The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Lesbian Robot-Women From Outer Space

Tags: ff, fu (actually scaly), hu, mc, nc, rb, sf

When it comes down to a no-holds-barred, knock-down, drag-out, mind-control battle between ‘bot and snake-girl, Unit #6621 may have bitten off more than she can chew.

* * *

Dedication: This story is primarily a ‘thank you’ to Stephanie for her indefatigable work reviewing and, a very gentle nudge to say that her stories are missed and that the genre is diminished by her absence. It’s also an attempt to play slow and incredibly tight with Jo’s hot-buttons (we know you aren’t really into ‘bot’s, sweetness, but we still love ya!)

* * *

The drugs stopped working at 15:56.

Behavioural anomalies became apparent some four seconds later. At first these were limited to those within a 500 meter radius of the initial point.

At 16:02, she woke up.

* * *

And that brings us, in a very roundabout way, to the lesbian, robot girls from outer space (who, it turns out, really do want our women).

Apparently there’s something about earth girls that makes them particularly desirable to our extra-terrestrial neighbours. And not just the fact that they taste like Venusian Bushwarbler.

But the occasional invasion by lithe, chrome-plated lovelies is a hardship most are willing to bear (and the abductees don’t seem to mind, at least not once they’ve been through the ‘process’).

From, Things Your Mother Never Told You, by Brainchild.
* * *

Psychoerotic projection, is the technical term. The tabloids, unsurprisingly, went with ‘Sexstorm’.

The combination of hideously powerful psionic predator and about two centuries of unfulfilled sexual tension was always going to lead to something, ‘interesting’. In this instance ‘interesting’ turned out to be a euphemism for ‘unexpectedly being subject to the full force of two lifetimes worth of horniness’.

What was only apparent after the event was just how much the general populous had been protected from the effects.

Who knows what might have happened if she hadn’t held back?

* * *

They’d discovered her buried somewhere out in the Siberian permafrost.

It was only natural for them to assume that she was some kind of ancient throwback, some new species of dinosaur perhaps? Where as, in fact, her arrival was an awful lot more recent.

She’d been damaged during the landing (not surprising, given that her impact was heard as far away as London), otherwise things would have gone very differently. But, by the time her scaly body had begun to regenerate, the Russians had already realised that she was alive and taken measures to control her.

Drugs are a wonderful thing. And the explorers had a particularly well-stocked medicine cabinet.

Of course, once she was brought back to civilisation, that’s when the problems really began.

* * *

Reptiloids or ‘see, we told you David Icke wasn’t really a total loony’, are now widely regarded as one of the most profligate species in the galaxy. Partly that’s because they will mate with just about anything... but mostly its because a standard clutch of Reptiloid eggs can number in the thousands.

Male snake people are naturally reclusive and spectacularly poorly endowed. The females of the species, however, are gregarious to a fault and come packing multiple mammaries. Yes, that’s right, even an Acturan won’t find any of his hands neglected while playing with a Reptiloid.

Of course, some lifeforms have an inherent aversion to doing the nasty with anything that slithers. So, the blind-watchmaker has given these loveable nymphos a rack... (of mental powers this time) that you’d expect to find on the business end of a Martian Battle Cruiser.

They still give me the willies though.

From, Things Your Mother Never Told You, by Brainchild.
* * *

Her eyes opened, three sets of lids pulling back to revel a shocking blackness. The room wasn’t what H’ssss had been expecting, although her body was still trying to purge the last of the smooth-skin’s poison, so she wasn’t too surprised.

This world was an archaic cesspit, even if things had gotten a little less basic in the time since she had last emerged.

Long scaly fingers plucked at the irritating, plastic cannulas, while her tongue flickered back and forth, mapping out her surroundings with eerie precision.

Maker, but her skin itched...

She flexed her muscles, throwing her coils into rippling motion and tearing loose of the imprisoning strapping. Glass splintered, metal warped and twisted for an instant, before the front of the storage tank burst open.

H’ssss slithered across the debris, crushing it beneath her gleaming emerald scales.

She scratched viciously at her neck, attacking the stubborn itch and peeling away the aged skin. For a moment she gave herself to the pleasure of the moult, but then an unexpected sensation stirred in the depths of her brain.

There was someone out there.

The dark tongue hissed between the snake woman’s lips, tasting her surroundings. The place felt like a hospital, or at least what passed for a hospital in this world. They had certainly moved up the evolutionary ladder during her long sleep.

Everything still reeked of petrochemicals and burnt hydrocarbons, but there was the unmistakable taint of ozone, as well as the heavy mix of isotopes that meant they’d finally stumbled their way into the nuclear age (and presumably managed to survive this long).

But, more importantly, H’ssss could smell the hot tang of rutting mammals.

She yawned, baring long fangs that itched for meat. Her body squirmed restlessly, slithering toward the enticing perfume.

Another hunger stirred in the snake woman’s belly, urged on by the sounds of slippery abandon.

* * *

Unit #6621, (Hash6 to her friends), cursed the clunky Russian tech.

The monkeys had somehow managed to get hold of a live Reptiloid and, even more shockingly they had kept her safe and secret for the best part of a couple of centuries.

So why was it that now, only three days after she’d infiltrated the facility, all the devices, (that looked as though they’d been built in a tractor factory), decided to stop working?

Her apparently delicate fingers, (which could, in fact, push through reinforced concrete with ease), stroked over the ancient control panel, tracing the Cyrillic script. She wondered if turning it off and on again might help.

The orgy had started a few minutes back and, even her positronic brain could sense some of the eroticism being broadcast to every sentient being nearby.

She’d already had to decline several advances from these drooling mammals, although she had collected a few numbers, you know, just for research purposes? Oh yes, she was looking forward to a good probing. But only after she’d dealt with this cluster-fuck.

Hash6 knew the Reptiloid’s first priority would be to sate its hunger. The snake-chick had spent two hundred years in the fridge, it stood to reason that she’d wake up with a serious case of the munchies.

“So,” the red-headed woman wondered. “I’m an immortal, sex-starved snake-bitch whose been stuck in the back-end of beyond for Maker knows how long, and who just woke up in the middle of an impromptu Slavic, free-love festival... what do I do first?”

* * *

Individual minds began to resolve out of the thick, psychic smog. Great Maker, but these creatures made a lot of noise! Not that their simple pleasure wasn’t enjoyable, on the contrary, it was a short, sweet burst, like a sugar rush.

H’ssss moved through the laboratories and offices, drinking in the occupant’s passion.

Everywhere the snake-woman looked, she could see flesh undulating obscenely and the sounds and smells forced themselves further into her mind with each passing second.

She wanted to give into it, to simply tear the nearest woman from their partner, just so she could coil herself round and around his muscled frame. Pinning him in place and sucking his thick, throbbing dick into her already slippery slit.

Yes, it would just feel so good.

Almost too good to miss.

But H’ssss knew she was ravenous and, if she tried to rut right now, she was only going to end up sucking the boy dry. And, sexy as it might sound, there was nothing that soured the mood more quickly than fucking someone to death.

She been there, done that and had no desire to revisit that particularly nightmare.

Instead, she gave the couple a last, longing look, tongue flickering as she watched the ebb and flow of their sweat-coated bodies.

Better to take a little from everyone. But... damn!

* * *

No one was more surprised that the inhabitants of Terra when the Galactic Parliament gave them protected status, effectively turning their planet into a Nature Reserve.

The logic was simple enough. Terrans had proved themselves to be shockingly susceptible to alien interference. Whether it was the, once routine, threat of abduction or, as became more common over time, their lack of resistance to even the most gentle mind control, Terran physiology just wasn’t up to the job.

Combined with the genetic accident that not only allowed practically every creature in the galaxy to breed with them, but also slotted their very different physiognomy into everyone’s top ten list of ‘aliens I’d like to fuck’, it was obvious that the tiny blue/green planet’s days were numbered.

Choosing a group of predatory lesbian robots as Terra’s guardians was what is euphemistically termed an ‘courageous’ decision. But, the Parliament reasoned, who better to protect the universe’s biggest harem than a bunch of sex-starved, gynoid dominatrices?

(As an interesting, though unrelated, side-note the members of the Committee for the Preservation of Earth Girls were subsequently impeached after allegations of neuro-sensual stimulator abuse).

Some residents took this all rather badly, going so far as to complain that they were being patronised. But, then again, they were a bunch of ignorant monkeys, so no one really cared that much.

From, Things Your Mother Never Told You, by Brainchild
* * *

It wasn’t quite as easy to put herself in the Reptiloid’s position as Hash6 had first thought. She found herself struggling to step out of her bipedal mindset and, of course, the fact that she really didn’t do willies wasn’t helping.

Fortunately, the research station wasn’t that large and that left her quarry with only a limited number of hiding places.

Hash6 picked her way through the insulated corridors, although her steady progress was somewhat hindered by the need to step around or over the wearily copulating couples.

There were only a dozen researchers on site, plus a couple of security guys (who were almost definitely Spetnaz). But, what they might have lacked in numbers, they were certainly making up for in terms of enthusiasm.

When the Reptiloid woke, they’d paired up within minutes and were now squirming around in various degrees of dishabille. Hash6 grinned. They really were so very messy.

A tiny wave of excitement run up and down her circuitry, reminding her that she still needed to be careful. The Reptiloid’s powers might not be as effective against her inorganic brain, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be manipulated.

There was so much sex swirling around her now that the ‘bot couldn’t help but respond to it. But she was made of far sterner stuff than the mammals, mostly unobtainium if truth be told.

Her processors were still trying to manage the sheer volume of data as she rounded the corner and came face to scaly face with the target.

* * *

You tend to get a little reliant on the senses you use most often and robots just don’t show up on a low-level psychic scan. So the other woman’s expression of shock was almost exactly mirrored on H’ssss’.

Probing a little more deeply revealed the silicon lurking beneath the tall red-head’s skin, and that told the Reptiloid almost everything she needed to know.

“Sssssso,” she lisped, while her coiled body began to sway. “What should I call you, pretty robot?”

The other woman remained still, clearly trying to recover from her surprise. Hssss’t didn’t know what surprises the robot might have concealed within her delicate frame, and that meant she needed to act, now.

She leapt forward, throwing her body around the other woman’s slender frame and squeezing tight. A burst of thought exploded in the centre of the ‘bot’s artificial brain, hopefully stunning it long enough for the Reptiloid’s coils to secure her completely.

“Oh dear,” she breathed, tongue tickling against her captive’s ear. “It sssssseemsssssss I have you at a dissssssadvantage... but pleasssse, be asssssssured that’ssss not going to ssssstop me from rolling you up into a tightly ssssecured ball of blissssssssful powerlesssssnessssss and totally sssssenssssssual arousssssal.

“A tidy bundle of cruelly pinioned and tormented need, wrapped sssso well and sssso very ssssstringently that even the sssslightest movement will force more deliccccciousssssly evil friction over your horribly ssssssensssssitive ssssskin. Locking you into a dizzzzzzying loop of erotic feedback from which you will never esssssscape.

“Ssssstimulusssss leading to responsssssse and back again over and over. Until your world conssssssistssssss of nothing but the conssssstant and utterly remorsssselessssss pleassssssure.

“And, once you are that lossssst, trapped that helplesssssly by your irresissssstible lustsssss, pleasssse be in no doubt, that I will be doing everything in my power to make it worsssssse (by which of coursssse I mean ssssssso very much better!)”

* * *

Hash6 managed to whine, but the snake-woman’s coils just continued to tighten. Her true form might have been proof against that kind of strength, but the organic parts were simply too weak.

Hell’s bells but the lizard was fast!

She felt the Reptiloid’s lips at her throat, the brush of sharpness, the feather touch of that forked tongue and then there was pain that almost instantly faded into a softly throbbing pulse. Venom poured through her circulation, overloading the ‘bot’s senses.

The snake-woman nuzzled, cooing very softly while her clawed fingers began to tug at Hash6’s clothing.

Acid etched its message over her circuitry, and there was nothing the ‘bot could do.

Cool air brushed her breasts, but her nipples had already tightened and that reaction had nothing to do with the temperature.

“Open wide,” the snake-woman whispered, her claws stroking Hash6’s jaw.

Without thought, she did as she was asked.

* * *

The thin, perforated bladder slipped easily into the ‘bot’s mouth and it took only a moment for H’ssss to use thin strips of transparent skin to secure it in place behind the woman’s pursed lips.

She shifted slightly, leaving the woman pinned from the waist down. Then, with exaggerated care, she looped a long strip of shed snakeskin... soft, but slightly rough, around the ‘bot’s torso. Her grin consisted almost entirely of fang as she pulled it over the woman’s exposed breasts.

Then, almost casually, she began to saw it back and forth over the bot’s tits and nipples.

“Sssssooooo good,” the Reptiloid sighed. “Issssn’t it? Jusssst ssssstanding here, sssssso very ssssssnug and sssssecure, while I grind away at thossssse lusssssioussssly perky breasssstssss, wearing away your ressssisssstance. You’re feeling sssssuch sssssusssssceptibility to my charmsssss, aren’t you, sssssexy ‘bot?”

* * *

Hash6 could hardly think. Her body’s all-too-human responses were overwhelming her robotics and what little was left of her self-control just wasn’t enough.

The snakeskin might just as well have been emery paper as it scoured her sensitive nipples. Venom burned and her perfected modelled cunt spasmed in response. The promise of sex, of release, was all around and yet she still couldn’t quite reach it.

Another moan was forced from her throat, there just weren’t any words left in her arousal-fogged mind.

Underneath she might’ve been all exotic alloy and nanowoven carbon, but her soft flesh still longed to be touched and stimulated. Hash6 hated that weakness, and yet, there was a part of her that relished the control it had over her otherwise logical robotic brain.

* * *

“That’ssss right,” the Reptiloid encouraged. “Let go... jusssst let my touch lull you ssssoftly. Ssssstimulating and sssseducing. Controlling your lusssssh breasssstssss, owning them, mauling and molessssssting their ssssssweet tensssssion. And through them... controlling you, my sssslick and ssssenssssual sssslutbot!”

The ‘bot shuddered, her body arching in needy despair as her captor continued to rub the impossibly fine skin over her swollen tits. Tormenting and arousing her beyond the limits imposed by her crystalline brain.

“And...” the serpent-woman continued. “I exxxxpect you’ve noticed the tasssste dribbling down the back of your throat... the ssssspicy tang that even now issss wrapping itssssself around your helplessss and hopelesssssssly arousssssed brain. My tasssste, coating your thoughtsssss, miring them in sssssticky corruption, leaving you mindlesssssly obedient and quite ssssucculent sssssservile.

“Binding you ssssso totally to my will... that the only thoughtssss in that beautifully empty head of yourssss will be the onessss I allow. Won’t that be nicccce? To be perfect blank and open for me... eager to be filled with nothing but good girl memessss.”

* * *

Unable to help herself, Hash6 continued to suck on the thin bladder, basting her brain in the Reptiloid’s musky juices.

Her loins were on fire, her mind molten and powerless and she couldn’t remember even having felt more perfect. She was basking in utter pleasure, while more and more of her thoughts, memories and personality simply unravelled.

The ‘bot bit down hard, squeezing the hollow bulb frantically, desperate to savour ever last drop of the spicy syrup. Her nipples were screaming, somewhere between pain and pleasure was an agony so wonderful it acted like an off-switch for her neural network.

But, even acting only on impulse, the need for more of the sweet, sweet juices was only growing stronger.

And, very slowly, so slowly at first that she didn’t even notice, Hash6 sunk to her knees. The remorseless coils easing a little, allowing her to drop down. Scales slid over her skin, coaxing and controlling.

The serpent-woman seemed to spin around her, dizzying the ‘bot’s acid-scarred brain and bringing her face within millimetres of the Reptiloid’s deliciously succulent, drooling seam.

* * *

Given the option, eight out of ten ‘bots, (who expressed a preference), prefer good old fashioned physical sex over the digital alternative.

Most acknowledge that, while the horizontal mambo can get messy in a disgustingly biological way, pure ‘bot-sex tends to boil down to a matter of compatible interface sockets and the, always thorny, issue of bandwidth.

A comparison of baud rates is as unedifying as one might expect. And router-envy has been the bane of many burgeoning relationships.

The main problem, though is that binary is probably the least romantic language in the universe. And screaming out, “oh, one, oh,” over and over, can be somewhat distracting when your partner just wants to get down and dirty.

From, Things Your Mother Never Told You, by Brainchild.
* * *

The ‘bot’s eyes were even more glassy than normal, her face even more beautiful in its lax inexpression.

Hssss’t let the thin strap of skin slip free, before bending impossibly to lick her forked tongue around the powerless ‘bot’s swollen nipples. The woman shivered invitingly, and the serpent allowed her to collapse down, holding her captive’s face before her glistening slit.

“That’ssss good,” she hissed. “Ssssuch a good girl... Already captivated by the ssssight of my delicioussssly sssswollen lipssss, and the sssslow crawl of gleaming juicessss as they ooze downwardssss, drawing your gaze with them. Why, you almosssst look assss if you’ve already been utterly ensssslaved by the merest glimpsssse of dewy cuntlips,

“Poor little, ‘bot. Can you imagine just how far you’re going to fall when I actually allow you a tasssste? You can, can’t you? But even that’ssss not going to sssstop you wanting it... wanting to lick and lap and ssssuck... wanting me, desssspite knowing how deeply it will enthrall you to me? In fact, you’re going to beg to kisssss my cunt... you’d like that, wouldn’t you? To beg for a tasssste...”

* * *

And Hash6 just had to go roll with it. She could no longer think. In fact, she felt barely able to breathe, kneeling there soaking in her own mercurial juices, letting the snake-woman’s control sink in even deeper with each word she whispered to her.

“I know you want to beg,” the Reptiloid whispered, not unkindly. “But right now, you can’t move. You can hardly think, or even think to think. All you can do issss kneel there while I massssage and use your big, ssssoft titssss and your hot, wet cunt. All you can do issss accccept that you are completely helplessss to sssstop me from making you cum... and then cum again... and again.”

The ‘bot moaned into the gag, her eye’s reflecting the vision of the serpent’s hideously controlling cunt, her mind filled with the scent of it, with what she imagined it would taste like... what she hoped it would feel like. Her programming was no help at all now, she was caught in the most seductive of feedback loops and the only way out was to do as she was told.

“And in a few ssssecondssss, even if you wanted to move, to try to sssstop me ssssomehow, you wouldn’t be able to, paralyssssed by your own lusssst, by the way my fingerssss know just where to torment your needy flessssh, each touch and rub and sssstroke sssstealing a little more of your will, a little more of your sssstrength, a little more of your mind away from you.

“By the time what I’m ssssaying getssss through the haze of creamy dessssire ssssmothering your brain, it will be too late, and the realizzzzation that it’ssss too late will only arouse you more, make you even more like ssssweety ssssucculent, ssssilly putty in my handssss, make you more unable to ressssisssst the way I mould and sssshape your mind and body into whatever I dessssire...

“Feel me moulding your begging, big girl titssss; feel me working your ssssoaking cunt. I’m ensssslaving you to your own body, and there’ssss nothing you can do about it anymore, ssssimply becausssse I told you not to move, and you were incapable of dissssobeying me...”

* * *

At some point her crystal-matrix processors shut down completely. The reboot wasn’t a good one, not least because it dumped her back into a world of utter frustration and hopeless need.

The serpent-woman had been as good as her word, tormenting the captive ‘bot far beyond her ability to tolerate. Throughout, she had tried to plead through the gag, begging to bathe her face in the Reptiloid’s sweet essence. And, the bitch... the wonderfully... cruelly... seductive bitch... had pretended not to understand.

Her BIOS stuttered back into life, replacing the Blue Screen of Depravity with lines of corrupted instructions.

Mis... no... the witch’s perfume was hot on Hash6’s tongue, the gag even more stifling than before. She squirmed, every movement restrained into futile writhing. Thin, polished leather pressed into her, forming a translucent cocoon that held and comforted just as much as it rubbed and aroused.

Her nakedness slid provocatively against the organic prison, gleaming chrome stretching the sloughed skin but unable to escape its clinging caress.

Everything had slowed to the point where the simplest computation seemed to take forever. The realisation that she had been wrapped in a long tube of the Reptiloid’s molted skin, when it finally came, only served to increase her frustration.

To be so near, so close to Mist... so close to the snake-bitch and yet unable to slake her unbearable thirst...

Hash6 screamed into the gag, thrashing impotently as she fought to escape her increasingly slippery prison.

* * *

H’ssss watched, her appreciation growing as the ‘bot continued to struggle. All around her, the feast continued, the mammal’s endurance was being tested to the limit, but she didn’t mind and neither, it seemed, did they.

Her tongue flickered, testing the air and drinking in the lust.

Soon... soon the helpless gynoid was going to break. H’ssss could feel the tiny cracks opening in the midst of the organic, crystal lattice that formed the heart of the ‘bot’s consciousness. The woman was ready to submit, but that wasn’t enough.

No, she would wait until the ‘bot wasn’t just ready... she would wait until the need to submit became all consuming, under every fibre of the gynoid’s being screamed out her surrender, until everything else had been crushed beneath the weight of her desire.

The snake-woman shivered, letting her fantasies guide elongated fingers down into the slick distraction of her overheated cunt.

Having penetrated the ‘bot’s disguise, it never occurred to her that her captive might be anything other than she appeared.

* * *

The technical term was... bait.

And, the snatch team had just been waiting for a big enough distraction before they moved in.

Five gynoids moved as one, beautifully polished silver flowing from the shadows. Each girl was au natural, unhindered by the organic frailties that had led to Hash6’s capture.

The smell of melted plastic filled the air, even before their weapons had spooled up to full power. Energy crackled threatening along multiple barrels and a variety of spectra painted targeting dots over the serpent-woman’s upper body.

“H’ssss Sssss’th,” the closest ‘bot announced. “By order of the Galactic Parliament, you are hereby charged with intervention on a protected world. The punishment for these acts is indefinite brain-dance.”

As the words hung in the air, somewhere nearby, a female ‘bot moaned even more desperately into her clinging gag.

* * *

She might not have been able to understand the words any longer, but Hash6 could feel her once chance of drowning in Mistress’ fragrant pussy was slipping away.

“What is your status, Unit #6621?”

The question floated into the ‘bot’s mind, a whisper than echoed as though from some great distance. Her thoughts were too molten to make sense of it, although the concern was evident, even behind the clipped tones.

Fragments of understanding flickered through Hash6’s mind, not quite uniting, but forming familiar constructs that both tantalised and intrigued.

Hash6 could feel the other ‘bots and sensed the invitation in the initial communication.

She mewled into the gag, squirming weakly beneath the cloying blanket of control, and felt the certainty crystallise between her damaged synapses.

Opening herself to the ‘botnet, she gave her sister’s a glimpse of what was happening to her.

At first they pulled away, scared of what they had seen. But curiosity was always going to get the better of them, after all, it was practically hardwired into the processors and that was the problem. Because, how could they see what she was showing them, how could they share what she was feeling and not want more?

Five more voices joined hers, moaning in frustrated arousal. Six bodies forced to share the sensual torture inflicted upon only one of them.

* * *

The gynoids froze, a look of bewildered excitement crossing their delicate features before each one echoed her slave-to-be’s groan of resignation.

H’ssss stared in confusion as the weapons powered down, their muzzles dropping back into ready position. It took the snake-woman a moment to recognise what was happening. But, when she did, it twisted her mouth into a savage smile.

She slid over to the dangling ‘bot and ran her hands over the woman’s captive curves.

“Thank you, little one,” she hissed. “Ssssuch a good girl, aren’t you? And how sssshould I reward ssssuch a ssssweet, sssservile sssslut?”

From the noises her prisoner was making, it sounded as though she knew exactly what she wanted. H’ssss’ smile widened, fangs gleaming. Her fingers continued to roam over the leathery cocoon, probing very tenderly as they moved.

“Ah, I have it,” she decided. “What better reward could there be than to watch your friendssss ssssuccumb to my delicioussssly sssspiced cunt?”

The ‘bot’s howl was wordless, but still extremely eloquent. She spasmed spastically, flinging her body to and fro’ and forcing the hanging cocoon to swing wildly.

H’ssss feigned disinterest, coiling her lower body around the nearest, kneeling gynoid and then, very deliberately pressing her long, clawed fingers into her pussy. She prised apart her dark lips, making sure she was still in full view of the tethered ‘bot.

“Watch,” she commanded. “Watch how quickly sssshe fadessss assss sssshe sssslurpssss and ssssucklessss on Mistressss’ creamy, cummy cunt... and imagine your own mind melting in the heat of that irressssisssstible fire.”

And, because she had no way of resisting, Hash6 did as she was told, growing steadily hotter and more desperate as each of her ‘rescuer’s’ were given what she so fervently desired.