The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

“All in the name of Science”

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Overview: His own work had seen him develop immense patience since it had begun. But after more than five minutes Rebecca still had not moved. Her eyes were open and she was breathing normally. She just wasn’t doing anything but leaning over the bench and resting her arms and hands on the cage. What the hell had he discovered, all in the name of science?

* * *

“All in the name of Science”


Andy Summers sighed as he turned the switch on the transducer which supplied power to the gravitational distortion amplifier. It hummed into life, barely audible. He smiled. At least that was something, even if his long-dreamed of invention did not work. Andy had hoped to use it for his thesis in technology inventions regarding his ultimate diploma in advanced engineering.

So far, however, all he had succeeded in doing was getting it to hum. It was supposed to have caused a vibratory influence on a piece of steel, with a long enough duration that he could change the rate of vibration and hence the basic molecular structure into another type which was softer than the original.

To date, however, when he tested it while the amplifier had been humming, all he felt with his steel prod was just as tough a steel surface as was there to begin with.

He tested again, prodding the steel lightly with his metal probe, then sighed again as the results came up the same. He turned up the frequency of the amplifier which sent the invisible oscillatory wave from the tip of his metal probe supposedly deep within the molecular structure of the steel block-vised to the bench. He prodded the block of steel again.


Disgusted with his lack of success Andy then placed the probe down on the bench and sat down on one of the high-backed stools. He ran his hands through his hair and groaned aloud, covering his eyes and squeezing his temples in an effort to recall what, if anything he had forgotten in his calculations.

“Don’t worry about it.” a vibrant voice said. “The world doesn’t end until Friday.”

Andy opened his eyes and smiled. It was Rebecca, a biology student who co-shared the university lab equipment with him, along with several others. He knew she was as dedicated to her own research as he was to his own and often worked late, sometimes with him in the lab, and sometimes by herself.

“May as well be Friday.” Andy replied with a long, dejected sigh. “For all the good I seem to be accomplishing.”

Rebecca brought out her rat container and placed them on the desk beside Andy’s block of steel. There were two rats inside the cage. Andy watched as she took a bright torch and shined the beam onto the faces of the rats. They both froze and ceased their running around instantly, calming immediately.

In his own way Andy was proud of Rebecca’s work, although he had never said as much. She had trained the rats psychologically to respond to bright lights in a way that calmed them instantly. It had been a long, slow process, but she had succeeded. Rebecca then leaned over the bench and twisted the cage around one hundred and eighty degrees.

The rats remained stationary and still, even though the torch no longer pointed directly at them. In twisting the cage around Rebecca’s hand had moved for some reason.

He had watched this test before and knew she only did it to remind herself of the success of her project. She would and should have shined the torch on the back of the rats and they would have again become very calm and still. But this time she didn’t.

The rats continued to scurry about while Rebecca’s hands remained fastened to the cage. The torch in her hand shone aimlessly up toward the ceiling. Andy glanced at her grip. It was loose.

He looked at her face which was side-on to him sitting on the chair about two feet from her. Her face seemed relaxed and calm, but her eyes were wide open and staring without blinking. About a full minute and a half had passed.

Andy’s curiosity was aroused. What was she playing at, he wondered as he eased himself forward off the chair.

“Hey, Bec’!” he said firmly. “What’s up? You sick or something?”

Rebecca did not respond or move in any way. Andy began to get a bit panicky. He stepped closer to her. Her breathing seemed normal. Everything about her seemed normal except that she was not moving, or functioning. He laid a gentle hand upon her shoulder. It was soft, warm and pliable, but she did not respond to his touch in any way, except to sigh.

He squeezed her shoulder, speaking to her at the same time.

“Hey, Rebecca. Don’t scare me like this. What’s wrong? Are you an epileptic or something?” he asked genuinely.

Still Rebecca did not respond, except to have sighed again as he squeezed her shoulder gently when he spoke. Andy reached forward and took the loosely-held torch from her hand and placed it on the bench beside his metal probe.

Andy noticed instantly that he had forgotten to turn off the amplifier, and then thought no more about it, more concerned with Rebecca and whatever was wrong with her than saving on university’s electricity bill.

Then he reached his hands to both of her shoulders and gently pulled her backward toward him, straightening her upper torso as he did so. Rebecca instantly came to life beneath his grip. He was startled as her skin and muscles moved beneath his hands and fingers.

“What?” Rebecca said, sounding startled herself. “Andy? Why are you holding my shoulders? Let go! What’s going on here?”

Andy’s hands flew from her shoulders as if they were red hot metal. He took a step backwards, wondering just what the hell she was playing at. Maybe it was some kind of trick, he thought as his mind raced.

“What do you mean asking me what’s going on? You tell me!” he snapped angrily, the tension leaving his body and mind in the release of anger.

“Never mind. Just cut it out!” Rebecca snapped back just as angrily. “I have to be somewhere and I’m late already.”

She leaned forward over the bench once more and went to lift the cage. Then, to Andy’s surprise she froze again-well, not froze, just relaxed and stopped all movement, with her arms outstretched and hands gripping the cage, but in a very relaxed fashion.

Andy just stood there, not knowing what exactly was going on with her, but not willing to touch her again for fear she might accuse him of molesting her when he did., maybe that was her game, he thought as he stood silently watching her.

He waited and watched the immobile, relaxed young twenty-one year old for five full minutes according to his watch which he glanced nervously at every few seconds, wondering when she’d get sick of whatever game she was playing with him. He could outlast her.

His own work had seen him develop immense patience since it had begun. But after more than five minutes Rebecca still had not moved. Her eyes were open and she was breathing normally. She just wasn’t doing anything but leaning over the bench and resting her arms and hands on the rat’s cage.

Andy drew a deep breath, desperately trying to figure out what the hell was going on with her, and in the still silence of the evening-lit laboratory he then noticed the almost silent humming of his amplifier.

He reached out with his left hand, extended his index finger and flicked the switch to off. Then nearly fainted as Rebecca came instantly back to life.

“And don’t do anything like that again, Andy. Or you can kiss whatever friendship you think we might have had goodbye!” she snapped angrily as she lifted the cage and walked quickly back to the area reserved for animal storage.

Andy’s quick mind sprang into high gear like a steel trap. His amplifier had something to do with Rebecca surprising behaviour. He thought back to her position and the placement of the metal probe and the way it had been pointing at the time.

She would have leaned directly into the beam, he decided quickly. Whatever effect it must have had on her it had certainly rendered her immobile, and maybe with no recollection of whatever time had lapsed since leaning into it. He reached out and flicked it on again, picking up the metal probe and holding it like a pencil in his right hand and fingers. The amplifier hummed almost silently again.

Just then Rebecca came back to his lab station and stood a few feet away from him. She just stood there looking at him while he gazed at the tip of his metal probe with his thoughts wildly calculating all of the previous events leading up to that moment in time.

“Andy.” Rebecca said with a softer tone of voice. “I know you’ve never made a move on me, and I know maybe you’ve wanted to, but that was not the way. Okay?”

Her voice with a question interrupted his thoughts. He looked up, focusing on her eyes and face, noticing for the first time how pretty she was. He’d never really thought of her as anything but a nerd like him. Her eyes were soft and questioning.

Then, without thinking of any possible consequences, Andy twisted his fingers slowly toward her, bringing the metal probe to bear directly on Rebecca’s chest, and all the while watching her face. As the probe pointed directly at her Rebecca’s face relaxed and softened.

She sighed, but remained gazing at him as if waiting for him to answer. He waited in case his quick deductions and rapid mental calculations were wrong, but she didn’t move or say anything.

Her gaze, relaxed and calm never left his face, although it seemed as if it were looking through him and not at him.

“Rebecca?” he said cautiously.

No answer.

“Rebecca!” he said loudly.

No answer.

“You stupid fucking bitch!” he snapped angrily.

No response whatsoever. Andy then reached out with his left hand and switched off the amplifier, keeping his finger on it at the ready, his eyes never leaving her face.

“Well, Andy?” Rebecca continued as if nothing had happened. “Did you hear what I said? We can still be friends. I’m sorry I snapped at you. You just startled me, that’s all. I never expected you to .. It doesn’t matter now. I’m late. Okay? We can talk about it another time. Gotta run now. Bye.”

Andy watched her turn and take two strides before flicking the amplifier back on and pointing the metal probe directly at Rebecca’s back as she strode away fully into her quickening third step.

His mind had already deduced that she had no recollection of him swearing at her-none whatsoever. And she had continued on with the conversation as if no time had passed. Whatever his machine was doing to her it was affecting her sense of time, as well as her physical mobility.

Rebecca slowed immediately and stopped, her arms hanging loosely by her sides. She doesn’t remember my words, Andy decided. I wonder about my touch. He walked over to where she stood and stopped behind her, noticing the shapely curve of her backside.

Then he moved around to her front.

Rebecca had that same relaxed look on her face that she’d had before-eyes looking directly ahead and not blinking, breathing slow and gentle, completely relaxed. He waved his left hand in front of her eyes. No reaction. His right hand continued to hold the metal probe pointed at her front.

Then he did something that even surprised him. He leaned forward and kissed her gently, but firmly on the lips. She sighed through her nose against his face with her breath as he kissed her. Her lips moved beneath his as she kissed him back. Andy noticed immediately that her rate of breathing had increased considerably.

He stepped back and gazed into her eyes seeing absolutely no cognition of what had just occurred. Then Andy leaned forward and kissed her again, this time allowing his tongue to force its way inside her relaxed mouth.

He touched her tongue which brought an immediate groan and long sigh from her nose again as she kissed him back, also allowing her own tongue to enter his mouth. Then he stepped back once more, a little breathless, gazing at her, and studying her face closely, intently.

Rebecca’s breathing had also changed, from gentle to panting, and with only two moderate kisses, he thought. He glanced down at the tip of the metal probe, wondering what the hell was happening inside of her body and mind.

Then Andy became suddenly scared. What of he were doing her some irreparable damage by what he was doing? He thought. Quickly he walked back around her, keeping the probe pointed at her body as he did so, then back-stepped all the way back to his lab bench.

Then he flicked off the amplifier and waited for all hell to break loose. It didn’t. Rebecca just picked up her pace and continued striding quickly away until she was put of sight and had left the lab altogether.

Andy shook his head in wonder-in absolute wonder. She hadn’t seemed to be affected by the exposure to the amplified beam, but he couldn’t tell what long-term exposure might do to her.

Everything was unknown at this stage, but very exciting. Then, for the first time Andy noticed his bodily state and adjusted himself for comfort while his mind continued to logically retrace everything that had happened. He recorded everything down in his diary for later study.