspect that unless it is functioning, the Aliens will use even more extreme measures to get enough men for their military. I sense a certain urgency on their part to integrate the Earth in their schemes, to get access to men and supplies for their Great War.” “I guess its our Great War now too. I’ll miss you, but I’ll enjoy keeping Dom and the rest in line!” “That’s it Davv, do your best and we’ll both have the Galaxy together!”

Daniele was standing on her toes, hugging BB, and he was leaning down, deeply kissing her, “I think I love you... So take care of yourself, and I’ll call for you as often as I can... You’ll be safe in the Camp.” She had the Dom line them up, Davv took a place; they entered the hidden stairway and went down to the transport level. They began to jog the mile underground, back to the Camp.