The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

A Bimbo in Time — Part 1

By: Quill

Love is shit.

It comes in the dark of the night, striking in a flash, and for a time it fills us with joy. Even the simplest things are made better when they are done with love in our heart. Love is a heady joy, but its crash—oh the crash: the crash makes even its highest of highs feel like a cruel joke.

We armor ourselves in experience, tempering our feelings with trepidation. An adult never loves completely. They can’t afford to. The pain is just too much. But that first time, when a young man or woman discovers someone whose soul harmonizes with their own, there can be no love like that first love.

So love was why Cece walked down a dark country road that night, or, rather, the loss of love. Shadows lurked beneath trees, and the dry rattle of wind through bare branches sent her heart pounding. The air felt heavy with the promise of a storm that hadn’t yet broken. It suited her mood. She placed one hand on a fencepost overlooking an old graveyard and paused to take in the sight.

The headstones, the few that weren’t broken, were weather worn, the wind long since scrubbing them of any semblance of legibility. A few plastic flowers stood in urns next to their graves, but their petals were sunbleached and faded with time. This was a place for the dead, and that made Cece an intruder. She suddenly felt incredibly silly. Here she was, a girl of eighteen, standing at the entrance of a graveyard because her boyfriend broke up with her. What did she expect to find here? Solace? She could find solace in her pillow if she cried hard enough.

Cece turned to walk back the way she’d come.

But as she did so, Cece heard a voice. Melodic and high, it floated over the light fog clinging to the headstones. She had the sudden fear that it was a ghost, but she dismissed the thought as ridiculous. Ghosts weren’t real, no matter how eery and old the graveyard.

Eventually, though, curiosity won out, and so Cece lifted the rusty latch locking the gate. It swung wide with a groan. Leaves swirled around her black skirt as she ventured deeper into the graveyard.

The voice seemed to originate from an old sepulcher nestled between two gnarled oak trees. A heavy latch dangled from a chain, broken by the twin powers of rust and time. In the center of its door, a tarnished bronze cross hung crooked. She pushed the door open and the voice grew louder.

Four bodies lay on stone slabs, their desiccated features hidden beneath white veils. In the far corner of the room pulsed a faint blue light. If it had been day out Cece wouldn’t have noticed the light, but in the darkness it shone, making Cece squint and hold her hand in front of her face. She pulled the cloth from corpse slowly and then gasped in shock.

It was a woman. She couldn’t been more than twenty. Her eyes were closed, seemingly asleep. Perfect cream colored flesh shone in the pulsing blue light. A faint blush darkened her cheeks. Her clothes, though, were strange; a thin tie-dyed top cut off just below the woman’s ample chest, and a tiny hemp hemp skirt circled her waist like a belt. They seemed more a token nod towards decency than a serious attempt at clothing.

The woman looked so peaceful that Cece felt certain that if she touched her she would wake up. But her chest stood still. Not one breath stirred the light coating of dust that settled across her. She clutched a small plastic buzzer, and from it poured the voice and light.

Cece hesitated. The fear of touching the dead warred with her natural curiosity. In the end, curiosity won out, and so she peeled the body’s fingers from the plastic buzzer. The skin was still warm to the touch.

As soon as the dildo fell out of the corpse’s hands, everything changed. Her cheeks sank into themselves, and her skin turned an ashen gray. The entire process of decomposition spaced into a few second. The foul smell of rot filled the sepulcher, and Cece flung herself away, shrieking and pulling the buzzer to her chest.

“Woah just chill out, baby,” a voice from everywhere yet nowhere said. “Mellow and let the universe do its own thing. Don’t go clouding your chakras with all this negative energy.”

Cece stared at the dildo in her hand in terror. “What the..?” she said, her mouth opening and closing long after the words left her lips.

“Don’t freak out, man,” the dildo said.

“What the fuck!?”

“Don’t freak out!”

Cece threw the dildo across the sepulcher. It bounced against the far wall and fell into the dirt with a puff. She pressed her back against the wall and gasped for breath, trying to pull herself into the corner and shrink away from the talking penis.

“Baby, I’m not trying to give you a head trip. My name’s Star Dick, and I’m a magical talking dildo,” Star Dick said. “So if you is holdin’ now would be a good time to whip it out.”

“I don’t have any—”

“Nah, it’s cool. I ain’t the fuzz, and I ain’t gonna bogart your stuff,” Star Dick assured her. “Honestly, I can’t even partake. Don’t got the anatomy for it. I only bring it up for your benefit because I’m about to drop some heavy shit on you.”

“Heavy shit?”

“Oh yeah, baby!” Star Dick’s voice took on a flourish. “You’ve stumbled upon the phallus of preternatural mystery, the cock of capricious wonders, the dick of devious intent! I’ve got powers you can’t even comprehend, baby, and they’re all pointed in your direction!”

Cece jaw slacked to its side. She tried to force the essence of her confusion into coherence, tried to pound her countless question into a single idea, but all she managed was a strained, “What.”

“I travel through time!” Star Dick said with glee. “Ground Control this is Mother Ship, we are go for an interdimensional adventure. You best pack your bags, baby, because I’m taking you on a trip!”

“Great,” Cece said. She threw her hands up and let them fall back to the floor with a puff of dust. “This is just fucking great.”

“Woah, what’s harshing your mellow?”

“You know what? Fine. I’ll talk to the magical talking penis. Why the fuck not?” Cece said. “I’ve got a lot of problems, Mr. Star Dick, but I think foremost among them is that my boyfriend just left me for a girl he met in ballet.”


“Yeah, bummer is fucking right. And now I’m talking to a tie-dye dildo in a graveyard, because why not add crazy to my list? My life is a shit show. So how, Mr. Star Dick, how the fuck are you going to make it worse? I’m open to ideas.”

“I don’t think you quite realize what you’ve got here,” Star Dick said. “Baby, I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to you. I am the solution to all your problems, the key to all your locks, the secret passage through life itself: I am Star Dick the Magnificent!”


“Oh yeah, baby!” Star Dick said, his voice taking on the intonation of a preacher. “Speak to me! Tell me what you most want in this world and it will be yours!”

“I don’t want my boyfriend to leave me.”

“I can dig it,” Star Dick said. “Before we begin, interdimensional law requires me to inform you of a few provisions, but first a couple questions: how old are you?”


“What is your sign?”


“And do you speak Spanish?” Star Dick asked.


“Advertencia: El viaje en el tiempo puede resultar en una bimboficación intensa. Si nota un crecimiento súbito del tejido mamario, aumento de la libido o un alisamiento de la piel o paleta, comuníquese con su médico de inmediato. El viaje en el tiempo no es para todos. Si eres inteligente o puedes llegar a ser inteligente, o si valoras tu modestia, no viajas en el tiempo.”

“Para más información, póngase en contacto con Star Dick the Magnificant.”

“What?” Cece said.

“Don’t worry about it,” Star Dick said quickly. “To begin the magical solving of all your problems, you need to slip me inside yourself.”


“Inside your pussy, baby! Love is the engine that drives the universe, and there ain’t a better source of love than that which resides between a woman’s thighs.”

“That seems a little sexist,” Cece said, frowning at the little plastic buzzer.

“Hey I don’t make the rules. I just bend ’em. Now do you want your boyfriend back or not?”

Cece picked up the buzzer and held it gingerly before her. It seemed clean enough. The thing was plastic and strangely warm to the touch. Whomever had made it put a great deal of effort into making it look as realistic as possible. Little fake veins lined its side, and Cece swore she could feel something pulse through them. Of course that was impossible. It was a little plastic buzzer. But then again, dildos didn’t speak to people.

“So all I have to do is slip you inside and we go back in time?” Cece said, realizing as she asked that she’d made her decision.

“That’s about the jist.”

Cece swallowed and in one smooth motion slipped the buzzer under her underwear and into her slit. A sudden rush of blood to her pussy made her feel dizzy. Cece had to steady herself on a wall to keep from stumbling. The arousal was so intense that her vision blurred, and, in her slit, she felt the dildo grow even warmer. It began to expand; in her heightened state, Cece could feel its girth stretch against her vaginal walls. It was only a slight growth, but it was definitely present, and it made her skin tingle. The slow stretching felt pleasant, almost overwhelming, and Cece bit back a moan that threatened to slip through her lips.

As her orgasm began to crest, the world lurched and fell away.

God built Tyler Lexington like a brick shithouse.

On his first day of school, the football coach took one look at the boy and placed him as the center linebacker. Tyler was a natural at the game. With a height of nearly seven feet of solid muscle, nobody could get past him, and his size brought a certain kind of attention; Cece was just one of the many that’d admired him, but she’d never dared to hope he would notice her. He had, though.

Maybe Tyler had a thing for Cece’s mouseish looks, or maybe it was her glasses, but, more likely, it was that she beyond any other hanger-on or horny cheerleader could look beyond his size and see Tyler for who he really was: Tyler was a dancer.

When he was seven, Tyler’s mother took him to see the Nutcracker. He’d watched in awe at the carefree yet coordinated dancers, and he’d decided right then and there that he wanted to be a ballerina. Tyler begged his Mom to sign him up for classes, and he took to the art with a zeal only the truly passionate can summon. He wasn’t good and he wasn’t flexible, but Tyler had spunk and that counted for a lot.

Then at thirteen his father proclaimed him a faggot and put him in football.

Cece opened her eyes to her bedroom. It hadn’t changed much in the six months since her conversation with Tyler, the one in which she’d urged him to pursue his passion, and, in doing so, introduced him to the woman he’d eventually leave her for. Hot bubbles of anger rose inside her belly, threatening to cloud her vision. She bit her lip and used the pain to shove the feelings down. Blood welled on her tongue tasting of iron.

“Cece, are you alright?” Tyler asked. He sat on her bed looking at her with eyes full of concern. Oh, those eyes; Cece melted a little just knowing they were gazing at her and only her. How she loved them. It felt like an eternity since they’d looked at her with anything more than passing indifference.

“I’m fine,” Cece said quickly. She let her head fall on his shoulder, closing her eyes with a satisfied sigh.

“Cece,” Tyler began, but his voice broke. He swallowed and tried again. “Cece, have you ever wanted something so bad it hurt?”

Here it comes, Cece thought. She felt a sudden surge of arousal. She had forgotten how handsome Tyler was, how broad and powerful his shoulders were. The desire gave her an idea, and Cece used the energy, moving herself closer to Tyler. She placed her hand on his, and when she spoke her words came out in breathy whisper. “Oh yes.”

“But you’re afraid someone will think less of you for wanting it so much?” Tyler continued, oblivious to her tone.

Cece’s legs felt weak. “More than you can possibly imagine.”

“Cece, I—I need to,” Tyler said.

Cece raised a finger and pushed it against his mouth. “It’s ok,” she said. “I need it too.” Then she threw herself at him, pressing her lips against his.

Tyler hesitated, but when Cece ground her groin against his leg, he let his hands trail up her side and wrap around her. Air fled Cece’s lungs when he squeezed, but she pressed herself deeper into embrace, sighing in contentment as he fumbled her shirt over her head.

The bra came next. Goosebumps rose on her breasts as they entered the open air. Tyler took one of her nipples in his mouth and suckled gently. Cece moaned and wrapped her fingers through thick chestnut locks and pulled him deeper into her cleavage. A thought rose slowly through her lust fogged mind.

“We need pr-pro,” she stuttered, but then the thought was gone as quickly as it came. She felt her pants slide down her legs, and then the next thing Cece knew, she was rubbing her naked slit along the length of his cock.

With one titanic thrust, Tyler drove himself inside her. Cece screamed. Another thrust, and Cece could feel every centimeter of Tyler’s shaft as it moved inside her. They developed a tempo. Tyler moved forward, his fingers leaving indents in her backside. Cece met him halfway. They collided together again and again, the wet slap of flesh on flesh echoing through her bedroom.

Cece moaned, pulling him deeper with her legs. “Fuck me harder!” She didn’t hear the words she spoke; it was a primal voice that urged Tyler onward, knew that if she didn’t beg then she might not receive the one thing she wanted most: more.

Tyler’s breath came in short gasps. A thick line of sweat beaded off his forehead and dripped down to mingle with Cece’s own. His grunts grew sharp, and then he opened his eyes wide, and Cece heard the sound of cracking joints as he curled his toes.

A hot flood of cum poured inside her. It splattered her insides white, and she moaned in orgasmic ecstasy. An intense surge of fulfillment swept across her. Cece wrapped her legs around Tyler’s backside and pulled him deeper.

Tyler dropped to her side and panted for breath. Orgasmic aftershocks sent Cece’s legs twitching. She drooled a little and placed a shaking hand on her boyfriend’s chest.

“That was incredible,” Cece said. “What were you saying before?”

Tyler shook his head and closed his eyes. “It’s not important.”

Cece stared at the ceiling and smiled.

The first thing Cece noticed upon returning to the present was that every part of her felt heavy. The next thing she noticed was her belly. It was massive, rising from beneath the sheets like some ancient leviathan surfacing in the black of night.

Then it moved.

Cece flung herself out of bed with a scream. Sheets tangled around her legs, sending her sprawling in a heap of fabric. The lights flicked on, and Tyler’s face appeared over the edge of the bed. He smiled at her with a look that was both concerned and amused.

“Are you alright, honey? Another nightmare?” he asked.

“What the fuck is this thing?!” Cece said. She tried to crawl away from the heaving mound of… something that protruded where her stomach should be. “It fucking moved!”

“Is the baby keeping you up?” Tyler asked. “You want some chamomile tea?”

“The baby?” Cece said. It all clicked into place. The heavy weight, the weird shifting in her bowels, the intense urge to pee. “Why the fuck am I pregnant?!”

“Is that a serious question? Are you going through one of those mood swings the doctor was talking about?” Tyler asked, genuine concern showing on his face for the first time. “We had unprotected sex, sweetie. I wasn’t thrilled when it happened, but I take responsibility and I respect your decision to keep it. We’re going to be great parents.”

“I can’t be pregnant. I’m eighteen!” Cece said, as if biology gave a damn.

“I know you’re scared, but getting worked up won’t change the past,” Tyler said “I’m scared too. Come back to bed. We’ll talk about it in the morning.”

“Star Dick!” Cece shouted.

“You’re positively glowing,” Star Dick said from her underwear drawer. “Just a shining beacon of motherhood. Are you using a midwife or going with a doctor?”


“Yeah baby!” Star Dick said with obvious glee. “Fuck the system. I know a guy that makes diapers out of hemp. I’ll set you up.”

“I’m not having the baby,” Cece said through gritted teeth. “Star Dick, get me the fuck out of here!”

“You want my magic then you know the drill, baby.”

“Cece, are you alright?” Tyler asked. He got out of the bed and stretched his arms wide, drawing closer to her. “Should I call the doctor? Who’s Star Dick?”

Cece didn’t answer. She ducked Tyler’s open arms and made a beeline for her underwear drawer.

Tyler picked up the phone and dialed a few numbers. “Yes, police? My wife is acting strange,” he said. “She just woke up and started screaming and saying some really strange stuff. I’m concerned she might injure herself or the baby.”

Cece found Star Dick. He was larger, slightly wider, than he’d been in the graveyard, and the veins along his side were more pronounced. Cece didn’t have to time to figure that out, though. With a swallow, she shoved the dildo beneath her skirt and into her slit.

Cece thought she’d be ready for the rush of arousal, but it came on her so suddenly, so violently, that she almost lost her balance. She steadied herself on the dresser, gripping the wood tight enough to turn her knuckles a brilliant white. An uncontrolled moan tore from her lips. Star Dick swelled inside her, filling the aching hole between her thighs. Cece grasped him and pumped backward and forward, cycling emptiness and fulfillment. The edge of her vision grew black.

“And away we go,” Star Dick said.

Darkness again.

Cece felt lighter, though, so she let out a sigh of relief and fumbled around for a lightswitch. She found one a moment later and flicked it on.

“Star Dick, where are we?” Cece asked, taking in an unfamiliar My Little Pony shower curtain with confusion.

“Looks like a bathroom,” Star Dick said. His voice came from everywhere yet nowhere, and Cece couldn’t seem to find him in the little room. She wondered if he came into the past with her at all. “But then I’m not from this universe, so this could be the Vatican for all I know.”

Cece growled. The dildo was being deliberately obtuse. “No, I mean, when are we?” she said, and then muttered under her breath, “You silicon piece of shit.” It was Star Dick’s fault Cece had gotten pregnant, and it’d be a long time before she let that little violation go. Now here she was in the past about to metaphorically abort her baby, and he had the gall to be an asshole about it.

“I heard that,” Star Dick said. “You best remember I’m your only ride home, baby. We’re about seven months in your past at a party in which you did something stupid with your boytoy. You could tell for yourself if you just align your chakras with the universe. It’s about being one with creation. We’re all part of the great collective, man.”

But Cece wasn’t listening. She turned to the mirror and gasped at the woman that looked back. Her once brown hair was now a dark gold. Cece had never had highlights before—they seemed indicative of the kind of women that placed far too much value in their appearance—but she had them now, and they were beautiful. Light caught in her silken strands, and she couldn’t help but run her fingers through her locks and sigh.

Hair wasn’t the only part of Cece to change, though. Two orbs rose from beneath her tight button up top. Cece’d always been flat chested, and while part of her growth could be attributed to the push up bra she wore, the rest of it was real. Very real. Nipples tented the thin fabric, and when she tried to push them down, they sent a wave of pleasure rolling through her body. She clung to the bathroom counter to keep her balance until the feeling subsided.

“What the fuck, Star Dick?” Cece said. “How did anything I do with Tyler change my tits? And why are they so sensitive?”

“What’s with the third degree?” Star Dick said, his voice taking on a defensive tone. “You and Tyler been humping like rabbits. Maybe sex awakens a hormonal response, or maybe it’s just a side effect from time travel. I don’t know how human biology works. I’m just a plastic penis.”

“My tits grew because I’ve been fucking?” Cece said. She felt unsure. Cece’d taken sex education classes, but she hadn’t paid attention. She was ninety percent certain banging did not cause tit growth, though. If it did, the cheer squad would need wheelbarrows.

“Maybe, baby.”

“Is that why I’m so horny?” Cece said. Her fingers drifted down her taut stomach and hesitated at her waistline. A smoldering need burned between her thighs.

Star Dick gave her his best version of a verbal shrug. “Love makes the universe go round. Naturally the universe wants more of it. It remakes all of us in its own subtle ways.”

“That doesn’t answer—you know what? Forget it,” Cece said. “Why are you helping me, Star Dick? What do you get out of all of this?”

“I get to go home,” Star Dick said. For the first time Star Dick’s voice took on a note of genuine longing.

“Where is home for you?”

Star Dick hesitated for what seemed like a long time. “Don’t you have some place to be?” he finally said.

Cece did. And so she spent a few minutes fixing her hair in the mirror, something she’d never done before, and then went off to join the party.

All Cece needed to do was not have sex with Tyler. It was so simple, and then again it wasn’t. The fog of arousal that’d surrounded her since arriving in the past had only grown thicker. She could barely think straight now, and the strong drink in her hand wasn’t helping matters.

Cece took another sip.

She knew she shouldn’t. The booze was making her job of not screwing Tyler so much more difficult. But it was a strange concoction of cranberry juice and vodka, and Cece liked it. She liked it a lot. True, it tasted awful, but the warm feeling she got in the pit of her stomach every time she drank more than made for it.

The music suddenly cut out as one song changed for another, and in the brief lull Cece could hear the words the guy across from her was shouting. He’d been at it for quite some time, though until now his voice had been lost in the ambient noise of the party.

“So then I kicked his ass!” the guy said, miming a punch. “And he’s all like, ‘no, don’t kick my ass’. But then I did anyway.”

The music started up again, and Cece whispered a silent prayer of thanks.

It was impossible to ignore now. The itch between her thighs needed attention. A cute boy with black hair shoved another cup of vodka and cranberry juice into her hand. Cece giggled and sipped from it, her eyes lingering on his for maybe a bit longer than she intended. He copped a feel of her ass on his way past, and Cece only half heartedly swatted him away.

Cece needed to find Tyler, and she needed to find him soon.

The alcohol and lust sent her thoughts swimming, but she managed to cling to a single idea: protection. If Cece could find a condom, she could fuck Tyler guilt free. Luckily the condom part was easy. Some good samaritan had stocked all of the bathrooms with bowls full of little generic condoms. Cece grabbed a handful and stuffed them in her purse.

Tyler was playing beer pong in the basement. Red Solo Cups lined along the table in a diamond pattern. Tyler held a ping pong ball delicately between his fingers, going through the motion of a throw. He did that two or three times before he let the ball fly. It arced over his cups and into his opponent’s with a splash.

“Drink up, boyo!” Tyler said with glee. He swayed at his post, clearly drunk already. This wasn’t his first game.

“I’m not feeling so good,” his opponent said. The opponent picked up the cup anyway, putting it to his lips and draining it in a long gulp. His face turned a sickly green, and he clenched his stomach and groaned. Then his cheeks bulged with a barely contained vomit, and he took off for the bathroom. The sound of hurling followed.

“Next victim!” Tyler said. He raised his arms and circled slowly in place.

Cece took the opportunity to sidle up next to him and wrap her arm around his back. He smelled of old beer, and he could barely maintain his balance. Still, her slit dripped in anticipation. “I could be your next victim. Come upstairs.”

Tyler looked at her with a goofy smile on his lips. He placed one massive paw on her head and rubbed, frizzing up her hair. He leaned down close with the expression of a man about to reveal the secrets of the universe. “I’m winning,” he whispered, the words dripping from his tongue in a long slur.

“You can win upstairs,” she said.

“Right behind you,” Tyler answered. Then he jolted upright and pointed at somebody across the room. “You! Play!” The fellow shrugged and moved to the opposing side of the table, setting up his cups.

“You’ll be up soon?” Cece asked.

Tyler grunted but otherwise didn’t reply.

The room spun and it made Cece sick. She lay in someone’s bed with the lights off, her fingers dancing in her sodden panties. She moaned and thrust against her hand. The alcohol fueled lust urged her faster, harder, but at the same time it stopped everything. Cece couldn’t cum.

She knew that if she could just get a cock between her thighs everything would be alright. Cece knew it deep within her soul.

There’s cock downstairs, an evil voice within her whispered. It wouldn’t take much to get one. Just smile and giggle and the boys will make you scream. That’s all it takes. Acting a little slutty doesn’t make you a slut. Everyone does it.

Sheer willpower kept Cece on the bed. “Dammit, Tyler. Hurry up.” Cece plunged her fingers in her mouth and sucked, savoring the taste of her own juices.

Suddenly the door opened and cast a single sliver of light into the room. A figure followed.

“Oh thank Christ, finally,” Cece said. “Get your pants off and get over here. I can’t wait any longer.”

Tyler stood at the edge of the bed, seemingly unsure of what to do next. Cece didn’t have the patience to wait for him to figure it out. She dove for him, pawing at his zipper. With sigh of satisfaction, she reached into his pants and pulled out his erect cock. It hung in the air before her. She could feel the heat radiating from his member.

“I have waited literally all night for this,” Cece said. She reached for her purse. “I’ve got a condom. Let me grab a condom and—”

Tyler wrapped his hand around the back of Cece’s head and jerked her forward. Her mouth opened wide in surprise, and into it slipped his cock. He was strong. Cece liked that about him. She hesitated, though, breathing audibly through her nose as the dick slid a little farther down the back of her throat. Cece’d never sucked cock before, but at the moment she was having difficulty figuring out why she’d waited. It tasted marvelous. The alcohol swimming in her blood urged her forward. Her head began to move.

“I didn’t believe sluts like you were real,” Tyler said.

Cece paused in the middle of a stroke. The voice wasn’t Tyler’s. Cece was sucking the dick of a man whose face she’d never seen before.

And she was loving it.

Cece hesitated with her mouth just barely touching the head of the stranger’s cock. She didn’t want to let go. But Tyler. Cece loved Tyler. A sudden upwelling of guilt threatened to overwhelm her. She almost let of the dick.


It tasted so good. The alcohol flooding screamed everything was ok, that it was technically not sex and that Tyler would understand. No, she shook her head, even in her drunken state Cece knew Tyler wouldn’t understand. This was wrong. Slowly, ever so slowly, Cece pulled back along the shaft, letting her saliva drench and lubricate the stranger’s cock. Her lips left his head with a loud pop that seemed to echo. She smiled at the outline of the dick floating in the darkness. It was beautiful.

Tyler’s drunk, too, the wicked voice whispered again. He’ll never know. Besides, he missed his chance. You need this.

Cece’s willpower shattered. In one swift motion, she plunged the cock down her throat, choking on its length. A wet gurgle filled the tiny bedroom. The stranger’s hands gripped her hair and tightened. Individual strands of her hair tug at her scalp, making her eyes water. Cece wanted more. She gurgled and choked but still she wanted more.

The stranger’s breath came quickly now, and Cece could feel the man’s veins along his shaft grow hard on her lips. She thrust his cock down her throat one last time and held. Her lungs screamed for oxygen. Then the cock twitched, and the hot taste of cum flooded Cece’s mouth.

She tried to swallow, but there was too much. Seed spilled down her chin and splattered her blouse. The smell rose from the sheets. Cece inhaled greedily, swallowing the load and licking her lips for more.

“You were amazing,” the stranger said. His breath came in gasps. “Wait here. I wanna get my friends.”

Cece could only nod and stare vacantly at the door. She’d just sucked the cock of a stranger. She’d cheated on Tyler. She’d been basted in seed and called a whore.

And it’d been the most fulfilling moment of her life.

That, more than anything else, scared Cece. She knew that when—if—someone walked through that door and demanded a blowjob she wouldn’t have the strength to tell them no. Not then. Not with the sweet taste of cum crystallizing on her lips. Her stomach growled.

“Star Dick, get me out of here,” Cece said quickly. “I’m serious, get me out of her right now.”

“You sure, baby?” Star Dick said. “You looked like you were having fun.”

No, she wasn’t sure. More than anything in the world, Cece wanted to stay on that bed and wait. What did that mean for her past self when Cece left? What would she do? “I’m sure,” Cece said finally.

“Suit yourself.”

Then the world fell away.