The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Story Title: Angela’s Secret, Johnson’s Desire

Synopsis: Hypnosis reveals that Angela’s secret is Johnson’s desire.


The following is a story of erotic mind control. The standard disclaimers apply: Anyone who disapproves of erotic fiction and/or mind control fiction, or who is under 18 (or whatever the local age of majority is), should not read further. No persons, institutions or situations in this story are intended to represent any actual persons, institutions or situations in real life. The author disavows in advance any responsibility for any attempt to carry out in real life any psychological manipulations suggested by anything depicted herein.

This story is copyrighted and may not be copied, or partially copied under any circumstances.

Angela Hernandez was a beautiul educated Latina. Born into a working class family, she worked relentlessly gain a scholarship to a prestigous university, eventually graduating with an MBA. Her hard work in the cut throat environment of an Ivy league university made her determined to succeed and conquer anyone who stood in her way. She had no time for boyfriends, even though many well groomed men wanted to court her. Although some interested her, she did not want to be some WASP’s spanish ornament. And besides, what aroused her usually didn’t arouse them.

She went to work for a large PR firm after graduating. Her intelligence and hard work helped her rise quickly among the ranks. When hard work didn’t cut it, she knew how to use her looks to gain favor with her superiors and potential clients. She had long flowing black hair and eyes. Her skin was a deep creamy tan. She kept her weight religiously at 115 pounds. Although she was only 5′4″ tall, she wore 4″ high heels to make her look much taller. She usually coupled this with black stockings and a dark short business skirt. Showing her long legs off gave her an extra edge with her superiors. Needless to say, she quickly rose amongst the ranks. In a year was a vice president.

Mr Johnson, the CEO of the company, recongnized her hard work, and her ability to bring new clients to the firm. He also knew she was an opportunist. Using her brains and looks relentlessly, she was a top producer. He promoted her frequently to keep her from being lured by another firm. Of course he also found her sexy as hell. He loved to look at her long stockinged legs. Often times when they both worked late a night, he would stop by her office to talk about potential clients. Crossing her legs she would often dangle her high heel off of her foot. Sometimes, the shoe would fall off of her foot. On somedays she would pick up her shoe and put it back on. On others she would just give Mr. Johnson a full view of her stockinged legs and shoeless foot.

Angela was no fool. She knew Mr. Johnson loved to look at her legs and feet. She would often show them off, hoping to lure him into something inappropriate. Just one false move and she would take him to court, and end up owning his company. She had no such luck though. Mr. Johnson was too smart for that. He was content to look, go home and get off. This disppointed Angela greatly, even though she had an unterior motive, she got very turned on by the attention Mr. Johnson paid to her legs and feet. He was a handsome man in his fifties. He still had a full head of salt and pepper black hair. He kept in good shape, working out three times a week. He was 6′2″, 200 pounds with a solid build. For some reason, he had never married. She knew she would definitely come if his fingers danced across her nyloned legs and feet. She oftened pleasured herself at home thinking about this.

After three years, she was amongst the top three officers in the firm. Mr Johnson knew he could not promote her any higher. She was a candidate for his job when he retired in 10 years. By promoting her so high, so quickly, he had painted her into a corner. No firm would hire such a young woman at such a high position and salary. Angela knew this as well. She also knew that in 10 years, the job would probably go to one of her male counterparts. That was how the old boy network worked. In that time should could probably leave and start her own firm. If Johnson would make her his partner, she would stay, and perhaps let him more than look at her. However, she felt this would never happen. She decided to leave the firm then and take her clients with her.

Half of the firms business went to Angela’s new firm. She hired away several of Mr. Johnson’s best employees by offering substantial raises. Nothing would stop her. She would have the largest PR firm in the city. She had completely outfoxed Mr. Johnson.

Johnson did not take this sitting down. He felt angry and betrayed. She had been well compensated for her hard work. And dammit he missed those stockinged legs and feet.

He needed to find some dirt from her past in order to blackmail her. He did a deep background check. There was nothing to exploit about her. He went through all her records back to high school. She was so possessed to succeed that she had had very few relationships with men. None of her relationships had been long term. A thorough internet search yielded nothing. She had no criminal record. She was squeaky clean. There was nothing.

However, Mr Johnson would not be deterred. He had a private eye go through her trash and follow her 24 hours a day. Still nothing. In the 3 months since she had left the firm more business started leaving Johnson’s firm for Angela’s firm.

He had gotten word from the private eye that Angela was taking a long weekend to visit her parents. He ordered the private eye to break into her home and photograph her tax returns. He also ordered him to take anything else that might be suspicious. The next day, Mr Johnson was presented with photos of the tax returns, other paperwork, and several unmarked video tapes. The tax returns were in perfect order, and the other papers yielded nothing incriminating. Johnson then went to the unmarked video tapes. Perhaps there was something so demented and sick on these tapes that he could force her out of the business. The first three tapes were of Angela on the college debate team. He watched them fully. She was absolutely brilliant, leaving her oppenents often tongue tied. Her answers were smart and eloquent. She won each debate by a large margin.

The fourth tape was sealed, unmarked and unopened. He opened it carefully so it could be re-sealed. He put the tape in and pressed play. A row of chairs appeared on a stage. In the background a banner read “University debate club celebration and dinner”. The camera panned back, a crowd of about 50 formally dressed people sat were sitting at tables. He saw Angela at the front table. She sat cross legged wear a short skirt, black hose and high heels. It was standard dress even for her back then. Of course she was dangling her shoe off of her foot. Suddenly the camera panned on the stage again. A man on the tuxedo came onto the stage holding a microphone.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Doctor Sleepy Hypnotico. Thank you for having me at your party. are we ready to have some fun?”

“Yes!!!", was heard loudly from the crowd

Johnson realized he was watching a dinner and hypnosis show.

“Great well without further adieu, may I have some volunteers.”

The camera panned out. Several people walked up onto the stage. Angela was NOT one of them. He seated the volunteers, man, woman, man, woman, every other. He then set up a spiral on the stage. It was two sided so both the volunteers and the audience could see it. He started the hypnotic induction. He droned on for about 8 minutes, until all the volunteers were slumped over in their chairs. When he finished the induction, someone whistled from the crowd. The camera panned back. Johnson’s eyes widened as he saw Angela slumped over, deeply entranced. Her shoe had fallen off of her foot and was laying on the floor next to her.

Johnson got a hard on seeing this. Dr. Sleepy Hypnotico came off the stage and walked over to Angela. He put his finger on her shoulder.

“The person I am touching, when I snap my fingers, you will open your eyes and walk onto the stage. You will take the seat on the end.”

He snapped his fingers. Angela slowly roused from her hypnotic trance. Looking like a zombie, she stood up and began walking to the stage. She walked with a limp from only having one shoe on. The crowd chuckled at this. This was quickly rectified when her shoe fell off as she walked up the stairs. She seemed not to care, not to have any control. She sat down in the chair. Dr. Sleepy Hypnotico stood in front of her.

“SLEEP!” he yelled at her. She slumped over again into a deep hypnotic trance. She looked profoundly asleep, but her sub-concious was open to any command given to it.

For the next hour, Johnson watched Angela Hernandez do things completely out of her character and control. She had been made to prance around the stage in her stocking feet acting like a female rock star, she was made to forget letters out of the alphabet, when he suggested the room was getting hot, Angela started to unbutton her blouse. The Hypnotist quickly put her out before she could expose herself. It was a G rated hypnosis show after all. At the end of the show her had her sit back down at the table. She woke up remembering nothing, denying she had been hypnotized, but was cuious about how one of her shoes ended up by the stage.

Johnson had found Angela’s weakness. He planned to fully exploit it. He made two copies of the video tape. One for an entertainment company that employed a master hypnotist, and another for his own personal use at home. He had the private eye bring the things back and replace them in her home. He then called the owner of an entertainment company he represented. They were his most loyal client. The owner and himself were good friends since childhood. He knew about all of Johnson’s recent troubles and was willing to help him.

Johnson visited the entertinment company the next day. He was met by the owner, Mr. Aria, and the hypnotist he employed. They watched the videotape together. The hypnotist informed him that Angela Hernandez was exremely susceptible to hypnosis and was a somnabulist. She would enter a deep trance and be open to all suggestions. She would be no match for his hypnotic techniques. Her mind would be like a dry sponge ready to soak up anything he suggested. They devised a plan to get Angela into the entertainment company’s office and ultimately under their control.

When Angela returned to work from her long weekend, she was suprised to have received a voicemail from Mr. Aria. He was interested in seeing how Angela’s firm could help promote his company. His business was off a little and he was convinced that Mr. Johnson just could not cut it anymore. Angela was ecstatic. Mr. Aria was Johnson’s flagship client. He was the biggest entertainment promoter in the city. If she could win his business, she would have the biggest PR firm in the city.

She didn’t know too much about Aria, Johnson personally attended to this account, and never let her see the files on it. Unfortunately, she would not have anytime to research his firm as he wanted to see her today. She would have to bring a generic sales presentation and of course her long stockinged legs. She checked herself in the full length mirror she kept in her office. She looked perfect in her black pantyhose and high heels. He skirt was short, but just long enough to look professional. She wore a stylish blue blouse and black blazer. She was ready.... ready for more than she knew.

She dialed Aria’s number. She introduced herself to the secretary and was immediately connected to Aria. His schedule was free this morning and he wanted to see her immediately. She wished she had had some time to prepare, but the opportunity was presenting itself. She agreed to come to his office immediately.

Angela arrived at Aria’s office half an hour later. She waited in the lobby for not more that five minutes when Aria came out and greeted her. He was a slight man of Spanish descent. He escorted her from the lobby, down the hall and into a recording studio. The walls were covered with sound proof tiling. Several cameras and recording equipment were in the room. As well, there was a long leather couch, a TV and VCR. Unbeknownst to Angela, one camera was turned on, and aimed directly at the couch. He extended his hand, motioning her to sit down. She did, slightly suprised they were not going to a presentation room.

“Before you start with your presentation, I want you to become familiar with some of the local talent I represent. I want you to watch a few performances. The TV just happens to be in our recording studio, that’s why we came here first. We use the studio to create radio and TV promos here. Once your done here, you can add your thoughts on how you think you can promote them. ”

“Of course, I think that would be a excellent idea.", she replied feeling more at ease with where she was.

“The first tape is of a local comedian”, he said as he popped in the first video tape. Aria sat down an appropriate distance from her on the couch. The comedian was quite funny, and Angela laughed often at his material. By the end of the tape she was more at ease and comfortable. She notice Aria, sitting back on the couch and so did she.

Aria rose and said, “Sit back and watch this second tape by yourself. I have a short meeting to go to. Is that ok with you?”

“Certainly”, she replied, sitting comfortably on the couch.

He pressed play and left the room, closing the room behind him.

The TV came to life. Angela saw a brick wall with the letters Local City Comedy Theatre written on it. People were sitting in a row in the stage. There was a spiral in front of them. A well dressed man turned the spiral on. It was then she realized that she was watching a hypnotist. She had been to a show in college. Someone had given her a tape of the show, telling her she had been hypnotized. Her college friends had a warped sense of humor. She never watched the tape, why bother, surely she hadn’t been hypnotized. Although she did never figure out how she lost her shoe that night.

She watched intently, looking at the volunteers, but her gaze kept being drawn back to the spiral.

“Everyone focus on the spiral! Breath deeply and slowly in and out. Everytime you breath out you become more relaxed. Feel your muscles relaxing. Feel the tension leaving your body.”

Angela focused on the spiral sub-conciously. she didn’t notice her breathing had slowed down. She was fascinated that these people would fall into a trance in just a few minutes.

“Feel yourself sinking into your seat, you are relaxing deeper. Breath slowly. Feel all your muscles relax as you breath.”

Angela felt herself sinking deeper in the leather couch. It was so comfortable. She took and long breath and exhaled deeply.

“Focus on your toes, feel them relax, going loose and limp. Feel this relaxation moving into your knees and ankles. Getting so relaxed. Feel your thighs relax. Your legs are getting heavy. Heavy and limp. So relaxed.”

Angela uncrossed her legs. Her legs felt rubbery. Wearing high heels made her legs feel tired sometimes. She wanted to take her shoes off, but didn’t dare, it wouldn’t look good if Mr. Aria returned.

“Feel, your fingers relax now, feel your wrists and elbows going limp. You arms are getting so heavy now. So loose and limp.”

Angela felt herself sink deeper. She was getting so relaxed sitting on this comfortable couch. Her arms hung limply. She momentarily took her eyes off the spiral and noticed how glassy eyed the volunteers looked.

“Keep focusing on the Spiral, let your stomach relax. Feel your shoulders and neck relax. Your whole body is limp now. You feel so peaceful and relaxed. Breathing so deeply and slowly. Still relaxing deeper with each breath”

Her attention immedaitely returned to the spiral. Her body felt like a bowl of jelly. Her breathing was deep and slow. Her right ankle turned to the side causing her foot partially come out of her shoe. She did not notice. Her focus was only on the spiral and the hypnotist’s voice.

“Now focus deeper on the spiral. The spinning makes your eyes heavy. You can only watch it for a short while before your eyes close and you fall into a deep relaxing sleep. Ten—feel your eyes getting heavier and heavier.”

Angela immediately felt her eyes grow tired.

“Nine—Eyes blinking getting tired”

Angela’s eyes blinked quickly once and then slowly. She managed to keep them all the way up.

“Eight—Your eyes have lead weights attached to them”

Her eyes closed a quarter of the way.

“Seven—So sleepy now”

Out of the corner of her eye she saw one volunteer’s head fall forward. Angela’s head tilted to one side slightly.

“Six—Eyes heavier and heavier now”

Angela closed her eyes momentarily, but somehow managed to open them again.

“Five—feel those lead weights pulling your eyes closed.”

She noticed two more volunteer’s slump over. She herself rested the back of her head on the back of the couch. He eyes were half way closed.

“Four—So Sleepy now”

Her vision momentarily became blurry. She summoned what little will she had and continued to focus.

“Three—you can’t fight it anymore, you eyes are too heavy to keep open.”

He head tilted 45 degrees. A flowing lock of her hair fell over her face, partially obstructing her view.

“Two—welcoming this peaceful relaxing sleep, your eyes so heavy”

Angela’s jaw went slack, her mouth wide open. Her eyes were just slits now.

“One—SLEEP”, the hypnotist shouted quickly and firmly.

Angela’s eyes closed as she fell over to one side of the couch. The shoe that was partially off, had now fallen completely off of her foot. Her arm was draped over the side of the couch. Her hair fully covered her face. She lay there limp as a rag doll.

“You are completely completely relaxed. Let your conscious mind sleep. Let your sub-concious mind listen to my words. You simply want sleep and to let your sub-concious mind listen. You are going deeper asleep now, deeper asleep. You concious mind sleeping, deeper.........”

Angela lay there, eyes closed, she heard the hypnotist’s voice. It grew more and more distant until she could not hear the words. A voice was in the background, and then she fell into a deep trance. Her sub-concious mind listening only. Conciously, she was not aware.

In the adjoining room Aria, Johnson and the Hypnotist watched intently via the camera that was on in the room. As soon as Angela slumped over in the chair, they quietly entered the room. Aria went to the VCR and pressed the stop button.

The hypnotist began to speak, “Angela you are deeply asleep. Picture yourself on a warm beach. You are laying in the sand. The warm sun is above you. Feel the warmth of the sun.”

Angela’s sub-concious openly listened and absorbed the hypnotist’s suggestion. She saw herself on the beach, feeling the warm sun.

“Feel how relaxing the warmth is. You relax deeper and deeper. You whole body heavy and limp. Feel the warmth flowing through your body. You are going into the deepest state of relaxation possible.”

Angela could feel the warmth flowing through her. She entered a somnambulistic trance. He eyelids fluttered rapidly. She was open to any suggestion.

“Now Angela, you like the deep state you are in. Whenever you here the word Sleep said to you firmly, you will go limp and go right back into this state of relaxation. Now the next voice you hear will have full control of you. You will obey all his suggestions.", the hypnotist turned and looked at Johnson.

Quickly, Aria and the hypnotist left the room. Johnson had read several books over the weekend, and felt comfortable having Angela here with him this way alone. Johnson walked over the camera and turned it off. He then locked the door. He wanted some private time with Angela. He walked back over to the couch.

“Think Angela, tell me what gets you so aroused, that just the thought of it being done to you gets you hot? Tell me why it makes you so hot”

In almost a whisper she answered, “I fantasize about being tied up and having my stockinged feet and legs touched and tickled. I love the thought of fighting to control myself from laughing. Fighting so hard, but eventually giving in. Ohhhhhh it makes me so hot.”

As Johnson heard this, his heart began to pound quickly in his chest. Angela’s secret was Johnson’s desire. He had fantasized about doing this very thing with her several times while she worked for him. He was going to fulfill both their fantasies now, while also showing her that he had complete control of her mind. He would break her down and make her like it. Johnson felt a stiffness in his pants at the very thought.

“Now Angela, turnover and lay flat on your back, on the couch. It is so much more comfortable and relaxing this way.”

She slowly turned over, still deeply entranced, eyes closed, and laid flat on her back.

“Now put your hands over your head”

She Did so.

“Now Angela, your wrists and ankles are tightly bound now. Feel the binds being tied to them. They are tight and snug and you can’t move, no matter how hard you try. Go ahead try now.”

Angela began to tense lightly, but could not move her arms or legs. She then tried harder, to no avail.

“You can stop now Angela.”

She did so.

“Now Angela, when I say the word ‘ticklish’ you will get very turned on and aroused. The more I say it, the more aroused you become. Ticklish”

“uh!", she gasped as her hips moved slightly up and down.

“Very good Angela, Now I will count to three and snap my fingers. You will awaken and remember nothing. However, the commands I have just given you will still be carried out be your sub-concious.”


“Two—more alert”

Angela started to rouse.

“Three—Wide Awake!”

Angela slowly roused, her eyes opening slowly. She looked around bewildered for a moment, like a person who wakes up not knowing where they are. A look of shock came over her face when she realized Johnson was standing over her.

“What? uh—What’s going on here? How did you get here?", she managed

“No, the better question is How did you get here?”

Angela gathered her wits quickly (or so she thought), “Well, for you information, Mr Aria called me down here for a presentation.”

“Oh really, well this doesn’t look like a very professional demonstration. You there laying on his leather couch, with one shoe on and one shoe off.”

This confused Angela. She looked on the floor and saw her shoe. She tried to move hand to grab it, but could not. She tried to sit up, but with no avail.

“What’s going on here?!? What have you done to me? Untie me now!”

“You’re not tied up. Do you see any ropes or bindings?”

Angela looked forward at her legs. They were indeed not tied. She tried with all her might to rise up, but could not.

“You’ve drugged me!! Haven’t you?!?!", she screamed.

“No, Angela I haven’t done a thing to you. What were you doing in here anyway?”

“I was watching a video of a hypnosis show and then..... Hypnosis.... Hahaha.... don’t try to insinuate that I have been hypnotized. I am far to smart for that.”

“On the contrary, it is intelligent people who are the most receptive to it. And while you were in dreamland, I probed your mind for a little secret. And you told me everything I wanted to know.", he snickered

“This is all nonsense. I have no secrets!!!”

“Oh, you have such a pretty nyloned foot here. I wonder if it ticklish.”

Angela for a surge of heat between her legs and her hips moved side to side. She quickly managed to regain her composure.

“No... no, my feet are not ticklish.", she said unconvincingly

“Well, let me see for myself”, a sinister grin on his face. He began to walk to the end of the couch where Angela’s feet were.

Knowing what was about to happen, she threw all her energy into trying to move. Her torso and chest moved, but hers arms and legs were firmly glued to the couch. She could not get away

Johnson came to the end of the couch. Using his fingers, he gently tickled her unprotected stockinged sole. His nails danced light over her nylon covered feet, enough to get her aroused, but not enough where she couldn’t fight it. Angela bit her lip trying to keep from smiling. But after a few seconds a smile moved across her face. She was holding up so far, but noticed a bit of wetness between her legs.

“See... see, it’ss I’mm not ticklish”, she stammered as he continued. She shook her head slightly from side to side. Her hips thrust slightly up and down in response to the intense arousal she was feeling.

“I think you are ticklish”

“ohhhh...” she moaned slightly. Another wave of heat and arousal hit Angela, as her hips thrust spasmically up and down. She managed again to regain control of herself. Her panties were getting extremely wet.

Johnson looked over at the foot that still had shoe. “I have found that women’s feet are very sensitive right after you take the shoe off.”

Her eyes widened, as if in shock. She frantically tried to get up. She frantically shook her body side to side and then up and down. It was no use however. Her subconcious had been so open to the post-hypnotic suggestions, that she was completely tethered by her imaginary bonds.

Johnson placed his finger on the tip of her shoe. He traced his finger along the top of her foot. As he reached her ankle, he let his finger dance up her legs all the way to her knee. She bit her lip again fighting a smile. He was gettnig thorougly excited seeing taunting her in this manner. He moved his and placed it on the stem of her shoe. He slowly tugged at it. Angela was able to curl her toe, forcing her shoe to stay on. She was panicked now.

“HELLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPP”, she screamed at the top of her lungs, “HELLLLLLLPPPPPP!!!!!!”

“This room is sound proof. No one can hear you. No one can help you. If only you’d stayed with me Angela. This is what happens to people who betray me. I always have the last word.”

“HELLLLLLLLPPPPPPPP!!!!! HELLLLLLPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!", she screamed again.

“All this screaming because you are ticklish?”

Another powerful wave of arousal hit Angela. This made Angela stop screaming. She did not understand why she was getting so excited. But she arched her hips high in the air, her body involuntarily trying to prolong the immense pleasure she was feeling. After a few seconds, her hips collapsed back into the couch.

He once again tugged on the stem of her shoe. She curled he toe again fighting. Johnson tugged harder and managed to force her heel out of the shoe. With his other hand, he tickled the bottom of her heel.

“Hahahaha,” She laughed, her foot relaxing, letting Johnson remove it. He dropped her shoe on the floor and with all ten fingers began to tickle the bottom of her newly exposed foot. “HHHAAAAA HHAAAAA OOHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHA! HHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! HEHEHEHEHEH HAAAAAAAA!!! OHHHHHHHH HHHAAAAAAA!!!!”

He moved one hand to the other foot, tickling both feet now. Angela screamed with laughter. Instinctively she tried to pull her feet away, but was powerless to do so. Strangely this this aroused her. Even though she was being forced against her will and controlled, she began to like it.

He continued to tickle her feet,” You are so ticklish”

“OhhHHHhh, hahahahaa, OHhhhh, HAHAHAA”, She arched her back in the air, as if her pussy were on fire. He panties were fully soaked, dripping wet..

Johnson now tickled her soles mercilessly for at least two minutes. She was pumping her hips up and down. Hysterical laughter shreeked from her lungs and then slowly turned to panting as she was finally tickled into exhaustion. Johnson stopped, letting her catch her breath.

Angela lay there saying nothing. Any resistance was futile. She waited, and secretly welcomed what ever Johnson would do next. Johnson slowly began to tickle her left sole. Angela began to giggle again. Her grabbed her right foot, bent over and began to suck on her toes.

“ohhh OHHHH hahaha OHHHHHHHH”, Johnson mouth and tongued on her toes bought her to a new level of arousal. She violently shook up and down, chasing her elusive orgasm. “OhhhhhHHHH Hahahah hehehe Ohhhhhh.”

“Ticklish”, he said through a muffled voice.

“OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", she was so close now.

Johnson started running the tip of his tongue down the arch of her.


He did this repeatedly, getting very turned on turned on about how ticklish her feet were. He removed his tongue, and resumed tickling both feet slowly and lightly. This kept her giggling but did not bring her to a state of exhaustion.






“oh oh oh OH OH OH OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!", she screamed as her body convulsed into orgasm. She moved side to side, up and down. A long intense wave of heat moved through her body. Never before had she experienced such a long intense climax, “Oh my GOD!!! OH GOD!!!!”

Johnson stood above her, smiling. He felt so powerful being able to control her in this manner. She stared back disoriented.


Angela’s head fell to one side. The hypnotic sleep instantly enveloping her. He concious mind asleep. Her sub-concious once again the open, absorbing sponge.

“Angela, you are very aroused and want to come again. You want me to put my cock inside of you.”

“Oh Yes”, she replied, “Put your cock in me and tickle my feet.”

Johnson bent over and pulled down her panties and stocking tops to her mid thighs. His fingers were drenched with her, just by handling her panties momentarily.

“Now Angela, Your legs are no longer restrained. But your arms are still tightly bound.”

Johnson dropped undid he pants and let them frop to his ankles. He pulled down his underwear. His cock stood erect, at least seven inches long.

“I will awaken you now Angela, One, Two, Three—AWAKE”, she snapped his fingers

Angela awoken disoriented. She saw Johnson standing there, literally. She said nothing. Johnson grabbed her ankles and pointed her legs straight in the air. He opened her legs. kneeling down on the couch, he put the tip of his cock on her pussy. Slowly he pentrated her.

“OWWW”, she said though clenched teeth. Angela hadn’t been with a man in sometime. It hurt going in. Johnson pushed it in all the way, “AHHHHH, OWWWW!!!”

Johnson cupped his palms on the heels of her feet, keeping her legs straight up in the air. His fingers were touching the arches of her feet. He slowly began to tickle her arches.

“Ahhh HEHEHEHEHEHE HAHAHAHAHAH.", She hips frantically moved up and down.


Angela’s head fell to the side. She went back into trance with Johnson’s cock inside her.

“Angela, enjoy your pleasure. go slow. Very slow. I will control the pace. You will follow. You will have the most intense orgasm you have ever had when I come. One, Two, Three—AWAKE”

She open her eyes, a little disoriented again. Johnson started tickling her feet lightly again.

“HEHEHE... OHHHH”, she began to move her hips slowly and rhythmically, in pace with Johnson’s slow up and down motion.

Her pussy was so tight, grabbing at his cock. His eyes momentarily rolled up in the back of his head. He felt his cock get longer and harder inside of her. He kept his fingers moving on her arches. She kept moving slowly up and down, giggling and moaning. Johnson began to take longer pumps, plunging her cock deeper inside of her.


Johnson started to pump faster, and tickled her feet still lightly but faster.


Johnson pounded his cock inside her, slamming her. He dugs his fingers into her feet and came intensly, erupting inside of her. She came simultaneusly with him. A wave of fiery pleasure enveloped her. Never before had she felt this with any man. Their shrieks and moans mingled together, almost eerily.

He collapsed on top of her. His head lay on her chest and he could hear her heart racing. Johnson had planned on destroying her today. But instead had a change of heart.

“Let’s be partners.", he muttered.

“If that was the signing bonus, then I’m in.", she replied girlishly.

And with that, they both drifted off to sleep, thinking about all the hypnosis, tickling and hot sex that was sure to come.