The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Angela’s harem outfit-Chapter3 (Return to Earth.)

I felt my circuits begin to power up after I was switched from standby role,and I was informed that we would shortly be passing Mars,and that we would be back on Earth in only a few hours from now.He then set about switching on the other robots around me.After leaving our travel cells the 4 of us got together for a talk.

“I think this is going to be strange”,Angie said,“After all the planet is not going to look anything like we remembered it,I just hope we’re doing the right thing.”

“It will be alright”,Lizzie replied,“After all we’re free to go back in the next 6 months if we don’t like it and just carry on as before.”

“I know,I know, but meeting great grand children,that’s not an everyday occurrence!And Steve tells me that 1 of ours is in the party that meets us,I hope she likes me.”

“I’m sure she will,after all she seems pretty keen to meet you!”

Whilst Angie was worrying,and Lizzie was trying to calm her down, Pauland I got into a conversation about how things would be.He had been prepared for a position checking that the stores and supplies that we would need on Earth were OK when they arrived for us.As he had more or less been Lizzie’s equal on Telus,he wasn’t certain how it would be when she had a far more important position than him.I told him not to worry, Lizzy had made it very clear to us that she was not travelling without him,so I didn’t think she would love him any less.I pointed out to him that I would now be ranked above Angela,but that we weren’t going to let it affect us in any way.

We then received a message through the intercom that if we moved forward into the next chamber that we would soon get our first glimpse of the moon and Planet Earth.

“No going back now!“I said.

“For better or for worse”replied Paul.

We moved forward and saw the moon and Earth come into view and grow steadily larger,and I began to think of Shola who we would shortly be meeting for the first time when we got back to Earth,a planet we left about 100 years before.Within a short period the transporter ship headed through the Earth’s atmosphere and turned towards Western England,the area we would all do our work in.

Eventually the ship’s motors were switched off,and we all knew we were home and then even a robot’s patience was tested as we waited and waited for the time for us to disembark.We knew we had to wait whilst all the supplies were unloaded,but I think many of us were dying to see what our old planet now looked like.Finally we were signalled to move forward to the disembarkation area,and for all her concerns,Angie seemed to be amongst the first trying to get off,Lizzie just stood back calmly and smiled at her antics.

“If she’s that worried about meeting her great grand daughter,it doesn’t seem to show.“she laughed.

“Maybe she’s just trying to get the big moment over with”I joked back.

“More likely the desire to see what she looks like”Lizzie retorted in return.

When we were all nearly ready to leave the ship I quietly pointed out Shola to Lizzie,and she said “Angie’s in for quite a shock there, she’s very very similar to how she used to look.”

I said “I knew she told me that she took after Angie,but I thought she only meant the ample cleavage she had told me about,but you can see they are definitely related.”

Eventually we were permitted to leave the ship,Angie amongst the first off,the rest of us following soon after.By the time we reached solid land,Angie was heading back towards us as fast as her metal legs could carry her!

“There’s a lady over their who looks a lot like I used to before my big change”,she told us,“I do wonder if that’s my great grand daughter?”

“Yes”,I said,“That’s Shola,our great grand daughter,she had told me that she looked a lot like you with her fine cleavage,but the resemblance to the old human Angie is stunning,her hair is longer, but apart from that remarkably similar.”

Lizzie joked,“It’s bad enough having 1 of you,without a great grand daughter that looks the same as well!And probably acts the same to boot.”

We moved over to be welcomed by our Telusian welcoming committee, and were introduced to them,many of whom I had been in contact with in recent years in my duties as administrator.Of course Shola took most interest in our party of 4,and special interest in Angie.She explained to us where we would live,where we would carry out our duties,etc.She also told us about where she worked and what she did,and informed us that her department was where our power supply systems and the main computer links to Telus would be housed.She told us that they had developed a system to enable us to have information downloaded directly into our circuits,and also that it would enable Telus to send information packages in robots to be downloaded into their computers.Whilst we were shown around,Shola and Angie went off together to get to know each other much better. We were very impressed with our quarters,Paul and Lizzie were to live next door to us which was handy,and eventually Angie turned up as well to have a look at where she would be living.

“I’ve been talking to Shola,“she said,“and I told her how much she reminded me of how I used to look,I told her she’d have to cut her hair a bit to be perfect though.I did tell her I was only teasing on that point though!”

“She does look a lot like you did darling,but you have to remember she’s not you and probably doesn’t want to be an identikit Angie anyway.”

“I know,I don’t really want her to be,but she was telling me something interesting they have developed which she wants me to think about trying out,which suggests she may not totally agree with that.”

“Whats that then?“I asked.

“Well apparently that computer that allows packages to be downloaded to and from us can theoretically be used with Telusians as well,they have tested it on an elderly Telusian volunteer and successfully temporarily downloaded information from the computer into his mind,and it worked and he was fine afterwards,well what Shola talked to me about doing was linking my memory banks into the computer,and at the same time have the computer downlink them into her mind.It only worked for a short while with the volunteer so she thinks she wouldn’t permanently have my memories and thoughts in her mind,but as she pointed out our robot memory structures are far more powerful than the info download so she’s not quite sure what will really happen, and at the same time I will receive her memories and so know all about my beautiful great grand daughter.However if it went wrong no one really knows what could happen to her mind, so I’m not certain its a good idea to go through with it,what do you think?”

“Well,I’m not totally convinced it sounds like a good idea,but presumably her mind is in the most danger,after all your memory download would be far,far stronger than hers.I don’t know how you would feel if you did any permanent damage to her.”

“Well of course I wouldn’t want to do that to her,I like her a lot, but she seems keen and I didn’t like to turn her down straight.And imagine the possibilities if it works perfectly,it would enable them to learn so much more about us and how we lived 100 years ago. She says she can’t possibly see how it could damage my systems,and anyway she said she could download my most important data beforehand, and then just use it to ‘reboot’ me to the way I was anyway.”

“I just don’t want either of you jumping into this idea without a very long think about it,especially Shola,after all technically she is our flesh and blood you know.”

“Yes dear”,Angie said,barely hiding her disappointment,“Whatever you say,but I wouldn’t mind trying it!”

“No I don’t suppose you would” I retorted.

I went off to see Shola shortly after this,to find out more about what Angie had told me.She told me that many Telusians were fascinated by the concept of this breakthrough,though naturally not too many were rushing forward to try it,because no one really knew what the effects might be,and how permanent they could be if our memory download overwhelmed their minds.She told me that they would first record all Angie’s most vital details,so that they could retreive them if necessary and redownload them into her neural unit.They would then place the headset over her and link her memory banks into the computer in the same way as they will when they need to download data from Telus either into us,or to download data from robots into the computer.They would then place a headset on her, link it into the computer,and then literally allow the 2 minds to pass data to each other through the computer.She told me that she did realise that Angie’s memory banks would be far more powerful than her mind would be and therefore she didn’t quite know what the effects would be,but with everyone’s permission she would like to try it.She told me she had talked to her partner about it and he had the same doubts about it as me,but promised her that he would consider letting her try it.As she told me,someone, sometime had to try it and the chance to do it with Angie appealed to her greatly, as she told me,it would be likely that someone from her department would be the first to do so,and if it was to be her,she would rather it was Angie than anyone else.I promised her I would think about it,and give her my decision in a few days.

We settled into our new quarters quite easily,we found life on Earth pretty basic after the modern life we had enjoyed on Telus, but once we all got down to work life just seemed to chug along. Lizzie and Angie settled into their roles of controlling the traffic between the 2 planets,and making sure the supply ships went to the right part of the planet.Paul was quite happy in his role in the stores area,and somehow when our sex link machines were delivered,both of the girls were rather happy,mind us 2 chaps weren’t complaining either.I had an important administrative role, running much of the mundane everyday business on Earth,whilst my seniors concentrated on the more difficult work, including the planning for the last humans to be transformed into low grade slave robots,the machinery for which was being prepared on our home planet before transportation.This would be a major task as it would require the calling in of all remaining humans in turn for their transformation to take place,this would all take some time.

In the meantime both Ronak,Shola’s partner and I had agreed,with a touch of nervousness on both parts for Shola and Angie to go ahead and try to link themselves together through the computer programming and downloads.I think we were both a bit uncertain of the outcome of this event,and wondered if they were doing the right thing,especially Shola who seemed to have a lot to lose if it went badly wrong.I did say to Ronak that they seemed alike in some ways, so if Angie got override on Shola’s mind,he may not notice the difference too much,but I don’t think this piece of robot logic helped him much!

Anyway a few days later,when both Angie and Shola were off duty came the big day.First they took a download of all the major data banks within Angie’s systems,this would give them a basic image of her to reload if necessary including of course her memory banks. Unfortunately for them this took some time as of course there was by now quite a lot of data to copy off,and even our modern super computers took over an hour to download a copy of all her vital information,and by this time they were both getting impatient for the big moment to come.Finally they were satisfied with the information they had downloaded and we all began preparation for the big moment.

Angie moved over towards the main computer banks,eyed up all the equipment involved,waited for the technicians to run their final checks and then give her the OK to be linked up via the headset, when they were ready she virtually dashed forward to get sat down where she was instructed.They wired her headset into the computer checked everything was still OK and then placed it over her head. After it was again checked it was linked into her circuits and she was ready.At this stage Shola moved forward and sat down where she was instructed,again all the checks were ran with her headset and the attached wiring,and then finally they were satisfied,they attached the electrodes to her head, placed the headset on her and linked the 2 parts together,we were now ready for the big moment. The other 4 of us watched nervously as they prepared to switch the equipment on and link them together mentally.We were shown a display unit that would show the 2 signals moving from them into the computer and then passing through to the other persons mind.

And then they switched it on....

At first it seemed to go fine,the 2 signals moving steadily into the centre of the screen,then all of a sudden Angela’s signal shot forward rapidly,straight through the computer’s databox and heading for Shola’s mind at a far greater rate than expected,whilst Shola’s signal ground virtually to a halt,it was obvious to all of us that Angela’s memory bank was going to overwhelm Shola’s mind,but as the technicians told us there was not a lot they could do without damaging all the equipment. The moment Angela’s signal reached Shola’s mind she shook terribly and I think we all realised that Angela’s thoughts had overwhelmed Shola’s mind with her powerful memory banks,and the only thing we could do was wait and see what had happened to Shola at that moment,nervously awaiting the outcome.Eventually the technicians were able to switch the programming off safely and we waited to find out the outcome.

“Well that was a bit of a flop,“moaned Angela,“I don’t think I hardly got a signal from Shola,I don’t know any more about her than I did before!”

I said,“I’m not surprised,your signal was so strong it just seemed to shoot straight through the computer,through the signal emanating from Shola,and straight into her mind,we’re all a bit concerned for her and her mind at this moment.”

“Oh no,“she said,“I didn’t want to do her any harm,just let her discover everything about me.”

“Well just at the moment,we have this horrid feeling that she not only knows all about you,her mind at least,probably is you,thats what they are trying to find out at this moment.”

Finally Shola began to come round,and we all huddled round nervously wondering what the outcome of this experiment had been, our worst fears were soon revealed.

“Wow,flesh and blood after 100 years,“she said,“I never dreamt this would happen!”

Angela turned to me and said “2 of me,maybe thats 1 too many!”

I turned to her and said “Lets just hope its only temporary.”

“Me too” she replied.

We turned to ‘Shola’ and said “do you remember who you are?”

“Don’t be daft,I’m Angie and for some reason I’m back in a human body.”

I replied “Yes,it’s your great grandaughters body,and that computer download has given you control of her mind.”

“Oops that wasn’t meant to happen,was it?”

“No,we’re in agreement there,and what we now have to discover is whether any of Shola’s mind survived at all,because if thats the case, we may be able to retrieve it,but if you wiped all her thoughts when your memory banks overwhelmed her mind,then she’s probably going to be Angie for the rest of her life!”

“Well,she could have a lot worse life than me.” she giggled.

“I know that dear,but I don’t think you are trained to carry on the cybernetic and genetic development work she was doing,and also I don’t quite know what Ronak is going to make of living with you instead of Shola.”

“Not at the moment,but maybe they can teach me,after all I do have an IQ of roughly 950,so it shouldn’t be that difficult,should it? However poor old Ronak,now thats a different problem because I don’t know anything about him,and that might make things a wee bit difficult,to put it mildly!But on the basis of what Shola told me, I could probably manage to give him a pretty good time!”

“Right Angie/Shola,sit down over there and those nice technicians are going to see whether any of Shola’s memory remains,and therefore whether there is any possibility they can get the old Shola back,or whether she will be a second Angie for the rest of her life.”

“OK darling,but if not maybe they will have to find someone for your memory banks,then we can live as randy little humans yet again,as well as being robots,but I don’t know how practical having 2 of me on Earth really is!He’ll have to be good looking,mind.”

The technicians wired Angie/Shola up and ran some tests but I think as all of us knew in our ‘hearts’ there was no sign of any of Shola’s memories,they had all been replaced by Angie’s downloaded memories.They admitted that the improved robot memory banks were just too powerful for the Telusian mind,and just wished they had never agreed to do the experiment,but in a way they were glad they had found out.

We 4 robots went into conference together and discussed the situation, Angie feeling terribly guilty about what had happened, Lizzie telling her it wasn’t her fault,and Paul and I throwing in our support on this matter.

“I don’t think I can stay on Earth”Angie wailed,“because every time I see her I will feel SO guilty about her being me,now thats quite some concept to handle!”

“Well that’s something we all have to get our heads around,“Paul said, “but I think you’re right it would be pretty difficult.”

In the middle of this ‘little’ crisis I was called away,when I got to the other building I found Ronak waiting for me.He told me he had something he wished to discuss,but somehow I guessed what it was.

“I like my new Shola,“he said,“they are similar in many ways,but I don’t think it will quite be the same,so I have come to you with a proposal.”

“Fire away.“I replied.

“What I would like to do if you give your approval is for you and me to do the same as Angie and Shola,to go through the memory download programming,for many reasons.Firstly the 2 of you could live happily together for as long as you lived,and we know you 2 get on,after all you’ve had a 100 years of practice!Secondly,I do a financial, administrative type role,so you are naturally suited to carry on that work,which at least means the 2 of you will have wages coming in whilst ‘Shola’ relearns her work.Thirdly,I couldn’t desert her,but it would be difficult living with a different personality.And finally,if as I know that all of you are suggesting,that the 4 of you return to Telus,that the matter of 2 Angela’s and 2 Steve’s,albeit 1 human,1 robot would not be a problem though I suppose theoretically you could be in contact with both your human ‘beings’ if you carried on your current role.”

“Well it could be interesting talking to myself,“I joked,“though in fact it would be more likely to be ‘Shola’ that I would talk to,I suppose I would at least know what I’m letting myself in for when I do! Ronak,that’s quite a decision to make,but I’ll think on it.”

“I know it’s quite a decision,but I think it’s the right one in the long term,after all,like Shola,I will still live,but all my thoughts will be yours,and you and Angie love each other so much, it’s a wonderful idea,and you 2 will still be able to follow their fortunes.”

I went away and computed what he had told me,I discussed it with the other 3 and Angie and Lizzie both told me that if that is what Ronak wants,then I should go ahead with it,if we weren’t staying on Earth it would not cause too many complications,and even if we were,it would be fascinating to see how their lives developed.I did decide I would only do it if we were returning to Telus,but the general opinion was that we all missed our pleasant lifes there,and wanted to return to our previous jobs.

“In that case,“I said,“it’s settled,I will do the memory download with Ronak,and Angie and I can have a lively time on Earth as well as on Telus.Mind,I suppose we would be able to have Telusian children and watch them grow up.After all the 24 we had before,we never saw any develop at all.”

I told Ronak my decision,and a few days later when neither of us were working we went to the cybertechnology lab to begin preparations. They decided to do a download of my major data,even though I think they knew that I wasn’t likely to lose any data, Angie hadn’t even lost one byte of information.After an hour or so, they were happy that it was complete and that it was time for the next stage to begin.

“One last chance to change your mind,Ronak,“I said.

“No change of heart whatsoever,“he replied,“I think we will all be happier this way,and life wouldn’t be the same for me without Shola anyway.”

“Lets get going then,“I said,

And then I walked over to my seat by the computer.They wired everything up ran the checks and then placed the headset over my head,and linked it in.They then ran all the checks on Ronak’s equipment,placed the electrodes on his head,placed the headset over the top,and wired the 2 together.

The technicians told us,“We are not even sending a signal from Ronak to the computer,all we are doing is sending the signal from Steve through the computer and into Ronak’s mind.This is because we are not trying to do anything other than overload his brain with your memories.”

They switched the machine’s programming on and I felt a gentle tingle through my neural unit as the computer began to collect my data,then it stopped and I felt a small surge,presuming this was the moment that the data started heading for Ronak’s mind,the other 4 watching on the data banks of course saw this happening.I was later told by Paul,that at the moment the data hit his mind he shuddered just like Shola had done,and temporarily lost conciousness as she had.They then switched everything off and released me from the headset.When ‘Ronak’ came round a couple of minutes later,we all waited nervously to see the results.

“Steve or Ronak?“the robot Angie cheekily asked.

“Steve in Ronak’s body,“he replied.

“Well that was the idea wasn’t it?“she said.

We didn’t get a reply,the Telusian Angie had rushed over to him and had her tongue down the Telusian Steve’s throat,so he was in no position to reply!When he got the chance to speak,he smiled,and said “Thats my old Angie” with a grin on his face.

“Not so much of the old” was her sharp reply.

“Well I think you 2 have got a lot to learn about the Telusian lifestyle,and you DO realise you have to think for yourselves again!“said Lizzie.

“Goodness,” we said,“I don’t suppose we really considered that one, but at least we do seem able to do that,I suppose thats because we’re in what were free minds.It’s a long time since we had to choose what to have for dinner.”

And ‘Angie’ piped up,“What position we make love in too!”

‘I’ said,“trust you to think of that one!”

Well shortly after this,we 4 robots,who had already told our superiors of our decision to return to Telus were informed that we were to be relieved of our duties for our last 10 days on Earth,and that we were free to travel anywhere in England we desired.Paul decided to go off seperately and see the graves of some of his harem,and the 3 of us had no hesitation in heading for the North of England to pay our respects to Anne’s grave,we were unable to visit Mary’s grave in Denmark because we had to stay in our own country.It seemed a bit strange standing by Anne’s graveside,after all she had been roughly the same age as us,but she had been dead many years,whilst we seemingly had hundreds of years to go if we so desired,and did.

Anyway,a week or so later we returned to the West of England to spend our last few days with ‘Angie’ and ‘Steve’,they seemed to be getting on very well together,and ‘Steve’ was settling in well to his new job. ‘Angie’ was however given a new job,they had decided to promote Shola’s assistant to her old role,and allow ‘Angie’ to use her vast knowledge in travel by placing her in the space travel controllers section,this was only a “B grade” position,but she would continue on the same wages as before,because of her sacrifice to allow technological breakthroughs to be tried.

However,a few days later the transporter ship was ready and it was time for the 4 of us to return to Telus.We had only been on Earth for a month or so,but it was long enough for us to decide that we would be happier carrying on our work on Telus,than starting again on Earth.The farewells were sad,especially for Angie and I,leaving ‘yourself’ behind on Earth is not easy,we can tell you,as we assumed we would never meet ‘ourselves’ again,even if we talked regularly by voice and space mail. We boarded the ship,moved to the viewing area,and waved goodbye to the 2 we had left behind,shortly after we moved to the habitation pods,were placed in standby,and the next thing we knew,we were back on Telus.

CHAPTER 3A-the outcome of everything.

The earthbound Telusian Angie and Steve lived happily together for another 44 years,as noone had told Angie that Telusian bodies were highly fertile,she managed to produce 5 children in the next 6 years! They had the pleasure of watching them grow up,and telling them about their distant relations on their home planet.However in their lifetime the mission to turn the remaining humans into low grade slave robots came about,the Earth’s atmosphere was dried out, and the Telusians were all adapted to breathe the replacement Telusian type atmosphere.This now made transport to Telus for the Earthbound Telusians practical,and Angela and Steve,with the help of their family (and a bit of help from their namesakes on Telus) set up a travel agency arranging for Telusians to visit their home planet,and of course naturally in time they made the trip themselves.It was a great thrill for them to visit their robot namesakes and introduce their children to them.They were also delighted to see Lizzie and Paul,and to be introduced to Kirsty and her partner,who they all met for the first time,and a great time was had by all.However the Telusian Angie and Steve did of course continue to age,and as I said both passed away in their Eighties,within a few months of each other,leaving behind 5 children and many grand children.

All we robots are still going strong several hundred years later, though we feel that we may within the next 100 years or so that it may be time to switch the old circuits off,and gently retire from the scene,there are many fine young robots ready to carry on our good work,but until then we intend to carry on in the same mischevious way as before. We would therefore like to sign off with a message to you Earth people who are reading this in the early years of the 21st century,just be careful when you go on holiday to Tunisia,those souvenir bangles you bring back may have special effects!!!

THE END (definitely!)