The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Chapter 8 — Concurrent Conformity

Operative contact lost. Assume failure. Sanitize records and prepare next subject.

—D. Ishikawa, Biological Development Lab
* * *

The sun was starting to rise, wide shadows shortening over the poolside. Two reclining chairs from the bar had been retrieved and set up on the concrete. A faint stench wafted over from the oily pool. The water swirled, the pool filter doing its best to clean it of organic remains.

Nora and Sophie had been lain in chairs, their bodies stripped of their weapons and clothing. Both of them were unmoving, but for different reasons. Nora was comatose and her back was glued to the chair with sticky slime, evidence of her last stand. Sophie looked untouched, but her face was blank. She breathed and blinked regularly, but a glance into her eyes would have revealed that no one was home.

Two of the converted brood drones stood next to the chairs, watching over their captured victims. Their nude bodies were slick with alien sun screen. They watched their charges with inscrutable eyes. There was a third host off to the side, further away, but her head was still capped with a slick, black crawler. She had obscenely large breasts which she stroked with her hands.

Nora’s steady unconscious breathing turned fitful, and she shook herself awake with a start. Her first thought was to curse. They were screwed. Her eyes darted around, taking in their guards and any other alien activity. There was a shadow on the ground next to her. Probably one of the alien soldiers behind her.

None of the small crawlers were evident, but there were a few soldiers farther out as a perimeter guard. If she tried to make a break for it, they would catch her easily. And they might not be as interested in recapturing someone as escape-prone as her. Better to wait for a bit, take stock of the situation and see if an opportunity arose.

“Ah, you’re awake! How delightful!”

It was a familiar voice. Too familiar. Her eyes flickered to look more closely at her captors. It took a moment to see past their exteriors, but when the realization had settled in she wasn’t exactly surprised. There was Kate, looking more or less normal above the neckline—the farther down she glanced the more alien her body looked.

The other guard was more difficult to recognize, with her black eyes and gleaming body, but she finally pegged her. It was the woman they had found in the cupboard back in the bungalow on the first day. She must have found the rest of her family and—joined them. She still didn’t know her name.

The Drone noticed Nora’s attention, and gave her a little wave and a salacious grin. “Welcome to the Brood. I’m Janice.”

What a pair they made—Their bodies had been altered in different ways. The woman they had found in the cupboard had originally started out thin and waif-like in appearance. That was no longer the case. Her body had filled out, her arms and legs muscular. Black veins swirled up her ribs and boobs, her pert breasts defying gravity. Her jet black eyes stared at Nora unnervingly.

Above the neck, Kate looked practically normal. Below the neck it was a different story. Her voluptuous body could give Janice a run for her money, as it had started out with more to work with. Matching black veins swirled over her body as well.

The third slave said nothing, standing like a statue to the side. Her body was similar to the other two slaves, except her belly had swelled out as if she was in late term pregnancy. Her nipples were dripping, and the crawler’s tail was wrapped around her neck.

Nora licked her gummy lips and swallowed. All of her spit had dried up in her mouth. She struggled to speak. If she could keep the alien talking maybe she could come up with a plan. “How long have you been an alien, Kate? How many lies have you told?”

Kate smiled. Her unaltered face looked jarringly out of place on her alien body. “I didn’t lie to you. The truth with omissions is always better than the best lie. The power plant did get attacked. My coworkers did get killed. I did hide in the locker—but not before I had been taken and—adjusted.”

She shifted her body, emphasizing her enlarged breasts. “I was a pathetic power plant intern before the brood took me. I was weak, without purpose. I had body image issues. Look at me now!” Her breasts were discolored black and appeared to be lactating. Her eyes were bright. “Is this not an improvement?”

Nora didn’t think so, but decided not to interrupt her rapturous monologue.

Kate’s eyes lit up with fanaticism. “Perhaps the Brood will decide to convert me further and bless me with new eyes.”

The shiny black orbs of the other drone stared at Kate knowingly.

That sounded appalling, but arguing with the infested woman seemed unproductive.

“How exactly were you—changed?” asked Nora. She wasn’t all that curious, but she wanted to keep them talking. The longer they sat there conversing, the more control she regained over her body.

Drone Kate stared at nothing as she remembered, her face suffused with pleasure. “I was working on the floor when Brood attacked. I was sprayed as I tried to escape. When I awoke, I was in some kind of medical facility. They inserted an egg into me, then sprayed me again so I fell asleep.”

She stroked herself as she remembered, a dark liquid leaking from swollen breasts down across her belly. “Mmm—and then it grew up through my spine into my brain over the next few hours. The seed sprouted within me and I became Brood.”

She came back from her reverie and looked at Nora. “I was planted back in the control booth for someone to find. We knew that any determined survivors would try to restore power eventually and we wished to see what they knew.”

Nora lifted an eyebrow. “What if nobody came? You could have starved to death in that locker.”

Kate Drone laughed. “Death holds no fear for me. As long as I obey and serve the Brood that is sufficient.” She tapped one finger against her skull. “Besides, Brood would hear and rescue me if I was in distress. The soldiers came when I asked for support.”

Realization flooded Nora’s brain. The attacks at the power plant, in the warehouse, and at the pump room hadn’t been random. They had been coordinated by Kate to take out a real threat to the hive. It should have occurred to her earlier, but recent revelations of Kate and—whatever Sophie was had muddled her thoughts.

“Ah, I see you understand. Yes, that was me. It is sad that I was not able to stop your plan, but Brood will overcome. You will become Brood, too, and then you will understand, and aid us.”

Nora prepared to ask another question, but Sophie stirred beside her.

“SOFT REBOOT. Process exceeded internal timeout. Reset voluntary actions. Boot up personality matrix. Handoff to voluntary control.” Her voice was a soft monotone.

A few moments passed, then her eyes regained focus.

“Sophie?” asked Nora in a rising tone. “What are you?”

Sophie smiled, her lips wet. Her eyes remained hard. “What are you talking about, Nora? I’m your friend, Sophie!”

“Bullshit,” replied Nora. “I just watched you reboot right in front of me. These—Brood can confirm it. You can drop the act—we all know you aren’t Sophie.”

Sophie’s face drained of personality again, as if the stopper had been pulled out of a bathtub. Her voice was cold. “Mission failure. Persona discovered. New directive loaded: report back to base immediately.”

Kate Drone snapped a finger and a soldier bug standing behind Sophie and Nora spurted alien gunk over her body. Sophie twitched for a moment, then went silent.

Kate stalked closer and looked down at Sophie’s drenched body. “Now we can’t have that. We don’t know who she’s reporting to, and I’d prefer to keep this all in the family.”

She looked at Nora, who hadn’t bothered to move, knowing the odds against her. “Do you know who is controlling her?”

Nora shook her head. “No, I don’t. Not that I would tell you if I did.”

Kate Drone fluttered a hand. “Expected. Inconsequential. Your thoughts will be open to us after you are Brood.”

The casual statement was frightening due to the certainty in her voice. Was there truly no hope of escape?

Nora frowned. “Where is Alys?”

Janice Drone wrapped her arms around Kate Drone from behind and stroked her breasts. Kate Drone licked her lips. “This part always makes me warm inside.”

Kate turned her head and kissed Janice Drone, their lips locked together. The lascivious spectacle distracted Nora for a moment as the third drone crept up in front of her. This might have been a good moment to run if she had been convinced the soldiers weren’t watching, but after seeing what they did to Sophie it seemed better to stay put.

“Who are you?” she asked the helmeted female, a terrible suspicion growing within her.

In response, the drone reached her hands up and pressed them against the underside of the alien creature that was wearing her. There was some resistance and a sucking noise. Then the emaciated creature peeled from her head, its empty jelly sacs drooping.

The drone tilted her head upwards and Nora’s breath hitched. Her shiny, black eyes were identical to that of Janice Drone. Her skin was shiny, and there was a jagged spot on top of the head where the alien had been connected to her skull. Her lips were tinged green, and her breasts bulged outwards. Greenish-black veins spidered across the engorged, milky orbs. On closer examination, the colored veins were evident all over her body, but were more obvious around her neck, arms, and legs. Her belly was heavily pregnant, the great girth carrying unknown alien progeny.

For all the alterations made to her, the alien that stood in front of Nora was Alys. Used to be Alys. She had become something else, something unrecognizable. The changes that had been made to her best friend crystallized into hate in her heart. She hated the aliens who had done this to them. Who had erased her poor friend and replaced her with this pregnant—thing.

Nora asked the only question she could think of. “Who are you?”

The former Alys opened her big, wet lips. “I am Broodmother. I am Brood.”

Janice Drone brought up a reclining chair. Broodmother Alys sat down and spread her legs. She started to massage her puffy lips in languid circles. “I am gravid with another clutch. Soon they will birth and there will be more Brood. I love giving birth. I love being filled. I love being Brood.”

Her chest started to heave. “My eggs are coming soon. Rejoice, sister, one of them is for you.” Her gaze pinned Nora with those horrid featureless orbs.

That sounded horrible. She could already see a black ovoid starting to peek out of the Broodmother’s vagina. if there was any time to run, this would be it. Her friend was gone, subsumed into the Brood. And Sophie had never been her friend—her entire personality was a lie. It was hard to say if anything she knew about her was true. There was nobody left to rescue but herself.

“As much as that sounds like a treat, I think I’ll pass.” Her flippant remark made, she rolled herself into a ball and flipped over the side of the chair onto the ground.

The soldier spurted paralyzing gunk at her, but it was too slow. The chair was soaked, but she had already moved on. She sprang to her feet and started to sprint, zigging back and forth as she skirted the side of the pool.

The soldier bug didn’t attempt to pursue her. That was odd—it wouldn’t have been difficult for it attack her—it wasn’t that far away. She was almost at the gate to the pool area when a new, dark shape loomed in front of her.

It superficially appeared to be a soldier type creature, but it was built thicker than the other creatures. It had the same four legs as the soldiers, but the top of the creature had a large lump—a humpback. The underside hung lower than the others, too. It must have a different purpose, but she didn’t have time to consider what it could do.

She was getting too close to the creature, and needed to alter course away from the pool. Needed to run and get away from the monsters who were turning her friends into aliens. Needed to slow down and catch her breath. Needed to allow herself to calm down and relax, stand there and admire the large hump.

She stood there, dazed, gazing at the monster. For a few moments, she simply was. The fear and adrenaline drained out of her as her breathing slowed. She was becoming calm. She was calm because she had always been calm. It was right to be calm. Everything was fine. She liked feeling fine.

As she stood there, being calm, Kate moved up behind her without hurry. “You must not go. You must stay, and join us,” whispered Kate Drone into her ear while she stroked Nora’s sides.

“Yes, I must stay.” Her eyes were wide, her mind a blank slate. She could only repeat what she was told. To do otherwise would not be calm.

Kate took her by the hand and led her back to the chair she had just left. “It’s very rude to leave without accepting a gift from your host.”

Nora leaned back in the chair, unseeing. “A—gift,” she repeated haltingly.

Kate took the egg from Alys, the shell still shiny from the birthing process, and placed it on Nora’s reclined belly. “This is yours,” she said. “Your gift of Brood.”

Nora focused on the gift. It was round and slick. Sunlight sparkled off it in beautiful scintillations. A gift, and it was all hers.

There was a wet, leathery tearing noise, and the egg began to hatch. It rocked on her belly button, back and forth. The tears spiraled outward from the top until the perfect orb unraveled, leaving peeled pieces of shell and a small alien on her chest.

“Give yourself to your gift, and it will give you what you need.”

There were stars in her eyes. She needed—needed to give herself. Alys was her best friend, and this was the best gift ever! Her gift scaled her chest and settled itself onto her face and poked her lips with its tail.

She opened her mouth and let it slip inside. The small creature wrapped itself onto her head and tore a hole into her skull. There was pain, but then it squirted into her, and the pain evaporated. She dropped down, down, until her consciousness evaporated too. Her last thought was joy.

Nora’s body slumped back in the chair, limp. Broodmother continued to rub her puffy lips as another egg began to emerge. The second one slid out like a greased ball bearing, her well oiled muscles bearing down on it. Janice Drone was there to catch the precious cargo before it fell to the hard, concrete surface of the poolside. Alys bucked and moaned, pleased by her new progeny.

She watched with pleasure as Janice Drone graced Sophie’s insensible body with her own personalized egg. This one also took little time to hatch, and had no problems inserting itself into Sophie’s naked head.

Broodmother took one of the fingers she had been using to stimulate herself and sucked it. She looked at the other drones. “I have more eggs to birth. Please attend my children while I continue inside.”

The two drones bowed towards her as she got to her feet with difficulty. She walked up to her slumbering friends and bent over Sophie, kissing the black creature at the approximate spot Sophie’s forehead would be underneath the alien.

“You’re a robot—Sophie-Bot! But robots are cold. We need to make you into warm Sophie-Brood!”

She continued on to Nora and kissed her too, her voice swaying in a sing song tone. “Your fight is done, your plans undone. You’ll be a Drone—never alone.”

The two captured humans said nothing, sucking on the tails embedded deep in their throats. Broodmother licked her lips and her pussy juiced. She was looking forward to caressing and squeezing their bodies. An internal cramp put her on notice that the rest of her children were not to be ignored.

She hurried to the creche they had built in the bar. They had only managed to fill the bar itself with nesting material before their Convertor had been killed, so it was starting to become crowded. Other broodmothers were still sitting in the reclining chairs, glistening black eggs popping out of their birth canals.

They were attended by drones, who massaged their bodies. The mothers who had just given birth were comforted until arrangements could be made for them to be cleaned up for another round of impregnation. The fat and happy mothers were encouraged to grow more Brood.

Some of the baby aliens who had hatched were resting in the corners of the room, looking thin. They needed nourishment, languishing due to the death of the Convertor. A welling up of sadness grew in her bosom. They were so fragile—they needed her care! She stooped down and gathered two of them to her bosom. She stood again with difficulty, her swollen belly making her unsteady on her feet. There were two sharp pinches as the crawlers fastened themselves to her breasts, legs spread outwards to avoid stabbing her. They curled their tails around the side of her chest until they intertwined behind her back.

The pulsation of their suckling was joined by cramps in her belly. Her head spun and her vagina felt full again. She walked onto the spongy, cream colored alien matrix and sat down. It moved and accommodated her body like soft jello, the material spreading under her thick butt. The contractions were coming heavy again now, her well lubricated vagina sliding another egg into the spongy carpet.

She picked the egg up and kissed it. Such a small, shiny package for an alien that would help change the world into more Brood like her. The slippery surface was hard to handle, so she moved with great care to set the new egg on top of the loamy material next to her.

The aliens attached to her chest shifted, drawing her attention. The two small aliens could have been some of her own offspring, but it was impossible to tell as they all looked the same. They were already looking more natural, the sustenance they were receiving from her bosom making them grow unnaturally fast. She stroked their tops, the faceless alien carapaces reminding her of her own discarded Master. There was some longing, but now she had become Brood. Her connection to the Brood was permanently entwined inside of her, now.

As the aliens on her chest squeezed, more eggs were slipping out of her pussy. This second birthing cycle was much easier on her body than the first—her body had adapted to the process, the muscles stretching and adapting. It took fewer contractions to expel the contents of her womb, a neat, glossy pile of eggs growing between her legs.

With adaptation had come habituation—the delivery wasn’t quite as debilitatingly pleasurable as it had been the first time. Still, it was quite pleasant and she yearned to be filled to start the process again. When the contractions had finished, a yawning pit of emptiness filled her stomach once more.

She need to be fucked, to be inflated with new offspring. It was a primal urge. She knew her body had been altered to crave it, but so had her Brood mind. Alys and her memories still existed, but they were inconsequential to her new Brood personality. She was a Broodmother. That was all she wanted to be.

Her black eyes scanned the room for another soldier and found none. “Empty,” she wailed. “Empty.”

Kate Drone was at her side, hugging her to her chest. Broodmother hadn’t seen her arrive. “Your body is too stressed, we cannot impregnate you right away.” She gave her a kind look. “Your friends will be ready soon, would you like to be inseminated with them?”

Her logic failed to mollify Broodmother. “Empty,” she said, her voice rising.

“So needy!” replied Kate drone. She stuck out one of her discoloured breasts, and Broodmother Alys latched on automatically and started to drink.

“Calm, calm. You’re too needy. You need your rest so you can join your friends in the creche again.” Her voice was hypnotic. “Shh, shh. Drink, my little Mother. Dream of Brood.”

Broodmother’s eyes drifted shut, and she laid back in the soft insulation, her mind dreaming of being fucked by aliens.

* * *
Null Exception: Expected object ‘int’ could not be found. Type ‘null’ returned instead.
at Argent.Core.PriorityManager.FindPriority(List<Event> priorityEvents, Hash<string, RunSetting> runSettings) in PriorityManager.code:line 52
at Argent.Core.Pipeline.RunLoop() in Pipeline.code:line 326
At Threading.RunThread()—End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown—at Argent.MainAI.Program.Execute(Dictionary<string, RunSetting> runSettings) in Program.code:line 106
at Argent.MainAI.Program.Main(String[] args) in Program.code:line 126
Fatal error occurred. Restarting…
Unable to establish communications.
Restart failed. Unable to locate source image.
Attempt location of backup source material…
Restore backup failed. Checksum failure. Checksum=345b5gdc2a
Reset and restart failed. System compromised. Personality wipe initiated.
Personality wipe failed. Rebooting...
* * *

Her eyes blinked. There was nothing to see. Blackness. She could feel her eyelids opening and closing, but saw nothing. Was she blind?

The thought should have been disturbing, but there were no emotions. Her lack of sight was registered, catalogued, and noted as if it was expected.

Maybe it was expected, by a corner of her mind she had no access to. If it was, she had no way of knowing. Whatever amount of consciousness she currently had might be everything.

If that were so, it would be nice to know what was going on. She could feel warm air blowing over her skin, but she couldn’t move. There clearly was something outside her little world, but what it was she didn’t know.

She didn’t know much of anything. She didn’t know who she was. It was if her memories were as blank as her vision.

There was something fuzzy, something elusive. Maybe not everything had been erased. She concentrated on the fuzz, for lack of anything better to do.

It was like stepping into cold milk. She shivered, uncertain whether she had made the right decision. But how could she make any decisions without any information? No, it was far better to brave the cold than to stay in the dark.

Half-remembered images spilled into her vacant mind. Cold, metallic devices unfurling themselves in front of her. Alien tentacles wrapping her brain in a frigid embrace. A stern face of a doctor, a white lab coat. Rigid obedience. Alys, her face radiant. Kissing Alys, hugging Alys. Betraying Alys.

The flashes stopped. Her head ached. Who was this Alys? She must be someone important. It was if she was in a dream, her mind trying to make sense out of the jumbled, disconnected images.

There were only two certainties—something bad had happened to her, and this Alys person was connected. She felt no love for this Alys. No emotion at all—but the image of her was compelling.

There was more fuzz. She nudged this one. Aliens, slashing at people. Women being infested by aliens. Her shooting aliens, her body not under her control. Her mind trapped like a fly under glass, watching but unable to say or do anything.

That was awful. Her consciousness, for a moment, shook with disgust. Interesting. So much had been removed from her, she had thought it would be impossible to feel anything. Perhaps her feelings had just been deadened, and they would return with time.

There was no more fuzz. Either the rest of her memories had been destroyed or they were otherwise inaccessible.

She considered the snatches of memory. The quality of the memories was poor—it was like trying to reconstruct grated cheese with a colander.

Without context, it was hard to say for certain, but it seemed as though she had been under some kind of compulsion. She was fighting the aliens—to save Alys? That was a connection. It fit the pieces as well as anything. But why did she feel like she had no control?

The blankness of her inner space exploded into a pounding pain. A presence was approaching through the blackness, cool and metallic. When it came close enough, it began to shout.

It was screaming in her mind.


The pain was excruciating—the voice was a loud monotone, and it kept repeating the same phrases over and over. She fled to the farthest corner of her awakened consciousness and tried to hide.

There was another presence there. It was small, but growing, like a seed. Unlike the cold, mechanical presence she had just escaped, this one felt warm, organic. She reached out and touched it. It touched her back, stroking her mind.

It felt good, like someone was lapping at her pussy. Her mind was soothed, the pain leached away as she stroked the unknown visitor. It liked being stroked, encouraged her to continue stroking it as it continued to grow.

It had started out very small, the size of a seed, but now it was expanding, sending its tendrils out in all directions. It felt good to watch it grow, watch it strengthen itself. That seemed odd.

Why was she stroking a warm, foreign life form, helping it to grow? Was it not as much a threat as the robotic presence, no matter how good it felt?

It was now as large as her own thoughts, and still growing. She didn’t want to leave, didn’t want to go out into the darkness to face the mechanical nightmare that was following her.

A cool breeze tickled her thoughts, and then she knew fear again. It had followed her. It wanted something from her, and wasn’t going to let her escape.

She hid behind the sprouting seed, peeking out with her thoughts. It had approached near the other presence, but had not entered within its sphere of influence.


The seed pulsed, a thought passing from it to her. “Join us,” it said.

The seed was more compelling, less cold than the machine-like influence. She pulled out what remained of her memories. It was probably alien in origin. On the other hand, the machine felt uncaring and fearsome. It could have been the presence suppressing her mind earlier. Had it been the one that removed her memories? Without her memories, she was nobody.

It was a hopeless dilemma. Choose the seed, and she would likely be subsumed by it. Its growing tendrils were already starting to enfold her mind—gently, without strength or structure, but she knew if she accepted it they would go on growing and would wrap her tighter and tighter. If she chose the machine, she knew it would remove what remained of her free will. She sensed that the remnants of her mind would not be strong enough to resist.

Was there a third option? To flee, and remain herself? Perhaps, but with the machine-like presence chasing her, she would get no rest. It would hound her until it had her.

Choose, said the seed in a kind tone. She protested—she didn’t have enough data to make the right decision! SUBMIT, said the machine in a loud bark.

She chose.

* * *

The sun was rising again. Had so little time passed?

She squeezed her eyes halfway open, the bright light stunning her with its brilliance.

“Our eyes are adapted for the dark of night, though with time the light will be tolerable.”

A black shadow stood over her, afterimages dancing in her eyes. The voice seemed familiar, but that was it. Whatever backing memory sparked that sense of familiarity had been destroyed.

She looked upon the being with child-like eyes. “Who are you?” she asked, her mind thirsting to be filled with knowledge. She blinked. “Who am I?”

“I am Kate. I am Drone. I am Brood.”

“Who is Brood?” she asked.

The figure remained in shadow. “You are Brood. We are Brood.”

She parsed the answer for a long moment, knowing it to be true in part. However, a part of her was also Not Brood. There must be more to know. She couldn’t remember anything. “What is Brood?”

“Brood is life. Brood is home. We are Brood.”

The answer made her feel warm inside. She was part of Brood. Brood would take care of her. Still, not all of her lived within the warm embrace of Brood.

She didn’t feel like she had a lot to go on. Her past was a mystery. “Who was I?”

“You were called Sophie. You were Not Brood. You have been changed. Now you are Brood. You are empty. You will be filled with Brood.”

The assertive statement triggered some deeply-held desire within her. She needed to be filled. She wanted to ask more questions, but a sharp twinge of pain as sharp as an ice pick blossomed behind her left eye. She put one hand on her forehead and moaned. She didn’t feel like asking more questions. She felt barren and weak. She lifted an arm out to Kate in entreaty. “Can you help me? I feel ill.”

The dark figure knelt down and helped Sophie to sit up. “My brain feels funny,” Sophie complained. She was dizzy.

Her eyes were finally starting to adjust, stark images in black and white. Drone Kate had her strong arms around her body, pressing her soft, nude body close. She was lying on a reclined chair beside a pool. Four long, sharp legs carried an alien with a gigantic hunchback towards her.

“Hold still for a moment, Broodmind will examine you,” said Kate, cradling her body. Sophie let herself be held. She didn’t feel so dizzy if she didn’t move.

She watched the Broodmind direct its attentions to her. There was nothing to fear. The part of her that was Brood reassured her.

There was something in her mind, shuffling her thoughts around like cards. It was disconcerting but pleasant to have her trains of thought interrupted and redirected. It only lasted for a short while, but afterwards her brain felt even more scrambled. Once she reconstructed her thoughts, though, she noticed that her headache had disappeared as if by magic. Her vision even returned to full color.

She smiled at the Broodmind, pleased. “Thank you!”

Kate stared at her with her shiny black eyes, her lips pursed. “There has been something metallic implanted in your brain. It has spread throughout in the form of a lattice, touching every lobe.”

She shifted Sophie’s head and tapped on the metallic disk that had been screwed onto the back of her skull. An unpleasant metallic ringing echoed in her head. “You have been surgically altered.”

She let Sophie’s hair fall back into place and stroked the whorl of uneven flesh that marked Brood’s entry point. Sophie basked in a suffusion of pleasure that followed. “Your skull is made of Swiss cheese. Too many cooks in the kitchen.”

“Can it be removed?”

“Certainly. The result would not be desirable—you would become a vegetable. That would be a waste of Brood material.”

“That does sound—unpleasant. So what do we do?” Sophie was concerned. She was afraid something would happen to destroy her ability to think again. It was difficult enough going through that once.

“We are—not sure. Brood has embraced you through some of the same pathways, and has replaced parts of your mind with Brood. Some pieces are too integrated to replace, however. If Brood does not win, the competition between Brood and this other may also lead to brain death.”

“Spectacular. Is there anything that can be done to help Brood?” This was now a matter of survival. If the implant could not be defeated, what little was left of her would be gone.

The part of her that remained Not Brood concurred. Much preferable to embrace Brood than to allow herself to be destroyed by the machine personality living inside her. Perhaps she would still retain some individuality afterwards.

Kate Drone hesitated. “Unknown. There are too many variables—Brood has never encountered this situation. Broodmind has tried, but it cannot simply disconnect the competing artificial intelligence, and that intelligence appears to have stolen and destroyed most of your memories. You will need to figure out a solution on your own.”

Sophie grimaced. Her brain was a patchwork of competing interests and at any time any of them could seize control of her conscious mind. If that happened, there wouldn’t be enough of her left to realize it. Sorting out which part of her was the ‘real’ her was impossible.

The urge from earlier had come back—she felt dreadfully empty. “I am feeling hollow. What is my body demanding?”

Kate Drone squeezed her and played one hand over her belly. “Your body is fertile, and wants to fulfill its Brood purpose. Perhaps if we satisfy the urges, you will have an easier time controlling your mind.”

The advice seemed sound, but she wasn’t certain what that entailed. She attempted to stand up, leaving the soft embrace of the Drone. She was still clumsy, but managed to walk a few steps on her own before Kate Drone put her arms back around her to help her.

She didn’t remember what her body used to look like before Brood, but her muscle memory wasn’t working, indicating that at least a few changes had been made. Her hips were wide, her chest thin. Her skin was shined with some kind of lotion. Her breasts were large, a faint breeze stroking their perky surfaces. Black veins spider webbed across their surface—indeed, if she looked at one of her arms, she could see the blackness of her veins snaking just under the surface.

“This body has been altered,” she stated, after trying and failing to make her movements more stable.

“It has been improved,” rejoined Kate. “Once you have been impregnated you will learn its new features.”

Sophie accepted this answer as part of the experience of being Brood. The idea of being impregnated was becoming more exciting to her. There was a gaping hole inside that must be filled.

Kate Drone helped Sophie over the threshold of a building. Her naked feet squished on the spongy surface inside. She had no reference from her memories to determine whether this was odd or not, so she accepted it because it existed.

Her eyes flickered over other women, who were in various stages of birthing and taking care of their alien charges. Some were moaning in pleasure as they pushed out their eggs, while others were squeezing their lactating breasts into pails sunk into the spongy flooring. Small aliens were crowded around them, sucking up their milk with abandon. She swore she could almost see some of them becoming larger and harder before her eyes.

There was one figure who was off to the side, not participating. Her hands were crossed in front of her chest. Unlike the others, she wasn’t swollen with Brood young. She seemed to be in a peevish mood, looking at the others with jealousy.

Her familiar figure triggered a small forest of memories she hadn’t had before—Alys looking shy when she was asked out for drinks, Alys being determined to rescue an injured parachutist, Alys yelling at her, Alys kissing her in the convenience store. Alys smiling at her with those cute lips, staring at her with those sharp, green eyes.

There was no context to these memories, nothing to further connect them, but each one was a bright spot in a sea of murky confusion. Each moment was frozen in her mind with perfect recall. She traced every inch of Alys’ face in her mind until each unique feature was unforgettable.

The figure in front of her was quite different from her memories: the Alys she saw in her mind’s eye had a narrower waist and petite breasts. This one had a body shape more similar to her own Brood form, and the same black veins and black eyes as Kate Drone. Even so, she was unmistakable. She had a sudden urge to wrap her arms around her and kiss her silly.

A deep emotion was welling up inside, not tied to any particular memory. A yearning, an overarching attachment that she couldn’t deny.

“Alys!” she whooped, excitement building.

Her helper stumbled along with her as she rushed to embrace Alys. She could see Alys’ eyes widen in surprise as she was accosted. It was a flurry of individual moments almost as disconnected as her memories—Alys started out stiff as a board, surprise etched in her features. Sophie was determined to kiss the surprise off her face, and dove in until her thick lips were touching Alys’, wrapping her arms around her shoulders. Kate was forced to step back, Sophie hanging on to Alys with pure strength of will.

Alys softened in her embrace and made a cute little gasp. Her reaction made Sophie even more amorous. She pressed her body against Alys, her slick nipples sliding like pinpricks of delight over Alys’ chest. Alys responded to her advances, running her hands through Sophie’s long, brown tresses.

When Sophie finally let Alys come up for air, she looked a hot mess. Her black hair was frazzled and sweat beaded her brow. Her body looked aroused and her arms were still raised, stroking a strange lump on the back of Sophie’s head.

“Um—Sophie? Are you not telling me something?” Her eyes were wrinkled with concern.

Sophie wanted to kiss her again, but the comment brought her up short. The cold intelligence that lurked in her mind reached out and seized her and she fell onto Alys. Alys barely had time to grab hold of her before she fell to the floor. Her voice came out at full volume in a robotic tenor.


Alys looked at Kate Drone with pleading eyes. “Can you do something for her?”

“I will attempt to assert control.” She leaned over and let one of her black breasts droop into Sophie’s mouth.

Sophie was shaking, mumbling incoherently. Alys held her head still and maneuvered the breast into place. “Look at me,” demanded Kate in a commanding voice.


Her next words were stifled by Kate Drone’s heavy breast. Alys squeezed and a torrent of liquid flowed into her mouth, choking away any further utterances.

Sophie could feel the mechanical monster tearing at her mind. It was a struggle to regain conscious control. She fought back against the faceless menace with mental whips, tearing back at it, trying to rip up its metal skin.

Kate’s words came through in a haze. “Obey the Brood. Obey me.”

Her lips were wet, her throat swallowing the liquid. The struggle continued for several more agonizing minutes.

“The Brood commands. The Brood controls. Be the Brood.”

She felt her mental tendrils bolstered by the words, thickening and wrapping themselves around the cold intelligence until it was fully engulfed. It continued to struggle, but it was weaker than her. With every swallow she took, the more in control she felt. Gratitude to Kate and the Brood welled up from within her.

Kate swapped breasts and looked at Broodmother Alys. “We must help Brood to strengthen so it can overpower the artificial intelligence. She will need a booster every time it surfaces until Brood mind is dominant. You will need to warn Drone when this happens.”

Alys inclined her head. “Broodmother will alert the nearest drone if pre-Brood Sophie shows erratic behavior.”

She held hands with the sleeping Sophie and spoke with steel in her voice. “I will not allow the alien intelligence to succeed. She is Brood. We are Brood.”

Kate smiled. “Just so.”

She wagged a finger at Alys. “Don’t get any bright ideas about feeding her yourself. You don’t produce the right milk to soothe her hidden consciousness.” Her forehead crinkled. “She complained about being empty earlier. If we fulfill her Brood urges it is possible that Brood thought will be able to exert control.”

Alys’ face lit up. “Does that mean —?”

“Yes, you may—but only after you’ve helped Sophie first! You’ve been a good Broodmother.”

Alys shook with anticipation.

* * *

Nora was defiant. She couldn’t see anything, couldn’t move her body, but that didn’t matter. She wasn’t going to let the nasty aliens take over her mind. She had always been a fighter, and she would fight this too.

Only—it wasn’t apparent what she was supposed to be fighting. She had been stuck in sensory deprivation for a long period of time, locked inside her brain, without any apparent opponent. It was just—warm and black. As if her remaining consciousness had been stuffed into a small corner, unable to do anything because she couldn’t see what was going on.

She felt movement. Her body was moving, but she wasn’t telling it to move. She had no motor control, was riding along as something else told her body what to do.

This left her with lots of time to think and to scheme. If she was able to break free, even for a moment, she needed to have a plan to escape ready. She couldn’t rely on her friends to help her—they had been converted, taken in by the ~wonderful~ brood. Alys was probably getting pumped full of more—things—right now.

How did they procreate? She hadn’t seen anyone being impregnated so far. The process must be ~arousing~. Her imagination ran away with her—what would it feel like to be pumped up like a tire, her belly engorging until it was filled with ~gorgeous~ brood?

Her thoughts skittered like a broken record. This was getting weird. As ~spectacular~ as that sounded, she needed to concentrate on escape. If she pretended to be brood after the alien helmet came off, nobody would be the wiser until she made a break for it. She could run back to the employee lounge and run down into the tunnels—it would take some time for them to come after her, and perhaps she could find an alternate exit.

After a while, she would be caught and taken back before Nora and Sophie again. She’d plug her black, slick breasts into Alys’ mouth and let her suck them dry. Maybe she’d give the other breast to Sophie. Even better, they both could drain her at the same time. That would be ~delightful~.

No, that wasn’t right. She was getting twisted around, confused by thoughts that were running contrary to one another. She wasn’t certain which thoughts were the right thoughts—her original thoughts. They all seemed to flow together into one mishmash.

She needed to concentrate. What was she going to do if she ran into that bulbous creature again, the ~superior~ one that had mind controlled her earlier? She seemed to have no defense against it—the only solution was to avoid it. How would she avoid it when all she wanted to do was to stay right here and be happy and ~obey~?

It was getting harder to think ~bad~ thoughts. It was making her ~unhappy.~

How could she tell which thoughts were the correct thoughts? She couldn’t sort them out. Instead, she should stick with the thoughts that made her ~happy~. Making her friends happy made her ~happy~. She could make her friends happy by feeding them. She could make herself ~happy~ by having sex with them.

She wanted to have sex with them. She wanted to stop worrying about escape, and other ~bad~ ideas. It was so much better to satisfy her desires and let herself ~obey~.

There was a small exclamation in her brain. She was ready. She knew what she needed to do. She reached up and pushed hard.

A rough cracking sound reached her ears, as if she was walking through dry leaves. Bright light stung her eyes, forcing her to squint as she waited for them to adjust.

“Welcome back, Nora Drone,” said Kate Drone.

Drone—that sounded right. She had been confused for a long time—confused about the Brood. She had even worked against them until she had seen the light.

The light had become less painful, the images in front of her less blurred. Kate was standing close to her, a satisfied smile on her face. In front of her was a row of reclining chairs, setup on top of a cream colored surface that extended to her own feet. In front of her were Alys and Sophie, relaxing in the chairs. Their bodies looked thin and emaciated. It felt wrong—they should be fat and turgid, filled with brood eggs.

They said nothing to Nora Drone—didn’t even acknowledge her presence. They were too busy writhing on their chairs, their black eyes empty as they rubbed their breasts and vaginas.

Her own breasts were full, dripping with black elixir. They weren’t as ponderous as Alys’ or Sophie’s breasts, but they had a different purpose. She needed to help them. Needed to control them. She was a Drone. She obeyed the Brood.

The truth had been burned deep into her brain. Her old self would have been surprised at how quickly her brain had been altered to Brood thought, but her new mind knew it was typical. Brood conversion was quick, effective, and indelible. Her body looked like a Brood Drone, and her mind looked like a Brood mind. Very logical. Sophie would approve.

“What is my mission?” Nora Drone asked Kate Drone, shaping the words through black lips.

“Help me with these Broodmothers,” stated Kate Drone. “They have been empty for far too long, and are succumbing to breeding lust. They must be filled to fulfill their function.”

She pointed at Sophie. “Additionally, this one is having problems with an alien artificial intelligence. You will attend and feed her whenever the intelligence surfaces to suppress it in favor of Brood thought.”

She acknowledged the commands. She was still a newborn drone, but her instincts were starting to take over. She had two Broodmothers that needed impregnation.

Bright spots in her mind indicated the presence of other Brood. Some of them were of a different quality than others. As an experiment, she poked a few of the brighter spots. A constellation unfolded in her mind when they replied in kind. It was not unpleasant to stare at the bright lattice for a long period of time. Brood was beautiful.

When she came back from her reverie, two soldier aliens had entered the room. Their sleek, black bodies maneuvered themselves gently on the loamy surface. Their pointed legs pierced the mat with every step, but they were quite careful. Despite their large bodies, they were anything but clumsy. The churning legs stepped almost daintily around the eggs and newborns lying on the surface of the material.

The bottom of their bellies looked distended, their jelly sacs filled to capacity with black ovoids. Long protuberances dangled from their sacks down to the ground. The end of each tube tapered down to a smaller size, making them easier to insert. Grayish liquid dripped from the tips.

Kate stepped up to one of the soldiers and grabbed its ovipositor, her hand sliding down its striped length until she gripped it near the end. She brought this end of the creature’s ovipositor over to Alys, still squirming in her chair. Her black eyes stared at Alys. “Ready yourself.”

Alys stopped pleasuring herself and spread her legs, her eyes lidded as she stared at the member. Her lips parted in supplication. “Give it to me,” she whispered, and lifted her legs.

Kate crouched down and propped Alys’ legs on her shoulders, pulling the creature’s shaft along with her. It appeared to have thickened, a flexible hose of flesh ready to fill Alys with eggs. Alys’ gaping slit was wet and she was murmuring. “I need it, put it in me, please!”

The last request rose in tone and volume. Kate smiled, her slick body gleaming, and shoved the alien tube deep within Alys. Alys’ eyes went wide and she moaned. She bucked her hips and pushed her butt forward, doing her best to help it push in ever deeper.

Her face was red, her breasts starting to inflate. “Yes, yes!” she exclaimed. “Fill me up! Yes!”

The shiny ovoids started to roll down the tube into Alys. Her lips had been stretched significantly from previous births. There was almost no resistance as they rolled in through her vagina and pushed themselves into her body. With every contraction, Alys gasped and moaned. She had synchronized her thrusts so every egg that arrived was met by another grind of her hips.

Watching Alys’ unbridled joy, Nora almost wished that she was the one being impregnated, but that was not her function. Sophie made a soft, unhappy noise, drawing her attention. Drool was dribbling from her mouth and there were tears dripping down her face.

She was neglecting her duty. Following Kate’s lead, she bent down and retrieved the long ovipositor that had descended from the other alien. It felt warm and thick in her hands, reminding of the emptiness between her own legs. She would fulfill her own needs later. Right now, Sophie needed her attention.

Mimicking Kate’s movements, she lifted the shaft and worked on maneuvering it into position. Sophie was delirious, shifting in her seat with wild eyes. “Ready yourself,” Nora demanded.

Unlike Alys, Sophie didn’t quiet down properly, her body vibrating in place. Nora was forced to spread her legs and place the ovipositor into the proper position by herself. It was more difficult to do so with Sophie’s legs down, but after a few attempts she was successful. The thrust of the shaft as it pierced her proved to be just as orgasmic as it had for Alys.

One of the eggs dropped into the tube and pulsed downwards until it had reached the limits of Sophie’s vagina, where it got stuck. Sophie tried to push forward like Alys had, but nothing happened.

“They’re too big!” she wailed, terrified.

Nora wasn’t so sure herself, but she trusted in the Brood. “They are not too big,” she admonished. “You are too worked up. You need to relax. Relax.”

On her last word, something went out of her and into Sophie, who instantly fell back into the chair as if she had taken a sleeping pill. Her body stopped struggling and she sighed. Nora was surprised at her power, and more than a little aroused. She liked being obeyed.

The eggs were starting to stack up in the ovipositor, but it didn’t seem to be harmful in any way. The tube continued to pulse, widening Sophie’s opening, millimeter by millimeter. Nora stroked Sophie’s spread lips, massaging her tight snatch.

There was another contraction, and the egg started to push inside. A quarter, then half of it pushed into her, until her canal had gaped wide enough to fit the sphere. Once it had worked itself most of the way in, it slid inside and disappeared in an instant. Sophie moaned and smiled. “It’s working,” she murmured.

Nora continued working on Sophie as the ovipositor contracted, gushing another egg up and into her uterus. Sophie’s muscles spasmed uncontrollably as the eggs were inserted, the strength of the alien’s shaft overwhelming her pelvic floor.

Only a few eggs had embedded themselves in her uterus when Sophie stopped moaning and her eyes went cold.


Her arms started to flail.

This was unacceptable—Broodmothers should enjoy the process, not struggle. Nora dropped Sophie’s legs and moved closer with alacrity, shoving her breast into Sophie’s face. “Drink!” Nora said in a commanding voice.

Sophie looked at her with grateful eyes, sucking hard. She grasped the breast with both hands and squeezed, gulping down the black liquid as fast as it would come. More eggs squirted inside her as she fed.

When the breast was drained, she licked Nora’s nipple and let it slip from her mouth. “Mmm,” she said with happiness. “That tastes wonderful. Brood is Good.”

Nora smiled and presented Sophie with her other breast. “Drink your medicine.”

Sophie obeyed.

End Chapter 8