The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


By Jack Speer

Part I — Capture

I’m not who you think I am. I have a secret identity. If I told you who I was it wouldn’t be a secret anymore. What’s worse is that somebody along the way might get in trouble because I told you. I can’t allow that to happen so I’m not going to write about it. On the other hand, since you’re a friend you might guess who I am while I’m telling my story. If you do, please keep it between us. Ok’

A guy’s first year of college can be a lonely time until he gets plugged into a few campus groups. I had an interest and talent for Journalism, so my plan was to join the college newspaper and yearbook staff. Coming from a small town in the mid-west made other things difficult. Privacy, for example, was a particularly thorny issue for me. I had a couple of secrets I wanted to keep private, one of which was a collection of a few wardrobe items I’d had since I was a kid that weren’t exactly daily wear for a college boy—or any boy for that matter. I’d thought that signing up for the communal life style of a college dormitory would be a good idea from a social point of view. It wasn’t. It was much too public. Privacy was as foreign there as bagels in Arabia.

Two weeks after arriving on campus I moved out of the dorm into an efficiency apartment on the far side of town. I didn’t have the budget for it, but considering my unique circumstances I arranged to acquire the money by methods other than the ones usually available to a student. Don’t get the idea my appropriation was dishonest. It wasn’t. It just wasn’t the normal method that’s all. Neither were appropriate IRS declarations, but the less said about that the better.

The apartment had the advantage of being moderately private, which was about all I could ask for until I knew the town better. I unpacked and hid my extra private items in a wall space I built on the quiet. From the time I was a kid, it had been my habit to wear my best costume under my street cloths. I saw no reason to change that just because I was eighteen and on my own at State College. Unfortunately somebody had already figured out what I was doing and who I really was. Not all the freshmen were dummies apparently.

The crisis came about two months into my first term. I hadn’t gotten used to my schedule yet and had spent a lot of time at night doing, you know, the thing I do instead of study. That meant a lot of time that could have been spent sleeping was lost. Hell, a lot of college students go through that, right’ Even I need sleep and even I needed to do my homework. The thing I want to tell you about happened when I was alone late one Saturday night catching up on my studies.

It was pretty quiet in the library that evening. A big sports event was being promoted and students that weren’t involved in the rallies were somewhere else settling in with the local weed users or one of the keggers being thrown by the Greek houses. My face was buried in a pile of books and I didn’t notice an older boy approaching me until it was too late.

His quiet footsteps across the carpeting weren’t stealthy at all. I can hear a mosquito sneeze two hundred yards away if I’m so inclined, so when I heard him coming I looked up to check him out. He seemed to be about three years older than I was, about the same height and was carrying a tall stack of books in his arms—rather awkwardly as I remember it.

I glanced through his clothing and learned that he wasn’t carrying any hidden weapons. Underneath he was as ripped as I was and just as big. I suppose I should have looked inside his books instead of beneath his underwear, but even I can make mistakes especially when I’m in the presence of one of nature’s finest accomplishments. I made a mental note that his lean physique must have won him a place on the college swim team and turned back to my studies. That was a big mistake. I should have kept a closer eye on him for more reasons than appreciation of his natural advantages.

His path led him behind me and I remember hearing his sneakers pad along the floor and stop about two feet behind me. The sudden silence alarmed me, but it was already too late. Excruciating pain suddenly struck me in the back like a red-hot iron. I hadn’t experienced pain before at all and it went through me like a cannon ball through Kleenex. Every nerve in my body burned like fire as the pain instantly spread along my back through my arms legs head and into my stomach. Dizziness filled my head and nausea seized my gut as I tried to escape.

Despite the inhuman pain that washed over me, I managed to rise to a half standing position and turned to look at my attacker. Normally I can bench press a small building with one arm, but my legs had become so weak I had to brace myself against the table with both hands to rise a few inches off my chair. I turned and saw a horrific sight out of the corner of my eye.

The boy who stood behind me held an open book in his hands. It must have been hollow because the thing that sapped my energy and gave me so much pain was inside. Everything was getting very dim and blurry, but through the green haze that stole my vision and my strength I could make out a green rock that emitted living rays of seething agony. Everything that was me was being sucked into that rock. My head felt like it was going to explode and my gut turned inside out. I vomited on myself as the floor came up to meet me.

Part II — Training

Consciousness came and went as I rocked gently in the back seat of a van. The green rock was a little further away from me than it had been in the library causing me a little less pain. I was still weak as a kitten and nearly blind as a bat. I couldn’t stay awake either. Someone had threaded a small plastic tube through my nose into my lungs and I was too weak to pull it out. Several times during my journey I heard a clicking noise. A sweet aroma would penetrate my nose and go straight to my head. I’d get a rancid metallic taste in my mouth and then pass out again. It had been night when I was attacked, but when I awoke the first time I saw daylight streaming into the van’s rear window. My vision was still shot, but I could see well enough to know that someone had removed my dirty street clothes.

One length of heavy rope circled my lap above my red Lycra briefs and another was cinched hard across the red and yellow emblem on my blue leotard holding my torso in a sitting position against a car seat. My legs, still clad in blue tights, weren’t confined at all probably because my captor knew I was too weak to move them. My arms dangled helplessly at my sides. The green rock was perched directly in front of me in a metal cage sucking my life out with its rays. Breathing was a terrible effort until the clicking noise came, the rancid taste filled my mouth and darkness took me.

Daylight in the van window had turned to darkness again when something changed. All day long I vacillated between semi-consciousness and sleep. At one point something in the mixture of the stuff that was being pumped into my lungs changed. I knew because the flavor of it was different. The sweet scent still filled my nose and my head would get really light and dizzy, but the rancid metallic taste in my mouth had disappeared. I remember hearing a soft regular friendly voice. It was a good voice and it made me feel calm and pleasant just before I fell asleep. I began to look forward to hearing that voice.

I heard the voice calling me to wake up and I opened my eyes. It was the middle of the night and the side door of the van was wide open. Beyond it was the inside of a garage. My body felt like it weighed ten tons, but most of the pain was gone as was the big green rock that had kept me company all day long. In its place hung a very small version mounted on a chain hung around my neck. It must have weighed only a few grams, yet its pressure on my chest was heavy and painful. I struggled to breath.

The clicking noise returned to my ears and a sense of well being filled my mind as I breathed the soothing vapors again. I was still very sleepy as the boy I’d seen in the library untied the ropes that held me against the car seat. He placed his strong hands under my arms and legs and lifted me out of the van as though I was light as air. He spoke kind soothing words to me and I smiled. He was really cute.

“You have to try to stand now,” he said. “I’m going to help you walk into the building.”

He set my legs down on the floor and I remember watching my skin tight calf hugging red boots touch the ground as they had dozens of times after a flight around town. This time, though, I was only trying to walk. My legs were shaking from the weakness of effort, but with one arm over his strong shoulder and his arm curled around my waist for support we managed to walk together through the garage into the building. I was gasping for breath as though I’d run a double marathon even though we’d only covered a few yards.

“I’m sorry I had to do this to you,” he said. “It must be very uncomfortable.”

I tried to speak, but the clicking noise came again. The scent was even sweeter than it had been in the van. I felt wonderful and peaceful and calm. The boy said something to me in a language I didn’t understand, but his words went right to the core of my soul. For the first time I realized I was deeply in love with him. I would do anything he wanted me to do. He was the cutest boy in the world and I loved him with all my heart. I wanted to tell him so, but heaviness and darkness overwhelmed me and I slept again.

* * *

My eyes opened in response to a command to do so. I’d been so tired and I’d learned to enjoy sleeping so much that it was difficult to respond. Two figures swam into focus in front of me, both about the same size. One stood on the floor before me. The other appeared to be floating about a foot off the ground. My head was pretty foggy, so it took me a second to realize that the floating figure was a reflection of me in a mirror. I was still wearing my blue and red costume. My red cape hung behind me flapping slightly in a breeze that came through a large window. There were no visible restraints.

My vision cleared and I realized that a metallic collar had been fastened around my neck. Tiny flecks of the green rock each about the size of a grain of sand glowed at regular decorative intervals along the circumference of the collar. One end of the plastic tube was still threaded into my nose and I could see that the rest of the tube disappeared into the neckline of my blue leotard. Something that looked like tiny black antennae protruded from behind each of my ears. My head cleared rapidly and I felt almost normal as the urge to settle onto the floor came over me. I felt my red boots touch the floor and I stood quietly ’ waiting and watching the other boy across the room. I felt completely normal again, yet something nagged at my mind. Was I doing these things on my own or had I become someone’s puppet?

“You have successfully completed the first segment of your training,” the lad said. “The first step was to bring you here against your will and to condition you to captivity. You have been stripped of any active desire or thought of escape despite your immense power and ability to do so.”

I listened to his words with an intensity that surprised me. He was right. He was absolutely right. I clearly remembered being abducted from the library and the bouncing ride across country in his van and I remembered arriving in the place where I now stood. There were long fuzzy gaps in my memory, gaps that I couldn’t account for in any memory of the passage of time. I had been the subject of some fantastic hypnotic process and I had somehow succumbed to his will. He was right. I didn’t want to escape. I wanted to stay where I was. I wanted to stay near him. I was in love with him and I couldn’t bear the thought of ever being apart from him again. He stood in front of me telling me I wouldn’t escape or couldn’t escape and all I wanted to do was run to him and hold him in my arms.

He was an adorable creature if ever there was one in a skin-tight costume very similar to my own. I studied his body as I listened to his words and something began to swell between my legs. My basic costume colors were blue and red. He wore yellow tights and a yellow leotard that showed the lines of his body in excellent relief. His arms and legs were muscular and lean and his leotard outlined his abs in all their glory.

My boots and briefs were red. His were bright green as well as his cape. On his chest was displayed an emblem in black and silver that was identical in design to my own. Circling his waist like the yellow belt around my briefs was a black and silver band. His complexion was tanned and his blonde hair was cropped close to his head, which in turn was encircled with a thin crown of silver metal. The metal glowed with an unusual color. Small copper electrodes connected the silver crown to spots behind his ears in the same location as my antennae. He was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and I knew I never wanted to leave him. He was right. My will to escape had been taken from me.

“You have been conditioned in basic ways to respond to my commands through the remote stimulators attached to your skull behind each of your ears. Those methods and means will be adjusted to improve your training until your own will is so diluted you will no longer know the difference between you and I. When that point is reached I will take you.”

The desire to please him suddenly surged within me. My briefs tented with sexual craving as I knelt with one knee upon the floor. I bowed at the waist and told him that I loved him with all my heart and that I felt honored and privileged to serve him in any way he saw fit. I felt it and I said it and I meant it, but somewhere in my mind I suspected that I’d been led to this and persuaded to do it. He was able to somehow manipulate my mind and my body whether I wanted him to or not. His mind was so powerfully embedded in me that he could give me an erection by the sheer force of his will alone. I loved him in spite of myself and in spite of what he was doing to me. I told myself that this love would be the end of me, but it didn’t matter. My heart burned and I looked upon him with adoring eyes. The love I felt for him was irresistible. I would do anything he asked of me and he knew it. He gazed at me with understanding eyes knowing the thoughts of my heart and smiling his approval.

“Your collar is embedded with the green rock that can weaken you or strengthen you. It can be operated remotely by the thoughts of my mind alone. If I wish you to be strong I will allow your normal powers to resume. If I wish you to be weakened, I only have to think the command and you will collapse. Most of the time, the collar will only weaken your body’s resistance to the hypnotic gas. This is necessary to condition your responses and train the processes of your mind and body. It can be throttled down so that it has no effect on your powers or it can be instantly strengthened to cause you to lapse into unconsciousness. Very soon your conditioning will be complete and both the collar and the gas will no longer be needed.”

I stood there and listened to him describe the methods and means by which I would lose my conscious mind and the control of my body to his influence and all I could think about was how much I loved him. He told me I could stand to my feet and he told me that very soon I would do it without being told verbally. I stood and I thanked him even as part of my mind recoiled at the possibility.

“You doubt my power over you,” he exclaimed as he read the thoughts of my mind.

Something changed and pain surged through the collar around my neck into my whole body. The sweet smell of the gas filled my lungs, my strength left me and I sank onto the floor. The world around me swirled in surges of pain and dizziness. Everything grew dim as he began the next step in my conditioning. I lay helplessly on the floor and watched his legs clad in yellow Lycra approach me and stand over me. He extended his hand and ran his fingers through my hair.

“You are mine,” he said. “Your body is mine and your mind is mine. Soon I will enter you and possess all that is now yours.’ He leaned close and whispered in my ear. The last words I heard before I passed out were a promise that he would not leave me with nothing. “I will have what is yours, but I am not a thief. You shall have what is mine and we will have one another.”

Part III — Conditioning

Dizziness gradually left me, but pain in all my joints persisted. My limbs flexed themselves as though waking from a long sleep, though I had not the will or the energy to move them. My body had become a robot for his operation and I couldn’t do anything about it. Spurred by an external desire but unable to see, I rose to a standing position. I couldn’t open my eyes. He had shut them and I, who could stop a truck with my breath alone, couldn’t even open my own eyes. He wouldn’t let me see. I was weak, so weak my legs were shaking with the effort to propel me across the room. My arms dangled at my sides. He controlled me with pain and weakness and affections that flooded me like a Japanese tsunami. I loved him more than life itself, but I also knew that I belonged to him and I could not move or live or breathe unless he wished it. My eyes opened.

I was standing before a long padded table on the opposite side of the room. Master walked around to the other side, his yellow leotard shimmering like gold in the reflected light. I felt a little strength return to my arms as my eyes caressed his body. God, he was beautiful. I wanted to touch him and hold him. My red briefs stretched with swelling from beneath. Was he causing me to have a boner or was it me?

“Does it matter,” he said. “Look at me.”

My eyes followed the lines of his trim torso, down across his pecs and over his abs. His green briefs were bulging just as mine were. A dark spot of moisture on his Lycra betrayed his own feelings toward me. It was my first inkling that our relationship wasn’t strictly designed to overpower my body. It was for both of us.

“I told you I’m not a thief,” he said. “I will wrap myself in your body the way a man puts on a coat and I will show you how to dwell in mine. Our problem is that you are extremely powerful and the conditioning your mind and body requires to accomplish this is difficult. Humans do it easily, but as we both know you are not one of them. You will have to be hurt many times and hypnotized constantly in order to break down your resistance.”

Panic rose inside me. I didn’t want anyone to take my mind from me. As much as I loved him I didn’t want him driving my arms and legs like I was some kind of used car. My courage left me. Fear of the pain he could inflict upon me made me want to escape. As weak as I was I fought the influence he had over my body. It was like trying to push a piano uphill with my little finger, but I mustered all the resolve and strength that remained in me and turned away from him. I tried to run, but all I could manage was a slow walk. I knew I couldn’t fly, but if I could somehow push myself through the large open window on the other side of the room maybe gravity would speed my exit. I was weak and it hurt terribly to move against the collar, but I managed it. When I arrived at the window he was already there. My eyes were on the floor and I saw his green Lycra boots standing next to me.

“Don’t you have feelings for me,” he asked.

Sunlight shining through the window cast shadows of our legs across the floor. My gaze followed the lines of his legs upward. Yellow tights glistened gold in the sun and I saw his muscles flex slightly. He put his hand on my shoulder and I realized that his briefs bulged hugely. His yellow leotard stretched against his body so tightly that there wasn’t the slightest crease or fold anywhere creating the illusion he had yellow skin. It fit extremely well. I looked into his piercing blue eyes and saw sympathy. He loved me too and I began to believe it. If this was his idea of conditioning, perhaps it wasn’t so bad.

I fell into his arms and hugged him with all the frail strength I had. We kissed and I felt something in his mouth penetrate me. I gagged slightly as it snaked through my mouth and down my throat. I tasted a sweetness I’d never known and I yielded to an uncontrollable urge to suck on it. The material was like some kind of natural drug, inducing a light-headed sensation. I lost the sense of where I was and who I was. Expecting a French kiss I felt instead as though I was shooting down a high-speed water slide. For a moment, just a moment, I felt that I had been transferred out of my body into his. I felt his arms and legs from the inside and I felt yellow Lycra stretching over my arms—his arms—as I hugged him, or was I hugging me?

The experience created a great deal of disorientation. I wasn’t dizzy as I had been when the collar and green rock took my strength. This was different. I simply didn’t know where I was or who I was. I knew I was in a room somewhere and I knew he was with me. A glance in the mirror revealed two figures. One in yellow Lycra had a hand in the small of the back of the figure dressed in blue. Both boys held hands as they returned to the table. Both boys were connected by a kind of umbilical cord that stretched from the mouth of one into the mouth of the other. The boy in blue Lycra had a blank expression on his face. Both of them had growing wet spots on their bulging briefs.

Some alien thing had invaded my body and my mind. If felt it and God help me I liked it. It wasn’t mechanical any more. It was him. We walked across the room as one. I was inside his body with my hands on a boy who wore blue tights and a leotard, but I also wore yellow. I knew the boy in yellow loved me because I could feel his emotions as well as my own. I also knew the boy who was wetting his red briefs was deeply afraid of what was happening to him. Strangely, in the knowing I suddenly felt peace. Without gas or artificially induced weakness or pain I knew that the boy in the yellow Lycra loved me too. I/we stopped at the table. I gagged a little when he removed the part of himself that he had thrust into my mouth. He placed his hands on either side of my face and told me not to be afraid.

“I am not of this world either,” he said. “You must know this by now. No human can do the things we do. I have watched you and studied you and loved you from a distance and now we are together. Very soon we shall share the deepest part of ourselves ’ our own minds and bodies.”

Still very confused, but no longer afraid I obeyed an unspoken urge. My body climbed onto the table. It stretched itself out and I instantly fell asleep.

* * *

Confusion is a strange state of mind. If it’s not to lead to fear the experience must be rooted and grounded on confidence in some external purpose or person. My Master knew this as I lay on the table appreciating the movements of his body. He was one magnificent piece of ass. I felt a strange pressure in my groin and his hands moving around me and across me. I couldn’t move and I had no idea where I was or why I was lying on the table. I felt him put my penis into something and after a little more groping he allowed my mind to clear.

I looked up into the face of the Master of my body and mind. He ran his fingers through my hair and pushed a button on the table. Part of the table elevated my head just enough to allow me to see my body in the mirror. It was stretched out and relaxed. A machine at the foot of the table began to hum and I heard something like a pump begin to cycle. A hose attached to the machine ran along the table and disappeared into the waistline of my briefs. I could see the outline of the thing as it snaked between my legs and then I felt something begin to stroke my penis. Master had attached some kind of milking machine to me and was about to pump me dry. The collar on my neck glowed green and dizziness captured me. I felt something rubbing me and stroking me and I knew I was growing huge inside the tube. The gas in my nose changed its flavor, seducing me with desire. I wanted to fuck the machine. I desperately wanted to cum. I needed to cum. The machine pulled and throbbed and I was inside it ejaculating all the fluid I had into it. The figure in the mirror dressed in blue Lycra began to involuntarily thrust its hips against the pulsating tube inside its red briefs.

Next to me, lying on his face on the floor, I saw the figure of my Master with a similar hose plugged into his own ass. As cum was being extracted from me, the machine processed it and changed it and pumped the residual fluid into his body through his anal cavity. He was sweating and thrashing as though he was being subjected to some terrible torture or pain. Over the next few hours the machine repeatedly pumped me until I was dry and until my Master was full.

“We really have to learn to do this without the machine,” he said.

The day came when we did—and many days after that as well. The fluid that I passed to him somehow made his psychic abilities stronger and his fluid made me a little weaker in the sense that I was able to accept his influence more easily. If getting fucked by an alien boy in yellow tights can make you a loving human, then that was my situation and his goal.

My conditioning at the direction of my Master increased the effect of his psychic abilities upon me. My resistance to his extrasensory approaches grew less and less as my conditioning improved. I learned to manipulate his body too. He was much more open to me and I found that entering his body with my mind was much easier than the task he had penetrating my mental defenses. It got to the point that we couldn’t tell who was fucking who—kind of like trying to figure out what politicians are really doing in Washington.

The day came when Master said I was ready to graduate to full possession exchange. I was ready and I knew it. So did he. If he wanted to go for it I was sure it would be spectacular. After all, I loved him and I knew he loved me. What could be better?

Part IV — Possession

I stood before an open window one morning chewing on an energy bar that I usually consumed for breakfast. It was tasteless as cardboard and gave me no pleasure, but allowed me the nutrients I needed for most of the day. I couldn’t remember a time when I’d wanted anything else. I passed my hand over my neck. The power collar had been gone for many weeks as well as the hypnotic gas tube. I didn’t need either one anymore because my training and my conditioning was complete. I’d been gone from the college and my old life for over two years and didn’t miss it at all. I turned to admire my reflection in the mirror across the room and flexed my arms and legs. I was a little thinner than when I first arrived, but my blue tights and leotard still did a fine job of showing off my lines with style. I felt my penis suddenly begin to swell. Unexpected and unplanned, a bulge tented my red briefs as I sensed a familiar presence approach me.

My Master was coming for me. The swelling between my legs increased to the point that it felt as though I was carrying a basketball in my tights. My hands began to jitter with expectation and my arms trembled. My legs quivered and my knees grew weak. My dear Master was coming to take me. I felt his presence. As his power grew closer my body shuddered with involuntary expectation.

He had conditioned me over long weeks and months of repetition to yield my awareness to him without struggling. When he approached I responded according to my training and opened my mind. His psychic presence entered me and softened my thoughts to his purpose ’ possessing me. My conscious desires melted away like soft butter on a griddle subduing my mind to his will. I gladly gave all I had to him as his thoughts became my own. With my mind completely dissolved into his will, he began to take my body.

A cool wispy sensation spread from my head down into my body as my limbs resigned themselves to him. Trained to yield to him of its own accord, my body submitted without a struggle. My dear master was entering me. Soon he would have all of me. My erection began to dribble as his influence poured into me and through all my parts with great vigor. He was filling me and taking me.

I felt the exotic flow of his power inside my arms as he filled them like a man’s hand fills a glove, except that I was the glove and he was inside me. I looked down at hands that could bend steel and uproot Redwood trees and heard his thoughts in my mind declaring that those hands were his now. My powerful hands flexed at his command—his hands now.

His power flowed down into my legs and I watched my tights take a few furtive steps directed by an intelligence not my own. They weren’t my legs anymore. My arms stretched out in front of me clad in the blue leotard of my familiar costume and I knew they weren’t mine because I hadn’t caused them to move. Master filled my arms and legs with himself just as I had filled my tights and leotard with my own flesh. Master walked and stretched and moved the body he inhabited, the body he now possessed that had been mine. At last he was in me—fully and completely invested in me. I felt the body take a deep breath of fresh air and then he closed my eyes.

From deep in a familiar darkness I knew the body that had once been mine was surging and thrusting and cuming somewhere out in the world. It was his body now, though I could still feel it through a great numbness and distance. It belonged to Master and I was glad that I had prepared it by wrapping my penis in absorbent material. The costume he wore would not be stained by cum and that would please him. Indeed, he was so happy with me that as a reward he opened my eyes and allowed me to see what he was doing with the body that now responded to his will alone—his body now.

I saw a figure in the mirror dressed in the blue and red Lycra costume of a boy who had once thought himself impervious to harm and influence. His body floated a foot off the floor. His legs pressed together. His skin-tight red boots urged his toes to a point. His arms were stretched out from his sides and his hips were thrusting continually, working with all his might to pierce his tight red briefs with his steel penis. I felt the flow as he satisfied himself and I watched—now as completely detached from that body as if I’d never been born into it. He turned and leaped through the open window into the sky.

My identity was no longer a secret. It had been taken by another and flown out a window. The disembodied remnants of what I was floated around the room for a while until I saw the still figure of another boy lying on the table. He was breathing lightly as though asleep and his lean supple body was dressed in yellow Lycra tights and a leotard. I moved toward him.

The penis of the body before me suddenly began to swell. Unexpected and unplanned, a bulge tented its green briefs as it sensed a familiar presence approaching it.
