The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Being a Drone

Chapter I

And suddenly, I saw something I could best describe as a sudden flash of light. It was dark again for a second or two, but immediately then I was in a strange foggy place and saw a colour, a dark red shade. I felt happiness flowing through me and fog floated away. She walked there, graciously, like I loved to see her walking. Another flash. We embraced each other and talked. For some reason I don’t know what we talked about, but I felt joy and the feeling that things were going well. It was a nice day. The sun wasn’t too bright, and the lake is always beautiful at sunset. Just as we were about to kiss, there was another flash and we were walking through a forest. We heard birds sing and I felt a peace flowing through me as I held her hand. It reminded me of the past few days. It was the feeling I have when I see her, which I’ve done quite often recently. Things started to fade and I was awake again. It was time for another day.

They had just waken up and were refreshing themselves. Three men and three women had been there for several days now. At an open place in the forest stood two rather large dark green tents, the kind of green you would expect to see in a forest. Both tents were suited for three people and the young men slept in one, while the girls slept in the other. All six had known each other for some time now. Geoffrey, the oldest guy, just walked outside to clean up the place a bit, as it had been late the day before. With him were his friends Eric and Leo, whom he had known for about a year now. Geoffrey had short black hair and was of average length. He usually wore a cap, grey shirts and similar-colored jeans. While outside, he saw his best friend Sarah coming out of the other tent. She had long brown hair and used to wear loosy shirts, knee-length jeans and brown shoes. They met each other four years ago and had discovered their mutual feelings about a year ago. They hugged each other and started to prepare breakfast for their friends and themselves. In the same tent as Sarah were two other girls. They were Carla and Jenna and they were old friends of Sarah. They had met each other on a holiday years before and had visited each other several times after that. Carla was a rather shy girl with light brown hair, quite large breasts and a nice face. She liked to wear a bit-revealing pink top and short skirts, and so she did today. Jenna was quite a bit larger than her friend Carla, she had blonde hair and wore a black t-shirt with brown jeans. When breakfast was about ready, they came out of their tent. Moments later Eric and Leo joined the four young people. Both guys were good friends of each other and they had met Geoffrey on a party. They didn’t know Carla and Jenna when they were invited by Geoffrey and Sarah several weeks before leaving and neither did the two girls, but when they were introduced to each other they turned out to like each other and so their camping trip promised to be a great holiday.

The first couple of days they had spent exploring several places in the area. The forest they camped in was quite far from civilisation and this was one of the reasons why the place was so beautiful. The terrain was quite rough with some rocks here and several hills there, but the small streams of clean water that crossed the place really made it romantic. When they had discovered there was a lot of fish swimming in a river, Sarah and Leo both wanted to go and spend several hours fishing right away. Of course they hadn’t taken any equipment with them, so they couldn’t do it that day, because it was quite a walk back to the camping site. “Let’s go fishing today,” said Leo, while eating a sandwich. This was considered a great idea by Sarah and she and Geoffrey looked at each other smiling at the thought of spending several hours with each other near the small river they had found. Leo asked if the others felt like going fishing too and Jenna agreed, but Carla, who was very curious and eager to explore a part of the forest they had skipped some days before said “nah, I’d rather go and walk a little deeper inside the woods.”

Eric sensed an opportunity and said “but you can’t go out there alone, of course! I’ll go with you. Besides, I’d love to explore some more as well.” He was for some reason suddenly afraid that she didn’t want to go with him and that she didn’t like him, but she said “thanks, I’d love to.” He blushed a bit but it seemed no-one noticed. Geoffrey said “fine, then you two go explore and we go fishing. Take care though and don’t get lost. See you later.” They packed some food to take with them and grabbed a compass and some other useful stuff, just in case. They walked away heading west towards the place they had been on one of the trips before to explore the area from there...

Chapter II

It was dark and foggy. At first, I didn’t see a thing but slowly the world had been given a colour. It was dark blue at first, but I began to see green blurry shapes, and purple ones. I felt that I was walking but I didn’t know how I got there, nor where I was going to. The shapes were swirling, pulsing, changing form and melting into each other. Everything was still dark and foggy and I couldn’t recognise anything. Not that it mattered though. I kept walking, but I didn’t know where I was. Then things cleared up and in the shapes I could recognise the house I had lived in years ago. I felt joy? suddenly, joy became fear. I didn’t really wonder where my fear came from though. Not that I had bothered to wonder anyway. The fear became stronger and in fact I was trembling. The house collapsed and I heard voices, a lot of voices. They came closer and closer, louder and louder, yet I couldn’t understand a word. I looked around, searching for an exit. Fear became stronger and stronger. I started running, faster and faster, but it didn’t help. I was afraid the voices would come closer and fear turned into reality. The world was dark, I couldn’t move and I was completely alone. Suddenly the voices were back, no longer whispering but screaming now. Horror filled my mind. The thousands of different voices filled my mind yet I couldn’t understand any of them. Finally, I tried to scream but I couldn’t produce any sound. Then I woke up. I tried to think of happy things, but with the remains of the nightmare in my mind it was impossible to avoid falling back and drowning into my fear again, I knew this wasn’t the first time. It was only a dream, I tried to convince myself. I tried to relax. Every time I dream it is the same pattern. While dreaming one’s mind doesn’t object and imagination makes vivid whatever suggestion floats through the mind. And when it’s fear, the mind is more than eager to visualise it, enhancing the fear, realising the suggestion, and dragging me away without resistance. In fact I dream the same dreams over and over again and I’m only aware of that when I’m fully awake again. It’s like a movie at times. It happens and you can’t control it, how real it may be. I hate the dream world, in which escape is impossible. More often than not I only have a vague and distant feeling left of it when I wake up again, but in some cases the nightmare stays fresh in mind and even continue. I felt myself drowning again...

It was a beautiful day. Two people were walking through the woods talking about all sorts of topics and pointing at things they saw. “Look, there’s another squirrel,” said Eric. He pointed somewhere near a couple of high trees, the only trees that were clearly visible now. It was very dark in the forest. At times it was hard to see where they could walk and where they could not. Eric felt a sting in his head, a sudden pain, and he recalled a nightmare once vivid. They had been walking for about an hour or so now. The forest was quite large and remote. There was little trace of civilisation as there were wild animals everywhere and Carla, who loved animals, really enjoyed the walk. After another while, they passed a couple of fallen trees and the terrain became rockier, with pieces of large white rocks visible through the trees. At an open spot they encountered a little stream with some water. Eric said “Let’s take some rest now, I’m quite tired of all that walking.” Carla agreed and they sat down and looked around a bit.

Eric was in quite a happy mood as they had been talking for quite a while now discussing all sorts of things like friends, family, what they liked to do and all that and they had shared quite some laughs too. He was unsure of her feelings towards him but of course he shouldn’t expect much after just some weeks or so. He let his thoughts wander a little and looked at the water that flowed over the stones. After some minutes Carla said “I’m going to take a look near those rocks before we continue on our planned route. Will you come too or will you wait here for me? I’ll be right back anyway.” Eric answered “I’ll stay and take a little rest, but maybe I’ll come in a minute.” She walked to the rocks and climbed over them. Eric followed her with his eyes admiring how beautiful she was and thinking about how nice she was to him. His thoughts started to wander again, following the blurred shapes of his memory?

He recalled their conversation of the past hour and felt very happy as he looked at the clear water and at the blue sky. While daydreaming a bit he heard Carla call him “Eric, come over here and look at what I found in this cave!” He thought she had seen another wild animal or something like that. But then, she did enjoy these things so why shouldn?t he? He climbed over the rocks he had seen her climb over and continued following the rocks until he saw a black hole mostly hidden behind rocks and some trees and bushes. If she hadn’t said there were a cave he would never have found it. He approached it carefully, as it was easy to fall off the steep rocks and he didn’t want to hurt himself. He walked in and waited until his eyes were used to the darkness inside. The cave looked to be quite natural and there were large rocks and columns all over the place. Some kind of a rocky path went inside, about two metres wide and turning left after just more than twenty metres. He heard Carla scream, a very short yell, followed by an echo, as if she had been hurt. Eric became worried that she would be bitten or something and quickly he continued the path, walking from rock to rock so whatever was in there wouldn’t notice him coming. When he was close to the turn he carefully took a look and got quite frightened and aroused of what he saw. He moved closer, going from rock to rock, unseen, so he could have a good view of what was going on while being able to think up something to do about it. Clearly there was no way he could go away and get help because his friends were so far away. He couldn?t risk leaving her behind anyway.

Chapter III

It was clear now that only part of the cave was natural. A lot was definitely not. He saw a lot of rocks and typicallly corroded columns, which all seemed natural. The place he looked at from behind his rock was quite open and about a metre lower than he was now. There were three white round cabins, just over two metres high, against the left wall, large enough for a man to stand in. Next to it was a portal and behind it a room with several black shelves all with closed doors. About twenty metres from that, in the wall in front of him, was a small door and next to the door was a lamp. The light from it was just enough to allow clear sight but it wasn’t bright or anything. There was also a hole next to the door. The entire place was filled with large rocks and columns. Only near the door and the cabins was some space without rocks, about three metres wide. The terrain would allow him to get very close if he wanted. But although it was strange to encounter these things at such a remote place, this didn’t frighten him as much as what he saw happen. He saw a girl with long blonde hair and large breasts in a shiny dark green body suit, covering almost her entire body from feet to neck, except for a triangle on her bottom apparently allowing her to pee. She has a small metal spot at the back of her neck, about 2 centimetres in width and length. Her waist is in slow constant motion. She is holding Carla who is almost naked! The girl now undoes the rest of Carla’s cloths, and to Eric’s surprise Carla does nothing to stop the girl. Eric is too frightened to stop her himself as he is positive there would come more girls out of the door.

The girl has now taken all cloths off Carla and softly caresses Carla’s nipples and private parts so she lets out a soft moan. The girl picks up the cloths and drops them into the hole next to the door. She still hasn’t seen Eric who is hiding himself behind a rock. The girl walks back and moves her hands over Carla’s slim waist. She straightens Carla’s back and walks through the portal opening one of the shelves. She picks up a bottle with a large red F written on it. She pours some of the oily liquid onto her hands and puts it on the public area of Carla, making sure it covers the entire spot, without using too much of the oily substance. After about a minute the public hair around her vagina starts to fall off and the girl puts all hair in the same hole next to the door. From the shelve she picks up a strange thing. It looks like a belt with a ring attached to it. Attached to the ring are two pieces similar to the belt. Everything seems to be made of the same kind of elastic material, which looks much like the suit the girl is wearing herself. The girl puts the belt around Carla’s waist and fastens it with a soft click and the sound of something melting can be heard. She grabs Carla’s breasts and carefully squeezes them until she is getting very horny. All the time she doesn’t resist at all. The girl grabs the ring and carefully places it on her vaginal opening. Then she wraps the two loose ends around her legs and connects them to the belt with another click, forming some sort of a triangle. She stares into her eyes for a second and grabs her hands. They walk to one of the cabins and she opens the door. Inside it is some kind of machine. She connects several wires to the belt and pushes a button. Carla shivers for a second, and starts shaking a little bit. Then the girl grabs a helmet and puts it on Carla’s head. She puts part of the helmet on her neck and presses a second button. Then she steps out of the cabin and closes the door. She walks back to the shelve and grabs a small grey box. For about a minute she stands motionless next to the closed cabin. Eric wonders what is going on and is very eager to open the cabin’s door and pull Carla out of it, but he doesn’t do it, partly because he’s afraid of the girl getting help and partly because he’s enjoying the sight and getting aroused at the thought of what might be happening. The door of the cabin opens and Carla steps out of it. Her waist is pulsing and swaying just like the other girl. For a second she looks around wondering what happened and where she is. Then she looks at herself and when she realizes what she looks like she’s terrified and wants to run away. But it is too late. The girl grabs her and from the box she takes a very small cylinder which she inserts into the mechanic that is now visible at the back of Carla’s neck. For a second Carla freezes. Then she whispers “Mind wrapping program loaded and executed.” The girl releases her grip on Carla. She takes another cylinder and replaces the first one with it. It takes about four seconds and then Carla says “Main drone program loaded and initializing. Received id code E23.” The girl takes out the cylinder and the mechanic retreats back into Carla’s head. Carla then walks to the door and goes inside, wearing nothing more than the strange belt and having a strange device inside her head. The other girl walks to the shelve and closes its door. She goes to the door too and walks inside, closing the door. Eric is alone again.

For several minutes he waited, trembling, wondering if what he had just seen wasn’t a strange dream. He wasn’t really sure what to do next, but he was sure of this: the girl he secretly loved was in danger and he didn’t know what exactly had been done to her and what it all meant.

Chapter IV

He hadn’t heard anything in a while now and he grabbed enough courage to walk to the cabins and take a good look. His heart was beating like crazy and he began to sweat a little when he opened one of the cabins as silently as possible. What he saw inside reminded him of a sci-fi movie. Wires went all over the walls and on the ceiling was a box with a lot of electronics. On the walls were two charts showing which wires should be connected to the belts for both men and women. There were two buttons and he saw a helmet similar to the one the girl had put over Carla’s head. The charts showed how to put the helmet over one’s head and which button to press after that. Although Eric knew his share of science well he had little clue of how everything worked and he stepped out of the cabin again. He walked to the door and listened. He heard some distant voices and sounds but for the rest everything was silent. He walked back and went through the portal. He could now see the shelves more closely. He saw there was a lamp in the corner providing him with some light. Most shelves were labelled with codes, most likely indicating male or female and probably sizes of something. He opened one of the unlabeled shelves but found it empty except for a little bit of dust. He opened another one and was surprised when he found a stack of papers. He took a quick look and was surprised. Apparently people visited the place and had to be explained how the process worked. He continued reading the paper.

First the subject is brought to the Initialization Room, which is the place where you are now, usually accompanied by a Drone. If the subject hasn’t been drugged against resistance yet it will be done now using a chemical that induces a dream-like state upon the subject. Like in a dream, the subject won’t resist at all but it will allow to be carried away by mere suggestion. When the subject has been induced well (this can be verified by looking into the eyes of the subject) the Drone will fully undress the subject and put all cloths in the Disposer. The Drone will then measure the waist of the subject. From the shelves (see label codes) the Drone will get Anti-hair Oil and remove all of the subject’s public hair. Then it will take the main part of the drone outfit. Charts in the shelve chamber show how the belt is put on. This part serves to keep the subject in a constant state of arousement, which has many advantages to the future Drone. The belt will connect to several nerves and will use the human nerve system to communicate with the Drone Processor. It uses bio-electrical energy from the subject’s body and only needs to be activated and calibrated in the Installation Units. The subject is placed inside one of these units and wires and helmet will be put on the subject as displayed there. The Drone Processor will be installed in the subject’s skull and some calibration will be done so the Processor can control all sensory input and output. The Processor has very little access to memories and thoughts at this stage and can only place primitive thoughts inside the subject by means of tapping into the parts of the brain that interpret sounds. In time the processor learns to interpret thoughts as well but this is not really needed in the beginning. Full control of the senses and most muscles is enough for most basic Drone purposes.

When the calibration is complete, the subject steps out of the Unit. Usually the drug has worn off after the installation and the subject will find itself confused and frightened and might try to resist now. The accompanying Drone quickly inserts the blue programming cylinder into the Processor. The cylinder contains the Mind Wrapping Program which can keep the subject in a constant dream-like state, stronger by far than a usual dream. While in this state it performs efficiently and has little access to disturbing memories and thoughts. Once the program is running the Drone will replace the blue cylinder with the green one, which contains the initial programming of Drones. After this program is started the Drone will clean up and go into idle mode. The new Drone will connect to the main computer and receive an id code. It will then be further configured and trained inside the building.

Chapter V

After Eric finished reading the paper he started to realise what they had done to his girl. Desperate to find a way to get her back he hid himself again and studied the paper more carefully. It would be very difficult to get her back. He could try to lure her outside but he had no idea how to do that. He could try to go inside and find her but he would immediately be captured, unless he had some disguise. He read the paper again and had an idea. He could try to act like a drone but he should avoid being recognised not being one. The only way to do that would be by manually installing the Drone system on his body without losing control like Carla had. It could be possible! He should simply avoid getting ‘help’ from other drones and skip the drug and the blue cylinder! Quickly he undressed and hid his cloths behind a rock. He knew his measures and walked to the shelves. He looked up his shelve code from the table in the room and opened the shelve door. He grabbed several items from the shelve and hid behind the rock again. He had a bottle with a large red M, a belt with instead of a ring some kind of a bowed metallic tube and a cup, definitely meant to held his penis and balls, and a grey box with two colored cylinders. Carefully he put some oil on his body and while doing that he felt some twitching in his penis and on his skin. He had been having a hard-on for quite a while, but within a minute his hard-on was gone and almost all his public hair had fallen out. He walked towards the wall and threw all hairs in the hole. He walked back to the shelves and took a good look at the chart and went to the rock. He picked up the belt and carefully put his still not responding member in the tube. After pressing a bit on the sides of the tube it fitted perfectly and he put the elastic belt around his waist. When both ends met, he heard a click and the sound of something melting. Suddenly he felt the belt pressing against his waist and it started matching his shapes. He grabbed the other two ends, wrapped them around his legs and attached them to the belt. There was another tingle and the belt pressed against his skin so much that it almost hurt. Luckily this only lasted for a couple of seconds. He was slightly disappointed because he had expected some more. With a sigh, he stood up and put his clothes in the hole in the wall. There was no way back. He put the bottle back and walked to one of the cabins, holding the grey box, which he put on the ground. Yet he considered the plan again and without further delay decided to go for it. He stepped inside the cabin. He shivered a little. He grabbed the connector and put it on the tube as the picture on the wall suggested. He pressed the first button. Quite suddenly he felt the belt activating. Pain surged through his back when something cold burrowed inside his body. It lasted for only a second and he bit on his lip to avoid a yell. The emotion changed. He felt a strong tickling coming from his balls and became very horny, hornier than he could remember to have been before. He was very aroused but some way his penis didn’t want to stand up; it didn’t even try to resist the tube.

He was slightly frustrated of not being able to release himself but he couldn’t waste time now. He put the helmet over his head and double-checked if everything was in the right place. He pushed the second button. Everything went black and he felt very dizzy. He blinked and had the feeling that he had been asleep. He could feel that there was something strange in the back of his head now. He had just realised that this was the device as the world exploded. He heard loud noises, felt a lot of pain and saw thousands of colours. It seemed to last for an eternity. Slowly the effect faded away and he felt a loneliness like never before. It turned into anger, then a flame of hatred. He was unable to control his emotions, as he bounced from joy to fear. And that too faded away at last. He heard a click, felt his legs move, and opened his eyes again. He stood outside the unit. He looked around him. Everything was blurry. Luckily no-one had come yet. He took the grey box and walked to the shelve where he had to put it back. He was very aroused due to the belt keeping him horny and he was having trouble focussing on his task. He opened the grey box and took the green cylinder. He moved his fingers over the device in his head and found the place to put the cylinder in. Hoping the device wouldn’t reject the programming cylinder, he inserted it in his head. It felt like suicide. There was something cold. He heard something in his ears. Then the world turned around and he couldn’t move for some seconds. He heard himself say “Main Drone Program loaded and initializing.” Somewhere on the background he heard a soft sound. He heard a thought, “Drone connecting to Main Computer, requesting id code.” He felt a very strange feeling in his head. The answer came immediately and upon receiving his id code as a distant thought, he continued saying “Received id code T31.” He felt a strong urge forming. A distant thought whispered to him that he should go inside to be further processed. He knew he had to be quick now. He concentrated as well as he could and managed to resist the urge. He removed the cylinder from his head and felt the Drone Processor closing the Programming Interface. Putting the cylinder back in the box he walked to the shelves, put everything back and closed the doors. Meanwhile he was trembling and shaking, as it was very difficult to resist such an urge. If he had had the other Programming Cylinder too, he wouldn’t have been able to offer any resistance at all. He had finished cleaning up all traces and allowed the Drone Programming to take over. He walked to the door and went inside. The moment he stepped in he felt joy inside. He was in a small chamber. His vision was slowly becoming less blurry. There was an alcove on the right wall. Inside it, he saw a Drone. He looked at the Drone and strangely, he didn’t see much of it. The face was a blank face; he didn’t see any features, no hair, nothing special. Its body was completely dark blue. The Drone had a good-looking body but for some reason he couldn’t see if it was male or female. The Drone was standing in the alcove and was connected to wires coming from the ceiling. In the left wall was an empty alcove. He walked through another door and was in a corridor. He knew he had to go left, but he didn’t know where to go after that. He walked about 60 metres passing several doors and other corridors. The corridor crossed another one and he knew he should turn right this time. He passed another Drone. This one was an exact copy of the first. It had a great-looking body, but it was not male or female. The face didn’t have any hair or features. The only difference was that its suit was shiny purple now. He saw a door and heard a distant thought say that he should go inside. Eric tested resisting and stood next to the door for several seconds, looking around and seeing two Drones walking. He wondered who they were. He felt something odd in his head as the question floated in his mind. Suddenly he heard a distant thought saying it was D10 walking there with A22 behind it.

As expected they were exact copies of the other Drones he had seen before. He opened the door and went inside. He was in a large room. Bright light came from the ceiling. Horny as always, still not able to get used to it, he walked to the middle of the room, standing next to several grey cabins of different heights. He waited. He knew he should just wait staring blankly in front of him, but instead he resisted that urge, and looked around, constantly being forced to staring in front of him. There were several mirrors in the room. He looked at the image of himself. He recognised his own body and face, seeing the belt and parts of the Drone Processor. A Drone walked to him. Looking at the Drone in the mirror he saw that the Drone was a man, about 20 years old, with a good-looking face and brown hair. Apparently it was possible to recognise a Drone when looking at it through a mirror. However, when he stopped concentrating even in the mirror the Drone was featureless. Eric walked to one of the cabins and opened it. The cabin reached till his neck and there was a hole on top of it. He stepped inside and the Drone closed the cabin. It fitted around his neck quite well. The Drone pressed a button and Eric felt something liquid covering his entire body. He felt a tingling and then a burning over his entire skin. He felt water flowing over his body and air following it. After a minute the Drone opened the cabin and Eric stepped out. He looked at himself and saw that his body was completely hairless. Even the nails of his fingers and toes were gone. He was given a dark red body suit by the Drone. He knew which side was the front and which was the back. There was a hole on the back which would connect to the part of the belt on his legs. It would form a triangular gap, allowing his body waste to get out. Because the tube that held his penis was pointed down, he could pee without problems as well. He pulled the bodysuit over his legs, first the right one, then the left one. He thought it would be too small, but the material stretched where needed. He pulled it over his waist, covering the belt. He checked if the suit was connecting to the belt well. He put his arms in the suit and moved his fingers until everything was in shape. He pulled the suit over his shoulders and up to his neck. It now covered his entire body. He looked in the mirror and saw everything looked well. He framed a question and learned that all air would be pushed out of the suit: it was a one way filter. The Drone walked to him and moved its hands over his body, checking if everything was in place. The Drone asked Eric “Is Drone T31 ready?” Eric confirmed by answering “Yes” without hesitation. The voice of the Drone was neither male nor female. Although Eric knew it was a man, it made no difference. When he didn’t concentrate, every knowledge and thought would flow away. It was very easy to obey the Programming. Because he was constantly horny he didn’t really care at times. But most of the time he would be aware of what he was doing and he knew that as long as he could interrupt his Programming, he was safe and able to save Carla. Eric stepped into the cabin again and the Drone closed it and pressed some buttons. Eric felt the machine touching the suit, melding it into shape. Suddenly, he felt the suit pressing against his skin with great force. He noticed that he wouldn’t feel much if he didn’t concentrate. Somewhere far away there was a great deal of pain, as parts of the skin were removed being obsolete and hundreds of wires connected to nerves in his body. The entire process took about 15 minutes. Then the cabin opened again. He immediately noticed something had changed. He didn’t feel his legs anymore. He didn’t feel his arms either, or anything below his neck. Only if he concentrated much he could feel his body and control it.

He looked in the mirror. He saw two identical Drones in the mirror. The Drones both had a featureless body and a featureless face. Both Drones had a dark red suit covering their entire body, even their bottoms. He concentrated and saw the gap in the back of the suits and recognised two faces. He let go and saw two Drones. He wondered who these drones were and felt a tingle in his head. He heard something say that they were D10 and T31. T31 walked out of the room and turned right. Eric concentrated and felt hungry. T31 had already informed the Computer and the Computer had told it to get something to eat and drink. It walked through several corridors. It opened a door and stepped into a large room. The room was divided into four parts and in every part there were four alcoves in the left wall and four in the right. T31 walked to an empty Food Unit and stepped inside. It connected to the Computer and several wires and a mouthpiece came out of the ceiling. T31 connected the wires to its body and put a mouthpiece in its mouth. It placed its feet on a round metal plate. A click could be heard and an electricity-induced magnet inside its feet fixed it to the ground. It positioned its waist on a round piece and with a click that part was fixed too. The piece extended around his waist and formed a metal ring holding its waist in place. T31 put its left hand and arm on two metal pieces and these parts were fixed too. It did the same to its right hand and arm. A metallic plate came out of the ceiling and with a click it attached to its head. Eric felt liquefied food coming out of the mouthpiece. He didn’t even have to concentrate on eating it, as the Programming and the Computer did that for him. While T31 was walking to the Food Unit and stepping inside, Eric had let go of most concentration and had passively watched. He saw that he was moving yet he didn’t feel any movement. He could turn his head and look around and he could hear himself walking. In his mind he had heard distant thoughts, and he had listened to them. They were simple commands, like “move to that place” and “grab that thing” and with each thought a mental picture showing how to do it. The thoughts had come from the Computer and his Drone Processor executed them. As he was thinking about this he knew it would be very difficult to control his body on his own, which required a lot of concentration. He should find a way to have the Drone Processor move his body like he wanted. After some time, he knew the Food Unit was finished with him. He heard some clicks and could move his head again. He saw his hands removing the mouthpiece and the wires. Even when he looked down at himself he would see the same Drone that he saw when looking around. He didn’t feel his body at all now. As T31 walked in the corridor again Eric tried to move his left hand. It took a great deal of concentration but eventually he could move it. He abandoned the useless effort, for it would be impossible to control his entire body this way. He tried to send a thought. Still he saw no response. He tried asking the Computer. Like before he would have a special feeling whenever he asked the Computer something. He tried to recall the feeling. After several tries there was still nothing. T31 walked through another corridor and passed several Drones. He tried to ask the Computer who they were but still had no response, didn’t feel the tingle. Although he couldn’t feel his body he knew he still was very horny and his mind was confused. He tried to concentrate but couldn’t produce the feeling, nor get his body to move. T31 opened a door and walked to a machine. It pressed some buttons and picked up the machine. Eric saw that he was carrying the machine and gave up his attempts. T31 walked through a corridor again and entered another room, placing the machine on a table.

Chapter VI

Eric was more relaxed, now that he had let go of things. He wondered what T31’s current task was and felt a tingle in his head. He heard T31 had been ordered to “move the Standard Unit Controllers from Room H69 to Room H25.” He had felt the tingling! He tried to produce the feeling again, but failed. He started to understand now. He had to stay relaxed for this. He created a desire to move his right hand and tried to send it to the Computer. Still nothing though. He tried ordering T31 to do it. Finally it worked, as he saw his hand move just as ordered. He didn’t have much time to celebrate though. He felt another message coming in and T31 walked away. Eric decided to relax fully now and wait more passively for an opportunity to try more with his new body. The world faded and he didn’t see anything anymore. Eric got scared and focussed his thoughts again to get his vision back. Immediately he saw the corridor he was walking in and everything was normal again. The area in which he was walking was more crowded as he saw a lot of Drones walking in and out of doors and moving in all directions. Eric let go of his vision, feeling more confident now. He listened to the thoughts on the background. He heard his body walking and at the same moment he heard the commands that told his Drone Processor where to go. He focussed on listening to these thoughts instead of focussing on his body and vision. It was still hard to focus on anything because of the confusion and thoughts his horniness caused to his mind. After listening for some time he started to understand more. He heard the commands of the Computer telling T31 to pick up machines and moving them. For quite some time T31 was repeating the same job of moving Controllers to Room H25. Eric tried sending a question to the Computer. “What is my current task?” He felt a tingle and got his reply: “Move the Standard Unit Controllers from Room H69 to Room H25.” He asked another question: “Where am I?” The Computer told him he was walking through the corridor near room H54. He thought for a minute about his current situation. He was here to find and save Carla, after all. Finding wouldn’t be much of a problem, but she was a Drone now. And unlike him, she was unaware of it and would think of it as a dream. She wouldn’t even be bothered to be free, as most dreams keep the dreamer captured. He knew from his own experience how impossible it is to break the confines on his own. The best thing would be to find out how things worked and how he could free her from the Mind Wrapping Program. Once that one was gone, they might be able to escape. He asked the computer another question. “Where is Drone E23?” An answer came: “E23 is in a Room P12.” He asked where that room was but didn’t receive an answer. He was quite happy though with the progress. He decided to try more later. He concentrated again to get vision back. He was standing in a room, doing pretty much nothing. He saw three Drones standing nearby. One of them was working with the machines. They looked like all other Drones, with a standard bodysuit, and a featureless face. Their bodysuits were shiny yellow, dark green and light blue. He asked the computer who they were. Their id codes were A55, H21 and T11. Eric asked the Computer what T11 was doing. It was calibrating the machines. T31 was given another task. It had to go to Programming Unit 53 for maintenance and to receive additional programming. He relaxed again, listening to T31 communicating with the Computer. He waited until he would arrive at his destination. T31 walked through another corridor and the Drone went down the stairs. The Drone went through another corridor, where it joined several other Drones. All Drones went through a door into a room similar to the Food Room. There were about 20 Drones in this Programming Room. There were several Programming Rooms on this floor. Every Drone stepped into a Programming Unit. Four Drones entered the Room and connected wires to the other Drones. The same procedure that fixes Drones in the Food Unit was applied here.

The Drones were fixed inside the Units and with the press of a button the Drones shut down. Eric was suddenly very dizzy and blacked out. The four Drones walked to the Units and inserted a cable in each Drone’s Programming Interface. When all Drones were connected, the Computer checked the BodySuit of all Drones. It checked the sensory feedback and if the body responded to the commands. Then, a stream of data was sent containing extra programming. A special test program checked if they worked well. With a simple command, the Drones were reactivated. In unison, they said “Main Drone Program restarted and loading data.” For about a minute, they froze, as the calibration data was restored from memory. Then, the four Drones removed all wires. The Programming Units released 20 upgraded Drones. They walked through the door and went away resuming their tasks.

Eric woke up and heard a voice saying “Main Drone Program restarted and loading data.” He felt a shiver going through his head. After a few seconds he felt he had received extra programming. He felt very horny. He asked the computer what had happened and he learned he had been restarted. He asked which additional programs had been installed. “All Drones have received an improved visual filter and a new version of the Mind Wrapping Program to improve effectiveness. An Enhanced Mechanical Database allows this Drone to install, calibrate and program Units and Drones. An Enhanced BodySuit Interface will allow the Drone Processor to change the colour of the Suit when requested by the Computer. An upgrade to the Main Drone Program allows the Drone to access its memory more efficiently.” Eric was quite disturbed of the changes. Worst of all was that he had the Mind Wrapping Program installed. He felt something in his mind. He could sense the new programs. It was a strange sensation. He became aware of his Programming as the new database had been loaded but didn’t understand anything. He asked and learned that the Computer would provide him with information when needed. He asked the Computer how he could stop the Mind Wrapping Program from running and learned that other programs could be used for that. He knew he had only 30 seconds left before all calibration data had been loaded. He created a program that would stop the Mind Wrapping Program and attempted to start it. It didn’t work. He was running out of time. He modified the program so it looked like the programs that had just been loaded. This time it was accepted. With only seconds left he was told the program would be loaded with the next startup. The data transfer was almost ready. He focussed and had vision again. What he saw unsettled him. He saw 24 identical Drones. But this time they looked like beautiful girls. All Drones had quite large breasts which were clearly visible in the suits, sticking out as if every Drone tried to pose for him. The entire body of each Drone was great. The bottoms of each Drone were round-shaped and their legs were perfectly female. Even the heads were female now, still without much expression, but they were clearly cute girls. They even had hair, light-brown, stopping at the ears. He asked the Computer and learned that the look of each Drone had been adapted to what the Drone’s old personality considered as attractive. This would enhance the effects of the BodySuit. The Mind Wrapping Program could keep the old personality away with more ease now. He looked at himself and saw two breasts sticking out. He noticed that his suit had changed colour too. It was now shiny light green. He was very turned on now. Suddenly he felt a tingle as he reconnected to the Computer. He heard a voice say “Drone id code is D26.” He felt a fog clouding his mind. In his mind he heard a voice say: “Mind Wrapping Program running.” Everything flowed away. He didn’t care. He saw nothing and heard nothing. He was a Drone, for the first time properly connected. His mind screamed as it dreamed a huge orgasm. It received a new task and didn’t question anymore. “Become bright red and go to Room P29.”