The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Bimbo or Billionaire: To the Matt

by TheHandsThatLead, copyright © 2015

Chapter 3 — Round 1

“Ok Oksana, as you know we have five rounds here. In the first round you have to open 12 cases, the second 6 cases, the third 3, the fourth and fifth rounds are 1 case each to see if you win the billion dollars or not. I need 12 numbers from 1 to 24 from you right now.”

“Well Jack my birthday is the 12th so let’s go with number 12.”

“Chrissi, could you please open case 12 please?” Jack called over to her.

Chrissi smiled and jumped up and down, “Like my birthday is the 12th as well!”

Jack smiled, “Oh Chrissi, you don’t even remember when your birthday is any more do you?”

giggle Like that totally nice man said it was my birthday on the 12th and I should give him a birthday blowjob. So, like, I did!“

“Oh Chrissi, such a bimbo! How about opening case 12 please?” Jack said with a laugh.

Chrissi managed to get over to case 12 and open it, revealing a bimbo symbol.

“Oh Oksana, not a good start with your first cash case!

“Ok, the first category is of course Hair! And the four voting options are... Pink Punk Princess, Mile High, Curly Cue and Neon! Ok folks as always use the pads on your arm rests and vote for which one you want.”

Oksana frowned, she knew there would be a few bimbo cases to open, but the first one she chose could have been a cash case.

“Well the audience has voted and the winner is... Neon!”

Oksana felt the Collar of Fate activate and her scalp tingle, she turned to look at the offstage monitor and watched her dull red hair lighten and brighten. When it finished it was bright red, almost neon in appearance and certainly a colour that never occurred in nature.

She’d let it grow out over the last few weeks once she had decided to appear on the show, but it was still short, coming down to just below her ears.

“Ok, well that wasn’t too bad was it. Oksana I need your next case?”

“I think case 14. That’s my mother’s birthday.”

“Chrissi, if you would please? And no, before you ask, that’s not your birthday either!”

Chrissi pouted but stomped over to the case and opened it.

“Oh no, a second bimbo case!” the crowd cheered at the sight of the chrome bimbo in the case.

“Ok folks, let’s reveal the second Bimbo change and the four randomly selected items our audience gets to vote on!”

The crowd cheered as the board displayed the category.

“Category is Voice! And the four voting options are... Pause for Effect, Whisper Quiet, Texas Twang and Slow and Steady! Ok folks it’s all up to you, vote now!”

Oksana wait, looking at her grand total of zero dollars after two cases had her worried.

“Well the audience has voted and the winner is... Texas Twang! This one is pretty self explanatory so let’s just get right to it.

Technical team, please, activate the Collar of Fate now!”

The collar activated and Oksana felt her neck tingle for a few seconds as well as something like a small itch in the back of her mind as well.

“So Oksana what do you think?”

“Well Jack, a little bit of a twang seems fine to me” she said, her now distinctive voice going out over the PA system. It sounded strange to her, but it could only help make her stand out from the other women wrestlers.

The audience clapped in appreciation of the change they had made.

“That’s great Oksana, let’s get to the next case, a number if you please...”

“19 Jack, that’s my father’s birthday”

“I’m starting to see a trend here Oksana, let’s hope it’s the only one! Chrissi please open case number 19!”

Even Chrissi didn’t have a problem finding the case right beside her and opened it to reveal a third bimbo case.

“Oh bad luck Oksana, that’s your third Bimbo case...”

The crowd erupted in applause, they seemed be eager for the next change now.

“Ok Oksana the category this time is lips! The options for the audience are... Round and Red, Sweet as Candy, Always Wet and Sparks and Sparkles.”

Oksana had heard of most of the options before and they weren’t too bad, though the last one was new to her.

“Ok Oksana, the audience has chosen... Round and Red!

It looks like the audience really likes your red hair!”

The collar sprang to life, its pink glow incessantly reminding her it was working on her lips. She felt them shift on her face and when she looked at the monitor she could see what had changed. Her lips were now bigger, but not as wide, making them almost look to be circular. They were also a bright red that matched her hair perfectly.

“My, Oksana, those new lips really are something. And that colour is permanent, it will never rub off on anything!”

The audience clapped as she reached up and touched them, they felt normal, not like there was lipstick on them or anything.

“Well Oksana we need another case, what’s it going to be?”

“Ok Jack, I’m giving up on birthdays, how about case number 4.”

“Your first cash case, congratulations, you’re on the board! What’s your next case Oksana?”

“How about case 13?”

“Your 2nd cash case! You’ve got a whole ten cents!”

“What’s your next case Oksana?”

“24 Jack.” She said, just picking a case at random again.

“That’s a cash case! You’re on a role now Oksana, which one next?”

“Number 2 Jack.”

“Another cash case! You’re up to a whole $10.”

“That’s more like it Jack, let’s get case 3 out of the way as well!” Oksana said, more excited now that things were going well.

“Oh sorry Oksana, you were on a good role there but that’s your fourth Bimbo case! The category is Body Shape. The options are... To the Point, She’s All Legs, Top of the World and Sleek and Supple!”

Oksana cursed under her breath, well at least only one of the options was particularly bad.

“The audience has spoken and they’ve said... Sleek and Supple!”

This time Oksana cursed out loud.

“Oh, the censers are going to have fun with that one Oksana!”

Before she could respond the collar of fate came to life and her entire body began to tingle. The tingling soon escalated beyond the point of comfort and felt more like pins sticking in to every inch of her body.

Jack noticed her discomfort as her body started to shift, “Oh, ladies and gentlemen, it looks like the Collar of Fate is really having to work hard on this one... hang on I’m sure the techs will get the job done.”

When the pin pricks finally stopped Oksana took a deep breath and looked down at herself, the change shocked her.

She extended her now slender arm out in front of her and her gaze followed it up to her delicate torso, down to her tiny waist which flared out to a rounded butt. Bellow that long slender legs eventually reached the floor where her tiny feet looked out of place in the large shoes. She reached up and found the Collar of Fate hanging loosely around her slender neck.

“My muscles....”

“Yes the Collar of Fate had its work cut out for it but Sleek and Supple has reshape you. Giving you supple curves in all the right places while taking away any unneeded fat, or in your case, muscle!

And of course, like all changes made by the Collar of Fate, its permanent, no matter how much you eat or work out your body will always remain Sleek and Supple!”

Oksana couldn’t believe it, just one change had destroyed years of work and any chance of making it as a pro wrestler. She almost cried but managed to hold it together.

“Ok, Oksana, I know it’s a big change, but we need your next case, just 4 more to go!”

Oksana was still reeling from the last one but somehow managed to get out case number 22.

“You got it Oksana... it’s another cash case! You’ve hit triple digits!”

Oksana shook her head, “Ok Jack, let’s try number 11.", she said recovering slightly.

“Your 6th cash case! You have $1000! Keep it up Oksana!”

“Right, uh, case number 9 Jack.” She said slightly more confidently now as she shuffled around a bit trying to get use to her new body.

“That’s cash case number 7! Keep going!”

“8 Jack.”

“Now you’re on a role again, cash case number 8! You’ve got $10,000 to end the round!

I have to say that’s one of the best rounds we’ve seen on the show in a long time, 8 cash cases and only 4 bimbo cases!

But now it’s time for The Accountant to do his work and make you an offer.”

She looked at the board and couldn’t believe it, even with the terrible fourth change, she was doing amazingly well. She only had four cases to go to the billion dollars.

She thought about her new body, it was never going to get her back in to the ring and there was nothing she could do about that now. But maybe it wasn’t a total loss if she could win even the half million dollars and she had a real chance at it.

“Ok, The Accountant’s offer is in... he’s not very happy with your progress so far. But he thinks your luck is going to run out so he’s only offering to move you up a single rung on the cash board if you quit right now.

That’s fifty thousand dollars to call it a day!”

Oksana set her mind to the task at hand, “No Jack, I’m doing too well to quit with just $50,000. Let’s get the next round started!”