The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Redact Two: Chaos Theory

Working for the Order had all sorts of fringe benefits, and not just the esoteric. Access to their fleet of executive jets, for example, turned the flight across ‘the pond’ from an ordeal into an absolute pleasure. Although some of that was down to just how engaging the flight attendants became once Jill and Allyson had their way with them.

Saphron was still sulking by the time they landed at Stansted, and the uncomfortable truth was that her silence only added to Jill’s guilt. The symbiote had grown increasingly sullen since Allyson was cleared for active duty. She and Jill had rowed after the briefing, but then that was nothing unusual. The two of them always seemed to be at loggerheads now.

By stark contrast, her relationship with the Asian psychic had blossomed over the last few months. Allyson had almost immediately accepted her new reality and seemed entirely unfazed that she was now forced to experience Jill’s pleasure vicariously.

In fact, that knowledge had made the dark-haired beauty almost insatiable, because she knew that whatever she inflicted upon her friend would be revisited on her own body and magnified several fold. And as the flight attendants had discovered, the more elements that could be added to Jill’s erotic feedback loop, the more there was for everyone to enjoy.

The pair left their exceptionally accommodating hostesses slumped in an intimate and sweaty tangle, knowing that for them at least, the flight would remain nothing more than a blissfully blurry haze. The Order’s influence moved them rapidly through passport control, and customs didn’t even give them a second glance.

“Are you going to keep up the silent treatment for much longer?” she wondered harshly as they stepped out of the terminal building and into a, typically English, grey spring morning.

“Given where we are,” Saphron replied after a moment, “The correct term would be sending you to Coventry.”

“Listen,” Jill snapped, “We don’t have time for this. Right now I need you. So, suck it up, help us do this and you can go back to being pissed with me, just as soon as we’ve gotten the job done.”

Saphron’s irritation licked over her brain, and send tiny sparks of annoyance delving into her stomach. For a moment Jill thought she had triggered another outburst, but then the symbiote’s presence seemed to soften marginally and her sigh was a warm shower of viscous oil.

“Okay,” the words slid greasily behind Jill’s eyes, “A truce for the moment, but I get to have my say once we’re done.”

“Deal,” she agreed quickly, before stepping into the waiting limousine.

* * *

Lillian Sergeant was a beta class threat, and possibly the most formidable target they had yet gone after. The woman had even managed to hack the Order’s mainframe, and then left her digital calling card, apparently just so they would know who did it.

Having learnt from her previous mistakes, Jill had already formulated a plan of how to deal with the potent Englishwoman. Saphron had pointed out the flaws, and between them they had somehow managed both to correct the mistakes and, more surprisingly, to avoid turning it into yet another argument.

The target’s home was on the outskirts of Colchester, although for reasons best know to herself Saphron insisted on calling the town Camulodunum. Its isolation was a real boon, as the very last thing any of them wanted was to attract attention. But it did make approaching the property unseen somewhat difficult, especially as they couldn’t afford to use any technology that might be subverted.

The Order had Lillian pegged as a Cyberkinetic, especially given the ease with which she had bypassed their security. No one was quite sure how much information she had stolen, but it seemed fair to assume that the target knew far more than was comfortable about them and their abilities. Jill already missed her synsuit, although Allyson seemed confident enough in their mundane shinobi shozoku.

Saphron’s strength flowed through Jill’s body, as the two black-clad women stole soundlessly through the dark Essex night. Energy flickered restlessly around Allyson’s fingers, the only outward sign of her eagerness. Jill knew full well what those psychic blades could do, and despite herself she shivered at the delicious memory.

“Stop thinking like a slut!” Saphron demanded angrily, and her ire flashed dangerously. “I need you sharp and focussed.”

Jill could feel the blush rising in to her cheeks, and knew that the symbiote had already tasted her embarrassment. She tried to blot out the images that continued to assault her, but the fact that Saphron was right just seemed to add fuel to the erotic fire.

“Ally,” she began, far more harshly than she intended, “Scout ahead, but be careful.”

“On it,” the girl giggled, skipping nimbly away.

Her tension eased slightly as Allyson disappeared into the shadows, and Jill breathed a sigh of relief when the sting of Saphron’s anger began to recede. She couldn’t indulge herself, at least not now. However appealing the hot kiss of the symbiote’s displeasure might be, it wasn’t worth the price of becoming distracted.

She was no longer the untried, over-confident girl who had nearly fallen on her very first mission. The unlikely pair had been tested many times since then, and despite her proclivities, they had never once been found wanting. But this was a foe that apparently outmatched them in terms of sheer power, and whatever Saphron might think of her, Jill wasn’t about to make it easy for Lillian. After all, there was no way she’d let herself be taken, was there?

* * *

Without radios it was always going to be difficult for them to stay in contact. The connection between them gave Jill only the dimmest impression of where Allyson was, but it did at least provide some reassurance that her friend was still okay. The sight wasn’t any more helpful, except to convince Jill that the house did not have any additional mystic protection.

They moved closer, and much to Jill’s relief she caught the briefest glimpse of her friend’s silhouette as Allyson shifted position minutely. That relief was destined to be only short lived, however, and the next instant, night turned abruptly to day. White-hot flame drew a jagged line across the sky, ruining her night vision. Jill tried to blink away the glare, but colour-fatigue still painted her world with reds and purple.

“Get down!” Saphron hissed, before pouring enough ice down Jill’s spine to make her knees buckle.

But no second bolt followed that first, and as they knelt there on the damp grass, the night once again wrapped them in its dark embrace. Jill reached out for her friend, but in truth she could already sense the absence. She tried to distance herself from the concern as it welled up inside her, and Saphron for her part tried to soothe as much of it away as she could manage.

Allyson was unconscious at best, and the target had obviously been expecting them. Silently, Jill wondered what else could go wrong and then chided herself for giving more fuel to her anxieties. Keeping low, she crawled forward, moving with excruciating slowness. But, by the time she reached the shadows that had concealed her friend, there was no sign of Allyson, only dark scorch marks in the lawn and the cloying scent of smoke and ozone.

“We’re hopelessly outclassed here,” Saphron reminded her unnecessarily, “Neither of us are proof against an energy projector.”

“I know that,” Jill replied, “But in case you haven’t noticed, she’s got Ally.”

“Please tell me you’re not thinking of just rushing in there,” Saphron groaned. “You’re just going to get yourself caught … again.”

“I can handle it,” she promised, trying as hard to convince herself as the symbiote.

“Jill,” the soft voice whispered, heavy with concern, “Tell me you’ve got a plan this time.”

* * *

It took another five minutes before she was able to convince the symbiote that they had even the ghost of a chance. But it was only when Allyson’s barely restrained anxiety began to spill back across their link that Saphron agreed to Jill’s hastily revised plan.

Eschewing strength and resilience in favour of speed, Jill pushed her borrowed gifts as far as she was able. Without the benefits of stealth, her only option was to keep moving and make herself as difficult a target as possible. By the time she reached the house itself, Allyson’s mental cries had taken on a more pleading and decidedly sensual tone. Saphron shunted those concerns aside, muffling the whimpers into far softer moans.

She knew there was every chance they were being led into a trap, but there really wasn’t anything else she could do. Allyson might have become her ‘creature’ but the link flowed in both directions. They were bound together, not as tightly or indeed as intimately as she and Saphron, but closely enough to make rescuing the slender oriental a priority.

The doors weren’t locked, further adding to her suspicions, and the girl’s soft call led her inexorably into the heart of the building. Walls and furnishings flashed past in a blur of motion, electronics studded every surface, their blinking displays adding a sickly glow to the interior. As she hit the main staircase, Allyson’s voice was suddenly audible, spurring her to greater efforts. Jill took the stairs three at a time, and was still accelerating when she burst through the bedroom door.

The scene that greeted her as she crashed into room was almost enough to pull her up short. But instead, Jill let the momentum carry her forward despite the almost overwhelming sense of surprise. Allyson lay sprawled and naked in the centre of the makeshift cell, arms tightly bound behind her, where those vicious blades could be safely ignored. Lillian stood over her captive, while tongues of scintillating energy arced from her silvery hands and clung to the helpless woman’s body.

Jill hurtled across the small room, letting some of Saphron’s aid bleed into her frame. This was going to hurt, but she was determined that the other woman would take the worst of the impact. She dropped her shoulder, already anticipating the shock of collision and that was when the symbiote’s shouted warning filled her mind.

“Go limp!” Saphron demanded, her tone brooking no contradiction.

Her breath exploded from her pursed lips, clearing her lungs in one sharp exhalation. She had just enough time to register the instruction, and then she hit the unsuspecting target. Or at least that was what had been supposed to happen. Instead she passed unhindered through Lillian’s suddenly ghostly form, before careening helplessly into the wall beyond.

She realised immediately that Saphron had shunted all of her efforts into protection, but the impact was still stunning. Plaster rained down from above, filling the air with whirling motes and dusting the staggered woman’s body. Jill struggled to rise, but concussion had already made a mockery of her balance.

Hot copper burned the back of her throat, and the room swam before her eyes. Lillian’s false image flickered, while blurred shadows seemed to cavort as if challenging the dizzied woman to bring them all back into focus. Then, without warning, the hologram simply folded in on itself, before vanishing into a single bead of brilliant light.

“Hello, Jill,” a cultured voice drifted from the shadows, “That must have hurt, and for what it’s worth I am sorry. So now I’m going to take all of the pain away, but don’t worry, there’ll be plenty of time for you to thank me later.”

As soon as Jill saw her, it was obvious that the files really hadn’t done her justice. Lillian was tall, and full-figured. Jill couldn’t decide whether she was wearing something silver and figure hugging, or if the exotic chrome was some form of body paint. But the truly striking thing about the blonde woman, were the sparkling wings that shimmered around her.

Jill gasped, recognising the clarity that only her sight could give. This was Lillian’s power, wreathing her body in dancing light, and it was simply beautiful. She looked like a gorgeous silver butterfly, and Jill’s dazed brain happily clung to that image.

As she stared, the halo seemed to brighten, and those wings abruptly grew more vivid and clear. Then, lightning leapt between them, long tendrils of silver fire than coiled possessively around Jill’s battered body. And in an instant her skin was aflame, while the sheer joy of that brutal touch burrowed more deeply into her reluctant flesh.

Allyson’s scream of utter delight rang through her mind, while her friend’s reverberating need sang in every fibre of her being. Lillian poured more electricity into her nervous system, overloading Jill’s brain with more pleasure than she could possible stand, and then there was only the blissful relief of that senseless darkness.

* * *

“Wake up, sleepyhead,” Lillian shouted, sounding disgustingly pleased with herself.

But it wasn’t the woman’s voice that dragged Jill back to reality. It was the firm but inexorable pressure around her throat. Body tingling with errant sparks, Jill had a moment to groan before the band tightened and choked off her voice. She tried to reach up and ease the tension, only to discover that her wrists had already been securely bound.

Jill’s muscles tensed, and Saphron lent her strength before she even had the chance to ask. She stared up, into her target’s gleeful gaze and smiled sardonically. But Lillian’s savage grin mimicked her own, and before she could snap the thin plastic cuffs, the other woman tightened her grip on Jill’s leash and sent a warning jolt of electricity into the heavy metal choke-chain.

“Don’t bother,” the Englishwoman suggested amiably, as Jill convulsed in unexpected ecstasy. “I know all about you, Jill … about your little friend and what she can do for you. I know those cuffs aren’t nearly strong enough to hold you on their own, but so long as I keep your pleasure-centres lit up … like this … you’ll be a good girl … won’t you, Jill?”

She strained, fighting to be free of the lightning’s intimate caress, but that only pulled the collar even tighter. The chain bit into her neck, painting dark anoxic spots across her vision and making the thrill of desire sink its teeth ever more deeply into her pliant mind. Once again, Allyson’s answering arousal echoed through her mind, but it seemed weak and distant in comparison.

“And once I’ve edited a little,” Lillian continued, while pulses of heat splashed over Jill’s captive body. “We won’t even need the collar, although we might keep it anyway … because you do look absolutely ravishing in it.”

It was impossible to deny her growing need, but no matter how much Jill wanted to just lie back and give in, she could quite bring herself to do so. She fought against the horribly distracting sensations, clutching at Saphron’s presence and trying to find the strength to do what had to.

“I’m … not done yet!” She gasped defiantly, levering herself from the ground.

“Yes you are,” Lillian explained softly. “You just aren’t smart enough to have realised it yet.”

Another pulse flashed down the leash. It coiled around the collar, making each link glow with an inner light. Jill’s muscles locked, as the electricity danced over her body and froze it into orgasmic, tonic spasm. She could only shudder, all her borrowed strength wasted in that uncoordinated seizure, and that immobility made the sensations even more unbearable.

“Back to sleep now,” her target smiled, dashing away Jill’s thoughts with one last surge of power. “And when you wake, I promise you’ll have a very different perspective.”

* * *

Jill’s thoughts spiralled downward into darkness once more, but the symbiote was waiting and ready to take up the discarded reins. Sacrificing herself to Lillian’s power had always been Jill’s plan, but the trick was to avoid having her mind hacked as a result.

“Enough!” Saphron shouted, taking hold of Jill’s voice.

The symbiote grasped her host’s unresisting body, and hauled it shakily back to its feet. She glared at Lillian, with eyes that were suddenly stained black with shadow, and felt the sweet tang of the other woman’s horror.

“This one is mine!” she declared and, as if to emphasise the point, she effortlessly snapped the slender cuffs.

Lillian was already recovering from her initial surprise, although fear still rolled off of her in deliciously succulent waves. But she still had enough presence of mind to use that terror to fuel her power. More and more electricity poured down the leash, heating the metal until it began to glow. Sheets of lightning wrapped themselves around Jill, and the chain sunk hungrily into the yielding flesh of her throat.

“Is that all you’ve got?” Saphron demanded, as she advanced towards her attacker.

The other woman was visibly weakening, but the symbiote only seemed to grow stronger. Ignoring the fire still clinging to her body, she stepped to where Allyson lay twitching fitfully. One hand dipped and engulfed the young Asian’s. The flickering light of Allyson’s blade glowed more brightly and then solidified in Jill’s grasp. Saphron shot a knowing look in Lillian’s direction and then became a blur of motion.

Clouding the target’s thoughts with Allyson’s borrowed power, as well as using her own formidable speed, Saphron was on top of Lillian before she knew what was happening. The psychic knife flashed wickedly, slicing through chrome plating and sinking neatly into the warmth of the Englishwoman’s utterly unprepared sex.

Reflexively Lillian fought back in the only way she could, sending her last vestiges of power down that white-hot leash. But Saphron simply pushed it aside, letting Jill’s pleasure-soaked mind experience the full impact of every lurid caress. And then with the four of them inextricably linked, Saphron unfettered Jill’s power and trapped their target in an ever-expanding loop of reciprocal arousal.

“You were right,” Saphron whispered hoarsely, still staring into Lillian’s unseeing eyes. “She is already done. It’s just that it won’t be your collar she ends up wearing. You see Lillian, from this moment you belong to her, but she has always been mine!”