The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive



The electronic chime announces the impending arrival of the executive elevator. A second later the doors begin to part and the cab settles to a stop. Brian Evans slowly shuffles from the lobby through the portal and into the small but sumptuous enclosure. His mind is still absorbed with the day’s work. It is nearly 9:00 P.M. and he is exhausted. Even though he is the CEO of a small, but highly profitable investment brokerage firm, none the less he expends long hours analyzing, planning and strategizing. Most of that time is spent at this high-rise, in his office, searching for opportunities to maximize returns. He’s not much for working remotely. Being seventy-two, he has a love/hate relationship with computers, often preferring handwritten notes, charts and proposals. Really, his business IS his life, and has been for as long as he can remember.

He was quietly divorced last year from his one and only wife, Delores. She was never, in truth, a mate but rather a necessary accessory. Although married many years, their activities and obligations rarely brought them together. Quite the contrary, most often they pushed them apart; begrudgingly for her, but almost willingly for him. Physically and emotionally they grew distant. She had her coffees, clubs, charities and card parties. He had a few buddies, a hobby or two, occasionally sporting events but predominately his company, and his diligent quest for wealth. Acquiring a fortune has always been one of his two all-consuming life goals. This is evident to everyone around Brian, and a pursuit to which he has substantially succeeded. Even though Delores walked out the door with half, still his net worth is in excess of a hundred million dollars; quite an accomplishment, especially for a college dropout.

However, as satisfied in his career as he has become, Brian still longs to attain his second life-long desire. This one is quite personal; one which he has secretly fantasized about since his teens; that one most cherished scenario of sexual perfection. In his mind, SHE is meticulously well conceived. He has spent untold hours in aroused daydreaming and nighttime wet dreams turning himself on and masturbating, always for HER. In his vision, SHE is so pristine, so exquisite and, yet he fears, so unattainable in the real world. His finely-developed fantasy world is inhabited by this blonde bombshell- beautiful beyond all others, powerfully seductive, wickedly dominant, worshipped as an irresistible goddess who is, in contrast, mercilessly cruel. Not surprisingly, Brian is yet to find HER, although he’s passionately searched for years, deep down knowing he probably never will. Seeing, and whenever possible discreetly experiencing, countless numbers of glamorous females, females of fetish fashion, or females skilled in BDSM has always resulted in frustratingly close calls, but, alas, never the perfect combination of all in one he so pathetically craves. Thus ever hopeful, but realistically quite resigned, Brian continues to dream, as now he does in the solitude of the elevator.

Out of routine, he semi-consciously pushes the control button marked P-1, the secured parking level where his classic Rolls resides. The doors slide shut and the fully mirrored cab begins its descent. It’s Thursday, and he pauses his delightful dream-state to listen to his stomach growl. He mentally plans his evening; noting to have Dennis, his butler, order-in, and when he arrives home he’ll eat, watch some mindless television and turn in early. The soft hum of the elevator machinery is somehow soothing and Brian glances over to the floor indicator—50, 40, 30. Surprisingly, the sound of the braking system interrupts the quiet. Brian wonders who has been working as late as he, feeling the slightest jerking motion as the cab comes to a stop at the 27th floor. He leans back against the glass sidewall to provide an adequate space for the soon-to-be accompanying rider. Elevator etiquette, even for millionaires, seems to ever dictate that distance be maximized between fellow occupants. With a soft whooshing sound, the doors part and Brian looks into the subtlety-lit lobby. Unbeknownst to him, this instant, and all the time that is to follow, will forever change his life…