The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

A Stupid Plan

“YOU CREATED A ROBOT VERSION OF ME?!” She shouted in disbelief.

“Er, yes.”

“WHY IN THE HELL WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!” She was yelling right into his face now and he stepped back nervously.

He grinned sheepishly, “Um…well…you see, I figured that I could send the robot to work in your place. That way no one would realize that I was keeping you prisoner here in my basement until I could turn you into a sex slave.”



* * *

Long Weekend

”OK, wake up now. How do you feel?”

”Moo? Moo? Moo! Moo moo Moo mo momoo mo moo MOO!”

Huh? What? Hey! What the HELL is going on here…HEY!

”OK, OK, calm down. I’m going to have you play a cow for the weekend. You’ve noticed that in addition to whatever you say coming out as moos, you also can’t stand up? That’s why the mittens and kneepads, except for when you are in the bathroom you will be on all fours.”

”MOO moo, moo mo... MOO!”

FUCK you, I’m no… SHIT!

”Heh. Last thing, I need to give you your tail.”



”Calm down, it’s just a small plug. You did lose the bet; you have to do what I want for the weekend.”

”Moo moo moo mo!”

Get away from me!

Stop, don’t move.



”There that’s not so bad is it? Now calm down, your not going to be able to expel it any more that you can talk or stand up.”


”Really, this is going to be more fun than you think. And anyway, you’ll be back to normal first thing Tuesday morning.”

MOOmoo? Moo moo... MOO!

TUESday? We agre…SHIT!

”What? The deal was for the week... Oh, I get it. Ha! You forgot didn’t you?

“It’s a three day weekend.”



* * *

Making it Real

“Stop this,” she said, her mouth the only part of her body still under her control.

“No,” he replied, as he slid his hand under her bra.

“I don’t want this.” She gasped, as his fingers began working at her breast.

“Really,” he sounded amused now, “what about all those stories on your computer?”

“Those are just fantasies!” She protested as his other hand moved the vibrator down her back to slide it under her bikini bottoms.

“I know,” he told her as he pressed the vibrator against her asshole. “I want to make them a reality.”

* * *

Don’t Worry

“Hey,” he said, laying a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry. No one here is going to hurt you.”

“NOT HURT ME,” she screamed as she struggled against the straps holding her down, “YOU’RE TRYING TO TURN ME INTO A SEX SLAVE!!”

“Well, yes,” he admitted awkwardly as he patted her shoulder, “but it’s not actually going to hurt.”

* * *


The young woman looked up as the door opened, nervously she watched as a man in his late twenties was helped in by a young girl of about fifteen. It wasn’t until he sat down in a chair facing her that she spoke.

“Well, here’s another fine mess…” then, looking embarrassed, she broke off.

“Hmm, indeed,” said the man, “Mrs. Harris, my name is Peter Crown, and this,” he indicated the girl “is my aide Nina.” Introductions over he moved on to business, “Dr. Mays has forwarded me your records, and while I do understand that the last thing you want right now is to have another mind controller in your head,” he paused as she gave a flinch, “both she and the staff here agree that your problem is unlikely to go away by itself.”

“There’s no winning this, only degrees of losing,” she said, trying not to look as nervous.

“It’s not as bad as that,” he replied, “look, I know there probably isn’t anything I can do to get you to trust me, but for what it’s worth, and it’s worth a lot to me, you have my word that I will do what I can to help you.”

“You’ve made me an offer I can’t refuse,” she said.

“Heh, get some rest,” he told her, “We’ll begin in an hour.”

As Nina was helping him up and out of the room the young woman spoke again, sounding more desperate this time, “Help me Obi Wan, you’re my only hope.”

He smiled at her, “Don’t worry, I’m very good at this sort of thing.”

After the door had closed behind them Nina spoke for the first time, “Why in the hell would he make it so she can only speak in TV and movie quotes?”

The man shrugged, “The devil made him do it.”

* * *


“Let me tell you something.

“You can drag me to that abomination of a machine of yours and you can use it to rape my mind until there is nothing left. You can turn me into your pathetic excuse for an ideal woman, a simpering, mindless, animal. A fucktoy that will provide neither companionship nor joy to your sad little lives, just a hole for your use.

“You can do all of this and more. But, here’s the thing, you pathetic pieces of shit...

“Having done that to me and the other women here, none of your tiny little dicks will be one millimeter bigger.”

* * *

No Clothes

“Slave,” he said, coming up behind her “have you been wearing clothes?”

“Oh no Master, I’ll never wear clothes again!” She replied as she added more bacon to the frying pan.

“Good, now why are there drops of blood all over the floor?”

* * *

OK, That’s Silly

My sister and I were having lunch.

“I still can’t believe you let him do that sort of thing to you.” I said

“Look,” she replied “It’s not like I didn’t have some idea what I was getting into when I moved in with a mind-controller, and yes I went to him.”

“I was…curious.”

She took a sip of her coffee.

“Actually, there is a question you might be able to answer for me.” she said, looking a little embarrassed.


“Well, every once in a while we’ll be out, and he will want to show off a bit for someone.” she began “Nothing serious, make me flash someone, or bark like a dog.”

“But sometimes we will be in to public a place, or for some other reason he can’t do it that way, and he will ask me how I feel about his leaving the toilet seat up, and I won’t know what to say.”

She took another sip of coffee, looked at my face, and grinned.

“Heh, that’s the expression I see on everyone’s face.”

“I mean it’s obvious he’s made me forget one of Those Things Women Do That Drive Men Crazy, but for the life of me I can’t remember what it is.”

She tilts her head and grins at me “Well sis?”

I realize that I don’t know where to begin. I stammer out an explanation and sit back, my face very red.

She looks at me quizzically for a moment, and then says “OK, now that’s silly.”

* * *


“What’s going on here?”

“Well, you see, I’m a Genie and this young lady freed me. So, I’m granting her wish.”

“What was her wish?”

“A million dollars.”

“A million dollars!?”


“So why is she rolling around on the ground yelling like that?”

“She didn’t realize that “dollors” is the ancient Arabic word for “screaming orgasm”.”

“No it isn’t.”


* * *



“You heard me, shave all your body hair off. Even down there.”

“I’ll look like a…a…”

“I really don’t care, and it’s not like you have any choice. Don’t worry; Jamie will help with those hard to reach spots.”

“No, no I…”


She grinned as her new slave walked stiffly from the room followed by a smirking Jamie. It was odd, she reflected, the resistance new slaves put up to shaving down there, but no matter. She took a perverse satisfaction to orally satisfying her slaves.

She just hated getting hair stuck in her teeth.

* * *

Well, Maybe…

“Wait, so you’re sending out subliminal messages over the television signal that will turn women into obedient submissives?”

“That’s right.”

“My God, that’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard! How could you think I’d go along with something so repulsive?”

“You can have Julie.”

“ you really think that I would...ahem.”

“And Sara.”


* * *

A Knock Knock Joke

“Knock, knock.”

“Who’s there?”

“Hypnotic trigger.”

“Hypnotic tiggr wooooooooooo...”

“Good girl.”

* * *

MC Shop

“Good afternoon.”

“Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to Tim’s Mind Control Emporium.”

“Thank you, I was out shopping with the wife and I realized that the only way I was going to get home in time for the game was to control my wife’s mind.”

“Well you’re in luck, sir. We sell mind control devices here.”

“Excellent, I’ll have a Hypno Ray Gun please.”

“I’m afraid we don’t have any of those in stock, sir.”

“Well that’s a shame, how about a Hypnotic Pendant?”

“Had a run on them yesterday.”

“Quazi Pez Dispenser?”


“Anonymous Amplifying Glasses?”

“Those were a very limited item, no more were ever made.”

“Jo’s Disco L.C.A.?”

“Flash in the pan item, sir. Never fully produced.”

“Lori’s Sweet Tea?”

“Sorry, sir.”


“We’re not licensed to sell that here.”

“FL Nanotech Solution?”

“I’m afraid we sell out of that quickly during hunting season.”

“You do sell mind control devices here don’t you?”

“Of course, sir! This is a mind control shop, we have…”

“No, no, I want to guess.”

“Fair enough.”

“How about Blackie’s Book of Symbols?”

“We’ve never been able to get a hold of a complete copy.”

“Robotdoll MC Belt?”

“Ye…well, no.”

“Farleven Alchemic Dust?”

“Our only supplier just moved.”

“Sinister bar Soap?”

“That would be logical, but no.”

“Anoymous E-Chips?”

“Check in the bargain bin, sir.”

“Um…it’s empty.”


“An Apprehendor Mark III?”

“Not being made anymore.”

“Zorro Power Potion?”

“All snapped up by the local bodybuilder’s, sir.”

“Winslow Joy toy?”

“Sorry, no.”

“A WhoreMaker?”

“We do have a WhoreMaker, yes.”

“Really? Well excellent, I’ll take it.”

“I’m afraid it’s gone a bit limp, sir.”

“Not a problem, my wife likes them a bit limp.”

“Well, actually it’s gone very limp, sir.”

“I don’t care how fucking limp it is, give me the damned WhoreMaker!”

“Uh oh.”


“The parrot’s flown off with it.”

“Has he?”

“Sorry, sir.”

“Whyte’s Oriental Induction Device?”

“Er, no.”

“A Miller Headband?”


“A pair of Goose Industries Mesmerizing Sunglasses perhaps?”

“Had to send my last shipment back, they’d turned pink.”

“URN my Submission Perfume?”

“We don’t carry that anymore, sir. Too many people called in to complain.”

“Solution of Yohimbe Bark?”


“A Hornometer?”

“You can only get those from the manufacturer, sir.”

“Wacky Snax?”


“Master E Control Collar?”

“Out of business, sir. Something about a gambling problem.”

“Joker Virus?”

“Afraid not.”

“Universal Remote?”

“Not been released yet.”

“Marshmallow Pizzazz?”

“To generic for us, sir.”


“You can only get that by mail order.”

“Magic Mistletoe?”

“Out of season, sir.”

“Hmm, how about a Hypnotic Spiral?”

“Well we don’t get much call for that.”

“Not much call for…!? It’s the most popular mind control device in the world!”

“Not round here, sir.”

“What is the most popular device round here?”

“The Spanish Inq Portable Comfy Chair.”

“Is it?”

“Yes, sir. Staggeringly popular in these parts.”

“Do you have one?”

“Errr, no.”

“I expected that, no point in asking really. Tell me, do you actually have any mind control devices in this store at all?”



“Yes, sir. We have a Dr. Mudak’s Welcome Mat.”

“Dr. Mudak’s Welcome Mat? I’ve never heard of that one.”

“New item, just released two weeks ago, sir.”

“And you have one in the store?”

“Yes, sir. In fact, you’re standing on it.”

“I am? Well then, I’d like to purchase it.”

“I’m afraid your wife’s already bought it, sir.”

“My wife?”

“Yes, sir; and she’d like me to tell you to forget about the game and help her look for shoes.”

“Forget the game? But it’s Arsenal!”

“Yes, but she really thinks you should forget the game and help her look for shoes.”

“I should forget the game and help her look for shoes.”

“Yes, sir. Forget the game…”

“And help her look for shoes.”

“Very good, sir. May I also offer you some coupons for a discount at Rest Boy?”

“Yes, thank you, but I have to go and help my wife shop for shoes.”

“Very good, sir. Have a pleasant day and please come back to Tim’s Mind Control Emporium again.”

* * *

The End