The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Author’s thoughts: I almost didn’t write this story since it borrows so much in terms of setting and concept from the works of the authors I mentioned in my opening acknowledgements. As I was reading over the various things in my unfinished stories file however, it became clear that if I didn’t write a “Hive” story everything I write will become a “Hive” story in one way or another.

This story needed to be written or it was going to assert itself within all of them…

My thanks to those authors who have written things that inspired so strongly.

If you like this one, and you haven’t read their work yet I urge you to. I am happy to have mine seen near them.

My thanks also to those who have encouraged me to keep going.

Thanks for reading.



By fembotheather


“Shelly?” Lexa asked, “Do you know what’s happening?”

Shelly’s eyes came into focus slowly, “I….. I” she stammered.

Thoughts swirled in Shelly’s head. She was a slave, obviously, she knew that, but these were her friends, she knew that too. Her friends weren’t slaves, part of her felt sad for them. From somewhere came memories of how they had been trying to rescue some newly acquired slaves from this Hive. Those thoughts were accompanied by the voice telling her that once a slave was made, there was no rescue. Slaves didn’t want to be rescued.

Her thoughts also told her that she hadn’t completed her conditioning.

She could see the pod… her pod… standing open. Shelly saw Tina and Jen, sleeping under their anesthetic masks, they were like she was now, she somehow knew. The pods had not completed their conditioning either, from somewhere in her mind she was sure.

Looking around the room, her eyes settled on the two anesthetized wasps off to the side, her mind swirling with confused thoughts. Those thoughts calmed when she looked back at the pods, though. Eight pods lined the chamber, enough for her and all of the rest of her former teammates. Several bins held an ample supply of uniforms for all of her friends. Those thoughts seemed the only solid things in her foggy mind.

Somewhere, deep in her mind, she could hear a voice; she listened as she stared up at her friends with their worried faces.

From somewhere, a thought told her to wait and say nothing.

“Does she hear us through that?” Katrina asked, pointing at the headset that covered Shelly’s ears.

“Yes” Lisa answered, “Question is; what else is she hearing?”

Lexa, Lisa, and Stacy had been the back-up team, guarding the team’s boat and their avenue of escape. The objective had been to rescue seventeen newly taken women who, according to a source, had been brought here yesterday. Instead, the three, along with Katrina, the only member of the primary assault team not captured, were now attempting to rescue their teammates.

Looking at their trained medic, the three soldiers could see she wasn’t able to continue to perform her duties. Shelly’s eyes were dazed, and she appeared to not fully comprehend what was going on. Whatever going on inside of her, they’d clearly not found the conversion pods in time to stop the conditioning process from doing at least some damage.

“Wake the other two up,” Lexa commanded. “We can’t carry them out; we need to get going and they‘ll need to walk.” She watched as Lisa and Stacy removed the anesthetic masks and Tina and Jen slowly began to come around. She watched as Tina’s eyes opened slowly and she began to look around.

‘What’s going on?’ came Tina’s soggy thoughts. She could see her friends standing over her with very worried faces. In her mind, she could also hear the Hive speaking to her. She raised her hand slowly to the silver headset, then touched the thin band of metal ran between the two domes covering her ears.

She could hear the Hive. It told her she was a slave. Her jumbled thoughts bumped and tumbled through her softened brain, each fighting a battle for control.

Somewhere deep in her mind she told herself that she wasn’t a slave, at least not yet. Her gaze wandered lazily from face to face until it rested on the most beautiful one… beautiful and horrible. She screamed inside, but something prevented her words from coming out, even as she fought to speak.

The face of her lover before her was the most beautiful and most horrific site she had ever imagined. ‘Beautiful Lexa here…. Here in the midst of the Hive?’ She tried to dissolve the image of wasp Lexa that coalesced in her mind. She tried not to feel the pulses of pleasure the image brought with it.

Fighting off the command to remain quiet, she sat up and cried, “Lex! What the hell are you doing here?”

The others jumped back, some raising their stun weapons instinctively and aiming them at their former leader.

“I’m happy to see you too, boss.” Lexa smiled, for the first time in hours.

Tina looked down at the others who were still lying on the floor, then at herself.

“Shit!” Tina gasped, “I’m a wasp…. Lex, what the hell are you doing?”

“I couldn’t leave you to this, lover…” Lexa’s voice seemed about to crack. She moved over to Tina and sat down behind her, guiding her head back against her chest. “I wouldn’t leave you here… you know that.”

“We volunteered to come with her,” Stacy offered, her blue eyes sparkling under her platinum blond pixie cut. In her former life, Stacy had been the lead singer in a punk rock band.

“We insisted, Tina. After all, Jen owes me fifty bucks,” Lisa added, trying to break the tension they all felt.

Jen, laying on the floor next to Shelly, seemed not to hear.

“You can’t be here… you can’t.” Tina stopped as Shelly sat up, followed by Jen. Their expressions seemed glassy, and they looked more than a bit lost. Tina stood up, drawing Lexa up with her. “You need to get away… all of you need to…”

She turned, burying her face in Lexa’s shoulder.

Even as she struggled not to sob, the voice in her head spoke to her in words her brain seemed not to comprehend. There was something… an image… Lexa….

‘God, no!’ her mind roiled and twisted in turmoil as the battle within her waged on.

“We were wrong Lex… about the Hive…” her words trailed off. “It’s… it’s… not what we thought.”

‘Not what we thought?’ Lexa repeated the last to herself, wondering what it meant.

Tina’s voice had rasped with the statement, and, for a moment, Lexa looked at Tina, seeing her nipples pointing erect through the material of her black suit, the sweat that glistened on her skin. She recognized the heavy musk of sex….

Tina was turned on, she knew, and Lexa shivered at the realization. Tina, her lover, was fighting the sexual heat of Hive enslavement.

Lexa prayed to herself that her lover would keep fighting it.

Tina’s thoughts raced, then calmed. There were things she needed to tell Lexa, but it was a struggle just to think them. It was a struggle just to speak at all.

She drew upon all of her psych training to fight the urgent need to submit to the Hive’s soothing voice. She fought to hold the slave conditioning at bay. “Lex… you don’t understand….”

Lexa looked into Tina’s eyes, a hand coming up to wipe tears away. “What don’t I understand?” she whispered.

“We’re weapons… we’re wasps… we can’t help it…” Tina’s voice trailed off again.

Inside Tina’s head, her own words found purchase and the slave conditioning began its assault anew. Her eyes glazed over and her face went slack. The voice of the Hive became her thoughts.

“Hey!” Lexa shook Tina. “Come back to me!”

Tina’s eyes cleared, “God, Lex.” She stepped back. “Don’t trust us; just get out as fast as you can.”

They all looked at one another, and then all eyes went to Lexa.

“Shut up, lover.” Lexa kissed Tina’s forehead softly. “I trust you… always… but we have another problem.” Lexa looked Tina straight in the eyes. “Tracy… we don’t know where she is.”

Tina seemed to go dark for a second. Then a thought appeared, just beyond reach, as the hive talked to her. At least a part of her understood, allowing her to recover, for a moment. “Tracy is…” she began, then lost the thought, swept away by the force that was trying to devour her mind.

Unable to finish her thought, Tina shifted gears.

“How did you find us?”

“The miniature transponders we all swallowed… the ones you all bitched about…” Lisa answered, holding up a small device that resembled a cell phone. On it a display showed a number of dots with names next to them. “They send a signal to this… The bad news is: that isn’t the only signal I’m getting now.” She looked at Lexa, turning the device for her to see.

“Damn,” Lexa breathed.

“I’m getting a low level pulse transmission, and it’s coming from all of you,” Lisa continued, waving at her black clad teammates. “I think it’s generated by your collars.”

“What’s happening to us?” Jen spoke at last, standing up.

“The Hive is trying to take you over. Now, we need to get out, we need to get you out, and we need to find Tracy,” Lexa told her. She looked at Tina. “Stacy and Katrina will take all of you out of here.”

“No…” Tina breathed, seeming to fight the words.

Lexa looked at her lover, aching inside at the other’s internal struggles.

“Not all three of us…. Not together….” She paused, her face clenched from the effort.

To the side, Jen was helping Shelly stand. Katrina, and each of the back-up team, took inventory of the three captives’ glossy encased bodies and the equipment attached to their suits… wasp equipment… enslaving equipment.

They understood their purpose. They stared at each other without speaking, as Tina and Shelly stood there, frozen, their eyes far away.

“Three of us together are too much for two of you to handle if we….” Tina’s voice broke off into strained silence.

“Tina,” Lexa spoke, “The collars, the back pieces… do you know how they’re attached? Can we take them off without hurting you?”

‘There are carbon filaments extending within our brains and nervous systems from both the collar and the headpiece… the units cannot be removed without permanent damage,’ her thoughts revealed inside her brain.

“I….” Tina struggled to say aloud, “I don’t know.”

A collective gasp ran through the room as the door to the chamber suddenly opened. The team held their breaths as two silver-clad slaves entered the room, their soft, padded feet shuffling as they marched robotically across the room to the pods. They stood there, seemingly confused, surveying the open, empty pods.

Lexa and Stacy raised their stun weapons as the slaves turned to face them.

Rather than sounding the alarm, however, they seemed to look right though the four commandos. It was as if they didn’t even see them. Instead, their eyes found the three women in wasp uniforms and settled there.

Tina felt herself almost falling into the blue, blank, bottomless eyes of the slaves. She shook herself, trying to clear her thoughts, finally turning to face Jen and Shelly. The hum of the Hive reverberated inside her, sending its relentless commands through the silver-clad slaves directly into her brain. She felt Shelly and Jen receiving the same signals but their reactions seemed almost beyond reach.

She tried to concentrate on resisting those feelings, dreading the next pulse that would wipe her resistance away and leave her empty-minded and moaning in orgasmic bliss. She didn’t let herself think what might happen if she stopped fighting.

Something deep down told her the thought was too dangerous to trust herself with.

Distantly, she wondered why she hadn’t told her friends she could hear the thoughts of the Hive, itself. She wondered, as if through a blanket of fog, why she couldn’t tell Lexa everything she knew about how the Hive worked.

Confused, she struggled with the thoughts until the voice came to her, ‘Because the information is not in your mind. It is in the Hive.’ Her thoughts became still again.

Without a sound, and without sounding any alarm, the slaves turned, deposited several new wasp uniforms into the bins near the opened pods, then turned robotically and marched out of the room.

“Shit…” Lexa breathed as the door clicked shut, looking over at Tina and Shelly.

“Ok, lover…” she said, trying to control her anxiety and fear, “That was too close for comfort. So, as of now, you’re with Lisa and me. Katrina and Stacy, you take Jen and Shelly out to the boat.”

She turned to Tina. “Stay strong, okay?”

“I’ll try,” promised, softly.

As Katrina and Stacy walked to the others, Lexa added, “Okay… make straight for the exit, and stay off the radio until you get outside. When you make it back to the boat, send the ‘broken arrow’ code so the Corps knows we‘re in trouble….”

She looked from Katrina back to Stacy. “And watch it, okay? And watch them, too. Keep them focused on escape. I know we can’t trust them yet, but they need your help.”

“Don’t trust….” Tina struggled to say, “Don’t trust them, no. Don’t…. don’t trust me, either…”

Not knowing what else to do, and without a word, Katrina led Jen and Shelly out the door and into the complex, with Stacy bringing up the rear.

“Okay,” Lexa turned to Lisa, no longer trusting Tina to be able to say, “Where’s Tracy?”

“Her transponder signal is weak,” Lisa answered, “and there’s a lot of interference.” She held out the tracking device. “My best estimate is that she’s about one hundred meters in that direction,” she finished, pointing off to her left.

Lexa checked the two masked, unconscious wasps in the corner and had an idea. Based on the reactions of the Hive’s slaves so far, would they be able to simply disguise themselves?

After she was sure the wasps would be out for several hours to come she turned to her friends.

“You just stay here, as I need to talk to Lisa in private,” she told Tina, trying to keep her voice as calm and normal-sounding as she could. Then she moved across the room to the door to where Lisa was standing.

“Lisa,” Lexa said as she approached. “I want you to promise me something.”

Lisa said nothing, waiting for Lexa to continue.

“If anything happens, I want you to get out, at least. I won’t leave Tina here… I won’t…”

She paused, looking over at her lover, who was staring disconcertingly at the open pods.

“I need you to escape. Get out through the vents, the same way Katrina got out and we came in. If you can’t, blast a door somehow, but get to the boat. Get offshore and send the ‘broken arrow’ message back to the Corps so they know to vanish before the Hive can use us to get to them.

“Then, wait offshore for 30 minutes. If any of us come out, hit whoever it is with the tranq gun before you pick them up. Worst case scenario, they’ll wake up back at base with a hangover if they aren’t Hive. But if they are…” Lexa trailed off, looking back at Tina.

“How will… How will you get out?” Lisa asked, not liking the sound of this at all.

“I’ll find a way, trust me. But if I can’t, I have this….”

Lexa tugged at the sleeve of her turtleneck and revealed a flat throwing knife. Lisa looked at it and looking at her teammate’s dark expression finally understood the gravity of their situation. Lexa would use the knife as a last resort to keep both her and Tina from becoming part of the Hive… one way or the other.

Lisa knew Lexa had a deadly serious hatred of the Hive. Only those closest to Lexa knew what had stoked those fires.

“We need to go find Tracy now,” Lexa announced and turned back toward Tina.

Tina had begun to drift, then to take small steps toward the open pods. So easy, the voices told her… so easy to just let go and allow the pod to finish its work. The thought was clear, unlike the “normal” thoughts she was fighting to hold in her mind.

“Where are you going, lover?” Lexa asked, her voice and warm hand on Tina’s shoulder bringing her back out of her trance. For now, at least, the lure of the pod retreated.

Lexa looked into Tina’s eyes, worried. “I’m not going to ask if you’re okay, Love; but just stay with me, okay? The Hive will pay for this, Tina… I promise that. Whoever owns this place will pay for this. Her jaw set determinedly, Lexa’s expression clouded over with impenetrable emotion.

“I just need you to stay with me, and I promise I‘ll take care of you.” There was a long pause she finally added, “You know, next time, I get to pick the vacation spot, all right?”

Tina gave a tired smile. The Hive wasn’t what they’d thought. She knew that now, but she couldn’t seem to get the words out, to explain that to Lexa. Her mind was trying, but it was exhausting her too badly to continue. She just needed to hold it together and hope her friends got them out.

Letting Lexa guide them away from the pod room, Tina just walked for now, Lisa following them out the door.