The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive




Maria Worker is ‘taken by Rhiannon Pagan and has to work for her. Maria’s work is minimal, light housework, making sure Rhiannon is dressed when she goes out and ensuring she eats every now and then. Rhiannon belongs to a small group of ‘people’ who have powers. At the end of her servitude, Maria still has no idea what Rhiannon and her friends actually do. Maria can now retire with the ‘payment’ she receives from Rhiannon. But Maria has a dream, to work in Hollywood as an actress, or anything really, as long as she’s involved in some way. Maria goes for her long held dream and eventually ends up at a restaurant in LA with her agent who has a dream contract for her to sign. The last few paragraphs are as follows…

“You know,” Rhia told her friends, “Maria here was my property for a few months and she did an incredible job. I realise that now, but I just ignored her at the time. She really made things easy for me. You know what I’m like. Do you think I should take her back?”

“Why not,” answered Phyllida in her American accent, shrugging her shoulders. “Just drop her if it doesn’t work out.” Flavius nodded. “I think I’d like to try her out if she’s as good as Ritchie says.” Another American Maria noted.

Rhia looked thoughtful. “I do have a lot of work coming up and I’ll need someone. I was going to take a local, but Maria is already trained.”

“Hey Penny, isn’t this what you do?” This was asked by a guy on the gigglers table.

Someone, presumably Penny, giggled and said, “Shush, she’ll hear you.” The giggling talkers were ignored.

At that Rhia turned to leave, taking her companions with her. Maria hadn’t moved during this episode. She stared at them open mouthed as they left. The gigglers hadn’t stopped and were now adding comments to each other in what they thought were whispers. Two paces away, Rhia clicked her finger and pointed behind her. Maria stood and followed, leaving her agent and her prized contract behind on the table. The gigglers stopped giggling and stared.


The enormity of what just happened hit the gigglers and all they could do now was stare at the backs of the leavers and attempt to assimilate what had just occurred, or rather, the meaning behind it. Giggling was, somehow, not appropriate any more.

“Hey, Penny, aren’t you always telling us to grab your opportunities when they come and not to hesitate?” Penny looked wide eyed at her friend as she immediately acknowledged his truth. She stood and ran out of the restaurant after the party.

This, naturally, gave the other diners additional talking points to add to the main event, which they would never stop recounting. To those other diners, adding this young, shortish, light-haired, slight girl, dressed normally for her type, running after the weirdos only added to their assessment of LA people as a whole. It would have been ironic if they learned the whole gigglers’ table were also tourists like them, this being a tourist restaurant after all. But, it’s doubtful those other diners knew what irony meant or cared about such things. Anyway, they were safe as they weren’t residents. They lived in the safe and moral areas of America, which, basically, was the bit outside LA, San Francisco and New Orleans.

Nobody had told them about Chrystal Heights or Darkview.

Penny had noted the party turning left outside the restaurant doors, so she turned after them. They were nowhere to be seen. Penny’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped. There simply wasn’t enough time for them to have gone that far. There weren’t any side streets they could have taken. Cars couldn’t park here. Penny focussed on her memories of that group, focussing her mind on remembering exactly what they looked like, and looked again, this time more carefully. Somehow, that was enough, for there they were, where they should have been all along. The blonde girl in the centre, immediately in front of her new acquisition, stopped, removed her sunglasses and turned around to stare at Penny. The others stopped, turned and stared as well. Penny ran up to them. Once there she stopped and looked at the blonde girl, who, with a flick of her hand waved Maria away to the side, leaving them face to face.

Penny hadn’t rehearsed anything to say and was a bit flummoxed. “Uh, thanks for stopping. It’s good of you. Er, I saw what you did in the restaurant and was impressed.” She looked at the blonde girl who stared back at her without saying a word. Penny reddened. She expected normal manners. “Er, well, I wanted to say I’m a domme too and I want to get to know you. As I said, you’re very impressive.” Penny smiled at the blonde girl, “If I give you my contact details, would you talk to me sometime? I mean, I’m sorry but I don’t expect I can teach you anything but I’m hoping I can learn from you.” The blonde girl still stared at her and that stare was beginning to worry Penny. It wasn’t normal. Penny was starting to have second thoughts about this.

The blonde girl suddenly looked passed Penny at something behind her. Penny was glad of this diversion and also turned to see what it was. She saw her table companions, her close friends, on the street just outside the restaurant doors looking down the street.

They were just within hearing distance, taking into consideration the street noises around them. Certain phrases could be clearly heard.

“Can you see her?”

“No. Did she go this way?”

“Yes. I saw her turn left.”

“She’s not anywhere, left or right.”

Penny waved at them, hoping they would shut up. They were, obviously, curious and wanted to know all about it. But they were too soon. Penny watched when they, as a group, started to walk briskly towards them. They passed right through them. They knew, at some level, this group was there as they weaved their way through them, but they never saw them. Penny looked at Greg’s eyes as he passed directly in front of her and he never saw her. Greg was her go-to male for those rare occasions she wanted cock inside her. He was magnificent in bed and he would never blank her like that. None of them would. But they weaved their way through this group without seeing anybody.

Penny watched them, open mouthed, walk a little further down the street. There they stopped, confused, then, after a short discussion, returned the way they came. This time they ambled as if they hadn’t a care in the world. Penny could hear their talk as they, again weaved through this group without noticing them at all.

“You know, I’m going to really miss Penny,” Greg commented to Alvin.

April responded, “Yeah, I’m the same way. Why did she have to take that job in Australia? I bet we just lose contact after a few weeks.”

“Penny’s not like that.”

“Oh come on. It happens all the time. You know her. She’ll soon find people like her and she’ll just become engrossed with them. She won’t forget us, she’ll just have better things to do.

Penny watched them as they passed and returned to the restaurant.

Penny faced the blonde girl again, who was patiently watching her again.

A white faced and spooked Penny gave a brief smile at the blonde girl and said, “OK, obviously this was a bad idea. Sorry to have troubled you,” and turned to walk away.

Except she didn’t.

Her brain gave her body all the autonomous directions to turn and walk, but her body just stayed put. Penny became dizzy as her field of vision didn’t change as she was expecting. Her breathing became agitated and she tried to speak, to remonstrate, to say anything to get away from there. But nothing happened. She just stayed there at the blonde girl’s convenience.

The blonde girl finally did something. She turned to her companions. “This one is talented. I want her. Do any of you?”

Phyllida shrugged but Flavius looked interested. Rhia looked at him. “It’ll have to be a better reason than that. You can get it anytime you want and this one’ll always be available to you if I own her.” Flavius made a face and nodded. Penny reddened and redoubled her efforts to get away from these lunatics.

“OK, she’s got talent, but not enough by a long way,” added Phyllida. “What makes her so important to you?”

Rhia returned her eyes onto Penny. “I had Maria for only a year or so. This time it’ll be decades. She’ll get lonely and pine. It wouldn’t be fair. In fact it would be cruel. She’ll need a friend. With Maria to help and the talent this one has, this one’ll train up in no time. And more important, I’ll have less to do with it. Training servants is wearisome.

Rhia stared at Penny for a while longer, nodded her head, replaced her sunglasses, turned and walked away with her friends.

Penny and Maria followed.


Maria slowly recovered her senses. It was a slow and laborious process, accompanied by pain which increased as Maria’s consciousness returned. Eventually Maria was trying to throw herself around in agony, but couldn’t move for some reason. She returned to blessed unconsciousness soon after this.

Consciousness returned, again with pain. This time Maria felt a pressure on her arm and heard “OK love. You’re safe. You’re in a hospital and the doctor’s coming.” It was Rhia. This comforted Maria enormously. Maria didn’t think to open her eyes. She just groaned. She felt her arm being stroked and that helped—a lot.

Eventually there was a different voice. “Hello. I’m Doctor Harrison. Rhia has told you you’re in hospital. Now Maria, you’ve had an accident and I need to get information from you. For the moment you can’t talk or move, but don’t worry about that. That’ll heal in time. Right now, all I want you to do is move your fingers. Can you move your index finger for me, just a little bit? Good. Now the other hand. Excellent. I’m very happy about that. Now, I’m going to ask you a series of yes-no questions. You can answer yes by moving your right index finger, and no by moving your left index finger. Do you understand?”

Maria moved, or, perhaps twitched is a better word, her right index finger. “Yes”

“Are you in pain?”


“Just to make sure, say ‘no’ for me.”


“Is your pain excessive?”


“OK, we’re nearly ready to sedate you and the pain will go away. But we really need to do this. I’ll be as quick as I can. Are you Maria Worker?”


“I have you down as age twenty two. Is that correct?”

“Yes.” Maria was proud of remembering, despite the pain, that that was the age she had decided to be.

“You are a British national?”


“Do you have any allergies?”


“Is there anything we should know before we operate?”


“OK, Maria. Rhiannon Pagan has given us authority to operate, as you don’t have any next of kin. Do you agree to this?”


“And don’t worry about finances. This is all covered. Do you understand?”


Maria’s pain gently lessened as she drifted into blissful unconsciousness.

Maria drifted back into consciousness, the pain was lessened, but still there. She still couldn’t move or open her eyes. She couldn’t remember how to. “She conscious,” said a voice. “Call the doctor.” Maria’s arm was held and stroked and soothing words said. Eventually the doctor came.

“Hello Maria. I’m glad you’re conscious. You’re making good progress. The operation was a success. You’re healing. Just a few questions, OK?”

“Yes.” Maria remembered the finger code from a few minutes ago.

“Are you in pain?”


“Is it less than last time?”


Is it still too much pain?”


“We’re going to sedate you now. You need to sleep.” Maria drifted off. She preferred unconsciousness.

This process repeated so many times Maria lost count. Her pain lessened each time, otherwise everything else stayed the same.

Eventually Maria regained consciousness without the accompanying pain. She tried to smile but nothing happened. She tried to open her eyes but nothing happened. She tried to move anything but nothing happened. Her hand was held and she heard the words, “OK honey. I’m here. You’re fine. The doctor is coming.” It took the doctor a few minutes but her hand was held the whole time. Maria was immensely glad of that.

“OK, Maria. This is Doctor Harrison again. You’re doing fine, don’t worry about that. I’m ready to do the finger twitching again. Are you OK with that?”

She found she could twitch her fingers if she concentrated on them. “Yes.”

“Now, say ‘no’ for me.”


“Good. You’re doing well, Maria. Are you in any pain?”


“Excellent. I’m really glad. We’re getting somewhere aren’t we?”


“How’s your thinking? Is it clear or are you a bit muddled? No, sorry. I should say, is your thinking clear?”


“And, just to be certain, is your thinking muddled?”


“Now for your memory. Can you remember when you arrived here in the United States?”


“Do you know who the President is?”


“Have you been keeping up with British news?”


“Do you know who the Prime Minister is?”


There was an obvious smile in his voice now. “This is great news Maria. You’re well on the road to recovery. Now, I want to know if your memory has any gaps at all. Do you remember waking up the day the incident happened?”


“Do you remember having lunch on that day?”


“Do you remember leaving your house to go shopping in LA?”


“Do you remember what you bought?”


“Now we’re getting closer to the event Maria. Do you remember what happened to you?”


“OK. That’s to be expected. Do you remember going to the car park with your shopping?”


“Well, Maria. I’m very pleased with your answers. You don’t seem to have lost any memory at all. From the reports, the incident happened so fast it’s probable you wouldn’t remember it. So you absolutely mustn’t worry about that. OK?”


“Now, I obviously know you’re paralyzed right now and so do you. But again, we’ve dealt with this sort of situation many times and we’ve always gotten a positive result. And by that I mean every patient we’ve treated here for this has been able to lead a normal life. It must be frustrating for you right now, I know, but we’ll have a nurse with you at all times to talk with you just like we are. Do you understand?”


“I’m going to go now, Maria. I have work to do and part of that is to arrange your recovery and rehabilitation. I’ll see you soon, I promise.”

Maria felt his presence move away, to be replaced by someone else. A woman.

“Now Maria, I’m Nurse Jeffries. Can you understand me?”


“Good. Now, you really must be bored in there, so we’re going to expand this finger twitching so we can talk properly. Is that alright.”


Nurse Jeffries taught Maria to tap out the alphabet, A was 1, B was 2 etc. It was slow, but Maria could finally talk to someone properly. To chat, even. Maria was clear she hadn’t to say anything about Rhea and her group except the bare minimum. She was proud of herself for being able to do that. She learned that Rhea, or someone from the household, was here a lot, checking in with her and pestering the doctors, making sure they were doing their jobs properly. The one who was here the most and who made the most enquiries was Penny. Nurse Jeffries laughed and told Maria she wouldn’t want to get in Penny’s bad books.

Maria and Nurse Jeffries chatted away the next couple of hours until a loud noise suddenly erupted from nowhere. Maria heard Nurse Jeffries calling for the doctor urgently. She heard the doctor run in.

“She’s flat lining,” said Nurse Jeffries.

There was a few moment’s pause while, presumably, Doctor Harrison checked everything there was to be checked. During this time, Maria tried to twitch her fingers at them, to let them know she was still here. She didn’t feel anything, and previously, she knew she’d, at least, done something. There were now many people in this room and not one of them noticed her moving. Maria started to panic in her head.

She felt herself being moved somehow. This wasn’t any sort of gentle manoeuver, this was an emergency. Then, “Clear,” and something happened in her head. She couldn’t work out what happened. It felt as if millions of pins and needles passed through her brain. She wasn’t recovered from that when, “Clear,” and it happened again. After the next one, someone said, “We have a reading,” and Maria heard a collective sigh go through the room.

“I’ve never seen emergency ECT before,” said a male voice Maria didn’t recognize.

“We developed it for this case.” That was Doctor Harrison. “So much of her brain was damaged we thought this was a possibility. The electricity through her brain was precisely calibrated. It wouldn’t have hurt, but it should be just enough to get her synapses going again.”

Maria regained consciousness again. Nurse Jeffries immediately took her hand and called for the doctor. The procedure went as before after they discovered Maria could again twitch her fingers. Doctor Harrison had to tell her the code again.

“I want to check your memory now. Is that OK?”


“Do you remember coming to the USA?”


“Do you remember your accident?”


“Do you remember the day of your accident?”


What about the day before?”


“Let’s start from the other end. You remember coming to the USA?”


“Do you remember the day after you came here?”


“OK, Maria. I have to tell you, you have some memory loss, but you mustn’t worry about that. Most people regain their memories after a while. Did you know that?”


“Good. Now I’m going to sedate you now because you need your rest. You’re doing great Maria. Don’t worry.”

Maria regained consciousness and immediately felt a hand on hers. “Hello Maria, this is Nurse Jeffries. I’m just going to call the doctor.”

Just as the doctor entered, Maria heard Nurse Jeffries call out, “She’s flat lining.”

“Get the team here now.”

A short while later Maria heard them enter. “ECT,” said Doctor Harrison.

Maria felt pins and needles move through her head.

“No reaction, try again.”

Again, the pins and needles.

“No reaction, try again.”

Again, the pins and needles.

“No reaction, try again.”

Again, the pins and needles.

“No reaction, try again.”

Again, the pins and needles.

Maria heard someone say “Emergency level,” and wondered what it was all about when a severe pain shot through her head. It lasted forever, but was only a few seconds. Once it stopped it took her a while to recover, so she didn’t take in anything before someone said,

“Time of death 11.47.”

Maria just lay there, trying to move, desperately trying to let them know she was still here. She heard the disappointment in their voices as they all resignedly lifted themselves to get on with their next case. Inside her head, Maria panicked and must have lost consciousness sometime.

“Here she is,” Maria heard. She recognized Doctor Harrison saying that. She didn’t recognize the other voice. She again, tried desperately to move or indicate she was still here inside her head. There was no response to any of her efforts.

“As you can see, we’ve kept her on life support since her death. Her body is perfectly healthy, it’s just her head that was damaged.”

“Yes, that’s obvious.” This was another voice. “What about next of kin? They must have been told, by now.”

“Well, she doesn’t have any. But I do have a recording where she gave authority to her friend Rhiannon Pagan. You’ll obviously have to check with your own lawyers, but as far as this hospital is concerned, this is all legal without Rhiannon Pagan’s consent, and we actually do have that as well.”

“I already have. As far as I can see, we’re good to go. Can you let me know exactly what you did to her?”

“Yes, of course. As you can see, her head was severely damaged, and, naturally, so was her brain. It was amazing she was still alive when she was brought in. We removed the damaged sections of her brain and replaced them with microchips in a gel specifically designed and manufactured for this purpose. We eventually had to add more and more as her brain degenerated before stability was established. Her memory, before she relapsed, was as good as anyone’s. It’s amazing how those chips can latch onto and hold a person’s memories. She lost a couple of years’ worth of memories later after ECT, but, even so, this procedure is very encouraging and will become standard soon, I’m certain of that.”

“I agree, but unfortunately, Maria here won’t benefit. Others will benefit from Maria’s experiences though. I hope she takes some comfort in that, wherever she is.”

“I’m right here you stupid cunt,” screamed Maria.

But even Maria knew she couldn’t operate her body. She amazed herself at how quickly she calmed down. It didn’t take her long to realize she wasn’t reacting to her glands telling her to panic and that her memories must now be in those chips that were now part of her.

Maria didn’t know what happened to her after that. Things happened, but there was little talking. Strangely Maria seemed to be able to accept all this with equanimity. She just waited inside her head and wasn’t fazed or panicked at all. She reckoned it was because of all those chips in her brain. Maria knew time passed but couldn’t work out how much.

Eventually she heard a conversation.

“Have you seen the files on this one?” Said by a female.

“Yes, I’m up to date.” Another female.

“Do you have any questions?”

“No. We have to replace her whole brain but keep the body. Then rebuild her head. It’s a pity the law requires such people not to be mistaken for humans. Do we have the design for her new head?”

“Remember, she’s not human any more. She died and flat lined. Legally, she’s just a piece of meat we can experiment on. But the meat is all interconnected and has been kept that way. All we have to do is add our signals to her body, and we have a robot. And, no. Actually, it’s our body, not hers. We bought it legally. Here’s the design.”

“Yes. Her new head isn’t so bad.”

“Well, we don’t want our personnel to be frightened of it—best to call it ‘it’ from now on. Especially for those outside the lab. We certainly don’t want any repercussions politically. It was difficult enough to get legal permission to do this without any stupid slip ups like that.”

“True. I noted we’re still sedating it when we operate. I agree with that.”

“Yes. It’s probably not necessary, but we don’t want anything to come back on us. And, I, personally, wouldn’t do this without sedating the body. I just feel it’s wrong any other way.”

“I agree. First we need to repurpose those chips that have already been implanted. They’ve integrated well with the brain and the nerves, as well as the eyes and ears. We’ll have to remove the brain without disturbing the nerve connections. Then we add in our chips and programming. This’ll take months, so let’s get started.”

Maria awoke knowing the date and time. It had been almost two years since she was shot. That new information was not from her memory, it was in her technical manual, located in her data banks. She also had all her memories up to the shooting and the bits and pieces from the hospital when she was conscious. She didn’t fret about her condition. She waited patiently for her instructions, which came into her head presently. She absorbed them and proceeded to do her tasks, which were many and varied in order to test her out. She heard the mechanics’ happiness when she performed impeccably. That was of supreme importance to her. She returned to her pod and was switched off.

After that she was employed in a factory, after having been programmed with the appropriate instructions. Her work was on an assembly line—mechanical and boring—but she was never bored. She revelled in obedience and the nearest she ever got to anything like pride was knowing her performance didn’t need correction.

Day after day was the same. She didn’t need time off for weekends or holidays but she did have a requirement for rest, as most of her was flesh and blood. She ‘slept’ four hours a day and ‘serviced’ the workers at the plant for four hours a day. Over time, there were less and less workers to service, so she was switched off during those times.

That was the only change for the first hundred and thirty five years, which was when she was moved to a different factory and reprogrammed for different work. It may have been different, but it was still long and boring. She did it perfectly.

When the economy or technology or fashion changed it had an impact on the work Maria did and she had to be reprogrammed. Every hundred years or so, things changed so much, factories became obsolete and Maria was repurposed to a different factory with different operations. The only same thing about each factory was the boredom and unremitting labour. Maria loved it. She might not have an organic brain any more, but she was still capable of emotions and she now loved her life with a religious passion and fervour. It was her life, her raison d’etre. She wanted nothing else. She was complete. She had no need to express herself to anyone, or to convert others or to simply express her joy to all and sundry, and she didn’t. Every day in every way she became happier and happier.

Until she was switched off after five hundred and twenty seven years, four months and six days.

She was never switched on again.


Penny wished Maria would hurry up with the shopping so she could help her out. As the dominant servant, Penny had taken it upon herself to remain to see everything was perfect for the party. Well, perhaps ‘party’ was pushing it, but for the life of her, she couldn’t think of any other suitable word.

But this group’s parties were like no other Penny had ever seen or heard about. There were eleven of them in total. Penny had never seen any more from this group and assumed this was it. She still didn’t know what they were doing as all they seemed to do was sit around daydreaming. That was just like Rhea all the time, of course. Rhia lived alone with just Penny and Maria to help her, which was pretty boring when you came down to it. Housework, making sure Rhia fed herself occasionally and dealing with the day to day trivia that occurred. That was her and Maria’s role for the past thirty odd years.

The others had arrived without telling her or Maria they were coming. How can anyone plan under these circumstances? But they were here and, of course, they had to come when they were a day away from the monthly shop, hadn’t they? So, Maria was sent out to get provisions in. And now it was up to Penny alone to cater for this crowd. Penny still remembered what a crowd really was, but nowadays, she classed this as big. She had quickly prepared the last of their food and made sure they were all comfortable.

There were six men there and four of them wanted blowjobs. Penny was now dealing with this requirement on her third guest. She heard his breathing quicken and felt the cock in her mouth prepare itself for ejaculation, when it deflated fast. Penny was amazed. This had never happened to her before. What had she done wrong?

She dropped the cock from her mouth and looked at the guest. He was just staring off into space. Looking round, Penny saw each of them was doing the same.

“Maria’s been shot. She’s dying.”

Penny just stared at Rhia after these apocalyptic words. Penny had been with Rhia for over three decades now and knew she was telling the truth.

“What? How? Weren’t you protecting her?” Penny spat these words out at Rhia, who responded in her normal, measured fashion.

“Yes I was, but other forces have arrived. Hobs.”

“Hobs? What the fuck are hobs?”

Flavius answered her abstractedly. “Sprites, goblins, nisse, pucks, brownies, pixies. There are many names for them.”

Penny latched onto the Pixy nomenclature. “That can’t be right. Are you saying pixies killed Maria?”

“Technically, Maria’s not dead yet. She has another nine minutes before she dies. Nothing can stop that.”

Penny was screaming now. They were so calm and unmoving, each of them. “Can’t you do something? You’re magic. You can do something.”

Flavius came back to the here and now and looked directly at Penny. “Rhia is doing it now, Penny. She’s giving Maria five hundred and twenty seven years, four months and six days of the life she dreams of. Rhia’s giving her that now. Maria will be dead in eight minute’s time, after having lived another five hundred and twenty seven years, four months and six days of the life she dreams of. No one here can give her any more than this.”

Penny stared at him as if he was speaking gibberish. Eventually Rhia spoke up. “It’s done. We have to leave now.”

Penny couldn’t keep up. “What? Why? What about Maria?” She felt herself moving. It was a long long time since she had felt this. Mostly she just did what they wanted of her own volition, but now, her lover had gone and they were just being callous about it. Penny never doubted their story. Maria was dead now and she wasn’t there to hold her or take her hand or take her place…

The group immediately went to their cars and drove straight to the airport, where they sent Penny to buy them tickets for the next flight to Britain.

Penny stood when their flight was announced. The others didn’t. Penny looked around. “What now?” she said in exasperation.

“We’ll rent cars,” said Rhia and they all trouped off to the rental agency, where Rhia decided on a campervan for them all.

Penny drove west, as per instructions. She may as well have been alone for all the notice they took of her once ensconced in the van. It was a strange journey, marred by many accidents along each road they took. Three hours out and the radio told Penny every flight out of LA airport that night had blown up mid-air. She let out a small sound from the back of her throat.

Penny was done after six hours driving. Rhia directed her to a small airport where they chartered a plane to New York. Once on the plane Penny noted the group were more relaxed, so she took the opportunity to ask questions.

“Why did every plane from LA blow up? And how did you know?”

Flavius seemed to be the one most inclined to answer her questions. “Hobs were all over that airport. It was too dangerous to risk it.”

“Hobs again? Are you still talking about pixies?”


“They don’t exist. Don’t you know that?”

“Of course they don’t.” He looked at her closely. “They are natural forces we can sense. They act very different to anything physics has found yet. The most efficient way to understand them is anthropomorphosis. Treat them as the ancients did. Consider them to be intelligent entities. Hobs, or pixies, are mostly benevolent but, under certain conditions, can be evil little buggers. They mostly leave people like you alone, but they’re attracted to people like us. We have to be constantly on our guard against them. For some reason we don’t know, pixies are flocking to LA. In fact, from what we’ve gleaned, they’re flocking to California. Didn’t you see all the accidents on the way out of LA? Why do you think we didn’t have an accident? And, if the pixies are in California in the numbers they are now then something really bad is going to happen.”

“Pixies are going to do something really bad? Like what? What can they do?”

“Not quite. Pixies are sometimes drawn in when something bad is going to happen, but pixies will act as a catalyst and make the bad thing worse—sometimes. We’ve never seen pixies act like this before and we’ve never heard of such a thing either. We don’t know what’s going to happen. We do know it’ll be bad.”

Penny was silent as she took this in. This was more information they had vouchsafed her since they took her.

The whole group touched down at Manchester airport just as the San Andreas Fault let rip, consigning California to the bottom of the ocean and sending a series of massive tsunamis wending their way across the Pacific towards the unprotected shores of the Asian continent.

They drove to Pendle, the home of their ancestors and their new base. They were sure all the nastiness had died down by now and they would be safe there.