The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Curse of Ridgeway House Ch 1

By Astropirate

In the 1890s Ridgeway House was the centre of Activity for the small hamlet of Brookford in Devon. The owner, Robert Abbott was the forty-six year old son of James Abbott, the eighty-one year old squire. Squire Abbott had purchased the property as a wedding present for Robert and his new bride, Rebecca, twenty-three years earlier.

Robert and Rebecca had two children, John and Victoria. Squire Abbott loved his grandchildren very much.

It was late autumn in 1895 that all this was about to change. Squire Abbott arrived unannounced at Ridgeway House. The staff had informed him that the Master was in bed and left instructions that he wished not to be disturbed.

Squire Abbott was taken aback. It was three in the afternoon. Surely John and Victoria, who were now nineteen and eighteen, respectively, were up. Undeterred and against the protests of the butler, he made his way upstairs to the bedroom and was shocked at what he found. Robert was naked on the bed not with his wife but his young daughter. The squire stormed out and went to the next bedroom, followed by a protesting Robert. The next room contained Rebecca, who was also naked on a bed with her son. The Squire left without a word.

The next day Police officers arrived and arrested Robert and Rebecca for unlawful incest. Using his influence the Squire had Robert and Rebecca committed to an asylum, but not before Robert cursed the Squire and Ridgeway House.

The Squire, in turn, put the property up for sale in what was to be a long line of sales right up to the present day.

Jane Madden sighed deeply. Taking off her glasses she put them on her desk and gently rubbed her eyes. She had finally completed the paperwork on her latest sale and was about to file the documents away when a hand placed another file on her desk. Jane looked up and saw the smiling face of Jack Gough, senior partner in Gough, Temple and Associates, Estate agents for whom Jane worked in the town of Brookford. She opened the file and was left open mouthed.

“Ridgeway House?” she asked her boss as she looked up at him.

“The American owner is looking to sell it, Jane,” answered James Gough.

“But, Mr Gough, you know its reputation. It’ll be next to impossible,” responded Jane, not trying to be too negative.

James Gough simply smiled. “I do but I also know the reputation of my best employee. You’ll think of something. I know you will. Why don’t you take Lucy with you? It’ll be experience for her,” said Jane’s boss as he put keys on her desk before leaving her office.

For a moment Jane Madden sat back in her chair and took a deep breath. She thought about Ridgeway house and its reputation. How it was allegedly cursed and supposedly haunted by the spirits of former owners. Indeed, the property had changed hands several times and now it looked like it was the turn of her firm to try and sell once more. It wasn’t that Jane believed such nonsense but she knew that the reputation for being haunted made it even more difficult to sell.

“Lucy, get your jacket,” instructed Jane as she spoke to her daughter who was working at her own desk.

“Sure, Mum, where are we going?” asked the nineteen year as she slipped on her jacket.

“Ridgeway House,” replied Jane without hesitation.

Lucy almost swallowed her tongue. As a little girl she played in the grounds of the house with her friends. The eerie ghost like noises that emanated from the old building only served to strengthen belief that it was haunted and certainly neither she or her friends went anywhere near it.

“Ridgeway house?” she muttered as she hurried to follow her mother who was already approaching parked car. Lucy noticed the silence from the staff as she left the office. It made her uneasy.

“You know it’s haunted, don’t you?” said the nineteen year old as she sat in the car with her mother.

“Lucy, if you want to get on in this business you better put such rubbish out of your head,” reprimanded Jane.

“Of course but…”

“No buts, Lucy. Our job is to try and sell the property for the best price,” interrupted Jane. Lucy remained silent for the rest of the drive.

After about ten minutes Jane turned right and the road the led to Ridgeway House lay before them. It was just a few moments later when the old building came into view.

‘At least from this distance it looks pretty sound,’ thought Jane.

Getting out of the car Jane paused for a moment and looked around. In her mind’s eye she imagined how grand the house and the estate had once been. None of the surrounding houses existed. It was all acres and acres of farm land. That she was sure of.

“Let’s have a look around the grounds,” she said to her daughter.

Lucy nodded and followed her mother.

Jane was amazed at the stone work of the building. This house had been built to last and despite the years of neglect it was in remarkably good condition.

Turning the key in the door Jane and her daughter entered the house. It was dark and dusty. The hallway, as Jane expected, was very large and empty.

“Ok, you do this floor and I’ll do upstairs,”

“Ok, Mum,” answered Lucy uneasily.

Jane made her way upstairs and along the corridor of the upstairs bedrooms. As she walked along the creaking floor boards she was struck by the haunting sounds the wind seemed to make. It sounded like people crying to be released. It made Jane shudder nervously although she would never admit it. It made her anxious to get this survey over as quickly as possible. With the exception of old bottles and other bits and pieces all the rooms were totally empty and in very bad need of cleaning. She was approaching the last room were she heard Lucy screaming downstairs. Dropping her notes Jane hurried downstairs.

“Lucy, Lucy, where are you?” cried Jane as she searched frantically through the various rooms.

“I’m in here,” came Lucy’s voice behind the door of a large room that was once the ballroom.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” asked Jane anxiously as she saw her daughter panting with her hands pressed against her chest.

“I’m sorry, Mum. I was looking in the mirror and…”

“Oh, Lucy, I told you before about this nonsense,” interrupted Jane.

“Mum, you don’t understand. I could have sworn I saw the reflection of someone behind me. It was a boy of about my own age. Then he suddenly disappeared.

Jane sighed with exasperation. “Are you finished here?”

Lucy just nodded.

“Come with me then. I have just one more room to do,” said Jane.

Lucy obeyed her mother and followed her upstairs.

Even with Lucy beside her Jane felt somewhat uneasy. The haunting sounds from the wind didn’t help her nerves but she did her best to hide her anxiety for Lucy’s sake.

Slowly Jane turned the handle on the door and gently pushed it open. What beheld there eyes astonished them both.

“It’s beautiful,” remarked Lucy as she admired the ornate and fully furnished room with included a four posted bed. Jane was no expert but she guessed it was Victorian in style.

“Yes, but I don’t get it. The house has been vacant for years and in contrast to the other bedrooms this one his fully furnished and looked like it as been recently cleaned,” replied her mother nervously.

A strange chill went down Lucy’s back. “Mum, I have a bad feeling about this,” she said.

“So do I, Lucy,” responded Jane as she held her daughter’s hand and both women anxiously backed towards the door.

Suddenly they heard what sounded like a haunting laugh.

“What was that?” screamed Lucy.

“I don’t know. Run, Lucy, run,” cried Jane.

Mother and daughter turned towards the door but before they got to it there was what sounded like a gust of wind blowing through the room and the door slammed shut.

“I can’t open it!” cried Lucy in panic. Jane also tried but failed to open it. The haunting laugh not only became louder and more sinister but appeared to be joined by others also.

Some sort of power pushed Jane and Lucy up against the door and they were pinned there unable to move.

“I-I Can’t move,” stuttered Lucy.

“Nor I,” answered Jane.

The room became dark and what seemed like a ghostly light appeared and drifted toward them making Mother and daughter scream in fear.

The light separated into two parts. One seemed to enter Jane’s body and the other entered Lucy’s.

For a moment Jane experienced a strange feeling of peace and tranquillity. This however was rapidly replaced by sexual urges that flooded her body. Desperately Jane began to rub her breasts through white blouse in a vain effort to somehow subdue them. When this failed she felt compelled to strip rapidly. Her blue jacket and matching skirt along with her blouse and underwear soon lay in a heap on the floor. She even had the distinct feeling that someone or something had helped her remove her black tights.

“Oh yes, oh yes,” moaned Jane as she fondled her left breast with her hand and at the same time probed her pussy with her finger. “Free at last,” sighed Jane softly.

Lucy too had been engulfed by these urges and like her mother she had been compelled to strip rapidly and masturbate. In this ecstatic state neither mother or daughter realised that they were facing each other as they worked on their bodies.

Jane Madden was just over six feet tall. Her red golden hair was shoulder length. Her breasts were large and firm. Being a champion swimmer in her teens and early twenties had stood to her. She managed to keep her waist fairly flat through exercise and sensible eating habits and her shapely legs were long and smooth.

Lucy was five feet seven. She had her father’s dark curly hair that was below her shoulders. Her breasts were medium but still very desirable. Lucy could hear words coming from her mother’s lips but did not in fact recognise the voice.

As Jane continued to moan softly it was Lucy’s turn to speak. “Mother, please, I need you. I need you,” she begged repeatedly. Like Lucy, Jane did not recognise the voice. Something had made her look upwards and she was unable to look in the direction of the voice. She had the strangest feeling that her entire body was being examined. More than that was the fact that she could feel something like cold hands caressing her naked breasts.

At last, when she was able to move her head Jane was shocked to see a naked Lucy standing before her. She had never seen her daughter naked as an adult. Both women had always wrapped in towels after their baths and respected each other’s privacy. It was the first time she appreciated just how beautiful her daughter really was.

Lust and desire swarmed through Jane’s body. It was a strange feeling of needing to make love to her daughter. Although she tried to resist Jane moved slowly forward and embracing Lucy her head went down and she kissed her daughter’s moist red lips.

Pushing Lucy onto the bed Jane gently mounted her and resumed her passionate kissing. Lucy, for her part, made no resistance. On the contrary, she seemed to welcome her mother’s advances and made strange utterances to her. “Come, Mother. Make love to me. I beg you,” she said.

“Oh, Victoria, I do love you. It’s been so long,” responded Jane before kissing Lucy’s bare neck and then her shoulder. It was almost like a vampire bite. Lucy appeared to go limp giving her mother free reign over her naked body.

Jane found herself compelled to move down Lucy’s body, sucking licking and kissing as she went. Each touch brought a soft moan and seemed just to encourage her to continue.

Eventually Lucy turned Jane over and copied every move her mother had made and resulted in corresponding and encouraging moans of pleasure from Jane. Finally, Mother and daughter were forced into a sixty-nine position and began to lick each other’s clit. It resulted in a huge orgasm for both of them.

Jane pulled Lucy towards her and held her warm soft body beside her own. It was a wonderful feeling. Soon they were both asleep cradled in each other’s arms.

* * *

Jane was the first to wake up to the sound of her mobile phone. “Shit!” she cried when she saw the time on her watch. They had been away from the office for over four hours. “Wake up, Luce. Wake up,” she said to her still sleeping daughter beside her before scrambling out of bed. Reaching for her bag she retrieved her phone. Not surprisingly it was her boss, Jack Gough, wondering what was keeping them. Jane lied and told him that the property was more extensive and took longer then expected to check over.

Lucy was slowly waking up. “Come on, Luce, wake up,” cried her mother. As the fog lifted from her eyes and seeing her mother getting dressed it was only then the young woman realised she was naked and covered herself. “Fuck, Mum, what the hell did we get up do?” she asked still somewhat groggy.

“No time to discuss it, Luce. Hurry up and get dressed. Mr Gough is waiting for us back in the office.”

Lucy got out of the bed and dressed not quite believing or wanting to believe the obvious.

Jane drove as quickly as she could back to the office. When they were just a few blocks away she drove into a side street and parked before turning to her daughter.

“Now, listen to me carefully. Not a word about what happened. Got that? We’ll be laughed out of the office or even locked up. I’ll take care of the report. It just took us longer than expected. Is that clear?”

“Sure, Mum,” responded Lucy unconvincingly.

Back in Jack Gough’s office Jane repeated her lies to her boss.

“And here was me thinking the ghosts really had taken possession of my best employee,” said Jack Gough who laughed heartily at his own joke.

Jane forced a smile but at the same time she felt a shiver down her back.

‘If only you knew,’ she thought before returning to her desk to start work on her report.

About a week and a half later Jane got the phone call she dreaded. A couple expressed an interest in Ridgeway House. She feared the whole nightmare was about to start again.