The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

This work is copyrighted. Please do not repost or distribute it anywhere without my permission. This story is pure fiction and should be treated as such. It contains graphic descriptions of sexual acts. Please do not read further if stories like this are illegal in your country, if you are underage or have problems telling the difference between fiction and reality.

WARNING: This is a dark, sometimes cruel story with many dialogue, action and story sequences. If you were looking for a story solely focused on human reproductive behaviour this might not be the story for you.

Everyone else, enjoy ;).

Being Human


Part One

David was dead tired. His hands were calloused and his lungs stung from the noxious fumes he had inhaled during his double shift at the smeltery. He was shivering, and his tattered clothes did litte to protect him agains the biting cold that permeated the perpetual twilight of the lower city.

He couldn’t wait to get home, desperatley hoping that his wife had managed to find something, anything that they could burn in their little stove to heat some food and water.

Only now, as he saw the armoured black patrol cars parked in front of the habitation block, he realized that he should have hoped for something else entirely.

He warily entered the building and was greeted by the familiar smell of blood and human excrement. The lobby was dark and filled with an almost knee high layer of rotting destrius. He almost stumbled over a young dopehead who lay collapsed on the filthy concrete stairs, the syringe still sticking out of his emaciated arm. The boy couldn’t have been any older than fourteen.

Yes, they were living in a slum, but at least they had a roof above their heads and enough food to survive. That was more than most people could say. David worked hard for their future, slaving countless unpaid hours in the factory. His supervisor had hinted, that if he kept up the good work they might get a bigger home, one with power and plumbing, maybe even a permit to have a child.

Heavily armed officers guarded the staircase and he could feel them stare from behind their impassive black helmet visors. Metropolitan police. The worst kind of thugs one could encounter in this place. Most gangs just took your money and dissappeared into the night. The police, they took your money and made you dissappear. He desperately hoped that they weren’t here for what he feared they were.

The door to their little apartment stood open. Four bored policemen in black uniforms guarded the corridor. David swallowed as he saw their oversized shotguns and the long cattle prods hanging from their belts. He breathed a sigh of relieve when they let him pass, unchecked, as he he went to enter the door.

He found her in the bedroom. She was packing a few belongings into a torn plastic bag. For a few moments he couldn’t think of a single reason in the world why she might be doing that. But then she turned, and he saw the look in his young wifes eyes.

“” he stammered.

“I am so sorry David.”

“B..but.. this is impossible! I mean...we...”

“It was always possible.” Her voice was a hoarse whisper. She pointed to the small metal table in the living space. On it, next to a small loaf of bread, lovingly wrapped in wax paper, lay a slip of paper.

Emilia had warned him that one day ‘they’ might come for her, although she never really seemed sure who ‘they’ even were. He had always attributed her fears to some kind of paranoia, nothing unusual nowadays. Maybe he had been wrong. David realized how little he knew about his wife.

He had found her on the streets six years ago, starved, naked and confused. He had nursed her back to health and one thing had led to another. David often wondered how a guy like him had succeeded to win the heart of such a perfect woman.

Sometimes her perfection scared even him. She had alabaster white skin, a fiery red mane, sparkling green eyes and an impossibly beautiful face that, with its high cheekbones and full red lips, appeared noble and cute at the same time. Even slight imperfections, like the many freckles that covered her nose seemed deliberately designed to further enhance her beauty.

Not that there were many imperfections. Her body was spectacular and her skin flawless, lacking every hint of pimples, moles or birthmarks. All that, combined with her loving personality and her unshakable optimism, made her without doubt the best thing that ever happened to him in his entire life. Losing her was his single greatest fear.

One look at the paperslip told him that his fear had come true.

He almost collapsed, sitting down hard onto the the rusty chair next to the table. Tears were forming in his eyes. “My”

* * *

Emilia knew she had only herself to blame. She had felt too secure, had blindly trusted her forged ID to bring her safely into the upper spires of the metropolis like it had so many times before. David had warned her countless times that the danger of being caught far outweighted the benefits of the meagre wage she earned as part of a cleaning crew, but she knew that without this job, they would have starved long ago.

As a cleaner she had free access to the trash cans of the city’s financial aristocracy. The food they threw away had helped them to survive the last two winters, while everywhere around them the poor died in droves. Who could possibly have anticipated that police raid? Usually the guards never bothered to take a genetic fingerprint.

“Why Emi? I told you so many times...” David was sobbing now.

What could she possibly answer him? Emilia closed her eyes and fought hard to steady her shaking hands. She knew David would take it this way. She loved him, but he had never been a good actor, had never been good at hiding his feelings. Right now she desperately wanted him to hug her, to lie to her that everything was going to be allright. But he was crying too hard.

She was going to prison for the rest her life, not him. They had less than five minutes together and he was wasting precious time crying and stammering. He was a giant of a man, but beneath his physical bulk was a soft, sensitive core. Emilia knew she would have to be strong for both of them.

She gently stroked his cheek. “Everything is going to be allright David..”

Her hands wouldn’t stop shaking. They just stood there, clinging to each other like drowning sailors desperately clutching a piece of driftwood. Emilia heard the ticking of the small brass clock on the wall. She had found it in the trash some time ago and had given it to David on their three year anniversary.

He had been exited like a little boy. The tiny clock was probably the most valuable thing they owned. Right now, the relentless ticking of its clockhand made the clock her worst enemy.

David got angry when they took her away. Emi was close to panicking herself and it took all her resolve to calm him down. She walked over to him one last time and kissed him. She said something, empty promises to calm him down. Afterwards they dragged her away. The picture of him, standing lost and confused in the middle of the living room, his mouth open, searching for words that never came, etched itself into her memory.

David, her one true love, her husband, her only hope for a normal life. She knew that she would never see him again.

* * *

The interrogation room was empty apart from two chairs and a table, and covered in white tiles which glistened in the blazing, bluish light. The acrid smell of desinfectant was strong in the air. Time seemed to strech as she waited, chained to a chair, listening to the quiet hum of the ventilation system.

Emilia felt almost relieved when the door finally opened. Three men entered, two wearing the uniform black armor and visored helmets of the police force. The third was different. He was tall and lean, with a gaunt, weather beaten face wearing a simple grey suit that somehow made him appear far more menacing than the black armored men guarding the door.

He casually sat down on the other chair, crossing his legs while he produced a flat datapad from his jacket. For a few minutes he calmly read through some files on his pad, not even acknowledging her presence. Emilia nervously shiftet around on her seat and startled when the man suddenly looked up.

“Tell me, Mrs. Wells, do you know why you are here?” His voice was nasal and cold as ice.

“There...seems to be something wrong with my ID card.”

He gently shook his head. “There is nothing wrong with your ID, Mrs.Wells. In fact, my computer tells me that it is one-hundred percent legit.” He smiled thinly. “My compliments to your forger.”

She looked at him confused. “But the officers told me...”

“But you weren’t arrested because of your ID,” he interrupted her “you were arrested because my men wanted to blow off some steam and you were the hottest piece of ass around.” The flat casualness of his tone caught her off guard. The men at the door grunted their approval.

She swallowed hard, trying to remain calm. Maybe there was a chance to get out of this after all. She would do what she had to if neccessary. “I...I understand.... So..will you let me go if i let you...” her voice trembled.

The man raised a hand to stop her while slowly shaking his head. “Under normal circumstances, yes.” There was a short pause. “In your case, no.”

“But you said that..”

“I said you were apprehended because my men wanted to have some fun, yes. Catch you, bone you, set you free. That was the plan. But then i ran some routine checks on you. Don’t you find it strange that i found a match to your DNA in our databank?”

He was staring intently at her now. Emilia had to consciously remind herself to continue breathing. “I..there must be some mistake...”

“Yes, thats what i thought. Especially since it turned out that said file was encrypted, labeled top secret by authority of the military intelligence. I don’t suppose you can explain that, Mrs. Wells?”

She was truly scared now. “As i said this....this is clearly a misunderstanding..”

He held up his hand again. “I have to admit that i was curious and so i called in some favors. I called a friend in the governor’s palace who in turn called another friend in the naval intelligence. To cut a long story short, i have the file on my datapad now and, in all honesty, i find its contents very hard to believe. Can you imagine why that is, Mrs. Wells?”

“Please, there must be some way to sort this out! I..i have some money and...”

“I find this file hard to believe because it tells me that your DNA is in fact that of two seperate human beings. That of two young woman, to be exact.” He lowered his voice until it was almost a whisper. “Two young woman who were murdered almost seven years ago.”

Emilias mouth fell open. Words failed her. “Tell me, Mrs. Wells, for how long have you been living in this city? What did you do before you came here?”

And there it was. The question she feared more than anything else. “I..I dont remember...”

“You don’t remember.” The man set his datapad down and began to slowly massage his temples. “Well, that is unfortunate Mrs.Wells. Very unfortunate. Because no one else remembers either. By all accounts, a woman named Emilia Wells just..appeared six years ago. No friends. No relatives or family. Doesn’t that strike you as odd?”

By now, Emilias hands were clutching the table in a vice like grip. “Listen, this has to be some kind of mistake! Maybe there is something wrong with your computer or...”

“Perhaps. Tell me Mrs. Wells, do you see the black circle on the floor under your chair?”

Emilia looked down warily. She hadn’t noticed before, but her chair was in fact standing on a slight, circular elevation. She looked at the man questioningly.

“A powerful sensor. Scans for hidden weapons, monitors lifesigns. Heartrate, body temperature, even brain waves.”

There was a short knock at the door, but neither of the man in the room reacted. “Mrs. Wells, would you care to elaborate why my sensors tell me, that the young woman in front has neither a heartbeat nor brainwaves?” His eyes bore into hers.

Emilia shook her head in bewilderment. “I..I don’t know. You have to believe me, i don’t know!”

“I know that you’re lying. I don’t know what you are, but be assured that i have the means to make you...”

He never managed to finish the sentence. The door opened and a small metal cylinder rolled into the room. For a short moment nothing seemed to happen and the guards looked at each other, confused, unsure of how to react.

There was a barely audible click, followed by a quiet hiss as gas began to fill the room. Almost instantly the men collapsed, so they never saw the masked figures entering the door.

Someone spoke. A single word. Emilia didn’t understand, but she immediately felt its effects. She collapsed.

* * *


Emilia awoke with a start. With great effort she managed to open her eyes, a decision she instantly regrettet as a sharp, piercing pain shot through her temples. She felt dazed and tired, barely managing to gather enough strength to lift her head.

She blinked several times in confusion. She was in a large, oval shaped room, completely lined in white, brightly polished plastic plating. Several lamps on the high ceilig threw a harsh, dazzing light into the room. She could see herself as well. Several holographic emitters projected spinning, life-sized images of her into the sterile air.

Trying to move, she found that she was strapped into a weird, cylindrical metal structure. Her body was riddled with tubes and electrodes, that left her skin in thick bundles, to connect her with peculiar, humming machines. She felt a tube stir and vibrate as it pumped a thick, blueish fluid into her left biceps.

“EMI. Status report.”

The voice again. Confused, Emilia scanned her surroundings until she spotted its source. To her left stood three figures. The speaker was a short, elderly man with a bushy white walrus mustache, standing next to a young asian woman with thick, horn-rimmed glasses. Both wore lab coats.

Behind them stood a tall sinewy man, languidly studying one of the holographic projections. The man looked completely out of place in this sterile environment. He was definetely handsome, bald and bronze skinned with a broad jaw and striking, almost sculpted looking features, but there was something cold, something ruthless about him that made Emilia shudder. He was dressed in a long coat of maroon velvet with wide cuffs and an extravagant black lace cravat.

Emilia had no time to be confused, as her thoughts were interrupted by a second voice. “All systems functional.”

She almost fainted. It wasn’t voices cold tone, completely devoid of any emotion, nor its sudden loudness. It was the simple fact that the voice had come from her own mouth.

The asian woman was intently studying her datapad. “Sir, i read a sharp increase in heart rate. Pupil dilation, piloerection, perspiration forming on the face.”

The man walked over to his female colleague, studying the datapad for a few seconds before raising his head, looking at Emilia in wonder. “Fear? It is afraid? Fascinating...truly fascinating.” He slowly approached.

Meanwhile Emilia began to panic. With terror she realized that her wrists and ankles were firmly secured to the metal apparatus. “Please, i haven’t done anything to you! I..I never meant to hurt anyone, i swear! I..”

“EMI. Calm.”

From one second to the other she felt herself calm down. This fact alone should have been enough to reignite her fear, but instead a soothing calm washed over her mind. She looked at the man with raised eyebrows. “How are you doing this?”

The man ignored her question, instead whispering excitedly to the asian woman. “See? I told them that a synthetic with such a geat array of human interaction applications would be more prone to develop a consciousness. Especially if the memory drive is not deleted in regular intervalls.”

“Stop ignoring me! What do you want from me? How are you doing this?”

“EMI. Mute.”

“Wh..” Just like that her voice died away. In vain she tried to form words, but it was as if her vocal cords had suddenly dissappeared, her lips silently opening and closing like fishmouth. She knews that she should feel angry and frustrated, but it was hard to fight the inhuman calm that clouded her mind.

The tall man in the long coat appeared next to the scientist, inspecting Emilia uninhibitedly. “It doesn’t look very synthetic to me.”

“Exactly, your Lordship. Two inches of vat-grown flesh on a reinforced iridium shell. It has blood vessels to support the skin, a functional respiratory and digestive system to provide it with nutrition, even bone marrow to replace cells in the event of blood loss.” He seemed proud and excited like a child on christmas morning.

The noble seemed unimpressed. “You are saying that my predecessor spent billions of credits to wrap a synthetic in human skin?”

The scientist shook his head. “Allow me to explain, your lordship. This unit is designed to walk undetected among humans. It eats, it breathes and bleeds, able to fool even the most wary man into thinking that he is dealing with a beautiful young woman. But if he drops his guard and takes that woman to his bedchamber he is in for a surprise, for under her skin lurks a perfect, almost indestructible killing machine.”

“And you chose to inform me now, four years after my inauguration?”

The scientist fidgeted nervously with this moustache. “Six years ago there was an..unfortunate accident, my lord. Our prototype dissappeared without a trace during its first mission. After this disaster, the Janus project was shut down.”

“I want to talk to it.”

“Sir, this unit was on the run for almost six years, without proper maintenance and care. We don’t know where it has been, what it has done. It seems that the A.I. has developed a consciousness of its own. Such things are dangerous.”

“Do i need to repeat myself Dr. Warren?” There was a dangerous sparkle in the nobles steel grey eyes.

“ my lord, of course not.” The scientist stuttered, handing a small remote control to the tall man. “This is its control wand.”

The man took it, hesitating for a moment. “Does it have a name?”

“The A.I. controlling this body is designated Enhanced Metahuman Intelligence, sir. EMI.”

The noble shrugged, waving the control wand around. With a hiss, the restraints that kept Emilias hands and feet in place, opened. “EMI, you may speak.”

She gasped with relief as she felt her voice return, slowly rubbing her sore wrists. “My name is Wells, Emilia Wells” she spat, “I don’t know what you are talking about, but there must be some kind of mistake! I’m not a..a thing! I’m a human being!”

The noble looked at the scientist who shrugged apologetically, with an expression that seemed to say “I told you so.”

“It is actually convinced that it is human?”

Emilia took a step forward. “I am human! Stop talking about me as if i weren’t present!”

The noble pursed his lips into a thin smile. “EMI, freeze.”

Instantly her legs cramped, stopping her in mid stride.

“Most intriguing. Who knows about this project, Doctor?”

The scientist shrugged, pointing across the room where half a dozen white robed scientists were busy evaluating the data displayed on the holoprojectors. “Just me and my team. Secrecy was always the key to this project.”

“Good. Very good. And it obeys my every command?”

“Of course, your lordship. It is a normal synthetic after all.”

Nodding, the noble stepped closer to Emilia until she felt his warm breath on her cheek, smelling the faint scent of his cologne. Her eyes widened when she heard the first commands of her new master, words that would change her life irrevocably.

His commands were clear and simple.

“Kill them. All of them.”