The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Dorothy at the Demonstration

Synopsis: Dorothy’s mind wandered, just a little, during the lecture. She may be in for a big surprise.

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The usual warnings. This is for adults. Don’t try this at home, or at school, either.

Dorothy at the Demonstration

By jamjansandwich

The scene: a simple university lecture hall. We observe the lecture, or perhaps a well-led discussion, already in progress. Dorothy has not been paying close attention. She may be in for a big surprise. The professor is still talking.

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The questions some of you asked were, just how strong can a posthypnotic urge be?

Can someone have a posthypnotic suggestion inside their head, and not realize it?

How difficult is it to hypnotize someone, perhaps a pretty girl, without her being aware that it is happening? Give her some interesting ideas right inside her head, so that she is doing a task already, before she realizes it is of hypnotic origin? What if she decides she does not want to do our silly task? Will she still continue to do it?

Or, better still, what if she really, seriously objects, will she do it even when she tries not to do it?

Perhaps we can answer some of your questions with a little demonstration from among our group here. We shall seek an unwilling volunteer. Someone who may cooperate a little at first, but who would prefer to not be our unwilling subject. Yet someone just slightly curious enough to wonder how this will work out.

The parameters of the questions call for a girl, a pretty young woman. All females, please raise your left hand.

Very good. Now ladies, let’s let your subconsciouses guide these hands in a few moments. But first, let’s establish a pattern, a path your muscles will take to move your hands and arms. Lower your hands, and then raise them once again. Lower your hands again and let them raise back to the upper position again. Fine, now lower your hands and arms and simply let them relax.

Next, each lady, examine your own self for a moment. I will ask a few questions and when an answer is Yes, your arm will feel a tug upward.

If you have enough Yes answers, your arm will return to the lifted position of a few moments ago.

First question, are you female?

Do you enjoy surprises?

Do you enjoy being the center of friendly attention?

Are you fairly pretty?

Do you wish to avoid being hypnotized in this demonstration?

Do you think you are a person who can resist being hypnotized?

Do you think you will know for certain when you are hypnotized?

Can you tell that this demonstration is designed to hypnotize you?

Have you noticed already that your hand has moved upward?

You understand of course that I can speak to you on more than one level of your mind, without the other levels of your mind being as confused about it as your conscious level might become. Yes?

Good, and you have at least once in your life experienced a few moments, during a lecture like this, for example, when you realized you have missed a few words from the speaker, when, possibly, your mind has just wandered only a slight amount?

Of course, to overcome this tendency, you also decide to pay very close attention to what is being said from now on, even when you may not fully understand, in your head, what is being said to you, inside your head, that is.

Will it surprise you if I tell you that you have already been hypnotized?

Have you ever been such a helpful person that you volunteered for something without knowing exactly what it was you volunteered for?

Or perhaps, not knowing how you have volunteered for it?

Yes? Yes to all my questions?

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a volunteer. She is the only one with her hand lifted high into the air.

Are you aware your hand lifts involuntarily higher even as we give our attention to you?

So, now we have an involuntary volunteer. Your hand went up into the air, involuntarily, as somewhere inside yourself you answered Yes to my questions.

We have established that you are young-ish, and more than a little bit pretty, but also, that you would prefer to avoid being hypnotized?

See? Of course, with the answer Yes to all these points, your hand and arm lift even more strongly into the air.

However, when I ask a question, in a moment, which has an answer different from Yes, you may discover you may lower your arm, and quickly answer my question.

Do you know your name? Yes? See? The arm still pulls upward.

Now, tell me, what is your name? Say your name clearly so everyone can hear you.

Dorothy? That’s a fine name.

Now Dorothy, thank you for volunteering so unwillingly and so quickly. You and the rest of the group are curious about our little demonstration, and whether that arm-raising exercise is hypnosis?

Yes, of course you are curious. Curiosity is such a delicious feeling, and now, of course, you need to lower your arm again.

In the last few minutes Dorothy, we made contact with your subconscious mind, and established a very strong line of communication.

Of course, you didn’t notice this, consciously, because you were busy answering Yes to all my questions.

Let’s ask another, which will probably have an easy Yes answer.

Have you taken a shower or a bath in the last few days?

Aha! See? Your hand jumped upward again.

What went through your mind when I asked?

I suspect that you quickly, very quickly thought back to the last time you had a bath or shower, and for a moment at least, remembered yourself naked in the water.

You can do that for us very easily. Imagine yourself in a recent bath or shower. Perhaps the one you took most recently before putting on the clothes you are wearing now.

In fact, when I mention it this way, you discover it’s impossible to avoid thinking for at least an instant, about being naked.

Notice, your Yes hand has risen as we talk.

That is one of the fun things about your mind Dorothy. I can mention something and you discover you must think about it. And when we wonder if you thought about it in a positive way, of course your Yes hand gives it’s proper reply, despite whatever else you may attempt to think about it.

Hand lower now, to give it more space to show its next answer. You notice your hand does what I tell it. Ha, see, your hand went up, when your answer was Yes you noticed.

Next, of course you say, give me something more exciting to do than to just think about being naked.

And of course, when you thought about your bathing time, a few moments ago, the time when you were so happily naked and wet, you also recalled how you dis-robed for that event, and perhaps how you got dressed afterward, to put on the garments you are wearing now.

So, you realize how easily you can stand before us Dorothy, and imagine yourself naked.

Never mind your hand, it will want to go up and down on it’s own.

Let your hands have minds of their own, perhaps your other hand will rise when a No answer occurs to you.

So, standing before us, here, right now Dorothy, you imagine yourself naked. It’s easy, no trick to it.

Think of the last time you were naked. You don’t need to tell us about it. Think of the next time you will be naked. The clothes you are wearing right now must be completely removed at some point. All you need to do right now is simply think of each garment and undergarment and imagine what you must do to remove each item when the appointed time comes. You can’t predict the future. You never know when you might take your clothes off.

But right here Dorothy, right now Dorothy, you can easily imagine yourself naked.

Of course you are a bright young lady, so you probably have guessed where this might take you.

In our earlier remarks, we said that what the mind can imagine, the body may accomplish.

Do you know what that means Dorothy?

How interesting Dorothy, both hands responded to my last question. One part of you does not know, so you answered No, but another part of you does know, so you answered Yes.

Let’s put it all together now Dorothy. And enjoy what happens.

You easily imagine yourself naked right here, standing in front of us. You don’t want to be naked, yet you manage to imagine even the embarrassment that comes with standing calmly but naked right here in front of us. You don’t want to be naked, but you find that you can imagine yourself being naked for us against your conscious plans to remain dressed.

Something is deliciously curious about that, yes?

You don’t want to be hypnotized yet you enjoy the surprise when I tell you that you have already been hypnotized. Perhaps you are curious about exactly when this occurred.

That’s right Dorothy, you will soon discover the truth of it, that you have been hypnotized. Hypnotized without realizing it. Moreover, you are very skilled at undressing for us, even though you may try to stay dressed.

Check yourself now. See? You are perfectly dressed at the moment. Yet, three minutes from now you will be well on your way toward starting to strip, and you will be totally naked for us in exactly four minutes from right NOW.

For the rest of you, let’s have a show of hands. How many of you think Dorothy is willing to undress for us? To undress right now simply for our amusement? No hands? How many think Dorothy will try to resist, try very hard to resist undressing for us? Yes, everyone thinks so.

I see that even you Dorothy, voted that you will try to resist.

How many think that she will succeed? Dorothy, I see your hand shot up, before I finished. How many think that she will succeed in undressing, despite her best attempts to keep from it?

Everyone agrees, I see, except you Dorothy, but you were a little slow in pulling your hand down. So let’s count that as a tentative, half-hearted yes from you, too.

The next question, of course, is what shall we do, or talk about, while Dorothy wrestles with the ideas we have put inside her head?

We shall leave her alone for the next few moments as she figures out how to do her task, without us browbeating her about it. We shall speak of her only in the third person, and observe her interesting behavior.

Will she actually do it? Very probably yes. We know several layers of her subconscious were very actively participating in the exercise, and she wants to ask some quite good questions about it from the subject’s point of view, as soon as possible after she has completed her surprise task.

Why has she not yet begun? But notice she has begun. See her face? The indignation and frustration as she quickly tries one method of resisting after another. She is working it out in her head.

She still has some minutes before the starting moment while she completes her head work.

And then she will have time to surprise herself with how quickly, and exactly, she can meet the four-minute completion mark.

Such a delicious task needs to be done just right.

While Dorothy continues with her assignment, let’s mention another very major posthypnotic phenomenon: posthypnotic amnesia.

Amnesia can easily be brought about with a good subject such as Dorothy.

All we need to do is mention in an oblique sort of way, not even directly to her, but clearly enough that she understands that this is for her.

All we need to do is say that she will forget the rest of our demonstration and how she reacted to it, starting right exactly now.