The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Bimbo or Billionaire: All Hallows Eve

by TheHandsThatLead, copyright © 2017

Chapter 4 — Round 2

“Ok Evelyn, let’s get started on the second round, what’s your first of six cases going to be?”

“Case number 15 Jack!” she said with the same false confidence. She just had to get a few more cash cases to be really ahead of the game!

“That’s a great choice, it’s your 8th cash case! What’s your next case going to be?”

“Case 9 Jack.”

“Oh that’s your 6th bimbo case and your last physical change.”

The crowd cheered again, they always looked forward to the first mental change.

“This time we have the category of... Face! The audience has the option of... The Whiteness of Being, Arch Angels, Bedroom Eyes, Lost in the Awe of it All!

Audience, what do you say?”

Evelyn saw only one option that seemed like it would fit the direction the audience was going...

“And the winner is... Bedroom Eyes!”

And she was right, she felt the Collar of Fate activate and she closed her eyes. When it was finished, she opened them and looked in to the offstage monitor. Her previously dull, brown eyes now seemed to draw a person in to them. They almost looked half closed but were fully open and her iris’ almost sparkled a vibrant green.

“Oh my Evelyn, those eyes do look very inviting... don’t you agree audience?” Jack asked as all the monitors in the studio showed a close up of her eyes.

The audience stood on it’s feet and hooted and hollered until Jack managed to calm them down.

“Ok, I need your next case please Evelyn.”

“23 please Jack.”

“I’m sorry Evelyn, that’s your 7th Bimbo case! And your first mental change as well!”

The crowd went wild, showing their excitement to see the start of the mental changes.

“The category is... Clothing Style! The audience options are... Sexy Nurse, Gothic Splendor, Spandex Tights, Little Girl Blue!

Evelyn, I don’t even think I need to wait for the audience to make its choice on this one, but lets see what they have chosen... yep... Gothic Splendor!”

A fog rolled in to Evelyn’s mind as she felt slightly dizzy as the collar started its work. Once the fog left her she looked down at the plain white uniform and curled her nose at it. How could she wear such a thing?

“Yes, that’s right, Evelyn will be wearing dark, frilly, old fashioned clothing from now on, which only seems reasonable if you ask me!

Ok Evelyn, what’s your third case of the round going to be?”

Evelyn managed to stop fretting about her bright white uniform and look up at Jack, “Case 13 Jack.” She said, the false confidence having left her voice now.

“Another Bimbo case! Our second category of the mental changes is vocabulary! With the random options being... Valley Girl, English as a Second Language, One Track Mind, Darkness Engulfs Us All!

This seems like another easy choice for the audience, don’t you think Evelyn?”

Evelyn winced a bit, but nodded her head slowly without saying anything.

“Oh and isn’t this a surprise! The audience has chosen One Track Mind, I thought for sure they’d have chosen Darkness Engulfs Us All!”

Evelyn felt the collar activate and the fog roll in to her mind once more, as it receded she felt a strange “focus” to her mind.

She looked over towards Jack and arched an eyebrow questioningly.

“This change has focused your vocabulary on a single common theme, in this case, of course, hell.” Jack said.

Evelyn opened her mouth to speak, “Bloody hell Jack, what in the name of all that is demonic are you going on about?”

She closed it quickly once more and tried to open her eyes wide in surprise but found they only looked more inviting that way and so let them return to their normal place.

“That’s right Evelyn, bloody hell indeed! But I do have to say that with the changes so far it might be time to think about shortening your name up a little bit.”

Evelyn knew where this was going, but said nothing, not noticing her tail flailing from side to side.

“Maybe Eve would be a more suitable name now?”

She felt something shift in her mind, it wasn’t the collar at work, but the changes it had already made to her vocabulary settled in.

“My name is Eve, not Eve! There’s a snowballs chance in hell that I’ll change it!”

She lowered her head and shook it from side to side, her new vocabulary wouldn’t let her say Evelyn out loud, even if it was how she still thought of herself. Eve was just too linked to the single track her vocabulary now had.

Jack and the crowd laughed for a moment before Jack continued.

“Well Eve, it’s time for another case what number will it be?”

“Hell fire and brimstone Jack... case number 16!”

“That’s your 9th bimbo case Eve!”

The audience cheered, she was behind the game now, it hadn’t been a good round, but it wasn’t the end of the world or anything, she needed a new career anyway.

“Well it’s time for a new career Eve, the options are... Cheerleader, Bride of the Devil, Dance Dance Revolution, Preaching to the Choir!

Do we even need to vote on this one audience?” Jack asked, turning and addressing them directly with a chuckle.

“And the audience has chosen... Bride of the Devil! That was perhaps the most predictable choice of the night!”

The fog rolled in for the third time to Evelyn’s mind, remolding her to fit her new career goals.

“That’s right Eve, you’ll be working as a professional ‘Bride of the Devil’, also known as a succubus, to fulfill the desire of men to be seduced by a devil from hell!”

Evelyn tried to focus on her college courses but they were just a blur, replaced with night courses in dance and acting along with hours of practice in front of the mirror with her toys.

“Ok Eve, what will your last case for the round be?”

Evelyn smiled a wicked little smile, “Black Christmas has 12 days to it Jack and each one is more damming than the last so let’s go with that.”

“Your 9th cash case, congratulations your up to $50,000!

It’s all tied up Eve! Now we need to find out what The Accountant has to say!

You know Eve, some people think The Accountant is the Devil himself, all that effort to hide his appearance and keep his anonymity. Why else would he do it if his name is not Lucifer, or at least his son?”

Evelyn felt a chill run down her spine to her pussy, could it be true? It didn’t seem possible but something in the back of her mind grasped on to the idea and it sent waves of pleasure through her.

“Ok, I have his offer, he is really liking the succubus trend, you could say it reminds him of home almost. He might even schedule a private appointment with you himself! But he wants to see how the next two mental changes will go so he’s offering you the same two for one deal as last time. Two bimbo rungs for one cash rung, what do you think?”

Evelyn knew she should quit, but that thought in the back of her mind just kept spinning around and around, if he was the Devil, how could she refuse an offer from her Lord?

Not only that but having a powerful client like him would be a huge win for her career. Two more rungs was a big commitment to make but $100,000 would get her business setup nicely.

“What do you think audience, should Eve take the deal?”

The crowd cheered and booed at the same time, but Evelyn had made up her mind.