The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Dog and Pony Show

CODES: mf, md, mc, bd, nc

All rights reserved. Permission is granted to post this text on non-commercial Internet sites, provided the entire text of the story remains intact and the copyright note is displayed. To publish this text in printed and/or other forms, including commercial Internet sites and excerpts, contact the author at

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SYNOPSIS: Alison has agreed to spy on a foreign government while she’s overseas doing business, will she be able to get the information the government wants?


  • This story is a work of fiction; any apparent resemblance between the characters in this story and any actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental and unintentional.
  • Do not read this story if you are under the age of 18 or if explicit sexual fiction is illegal in your jurisdiction.
  • This story contains mind control and explicit descriptions of a sexual nature. If any of these concepts disturb you, please find something else to read.

Author’s Notes: This story was originally inspired by a post on tumblr by bimboexec, thanks for writing a great caption.

If anyone is interested, I do some short writing on tumblr as well.

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Chapter 1 — The Offer

Alison scowled at Tom as he stood in front of her desk in her corner office, the view of the city behind her the envy of pretty much everyone in the firm.

She’d made partner at the firm faster than anyone before and she’d done it on pure determination and brains. But sometimes it was hard for the men in the office to look past her appearance and Tom was the worst.

“Look Tom, I’m too busy to spend that much time going all the way to North Korea just to make a good impression for your client.”

“Alison, it’s a real opportunity, you’re our best international specialist and this is the first time the state department has let any private company go to Pyongyang. We need to make sure our client knows we’re serious.”

“I understand Tom, but it’s a waste of time. You and I both know the government is never going to let them do business with the North until there is a major change. This is just a PR exercise and I have better things to do with my time. I’m not going to go as part of your dog and pony show, thank you very much.”

Alison watch Tom’s blood pressure rise, “Look, this is a big deal and I’m giving you a great opportunity. Think about it overnight and let me know tomorrow.", he said, raising his voice and then stomping out of her office.

Alison smiled and curled some loose brunette hairs over her ear before letting out a sigh of relief. Tom’s bark was far worse than his bite, he didn’t have any real leverage to get her to go and he knew it.

If he had, he’d have gone straight to the managing partner and had her assigned to it instead.

No, she wasn’t going to waste her time traipsing all over the world just so Tom could score some points with his client.

* * *

Tom slammed his office door and flopped down on the couch, how could the cold-hearted bitch turn down such a great offer, and from him none the less!

Sure she was a stunning woman, at 5′9″ with that slim body she could have been walking down any fashion runway she wanted, but that didn’t mean she was above him.

He needed her expertise, otherwise he was sunk. He didn’t have the knowledge required to broker this kind of deal and no one else in the office did either.

He’d already promised the client the world and there was no way he could deliver it without her so if she didn’t come around he was going to look like an idiot and he might even loose the client.

* * *

Alison stood up from behind her desk and stretched her tall lean frame out after a long day. Looking out of her office window she could see the bright lights of the city sparkling against the pitch black sky of the night and she checked her watch, 8 pm.

She picked up her computer and put it in her case and then grabbed her jacket, just as she was about to step out of the door as her cell phone rang. She didn’t recognize the number but answered it anyway, may of her clients called from different phones all the time.

“Alison Dales.” she answered.

“Hi Alison, it’s Brenda!” the cheery voice on the other end called. She searched her memory only for a moment before recognizing her first year university room mate’s voice.

“Brenda! So good to hear from you, what have you been up to?”

“Oh you know, the usual. Work and work and then some more work. Ha ha.”

“Oh don’t I know it, so what can I do for you?”

“I was wondering if you were free for a drink tonight?”

“Oh, I’m just getting off from work, I don’t think tonight would be a good idea.” she said, remembering the many times they’d gone out drinking at university and the thumping hangovers that followed.

“Oh, it won’t be like the old times, it might be an opportunity though. Come on, just one drink, no more than an hour.”

“Well.... Ok.” Alison responded, after all one drink with a friend couldn’t end up that badly, could it?

“Great, there’s a limo waiting for you in front of your office, can’t wait to see you.” Brenda said and hung up before Alison got a chance to ask about the limo.

* * *

“Your joking right? Brenda Dillon, defender of the first amendment, working for the CIA?” Alison asked as her friend sat across from her in the quiet, up scale bar the limo had dropped her off at.

She might not have believed it, except for the two men that sat at each side of Brenda in their white shirts and black suits.

“Yep, who would have thought it! But I guess not everyone turns out like we expect. Well, except for you of course, Alison Dales, high priced international lawyer. Exactly what you wanted to be.”

Alison cocked a wry smile, “Yep, though I sometimes wonder if all the work is worth it, but then I just look at my bank account and don’t worry about it any more.”

“So, Brenda, while the small talk has been fun, why did you really ask me here tonight?”

“Boys, can you take a walk for a few minutes?” Brenda said to the two men in black, they turned and walked away, but stayed close enough to keep an eye on the two of them.

“I was wondering why you don’t want to go on the North Korea trip with Tom?”

“And how would you know that I don’t?” Alison asked accusingly, had the CIA been bugging her office?

“Well, I can’t get in to details, but let’s just say those knew powers congress gave the FBI have been quite helpful to them. And unlike the old days, they like to share and share alike now. But you didn’t answer my question.”

Alison was pragmatic about these kinds of things, she knew the government did all kinds of things that weren’t strictly legal, but as long as it kept the populace safe, she didn’t see the harm in it.

“Well, to be honest, there’s really no point in going. The government isn’t going to open up trade relations with the North any time soon so this is just a waste of time. I’ve got lots of work on my plate with companies opening up shop in countries that we can actually trade with.”

“Yes, but I think you should really go anyway, after all we approved the application just to get your firm in to the country.”

“Our firm?”

“No, your firm.”

“Let me get this straight, you approved a trade mission for a private company so you could get me in to the country?”

“Well, yes. Do you remember Jihoon from university?”


“Yes, oh, sorry, he went by Jay.”

“The asian guy with glasses?”

“Yep, that’s him. He’s really moved up in the party in the North and we think you could help us get some information from him.”

“What, like be a mule or something? He’s working for you? ”

“No, he’s not working for us, but he might drop his guard around you.”

“I don’t think you’ve got the right woman for that Brenda. I barely know him.”

“Seriously? You never wondered why he was always in the library at the same time as you? Always showed up at the same parties? Always offered to help with... well... anything?”

“What? No, you can’t be serious.”

Brenda glanced over to the two men in black suits, “Look over there and tell me if I’m being serious.” she replied.

Alison thought for a moment before responding, “So you want me to go to North Korea, met up with a man I haven’t seen in 5 years and try and spy on him for the government. Did I miss anything?”

“Nope, that’s pretty much it. Well there is one other little thing.”

“Let me guess, you’ll have those two take me out back if I don’t do it?”

“Oh nothing so dramatic, but you might find it hard to do international law when your black listed at every embassy, political event and none of our allies will give you the time of day.”

Alison’s mouth dropped as it set in, Brenda was playing hard ball, leaving her no real choice.

“Well, when you put it that way, I guess I’ll have to have an uncomfortable chat with Tom tomorrow. And what information am I exactly supposed to be getting from Jay? Let alone how I am supposed to contact him?!”

“Glad your on-board Alison. I can’t really tell you the details, just see if you can get the conversation to head towards his southern neighbour and report back whatever he tells you. Don’t worry about meeting him, that will happen through the natural course of your work, just don’t force it. It was good to see you again.” Brenda said as she stood up and grabbed her coat. She took a single step before turning half way back to Alison.

“Oh, that last little thing... you’re not officially working for the government, so if you get caught, we’re going to deny everything. Have a great trip and I’ll see you when you get back!”

Alison picked up her drink and tossed it back, the alcohol burning the back of her throat as it went down.

“Hey!” she called out to the waiter, “get me another one, make it a double.”

* * *

Alison strode across the office floor, her low heels echoing across the room as she took each purposeful step. Tom’s door was open and she walked right in, she wasn’t looking forward to this but just like a band aid it was better to tear it off quick rather than picking at it slowly.

“Tom.” she said, as he had his head down reading a stack of papers.

“Alison?!” he replied, looking up at the imposing figure standing in front of his desk.

“I thought about it last night and I think I will go on the North Korea trip. Get it set up and I’ll make room in my calendar.” she said and then promptly walked back out of his office before he could respond.

* * *

Tom rubbed his neck, it felt like he might have whiplash from the sudden change of mind from Alison. Though he had to admit the view of her ass as she walked away, even in the boring suit, almost made up for it.

He watched her stride across the office and finally entered her office and closed the door behind her and breaking his view and he blinked, “Karen, get in here!”

He waited for Karen to come in to his office, his young assistant had only started a few months ago, but what she lacked in experience she more than made up for in looks. Her petite frame was the complete opposite of Alison, she couldn’t have been more than 5′ tall, but had curves that gave her a classic hour glass shape.

“I need you to add Alison to the North Korea trip.”

“Yes sir.” she replied, making a note on a spiral bound notepad.