The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Fantasy League

Week 3 — Jane

Jane Colliers wasn’t even sure why she stopped but she did. She’d just come out of the store and she had barely enough time to get home to Rick but there was just something about the man and his dog.

They certainly were an odd pair, Jane thought. The man was a big man with a big belly and a big mustache. He wore his hair long but maybe that was just to compensate for the lack of hair on the very top of his head.

As big as the man was, his dog was small. It was brown and white and it looked up at him with eager eyes, but as eager as the dog might have been, the dog didn’t seem to be doing anything. It was just looking at him.

“Now, Roxy,” the man scolded the dog as he leaned over the animal. “We’re going to get this right, right?”

The dog, of course, said nothing.

“We need to get you trained so you won’t mess up around the house.”

The dog wagged its tail eagerly but other than that, there seemed to be little understanding.

The man stood and he held the leash at the ready. “All right, Roxy, heel!”

Roxy just stood there.

“I said heel,” the man said.

Roxy seemed to have other ideas.

“Interesting pair, aren’t they?”

Jane looked up to see a man standing beside her. “What?”

The man standing beside her nodded at the man and his dog. “Interesting pair, I said.”

“Yeah, I guess,” Jane said as she looked back at the man and his dog.

“I don’t think he’s going to be successful though.”


“Too many people,” the man said. “Training’s something that should really be done in private.”

Jane nodded at that. It made sense.

“And besides, the bitch doesn’t seem to know she wants it.”

Jane once more looked at the man. “W-what?”

“I said the bitch doesn’t seem to want it,” he said again and once more, he was nodding at the man and his dog. “I was talking about the dog, of course. She’s a bitch.”

Jane looked back at the odd couple and she nodded. She hadn’t really noticed that the dog was a female but okay, she supposed she could understand that.

“That’s usually the way it is,” the man said.

“What is?”

“Bitches don’t usually know what they want. They have to be trained.”


“The good news is though, you train a bitch right, she’ll do whatever you want her to do.”

“Yeah,” Jane agreed.

“No messing around,” the man said. “No tearing up the house. No maxing out the credit cards.”


“It’s the collar, of course. It’s what allows for proper training.”

Jane was looking at the man. “What’d you say your name was?” she asked.

The man was finally looking at her now instead of the man and his dog. “I didn’t,” he said.


“I didn’t say what my name was.”

“What’s your name then?”

“Do you think you really have the right to know?”

“Whatever,” Jane said and she once more turned her attention to the man and his dog.

“It’s Blake,” the man said as he, too, continued watching the man and his dog.

“I don’t care,” Jane said.

“Of course you do,” the man said. “You wanted to know but then bitches always want to know.”

Jane just shook her head. The man was repugnant, she told herself. She hadn’t realized it at first but now she did.

“Bitches are always getting up in everyone’s business but that’s okay. They just need to be properly trained. What about you? Have you been properly trained?”

“I’m not a dog,” Jane snapped.

“Who said anything about you being a dog,” the repugnant man said. “I just asked if you’d been properly trained.”

Jane shook her head. “I’m not a dog,” she said again. “I don’t need to be trained.”

The man just chuckled at that. “All bitches need to be trained,” he said. “Tell me that you at least have an owner.”

“No,” Jane snorted. “I don’t have an owner. I’m a happily married woman. I don’t need an owner.”

“I didn’t ask if you were married,” the man said. “I asked if you had an owner.”

“And I told you I don’t have an owner.”

“Pity. A bitch like you really does need an owner, someone who can tell her what to do.”

Jane had meant to tell the man what she thought of him but something caught her and she found herself wondering just what the heck it would be like to have an owner but almost as quickly, she turned to face the man. “I don’t need—”

Where was he, Jane wondered. She looked around but the strange man was gone.

She looked back at the man with the dog. It was no matter, really. She watched for a few minutes longer as the man futilely tried to train his dog and then having decided that she had other things she needed to do, she went on about her way.

Rick wasn’t home from work by the time Jane got home and that was a good thing. Even if she couldn’t have dinner prepared by the time her husband got home, at least if she had it on the way, she’d feel like she was getting something done.

She almost had dinner ready when she heard Rick’s key in the door.

Her husband stepped down and he put down his briefcase and he gave Jane a peck on the cheek. “How’s my girl tonight?” he asked.

“I’m fine,” Jane said and that was right. She was fine, only ...

“How’s dinner?” Rick asked.

“Dinner’s fine, too.”

“That’s cool. You want me to open some wine?”


“’Kay. I’ll get the bottle.”

Jane finished the cooking as the two of them discussed the inanities of the day’s events, of Rick’s day at work and of her time at the nail shop and at the mall. It was all just so ...

It was all so dull.

No, it wasn’t, she told herself, and just why the heck was she calling it dull. This was her life.

Maybe she needed to be trained better.

Wait a minute. No. Where the heck had that come from. She most certainly didn’t need to be trained.



“You seemed preoccupied there for a moment.”

“Did I?”

“You did. You sure everything’s okay?”

“Yeah,” Jane said. “Yeah. Everything’s okay. Why wouldn’t it be okay?”

“I was just asking.”

“Everything’s fine,” Jane said irritably and then she was irritated at herself for just being irritable.

That night, Jane slept fitfully but the next morning, she woke up feeling relaxed and rested and ready to take on the new day ...

She was ready to take on the new day until she realized something. What she realized was that she was totally and completely naked.

That most definitely was not the way that she’d gone to bed the night before. She’d worn pajamas to bed. She was sure of that but that wasn’t what she was wearing now and there was something else.

Her pussy was wet.

Why the heck was her pussy wet?

“It’s about time you woke up.”

It would have been less surprising to hear a man’s voice in her bedroom if that voice had been that of her husband’s but that wasn’t the voice she heard. It was the voice of a Black man and even sitting right there in a chair right there in her bedroom, Jane could tell he was powerfully built. “What are you doing here?” she demanded.

The man stood and he walked over to the bed. God, he had muscles. She liked a man with muscles. and he was holding something in his hands. “I’m here because you wanted me here,” he said.

“I did not.”

The man’s voice rose harshly. “Shut up,” he said harshly and Jane couldn’t help but cringe at his rebuke. “Let’s call that your first lesson. You do not question what you are told. Do you understand?”


“You do not question what you are told,” the man said again. “Do you understand?”

“Who are you to tell me—”

“Shut up. You do not question what you are told to do. Do you understand?”

Jane looked balefully at the man. She couldn’t believe she was about to say what she knew she was going to say.

“Do you understand?”

Jane nodded her head.

“If I wanted you to nod,” the man said, “I would have told you to nod. I asked you if you understood. Do you understand?”

Jane nodded again and then she remembered what she’d been told. “Y-yeah,” she said. “I understand.”

“That’s better. Now get your ass out of bed.”

Jane climbed out of bed just as she’d been ordered to do.

The man shook his head. “If I wanted you to stand, I would have told you to stand. Since I didn’t tell you that, then obviously, I must not have wanted that so get yourself down on your knees where you belong.”

She shouldn’t be doing this, Jane told herself, and yet there she was, dropping to her knees.

“That’s a good girl,” the man told her. “See, you can follow orders if you put your mind to it and that’s a good thing. It means you’re trainable. It means you can learn new things.”


“It’s a good thing you came to me for training but I think the first thing we need to do is to give you a new name.”

“I didn’t come to you for training.”

“Shut up,” the man said and Jane found herself cringing again. “You came to me for training. You know that.”

She came to him, Jane told herself. She needed to be trained.

No wait!

“We need to give you a new name. I think we’ll call you Slave.”

Slave was a wonderful name, Slave thought, but then of course it was a wonderful name because it was the name he’d given to her.

“What’s your name?” the man demanded.


“That’s a good girl,” the man said.

Slave couldn’t help but preen at the man’s compliment. She liked being a good girl.

“Are you ready to be trained, Slave?”

Slave nodded eagerly. She was so ready.

“I didn’t ask you to nod,” her master said. “I asked you if you were ready.”

“Yes,” the woman said breathlessly. “I’m ready.”

I guess we’ll see about that,” the man said as he approached her and for the first time, Slave could see what the man had in his hands. It was a leather leash and he was moving it forward and then he was clipping it to her collar.

Until that moment, she hadn’t even realized that she was wearing a collar but it seemed so right. Slaves like her had collars so of course, she had a collar.

Her master jerked on her collar and Slave followed him just as she knew she was supposed to do. They weren’t actually going anywhere, she realized. They were just walking around the bedroom but it was important to her. It was important to show just how obedient she was.

“That’s a good Slave,” the man said, “but let’s see just how good you really are. Hop up on the bed.”

Slave did as she was told to do.

“Are you wet?” the man asked.


“Did I say you could answer?”

“But I thought—”

“You thought what?”

“I thought you wanted me to answer.”

“Now why would you think that?”

Slave shook her head. She was sure she’d known the answer before but obviously, she was wrong. “I don’t know,” she said.

“That’s right,” her master said. “You don’t know. That’s your most important lesson. You don’t know. In fact, you don’t know nothing. Your job is to do as you’re told. Do you got that?”

Slave nodded. She understood what she was being told.

“Now, let’s see if you are wet.”

This time, Slave held her tongue and she let her master do the work.

She could feel his fingers as they slid between her pussy and she could feel his fingers stroking up against her clit. There was no doubt about it, she told herself. There was no doubt about how wet she was and yet aside from a momentary shiver when his fingers first touched her pussy, she held her position there on her hands and her knees.

Oh, but it was hard. Her pussy so wanted to give in but she’d been told to hold her place.

“You are wet,” the man said at last.


“I’ll bet you’d like me to fuck that pussy, wouldn’t you?”


“Say it.”

“Say what?”

“You know what to say. A slut like you should always be ready and willing to get herself fucked.”

“I’m not a slut.”

“Really?” A big, Black hand spanked her exposed bottom. “You’re naked and your pussy’s wet and you don’t even know my name. What’s that sound like to you?”

Slave held her tongue.

Again, that hand came down hard on her exposed bottom. “I asked you a question,” the man said. “What’s it sound like to you?”

Still, Slave said nothing.

Slave gasped as she felt the man’s hand spank her even harder and then she felt his fingers in her pussy. “I’m going to whip your ass if you don’t answer. I might whip it anyways for your insolence. What matters now is how lenient you want your master to be. Now what are you?”

“A ... a slut?” Slave whimpered.

“What’s that?” the man said and then Slave. “What’s that?” he asked again.

“I’m not a slut,” she whimpered unconvincingly.

“What? My fingers here in your pussy says you are.”

Slave couldn’t help but groan at that. There was certainly something to what Master said, but ... but ...

“I’m not a slut,” she whimpered.

“Then maybe I should stop.”


Even without looking back at him, Slave knew her master was smiling. “You know what that sounds like?”


“A girl who wants a man to use her pussy and to keep using her pussy even when she says maybe he should stop, what do you think that sounds like to you?”

“A slut,” Slave said.

“Yeah, a slut. So what are you?” the man asked.

Slave wasn’t going to be tricked quite that easily. She knew what he wanted her to say but she wasn’t going to answer.

But Master seemed to sense her reluctance and it was clear he wasn’t going to let her get away with anything. He slapped her ass and then he slapped her again. “Answer me,” he demanded.

Slave mumbled something that Master couldn’t hear.

“What was that?” the man said. “I don’t think I heard you.”

“A slut,” Slave said sullenly.


“A slut,” Slave said again.

“What about it?”

“I said it makes me a slut,” Slave said sullenly.

“Oh honey, it doesn’t make you a slut, You were a slut long before that but I can see we’re going to have to work on your obedience.”

Her obedience, Slave thought. Why did that thought excite her so. No, it wasn’t just the thought. It was the word. Obedience. That was such a sexy word. It was such a sultry word. She loved that word. She loved the way it sounded inside her head.

“You like that, don’t you?” the man said as he seemed to sense what Slave was thinking.

Slave nodded.

“Don’t you worry. We’ll get you trained up just right,” the man said, “and then you won’t have anything to worry about.”

That was good, Slave told herself. They were going to get her trained just right.

“Turn around,” her master said.

Slave turned around.

“I think you need to show me what a slut you are. Take my cock out.”

Slave did as she was told to do and she was taking her master’s cock out even as he took his shirt off.

“You can suck it,” her master said.

The way he said it sounded like it was an offer, like it was something that was totally up to her but Slave knew the truth. There was nothing that was being left up to her and that was just the way she wanted it. She wanted to be used which meant she had absolutely no choice at all. She had to suck his cock.

“Yeah,” the man groaned. “That’s it. Suck my cock.”

It wasn’t even like she liked sucking cock but what she liked didn’t matter. In point of fact, that was what really mattered. What mattered was that what she liked didn’t matter. What mattered was that she was being used like the slut she was.

“You keep that up,” the man told her, “you’re going to make me cum for sure.”

She didn’t really want that but still, she kept sucking his cock.

“Fuck,” the man groaned. “As much as I like that, I think we’ve have enough of that. Lie down on the bed,” the man commanded her.

Slave laid down on the bed even as she looked up at the man.

“That’s a good girl,” the man said as he took off the last of his clothes and then he was moving in over her body. “I bet you like being like this, don’t you.”

She loved it, Slave wanted to say. She loved it, but she knew instinctively that that wasn’t what the man wanted to hear. He didn’t want her to agree with him. He wanted to take advantage of her and she wanted him to do it.

“Give me your hands,” the man said.

Slave, of course, did exactly what she was told to do.

He was straddling her now. She could see his cock right there in front of her face even as he held her hands and Slave wondered if he was going to make her suck him again.

But apparently, that wasn’t what he had in mind because the man was moving even more forward and he was pulling her hands with him and before Slave knew it, he was using her own nylons to tie her hands to the headboard.

She struggled against the restraints but Master had done his job well. Her hands were well tied.

The man just chuckled. “You’re not getting loose that easily,” he said.

She didn’t want to be let loose. This was in fact, her fantasy. She wanted to be used. She wanted him to use her.

“Should we see what that pussy feels like now,” the man said.

Slave didn’t say anything. She just held her breath.

And there was the man, sliding back down over her body. She could watch his cock as it slid down over her body and then it was almost there. It slid between her legs and she could feel the head of it push up against her pussy.

His cock teased her but as close as he was, he didn’t let himself enter her.

“Tell me what you are again.”

That was easy. “I’m a slut,” she said.

“Yeah? I thought you were a respectable woman.”

Damn. That cock was right there. That cock was so close and yet it wasn’t close enough. “I am a respectable woman,” Slave said.

“But I thought you were a slut.”

“I am a slut.”

“You can’t be both. You can’t be both a respectable woman and a slut. You have to be one or the other.”

But she was, Slave wanted to argue.

“You can’t be both,” the man said even as his cock continued to tease her pussy. “You can’t be both. You have to choose.”

“I have to choose,” Slave echoed.

“That’s right. You have to choose. Are you a respectable woman or are you a slut. Can you truly say no to my cock or are you actually a slave to my cock and its whims.”

This meant something, Slave told herself. She knew she could lie but she couldn’t lie to herself so this choice meant something.

“Which one are you,” the man taunted her. “Are you a respectable woman ... or are you just a lowly cock-hungry slut?”

Oh crap, his cock was right there. She could feel the head of his cock teasing her pussy.

“Which one are you?” he taunted her again.

“A slut,” she cried out. “I’m a slut.”

It was almost as if his cock had been waiting for just that instant because in the next instant, he was thrusting himself into her and Slave couldn’t help but cry out as she felt her master’s cock in her pussy.

“It took you long enough,” the man said even as his cock continued to fuck her pussy.

Maybe, Slave thought, but she had the feeling that the man wouldn’t have had it any other way.

“Tell me what you are again,” the man said.

“I’m a slut,” Slave said.

“I thought you said you were a respectable woman.”

“No, I’m a slut.”

“That’s right. You’re a slut. You’re a slut for my cock, aren’t you?”

“I’m a slave for your cock,” Slave said.

“I’ll bet you want me to use you, don’t you?”


“I’ll bet you want me to cum in your pussy.”


“Well then, you’re going to get what you want because like it or not, I really am going to cum in your pussy.”

No. There was something wrong with that. She shouldn’t let him do that, and yet ...

And yet, he just kept fucking her and her pussy absolutely loved it. It would be so easy to get lost in this. It would be so easy to ...

No, her mind whimpered.

Yes. It would be so easy to let him have his way with her. It would be so easy to become his property.

His property. Why did that sound so hot?

It sounded hot because that was what she wanted. She wanted to be his property. She wanted to be owned.

“Oh fuck,” the man groaned.

Yeah, that’s it, she wanted to say. That’s it. Use my pussy. It’s your property now. Use it as you see fit.

“Fuck,” the man groaned yet again but this time he was burying himself inside her pussy.

Slave knew what was happening. He was cumming. He was cumming in her pussy and she knew she loved it. She wanted it so much. Her pussy didn’t belong to her, she thought as she, too, started to cum. Her pussy belonged to him and that was the way it should be. After all, she knew what she’d wanted. She’d always known it. She’d wanted to be owned ... and now, finally, she was.