The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Cursed With A Fantasy:

Chapter 3 (by Amy).

The morning light felt good on my face as I slowly woke up. I stretched and it felt great. I felt great. I realized I still had the earbuds in, and then I remembered listening to the hypnosis track before bed. I didn’t remember much of it as I thought back, but that I did remember how attractive the Mind Master’s voice was. God, it was like silk… masculine, authoritative silk. Did that make sense? Didn’t matter I guess. I suppose it all made sense though, you don’t get to be the world’s most powerful hypnotist with a bad voice, right?

It was strange, I never thought that I could be hypnotized before, but then again, I’m just a regular person, and the Mind Master could hypnotize anyone. I briefly wondered if he hypnotized his wife or girlfriend during sex. Was she his sex slave? God, that would be so sexy. What? Did I just have a thought about sex? I didn’t think I had ever thought about sex before, at least in terms of it being something desirable.

I got up and noticed again how wonderful and energetic I thought. Hypnosis is wonderful. I want to experience it again and again, I thought. Just then I tripped over something. It was Brent. He was lying on the floor with his jeans still on. Oh My GOD! Was he hurt, was he dead? Had he had a stroke?

“Brent” I screamed.

He popped his head up, startled. “What, whats going on?”

“Oh my god Brent, were you sleeping? Did you sleep on the floor with your phone in your hand?” I asked him. That’s when I noticed he had a giant morning wooder. Oh god, he didn’t want to have sex, did he? Please tell me we don’t have to, I thought. Could I act like I didn’t notice? This, by the way, was the kind of sex thoughts I usually had. Maybe everything was back to normal.

He stumbled up and made some stupid excuse. I told him he should really go for a sleep apnea test. He was always so paranoid about going to doctors. Then I figured I could just make the appointment for him. Maybe I could do it today. Wait, no, I have to call BJ’s school to give them the notice about him being out Monday through Wednesday of next week. Oh God, I had to figure out what he was going to have for homework. My parents certainly wouldn’t be making sure he did it. We’d have to do it before or after he goes, which was only like two days away… oh my god, I can’t believe my baby was going to be away from me for almost a whole week!…..

And so my mind ran away with all the tasks and details of the day. This was always the case. No different from any other working mother, I’m sure. The day flew by, as it always does. Around 11, I had a passing thought of how nice the hypnosis file was. Around lunch, I decided that I would listen to it again that night. By 3 or 4, I was so exhausted from the day, that I just couldn’t wait to hop into bed with my iphone and listen to the MindMaster. It was totally a “Calgon take me away” kind of thing. After all, that’s why they made that commercial, right? Women, especially working Mom’s have so much stress in the modern world. When they can finally find something to help them unwind, be it a bubble bath, or a hypnosis file, they should take full advantage, right?

After BJ was in bed, I headed right for our bedroom. I decided to skip the run. Brent was pacing around like a weirdo. He had been distracted all day. I was fairly distracted myself, so for me to notice he was being weird was saying a lot.

He asked if I was going to watch a little tv or something. I smiled and told him, “Actually, honey, I think I’m just going to lie back and let the MindMaster hypnotize me again. I actually love it!” I didn’t think anything of my comment. In fact, I figured he would use the time to trade his fantasy football men around on the computer. He was always sneaking away to do that.

However, he got a really weird look on his face, and I noticed his hand move towards his crotch. He had a wooder again! What was up with him? I so, so desperately did not want to let him have sex on me right then. I just wished he would go and masturbate or something. However, I was his wife, and this was my duty.

I forced a smile and reached for the lube in my drawer as he watched me. He seemed, almost pained. I was definitely wondering what was up with him, but I didn’t ask. To be honest, I was afraid that it was going to be some long, emotional answer about our sex lives. I really did not want to get into that. All I wanted to do was plug myself into the Mind Masters voice and let it “take me away”. I guess I had to let Brent “take me” first though.

He didn’t say anything as he lubed his wooder up and just thrust into me. He was bucking so hard! I thought he was going to ram me through the headboard. I knew if I could just hold on for a minute he’d be done and roll off of me, but he just kept going. It was like five minutes straight, and he didn’t finish.

I could tell he was getting tired. His stomach and pelvis hadn’t had that much work in a while. He still hadn’t ejaculated yet though. “What is it baby?” I asked, my concern finally outweighing my own desire to get on with things.

“It’s nothing I just… I just can’t get off” he said quietly.

I’m ashamed of what I said next. “Oh well sweety, it’s been a long week. We can try again tomorrow. I’m really tired though, so I am just going to listen to this now, ok?” I said as sweetly as I could, while still hoping he would get the point that I wanted him to get off me and handle his issue some other way.

He rolled off and went… well I don’t know where he went. As soon as he was off me I initiated my hypnosis app.

“Welcome back Amy” the Mind Master’s voice said through my ear phones. I was somewhat startled that he used my name. How interactive was this app?

My concern didn’t have a chance to take root though, as he said, “I want you to take a deep breath and relaaaaxxx” I instantly felt my self inhale deeply and then exhale. All of my tension instantly left my body.

“Feel yourself once again surrounded and surrendering to the sound of my voice, Amy. It feels so good, and you want to go so deep for me. Before I take you as deep into relaxation as you would like to go tonight, I need to know this is what you want. I want you to say, ‘I surrender myself to the Mind Master’s hypnotic power’. Say that now Amy.

“I surrender myself to the Mind Master’s power” I said without hesitation