The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

April’s Foolish Day

April O’Neill hadn’t meant to be running late but it just sort of happened but then this wasn’t the first time that this sort of thing just sort of happened.

She’d raced out of her apartment when she’d realized that she’d forgotten her cell phone. That meant she had to dig her keys out of the purse and then it was back into the apartment and then she was back on her way out again.

Oh but damn, couldn’t go out without her bluetooth so it was back in again.

So now she was ready, she told herself.

Or at least she hoped she was, she thought as she stood at the elevator shifting her weight from one foot to the other and back again.

She pushed the call button even though the button was already lit. Hurry, she silently urged the elevator. Come on.

The elevator apparently didn’t care about how late she was or maybe it just didn’t like her but whatever the reason was, the elevator was taking it’s own sweet time to answer her call.

But finally, it came and April rushed on board and she mashed the button down for a trip to the lobby.

Of course, on this day of all days when she was running so late, it wasn’t like the car could go right to the lobby because it had to make one stop and pick some guy up from the floor below before an anxious April made it to the lobby.

Oh man, she thought. She was going to be so late. She’d already missed the first two buses but at least if she could make it to the bus stop in time, maybe she could get the last one and then maybe she’d only be a little late.

The bus was just getting ready to pull away from the curb when the driver saw April running up to the bus and he opened the doors to let her on board.

“Thanks,” she said gratefully.

The driver nodded. “You’re lucky,” he growled. “The next guy might not stop.”

April nodded but the truth was, she’d made it. All of her troubles were over, or at least that’s what she thought.

The bus was packed and she was going to stand the petite brunette thought, that is unless some nice guy was going to let her have his seat. She looked around hopefully but no one seemed ready to offer her his seat. Chivalry, she thought. Chivalry was definitely dead.

“Hey, watch it,” someone said.

“What?” she said absently and then she realized she’d almost hit the man with her purse. “Oh sorry.”

“Yeah, just watch it.”

“Uh huh,” she said although truth be told if the man had let her have his seat, he wouldn’t have had to worry about her purse.

“You mind if I make an observation,” said the man standing behind her.

It took April a moment to realize that the man was talking to her. “What?” the harried girl said.

“You should be nicer to other people,” the man said.

April could feel the hackles going up. “What did you just say?” she asked.

“You heard me,” the man said.

“Now listen to me, Mister,” April said. “I don’t know where you come off thinking you can talk to me like that but I don’t see as how it’s any of your business.”

“You’re right. It’s none of my business. I was just making an observation.”

April wasn’t sure why but even though the man had just agreed with her, it hardly sounded all that satisfactory to her.

“Do you mind if I make a suggestion?” the man asked.

“Yes,” an annoyed April said.

“Too bad. I’m going to make it anyway. You need to learn to be a little bit more considerate of others.”

April was about to object when the man held up a finger to stop her and suddenly she found herself incapable of speaking.

Suddenly, the man seemed to pause as if he were thinking about what he was about to say. “You know,” he said, “I was going to tell you what’s about to happen to you but you’d just accept whatever I said anyway and I think it would be more fun if you figured it out for yourself,” the man said.

What the hell was he talking about, April wondered.

“But I think there are some changes that should be made if you’re going to learn your lesson.”

What changes? What lesson?

“I’d tell you to enjoy yourself but that’s not really the point, is it. For the rest of the day. That’s all.”

April was going to tell the man what she thought of him but at just that moment, the bus driver was bringing the bus over to the curb for its next stop and at that moment, April had to grip the bar she was holding just a little tighter as the bus came to the curb. The driver really should watch where he was going a little bit better, April thought.

And then her attention was back again on the man but already, he was moving towards the back of the bus and towards the exit. “Hey,” she called out. “Hey.”

If he heard her, he took no notice of her because he kept moving towards the exit. Stupid guy, April thought. She would have given him a piece of her mind so maybe it was a good thing that he’d left when he did.

It wasn’t long before April’s stop was coming up and she moved toward the exit but her oversized purse accidentally bumped into a seated man’s head as she passed on by. “Hey, watch it,” the man grumbled.

“Sorry,” April said as she hugged her purse tighter. She wasn’t really all that sorry but it just seemed like the right thing to say and then she was off of the bus.

It wasn’t a long walk from the bus stop to her place of employment and in fact usually, April found it rather enjoyable. There was something about the bustle of the crowds, not that she didn’t long for the day when she was above the crowds, but there was just something about being one of the many that April found oddly exhilarating except ...

Except that on this day for whatever reason, something seemed different. It was almost as if ...

It was almost as if everyone was watching her.

Yeah right, she thought with a smile. She was just one of the crowd and yet ...

And yet, she couldn’t seem to shake the feeling that she wasn’t just one of the crowd and more than that, she couldn’t seem to shake the feeling that she liked what she was feeling.

“Good morning, Miss O’Neill,” said the receptionist as April walked into the lobby.

Normally, April would have walked right past the girl but on this day, she stopped if only for a moment. “Good morning, Christine,” she said.

The receptionist seemed almost as surprised as April was that April had stopped to talk to her. “I hope you enjoy your day,” the girl said blandly.

“I hope so, too,” April agreed and she moved on past the girl and into the car of a waiting elevator.

She ran the day’s activities over in her mind as she took the elevator to the third floor.

She had a meeting with Bill Bergman that she was, oh my God, she was almost late already for that. And then there was the design team meeting at ten. That would be a total bore. Okay at eleven, she could actually sit down at her computer and maybe she could get some work done and then in the afternoon, she had a two o’clock with the new client. Great. Just another day, she told herself.

She went straight to her office and she put the laptop on the docking station and as soon as it came up, she knew already that she was late for the meeting with Bill but really, it couldn’t be helped. She grabbed a pad and she headed off to Bill’s office and she knocked on Bill’s door.

Bill was an older man meaning that around the office where April worked, Bill was older than 35 but Bill wasn’t only old but he looked old. He was bald for one thing and he wore a coat and tie for another and it wasn’t even like it was a stylish coat or tie. It was almost as if Bill wanted people to know that he was old or maybe it was just that he didn’t just care. April wasn’t sure which one it was.

“Sorry I’m late,” April said.

“Are you really?” Bill grumbled.

“I said I was,” April said. She’d meant to say it more as a defensive retort to put Bill in his place but somehow when it came out, it didn’t quite sound that way to her ears.

“Yeah well,” the man grudgingly allowed, “don’t let it happen again.”

“I won’t.” April assured him and she was sure she wouldn’t.

“Should we get down to business then?”

“Sure,” the girl said.

For the next half hour, April and Bill went over the impending marketing campaign and by the time the meeting was done, April had a series of tasks she needed to perform. It was strange, she thought, but by the time the meeting was over, somehow, it seemed as if she had most of the tasks that needed to be done and all of the ones that were going to take any amount of time or effort.

It was weird. She almost never got stuck taking the lion’s share of the work but it had happened this time.

She plopped herself down in her office. Finally, she told herself. Finally, she could relax.

But almost as soon as she’d gotten there, there was someone knocking at the door to her cube. “Hey, April,” the man said.

Oh geez. Howard. He was such a geek but even if he was a geek, you couldn’t say anything. Still ...

“Hey, Howard. What’s up?”

“I was wondering if you could do me a favor.”

April gritted her teeth. This was what happened when you were nice to geeks and before you knew it, they were starting to think you were their friends or something and then it was like they wanted to come around asking for favors. “What is it?” she asked.



“You don’t have to sound so mean about it.”

“I wasn’t being mean.”

“Not yet you weren’t but it was the way you said it.”

“I wasn’t being mean,” April said again. “Come on. I really want to know what the favor is.” God, the girl thought. She almost sounded like she meant it, only ... she shook her head ... it was weird, but she almost did think she meant it.

Howard shook his head. “Forget it. Maybe later,” he said.

“Okey dokey.”

It should have ended there only April had the feeling that something was wrong. She wasn’t sure what it was only it seemed as if she should maybe have been a little more considerate to what Howard wanted and before she knew it, she was calling him back into her office. “Howard, please. I want to know what I can do to help.”

Howard eased his way back into April’s office almost as if he were expecting something bad to happen. “It’s about the schedules,” he said.

“What about them?”

“I don’t think there’s any way we’re going to be able to make them.”

“Why not?”

“We’ve got some schedule slippage and the software developers are running into more bugs than they anticipated. I think we’re already a week late as it is.”

No, no, no. That was the last thing that she wanted to hear. She’d already promised the old man that she was going to get the project back on schedule. Well, she’d just have to push Howard, tell him that he and his team were going to have to work longer and harder to get the job done.

But that wouldn’t be very considerate, April told herself.

April shook her head. What was she thinking. “I think you and your team is going to have to work late to get us back on schedule,” she said.

“But my wife. My baby. She needs me there now that Michael’s been born.”

That’s right, April thought. Now that she was thinking about it, she couldn’t help but remember that there had been something about a baby shower for Howard or something but she couldn’t see how that was any of her concern.

No, she should be more considerate, she found herself saying to herself.

But, but ...

“Is there anything I can do to help?” April asked.

Howard seemed just as surprised as April had that she’d said what she’d said. “I don’t know,” he said reluctantly. “The teams are working as fast as they can now.”

“Hmm. Isn’t there something I can do for you?” April asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Howard, how are things going at home?”

“Going at home?”

“Yeah. You know. How are things going? You sound kind of rushed.”

“I’m not rushed.”

“Harried, maybe.”

“I’m not harried.”

Yeah right. He didn’t really expect her to believe that, she thought. “I don’t know,” April said. “You sound harried to me.”

“Well, I’m not.”

“Howard, why don’t you come in and have a seat.”


“Because I want to talk to you.”


“Because I want to make sure everything’s okay with you.”

“Everything’s fine.”

“Come on, then. Please, I want you to come in.” God, would you listen to her, April thought. If one didn’t know better, they might actually think she actually meant it. “Please.”

“Well okay.”

It was important, April thought. It was important to put Howard’s mind at rest. “Are you sure everything’s okay?” she asked again.

“I told you. Everything’s fine.”

“You seem a little uneasy. I think it’s because of the hours you need to work.”

“I told you—”

“I know. I know. You have a new baby at home but maybe I can put your mind at ease about the hours you need to work.”


April got up and she came around her desk. She needed to give this man something, she told herself. After all, it was only fair if she expected him to give her something back. “Do you like my body?” she asked as she sat on the edge of her desk.


“I was asking if you liked my body. I could see you looking at me as you sat there and I couldn’t help but wonder.”

“It’s um, it’s okay.”

“Just okay?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Maybe you need to see more,” April said and then in the next instant, she was starting to unbutton her blouse.

“Miss O’Neill!”


“I don’t think you should be doing this.”

“Why not? I’m just showing you my breasts. You do like my breasts, don’t you?”

“Well, um, well yeah.”

“I think it’s more than like. I’ve seen the way you look at them.”

Howard didn’t say anything.

“Maybe you’d like a closer look at them.”

Howard still didn’t say anything but then Howard didn’t have to say anything because April was getting up off the desk and then she was bending over the man and she was pressing her breasts against his face.

“What do you think? Don’t you like them?”

An understandably dazed Howard just sat where he was as April continued to press her breasts against his face.

“Just imagine, Howard. The more time we spend together, the more time you can spend with my breasts. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”


“So if I asked you to work late, you wouldn’t mind doing that, would you?”


“That’s just what I wanted to hear, Howard.”

It wasn’t long after Howard left her office that April finally realized what she’d done. What the hell, she berated herself. Why the hell had she done that?

It wasn’t her fault. She was only trying to be considerate.

By showing off her tits? That was crazy.

Maybe so but it had worked, hadn’t it?

April couldn’t help but shake her head at that. That wasn’t the point, she told herself. Fortunately for her, she didn’t have all that long before Jenny stopped by her office. “Hey, April, where were you. We missed you at the meeting.”

Oh fuck, April thought. The design team meeting. She’d forgotten all about it but she’d been so tied up with Howard. “What happened at the meeting, Jenny?”

“Don was kind of pissed off that you didn’t show but then he decided that if you weren’t going to show up, we might as well give all the action items to you.”

“Okay.” No wait. That wasn’t the right answer, April told herself but she’d said it nonetheless. Why the hell had she said that?

“You’re okay with that?” Jenny asked.

“Sure,” a bewildered April said. “I love to work and I love to do the shit that no one else will do.” Why the hell had she just said that!

“Well good,” Jenny said. “I guess someone’s got to to do it, but Don’s going to be pissed if you don’t get it done.”

“I’ll get it done.”

“You better.”

April couldn’t help but sigh. Like it or not, it appeared she now had some work to do and since it was obvious no one was going to cut her any slack, it seemed as if there was no time like the present to get to it.

She was still working on it when lunch time rolled around and even after others had gone to lunch, she was still working on it. It wouldn’t be considerate to leave this work left unfinished, she told herself.

It was almost 1:00 when she finally sat back in her chair and she ran a hand across the back of her neck. Man, she hadn’t realized how much there was to be done but it felt good finally getting the job done.

She needed lunch. She’d just grab a salad somewhere and then she’d come right back because there was still work to do and it wouldn’t be considerate to leave her work around for others to do.

Christine looked up as April walked into the lobby. “Good afternoon, Miss O’Neill,” the girl said in a bored voice.

“Good afternoon, Christine.”

Again the receptionist seemed surprised that April had remembered her name. “Going out, Miss O’Neill?”

“Just going out for a bite to eat. It seems I worked my way through lunch.”

“Have a good lunch, Miss O’Neill.”

“I will.”

It wasn’t long before April was back again with her salad in a little plastic box. It didn’t seem right for her to be out eating when she everyone else was working and besides, if she ate at her desk, that meant she could get even more work done.

“Hey, Miss O’Neill. Back again so soon?”

“Work’s never done, you know.” April seemed to be about to pass on through the lobby when she stopped. “Do you mind if I ask you a question, Christine?”

“What is it, Miss O’Neill?”

“I haven’t seen you at any of the company functions with a husband or a boyfriend. Do you have a husband or a boyfriend?”

The receptionist stiffened a bit at the question. “I don’t see as how that’s any of your business, Miss O’Neill.”

“You’re right,” April said. “I’m sorry I brought it up,” and with that, April hurried on into the building but all the while it seemed that Christine’s response had just confirmed what she’d already been hearing.

On the way back to her office, she found the copier guy was back working on the copier. That was hardly surprising. The copier was old and there were some who suggested that they replace the copier with a new one.

She hadn’t been the one to make the final decision but April was one of the one’s who’d taken the alternative point of view. Their service contract was so good that it pretty much meant that the service company had to keep sending guys out there to fix it whenever they needed it. As long as they got service like that, why not wait until the contract ran out and then replace it then.

April sat in her office and she took the first bite of her salad. Back to work, she told herself.

Fifteen minutes later, the salad was mostly gone and for the most part, April was deep into her work only ...

Only something was bothering her.

April used her fork to drag a piece of lettuce through the dregs of the dressing. What was bothering her, she wondered.

It wasn’t fair, she told herself.

What wasn’t fair?

It wasn’t fair what they were doing with that service contract. Having a guy keep coming out over and over again.

It wasn’t her contract, she countered. If the service company had wanted it differently, they should have written the contract better.

It still wasn’t fair and it wasn’t very considerate either.

It was that last part that really got to her. She really should be more considerate, she told herself.

That was what was bothering her, April told herself. It wasn’t very considerate.

But it wasn’t her contract.

It still wasn’t very considerate.

She got up and she walked to the door of her office and then she walked down the hall to where the copier guy was. “How’s it going?” she asked.

“Almost done,” he said.

“We seem to have you guys out here a lot.”

“Yeah, it’s this make of copier.”

“What’s wrong with it?”

“It’s a piece of ... it’s not very good.”

“You seem to be able to handle it.”

“It’s my job.”

“I was wondering if you could help me with something.”

“Help you with something?”

“It’ll only take a minute if you’d come with me to my office.”

The man straightened up and he wiped his hands on a rag. “Sure,” he said. “Why not. I’ll come with you.”

The repairman followed April to her office. “So what can I do for you?” he asked.

“Actually, I was thinking about what I could do for you.”


“What’s your name?” April cooed.

“It’s Doug. Why?”

“Well, Doug, you come here a lot to take care of what we need. I think it’s time someone took care of you.”

“I don’t understand.”

April dropped to her knees. It all seemed so obvious to her. She needed to be more considerate of others. Her hands worked at the front of Doug’s pants.

“What are you doing?” the startled repairman asked.

April didn’t bother to answer and besides as her hands eased Doug’s cock out of his pants, it became quite clear what she was doing. “I like this,” she said.

“What are you doing?”

“Mmm,” April moaned and then her lips opened so that she could slide them around the man’s shaft.

“Fuck,” the man groaned.

Mmm, this was so right, April thought. This was so right to suck on this cock.

“Fuck,” the man groaned and then he groaned yet again.

He was cumming. Oh my God. He was cumming. Oh my God. She loved it. He was cumming in her mouth and she swallowed him down only to receive even more of his seed.

“Fuck,” Doug groaned yet again.

It was so right, April told herself. It was so right to be as considerate as she was being.


His cock was beginning to subside and with it went April’s desire to suck. What the hell had she just done, she asked herself. What the hell had she done.

“Damn that was good,” Doug was saying. “I never expected anything like that but I’ll tell you this. You want my help, all you have to do is ask.”

“Shut up.”


“I said shut up.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I said shut up. I’m not going to be asking you for anything ... ever. Now, get out of here.”

“Sure. Whatever,” Doug said and he picked up his tools and he left.

What the hell had she just done, April wondered. She could still taste the cum in her mouth and it was so gross and yet the truth was she was the one who’d done it. No one else had done this to her. She’d done this to herself and it was so gross.

She’d gone to the bathroom to wash her mouth out and then finally she was back at her desk again. Put your mind to your work, she told herself. Put your mind to your work and you can put this whole sordid affair behind you.

As the afternoon wore on, April slowed a bit. It wasn’t so much that she was tiring of her work as it was that she needed a break and what better place to get a break than in the break room.

She filled her mug with coffee and she took a sip.

That was good, she told herself. only ...

Only what?

Only there was something else. April looked at the mug in her hand. Something was missing but what.

She needed to be more considerate, she told herself. She needed to be more considerate of others but who.

She poured the coffee out into the sink. There was someone, she told herself. There was someone who needed her consideration.

She made her way out to the front of the building and then into the lobby. “Christine.”

“Miss O’Neill.”

“I think I was a bit ... a bit too forward earlier.”

“Too forward?”

“Yes, forward. Earlier. I asked if you had a boyfriend or a husband. I was a bit forward.”

“It’s all right, Miss O’Neill.”

“No, Christine. No, it’s not. I already knew what you were. I was just teasing you and that wasn’t nice.”

“As you say, Miss O’Neill.”

“It is as I say. That wasn’t nice and I intend to make amends.”

“That isn’t necessary.”

“Oh but I think it is but I think I have a way of making amends for it.”

“How’s that, Miss O’Neill?”

“Like this.”

“Miss O’Neill,” the startled receptionist said but already April was sliding behind the receptionist’s desk and then April was dropping to her knees.

“Come on,” April cooed. “Why don’t you open those legs for me.”


“Because you know you want to. Because every day when you’ve sat there, you’ve wanted to. Because every day when you’ve called me Miss O’Neill, you’ve found yourself wondering what it would be like to have me lick your pussy.”


“No? You sure about that?”


“Come on. You know you want to,” April said as her hand stroked its way up the other woman’s leg. “Come on. I know I’ve been such a bitch. Wouldn’t it be nice to have my tongue on your pussy?”

Christine just sat there but she said nothing.

“Come on. You know you want to.”

Christine just sat there but then her quivering legs slowly started to open.

“That’s it,” April said. “That’s it. Open those legs.”

Christine’s legs slid even more open.

“That’s it,” April cooed again as her hand slid up the insides of the other woman’s thighs. “Open those legs for me. Let’s lift that skirt even higher.”

Christine didn’t say anything.

“I think we should take those panties down. What do you say?”

Christine sat there.

“What do you say?” April asked again.


“That’s it. Yes. You know you want it. You want me to lick your pussy.”


“I knew that’s what you wanted,” and with that, April was sliding in between the other woman’s legs.

“Oh my, yes.”

April couldn’t help herself. Her tongue licked Christine’s pussy. Christine’s pussy was so wet.

“Oh yes,” Christine moaned.

They most likely would have been in trouble if someone had walked up at just that moment but as it was, neither cared about that.

“Oh my God, yes,” Christine moaned. “Oh my God.”

April couldn’t seem to help herself. It was as if her tongue couldn’t get enough of Christine’s pussy and Christine’s pussy was so wet.

“Oh my God, yes,” Christine moaned again.

Mmm, she wanted it, April told herself. She wanted it so bad. She wanted to taste the other woman’s cum.

“Oh my God. You’re going to ... you’re going to ... oh my God.”

Instinctively, April knew. Christine was right on the verge.

“Oh my God. You’re going to ... to ... fuck!”

Oh God. It was happening. She could feel Christine’s pussy quiver as it finally surrendered itself to the sexual release. Oh my God, that was good. Oh my God. She loved making Christine cum.

Wait a minute. What the fuck!

No. She wasn’t into girls that way. What the hell had come over her.

April pulled back.

“Damn, Miss O’Neill. That was really good. I ... I didn’t know you were into girls like that.”

“I wasn’t. I mean I’m not.”


“Nothing. I got to go.”

Christine nodded as if she understood. “I know what you mean. Can’t let anyone catch us doing that but anytime you want to get together with me, you just let me know.”

“Yeah, sure,” April said hurriedly. “I gotta go,” and with that, April dashed off into the back of the building and back to her office. What the hell had happened to her.

Whatever it was, it most certainly wasn’t going to happen again.

That certainly seemed to be the case. The rest of April’s workday went without incident and April couldn’t wait to get herself home. She wasn’t sure what had happened to her but whatever it was, she wanted to get home and take a bath and forget that anything like this day had ever happened to her.

But she had to stop by the store on her way home for a couple of items. A couple items. That’s all it was.

When she came out of the store, she saw a Black man in an Army jacket holding up a sign. “Homeless vet,” the sign read. “Need help.”

April had every intention of passing the man by when something else occurred to her. That wasn’t very nice, she told herself, and it wasn’t very considerate either. “Hi,” she said.


“I was wondering if you could help me.”

“Help you?” the man asked.

“It’s dark out and I have to walk home. I was wondering if you could walk me home. I’d make it worth your while if you did. I’d give you all the money in my wallet if you walked me home.”



“How much money do you have in your wallet?” the man asked suspiciously.

“I don’t know. You’ll have to walk me home to find out.”

The man seemed to consider that. “How far is it?” he asked.

“Not far. Just a couple of blocks.”

The man seemed to consider that. What April couldn’t know was that he hadn’t been getting hardly anything camped out where he was. The offer of the cash in her wallet was intriguing. Of course she might not have any cash but that was the risk he’d be taking.

“So what do you say?”

The man hesitated only a moment longer before he made his decision. “Sure,” he said. “I can walk you home.”

“Hey, that’s great. I really appreciate this.”

As they walked, they talked. The man’s name was Fred, he said, and as they walked, Fred carried April’s groceries.

“I’m here,” April said.


“Maybe you’d like to come on up with me.”

“You want me to come up with you?”

“Would you?”

“Yeah sure. I could do that.”

April opened the door to her apartment. “Won’t you come in,” she offered. “I’ve got something I need to give you.”

Fred nodded and he followed her inside.

As promised, April took her wallet from her purse and she pulled out ninety-seven dollars in cash. “As promised,” she said as she handed it over.

“Wow, thanks.”

“No, thank you. It’s a debt we all owe you veterans but you know I wish I could do something more.”

“Like what?”

“Like this,” April said as she sidled up to the man and then she was running her hand over the front of his pants.


“What? You don’t like it,” April asked as she worked her hand inside of Fred’s pants.

“No. No, it’s not that.”

“What is it then?”

“It’s just ... it’s just ...”

“We should get you out of those jeans,” April cooed as she lowered Fred’s jeans.


April dropped to her knees and her hand worked Fred’s cock even as she looked up at him. “You’re so big,” she said.


April pushed her mouth down over Fred’s cock.

“Fuck,” the man groaned again.

April wouldn’t have minded having him cum in her mouth. In fact maybe she’d do that, maybe later, but for now, there were better places for him to put his cum. “You want to come with me to my bedroom?” she asked.

“Sure,” a still bewildered Fred answered.

April led the Black man to her bedroom and then she was helping him out of the rest of his clothes before she took off her own clothes. “Do you like my body?” she asked.


“I’m glad because I really want to please you.”

“You do?”

“Mmm yeah. Would you like to fuck me?”


“That’s what I want, too,” April said as she laid back on the bed and then she moaned as Fred slid his cock in between her thighs. “I want you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me good.”

Fred did exactly that and it wasn’t long before he’d cum in April’s pussy but April wasn’t about to let it end there. “I want you to fuck me,” she cooed. “I want you to fuck me again.”


“Yes, again,” and then just to make sure Fred understood just what she wanted, she slid down and she wrapped her mouth around his cock.


She couldn’t have put it better, April thought as she moved up to straddle Fred’s cock. Mmm, she liked this. She liked riding Fred’s big cock. She liked working her pussy down onto that cock.

“I have to ask you something. Are you really a veteran?”

“No,” he said. “No, I’’m not. Does it make a difference?”

“That’s okay,” April said as she continued to ride Fred’s dick. “That’s okay. I’m just glad you told me the truth. Oh my God, Fred.”


“You’re going to make me cum, Fred. You’re going to make my pussy squeeze your big, fat cock.”


“Yeah. My pussy going to squeeze your cock. It’s going to squeeze it so hard. Do you like that?”


“You do? You like it?”


“Can you do me a favor then?”


“When my pussy squeezes your cock, can you cum inside me?”


“You heard me. I want to feel you cum inside me at the same time that I make you cum. Can you do that?”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?”

“I don’t know,” Fred said. “I may just get there first.”

“You might, huh? Well, I guess we’ll just have to see about that,” and with that, April worked her pussy even harder onto Fred’s cock.


Oh my God, April thought. Oh my God. She was so close.

And then she wasn’t just close anymore. She was cumming on Fred’s cock and even as she did, she could feel Fred cumming in her hungry, little pussy.

The next morning when April woke, she found Fred still there right beside her. What the fuck, and yet even as she thought that, everything she’d done the night before came rushing back to her. She’d been such a slut, she told herself. She’d been such a fucking slut.

She should kick this man out of her bed only before she could give him a shove and send him on his way, something else occurred to her. It really wouldn’t be considerate if she did that and then her hand slid down between Fred’s legs and she could feel Fred begin to stir.

No, it wouldn’t be considerate at all. Her hand squeezed his cock. No, it wouldn’t be considerate at all but there was definitely something else she could do, something she could do right now.