The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

For the People (Chapter 7)

CHAPTER SYNOPSIS: Emily helps Moira to understand the true nature of their relationship with Devin.

DISCLAIMER: The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any actual person, event, or organization is entirely coincidental.

Devin darkened the doorway of the motel room, blotting out the late morning light in a hazy silhouette. He took a step inside and received Emily’s arms around him impassively.

“You made it!” Emily chirped. It had been less than two hours since they had last parted ways, but it always made Emily happy to see Devin. He had told her so.

He did not return the hug. “Sit down for a minute, sweetheart. I’ve had a long morning.” His tone was as grey as the sky outside.

Emily dutifully sat down on the bed. Her gaze shifted back and forth between Devin by the door and Moira sitting in her armchair against the wall. Moira’s eyes tracked Devin as well, considerably more glassy than Emily’s.

Devin paused by the bed and held out his hand. “Nullifiers.”

Emily looked confused for a moment. “Oh, the ear plug things. Nullifiers, right.” She picked them up from where she’d set them down and handed them to Devin. He already had a duplicate pair situated in his ears. “Broadcaster?” Emily took a small cellphone-like device from the sweatpants she’d been wearing and handed that over, too.

Devin fiddled with the broadcaster for a moment, his eyes flicking between the women. “How long has it been since Moira came back to the hotel and got you?” he asked Emily.

Emily checked the wall clock. “Half an hour, maybe a little more.”

Devin nodded wearily. He pulled up a spare chair and sat in it where he could talk comfortably to both the women. He took a couple of painkillers from a bottle in his pocket and swallowed them dry.

“Normally,” he began, “I wouldn’t want someone to be exposed much longer than this in one sitting. Some things might get… scrambled.” He pointed at Moira. “But for you, I’m not exactly feeling charitable.”

Moira roused herself enough to speak. “Did I do something wrong?”

Devin’s sigh made him seem older than he was. “No. No, I did. I’ve never had anyone come this close to figuring me out before. Never had anyone cause me so much trouble.” Moira blanched at that. Did he know it was her who’d had him attacked?

“I’ve had a lot of time for soul searching in the last few days,” Devin continued. “It’s not actually something I do very much. No need. But I find myself wondering, how could I have let this happen? Are you really that smart, or tough, or intuitive? Was there something wrong with my tech, or how I applied it? I don’t think so. The more I’ve thought about it, the more I realized that there was nothing special about you, or the circumstance. I just got sloppy. Garden-variety overconfidence. Hubris. This was supposed to be a business arrangement. Clean, precise. But I let myself have fun with you. Play around a little bit. And I shouldn’t have. I put both of you in danger and I put myself in danger and I put the contract in danger.”

Moira had no idea what he was talking about. He had a contract? Something that had to do with her or Emily? She’d steeled herself for a tough discussion about Emily’s future and the influence that Devin had clearly exerted over her, but this wasn’t at all what she’d been prepared to hear from Devin.

“If I’d done my research, Moira, I would have come to you first, primed you before I ever sat down with the Congresswoman. Everything would have gone so much smoother with you there to run interference for me. I thought that my usual selective dumbing down trick would keep Emily from suspecting me, but you… You were a resource I shouldn’t have ignored.

“I get why you did what you did. I get it now. The friendship that you two have is very special, and it’s unreasonable to think that you would just let that go by the wayside. I’m sorry for the hardship I placed you under. I can only imagine the kind of courage that it took for you to act on instinct and flee the city, not to mention how you put it together that I was behind everything. And for you, Emily, to trust Moira with that kind of leap.”

Moira was glad that Devin understood all this. Her friendship with Emily was special. She wasn’t some wilting flower who would just let everything she loved be taken from her. She would fight for the people she cared about. That meant her parents, her brothers and sisters, Emily, and maybe Devin. She hadn’t decided yet.

“You know, I’m not even mad that you had that guy punch me out. You did what you had to do. It was a good play.”

So he did know. It was a relief that he didn’t hold it against her. “Thanks,” Moira responded. “I was just really scared. I didn’t know what you were after.” She paused, remembering. “Actually, I still don’t. What are you after?”

“Now that you two are secure, that’s a very good question. I would love to just retire, disappear, enjoy my fortune and the pleasures of the world. I suppose I should have a long time ago, but there’s something about being in-demand among the world’s elites that really strokes my ego. It might be that egotistical indulgence that gets me killed, one day.

“Unfortunately, the men who hired me to work on the Congresswoman won’t just let me leave, and they know enough about me that with them unhappy, I’d always be looking over my shoulder.”

Devin rubbed tired eyes with his fingers. “I guess that leaves one thing. We finish the job, then ride off into the sunset forever.”

Moira nodded. That made sense. Devin was so smart. His ideas were always the best ones. She wondered how she hadn’t seen it before. She wanted to tell him so, but talking was becoming an effort. Even closing her mouth was difficult.

Emily was still sharp, though. “What job?” she asked. “You keep talking about being hired to talk to me, or your strategy, things like that. What are you supposed to do?”

“It’s what you’re supposed to do, and what I’m supposed to convince you to do.”

Emily leaned forward. She took one of Devin’s hands in hers and kissed it tenderly. “Oh, Devin. I’m sorry you’re in trouble. If there’s anything I can do to help, I want to. Moira does, too, right?”

Moira wasn’t sure how to respond to that. She wasn’t sure of much of anything.

Devin came to her rescue. “Moira. You do want to help me. You want to do anything you can to help. Just like Emily does.”

That brought some much-needed clarity to Moira’s world. Her head buzzed with an imperceptible hum. How long had that been there? “Of course,” she slurred.

“I didn’t really answer your question, though, Emily. I’m going to right now. And you should know, this isn’t something that I talk to anyone about. Ever. The two of you are about to become my most trusted confidants. You already know so much that trying to shut you back in the dark would be too dangerous. You have to come inside. Are you worthy of that trust?” Moira nodded. Emily did the same, though much more energetically. “Say it. Say that you’re worthy of my trust. Say that you’ll never betray me.”

“I’ll never betray you.” The two women were out of sync, Moira speaking slower than Emily. But they did say it.

“Say it again.”

They did.

Then Devin told them everything. He told them about how he had created a technology that made people gullible and suggestible, and how he had used it to amass a vast fortune, both in money and in women who wanted him or even loved him. He told them about Tellamon, about the contract to change Emily’s political leanings and destroy her populist work. About his campaign to disgrace her and thus discredit any future politicians who might even think of running on a similar platform. Of how he had used her for his own selfish pleasure.

He told them everything, though he had no idea how they would react to it. The only thing he didn’t tell them was how much of a gamble he was taking in this moment, and what he would have to do if they reacted poorly to these new revelations, much as it would have sickened him.

Emily spoke first. “So Moira was right? You really did change me. Like, I didn’t used to be slutty like this?” She waved at her own expansive cleavage.

“That’s right. You were always a progressive woman with a healthy sex drive, but nothing like you are now.”

Emily paused. Devin prepared himself for the worst.

“Well thank fucking god,” Emily burst out. Devin furrowed his brow in confusion until she returned. “Do you have any idea how worried I used to be? About everything? Your big evil plan with me was to make me have more fun and enjoy life and have sex a lot? Sign me up.”

Devin didn’t have the heart to point out that she wouldn’t have felt that way before his conditioning had gotten to her. “What about your politics?”

“Helping average people? To hell with them. I’m not average. I’m a genius beauty queen with celebrity endorsements, lobbying kickbacks, and a two hundred-thousand dollar salary. I’ll stick to my own. Power to the privileged.”

Devin marveled at her. He hadn’t even implanted that phrase. She was running with his conditioning now, coming up with rationales all on her own. He was glad to hear her say it, too; with his broadcaster still active, her own voice was just reinforcing things in her head even more. Not to mention Moira’s head.

“How about you, Moira?” he prompted.

Moira wanted to run. She wanted to scream. She wanted to get help and tell the world everything. She wanted to shove a knife so far into Devin’s brain that his body would go rigid in a heartbeat and never move again. She tried to grab a hold of those feelings, that hate and fear and outrage. She knew it could give her strength.

But they were so far away, and there were so many walls in between. Grasping for them was like trying to grab smoke from a bonfire. All she got was empty air.

“I… I think… It’s horrible,” she managed. She scrabbled at her chair, trying to stand. What was horrible? This room? Where was she?

Devin leapt into the fray. “No, no it’s not. Moira, it’s wonderful. It’s all wonderful.”

“It is?” What was he talking about? She was trying to get out of here. Had Devin done something terrible?

Yes. Yes he had.

“Emily. We have to get out of here.” Moira’s mind was a sea in storm. It was hard to grasp onto any given thought as they swirled around her in the tempest. The one thing she knew for certain was that Devin and Emily were her friends, and they would look after her, no matter what.

No. That wasn’t true. Devin wasn’t her friend. It was a lie. He’d put that thought in her. She hated him for that. Didn’t she? She should hate him. Hate who?

Moira grit her teeth and pushed up, trying to lift herself out of the chair. Her muscles were sluggish, barely responding. She could barely get her feet under her. She found a nugget of anger inside the whirlwind in her head and latched onto it. That would help. Adrenaline, rage, that could punch through the haze.

“Moira,” Devin coaxed her. “You should sit down.”

Sitting down sounded like a wonderful idea. Instead, Moira pulled that rage closer to her heart. “Fuck. You,” she groaned through her clenched jaw.

Devin patted Emily’s ass. “Emily, honey, I think Moira needs some convincing. She’s been listening to the broadcaster for a while, so she might have trouble understanding. She needs our help. Here, I have an idea.”

Devin moved a chair right in front of Moira and had Emily sit in it, facing her friend. Devin then knelt right behind Emily so that he could whisper in her ear. “Ok, Emily. Moira trusts you. You’ve always been good friends. Isn’t that right, Moira?”

That part made sense. Moira could always trust Emily.

“So she’ll listen to you. Like she did in the car on the way here. Moira, you know that Emily is smart and wants the best for you, right?”

Moira tried to tell Devin to fuck himself again, but she couldn’t involve Emily in that kind of invective. She loved Emily.

“Always,” Moira responded, a smile coming to her lips. Devin might not be completely trustworthy, but Emily always had been.

“Good. Then just sit there and focus on Emily right now.” Devin’s hand stroked Emily’s hair tenderly. “Emily, honey, you just tell Moira what I tell you. Can you do that?”

“Of course. I’d be happy to.” She craned her neck around and kissed Devin. The rapturous smile on her face never wavered.

Devin began whispering to her, low enough that Moira couldn’t hear him. Emily didn’t wait for him to stop, speaking simultaneously as though she were translating another language.

“Moira, sweetie. You should sit down. Go ahead. You don’t have to be so scared. You really shouldn’t be. Devin cares about us both. He loves us. He wants us to be happy. He wants to take away all the worry that you feel, forever. You want him to do it, too. You want him to take away all the worry that you feel. We want to give ourselves to him. He understands the world better than we ever could. He knows us better than we know ourselves. The only way that we can ever really be free is by trusting him completely. Loving him completely. Doing what he says and thinking how he tells us to think.” Emily’s smile shone like polished marble. “I do what he tells me. I think what he tells me. I believe what he tells me.”

Moira sank into the cushions of her chair, her legs finally giving out. Emily was so right. She was so smart and so good. She always looked out for Moira. She was so grateful to her for everything. For her friendship, for the work she’d done getting elected to office, for Devin. Without Emily, Moira would never have known Devin. She’d never have had a chance at real peace.

“I love being a slut,” Emily was saying. “You’re going to become a slut, too. You’re going to love being a slut. I’m so pretty, and I dress so pretty, and you will, too. All you have to do is just do what Devin says. Think how Devin says. Believe how Devin says.” The words hammered into Moira’s rattled mind like waves on sand. Emily herself felt herself growing happier has she spoke.

“This isn’t about politics or governance or anything like that, not any more. Not for us. This is about serving Devin. Devin loves us and we love him even more. We need to serve him, because that’s what will make us feel good. Serving Devin fulfills us. We would never hurt or betray Devin at all. We’ll always be honest with Devin. We want Devin to have everything he wants, all the time. We need to help him and serve him. The more time we spend with him, the more we listen to him, the better he can make us. Even right now, just listening to him and talking to you, I can feel myself believing it a little bit more. Bit by bit. Learning. Changing. You can feel it, too. Can’t you.”

Moira swayed in her chair. She felt herself nodding, a small smile spreading on her face.

“Oh, honey,” Emily continued, puppeted by Devin. “I know this is a lot to take in. But you’re doing so good. You’ll come out of this just fine, even better than you were before. You’ll be a whole new woman. I know it might seem scary, but it’s really not. I’m here to help you. We can help each other.”

Emily reached out and took Moira’s hands in hers. They felt warm. Secure. “I love you, Moira.”

“Oh. I love you too, Emily.” Moira found her voice, soft as it was. “You’ve been the best friend I’ve ever had.”

“I feel the same way.” She paused, considering something that Devin was whispering to her. “I really do. And we’re going to get even closer. But for that to happen, we have to acknowledge something that we’ve never dealt with.”

“Emily, we can deal with anything.”

Emily glanced at Devin, who whispered in her ear again. “Really?” she said back softly.

“No one gets left in the cold.” Until Devin said that, Moira had almost forgotten what his voice sounded like.

Devin continued to talk, and Emily’s smile broadened. “We can deal with anything, Moira. Including the feelings that we have for each other.”

Moira tried to cock her head to the side, but it fell loosely to her shoulder instead. “Feelings?”

“Yes, Moira. Romantic feelings. Sexual feelings. Between you and me.” Emily closed her eyes, savoring a deep breath before she continued. “It’s only natural. We’ve been close for so long. You’re so gorgeous, and I know you think the same about me. It just fits. It’s right. I love Devin and I’ll always want him, but there’s no point in denying how much I need you, too. I want you, Moira. I don’t care what anyone says, I want you.” She squeezed Moira’s hand. “Now, you tell me.”

Moira shifted her glassy gaze from Emily to Devin. Devin simply nodded to her in encouragement. “Don’t worry, Moira. I don’t judge. I think it’s fantastic that you’re both attracted to women, and to each other. It will make things so much easier—and more fun—as we go through our lives together.”

Moira didn’t know what to make of this. She’d never been with a woman before, except for a couple of drunken make-outs at parties in college. She couldn’t remember a time when she’d ever really been attracted to another woman.

At the same time, sitting there across from Emily, it was impossible to deny her friend’s sex appeal. She was gorgeous beyond compare, easily the most physically perfect person that Moira had ever known. Maybe the most perfect in the world. Had she really just been in denial this whole time? Pretending that she only wanted men just to placate some stupid concept of propriety? What a terrible thought.

“I… I want you?” she said hesitantly.

Devin whispered, and Emily spoke. “Say it again. I want you.”

“I want you,” Moira breathed.

“Again. Convince yourself. I want you, Moira.”

“I want you, Emily.

“Say the words. Believe them. I’m bisexual, and I’m in love with you.”

Moira, crying with joy, repeated her.

“The only person I love more than you is Devin. No matter how devoted I am to you, I’ll always love Devin more. The most I could possibly love someone. Him, then you. In that order.”

Moira said the words, desperate to believe them. Over and over they repeated one another. The words sank in, Moira believing them more and more. She looked to Emily and Devin with unchecked reverence. How lucky could one woman be? She was here with the most amazing man in the world and the most incredible woman. She loved them, more and more with each passing moment, each recitation of the words. Just sitting with them reaffirming her devotion to them was a pleasure she’d never known could exist.

After a long time, the room got quiet. Moira hadn’t even realized how much pressure was being put on her by a strange humming noise, until it was suddenly gone. Her mind slowly began to clear. Concentrating became easier. Her thoughts stopped swirling in that endless whirlpool. She felt like she was waking from a restless mid-day nap, able to remember all of the comings and goings of the house that had taken place while she was laid out.

Emily was there. Devin was there. They looked at Moira expectantly. Their faces broke her heart.

“You can… change people?” she croaked. Devin only nodded. “You put all of this in my head? In Emily’s head?” He nodded again. Moira tried to wrap her mind around things. She knew what Devin and Emily had said. She knew about the influence of—what had Devin called it?—the broadcaster. It was outrageous, insane. “You look worried,” she observed.

“I am.”

“We both are,” Emily agreed, biting her lower lip.

Moira paused, examining her own thoughts. “You. Put this. In my head,” she repeated.

Moira leapt up from her chair with such suddenness that Emily and Devin rose as well, full of alarm. Moira threw herself at Devin, arms outstretched. She wrapped herself around him, clawing up his much taller frame, and planted a powerful kiss on his lips.

“Oh my god, thank you,” she gushed.

Devin broke out into a grin. “You’re welcome. You’re going to be such a good girl for me.”

“You’re damn right,” she growled. “God, I’m so sorry I tried to run. I’m so sorry I tried to take her away from you.”

“It’s all right. I’m sure you’ll make it up to me.”

Moira broke away from Devin and turned to Emily. “And you, you giant crazy vixen. You tricked me!” Moira shook her head, chagrined. “You were amazing. I had no idea you were working with him this morning. Where did you learn to act like that?”

Emily found herself unable to answer as Moira’s lips pressed against hers. In all the time they’d known each other, all the years of friendship and collaboration, all the parties and classes and charity drives and cram sessions and vacations and strategy meetings, for all that, it was their first kiss. Both of them felt years of tension uncoil with that with that kiss, replaced by a hunger that was simultaneously familiar and brand new. Moira’s hands roamed over Emily’s body. She was delighted by the curve of her friend’s hips, the flare of her breasts, the unbelievably softness of her hair. Emily returned the favor, their kiss channelling a need that was brighter and hotter by the moment.

Hands appeared on the hem of her top, and Moira lifted her arms to let Devin pull it off of her. Emily’s hands snaked around her back and fumbled at the clasp of her bra for a moment before it finally fell apart and drifted down to the floor. Moira suddenly felt self-conscious; she knew that she was attractive, but next to the brilliant star that was Emily, how could she compare? Then Emily’s lips were on her breasts, and she forgot to feel nervous. Devin’s mouth found hers. The three of them sank onto the bed. Emily’s dress compressed around her belly, exposing most of her incredible body, the body that the whole world admired and Moira loved. Moira took delight in running one finger up and down the length of Emily’s pussy before slipping it inside her friend. Emily’s gasp matched the wide, needy eyes looking back into Moira’s, as beautiful as the sunrise.

Devin shifted until he was kneeling on the bed, hovering over Moira. “I made you this way,” he told her, his tone a challenge. “You owe this to me.”

Giggling with happiness, Moira turned over onto all fours. She felt Emily’s nails gently rake along her body and slide off her pants. “It’s the best thing anyone has ever done for me,” she answered him. “I think I’m going to be saying ‘thank you’ for a very, very long time.”

His cock was there, in front of her. She opened her mouth as an invitation, and he slid it inside. He was mostly hard, and she took great relish in feeling him rise to his full size inside her mouth. Emily was on her back underneath Moira, pulling down on her hips. Moira closed her eyes, savoring the feeling of her best friend’s tongue touching her pussy for the first time. The first, but far, far from the last.

She grabbed Devin’s cock with one hand and held it against her face while she spoke. “God… Never stop… Please never stop…” She spoke half to Emily and half to Devin. It wasn’t rhetorical. It was a genuine plea.

“It only gets better from here,” Devin assured her. “We just have one last job to do first.”

Moira squealed as Emily’s tongue found her clit. Devin’s cock slid back into her mouth, and she sucked him with all the gratitude that she felt, to show him how lucky she was. There was a great deal to show.