The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

I Hate You

Chapter 31

“Get back here.” Jewel ordered Steve. “I’m not done with you.”

“I need to get ready for work Ma Belle Bijou.” Steve pleaded. He was heading for a shower.

“So be a little late.” Jewel grinned as she climbed naked out of the bed. “It’s not like they can fire the Boss’ Son.”

“True, but the company will be mine someday. How do I explain to the workers that I can come in late and they cannot?”

“Tell them that you have a hot woman at home who wants your body morning, noon and night!” Jewel kissed Steve and reached down to grab his manhood. “Please?”

“After not doing it for over a month, wasn’t the three times yesterday enough to tide you over until tonight?” Steve smiled. Jewel shook her head slowly “no” with a pout. Steve knew that whenever Jewel gave him the pouty face; he was putty on her hands. He tried to stand firm, but he also really missed this. “Maybe it was the long break—” Steve thought, “but Jewel seems more into sex than before.”

“Alright.” Steve agreed. Jewel eagerly led him back to the bed.

After Steve lay back down, Jewel slowly and teasingly used her mouth to make Steve’s manhood stand up like a puppy doing tricks for treats. Except in this case, both would be carnally rewarded. Jewel lowered herself into position onto Steve and began to lick and kiss Steve’s chest and neck as the merged couple began to satisfy each other. They became one entity; one heart, one soul; the way all true and pure loves become. When Steve finally released in Jewel, he knew she was satisfied and happy. They lay there until Steve’s phone went off.

“Hello? ... Yeah Frank, I’m still coming into work today. ... Well, tell my Dad it’s because I have a hot woman at home who wants me morning, noon and night. ... Yes, those exact words. Actually, tell him the hot water heater is broken and I’m drying the house out. ... I’ll be there in an hour.” Steve felt Jewel’s hand gently playing with his manhood. “Make it two.”

“I tried to call you Saturday evening and yesterday. Is everything okay?” Lydia questioned Lilith Ann when she came in. “Roger said that you sounded sad about something.”

“I was just a little blue, but I found someone to help me.” Lilith Ann answered as she hung her coat up.

“Should I be jealous that you have another friend?”

“I wouldn’t exactly call him a friend. I never even got his name.” Lilith Ann commented. “He just sat there letting me talk. Of course he didn’t believe most of what I told him.”

“Do you blame him? There are times I still don’t believe in magic and witches.”

“What changes your mind back?” Lilith Ann asked.

“You and my orgasm gift from Cassie.” Lydia grinned and then continued. “Tell you what, to make up for last weekend, this coming Saturday after we do our charity work, I’ll spend the rest of the day with you doing anything you want.”

“Anything?” Lilith Ann leered. A weird look crossed over Lydia’s face before Lilith Ann started laughing. “Don’t worry, I will never ask you to do that. Although our relationship started by me wanting you and Roger that way, I think at this point it would be too strange. Seriously though, what are the restrictions?”

“We have to be back by nine Sunday morning and it cost less than a hundred thousand.”

“Ooohh! I’ll let you know later in the week please.” Lilith Ann smiled. “Thank you.”

“How goes the Casino night preparations?”

“There appear a few areas of concern currently. I hope to have all of them resolved by Friday.”

“What areas? And what can I do to help?”

“You’re taking care of the media preparations correct?”


“Except for catering, I should be hearing back soon on the final two casinos for staffing and I’ll proceed from there.”

“What’s the issue with catering?”

“It might be nothing, but the head pastry chef’s Wife is coming up on her due date and he may not be available. From what I tasted yesterday, his assistants are okay but not up to the level we should have for the event. I don’t want you to look bad.”

“I’ll approach Marie, Jasmine and Cassie as a backup.” Lydia said.

“They are all pastry chefs?!” Lilith Ann spouted.

Lydia nodded. “Marie was before they became Sisters. When they became Sisters and witches, they gained abilities from each other. They’re all also pretty good artists because Jasmine is.”

“Wow.” Lilith Ann marveled. No known spell could do that. She wondered to herself, “What did Cassandra create and cast?”

“No other issues?” Lydia asked as she headed to Roger’s office.

“Not really.” Lilith Ann smiled. “Except for the sculptures I plan to have as decorations in and around the banquet hall. Only four of the six currently are ready. I’m sure there will be no problems getting the other two in time.”

“Hold your horses Lassie!” Paddy shouted to Roxanne with a smile. She was rapidly knocking on his door. She rushed in the minute he opened it and started to hug and kiss him.

“I’m back and I’m staying.” Roxanne grinned as she went back outside and brought a suitcase in. Paddy locked the door after her. It was still a half hour before the store officially opened for the day.

“I made a special present for you if you did return.”

“Whatcha make me?” Roxanne excitedly inquired.

“This.” Paddy smiled as he went to the counter and picked up a small box. “It’s for when you’re in the window so you won’t get bored.”

Roxanne opened the box and found a necklace inside. She put it on and kissed Paddy again. “Thank you, but how will this keep me from getting bored?”

Paddy went back to the counter and picked up a new bell that had a sign on it that read ‘Ring for Service’. Turning back to Roxanne, he rang it once and answered, with a twinkle in his eye, “Like this.”

Roxanne moaned loudly and had her legs collapsed from under her from the intense orgasm that rocked her body. It took her a few minutes before she could stand. “Again!” She requested with a smile when her afterglow dimmed.

“Sorry Lassie.” Paddy smiled. “You and I have to get the store ready for business. Take off the necklace.”

“Meany!” Roxanne complained and stuck her tongue out. She reluctantly put the necklace back in the box.

“Are you squared away with your Parents?” Paddy asked as he put her suitcase in the back.

“Yes, thank you.” Roxanne confirmed. “My Mom couldn’t get over how beautiful I looked. She almost didn’t recognize me. My Dad was all set to throw me back out until I produced the ring that you made for me and apologized for everything. Then they couldn’t stop hugging me.”

“What about David?” Paddy questioned as he put the box containing the necklace on a shelf.

“We went out to dinner, as a family, with him on Sunday.” Roxanne started and then realized something. “Hey!? How do you know about my Brother? I never mentioned him.”

“When I had you entranced to describe the ring, I also had you tell me how you got hooked on drugs. You mentioned the car accident with your Brother.”

Roxanne, on her sixteenth birthday, got her driver’s license. She was excited and took her younger Brother David out for an Italian ice to celebrate. During the ride back, another driver ran a red light and hit her car. Roxanne’s back got injured along with David’s leg. It took months of rehab for David to be able to walk again. Although it wasn’t her fault, the combination of guilt about her Brother’s injury and her own pain caused Roxanne to begin to abuse her prescription. When the Doctor refused to renew it, she turned to other drugs to comfort her. Soon her habit escalated to the point where she couldn’t afford it alone and she pawned her Mother’s ring for a quick fix.

When her Parents found out, they were furious. Her Mother gave her the money to get the ring back. Instead, Roxanne brought more drugs and disappeared for two days. Her Father threw her out of the house and told her never to come back until she could produce the ring. That was over eight years ago.

“What else did you make me tell you?” Roxanne demanded. She was not really mad at Paddy, but she still felt a little strange that he knew so much about her when she knew nothing really about him. She only knew that he was a witch, over a hundred years old, cared about her deeply and knew how to completely satisfy her sexually.

“Nothing Darling.” Paddy exclaimed, somewhat surprised by her outburst.

“Okay.” Roxanne grumbled. Paddy could see that she was still sore at him and decided to make it up to her.

“One more time today Lassie; then it’s work.” Paddy said as he brought the box back down.

Roxanne eagerly grabbed the necklace and slipped it on. Before Paddy could ring the bell, Roxanne held up her hand and pleaded. “Wait! Turn me into a mannequin first. I want to feel the difference.”

“Alright.” Paddy smiled as he began the spell. Roxanne quickly changed her pose before she turned rock solid. He rang the bell. Roxanne didn’t collapse due to her stiff body, but she did appear to wobble slightly for a few seconds. Paddy waited a few minutes more before releasing Roxanne. Roxanne’s smile was bigger than the first time.

“Forgiven?” Paddy asked.

“Forgiven.” Roxanne agreed.

“I want everything you can find out about this Boyd bitch, yesterday!” Miriam Kane shrieked. She had stormed into her lawyer’s office and interrupted his meeting with Madge Thompson.

“Who?” was the chorus from Madge and the lawyer.

“Abigail Boyd! My soon to be ex Husband’s midlife crisis!”

“I’ll put my operatives right on it.” Madge piped up. “Did the affair start before or after you filed for divorce?”

“I don’t know. Who the hell are you and why does it matter?” Miriam demanded.

“Madge Thompson of the Thompson detective agency. I just need to see if I have to find or fabricate—”

“Stop right there!” The lawyer warned Madge. “You are not a client or party to the divorce lawsuit. Any conversation now is not privileged.”

“What does that mean?” Miriam questioned.

“It means, if we continue to talk about possibly doing what I’m about to suggest, he has to leave the room or he can be compelled to tell what he knows. With a non-involved third party present, there is no client attorney protection attached.”

“Get out of here then!” Miriam ordered. “Just charge me double for the hour!” She shouted as the lawyer closed the door behind him.

“He’s too honest to be a proper divorce attorney.” Madge chuckled. “Don’t get me wrong, he will get his hands dirty to get his clients every dollar they deserve. He won’t, however, knowingly break the law doing so.”

“And you have no problem?”

“The truth, in a divorce, is a three edged sword. There is his side, her side and the actual truth. I’m on the side that pays me the most; real or otherwise.”

Miriam smiled. “Have you found any dirt on my Husband?”

“Not directly. That’s why I was here, to give a status report.” Madge cagily answered.

“On whom then?” Miriam snapped.

“We still need to check a few things out. How much do you know about your Sister-in-law Vera?”

“Just that she comes from North Carolina and old money. Her family has been in America since the seventeen hundreds.”

“Didn’t you ever wonder where her money came from?” Madge smiled and cackled.

“What’s this about you being in a fight Saturday?” Rachel inquired as Liam and Tommy sat down at their lunch table. Francesca and Amy were also looking at him. “It’s all over school.”

“I heard that Ben stopped you from getting punched.” Amy chimed in. “And who were the two ninja women that helped?”

“Your new Sisters are ninjas?” Tommy asked.

“What new Sisters?!” Rachel demanded.

“Please, one at a time.” Liam pleaded. He then spent half of the lunch period answering all of their questions; omitting anything to do with magic, Rachel and Francesca’s beating or the deep down reason why Mandy snapped.

“I would have loved to have seen Mandy get knocked out.” Amy said wistfully. “Last school year, she attacked me because I took the last chocolate pudding cup.”

“What are you going to do them?” Rachel asked.

“Lydia said she would take care of them.” Liam answered. “Did you want to have Tiffany admit that what she spread about you was all lies and get you your old friends back?”

“Don’t bother. If they really were my friends, they would have not believed the lies. Besides, I’m happier with my true friends.” Rachel smiled at Francesca and Amy who smiled back.

“I still can’t believe one of your new Sisters is millionaire Lydia Winthrop.” Tommy marveled.

“Lydia is not his Sister.” Francesca said in between bites.

Rachel turned to Francesca. “How do you know?”

“I have met all of his Sisters.” Francesca answered and Liam panicked. He knew Francesca couldn’t tell them that he and his Sisters were witches due to her oath to Miss Boyd. He was concerned about them possibly connecting the dots later before he was ready to tell Tommy or Rachel what he was now.

“When?” Amy, Tommy and Rachel asked in unison.

“The Friday before Columbus Day. I met them when Liam and I dropped off the things Marie asked for.”

“That’s right. We met Cassie at Great America and she told us that’s when you met her.” Rachel answered and Liam relaxed. “So who is your other Sister?”

“Jasmine Kane. And before you ask Tommy, yes our—err, her Father is that Mr. Kane. Neither Cassie nor Jasmine have a Brother, so they adopted me. Lydia is a close friend of theirs. Now can I please eat?” Liam looked at group with hungry puppy dog eyes. The others nodded. As Liam ate, he looked over at Melissa’s table. Instead turning away, like she did last week, Melissa met his gaze and smiled.

“Well?” Jasmine questioned Emily when the doors opened. The training video sales pitch meeting was letting out.

“We got it. Your storyboards put us over.” Emily smiled as they walked to her office. Jasmine noticed that Emily was more relaxed than she was on Friday. Also, although still at an acceptable length for work, Emily’s skirt was showing off more leg than the previous times Jasmine had met her.

“Great.” Jasmine smiled back. “When do I get my next assignment?”

“Not for two weeks.”

“That long of a wait?” Jasmine asked, dejected.

“Don’t worry. Once word gets out about our new services for commercials and training videos, you’ll have more work than you can shake a stick at.” Emily encouraged as she closed her office door.

“Okay. Everything work out for you this weekend?” Jasmine inquired.

“Yes. Cindy and I have worked things out.” Emily smiled as she replayed Friday night’s magically nudged lovefest again in her mind. “We’ve decided to wait a year and then decide.”

“I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks.” Emily smiled again and then asked. “What bakery did you get those bonbons from that you gave me? We loved them. Cindy asked me to pick up some more.”

“Those were made by a family friend. I’ll bring some more in when I come in for my next work assignment.” Jasmine said as she left Emily’s office and headed home.

“Tiffany, can we talk?” Liam questioned her after school. She was walking to cheerleader practice and almost jumped out of her skin when she heard him from behind her.

“What do you need?” Tiffany asked, a little nervous. She didn’t know how to act around Liam. After all, she did try to have three guys kick the crap out of him. Plus she was scared of his Sister Cassie. Mandy told her about Cassie washing her mouth out with soap.

“Relax. I’m satisfied that it’s over.” Liam informed her in soothing tones.

“I’m sorry for everything.” Tiffany said sincerely.

“I accept your apology.” Liam smiled and Tiffany relaxed. “Lydia asked me to ask you to forward a copy of the text Rhino sent out to me so I can show it to her. She wants me to see if any of the other girls need help coping.”

“Sure, what’s your number?” Tiffany answered. She pulled out her phone and began sending it to him.

“How did your session go with Dr. Parker?” Liam asked in hush tones.

“Good. I’m seeing her again tomorrow.”

“And Mandy?”

“Not so good. She hardly said anything during the session.”

“Give her a chance. If you or Mandy need more time, Dr. Parker is willing to continue after the week is up.”


“Okay, got it.” Liam confirmed. “Thanks again and I hope it works out for the both of you.”

“So do I.” Tiffany answered to Liam’s back as he walked away. She hoped that Mandy would open up to someone else about her abuse. Mandy had sworn Tiffany to silence about it years ago. But after seeing how viciously Mandy went after Lydia at the pizzeria and soup kitchen, she decided that if Mandy wouldn’t open up, she would for her. Even if it meant losing her as a friend.

“Go away Barry!” Cassie yelled down the staircase. She had heard the front door open from her bedroom. There were five people who had keys to where Cassie lived, but only one of them could walk thru her wards like they were tissue paper. She had put them up after one of her neighbors made the mistake of coming by earlier with her Son to sell band candy. She had seen Cassie in the window and wouldn’t leave or stop ringing the doorbell until Cassie opened the door. The woman would still be braying like a donkey for another hour. Cassie then decided to hide out upstairs.

“No can do Half pint!” Barry shouted back up the stairs. He felt the house vibrate. Cassie hated that nickname. It was given to her by her Uncle from her Mother’s side of the family. When Barry’s Mom was ruled out as a bone marrow donor match for her Brother, Cassie’s Dad, the family asked everyone to come in and be tested. When Cassie demanded to also be tested, even though Offsprings are not good candidates, her Uncle sarcastically said, “Why? The only thing you’ll get out of her is half a pint of pizza sauce.” He and the rest of her relatives on her Mother’s side started calling her Half pint from that point on. It was a painful reminder of the darkest time in Cassie’s life; watching her Dad die before her eyes and unable to do anything to stop it. Normally Cassie could hold her magic in check, even when she was mad. However, during a severe mood swing anything could happen.

“I know what you’re trying to do, but just because I can’t cast spells on you doesn’t mean I can’t give you another black eye or broken nose with my fists!” Cassie threatened. When Cassie was almost sixteen, she broke his nose during one of her first violent mood swings. That incident led her Mother to sign Cassie up for the clinical drug test that caused her magical abilities to kick in two years earlier than they should have. She also gave him the black eye last year.

“And what is it I’m trying to do Half pint?!” Barry inquired. The house shook more.

“You’re trying to get me to focus all my rage on you so you can burn it out. Not this time! There is too much, even for you. Leave me alone!”

“Come down stairs and make me Half pint!” Barry taunted.

Cassie had enough. She started to go charge down the stairs and then stopped dead in her tracks when she looked down. Barry was wearing nothing but a pair of Spiderman silk underwear, oversized pasties with tassels and a hockey goalie mask.

“I’m waiting!” Barry laughed. He started to move to cause the pasties’ tassels to spin clockwise. Soon Cassie was on the ground laughing.

“Thanks and I’m not even going to ask why you even own a pair of pasties.” Cassie said after a few minutes. Her anger was gone. She came down the stairs. “Why the goalie mask?”

“To avoid any blows to the face. I’m also wearing a cup.”

“Why didn’t you let me ride it out? They never last more than five days.” Cassie asked after she hugged Barry.

“Abigail’s orders.” Barry answered. “She wants your help in instructing your family and Francesca in controlling magic.”


“By teaching them yoga. She wants to start tomorrow. When you refused to talk to her earlier today, she sent me.”

“And did she also order you to wear this?” Cassie laughed.

“No. I needed to catch you off guard. Now can I get dressed?” Barry requested. “You have the heat turned off and it’s causing my nipples to be hard enough to cut glass.”

“In a minute.” Cassie grinned as she pulled out her cell phone.

“Before you snap it; remember what happened last time you took an incriminating photo of me?” Barry warned. “You have a lot of places that I can have you put another embarrassing tattoo.”

“Soo worth it!” Cassie laughed as she snapped the picture.

To Be Continued.