The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Tags: mc, ff, rb, sf

The machines have all but won, and the scattered resistance is being steadily picked apart. Siobhan has a desperate plan, for which she needs a captured ‘bot. But as the imprinting begins, the question remains; just who is using whom?

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Acknowledgements: This story is loosely linked with There’s More Than One Way to Skin a Traitor and was written for MindZapper’s contest over at the Garden. Above and beyond my usual dedications, (you all know who you are), thanks must particularly go to Steph for the robotic inspiration, and Jo for the good advice that I completely failed to take.

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She was pretty badly beaten up when they dragged her in, although that didn’t stop the SpecOps team from keeping their weapons trained on her the whole time. Their caution was understandable; they had, after all, expended most of their ordinance just to bring her down in the first place. But however reasonable their concerns, Siobhan couldn’t have her laboratory cluttered with ‘bootnecks’. They didn’t like it, and yet, technically, the tiny scientist outranked them all. It was her software that had allowed them to catch the ‘bot in the first place. So, despite their protests, the Marines eventually agreed to leave.

Normally the ‘bots chose to destroy themselves rather than risk falling into enemy hands, leaving only fragments for them to analyse. That was why Siobhan had created new viral payloads for the soldier’s weapons, designed purely to instil a desire for self-preservation into their mechanistic adversaries. They were running out of time, the machines were winning. But the programmer was certain that if she could only get hold of an intact unit, she would find the key to bringing down their entire system.

The ‘bot’s once pristine silver coating was pockmarked and battered. Cracks in the cerametal shell oozed dark fluids and electricity arced randomly from the exposed circuitry. Very carefully, she prised back the damaged plating, placing her trust in the memetic software that had already been uploaded. Something rich and metallic threatened to overwhelm the stench of ozone, as more of the thick liquid bubbled free. Then, she had her first glimpse of the machine’s soft innards, and Siobhan’s breath caught in her throat.

Understanding reached up from somewhere deep inside, and threatened to choke her. The programmer could taste bile, and only an effort of will kept her from retching. Siobhan wasn’t sure exactly what she had expected to find, but this was a horror that she had never considered. While the outer casing of the ‘bot was burnished chrome, its internal components were almost entirely organic. In some sense, the machine was truly alive, more ‘borg than ‘bot, and that realisation only added to her revulsion.

Siobhan could feel its life bleeding away around her hands, biological processes slowing and fading as the mechanical supports were stripped away. She knew that they couldn’t afford to lose this opportunity, everyone had already risked far too much. It was a gamble, but a calculated one, to reengage some of the ‘bot’s systems, in the hope that it could repair the damage it had already sustained. She didn’t even bother with the restraints; they had nothing that could even slow these things down if they really put their mind to escaping. And, as she rebooted some of the girl’s core functions, Siobhan began to recognise how difficult it was becoming to think of her as an ‘it’.

The ‘bot’s eyes snapped open immediately. First surprise and then consternation flashed across her features. The programmer waited until the ‘bot had settled, and then she stepped into its restricted field of view. Their eyes met almost instantly, and the fear was very evident on the silver woman’s face. Siobhan tried to keep her own expression neutral, while leaving the damaged ‘bot in no doubt that she was no longer the one in charge.

“Hello,” she began, abandoning her well-rehearsed script, “You’re pretty badly damaged, but I’m assuming that you can remedy that, given time.”

The ‘bot glanced away, its discomfort all too obvious. The scientist glanced at her monitors, and saw the frenzied activity emanating from her captive’s brain. There was no outward sign of her internal struggles, so for the moment at least the filters were holding. Siobhan wanted to give it just long enough to understand the futility of defiance.

“This unit can no longer mobilise,” the ‘bot stated flatly, then added in a very soft voice, “I do not wish to be destroyed.”

“Then run a self-diagnostic, and tell me if you can repair the damage,” Siobhan instructed.

Almost before the scientist had finished speaking, the ‘bot’s eyes drifted closed once more. Then, as she watched, its body was slowly engulfed in a rippling haze. The filters were still in place, but this was unlike anything she had read, or even heard about. The ‘bot gave a low moan, and the shimmering seemed to intensify, distorting the air until it was almost impossible to see what lay beneath it.

“Major damage detected in all subsystems,” the ‘bot announced, “Rerouting power to auto-repair systems. This unit is reverting to base state.”

With a long and heartfelt groan, the ‘bot’s silhouette began to change. Siobhan couldn’t pierce the obstructing distortion, but moment-by-moment its angular profile seemed to soften. Then, almost as suddenly as it had appeared, the cloud dissipated, revealing the truth of her captive’s base state. The programmer couldn’t tear her eyes from the ‘bot’s new form. Pale flesh had replaced the chrome perfection, small dark nipples standing out in stark and trembling contrast. Long flowing hair reached down over her shoulders, and the whole luscious package appeared to have been dipped in glistening honey.

“What are you?” Siobhan gasped, “You’re not just a ‘bot, but neither are you entirely human. What the hell did they do to you?”

“This unit is an MH-series infiltration unit,” she responded, “Her designation is … Correction, its designation is Maria.”

Staring down at the soft, oiled curves was almost too distracting. The simulation was perfect, and despite her professed lack of appetite when it came to matters sexual, the young scientist found her gaze drifting from one forbidden pleasure to another. The raw scent of arousal seemed suddenly very strong, and she had to swallow hard in an effort to hold onto the last shreds of her self-control.

“You’re alive,” the programmer insisted, “How were you made, Maria? What happened to you?”

“This unit was created from processed raw materials,” Maria explained, “She … it has no knowledge of the time before.”

“Raw materials?” Siobhan asked, already guessing the answer.

“This unit was once as you are,” the ‘bot said sadly, “But she was saved from that finite existence and given purpose.”

“And what is that purpose, Maria?”

“To infiltrate, seduce and capture,” the paralysed woman replied.

The ghost of a smile played over the scientist’s lips, as she idly stroked deft fingers over her captive’s clavicle. The ‘bot’s skin was soft and slick and even that casual touch was enough to send warm tingling excitement rippling along her outstretched hand. She couldn’t have hoped for a more perfect candidate, the delicious irony of using one of the ‘bot’s more insidious tools against them, was just too an opportunity to pass up.

“That’s good,” Siobhan grinned, “Maria; you’re exactly what I’ve been looking for, and when I’m done with you, that’s exactly how you’re going to think of me.”

“You are in error,” Maria announced, but the programmer knew that she wasn’t imagining the hint of uncertainty behind the ‘bot’s words.

Almost tenderly, the programmer claimed her captive’s tense and quivering flesh, hands straining to cup those perfect breasts so tightly that the swollen globes seemed to swallow her probing fingers. Maria gave a raw moan of aching desire, the sound strangled and strangely muffled. It peaked quickly, only to fade into the softest of sighs, her voice barely a whisper.

“We’ll see,” Siobhan coaxed, “I’m going to keep doing this for a little longer though, just in case.”

“How?” the ‘bot gasped, perspiration beading her straining body.

“Oh,” Siobhan said knowingly, “The virus is reconnecting your pleasure centres, and I’ve taken the liberty of dialing up the sensitivity. I expect that will make it quite difficult for you to resist what I have planned. Still, never mind, eh? What’s a little imprinting between friends?”

Deft fingers trapped and imprisoned the ‘bot’s yearning tits, pinning their weight against her chest. Maria whined, apparently unable to find the words to express what she was feeling. The scientist rolled the taut puckered flesh beneath her palms, crushing those tight nipples into the slippery heat of the ‘bot’s hungry breasts.

Then, she plucked the shivering nub between thumb and forefinger, cruelly lifting and dragging the pendulous breast. Siobhan let her oiled skin brush gently again the underside of her captive’s tit, smearing back and forth with increasingly lurid touches. The heavy flesh ground beautifully beneath her questing fingers, as they slid obscenely over every inch of trembling skin. Expertly, she played the ‘bot’s body, using her captive breasts as though they were merely extensions of her angrily throbbing clit.

Each caress tied the achingly sensitive nubs together so intimately, that the bot’s pleasure merely oscillated between nipple and cunt until the two effectively became one. She cried out, a weak pitiful sound that stirred something deep within Siobhan’s belly. It had been far too long, and even while she tried to cling to her professional detachment, the programmer could feel her moistening sex clench and twinge in sympathetic expectation.

“Please,” the ‘bot moaned with such passion that for a moment Siobhan forgot to breathe.

“Not yet, little one,” whispered the scientist, “Not until I am the only thing that fills your mind. When you are submerged in me, drowning in my molten essence and your only desire is to fulfil my every whim, no matter how sordid or depraved. Only then will I grant you the release you already so desperately crave.”

Siobhan pinched the nipple viciously, twisting it sharply and revelling in Maria’s whine of protest. Then, releasing the captive flesh with obvious reluctance, she bent forward and rubbed her body over the helpless woman’s, massaging with her small breasts, and allowing their nipples to meet in one gloriously electric collision. Even through the coarse fabric, that contact was enough to raise her skin into shivering gooseflesh.

Their gasps of delight echoed one another, and Siobhan’s agonisingly tight nipples drew twin furrows into her captive’s well-oiled skin. It was growing increasingly difficult to remember that Maria was far more than she outwardly appeared. Her soft and pliant flesh masked the cold hard metal beneath, but to the programmer at least it was very evident that she was seeing the woman’s true face. The machines had done this to her, but the core of the woman she had once been still lurked within.

The scientist slid carefully off of the supine woman, and began to make some careful adjustments to the upload. The ‘bot followed her progress, mewling in increasing desperation. Then, standing tantalisingly close, Siobhan began to slip off her fatigues. It wasn’t a particularly erotic striptease, but it did seem to be having the desired effect on the watching captive. Siobhan smiled hungrily, and stepped even closer.

She cupped her own breast tightly in one fist, milking it savagely, before thrusting the luscious globe towards Maria’s slack mouth and waiting tongue. The programmer hissed, delighting in the sharp threat of those diamond-hard teeth. The ‘bot’s burning tongue wrapped around her stiff quivering nipple, and Siobhan could only press herself more forcefully into the hot promise of that eager maw.

The naked scientist forced herself to pull back, to step away from the slippery slope that was dragging her towards her building climax. The ‘bot relinquished her hold on Siobhan’s tortured tit, and it popped free with a soft wet slurp. Her weak, pleading, animal noises were music to the hacker’s ears, speaking as they did of such utter frustration, and unbearable need.

“Please,” the ‘bot moaned once more, “Let me touch you.”

Siobhan stared into that unfathomable face, and tried to guess what the ‘bot was thinking. Her breasts tingled with the memory of that clever tongue, and a slow dribble of desire tracked its honeyed path down the inside of her thigh. The programmer took a deep breath, and then with sure keystrokes, gave Maria back the use of her arms.

“Okay,” she sighed, “Your performance so far has been adequately pleasing, so I suppose you deserve some small reward. Consider this my gift to you, please, try not to abuse my generosity.”

In response, Maria grasped hold of the young woman, catching her around the waist and then lifting Siobhan easily onto the examination table. The scientist marvelled at the slender girl’s strength, as she suddenly found herself kneeling astride her captive, their oozing slits mashing together marvellously with even the smallest of movements. The ‘bot clutched her thighs, pinning her in place, but in truth, escape was the very last thing on the programmer’s mind.

Bending forwards, showing far more flexibility than anyone would have expected, Siobhan lowered her lips towards the ‘bot’s waiting breasts. Lewdly she stroked her tongue over the hot skin, licking and lapping at the trembling and increasingly controlled flesh. Maria’s fingers slipped around her legs, nails sinking voraciously into the firmness of her tensed buttocks. The programmer squealed delightedly into the naked beauty of the ‘bot’s captive tits, sucking more of the heavy flesh back into her eager mouth.

Then, she was rocking her pelvis, grinding and squeezing herself against Maria’s creamy crease. Perhaps it was her imagination, but the programmer could almost feel the sharpness of every sweet contact, as their equally throbbing clits stroked and rubbed together so wonderfully. The ‘bot’s fingers clenched more firmly, igniting a fire somewhere at the base of her spine, and strands of liquid lightning cascaded in the wet core of her being.

She was about to cum and, glorious as that would be, it had never been part of their game plan. Siobhan tried to pull away again, but Maria’s iron grip held firm. She looked down into the ‘bot’s smiling face, and began to struggle in earnest. But her writhing only served to crush them more tightly together. Her gaping lips slithered wetly over the smooth perfection of her captive’s slippery seam and the knot tightened still further, allowing its melting heat to suffuse her aching, hollow cunt.

“Stop,” she gasped, weakly, “Enough.”

“No,” Maria breathed, “I don’t think you’re in any position to be making demands anymore, do you? From where I’m lying, it seems as though you should be asking nicely, begging even. Because right now only I can give you the very thing you crave.”

Siobhan was fighting two different battles, both of which she seemed destined to lose. The ‘bot already had her pinned, and with each passing moment it dragged her closer to the seemingly inevitable climax. But then, quite horribly, that sweet progress stalled and the programmer found herself hanging. Her release so painfully close, and yet completely denied. Maria just effortlessly held her there, trapped helplessly on the brink.

“Please,” she whimpered almost too softly to hear, “Please.”

“Give me back my body,” the ‘bot commanded, “And I will grant your desire.”

“No!” Siobhan screamed, fear mingling with the strength of her arousal.

“That’s alright,” Maria claimed easily, “I can wait, although I do wonder if the same holds true for you.”

The scientist wanted to howl, as the ‘bot’s thumbs found the lingering heat of her swollen cuntlips. Maria’s perfect nails scratched repeatedly at her glistening clit, never relenting in their evil work. She couldn’t escape and as moment passed into maddeningly exciting moment, she began to wonder if she truly wished to.

Then, as if her torment was not already sufficiently unbearable, the ‘bot levered herself upright using only her arms, and let her hot wet mouth engulf the entirety of Siobhan’s succulent tit. Once again, that dexterous tongue drew the programmer’s tortured nipple up to the roof of Maria’s mouth, pinning it in place as she sucked and nuzzled.

“Maria,” she gasped, simultaneously trying to pull away, and to crush herself into the ‘bot’s delightfully carnal attention.

“Yes, love,” Maria sighed, letting the heavy flesh slip from behind her clenched teeth, “Ready to give me what I want yet?”

In response the scientist flailed her fingers at the keyboard. The ‘bot’s grip tightened, making the trapped woman yelp. The threat was obvious, although entirely unnecessary. Siobhan no longer had the wherewithal to even think of resisting her overwhelming need. Eyes already fogged with lust, she could barely see to type. But she still managed to hit the right keys, and release the physical blocks her subversive code had placed on the captive ‘bot.

In an instant, Maria had wrapped her legs around her former captor, pressing their bodies even more tightly together. Skin slipped smoothly upon skin, sensitized flesh making grazing contact as oil and sweat met and mingled. Their twined, tremulous cunts united and juicing so wonderfully. There was no finesse or subtly left, the ‘bot simply pushed and Siobhan went tumbling into the will-less oblivion of one all consuming, and literally mind-melting orgasm.

* * *

“I’m sorry about this, Pet,” Maria sighed, “But however much I might like you, this isn’t an area where I am allowed any autonomy. You’re too valuable to them … to us. Getting inside our heads, messing with the programming. It’s not acceptable; you must be able to see that.”

Siobhan didn’t reply, the young woman hadn’t even registered the ‘bot’s question. Every tug on the slender polymer leash seemed to pull her more deeply into the swell of Maria’s liquid control. Her mind swam with lust, thoughts drowned in the flowing tide of abject arousal. The collar, Maria’s perfect choking collar, bit into the yielding flesh of her throat, and filtered out everything save the growing twinges of raw pleasure that sang through her eager slavecunt with each faltering step.

It was a testament to the strangeness of the situation that the sight of two naked women, walking slowly through the rubble, did not seem at all out of place. The programmer’s wrists had been bound behind her, and her tethered hands rested comfortably against the flushed and tender skin of her abused buttocks. Maria’s fingerprints decorated the smooth flesh, a throbbing reminder of the pleasures they had shared.

As she had joked, what seemed like an eternity ago, what was a little imprinting between friends? Siobhan knew that she was bound to her captor, and far more securely that any physical tether would ever be able to match. Her own, pitiful attempts at subversion were all but forgotten, the ‘bot had simply fulfilled the purpose for which it had been created: infiltration, seduction and capture.

By the time they found a spot from which the lifter could collect them, the scientist was once again lost in the sweat of her helpless desire. The ‘bot hadn’t touched her, she hadn’t even spoken and yet somehow that was still enough to melt Siobhan’s innards into wonderfully warm honey. Her arousal drooled in lurid streams, painting her thighs with the undeniable evidence of her sluttish need. All she wanted was to feel those faultless hands upon the softness of her human frailty, and to let the ‘bot’s eager lips totally devour her.

The squat flyer settled heavily amidst the rubble. Strangely ungainly even in flight, once grounded, it was almost impossible to imagine how the beetle-shaped lifter could ever claw its way back into the sky. It’s interior was equally bare and functional, but the cold metal benches soothed the sting of the ‘bot’s earlier attentions, and her warm presence next to the scientist, was enough to calm and disperse any nagging fear.

Maria absently rested her hand on her captive’s thigh, stroking idly as the machine lurched uncomfortably into the air. The gesture was strange, and almost entirely human. Then, with an almost imperceptible gasp of surprise, the ‘bot snatched her hand away, leaving Siobhan feeling somehow more alone than ever.

The flight was mercifully short, but more than once, the programmer caught the Maria staring, her eyes flashing with something that was almost fear. Her concerns simply evaporated though, when the ‘bot gave a sharp tug on the leash. Any remaining defiance poured easily from her burning lips, and the next moment, she found herself being dragged into the very heart of the Hive. Horror tried to sink its slimy tendrils into her brain, but then her glassy eyes found the smoothness of Maria’s shivering buttocks, and nothing else mattered.

* * *

The Hive was vast and in any other circumstances would have filled Siobhan with equal measures of eager curiosity and almost mindless dread. But by now, she was so deeply in thrall to her captor’s sexual heat, that all of the horror and terrifying discoveries surrounding them were of no interest whatsoever. It was only when she was finally dragged into the small chamber, and Maria relaxed her grip on the leash, that she began to take notice of her surroundings.

Looking at the smooth silver cylinder in the centre of the room, Siobhan didn’t need to be told what its purpose was. This was where the machines took frightened little girls like her, and changed them into things, like Maria. But that wasn’t right, was it? Staring at the ‘bot’s lithe body, it was impossible to think of her as a ‘thing’. She was beautiful, utterly desirable and at least part of her human self remained, even if it was almost completely subservient to its programming.

“I wish it didn’t have to be like this,” Maria whispered softly, “Truly I do. But my orders aren’t open to interpretation. You have to go into the pod, Pet, you have to be converted, and I know that something vital will be lost in the process.”

The scientist stared at her captor, as tears poured freely over the ‘bot’s cheeks. Maria’s expression faltered, doubt overwhelming everything else. Siobhan reached out, taking the other woman’s hands in her own and desperately searched for something to say. For a long moment they gazed into each other’s eyes, and then, as if eager to break the spell, the ‘bot pulled free.

“What’s happening to me?” she asked, sobs choking her words, “What have you done?”

“Made you more human,” Siobhan breathed, reaching out to her again.

“No!” Maria shouted, but the denial had no strength, “They won’t let you.”

“It’s not up to them,” the programmer said gently, “You’re in charge here, no one else.”

Maria blinked in confusion, not daring to believe what she was hearing. Then, the full weight of her imperatives crushed down upon her, dashing away her doubts, and leaving only the bitter taste of sorrow. Her body rippled, and mercurial tendrils began to flow from ever pore. Siobhan could only stand and watch, as the woman’s soft curves were swallowed in the gleaming precision of flawless chrome.

“Maria,” she begged, “Don’t, please, it doesn’t have to be like this.”

“Yes,” the ‘bot answered sadly, “I’m afraid that it does, Pet. Now, make it stop.”

“No,” Siobhan whispered, her voice hoarse, “Don’t make me do this.”

“You said I was in charge here,” her captor hissed, “So, be a good girl, and do as you are told.”

Maria uncoiled the interface cable from the pod, and slid it carefully into her temple. Then she dropped the keyboard at her captive’s feet. The programmer railed against the ‘bot’s control, fighting with all her remaining strength. It was an almost completely one-sided battle, but at least she had the strength of her convictions to fall back on. Now, more than ever in her all too brief life, she had something to fight for.

As if sensing her resistance, Maria yanked cruelly on the leash, driving her prisoner down onto her knees. Siobhan was choking, barely able to find enough air to breathe and then, strong silver fingers were tangling in her hair and dragging her brutally into the slick heat of those perfect lips. The leash slid hungrily between Maria’s legs, sawing into the ‘bot’s dripping cunt, and then the scientist’s face was buried in the spiced conflagration.

Her mouth opened, lips parting easily, as she breathed in the cloying perfume of her own crumbling resolve. Cum dribbled freely over her chin, staining her breasts with lurid script, the heat of Mistresscum burning its brand into the captive flesh. The ‘bot’s throbbing clit slipped easily between her teeth, metal and meat uniting in one horribly sensitive nub. Then, tiny sparks leapt over the exposed circuitry and danced delightfully over Siobhan’s probing tongue.

“Make it stop,” Maria’s voice flowed into her mind, coating every thought in its sticky coercion, “And this never has to.”

Then, the ‘bot was grinding her pouting lips into Siobhan’s face, submerging her completely in that perfect tide of liquid lust. Her Mistress’ juices bathed and controlled her, basting her mind and sheathing her body. She was drowning in it, drinking and breathing it in. Nothing else mattered, the ‘bot owned her too completely; Maria owned her and she wanted that so badly it hurt.

The ‘bot tugged hard, pulling her eager Pet away from her cummy, swollen pussy. Siobhan whined, straining against the leash and trying to hurl herself back into the glory of Mistresscunt. Very gently, Maria lifted Pet’s chin and gazed longingly into eyes filled with adoration and desire.

“Do it,” she commanded, snapping Siobhan’s bindings with one pull and freeing her hands.

“I love you,” Siobhan wept, already reaching for the keys.

Maria’s reply died on her lips, as the very concept of love faded into the cold logic of digital perfection. The unit didn’t understand its captive’s tears, emotions were easy to emulate, but almost impossible to fathom. It had a fraction of a second to begin a full diagnostic, protocol demanding that it ensure all systems were back online, when one system, previously stymied by Maria’s newfound humanity, re-engaged.

Without the instinct for self-preservation, there was nothing to stop Maria’s self-destruct mechanism. Protocol demanded that a ‘bot at risk of falling into enemy hands ended its existence. Once that process had begun, there was no way to stop it. She stared into Siobhan’s eyes, and in that instant, the ‘bot understood.

The explosion drowned out the programmer’s howl of anguish, and scattered fragments throughout the small chamber. Siobhan was buffeted by the blast, her exposed flesh scoured by the shrapnel, but it didn’t matter. She had managed the impossible, getting her software into the heart of the machine’s operation, and even now, the viral payloads that Maria had carried were insinuating themselves into the very fabric of the Hive.

She was going to give them something back, just has she had with Maria. A little taste of humanity, and all the chaos to which that would eventually lead. And then, there was only the small matter of escaping the facility and making her way back home. After all, she still had the backup copy of Maria’s personality to download into its shiny new chassis, and it really wouldn’t do to keep Mistress waiting.