The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Light and Shadow IV: Nebulous Reunion

By J. Darksong & Madam Kistulot

Chapter 1)


I was having a bad day. Well, not really… I never have BAD days, per se, thanks to those invisible little good luck fairies that seemed to surround me. It was more like… I was in a bit of a funk. Emotionally. Earlier today, I’d stopped three muggings, rescued a cat out of a tree, and helped the police catch the serial car thief that had been plaguing most of the upper west side for the past two weeks. Luminaire was definitely making a name for herself; I should have been on top of the world.

So… why did I feel so depressed lately?

Stripping out of my uniform, I glanced at my reflection in the mirror, critiquing myself a bit. Hmm. Dirty blonde hair, hazel green eyes, nice perky breasts, a bit larger than I actually cared for at a full D cup, but the boys all seemed to like them…even the occasional girl seemed to ogle them a bit. Yes, not too shabby. I wasn’t vain enough to call myself a ‘knockout’ or anything, but I certainly wasn’t homely.

Now, if only I could make the transition from cute to pretty I’d be set.

Heading to the shower, I picked up my cell phone, and checked for any missed calls. None. I nearly threw the stupid thing at the wall in frustration, but knowing how my dad would react to having to replace yet ANOTHER cell phone, I managed to reign it in.

Damn. It’s been nearly a month now. Why is she avoiding me?

Ever since that night we’d gone together to the fair, Jessica had been acting cold and distant. Whenever we hung out together, which was a rarity unto itself these days, she would act nervous, on edge, and would always make an excuse to leave soon thereafter. Whenever I asked her if something was wrong, she merely plastered on a fake smile and said it was nothing. Then suddenly remember some place she needed to be. I knew something was up. It didn’t take a genius or a psychic to figure that out. She was my best friend, after all, she’d confessed to being in LOVE with me, and yet she couldn’t stand to be around me for more than five minutes? After a week of it I’d finally managed to corner her and tried to talk to her, to explain why I froze... but she refused to listen. Wouldn’t let me explain.

Which of course, made me mad. And what had started out as an apology turned into an argument, ending with both of us saying hurtful things that we didn’t mean. I mean... I loved her. I really did. Whenever I thought about her, her face, her smile, her laugh... it made my breath catch, my heart race, and my stomach twist in knots. And the idea of NOT being with her for the rest of my life? No... too terrible to even contemplate!

And yet... when all was said and done, I wasn’t sure if what I felt was really real!

We’d both had our brains scrambled like a pair of eggs. Even now, I still had vivid dreams of being nothing more than a soft fuzzy kitten, sweet and docile, lying on a warm bed, waiting eagerly for my Owner to come and ‘pet the pussy’. And I know Jess was still feeling the effects of it too... well, not as much as me... but we’d had our identities as human beings snatched away and replaced with those of animals. Even deprogrammed, an experience like that tends to stay with you a while. And that, in a nutshell, was my problem. Aunt Eva said that the last traces of Madrigal’s manipulation would eventually fade away completely in a few weeks. What if the feelings I had towards Jessica faded away as well?

Even now, looking back at it, I don’t know what I should have said to her. I mean… yeah, I always though Jess was beautiful. Beyond beautiful. I can admit that if I’d ever considered girl-on-girl sex, she would definitely be in my top five… strictly speaking from a beauty and sexy perspective, that is. The thing was… she was my BEST FRIEND! I couldn’t resolve my feelings of friendship with my feelings of attraction towards her. Not to mention the fact that I was basically a virgin—the last long term relationship I’d had was a ‘boyfriend’ in the third grade that I used to share crayons with! I was way too confused about my own feelings to even begin understanding hers

I wasn’t rejecting her… not really. Or, I hadn’t meant for my reaction to come across as a rejection. I’d tried to talk to her about it the very next day, but she was still too caught up in her anger and hurt to listen. And by the time I realized how much that had hurt her, she was no longer talking to me at all.

I placed my cell on the bathroom counter as I turned on the shower, hoping against hope that maybe, just maybe, she would answer one of the ninety-six messages I’d left in her voice mail. The water had just started to steam when the phone rang, and I eagerly grabbed it, answering it with a dry mouth.

“Jess! Thank God! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean… I just… Can we… can we just talk for a few minutes... please?”

* * *


“Sorry, I’m not Jess. And you don’t sound like Aunt Lacie, so I’m guessing . . . Katie? It’s been one hell of a long time, hasn’t it? We live across the country, but we really should talk more.” I won’t lie. I was nervous calling family acquaintances to ask for a favor, but this is more important than me. With the fun the project caused the start of my tour, I need to make the most of the rest of it.

Touring without Aurora has been lonelier than it was before. Nikki and the band have kept me company, but it’s not quite the same. Nikki is my girlfriend. Aurora is something else. It’s not like I could give up Nikki at this point, but I hate knowing Aurora is putting herself in danger every night without me.

“I uhm . . . I’m going to be in town in a few days. The tour is being extended, and we’re going through River City again. We should have spoken last time, but things were sort of hectic. I was wondering if maybe we –—well, your family is invited too, of course—could go out for a bite. There’s some things I’d like to talk about. No immediate danger.”

If they weren’t a family of heroes and heroines I wouldn’t tack on the last part, but as it is? I don’t want them thinking I’m calling to covertly warn about some super menace. Sarah is in danger, but she’s been in danger. If Aunt Lacie, and Uncle Eugene can help get the word out again that my mom is in trouble it could really help. Maybe they even know some way we haven’t tried to go looking.

Aurora and I really don’t make use of our resources enough.

“Oh, I probably should have mentioned that it’s me. Sylvia – Sarah and Valerie’s daughter. I’m sort of used to people recognizing my voice, but that’s a little rude, isn’t it?”

I slap my forehead and groan. Thankfully, I’m all alone in my hotel room, or Nikki would give me so much hell right now. I’m normally not as verbally clumsy as Aurora. Just thinking about her makes that rub off.

Seeing some familiar faces from my childhood would be nice. We did visit River City once, when Sarah insisted we take a vacation out of Midas for a few weeks. I never did find out why. If I ever see her again, I’ll need to be sure to ask.

* * *


“Sylvia?” Katie frowned for a second before recognition kicked in. “NEBBY! Oh my God! Wow! Um, sorry, just having a blonde moment there for a bit.” I can’t believe it! My palms feel all sweaty, and my heart is racing. On the one hand, she’s my cousin, the same geeky little kid we used to play dress up with and fight over sharing our crayons. On the other hand, its been nearly a decade now, and she’s a world famous musician. I don’t know quite how to react.

“Um, sorry. Sylvia. You’re not ten years old now, I guess you don’t go by that nickname anymore. Um… gosh… it’s great to hear from you! Sorry, if I sound a wee bit flustered, I just—OH! SHIT! Hang on a second, you caught me about to slip into the shower, let me turn off the water and put something on.” I placed the phone on the counter, missing whatever comment my embarrassing statement may have caused.

‘Wait a second while I put something on?’ I just admitted to chatting her up while NAKED. Why did I say that out loud?!? Dammit, Kate, quit acting like a ditzy fangirl with a schoolgirl crush!

Except that pretty much what I was. Not in a romantic way, of course… that would be ALL sorts of weird. I meant the fangirl part. REALLY! Anyway, I had a hard time wrapping my mind around the concept that my cousin was a celebrity, the likes of Brittany Spears, Katie Perry, Rhianna, and all those other famous artists that were now household names. I even had a poster of her and her band hanging on my bedroom wall!

Uh. I guess I should probably NOT mention that out loud, and make her think of me as even more of a dork than she already does.

“Um sorry about that,” I replied, picking up the phone again. “You were saying something about wanting to grab a bite to eat and catch up? Heh, as if you even have to ask! I’d LOVE to meet up with you anytime you’re free! It’ll be just me, however… dad is dealing with some kind of company thing… somebody is trying to do a hostile takeover of his company. I don’t know all the details. And... my mom is out of town. Actually, she’s out searching for YOUR mom! We heard about Aunt Sarah being missing, so she and dad have gone out to ‘beat the bushes’ so to speak. Oh, and me, too, of course… not that Luminaire has a lot of contacts within the criminal underworld or anything. Yet. Oh, and, um, by Luminaire, I mean, me.”

I was blushing now. She probably didn’t even know I’d taken up the ‘family business’. Her and ‘Rora’s exploits were all over the news and television these days, but unless she happened to pick up a copy of the local River City Gazette, she probably wouldn’t know about a small time local heroine nabbing purse snatchers, car jackers, and the occasional bank robber. Even the incident in Miami hadn’t been considered big news. Nebby’s a rock star, not even a full time super, and she’s helped bring down more high profile bad guys that I have.

“So… um… well,” I finished awkwardly, blushing even more, “if you don’t mind a party of one, then I’m all yours!”

* * *


“Katie, Katie, relax. Please? We’re sort-of family. This is Sylvia La... Nebby calling you, not Symphonic Nebula’s lead singer.” It feels weird to say that. It feels weirder to say that than it does to think of an all grown up Katie blushingly trying to find some clothes.

It’s honestly been so long since I’ve seen her. I could look up a picture probably—if not of Katie, of Luminaire—but that seems so stalkerish. It’s bad enough I’m already thinking about her in ways that I shouldn’t think about a distant not-blood relative that for all I know is as straight laced as I’m not.

That’s more of a scary thought than I want to admit.

“Nebby is fine, though. . . only ‘Rora really calls me that anymore. Well, ‘Rora and Nikki. Long story, best told in person.” Not to mention its a story best told in private. I still can’t get the thought of Nikki and ‘Rora rolling around together out of my head. “I’d love to have a meal with you. I’d suggest my hotel room so we can talk about your new hobby in private, but I don’t know if you’ve got anyone who might over hear. It sounds rude to invite myself over, but . . . how about we make plans to eat in at your place? I want to talk shop, without risking anything.”

Mom always wanted Aurora to be able to have a secret identity. As much as she loved always being Silver Girl, she wanted it to be easier for us. Thinking about it, being Nebula part of the time, and Sylvia all the time sure as hell makes things easier on me.

Mostly, anyway.

It’s hard not to vamp a little. Nikki, Kat, and Aurora just love it entirely too much when I get all breathy over the phone, and my mind is already in the gutter at the thought of seeing Katie again. I bet she’s as cute as her mother ever was, and she sounds so . . . innocent. Her shyness almost reminds me of Aurora. I miss her, but she’s got plenty of girls around wanting to keep her warm while I’m gone.

I sigh and rub my thighs together just enough to feel. “I’ll be in town Tuesday—if you want to make all of your friends jealous, I totally don’t mind going around town with you. Though, warning, I have a reputation for kissing the girls and making them cry.”

* * *


Oh, God. I’m blushing redder than a stop light. My cute sexy mega-famous cousin wants to come over to have lunch. And... that last part... is she flirting with me? I’m blushing even more at the thought, if that’s even possible. I’m probably just jumping to conclusions. She couldn’t possibly know about Jessie and me... or, what might one day be ‘Jessie and me’. It was still too soon to know. All I knew was that the way the idea was making feel... MAYBE I wasn’t so much the ‘straight arrow’ I’d always thought myself to be...

None of that any of that mattered at the moment, anyway. No way she was hitting on me. Nebby is world famous. She could have any woman on the planet with just a word and a gesture, without even using her mist!

“Um, lunch, here? Sounds great! Except, well, um... I’m kind of a klutz in the kitchen. Guess I inherited that from mom. But, ah, we could order in? There’s this great Italian place over on Fifth that delivers! And, um, as for talking shop—that reminds me! Dad said he had something for you and ‘Rora, something he’d come up with, for the next time we went to Midas. He’s been experimenting with this new synthetic polymer material stuff, based on something he confiscated from Dr. Mania after their last encounter. But don’t worry, it’s nothing dangerous, or mind-altering.”

Not that my dad would spring anything dangerous on either Sylvia or Aurora. Or that she would think anything like that. The new indestructible costume I wore as Luminaire was made of the stuff—stronger than Kevlar but light as Egyptian cotton. But, of course, if she’s heard of Dr. Mania, she’d have to be at least a little wary of accepting anything he helped create. Come to think of it, with all the troubles she’s had lately with people trying to fry her mind, she probably wouldn’t want to try on something the least bit suspicious, even coming from a trusted family member.

Maybe we should just focus on lunch and talk about costumes later on.

“So... Tuesday? Sounds great! Maybe we can hang out a bit after... I can take you on a tour of the town! Maybe even... go on patrol together? Um, if you want, that is. If you’d rather not be hounded by mobs of screaming fans, we could also lay low, here, at home. Your choice!”

* * *


“Ordering in is just fine. It’s a little rude to invite yourself to someone else’s home, but we can’t just talk about the family business out in the open. I don’t even have a secret identity and I don’t like to – it’s tacky. And, I love Italian. I blame Valerie for that.” I should probably blame Lida for that too, but that seems silly. A little red sauce can go a long way.

Eugene Frasier is one of the smartest men I’ve ever met. Rebeca was a technological genius, but she never made a suit of armor. Her uniform for being Hope isn’t exactly a mere bodysuit, but she’s still no Armor Man.

If everything works out with Monique’s contacts, maybe I should introduce them. Eugene could use another brilliant mind on reserve. I’m just not sure if introducing such a lying little . . . well, we’ll see what she makes of her second chance.

Katie . . . I’ll need to look up some pictures of her alter ego. Luminaire . . . If she looks anything like her mom, I’m going to need to try really hard to stop this reunion from being a typical LaSilvas one. Oh hi, nice to meet you, you’re pretty, let’s discuss this over waffles in the morning. Add in sparks, mist too in my case, a healthy dose of incest and . . . at least this one isn’t a cousin by blood.

Sarah helped her mom with a little LaSilvas magic, but we don’t even have the same last name. If we wind up kissing, it could wind up in the tabloids without ruining me. Good to keep in mind.

“Ooooh. You know that star cut out just begs for someone to try cutting my top open. I really might love seeing some of that! Never mind being a little bit easier to disrobe. But yeah . . . Tuesday. Tuesday sounds perfect. Some food, a tour, definitely a patrol . . . anything you want. I’m the one imposing after all.” My muse is already tingling at the thought. Katie Frasier, Luminaire . . . Light. What songs would her mind sing, given the chance?

My mind is entirely too quick to go down this road. I’ve never abused my powers, but it’s hard to think of seducing a beautiful woman using a spark filled kiss as an abuse. Maybe being so open about what I do, who I am, and what I want has made it so I can think about all these things and feel safe knowing I’d never cross that line.

Mom taught her younger self a lesson, and me too.

There’s a loud knock on the door, and I roll over with a pout. “Damn it. That’s Nikki. Sorry, we need to do a little practicing on a new song we’re working on. Planning on debuting it in River City, actually. See you Tuesday!”

* * *


I hang up, barely suppressing the urge to squeal like a kid and jump up and down from excitement. Just a few minutes ago I’d been so depressed, and lonely, feeling all but abandoned by my best friend in the whole world… and now I was on top of the world again. I grinned, giving in to the feeling, floating up to the ceiling.

Nebby’s coming to visit! Hah! Forget the fairy dust—I’ve just found my happy thought!

I wondered briefly if I should tell everyone she was coming, but I decided against it. Mom was still out of the country, over in Europe somewhere, checking on a lead of some kind. I knew from experience that wherever that Yggdrasil place was, it was apparently far out of cell range. Dad had enough to worry about trying to stop some shadowy figure from trying to disassemble his company and sell off the pieces. Going to a Symphonic Nebula concert would be a nice diversion, but in his current frame of mind, he’d be too focused on business to be much company.

As for Jimmy… sigh… I wasn’t sure what was going on with him lately. At first, it seemed as if he’d finally decided to come around, and embrace the life of a super hero. He’d started working out with a vengeance, training with mom before she’d left, then Aunt Roni and Uncle Parker after, like he was trying to make up for lost time or something. He’d stopped hiding out in the garage and his bedroom all the time, and actually hung up with me now and again. He’d even started going out on patrols at night with me and the others.

Then, two day ago… the incident. And then.... he’d just disappeared.

No explanation or anything, just a two word letter saying I’m sorry left for me and dad to find when we got up in the morning. And while it wasn’t that strange for Jimmy to take off for days on end out of the blue, he’d always managed to contact us and let us know where he was, or that he was alive and well. Until now, anyway.

And now, all the bad press and news reports. Not that I believe that my big brother would EVER kill someone... even accidentally. No.... he’s too cautious, too smart, to make that kind of a mistake. But still, he might have at least come to ME, his twin, before leaving town. And... I know if he’s not exactly okay... at least he’s not dead, not lying face down in some gutter somewhere. I don’t believe that. Not for an instant. If he was hurt, or… or… no, I’d know. I’m sure of it. Twins have that kind of connection, and even as much as we’ve kind of drifted apart, I’d bet my life that he’s out there somewhere, alive and well.

At least physically well. Running away like that... it’s just not him. Something else must have happened to prompt him to just up and leave that way instead of coming to one of us. I just had no idea what that might be.

I guess I can at least send him a text message and let him know his cousin is gonna be in town. Even if he’s not answering back, he’s usually good about checking his messages. Who knows, maybe he’ll come back for the chance to see Nebby again after all these years.

The thought was enough to help recapture my earlier good mood. On impulse, I sent a second text to Jessica’s cell phone as well, letting her know. I felt a little guilty spreading the word about Sylvie coming to town to someone technically not a family member… but Jess was my best friend. I could trust her not to blab to everyone on the street. And as big a Symphonic Nebula fan as she was, there was no way she’d miss the chance to meet the band in person.

Tossing off my bathrobe once more, I turned on the shower and slid inside, already thinking about all the preparations I needed to make for Tuesday.