The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Betrayed Downstream

by The Lycanthrope

Chapter 13 — Tiptoeing Through A Minefield

Manager’s Apartment—El Cajon, California

I froze, feeling the panic of a schoolboy who’d been caught, quite literally, with his pants down. I turned around slowly. She was an inch or two shorter than Arianna, maybe about 5′5″ or so. She had black hair pulled back and up into a clip. She was a heavier-than-average woman, probably weighing at least as much as I did. She gave me an appraising look.

“Well you’re quite a bit older than what I’ve come to expect,” she said. “Look, Arianna’s an adult and she can do what she likes, as long as it doesn’t interfere with her college. I’m Gina, by the way.”

“B-Ben Lincoln,” I stammered, my cheeks still burning.

“Are you going to try to come between my daughter and her studies, Ben Lincoln?”

“Absolutely not, Gina. I’m a firm believer in a good education.”

“Good answer. Did you go to college?”

“Yes I did.” Could this discussion be more surreal? I was standing in my underwear, holding my clothes in my arms, trying to pass the inspection of the mother of the teenager I’d just sodomized (loudly) in the shower. I could still hear the shower running as Arianna continued washing up.

“Did you graduate?”

“Yes, I graduated.” Technically I’d graduated several times.

“Good. What did you study?”

“I studied math, sciences, and technology.”

“Well then you’ll probably be a better influence on Arianna than most of her guys I get to meet.” She stepped toward me and extended her hand. “Nice to meet you, Ben Lincoln.”

Instinctively I reached out with my right hand, which resulted in my clothing tumbling to the floor between us. I felt my cheeks flush again, but I shook her hand. She laughed, but there was sympathy mixed with the amusement in her hazel eyes. I bent down and retrieved my clothes.

“So why are you out here instead of still in there,” Gina gestured over her shoulder, “with Princess Libido?”

“Actually, I’m hoping that she’ll finish showering and get ready for her classes if I’m not in there to distract her. I was hoping to be dressed before she finished to, um, minimize the distractions.”

“Probably a good idea. Arianna has a powerful sex drive. It runs in the family.”

Even though I’d just showered, Gina and I were in very close proximity. She looked me over again, wistfully. If Arianna had inherited her sex drive from her mother, then things could get out of control with Gina, too.

“Please excuse me for being so immodest,” I said, then I stepped into my pants and yanked them up. I pulled my shirt on over my head, tucked it into my pants, and fastened the pants back up. I still had my socks and shoes off, but I felt better with most of my clothes on.

“Don’t worry, Ben,” Gina said with a bit of sadness in her expressive eyes. “I know I’m not your type. Please, come have a seat so you don’t fall down.” I followed her to the living room and sat on the couch to put on my socks and shoes. She sat at the opposite end of the couch and waited for me to finish dressing. I heard the bathroom door open, but Arianna didn’t appear. She’d probably gone into her room to get ready to go.

“Thank you for being so understanding, Gina.”

“No problem. So how did you meet my daughter?”

“Actually, I came here to find you and she answered the door.”

“Seriously?!? And that quickly you’re in the shower having sex with her? This has to be a new record for her! Not that I blame her, Ben. There’s something about you that’s… compelling.”

“Hi Mom,” said Arianna, walking into the kitchen. “I see you’ve met Ben.”

“Yes, we met. You’d better get going or you’re going to miss the San-Trans.”

“I’m going,” she said, her head inside the refrigerator. She closed the fridge and walked out of the kitchen with an insulated container.

“My last class ends at 3:20. I have a study group after that, but I can blow that off if Ben will still be here.”

“Please go to your study group,” I said.

“OK,” she replied meekly. Gina looked surprised at her acquiescence. Arianna walked to the door.

“I should be back around 5:00, then.” She opened the door, then turned back to look at us.

“Oh, and Ben? You do know that even though you didn’t come in my cunny, I could still get pregnant just because you were in there, right?” She blew me a kiss, then zipped out the door before I could answer.

“Pregnant?” Gina said with disbelief.

“Um, yeah, about that…”

“Ohmigod! Are you one of those guys?”

“Yes, I’m afraid I am.”

“And Arianna could be pregnant?”

“Yes, there’s a very small chance that she could be pregnant. What she said was true.”

“Lucky girl,” Gina whispered, seemingly lost in thought.

“The chances are very small and I hope that she’s not pregnant. I do want her to finish college. I wasn’t kidding when I said I believe education is important. I think that it could be too much for anyone so young to try to raise a baby while they’re going to college. And just so you know, Gina, if she is pregnant, I’m not going to abandon her. I’m in a very strange situation here, but I’m going to try to be as much of a father as possible to my children.”

Gina sat silent for awhile.

“You said you came here to see me? I’m sure it wasn’t to knock me up.”

“I actually wanted to talk about the apartment complex and ask you a few questions.”

“I knew I wasn’t that lucky. I’m not your type.” That was twice she’d mentioned not being my type.

“Why do you say that?”

“Are you kidding me? Look at me! There’s nothing sexy or attractive about me at all.”

I looked at her. Yes, she was overweight, but that didn’t make her ugly to me. She appeared to carry quite a bit of her weight in a very large pair of breasts. Her shirt was loose, so it was hard to tell what her waistline looked like, but she certainly didn’t appear to have a protruding stomach. Her legs were in full reveal, thanks to her denim shorts. They were, well, sturdy. They weren’t covered in rolls of fat, but they were substantial. She was sitting, but I hadn’t noticed that her ass was particularly huge, just in proportion to the rest of her. Gina’s face was round, with full lips and expressive hazel eyes. Her black hair had a few grey strands. Overall, I found her somewhat attractive.

“You look fine to me, Gina.”

“You must be blind! I’m fat, I’m old, I’m ugly…”

“I’m not blind, Gina. Being sexy and attractive doesn’t require being young and skinny, you know. You’re not…” I was stopped by a sudden realization: I needed to be very careful of what I said.

Either Harrison hadn’t told us everything he knew about the effects of the nano-protein on women, or his “human trials” had been woefully lacking in scientific thoroughness. Even before we’d had sex, Ashley had obeyed my simple commands, though I hadn’t recognized it as that. I hadn’t done anything more than shake hands with Cheryl and she’d become subservient and obedient, even if she had been rationalizing it to herself as my commands and suggestions seeming like good ideas to her. Arianna had seemed surprised that she obeyed me and that was before we’d even touched each other. Shelby—how could you describe what I’d done with Shelby? Simply by talking to her and touching her, I’d altered the fundamental way that she perceived the whole world.

I’d been about to tell Gina things that would contradict her view of herself. Based on my experiences over the previous days, me doing so would have had a pretty good chance of forcing her to change her values. Even if I strongly disagreed with her negative views of herself, did I have the right to change them just on my whim? I didn’t think so.

One of my primary school teachers had said that people were born with two ears and one mouth because we’re supposed to listen twice as much as we talk. At the time I’d found the phrase trite and contrived, since I knew that having two ears actually helped humans localize sounds. Decades later, though, it seemed like a very good idea.

“I’m curious, Gina. Please tell me more,” I said. I realized that my request could be seen as a command that she might otherwise not want to obey, but I had to start somewhere and asking for information wasn’t going to change her fundamental views of anything. Gina talked and I listened, being careful to only acknowledge what she said and ask questions when I wanted more information about a particular part of her story.

Gina had been nineteen when she’d gotten pregnant. Arianna’s father was a sailor on a Russian freighter that had put in at the Port of San Diego. The nano-protein had been in full effect in southern California, but it hadn’t yet reached the town of Korsakov at the southern end of remote Sakhalin Island. I had to keep reminding myself that only the men who had been downstreamed by Harrison knew anything at all about the nano-protein. The rest of the world thought it was some kind of natural pandemic that sterilized men.

At the time, the nano-protein would have been mature but still fully active in Gina, since Harrison had said that they persisted for about ten years. I wondered if Harrison had accounted for women with mature, active nano-protein infestations encountering men who were fertile but uninfected. He was a goal-oriented businessman, not a scientist. He’d probably ordered tests for his desired future state where fertile men were introduced into a world where the nano-protein had already run its course and then died off. I doubted that he’d done thorough scientific testing for much more than his desired result.

Gina talked about the high sex drive that had started in her at puberty, but said that she felt like she’d gone into wild heat when she’d met Arianna’s future father, Marko. Five days of nearly constant sex had ended when the freighter departed for Russia with him aboard. He never knew about the pregnancy, and Gina had been fine with that.

After Arianna’s birth, Gina had dropped out of community college to work and take care of her baby. She’d managed to eke out a living for the two of them as the economy had soured. She’d lived on government assistance for awhile and when Arianna was old enough to look out for herself after school, Gina had worked multiple jobs to get off assistance and try to save up money for her college. The focus of her life was making sure that Arianna didn’t have to go through what Gina had gone through after Arianna had been born.

“That’s why I’m so fat,” she told me. “I should weigh at least twenty kilos less, but I need the money for Arianna’s college more than I need the monthly weight control treatments. They’re expensive, you know.”

The job managing the apartment complex got her a place to live, but it didn’t pay much beyond the free rent and it also didn’t leave much time for her to make money with a second job. Arianna worked part-time to help out and they were doing OK, but they didn’t have much in the way of luxuries in their lives.

“Enough about me,” she said, moving closer to me on the couch. “What about you? Were you really frozen in Africa for twenty years?”

“I guess that’s as good a way to look at it as any, if you’re looking from the outside.”

“What did it feel like? Was it like being asleep or something?”

“Actually, Gina, it didn’t feel like anything. We didn’t even notice. To those on the inside of the time bubble, nothing seemed to be any different than you and me sitting here talking right now.”

“But how is that possible, Ben? Twenty years is a long time. You must have noticed something.”

“Actually, twenty years for you passed in an instant for us. We didn’t experience the twenty years the way that people outside the time bubble did. We lived twenty years along a time dimension that people don’t perceive.”

“That’s… weird, I guess. How can there be time that we don’t perceive?” I thought for a few moments.

“OK, Gina, look at it this way. You’ve looked at the stars at night, right?”


“And do you recognize any of the constellations in the sky?”

“Sure, I can find a couple of them.”

“OK. When you look at the stars, it looks almost like we’re inside a big black sphere with lots of little pinholes of light shining through, right?”

“Yeah, that’s a pretty good way to describe it.”

“From our viewpoint, all of the stars in a constellation look like they’re the same distance away. They’re just little pinholes of light shining through the black dome. Is that what they look like to you?”


“But in reality, those stars are so far away that we can’t perceive the distance to them. Do you know how far away stars are?”

“I’d imagine that they’re millions of kilometers away.”

“Well, the Sun is about 150 million kilometers away. The next closest star to Earth is about 40 trillion kilometers away. The furthest star we can see without a telescope is over 47 quadrillion kilometers away. The light from it takes 5000 years to get to us. Space is a big, big place, Gina, and that’s still just in our neighborhood of our galaxy. We can see the closest galaxy to us without a telescope. We call it the Andromeda Galaxy and the light from it takes about 2.5 million years to get to Earth.”

“Wow! I had no idea!”

“So when you look up in the sky and you see the Big Dipper or Orion or whatever constellations you recognize, the stars all look like they’re the same distance away. But actually the distances to the different stars in a constellation vary by huge amounts. It’s those enormous distances that make us lose our perception of depth when it comes to stars and see them as basically a two-dimensional black plane with pinholes of light shining through it.

“In this room we can see depth. We see how some things are closer to us and others are further away. But when it comes to the stars, we lose that third dimension because they’re so far away. Does that make sense?”

“Yeah. When you explain it that way, it makes perfect sense, Ben.”

“OK, then think of the time dimensions the same way. We only perceive the dimension of time that we’re used to measuring on our clocks, but there are other dimensions out there that we’re not able to perceive for whatever reason, just like we don’t perceive relative depth when we look at stars.”

“So it’s like the other time dimensions are far away, then?”

“It’s not really a distance thing. It’s almost like how we can see light, but we can’t see sound or heat or radio waves.”

“OK, that makes sense. So you lived twenty of my years in a different time dimension and that meant that you didn’t experience it the way humans experience time?”

“That’s right. You understand perfectly, Gina.”

“So you’re really twenty years older than you look?”

“Yup. I was born 51 years ago.”

“No shit?”

“No shit, Gina.” I smiled at the repeat of the snippet of conversation I’d had with her daughter earlier.

“I guess I should quit bitching about being 38, then.” She smiled at me. “You’re the best looking 51 year old I’ve ever seen, Ben. Hell, you’re the best looking guy I’ve seen in a long, long time.”

“Thank you.”

“And here I was thinking that I’m too old for a young guy like you.”

“Nope. I’m the old man here, but I cheated twenty years off my physical age.”

“That’s probably a good thing. The news vids said that you guys are basically going to save humanity by knocking up girls 24/7. Being physically younger has got to help with that.”

“I don’t know about the ‘24/7’ part, but for humanity to survive, we do need to make a lot of babies.”

“I wish I could have another baby.” The wistful look was back on Gina’s face.

“Why can’t you?”

“Yeah, right. I’m sure no guy is going to want a fat old broad like me when there are millions of young, sexy girls dying to screw their brains out.”

And so we had come full circle; back to where I’d almost said something that might change Gina’s basic beliefs and values. I was back at the minefield, trying to figure out how to tiptoe through it. I gave it my best shot.

“I recognize that you see yourself the way that you see yourself, Gina, and that’s perfectly OK. But I find you attractive. As you already know, I’m going to father a lot of children with a lot of women. I’m also going to help support and raise my children and be the best father I can to them, given the unusual circumstances I’m in. I’d be honored if you’d be the mother of my child.”

Gina looked stunned.

“Seriously, Ben?”

I reached over and took her hand.

“Seriously, Gina.”

She looked down at our joined hands for several seconds. When she looked up again, there was desire in her eyes. I stood and she followed. Hand-in-hand we walked down the hallway to her bedroom.