The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

For the People (Chapter 8)

CHAPTER SYNOPSIS: Emily returns to work on Capitol Hill with a renewed sense of purpose.

DISCLAIMER: The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any actual person, event, or organization is entirely coincidental.

“I couldn’t possibly get behind this, Congresswoman. It’s just wrong. Frankly, I’m surprised at you.”

Emily steeled herself from snapping at the Speaker of the House. Wendall Edwin was a slender, genteel man who looked more like a driving school instructor than one of the most powerful politicians in America. If Emily unleashed the full force of her scorn on him, she’d be worried that he might blow away like dried leaves in the breeze.

“Wrong is just a matter of perspective, Mr. Speaker,” she said instead, keeping an even, warm tone. “I would encourage you to broaden yours.”

Edwin’s eyes rolled over Emily’s body, taking in her long-sleeved bodycon dress, covered in silvery sequins. The high neckline revealed nothing, but the same couldn’t be said for the wide slashes of sheer nylon all down her torso, which revealed tantalizing movements of her breasts like ants in a farm. The Speaker’s face was a clash of emotions; he had long been one of Emily’s most ardent supporters, doting on her much like a daughter or a favored niece. For the last few weeks, though, he had been having trouble reconciling that relationship with his obvious interest in her body.

“My perspective is the same as it’s ever been,” he insisted, trying to stay focused. “And it certainly doesn’t jive with this.” A heavy copy of the new CRRLA bill sat on a low table next to the sofa he sat on. “Complete civil immunity from consumer suits? Elimination of all federal corporate taxes? Emily, this doesn’t just go against what you believe in—what we believe in—it could cripple American society for a century.”

Emily remembered a time when she had thought the same thing. Back before she’d had her eyes opened. At least Edwin had shifted to using her name instead of her title. That meant he was moving in the right direction, seeing her as a personal friend instead of just a political connection.

Edwin’s office was cavernous, befitting the man third in line for the presidency. Emily rose from the chair she was sitting in and stepped over to his sofa, easing down next to him. He shrunk back slightly, uneasy about their sudden closeness. She couldn’t help but notice that he didn’t actually slide over, though.

“You’re a good man, Edwin,” she started. “You’re honorable, even noble. That’s one of the reasons that I’ve always admired you.”

“You… admire me?”

“Of course I do. You hold yourself to a higher standard. You set an example for others of what a man can be, of what our society can be, if we just expect more from ourselves.” She squeeze his hand, which rested uncertainly on his leg. “You’re the one who taught me to rise above all the pettiness that people get caught up in all over Washington.”

“I try,” he stammered. His hand twitched within hers.

Emily could have grinned. He had no idea what was coming at him.

The week since she and her lovers had returned from Virginia had been the start of a blitzkrieg political campaign. Moira had set up a war room in their offices where she devised a grand strategy for roping in the support that they needed for the CRRLA vote, fast approaching. They were down significantly; Democratic support was non-existent, while even House Republicans shied away, suspecting a trap. While Moira planned attacks, Emily executed them, bringing reticent representatives to their side by hook or by crook. Her hook, she was finding, was sharp indeed.

Edwin was a keystone of their strategy. Without his support, the bill could languish in committee. With him, they could speed through the committee process to the floor, where they would be buoyed by the legion of loyal party men who voted as Edwin instructed.

“And you know more than anyone how that pettiness usually manifests,” she prompted.

“Of course. Entrenched ideology without room for change or compromise.” It was one of Edwin’s favorite talking points. He loved pointing out the intractability of lesser men. “Intellectual ossification.”

“Exactly.” Emily rubbed her hand along his, smiling sweetly into his eyes. “I’ve always held that advice near to my heart. It’s important to listen to all people, not just those you already agree with. It’s important to consider all sides of an issue, and to always be open to change.

“Emily, I don’t think—”

“That’s why I knew you’d be proud of me when I changed my mind on this. You were the one who taught me that it’s ok to learn to think differently.”

“I see where you’re going with this, Congresswoman. But these kinds of changes are monstrous.”

Ice formed in Emily’s veins. Her, monstrous? Hardly. What was really monstrous was keeping up this ridiculous fiction that the ‘common people’ deserved at all the same rights and consideration as the wealthy. America had been built by powerful men, captains of industry, for their own purposes. The United States was meant to be a pleasure garden for those with the brains and willpower to make it their own. Emily was sick of people telling her that normal citizens should stand on an equal playing field with her kind. She was better than they were, as were her corporate friends. It was time for the truth to be codified into law.

She didn’t let her anger show. Instead, she let her lip quiver just a little. “Wendall… I know you have to keep your distance from me. Personally. And I can accept that. But please don’t sabotage our work just for the sake of self-control.”

Edwin opened his mouth to rebut, then stopped, confused. “What? Distance?”

“It’s hard for me, too, but I… I’m really trying here.” Moisture came to Emily’s eyes, right on cue.

The Speaker was a deer in headlights. “Emily, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Is everything all right?”

Emily looked away for a moment, making a show of keeping herself together. “Are you really going to make me say it? Now, of all times?” Edwin shook his head in bewilderment, and Emily continued, as though pained. “Because of how we feel about each other.”

Edwin’s eyes popped right out of his head. “Feel? For…?”

“I told myself that I could keep it secret. Keep it under control,” Emily plowed on. “But knowing how you feel about me, too… It’s just so hard.” A lone tear ran down her cheek. Perfect.

The senior Congressman was poleaxed. “Emily, I had no idea that you… That you had feelings for me. And, you’re brilliant, and a wonderful woman, but…” He trailed off, uncharacteristically at a loss for words.

“But we can’t do anything about it, I know,” she intentionally misunderstood him. “It might mess with our work, and you’re married, I know all that.” She lifted her sad eyes and bored right into his. “But that doesn’t change how much I want you.”

Edwin said nothing, but his face spoke volumes. Here was a woman half his age, his close friend and protege, easily the most attractive woman he had ever seen, turning his world on its ear with a confession that he had only dreamed could ever be possible. Of course he wanted her, too. It would be ridiculous not to.

Before we could collect himself, Emily pulled back, breaking the contact between their bodies. “But no, you’re right. We work together. We can’t. Just please, promise me that you won’t reject my ideas because you want to avoid the appearance of favoritism.”

He flung his hands onto hers, pulling her back towards him. “Emily, wait. Wait, you don’t have to be like that. Not with me. Yes, we work together, and I am married. And I’m a little concerned about you, whatever this personal renaissance is that you’re going through. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t—”

“—Love me back?” Emily finished for him, voice full of hope.

His heart pounded so hard that Emily thought she might be able to see it through his shirt. “Love you? Well, I mean, of course I love you—”

Emily cried out, overwhelmed with joy, and threw herself into Edwin’s arms. It was a ghastly display, all melodrama, but she was sure he couldn’t tell the difference. His arms automatically wrapped around her, his fingers toggling the sequins all down her back.

Emily’s lips found his, peppering him with tiny, desperate kisses. He took a moment to warm up to what was happening, but then responded with a delicate passion.

“I don’t care,” Emily breathed. “I don’t care about your wife. I don’t care about any of it. As long as I can have you.”

“Oh my god,” was all Edwin could answer with. Emily could understand why. His idle fantasies were suddenly coming true in a way that he had never prepared himself to handle. The important thing was to push him fast enough that his emotional center broke. Once that happened, she’d have him forever.

Their kisses grew more insistent. Emily whimpered into Edwin’s mouth, pressing herself into him. Her hand found the bulge in his pants and she was rewarded with a guttural moan. Good.

“Unzip me. At the top, back there,” she panted.

He hurried to oblige. Her dress peeled away from her body, the sleeves curling away from her wrists as she wriggled out of it. She was glad that she’d worn panties today; it gave him something else to enjoy taking off of her, which he did with relish.

He ran his hands over her body, from the fronts of her thighs all the way on up to her shoulders and back down again. His eyes drank her in. “What in the world?” he whispered. Emily thrummed with happiness at his amazement. Getting that reaction from a man was the best feeling in the world.

He climbed on top of her and she wrapped herself around him. “Please,” she whispered in his ear. “No one has to know. I need you. I love you.”

His body shook with anticipation. “I love you too, Emily.”

Emily knew it wasn’t true, that it was just the heat of the moment, though he would get there in earnest soon enough. But that didn’t stop her pleasure at his desire, and at her plan coming to fruition. The man was a moral paragon, and here he was about to cheat on his wife for the first time in 28 years, all for Emily. Her ego growled in contentment.

She thought of when Devin had first told her that he loved her. Something about this reminded her of that time. Which was silly; this wasn’t real, just an act, and Devin really did love her.

His cock was out, the shaft sliding along her hand, warm and wonderful. She wanted him, too, the way she always wanted a hard man on top of her. She steeled herself.

“Wait,” she said softly, then with more insistence. “Wait, wait, wait!” She put gentle pressure on his shoulders, pushing him away from her. She had no illusions that he would force himself on her. He wasn’t built that way.

“What is it?”

“I… I can’t,” she hammed it up, wrapping her arms around herself as if terrified. “The bill, the vote… It’s not right. I couldn’t forgive myself if I let our love get in the way of negotiating for something this important. It’s not right.”

“Emily, no…” He pressed next to her, his hands running over her naked body. It would have seemed innocent and comforting except for the way his hands lingered on her breasts, hefting them every few seconds. “We can be objective. Professional.”

“Can we?” she burst out. “How would I ever know? The most important work of my life, and I’d always wonder if I’d thrown it all away because I couldn’t bear to argue with my man. I’d be just the stereotype I always told myself I would never become.”

“What if the bill went away?” he offered. “Postpone it, let someone else sponsor it next session. Don’t let it get in our way.”

“That’s even worse,” she cried. “This is too important. I made a promise to help strengthen America, and that’s what this bill will do. I can’t give that up. People are counting on me to save them.” Save them. As if she’d want to do that. The American people had been dumb enough to believe that someone like her would want to help them; they deserved every betrayal they got.

Edwin trembled with pent-up energy. His cock still stood out of his pants, as if struggling to be recognized in the conversation as well. His hands rubbed over Emily’s tightly-squeezed legs, trying and failing to get at her pussy.

“What if…” He stopped, and for a moment Emily was afraid that he would see reason. But he continued. “What if the bill passed?”

Emily blinked away forced tears, keeping a smirk from her face. “What?”

“What if I voted your way? With all the votes that came with me?”

“But… But you said earlier—”

“I know. But I can’t let something as silly as a glorified tax law stand between us. What we have is real, Emily, and I won’t throw it away for nothing.”

But you’ll throw away your marriage, your values, and the American taxpayer for my pussy. Emily could have kissed him in appreciation, but she needed to hold back a moment longer.

“Are you sure?” She let her legs fall open just a little, a hint at what was to come. His finger took no time in finding the wetness of her lips. She groaned in appreciation.

“Of course, baby. We’ll never be on opposite sides of anything ever again.”

“That’s all I want,” Emily whispered. She unclenched her arms and fell backward, letting Edwin fall on top of her again. “All I want is just for us to be together.”

This time Edwin didn’t delay. There was a shift of the hips, and Emily felt his cock sliding into her. She arched her head back, finally not faking a thing as pleasure rolled over her.

Edwin mirrored the gesture. “Oh god, that feels so good.”

She grabbed his head and pulled him into a deep kiss, then stared him down. “You haven’t felt anything yet. As soon as this bill passes, I want to spend the rest of my life making you feel good.” It was a lie, but one that Emily enjoyed telling. The look in Edwin’s eyes was as real as they come.

He began to thrust into her in earnest, and they cried out together.

* * *

“How sure are you?” Devin’s thumb slid into Emily’s mouth, which hung open as she knelt in front of him. She licked it obediently. A luxurious Persian rug cradled her knees on the floor beneath her.

“Very sure,” she said once his thumb had retreated. “Edwin is in our corner. I know how to wrap a man around my finger.”

Devin seemed to find that very funny. “Oh, do you now?”

Emily didn’t get the joke. “The Speaker will vote our way. That will get us out of committee and bring in at least thirty dedicated votes.”

“What about afterwards? You know you won’t actually be with him. I imagine he’ll be crushed.”

Emily shrugged, her breasts swaying in the dim light of the living room of Devin’s brownstone. “He’s a good man, and I’ve always cared about him, but he’s standing in our way. If we have to ruin him so that we can make America safe for corporations, so be it.”

“And get Tellamon off our backs,” Devin reminded her.

“Of course. That, too.”

Devin’s original conditioning had definitely stuck with her, he mused. Her dedication to her new political passion wasn’t to be underestimated.

“But yes, it’s not just for Tellamon,” Devin agreed. “You and I are rich. Your family owns a large company. I have friends on a lot of corporate boards. This was always going to be good for us.”

Emily nodded. “I’ve been thinking about that. I can’t believe that I ever wanted to take money out of my own family’s purse.”

“It’s a good thing you came to your senses.” Devin ran his fingers through her hair. It was always good to check in on how she was taking to the conditioning. “You did well today.”

“Thank you, my love.”

Devin turned to a second woman who was kneeling next to Emily. “I think Emily has done very well, and so she deserves a reward. Would you like to give Emily her reward?”

Madison nodded, her eyes wide and full of lust as she stared at Emily. The two women were naked, kneeling together, but could scarcely have been different types of beauties. Devin was glad, looking down on them, that he had conditioned Maddy to like women as well. Her obvious attraction to Emily was delightful to watch.

“Lie back, Maddy,” Devin instructed. When she had, he told Emily to get into position between her legs. “Your reward, Emily, is that you get to make Maddy cum while I have a chat with her.”

Both women cooed happily. Emily didn’t need any more encouragement, diving down to Maddy’s freshly-waxed pussy. The generous, pale curves of Maddy’s hips completely concealed Emily’s head. The NSA operative immediately gasped, her voluptuous body rolling like waves in the ocean.

Devin eased onto the floor, lying on his side next to the two women. “Maddy? How is your project going?”

“Ohhhh good,” she moaned. It had taken little effort convincing her that sharing Devin with other ‘girlfriends’ was in everyone’s interest. Clearly she wasn’t regretting that decision. “All the new identities are… ung… processing.”

“How traceable are they?”

“Not at all. I did it through codeword program. The best we have. No trace.”

Devin was impressed. “You have clearance for that?”

“Not legally,” Maddy gasped as Emily’s tongue worked on her faster. “I had to steal some things. If they found me I’d go to jail.”

“Are they going to find you?”

“No.” She sounded certain. Her hands were buried in Emily’s hair, pulling her in tighter. Emily hummed louder into Maddy’s pussy. “I did good.”

“You definitely did. You’re such a good girl for me. Most girls would have some trouble doing everything I say, and doing it so well.”

Maddy’s eyes squeezed tight. “Not me. I love doing what you say. I may be dumb compared to you, but I can still—oh!—do good work.”

“Yes, you can.”

Devin pushed Maddy’s head to the side, where his cock was waiting for her. Her mouth opened and he slid in past her lips. The warmth of her mouth enveloped him even as squeaks deep in her throat told him that Emily was driving her over the edge. Devin relaxed and enjoyed the attentions of his girls, a moment’s respite in an age of chaos. So far, everything was going according to plan. He hoped beyond hope that they could keep things that way.