The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Hero of the Day

by J. Darksong

* * *

(Chapter 4: When I Cum Around)

“You’ve been searching for that someone...”

“Parker!” Jennifer giggled.

“And its me you found—”

“Parker, please,” Jennifer protested again, barely holding in the giggles.

“Ugh, gag me from all this syrupy drivel,” Jasmine grunted, turning the television volume up, which only made Jenn and I laugh all the harder. We were sitting in main den of the Mayor’s townhouse, just chatting and talking, while Jasmine tried to watch TV and ignore us. In the past two weeks since we’d started seeing each other, Jenn and I have become practically inseparable. You know those sickeningly sweet couples you see who are always touching, kissing, holding hands, and whispering sweet endearments to one another or staring lovingly into each other’s eyes for long periods of time? The kind of people you see in the food court or at the mall and just roll your eyes at?

Yeah, that was us.

Jasmine, finally fed up with our shenanigans, switched the TV off and stood up. “Fine! If you two are going to just sit here and spaz out, I’m heading out.”

“Hey, Jasmine, don’t be that way,” I said, chuckling softly. “You don’t have to go away angry...”

“You just have to go away!” Jenn finished, bursting into laughter once again.

Rolling her eyes, Jasmine gave us both the finger, slamming the door behind her as she left.

I sighed softly as the amusement faded. “Yanno, she seems to be in a really bad mood lately,” I pointed out. “What’s going on with her?”

Jennifer shrugged, sliding her bra back on. “Nothing new, really. Just sour grapes, I guess... jealous that I have a really good guy, and a bona fide hero to boot, while she’s still stuck in the singles scene.”

“Hero?” I asked, frowning. “You didn’t tell her—”

“About your alter-ego?” Jenn shook her head, straightening her blouse. “Nope. I told you I’d keep your secret safe, Parker, and I meant it. I do admit, though, it’s not easy keeping a secret from her. We fight, we tease each other, but she IS my twin sister... and it’s a really strong bond between us.” She sighed, looking away. “You can’t imagine how strong a bond. For all that we’re pretty much the complete opposite of one another, there’s no one else I’m closer with than Jasmine.”

Not even your boyfriend, I thought dimly. Well, its her twin. It’s only to be expected, I suppose... like mom and Aunt Eva. Still, its not something you want to actually hear...

“Maybe she has the right idea, though,” I said aloud. “We’ve been in here long enough. Let’s go out tonight. The new Bruce Willis movie is playing at Edwards’ Cinemas tonight. I think we can just make the seven-fifteen showing if we leave now. What’dya say?”

Smiling, she reached for her coat. “Sounds fun. Let me grab my purse.”

I grinned, mentally tallying up my cash flow. “After the movie, what say we hit the Chuck Wagon steak house for dinner afterwards?”

Jenn paused, frowning slightly. “Parker, hon, you don’t have to treat me to dinner AND a movie. I know you have cash flow problems...”

My face reddened at the reminder. Sure, its kinda hard finding a part-time job to fit in between my school schedule, time with my girl, and my ‘extra-curricular activities’ as Steele put it. Add in sleeping and eating, and occasionally stopping by the hospital to check on Roni, and my day was pretty much filled. Granted, I was taking a ‘buy’ on summer school sessions this time, which helped a little, but the fact of the matter was, working twenty hours a week wasn’t exactly lining my pockets.

“I can handle this,” I pressed her, taking the purse from her hands. “I’ve wanted to do this for a while, Jennifer. I saved up some cash especially for tonight, just to blow on us. So relax, and let me treat you, alright?”

Jenn smiled again. “Alright, Mr. Rockefeller, if you insist.” She tossed her purse back onto the couch as we left the room.

* * *

“You fucking moron!” Ben Steadman yelled at his partner, as he ducked behind a trash dumpster. Seconds later, his partner joined him, firing out a few random shots at their pursuers to discourage them. “I can’t believe you touched it! I fucking told you NOT to touch anything, Ralph!”

“I know, Ben, I know!” Ralph panted, ducking down as the police returned fire. “But I just had to get a closer look at it! And we were already there, yanno? I mean, how often do we visit a museum?”

Ben groaned deeply, rolling his eyes. “We were there to snag the Tiger’s Eye emerald from the Egyptian display, Ralph,” he hissed, firing out a few more shots, causing the advancing policemen to retreat once more. “We prepped for this heist for three fucking weeks, went over the building plans, alarm system schematics... the whole nine yards! We had this covered... and the ONLY thing you had to do while I disabled the alarm was to NOT FUCKING TOUCH ANYTHING!” He ducked down as the police returned fire once more.

“We were there to grab a priceless jewel,” he continued heatedly after a moment, looking left and right for a place for a possible escape route. “Did we get the priceless jewel? No. And what did we get for all this trouble, hmm? A fucking mummified goat penis!”

Ralph scowled, glaring down at the object in his hands. Damned know-it-all fucker, he fumed silently. How the hell was I supposed to know they would put an alarm on something like that! I mean, its a fucking petrified wiener for god’s sakes! And even so, how was I supposed to know the tiara with the jewel in it would sink down underneath a titanium-steel grate out of reach once the alarm was tripped! Not my fault... if he’d been faster with the alarm none of this would have happened...

“C’mon, genius,” Ben growled, ducking behind the dumpster after another police barrage. “We’re getting out of here. See that door on the left? Soon as I start shooting, make for that door. I’ll be right behind ya.”

Ben returned fire, and Ralph ran, just as planned. Sliding back behind the dumpster, Ben huddled down, pulling a pile of dirty ripped and stained cloth up over him, hiding himself. As predicted, the officers, seeing Ralph make a break for it, surged forward again, rushing into the alleyway, going past him in pursuit of his ‘partner’. Waiting a few seconds for any stragglers, he pushed the slime covered cloth away, wrinkling his nose at the smell, and ran back out of the alley.

Heh. By the time that dimwit figures out he’s run into a dead end room, he’ll find himself swarmed over with very angry policemen. Oh well... serves that asshole right. At least he’ll have a use for that fossilized penis where he’s going. Now... I just need a place to lay low for a few minutes til they give up looking for me. Spying a door with lights on, he ran across the street, and slid inside.

“Hello sir, welcome to the Chuck Wagon. My name is Janelle, how can I—oohhh! What’s that smell?” the server asked, taking a step back.

“Just never you mind, sweet stuff,” he rasped, pulling his pulse blaster. “Alright everyone, listen up!” he yelled loudly, startling the servers and diners alike. “Alright... this is how its going to go down. Everyone is going to sit there and be quiet, and cat totally normal, like nothing is going on. If you do this, then I leave, and you get to continue your evening without getting blasted into dust! But if any of you try anything stupid, like calling for help, or trying to attack me...” Aiming the blaster at the wooden covered wagon centerpiece, he fired the blaster. The beam struck true, reducing the large heavy to blackened ashes in a matter of seconds. He smiled evilly as everyone shrank back away from him. “I trust you all understand what I mean by, ‘or else’.”

* * *

“Did you see that?” Jennifer whispered in my ear. I resisted the urge to answer back, “Duh, I’m sitting here right beside you in the same room.” Her hand gripped my own in a vise-like death grip, not out of fear, but from excitement. “He’s robbing the place. Look at him!” She squeezed harder, nearly bouncing up and down in her seat.

“I am looking at him, Jenn,” I whispered, prying my nearly squished hand from hers. “And for now, that’s all I’m doing. There’s no reason to jump in and make a bad situation worse when there’s a chance it’ll come out okay.”

Jenn frowned. “What’s the big deal? He’s a bad guy, he’s got a gun, he’s terrorizing people... what more do you need?”

I sighed softly. “He said he would leave quietly if no one made a fuss. Look at him, the way he keeps looking back over his shoulder out the store window. He’s in here hiding out, probably from the boys in blue. If I go charging in there now, he’s going to start shooting up the place. People might get hurt. So now, unless the situation escalates and gets out of hand, I... no, WE are going to sit here and shut up, and wait this out. Got it?” Jenn opened her mouth to protest, but I glared at her with my most serious face, and she sighed and nodded.

I was starting to get pretty good are reading her.

Yeah, she’s brooding, acting really put out at my shooting her down, but she’s not REALLY mad. Her nose isn’t doing that thing she usually does, and the left corner of her mouth keeps twitching, like it does when she’s trying to keep from smiling. I’m starting to think she likes me taking charge and overruling her this way. Mostly, though, she just seems disappointed she won’t get to see her hero in action, up close and personal.

Sorry, Jenn, but I’m not about to perform for your amusement with lives on the line.

“Uh oh,” Jenn whispered, pointing to the kitchen door. “Looks like we might just get that escalation you were worried about after all.”

I turned my head around slowly, following Jenn’s finger, then groaned inwardly. One of the kitchen crew, a tall thin man wearing a white apron, crept slowly towards the gunman, a butcher knife clutched tightly in one hand. SHIT! That’s all the situation needs, a would-be hero taking matters into his own hands. Dammit... now I HAVE to do something. If I let him simply attack, all hell is gonna break loose. The easy play would be to stop Hatchet-man... at least if anything went wrong, he couldn’t do too much damage with just that cleaver. Still... the gunman is the bigger threat... if I stop him, this can all be over... but if anything goes wrong, he might make good on his threat to start shooting up the place!

One or the other... gotta decide now!

I raise a hand, aiming for the lesser of two evils, when suddenly the gunman turns and spots the chef. Smoothly, I adjust my aim as the gunman raises his weapon, beating him to the punch. Shit, shit, shit, oh please let this NOT be the kind of laser blaster that explodes when its destroyed! I pray as I let fly a sonic blast.

Unfortunately, my aim was a little off. Instead of hitting the blaster, I caught the shooter in the wrist, hitting what appeared from the distance to be a pretty nice watch. Metal fragmented, glass shattered, and the gunman screamed bloody murder as the fragments ripped through flesh and bone. His fingers spasmed, and his blaster fired, narrowly missing the chef, who leaped back, fearing for his life. The blast tore through a section of the roof, however, and a wooden beam fell, striking both men solidly, knocking them unconscious.

The restaurant staff swarmed over them then, the men grabbing and restraining the gunman, the women gathering around the foolhardy chef. Several of the diners rose to their feet as well, several with cell phones out, no doubt calling 911. Sighing deeply, I stood up from my chair, tossing a few bills to pay for the meal, and left the table.

Jenn stared at me for a long moment, eyes wide, looking as if I’d suddenly turned purple and grown a second head. When I noticed she wasn’t following me, ran back to her. “Okay! Geez! What is it now? You wanted me to do something, so I did, alright? Granted, it wasn’t big or flashy, and I wasn’t streaking around the room in a red tinted blur, but—”

“That... was so... fucking... cool!” she breathed, smiling again, catching me completely off guard.


“That thing you did! You pointed your hand at him, and WHAM! His hand practically EXPLODED!”

I glanced side to side. “Can you keep it down? It’s bad enough doing this kinda thing out in public as it is, I REALLY don’t wanna call any more attention to myself that I already did!”

Jenn laughed. “Don’t worry, hon. Look around. Everyone’s too freaked out about the robber, and so grateful for their miraculous escape from impeding doom to even worry about what exactly happened. C’mon, let’s get out of here. I wanna hear more about what you can do.” Tugging my arm, she lead me out of the restaurant.

* * *

Several feet away, in the far corner of the restaurant, a young short-haired blonde woman rose to her feet as well. Unperturbed by the violent scene before her, she made her way through the crowd of people, following the couple outside. She stood for several minutes, watching them without appearing to watch, then pulled out her cell phone.

“It’s me, Goddess,” the young blonde spoke reverently, watching as her targets drove away.

“Yes, it was just as You foresaw. He managed to intercede without drawing undue attention to himself, then departed immediately.” She paused, listening. “No, the police are only now arriving, after the fact.” She nodded, smiling. “Yes, Goddess. The mayor is indeed a fool. Still, You find him useful in other ways, so I shall follow through as You command.” She sighed. “No, my Goddess, no sign of HER at all. It’s as You expected. Nothing short of a citywide calamity seems to attract her attention these days, and even then, it’s a toss—”

“Hey! Hey lady!” a dark haired man spoke from a few feet away. “Were you just in that restaurant? What’s going on? What’s with all the people and cops around?”

The girl frowned, lowering her cell. “Do you MIND, I’m on the phone! If you’re so curious, take a peek inside yourself!”

Scowling the man turned and walked away. “I was just asking a question... bitch.”

The blonde sighed softly, shaking her head. “Forgive me, Goddess,” she said a moment later. “Oh, nothing, just some stupid passerby curious about what happened inside.” Pause. “Yes, he was quite rude. He walked away, calling me a bitch... what?” She turned, glancing back at the man’s retreating form. “I... suppose. Yes, he is fairly strong and attractive-looking...” A small frown creased her lips as she listened, then nodded slowly. “Yes, my Goddess. If You feel he would be of some use to Your plan, then of course I shall obtain him for you without delay.” Listening a moment more, her smile returned in full. “Thank You, my Goddess! I shall indeed enjoy the use of him. I will teach him not to disrespect Your property.”

Hanging up the cell, she turned and sprinted after the man. “Hey! Hold on for a minute!”

“What the hell do YOU want?” he man grunted, continuing to walk away.

“C’mon, hold on a sec. I just wanted to apologize for before. My name’s Janet.”

The man stopped, turning to face her. His eyes roamed freely over her body for a long moment before he spoke again. “Alright. You came all the way out here after me to apologize for acting like a bitch. I can respect that. Apology accepted.”

Janet forced a smile onto her face. “Thank you. I’m really sorry. It was a very important business call, you see, and when you interrupted, I just, well, I got a little flustered.” She leaned forward slightly thrusting out her chest, emphasizing her DD breasts. “You can understand that, can’t you?”

The man blinked, then smiled wickedly. Daaaamnn! This bitch is coming on to me! Billy, old boy, looks like you’ve still got it! “Well,” he said a moment later, “if you’re really serious about making up to me, how about you let me buy you a cup of coffee?”

Janet laughed softly. “Sure. Sounds great... but my place is just around the corner, and I have a coffee machine. Er... if you don’t think I’m being too forward... inviting a complete stranger up for coffee at this time of night?”

“Er, no, not at all,” Billy stammered quickly. “Sounds just fine. Your place it is!”

“Good, then follow me,” Janet replied, walking across the street, her smile suddenly more sinister. For her own part, she loathed being in the young man’s company. She was all too well aware of the leering glances he kept giving her, knowing exactly what was on his mind when she mentioned coming back to her place for ‘coffee’. Even before being ‘recruited’ by the Goddess and shown her true place in life, she’d been a hard-core lesbian, utterly detesting the male species as a whole. However, she now served a Higher Power, and her Goddess’ will came before all else. If her Goddess wished for her to recruit this man, then she would use every bit of flirtation, seduction and charm she possessed to ensnare him to the Goddess’ will.

And once he was tamed, fully receptive to the will and wishes of the Higher Power she served... well, the Goddess DID say she should teach her newest slave the meaning of respect, to pay him back for the ‘bitch’ remark, after all.

Entering the apartment building, Janet flashed her unwitting suitor another smile, licking her lips seductively. “I live on the top floor,” she said breathlessly, hitting the button for the elevator. “My Go... employer is a very generous woman. Staying here is one of the perks of the job, along with a company car.” She strode into the elevator, leaning against the side, striking another provocative pose. “What about you, Mister...”

“Matteson. Billy Matteson.”

“So, Billy, what kind of work do you do?”

The elevator doors closed, and the car started its slow climb upwards. “I’m in construction,” he said, swinging his arms idly, flexing his biceps with every swing. “You know, putting up buildings and skyscrapers, and such. In a city like this, with the ‘longjohns’ flying around all over, busting up parts of the city every other day, it keeps me pretty busy, yanno.” He flashed her a smile. “Still, its people like me that keep this city together, fixing what they break, rebuilding what they destroy. Yanno what I mean?”

“Yeah, I know exactly what you mean,” Janet cooed, moving closer to Billy. “You must be really big... and strong, from all that hard work.”

“Ye...yeah,” Billy breathed, taking in the scent of her in the closeness of the elevator. The whisper of her breath in his ear caused his manhood to surge to life. “Really big... and strong too.” He leaned closer, breathing deeply of her scent. “Mmmm... you smell really really... mmmmmm...”

Janet batted her eyes, smirking as she placed her arms around his back. “Just imagine how I taste,” she purred, gingerly brushing her lips against his own before pulling away playfully. The contact was brief, less than a second, but the effect was instant and dramatic.

Billy, gasped, his stiff and ready manhood throbbing painfully, reaching out, trying to press his arms against Janet’s back. His head was swimming, he felt as if he’d just drank a case of Blue Moon before downing a bottle of Jack Daniels. He felt hornier than he could remember in his entire life, but for the life of him, he couldn’t seem to make his body do what he wanted. “C’mere, closer...” he gasped, trying to pull Janet into him.

“Uh, uh,” Janet teased, licking her lips, which were so tantalizing close, yet still out of reach. “If you want me to kiss you, nibble you, SUCK you, like you want, then you’ll have to be a good boy and do what I tell you. Alright?”

Billy nodded vigorously, which only increased his dizziness. “Alright. Anything... everything... just... let me touch you...”

Janet laughed cruelly, pushing him back against the wall of the elevator, hitting the CALL STOP button. Each second that he breathed in her scent, every gentle touch, kiss, or caressed he endured, only pushed him deeper and deeper under her control. So powerful was her Goddess’ gift that a single pure kiss from one of Her chosen could ensnare and subdue the strongest willed individual, sending them to their knees, babbling words of love and affection. Had she chosen, she could have ended Billy’s suffering with a simple lip-lock... but she wanted to make him suffer just a bit more.

“Oh, Billy,” she sighed deeply, pulling her blouse up over her head, freeing her satin clad breasts, squeezing them tightly. “You make me feel soooo horny, do you know that? I want you SOOOO bad... want to push you down to the floor and ride you like the bucking stallion you are... and I know YOU want it too... don’t you, billy?”

Unable to speak now, billy merely grunted like an animal, nodding vigorously. His hands flopped uselessly at his sides, trying in vain to unbuckle his belt, remove his pants, and free his aching cock.

Janet unzipped her skirt, stepping out of it as it slid down her legs, leaving her standing in black pumps and matching bra. The scent of her arousal filled the elevator, hitting billy full force. His eyes rolled up into his head as he slid down the wall, landing in a sprawl on the floor, his hips humping the air frantically in unfulfilled need. His seductress merely smiled, looking down at him in satisfaction.

He was ready.

“Alright, billy-boy,” she said in a firm voice. “Listen very closely. I know what you want... I know what you need... and I will give you what you need so desperately... but I need you to do what I tell you. You want to do what I tell you, don’t you?”

billy nodded wildly, grunting, his hands rubbing the bulge in his jeans.

“No, that won’t do,” Janet said coldly, moving his hands away. “You will SPEAK when I tell you to, boy, and you will do so clearly. Now then... tell me you’ll do what I tell you to do.”

billy groaned, breathing fast and shallow for several minutes. “Yeah... I’ll do it... do it... whatever you tell me...”

“Anything I tell you.”

“Anything... you tell me...”

“You will be my good little billy-boy, won’t you?” she taunted him.

Some spark of the old Billy surfaced, and he growled, trying desperately to regain himself. “Nnnnnhhh... not... you can’t... I won’t...”

“Uh, uh, uh,” Janet chided, slipping to her knees, looking billy straight in the eye. “billy is being a bad boy,” she whispered, breathing her scent into his face, darting her tongue out to lick his chin lightly before pulling away yet again. “And bad boys don’t get to come.”

“Gaaaahhhhhh!” billy-boy gurgled, spasming slightly, flopping like a fish on dry land. The all-too brief contact had pushed him to the edge, dangled him at the verge of climax, then pulled him cruelly back into torment once more. His mind rebelled, manly pride and dignity falling before the overwhelming need to do ANYTHING this woman wanted to make him cum!

Noting the change, Janet straddled the hapless man, pinning down his uncoordinated flailing, staring deep into his eyes. His hips tried fiercely to buck, to slide into the velvet alcove just above him, but Janet was too strong. “Freeze,” she barked harshly, instantly stilling his struggles. Unzipping his pants, she freed his cock, frowning in disgust even as she adjusted her position. “I am in control here, billy boy,” she reminded him. “You’re just the toy... just the instrument of my pleasure. Now just sit back and relax... and let me do all the work.”

Janet closed her eyes, hearing her Goddess’ voice in her mind, speaking the mantra of control and submission, as much to herself as to her new boy-toy. “I am Mistress... you are slave.” She rose up slightly, then thrust down, grunting slightly from the sensation. “Before My strength of will you shall fall.” Up and down. “I am Mistress, you are slave.” Up and down. “You are nothing. I am All.”

She continued to chant the words in a deep monotone as she fucked, hearing not her voice but the voice of her Goddess, reliving again the moment of her own enslavement. The body beneath her became the dildo chair she’d been strapped to, and the buzz of the elevator alarm becoming the buzz of the vibrators fluttering against her clit. Even billy’s voice, when he, too, began to chant in time with her, became merely the background noise of the multitude of Goddess’ slaves chanting along side her.

“I am Mistress, you are slave.”

“Before My strength of will you shall fall.”

“I am Mistress, you are slave.”

“You are nothing. I am All.”

“Come now, my slave!”

Janet’s eyes opened and she screamed her pleasure, hearing the words spoken once more, her body obeying instantly, as an orgasm of mammoth proportions rocked her. Underneath, billy shuddered violently, cumming just as hard, his hot wet spunk flowing forth with volcanic power. The two continued to shudder for several more moments before settling, breathing deeply for several minutes more. Finally Janet rose, shaking her head to clear it. Dressing quickly, she pushed the STOP button again, letting the elevator continue on its way.

“Get up,” she grunted, kicking billy hard in the side. “It’s time to go.”

billy groaned, shaking his head, His mind continued to swim, spinning with thoughts of love and submission. Getting back to his feet, he sighed, looking down at the woman before him, feeling nothing but the desire to prostrate himself before her. Instead, he followed meekly behind her as she left the elevator.

I don’t know what happened, he thought muzzily, but I understand now. I love her... LOVE her... oh god, how I love this woman! And its like... everything else is insignificant compared to that one fact! Oh, Love... I would do ANYTHING for you... anything at all. I would die for you... I would KILL for you! Just ask it of me... ask me anything... and I’ll do it!

“Wait out here,” Janet barked, unlocking her apartment door. “I won’t be long. I need to get a few things from my apartment, then we’re heading back out again.”

“Of course, darling, anything you say,” billy answered, fawning over her every word.

Janet shook her head. She was quickly starting to hate this man. If not for the fact that he is part of my Goddess’ plan, I’d command this lovesick fool to go jump in the river. sigh Oh well. Fulfilling the Goddess’ will is the only thing that matters.

Stepping inside, she returned a moment later with a large handbag. “Alright, we’re ready.”

* * *

The house was dark when we arrived back at the manor. Jennifer stopped by the kitchen and read the note left on the refrigerator door. “Hmmm... ‘Dad working late, again, said will be home early in the morning, left you some pizza in the fridge. Going to bed. Jazz.’”

“Pizza? Cool,” I said, opening the door. I scowled, peering into the box. “Huh. I guess ‘some pizza’ translates into one slice in Jasmine’s mind.”

“Why bother anyway?” Jen countered. “We just came home from a restaurant. You can’t be that hungry.”

I shrugged. “Well, kinda. For one thing, using my ability burns a lot of energy. That’s why I can eat like a horse and still keep this shape. Besides, our meal got interrupted, yanno. I didn’t even get desert.”

Jennifer turned, looking thoughtful again. “Yeah... about your powers. What else can you do? I mean, you told me most of it, and I’ve seen you in action, with the super speed, and the shock blasts, and all... but there’s gotta be more to your powers than just zapping people and running fast.”

“Well...” I glanced around, and nodded. “There’s also this....”


“Eeep! Daddy!” Jennifer squeaked, whirling around, only to turn again at the sound of my hysterical laughter.

“Ow! Ow! Okay, okay, I’m sorry!” I protested, fending on Jenn’s fists as she swung wildly. “Okay, geez, cut it out and let me explain. You wanted to see what else I could do, so I, er, gave you a demonstration. I copied your dad’s voice, since I’ve heard it often enough to know it pretty well. And I threw my voice as well, making it sound as if it was coming from directly behind you.”

“Oh,” she said, calming down a bit. “Well... that’s pretty cool. Must come in handy too, I suppose.”

Well, actually, not really. I’m usually more in-your-face with my abilities, not usually so much with the sneaking missions. Throwing my voice wouldn’t even be a good distraction against most supervillans... most of them are just too smart to fall for the old ‘hey look behind ya’ routine.

“So, yep, that’s pretty much it. I mean, I’m pretty strong, pretty fit, because I get lots of exercise, but I’m not superhumanly strong. And yeah, sonic blasts are pretty cool, but its not like controlling electricity, or shooting lasers from your eyes, or anything like that. There are others out there with more power, and better tricks... but I think I do pretty good with what I have.”

Jenn smiled, wrapping her arms around my waist, kissing me deeply. “Well, I don’t have any complaints, hero.”

I wince slightly at the remark, glancing around. After all, Jasmine is home now, even thought she said she’d gone to sleep.

Speaking of which...

“Hey, Jenn,” I said with an evil grin. “I DO have one other little trick I can show you... if you promise not to get mad. It’s a little on the... ahem... naughty side.”

Jenn’s left eyebrow rose. “Really? Okay, you’ve peaked my curiosity. Now you HAVE to show me.”

“Okay... but it involves your sister Jasmine.”

“Jazz? What about her?”

“She’s going to be my subject. So decide if you want me to do it or not.”

Jennifer frowned. “You’re not going to hurt her, or anything, are you?”

I shook my head. “No, just embarrass and humiliate her a bit, without her knowing about it.”

Laughing, Jenn nodded. “Well, in that case, I’m all for it.”

Carefully, quietly, we slipped into Jasmine’s bedroom. I used my sound dampening field to cover the creak of the door hinges and the wooden floor, but I might as well saved my energy. Jasmine lay sprawled facedown on her bed, tangled in her bed sheets, a half empty bottle of Gin next to the bed, snoring loud enough to wake the dead.

“Wow,” I whispered to Jen, throwing my voice in order to be heard. “I’m really impressed. She must have one hell of a lung capacity.”

“Now you know why we started sleeping in separate bedrooms by age eight,” Jenn replied. “So what’s this trick?”

I smirked. “It’s kinda the same thing as throwing my voice, only I hit the subsonic range. I can speak directly to her subconscious, and make Jasmine do whatever I want.”

“You mean like mind control?”

“Well... kinda. Sorta. It’s more of a trick than anything else, really, since it only works on someone when they’re asleep. Believe me, I’ve tried a hundred times, but a person’s mind just ignores it when they’re awake.” I shrugged. “I dunno. Maybe its all in the frequency modulation or something... psychics was never my strong suit. All I know is that I can speak directly into Jasmine’s mind while she’s conked out.”

“Cool,” Jenn said, gripping my arm tightly. “Show me! Make her do something.”

“Okay.” Taking a deep breath, I focus my attention on the sleeping girl. ::Jasmine, listen carefully. You are asleep, deeply asleep, and you will stay asleep... but I want you to open your eyes and sit up.::

Yawning, and stretching, Jasmine turned over and sat up, causing Jenn to squeal in shock. “Just chill, relax, Jenn, she’s still asleep. I told her to sit up, that’s all.”

Disbelieving, Jennifer crept warily closer, waving a hand slowly before her sister’s face. “Whoa... freaky,” she whispered after a moment. “She’s like a zombie.”

“Not exactly true. It’s more like she’s a sleepwalker, which, in effect, she is.” ::Jasmine, get out of bed and stand up::

At which point I was treated to a surprise. Unlike her sister, Jasmine apparently preferred to sleep in the nude.

Whoa. Nice. I can definitely see a family resemblance...

“Hey! Put your eyes back in your head already,” Jennifer grumbled, punching my arm. “Besides, we’re twins. Her body is exactly like mine!”

Heh. Well, far be it for me to argue the point, but I did note a few... minor differences... oh well. Better speed this along before she really gets upset. ::Jasmine, it’s time to get ready for your big hot date... go sit down at the dresser. You’ll see your makeup has been set out already for you; sit down and put it on, then slip into the dress hanging from the door hanger.::

Jasmine blinked. “Oh, my God, I’m going to be late if I don’t hurry up and get ready!” Moving over to her dresser, she sat down, staring at her reflection in the mirror. Glancing down, she grabbed for something from her clean dresser top and, holding nothing in her hand, began applying her “make-up” to her face. “Hmm... I wonder where we’re going out tonight? Hope its someplace better than that damned karaoke bar we went to last week.” She sighed, touching up her “eye shadow” a bit. “Personally, I’d rather stay in... but the last thing I need is Dad bursting in at the wrong moment and going into another tirade about my ‘sinful and amoral behavior’.” She wrinkled her nose. “As if I gave a flying fuck about what he thinks anyway.”

I glanced at Jennifer, who wore a sad look on her face. Okay, I’ll admit it, I’d wanted to humiliate her a little bit, and get a few laughs at her expense. Hey, the girl rubbed me the wrong way! Since finding out that I was dating her sister, she’d been snobbish and insulting whenever I was around, peering down her nose at me. Normally, that kind of thing washes off me like water off a duck’s back, but to be honest, I was still kinda pissed with her comment about being ‘disappointed’ that I’d rescued her candy ass instead of Omega Girl!

But watching her groom herself for an imaginary date, listening to her thoughts about her dad, made me feel... guilty. It’s one thing to ogle her sitting there naked—which I had NOT planned on, by the way! She’d been tangled up in the bed sheets when entered the bedroom, after all—but listening to her talk about her relationship with her dad... it was crossing the line.

Jenn had issues with their dad, too. Heck, I had major issues with River City’s mayor, but at least he wasn’t family. Since the death of his wife, the good mayor had devoted himself to his job, pretty much leaving his girls to raise themselves. According to Jenn, he was currently ‘working late’ again, which meant he was at the office nailing his secretary, a woman barely older than his two daughters. Yet he made abundantly clear his personal views on his younger daughter’s choice of sexual lifestyle, calling her an embarrassment to the family and his public image. Jenn played it off, acting cavalier and aloof, as if his words didn’t matter to her at all, but Jenn had confided in me the truth, that more often than not, Jasmine still cried herself to sleep, or drowned her pain away in alcohol, as she had tonight.

Shaking my head, I whispered to Jenn. “Okay, I think we should put her back to bed.” She nodded in agreement, and I turned to issue the appropriate commands, when something completely unexpected happened.

The doorbell rang.

Jasmine blinked, then shook her head. “Wha... what the... was that the doorbell?” She turned, then gasped, staring directly at her sister and me, who stared back in shock. “What the hell are you two doing in my bedroom?” Then, her vision turned back to the mirror, at her own reflection, and confusion turned to full-on panic.


Needless to say, Jennifer and I exited in a hurry. I personally ran as fast as I could—well, not enough to leave a blurring streak behind me, or to destroy the house with my wake, but I was booking it—and Jenn kept up with me the whole way.

Makes me wonder if maybe she has powers of her own.

“And STAY OUT!” Jasmine finished, slamming the door hard enough to shake the doorframe. At the stairwell, Jenn and I paused long enough to catch our breath, trying to decide whether to go back and try to explain and apologize, or just hide until she cooled down. The doorbell rang again, recapturing our attention. It rang three more times, short loud blasts, as if the person outside had grown impatient.

“T’ch,” Jennifer grunted, heading downstairs to the front door, with me right behind. “That didn’t end very well, did it?” The doorbell buzzed again.

“Gee, ya think?” I responded back, sighing inwardly. Buzz. “You know who’s going to get the blame for this, don’t ya? Me. ‘It was that damned perverted so-called boyfriend’s idea, wasn’t it?’” I shuddered. “As if she didn’t already hate my guts.”

“Well... it WAS your idea, you know?” Jennifer pointed out. Buzz. “ALRIGHT! We’re coming! Keep your shirt on!” Unlocking the door, she opened it wide.

A blonde woman stood just outside the door, idly tapping her foot. She seemed vaguely familiar. “Finally! Sheesh, were you guys sleeping in there, or what?”

Jenn frowned, crossing her arms. “Well, it is 1AM, Janet, what’d you expect? If you’re here to see Jasmine, I think now’s a bad time—”

“Actually, Jenn,” she interrupted, stepping inside the house, “I came to see you... and your boyfriend.” She smirked. “Call it a mission of love.”

The short hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Something was off, way off. I put my hands around Jenn, protectively, and she stiffened in my arms. “And you couldn’t wait til the morning?” I asked.

“No, not for this,” she said with a grin, pulling something out of her purse. “I found something pretty cool, and after talking to Jazz, I immediately thought of you.”

I was already moving as her hand pulled free, pulling Jenn out of the way as well. Two thin leads darted forth, tazer lines, striking the air where we’d been standing an instant before. “Stay down!” I yelled to Jenn as I released her, using my momentum to continue on, turning my retreat into a charge. Janet’s eyes widened in surprise as she missed, her target suddenly inches in front of her. She stumbled back, dropping the tazer and her purse, moving back towards the doorframe.

“Nice try,” I said, stepping across the threshold, following her, “but too damned slow.”

“Billy! NOW!” she yelled, hitting the ground.

From the driveway, a tall dark-haired man fired, with what appeared to be a rifle. Instinct and training saved me again; instead of hesitating, I spun to the side as she opened her mouth to call out to her partner, and the dart whizzed by my ear instead of taking me in the chest. Darts, tazers... at least that means they want me alive. But why me? And why here and now? Jenn called the girl ‘Janet’, and said she was a friend of Jasmine’s. I could believe Jazz wanting to do me bodily harm, especially after tonight, but THIS was a bit extreme, even for her.

Sparing no time to second guess their intentions, I charged the shooter, coming in before he could reload. A single glancing blow to the temple took him out, and a quick return trip brought be back inside the doorway, standing between Janet and her fallen weapon. Picking it up, I handed it to Jenn, standing behind me. “Now that that’s settled,” I said firmly, crossing my arms again, “maybe you’ll tell me what all this is about.”

For an answer, I received twenty-thousand volts to the back of my neck. I hit the floor with a thud, shaking and writhing like an epileptic on crack. As my body finally stopped shaking, and I regained slight control of my muscular system, I glanced up to see Jennifer’s smiling face peering down at me.

Holding the tazer.

“It’s just like she said when she came in, darling,” she cooed softly, taking aim once more. “It’s a mission of love.”

Any response I might have made to such a bizarre statement was cut off as the electricity began to flow once more. I danced. I writhed. I’m shamed to say I lost complete control of my bladder. None of it mattered at the moment, as my entire world consisted of the lightning dancing across my body, sparking and jumping from neuron to neuron, sparking my world into a bright blue-white corona that slowly faded to grey...

((end of chapter 4))