The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Light and Shadows 8: Dark Dungeon’s Depths

by J. Darksong & Baltimore Rogers

Ch. 1) Chains On Me

“Hi, Connie. Is Nigel busy?”

Constance glanced up, favoring Katie with a wry smirk. “Hello, Miss Frasier,” she said with her usual professional air, albeit with a slightly playful undertone in this case. “Mr. Grimalde is, by his very nature, always busy. Is there something specific you needed?”

“Well, it’s nothing too important,” Katie said, considering. “If he’s busy, I can wait until he’s free.” She smiled, leaning slightly against the desk. “So, how are you feeling today? Not too achy, I hope?”

“Why, yes, Miss Frasier,” she replied with just a hint of a smile, “still recovering after my, ahem... ‘work out’, but doing quite well, actually.” She stretched her left arm a bit, wincing slightly. “I am still a little stiff, however. Perhaps I could use a bit... more exercise later?” she asked, dainty eyebrow arched ever so slightly.

Katie giggled. It was amazing how the young secretary could walk the line between brazen wantonness and professional aplomb. “Well, Sioban called ‘dibs’, and depending on how my meeting with Nigel goes, I might be, um, occupied later... but I think we can pencil in a sparring session if you like.” Katie grinned, wickedly licking her lips. “I can definitely help you work up a sweat.”

Despite the goosebumps prickling along her arms at the sexy blonde’s tone, and the thought of a repeat of last night’s tryst, her only outward acknowledgement was a slight widening of her smile. “Yes, well, I hope you won’t be too rough with me. I AM still healing up, after all.”

Catching on to the game now, Katie walked slowly around the young Asian secretary’s desk. “Oh, have no fear of that, Constance,” she replied, her voice low and husky, “I intend to be energetic... but gentle. Very gentle,” she added, running a feather light caress along the girl’s neckline from behind in passing, grinning as she was rewarded with the dark haired beauty squirming. “I do remember that you enjoy a... ‘light’ touch,” she concluded, holding up a glowing, pulsing fingertip.

“Ah, um... y-yes,” Connie stuttered slightly, trying to regain her poise. She paused, listening for a moment, before letting out a soft sigh. “Well, it appears you’re in luck. Mr. Grimalde’s teleconference just ended, and he’s free for a few minutes before his next meeting. You can go right in.”

“Thank you, Miss Yamanohana,” Katie replied with a slight bow, acting the part of the professional now. “Thank you for keeping me... entertained. It’s been a pleasure.”

Watching the blonde slip through the doors, Constance let out a shaky breath. Wow. A real firecracker, that one is. So this is what she’s like when she’s not depressed and pining after her lost love? I can see why Sioban has fallen so hard for her. She smiled, straightening her collar, rubbing her neck lightly from where Katie had brushed against her. Hmmm... I hope things work out for those two. I’d really like it if she hung around.

* * *

Shutting off the lights, Eugene Frasier paused a moment, taking a long look back at the hospital room that had been his home for the past two months. All of his belongings were packed up and loaded, and all that was missing now was him. No, scratch that... he’d forgotten something after all. Wheeling back over to the corner of the room, he lifted the edge of the curtain, spotting the 6VDC micro-motor component he’d set aside earlier. Sighing softly, he thought back on the interruption, and how everything had changed afterwards...

“Hello? Am I intruding?”

Eugene glanced up, blushing slightly, adjusting his hospital gown to cover himself. “Eva, lass... this is a surprise. Please, come in.” He sat back in the bed, pushing aside the small tray table of components with a sigh. “They’re finally releasing me today. Valerie says she’s had enough of my terrorizing her nursing staff. If I’m well enough to chase the ‘bonnie lassies’ then apparently I’m well enough to go home.” He chuckled drily. “Not that I’m having any luck, mind. If I had a chest as nice as yers or Lacie’s, however...”

Eva Snow smiled politely at the joke, even knowing the hilarity was forced. She longed to go to him, wrap her arms around the man and clutch him tightly, show him what kind of woman he could have with just his own chest... but she wasn’t sure how that would be received. Eugene was a proud man, fiercely independent and used to doing things his own way. Being paralyzed from the waist down after the fight with his brother Duncan had come as quite a blow. He hid it well around other people, but she knew how much he suffered.

“Eugene, I...” she began, pausing, suddenly shy as he turned to meet her gaze. Damn. I can’t do this. I can’t... “...wh, what’s that... um, thing, that doohickey there you were working on?” she amended quickly, pointing to what appeared to be a reworked laptop with bundles of wires sticking out from the sides and a disassembled satellite phone connected to the side. Gene merely grunted, rolling his eyes.

“That, lass,” he grumbled in obvious frustration, “is my rather awkward and unsuccessful attempt to locate Jimmy. Regretfully, I lost the console interface for my satellite’s DNA scanning system when I blew Duncan’s lab. I’ve been spending most of my waking hours trying to recreate the console to communicate with the satellite and use it to track Jimmy’s whereabouts. Unfortunately, a hospital room is not an engineering workbench, and there’s only so much I can do with the materials I have at hand.“

Eva nodded. “So, you couldn’t get it to work?”

“Nae, lass, I got it to work,” he replied grimly. “Just not well enough to do much good. I must say, though, I’m actually a bit proud of the fact. With tools little more advanced than a caveman’s pick axe and club, I managed to contact the satellite and order it to track down Jimmy’s bio signature.” He sighed. “The issue is that the original console was state of the art, with very precise and very high end controls. With a bit of fine tuning, it could track a person to within two feet of their actual location. The best that this... jury-rigged, ‘MacGyvered’ version can do is track him to within a fifty mile radius.”

“Fifty miles? That’s still pretty damn good,” she commented, somewhat surprised. It was certainly better than anyone else had been able to figure out. “I don’t think you give yourself enough credit. At least you are able to confirm that he is still alive, and in which area he is. Besides, you have help, people that can do the actual leg work...” She gasped, groaning inwardly at the slip of the tongue. “I... er, sorry, I didn’t mean...”

“Ach, think nothing of it, lass,” Gene said easily, reaching out to caress her hand. “It’s been a wee bit... tough... coming to term with my limitations. And, it’s not as if I’ve given up completely and traded in my armor for a rocking chair! If all else fails, I’ll just come up with some kind of exoskeleton that will help me get around.” He shrugged. “Where there is life, there is hope, aye?”

“Aye,” Eva said softly, staring down at her hands.

“But even so, lass,” he added, “I’m still a Frasier. I’m nae made o’ glass. Ye’ll not shatter me by talking aboot legs. Ye should know that aboot me, right, Eva?”

“I do. Really, Eugene, I do. But...” She was delaying the inevitable. She had delayed this conversation, somehow always finding something else she needed to be doing, or someplace else she needed to be. Always nearby, always around in case he needed her for anything, but... not directly with him. Alone. As she was right now. It’s not so much you who’ve changed, Eugene... It’s me. And it scares me. What if I do something wrong? What if I drive you away?

“Eva,” Gene said quietly, causing her to start. He chuckled. “Ye ken, lass, if I keep surprising you this way, I might start to believe ye’ve been scamming me about being a psychic all these years.” She laughed as well, breaking the momentary tension.

“Okay, lassie... out with it,” he said after a moment. “Ye’ve had something on yer mind for a while now, though ye’ve tried yer best to hide it. And I ken it’s something... about me.” He gripped her hand again, gently squeezing. “I’d think that after so many years you’d realize ye could talk to me about anything. So tell me... what’s wrong?”

Eva’s lip trembled. She face felt flushed, and it was all she could do to keep from getting up and running screaming out of the building. She was so nervous that her palms were sweating. Gaahhhh! This is ridiculous! she thought to herself. I’m a doctor. A psychiatrist! And a superheroine! I’ve faced down gun toting henchmen and psychotic super villains armed with nothing more than my own mind! Gene’s a friend, a true and trusted friend. I shouldn’t be this scared to just... talk to him! C’mon, Evangeline... pull yourself together!

Taking a deep breath, she turned to face him directly. “Um... well...,” she began awkwardly, “do you, ah... remember dreaming anything really... erotic? Say, a few days before you went off to face your brother?”

Eugene went still, frowning slightly. He had, indeed, instantly recalling what she was alluding to. He chewed his lip for a moment before answering. “Let me guess. That dream... wasn’t a dream, was it?” Blushing redder, Eva shook her head. Interesting, he mused, as the rest of the pieces fell into place. That certainly explains the way she’s been acting around me the past few weeks. Closing his eyes, he thought directly at her.

«Eva? Can you hear me?»


Gene smiled softly at that. «I figured if you have a tough time saying the words aloud, you can simply think them to me. My mind is open to you right now. My shielding is down. Just let loose with whatever it is you need to tell me.»

Eva sighed deeply, shaking her head. “No. I need to do this, I NEED to say the words, aloud. I’m just a little... give me a minute to collect my thoughts, okay?” She glanced away, taking a breath, trying to slow her rabbit quick heartbeat. “That night...” she said slowly, choosing her words carefully, “it was probably the greatest sexual experience of my life. Bar none.” She smiled in memory. “I’ve lived a rather colorful life. I was rather wild in my youth, spent some time as the ‘bad girl’ until the man who became my brother-in-law knocked some sense into me. In all this time, I’ve always been the one in command, always in control. I mean, I’ve been caught and captured as much as any Super, had my mind tweaked and twisted more than my fair share. I know what it feels like to be someone’s slave, to be made to love and worship someone with every fiber of your being.”

She shuddered softly, starting to pant. She was starting to turn herself on. “But the thing is,” she added quickly, “is that I never once considered myself a true submissive. I’m loud. I’m opinionated. I like things done my way, and I have no problems arguing anyone who says otherwise right into the ground. I’m independent. I loved being with Melissa, but I frankly, I’m just as comfortable living on my own.” She lifted her eyes to stare into his then. “And never, EVER, for a single solitary second, have I ever even THOUGHT about having sex with a man. Not in my right mind, anyway. When someone embeds a computer chip in your brain, you’ll pretty much think whatever the hell he wants you to...” She sighed. She was still procrastinating even now, drawing it all out. “Gene...”

“Aye, well, I kind of figured as much,” he grumbled glancing down. “I heard quite a bit about what happened in River City while I was away from Nigel and his brood. That Bimbo epidemic seemed to have played havoc with the entire city. It’s no wonder you and Lacie were taken over.” He forced a smile, patting her hand. “Ye weren’t yerself, lass. It’s okay. I understand.”

“NO, you DON’T!” Eva cried in frustration standing up to walk a few steps away before turning back to him once more. “Eugene Frasier... I love you!” she blurted out, forcing the words out before her tongue could betray her again. Gene’s eyes widened in surprise, and she hurried on before he could speak.

“I know what you’re going to say... and yes, you’re right. What happened that night in your bedroom only took place because of that damned bimbo virus. I never would have considered doing something like that otherwise.” She sighed again. “But... I don’t regret it. Not a bit. I said it before, it was the single greatest sexual experience of my entire life! So, maybe it was all just an effect of the bimboization. Or maybe it was that my psychic power was off kilter, and I was feeding off your and Lacie’s lust. Or maybe it was the fact that I’ve always loved and respected you—as a friend, I mean—for all these years, and there was just a... connection between us. Something more than just sex or lust... Love? I don’t know. All I know for sure is that you were one of about thirty sexual partners I shared with that week under the effects of that virus, which kicked my lust and sexual need off the charts. Being with you that one night, connecting with you on that level, made the rest not even worth mentioning.”

Which left Eugene completely speechless. Apparently he’d read the situation completely wrong. Eva hadn’t been awkward and uneasy around him out of a sense of shame over what had happened. Just the opposite. The way he’d lost control and—if he wanted to be honest with himself, he would have to say raped her, since she wasn’t in her right mind—ravaged her sexually, dominantly, had apparently had a profound effect on her. Not only was she not upset with him, she’d told him she had fallen in love with him! With anyone else, he might have dismissed it as a joke, or as exaggeration, hyperbole... but not Eva Snow.

And staring at her now, seeing the look on her face that spoke of equal parts anticipation and dread at his reaction, he knew he had no choice but to be honest with her as well.

“Eva, my girl,” he said softly, causing her to stiffen. He paused again, considering HIS words. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings. He cared for her deeply, as much as he cared for Lacie. And, to be completely honest... he was just as deeply in love with her as she claimed to be with him. He’d lusted after her for years, since the first time they met, the impossibly hot platinum blonde goddess with the no-nonsense attitude and a demeanor as cold as ice. At least, until she got to know you, until you cracked the outer shell to see the warm gentle soul beneath it. Lacie had pressed, and he’d admitted a time or two that if there was any one woman that he desired as much as his own beloved wife, it was Eva Snow. Eva, the beautiful, the powerful and utterly untouchable, completely uninterested in him—well, in that way—because of the Y chromosome he carried in his genetic makeup.

The same Eva who had now bared her heart and soul to him, waiting for him to express his own feelings.

“Eva, lass,” he said gently, “you know how I feel about you. You’ve always known. Aye, I’ve loved you from afar since before Lacie and I tied the knot. And I can admit that, knowing it doesnae detract from my love for her in the slightest. I love ye both, lass, equally... but differently. Can ye understand that? Lacie is my wife... my soulmate. She’s the other half of me, and I can’t picture being without her.” He held up a hand to forestall her speaking just yet. “Again, lass, I do love ye just as much... just as deeply, and just as fiercely. I’d take a bullet for you without blinking. I’d do anything within my power to make ye happy. Likewise, I’d do anything I could to keep from hurting you...”

“But?” Eva said softly a moment later when he failed to continue.

Gene shook his head. “I could also never hurt Lacie. I could never cheat on her, or betray her trust. I ken what happened that night wasnae yer fault... nor mine, nor hers. It was just something that happened caused by things out of our control.” He closed his eyes. “As much as I dearly wish it were possible... I could never do anything that would hurt Lacie Ann.”

“And... if Lacie Ann didn’t have a problem with it?” said a voice from the doorway.

Gene and Eva both glanced up in surprise at Lacie, standing just inside the room. She had a knowing smirk on her face, even though both her husband and best friend were red faced from guilt. “Sorry to interrupt, I asked Silver Girl to drop me off here to check up on you both for a bit.” She sighed softly. “Sarah has been a great help to me all this time... I think we’ve actually been good for each other, helping to get over the trauma of the past few weeks. But, well, something told me you two would still be hedging the issue instead of facing it straight on. So, let me spell it out for you then.”

Walking over to Eva, she leaned forward, giving the lovely blonde a deep searing kiss, surprising her. “Eva, love... I’m not stupid. I’ve known since that night how you felt about Eugene. And if you’re really truly honest with yourself, you’d admit that he stopped being merely a ‘friend’ even before that night. You’ve always held back because of me, and my feelings... because you weren’t sure you could feel about a man the way you do about other women. The night all three of us were together, your psychic control was pretty much non-existent. I knew exactly what you were feeling, what you were thinking.” She smiled, kissing her again. “And baby, there isn’t anyone alive with whom I would be happier to share Eugene than with you.“

She walked over to her husband, taking his face in her hands, forcing him to look at her. “Sweetheart. Husband. Master. Such an honorable man I married,” she said softly, kissing him gently. “I know you, dearheart. I know how much you want her... just as passionately as she wants you. And baby, it’s not cheating if I know and approve.” She kissed him again. “You’ve proven your love for me a thousand different times... particularly a few weeks back when you fought death itself to save me. I’m secure in my place in your heart. And with security comes a lack of jealousy. Be with her. Love her, fully, completely and totally, with my blessing.” She smiled, wiping lightly at the tears that began to flow. “Just remember to put me at the start of the rotation, okay? I call dibs.“

“Loveling,” Eugene said, completely flabbergasted. In truth, he’d hoped she would be amenable to such a pairing, but he’d certainly never expected it. And if she was doing it just because she thought he wanted it—

“She’s not,” Eva thought to him, shaking her own head in wonder. “I’m connected to her as well, and I can feel the sincerity of her words. She... goddess... she really means it.”

Gene grunted, still trying to take it all in. “This... it wouldnae work anyway,” he said after a moment. “Eva, lass, it was just... the virus thing you mentioned... yer not a submissive!” he ended, frustrated, as the two women merely stood by smiling, as if they already knew how this would end. “This is just.... left over from the bimbo virus—” Lacie shook her head, they’d both received a clean bill of health afterwards. “—or, ahm, some kind of... empathic shadow from being connected with us during sex—” Eva shook her head this time, she’d checked with her friend Mystic, as well as with Silver Girl, who’d used her Light just to be sure her mind was clean. “—or, ah, um... emotional trauma from the, ah—”

“Gene,” Eva cut in, eyebrow raised, “are you actually going to sit there and try and tell me that I was so badly traumatized by having sex with you that I’ve gone ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ over you?” She crossed her arms at her chest, her smirk betraying the serious tone of her voice. “And before you even bring it up, no, it was NOT rape. If anything I raped you! I knew very well what I wanted, and I wasn’t about to take ‘no’ for an answer.” She chuckled. “So... any other arguments, or can we just fast forward to the part where you accept us both as ‘yours’ and kiss and make up?“

“Dang blast yer heids!” he grumbled in exasperation. “Do I have to spell it out for ye both? I’m nae the man I used to be!” He gestured to himself, the lower part of him underneath the bed. “I cannae feel anything below my waist, so any hopes either of ye had for a ‘repeat performance’ of that night is cancelled indefinitely!”

Incredibly, Lacie and Eva both shared a look, giggling. “Should I tell him, or do you want to simply show him?” Lacie said, a knowing twinkle in her eye. Eva, blushing hotly, took a step towards the Scotsman.

“No, please, allow me,” she said in a sultry tone, licking her lips, moving to the edge of the bed. Saying nothing, she slid a hand gently along his bed sheet covered leg, smiling even wider as Gene gave a small start. He stared at her uncomprehending for a moment as her hand travelled further up his thigh, heading slowly, teasingly towards his cock, which was starting to come to life.

“Damn mah heid fer a neep,” he said, wide eyed, his breath shortening to breathy gasps. “Ach no... the auld cat’s nae deid jus’ yet...” Shaking his head, he stared at Eva. “Lass... how are ye doing this? I can FEEL everything... your every touch... every... sensat—gaaah!” he exclaimed as her small slim hand grabbed his manhood, squeezing gently. “How are you doing that, lass? I’m paralyzed! I shouldnae be able to feel this...”

“We’re connected,” she explained with a grin, taking much delight in stroking him while she spoke. “I tapped into your nervous system with my powers. Your body is fine. You nerves... mmmmm... feel everything just as much as they always have. The problem is that the signal is not making it back to your brain. So, I’m sending you the sensations I feel you feeling, directly into your brain psychically.” She sighed softly, groaning, shifting in her seat. “It’s... an interesting experience,” she managed a moment later, biting her lip, looking even more turned on than Eugene. “I’m getting hit with your arousal AND my own... like a feedback loop of pleasure.” Her hand was now fisting his cock rapidly, up and down, as her own hips began to buck slightly in anticipation.

“Eva... lass...” Gene groaned, wanting to stop her, but needing it so much after the past few weeks. “I cannae stand much more...”

Words that nearly made her cream herself. “Then order me... command me to make you cum,” she said breathlessly. “I’ll do it for you, Gene. Anytime. Anywhere. All you need to do is say the word.” Lacie’s hands were squeezing and groping her breasts from behind, now encouraging her, urging her to make it happen. “I know... it doesn’t make up for... for what you’ve lost...” she said raggedly, her free hand sliding up underneath the waistband of her long eggshell colored skirt, “...but I swear... I’ll do everything... in my power... to make sure you’re satisfied...” She moaned in unison with him... then with a slight tweak, brought Lacie into the link as well, feeding her the sensations they were both experiencing. “We both will... your women... your girls.. your... your... slaaaavveeeesss....”

With a loud road Eugene let loose, coming as hard as he’d ever come before. An instant later, Lacie and Eva came as well, riding the wave of his pleasure, clutching each other in shared joy, locked in a moment of pure pleasure, pure joy, and simple secure contentment. Eugene sighed, deeply, basking, his mind made up. After a moment, he laughed aloud.

“Damn yer hide, Nigel Grimalde,” he said, chuckling ruefully. “I ken ye were a bad influence. Less than a month since I’ve known you and now you have me starting my own harem...” Chuckling again, he sat up. “Alright, loves... the doctor says I can leave this blasted place, and I’ve a mind to do just that. Eva, lass, please call a nurse and have them bring the discharge papers in. And Lacie, love, be a dear and fetch my clothes. I may not be able to walk out of here, but I sure as hell don’t intend to leave here in this blasted paper nightie!”

Both girls were waiting just outside in the hallway. Sighing softly, he pocketed the missing component and wheeled himself to the door. Aye... things have certainly changed a mite over the past few weeks. Can’t say I saw any of this coming. It appears my life will be a lot more complicated from now on.

He chuckled slightly, as he left the room, rejoining his two lovers outside. Not that I mind such a ‘complication’. It makes life interesting. One thing’s certain, though. Nigel Grimalde is never hearing a word about this. He’d never let me hear the end of it.

* * *

Nigel Grimalde glanced up as his door opened. “Ah, good afternoon, Katherine. You’re looking well today. Please, have a seat.” He nodded as she sat down across from him. “So, what brings you here today?”

“Yes, Sir. I understand you’re helping my dad with the search for my brother Jimmy, and that you’re going to send Tawnya out to help coordinate?” He nodded. “I was hoping,” she said, taking a breath before lifting her head to look at him squarely in the eye, “you might consider postponing her flight out to Austin for a few hours?”

“Oh? And why might I do that?” he asked, intrigued. Unlike their previous meeting, this Katie Frasier was calm, composed, and self-assured. She was respectful, yes, but not fearful. It was quite a change.

“Well, first of all, Sir, it is in no way obligatory or anything,” she said, straightening her skirt, “but I’d really like to have some time alone with her before she takes off. We, that is, Sioban and I.” She frowned, as Nigel opened his mouth. “No, no, no, not like that,” she amended hastily, blushing slightly. “though I suppose, giving her a ‘send-off to remember’ might come into play somewhere along the way. No, Sir, I meant, I wanted to talk to her about my brother, to kind of give her an idea of what she might be dealing with.“

“What she ‘might’ be dealing with? What do you mean?” he asked, frowning. “Your father and I have been scouring the country for any trace of young James for the past several weeks, and have only now been able to pinpoint what city he’s in. Do you mean to say that you have some sort of ‘inside scoop’ on what’s happening that you haven’t mentioned before?”

Katie’s blush deepened, her ears turning scarlet at the disapproving tone. “It’s... hard to explain. You have to kind of keep an open mind with this part. Jimmy and I... we’re twins. We’re connected in a way most people couldn’t even begin to understand. I can feel some of what he’s going through... emotionally, and sometimes, physically. We can even talk to each other to a limited degree. And before you ask, no, it’s not telepathy, exactly. Aunt Eva and Aunt Roni ran the gamut of tests on us when we were little and whatever it is we use to communicate, it’s not telepathic. It just... is.” She shrugged.

“I see. So basically, you have a what? A ‘gut feeling’ that your brother is in danger? We already know that much. So, if there’s something more you could offer...”

“I know he’s being tortured,” she added with a sigh, glancing away.

“Ah, well,” Nigel replied, uncomfortably, “that is definitely something...”

“He’s being tortured,” she repeated, woodenly. “Brutally. Physically. Psychologically. She’s trying to break him... to break his spirit. My brother’s strong, and I don’t just mean physically. But even he has his breaking point, and he’s getting damn close to it.” She sighed. “I want to give Tawnya an idea of what she and the others might be facing when they finally reach him. And also... I’d like to give her a little something to help her on her way.” Reaching into her purse, she pulled out a small strangely shaped silver tube with a nozzle attached. “Would you mind taking off your jacket for me for a moment, please?” she asked.

Glancing at her at the silver tube warily, he stood up. “Just what kind of a ‘gift’ did you have in mind, Katherine?” he asked, taking off and folding his jacket before handing it to her. “And just what exactly to have there, anyway?” His eyes widened, and his neutral expression turned dark as she responded by pressing a button on the tube, sending out a spray of bright yellow liquid all over his jacket. “Katherine,” he said slowly, his teeth grinding ever so slightly, “would you perhaps care to tell me what you just poured all over my favorite marseille wool jacket?“

“It’s something my dad came up with a while back,” she replied, still smirking, as she stood up. She shook the jacket briskly for a moment, scattering loose droplets of fluid onto the carpet, before holding it up with an outstretched hand. “You’ll understand it better if I show you,” she replied, holding up her free hand, which began to glow brightly. “And don’t worry about the yellowish tint. It soaks into the fabric almost instantly, and fades after a few minutes.” Focusing her power, she fired a light blast directly into Nigel’s jacket, sending a blinding flash throughout the room, causing him to cry out and cover his eyes.

“SIR! Mr. Grimalde!” Connie’s voice called out from outside. “Are you okay? Is everything all right in there?”

“Yes, yes, just fine,” Nigel grunted, still rubbing his eyes, glaring at the blurry, vaguely female shaped form in front of him. “Katherine was merely giving me a demonstration of some sort... of which I’m sure I’ll be impressed with once my vision returns.”

“Sorry,” Katie replied, chagrined. “Occupational hazard. Bright lights don’t hurt my eyes, so I sometimes forget that other people can’t stand the brightness. But hopefully you can feel the results of the demonstration,” she said, placing the jacket back in Nigel’s hands. “Your jacket is completely unharmed. And dry. That beam would have incinerated normal fabric like kindling, but your Armani jacket is completely fine.“

“Hmm... fascinating,” Nigel replied, impressed, examining it closely. A pity she couldn’t have splashed a little on my fireplace during her previous visit. “I assume this concoction works on ANY fabric?“

“Anything except Rayon,” she quipped, shrugging. “And it doesn’t just make the material burnproof. It causes some kind of... deep molecular bonding of the material, making it extremely hard to damage it at all. It doesn’t cut or tear, or fray or wear out—”

“—basically giving normal everyday clothes the strength and consistency of Kevlar,” he finished, nodding again, as the possible practical applications began to flow through his mind. “Ingenious. Truly ingenious. And your father has had this little concoction down in his private laboratory for HOW LONG?”

“Oh... at least three or four years now,” Katie replied with a shrug. “My brother Jimmy was a bit... hard on clothes. Mom, too, truth be told, but she’s more used to her strength than Jimmy and less likely to sneeze and disintegrate her entire outfit.” She giggled, blushing in memory. “When dad started working on his Neuroweave formula, however, he pretty much tossed this to the wayside.” She glanced at the bottle. “It doesn’t even have a name. We just refer to it as ‘the clothes goop’.”

“’Clothes goop’, eh?” Nigel mused. “Someday soon, your father and I are going to have to sit down and have a serious talk.” He shook his head. “In the meanwhile, I assume you’d like to further outfit Tawnya for her trip, perhaps with a costume more durable than the one she currently sports?” Katie nodded. “Very well. We can delay the flight for a few hours yet. Truth be told, I’d rather send her off behind schedule knowing that she was well stocked than on-time and unprepared.”

“My thoughts exactly,” Katie replied with a nod. “Thanks, Nigel... um, Mr. Grimalde. Sir. For everything! You’ve all made it abundantly clear that I’m welcome here. And I thank you for that.” On impulse, she leaned up onto her tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the lips. “Thanks for letting me stay here with your family. And thanks for letting me borrow Tawnya for a little while longer before her trip. I promise it will be worth the wait.”

“You’re quite welcome, dear. I’m glad to hear it,” Nigel said briskly. “Well, Katherine, if you’ll excuse me, I need to make a few calls, and let me people know about the delay before I get back to work.”

“Yes, Sir,” she said, still smiling. “I’ll get out of your hair. There’s just one thing before I go.” He glanced up at her again. “Um, it’s nothing, really,” she said somewhat shyly, glancing down at her feet. “It’s just... you know what you said before, when I was about to kill Sureshot? You told me that I was your role model... someone pure and good that inspired you? Well... I just wanted to say... that YOU are a role model to ME. You’re smart. You’re wise. You don’t let anyone push you around. And even when your back is against the wall, when your facing down people stronger than you, you don’t back down.” She shook her head. “I only wanted you to know that I admire your strength of will, of character. And that one day I hope I become half as strong as you.”

Smiling again, she made her exit, leaving him alone with his thoughts. Huh. I’m a role model to “The Light of Justice”. Me, “Knuckles” Grimalde. Damn, Mum, if only you could see me now. Who’d have believed it? Fuck, Richard, maybe you were right about me after all...

The Lord of the River City Underworld wiped an unheard-of tear from his cheek, grinned an utterly incongruous silly grin, and continued on with his workday.

* * *

I was in a bad way.

The promised cleansing had been just as thorough and uncomfortable as I’d imagined. They’d stopped short of using a fire hose to rinse me off, but their treatment was still anything but gentle. The two brainwashed hench girls had taken their, or rather our Mistress at her word, and had scrubbed me briskly from stem to stern. And while most spots were tough enough to withstand a thick bristly horse hair scrub brush, others, particularly my genital area, were highly sensitive. And all the while I stayed rock hard, ready, if not so much eager, for my latest session with Serpentina.

En route to her private chambers, I glanced at myself idly at one of the stylish polished mirrors adorning the hallways, and grimaced. Nearly two months surviving on literal bread and water rations had detracted quite a bit from my physique. I’d always been somewhat stocky, or ‘bricklike’ as my family teasingly describes me. Now, half starved, and malnourished, I looked like a rugged piece of rawhide, all skin and bones, whipcord thin, but still with a big man’s frame. My face sported several weeks worth of beard growth as well, and my hair was shaggy and untrimmed. I felt more than a little bit like Pierce Brosnan in Die Another Day. I just hoped I wouldn’t be held here as long as he was.

A year. He lasted more than a bloody year of daily torture and pain in a squat little five by five cell. I shuddered inwardly. And that was just a movie. Aunt Sarah... mom said she endured pretty much the same thing for TWO years as well without cracking. And I’ve only been here a couple of weeks, and I’m already showing the strain...

I sighed inwardly. It didn’t help that Serpentina had stacked the deck against me from the onset. The only reason I had any free will left at all was that it amused her to see me struggle, to resist. I knew full well what the end game was. She intended to wring every last bit of pleasure of me, push me again and again until she’d broken me completely. And only then would she end my life.

Not a very promising future.

Reaching her chambers, my two escorts turned, taking up posts on either side of her doorway. The redhead twisted the handle, opening it, and with a resigned sigh, I stepped inside. Warm thick shag carpet squished underneath my feet; unlike the barely livable wet and damp cell I’d been dumped in, Mistress’ bedchambers were warm and cozy. As to the Mistress herself, Serpentina sat casually atop her bed, her voluptuous-but-muscular body covered only in a think gauzy green shift, her legs curled gracefully underneath her. She nodded smoothly as I entered, making a show of looking me over from head to toe.

“Hmmm... I like this new look of yours,” she said in a sultry tone. “Very rugged, and earthy looking. I approve.”

My cock throbbed at her simple words of praise, and my knees nearly buckled. Nearly. I wasn’t quite all the way gone just yet. “I’m so glad I meet with your approval, Mistress,” I said softly, staring down at my feet. “It’s this new ‘miracle diet’ I’m on... does wonders for the waistline.”

She chuckled briefly, shaking her head. “Incredible,” she replied, ruefully. “Fucking incredible. More than six weeks now, and you’re still cracking jokes. And here I was worried that the scourging you’re received two days ago had finally crushed your spirit.”

I winced slightly at the memory. I wanted to make some kind of flippant remark, to show a bit more of that spirit that she was afraid had been crushed. Ah, but spirit and WILL are two separate entities, you know. “But... that would have displeased you, wouldn’t it?” I couldn’t help but point out. “I am yours to break, Mistress. I would not allow myself to surrender to anyone else but you.“

Damn. I hated just how pitiful I sounded even to my own ears. Still, it wasn’t as if I had a lot of leeway in my actions here. My hands were tied, or rather, chained by the intricate web of commands and instructions placed inside my brain...

I’d woken up shortly after passing out from the three way assault in front of my hotel to find myself shackled to a hard metal slab. I was naked, my body covered only with a thin sheet. My right arm tingled slightly, and a quick glance showed a needle line with a clear IV bag imbedded in deep a vein. I widened in surprise, and shock, and moved to sit up, when she descended upon me, pinning me with her body even as her deep hypnotic green eyes pinned my mind.

“Ahh... good. You’re awake just in time to descend back into a deep dreamless sleep,” she’d cooed, stroking my face as I felt myself sinking deeper into her gaze. “Ah, but this time, it is a sleep of MY choosing. That’s it, boy,” she murmured as my struggles to avert my eyes slowed and finally stilled, “that’s it. Stop fighting. Stop resisting. Just lie there peacefully, and let my words sink deep into your consciousness.” A soft sigh escaped my lips as I fell back limp against the slab. She smiled.

“Mmmm. Good boy. I see you CAN obey when the situation calls for it. And this situation truly calls for it.” She laughed softly for a moment, straddling me, leaning down to peer intently into my eyes. “Now slave... listen and obey. These rules shall govern your life for the rest of your existence:

  1. You will not hurt or attempt to hurt me, in any way, shape or form. Furthermore, you will not allow anyone else to hurt me, even sacrificing yourself to save my life.
  2. You will not use or attempt to use your powers on me. In fact, you no longer have conscious use of your powers anymore. You can only use them at my discretion and at my command.
  3. You will obey any command I give you, without hesitation or complaint. Your will is my will, and my merest whim is your most stringent law.
  4. Your body is my tool, my weapon, and most especially, my plaything. You will always be aroused by my presence. My scent, my touch, my taste... just the THOUGHT of me is enough to make your manhood respond. Ah, and pleasing me... doing something that you know will please me, is the most powerful aphrodisiac you can even imagine.
  5. Ah, but are more than merely a servant, you are a conquered enemy. So, no matter how good it feels, no matter how much high your arousal climbs, or how much you beg and plead and debase yourself, you will NEVER cum again unless it is at my command. For indeed, the greatest thing you can do to please me is to suffer!
  6. And next, as a final sign of your complete and utter submission to me, you will be bound, hand and foot, in unbreakable, indestructible chains of your own mind’s creation. You will see them, feel them against your skin, hear then clink whenever you move, see them with your naked eye—but they exist only in your mind... the outward expression of the chains I now bind around your mind, your heart and soul!
  7. And finally, to make sure that you truly, truly suffer, you will remain aware, and alert, of your condition at all times. You will know all the time that you have been brainwashed, that your actions you take at my command are because I have programmed you thus! And despite being unable to disobey even my merest whim, you will retain that small spark of defiance, that tiny bit of your true self... until the day that I finally crush your will once and for all!”

She’d released her gaze then, and I gasped, feeling as if I’d been underwater at some incredible depth. I shuddered slightly, my mind readjusting to everything that had just been put into it. I felt... hollow, empty... dizzy, like I should still be tranced instead of awake. Then it hit me—she’d commanded me to be alert and awake, aware of what was happening. Furious beyond words, staring into her smiling gloating face, I struggled to reach her, grab her, do.... something to her. Something... bad? But even the thoughts of hurting her were slippery at best, not finding any traction against the wall of protection she’d erected inside my brain. Seeing the frustration on my face, she laughed, heartily, her body grinding unceremoniously against my suddenly hard cock, reacting to her touch, presence, and the pleasure my predicament was bringing her. In the end I merely sat there, shackled and chained by my own damned mind, unable to do a fucking thing.

“Ohhh... oh, this is rich,” she crowed, finally sliding off me, regaining her feet once more. “You’re going to be such a fun toy to play with. You’re definitely worth all the trouble it took to get you.” She walked over to the nearly empty IV bag, patting it gently. “And of course, let’s not forget my old friend Blackfinger, who generously donated the special drug I’ve pumped you full of for this little session. You see, slave, my hypnotic gaze is powerful. It can burrow through the strongest defenses, shatter the strongest wills, and leave any person who dares face me little more than a puppet for my amusement.”

She slid a emerald nailed finger lightly down my arm, raising goosebumps. “The problem is that hypnosis, even the truly powerful kind, is transitory at best... in time, the commands break down, and a person can shrug them off. To truly program a person would take months of repeated trances.” She grinned savagely, as she suddenly jerked the needle from my arm, causing me to yelp in pain. “That’s where this little concoction comes in. Blackfinger’s little recipe softens the tissues of the brains, setting up direct and unbreakable connections with the instructions and commands given to the subject, on a biochemical level. In short, the commands are permanent.” She laughed again, leaning forward to lick lightly at the drop of blood pooling up from the wound she’d caused in my arm. “So, my handsome little boy toy,” she finished, licking her lips, “you are now mine to do with as I please—forever!” She paused, considering. “Or, until I break you completely, and you no longer amuse me. After all, who has need for a broken toy?”

Those words reverberated in my mind even now, as I struggled to maintain my sanity amidst the conflicting thoughts of being pleasing to my Mistress, and yet being interesting enough to warrant her attention... being defiant without being disrespectful... and above all else, holding out on the presumably false hope that despite the hopelessness of the situation, there was a way out.

Mistress smiled wickedly, unfolding a leg, pointing her dainty bare foot towards me. “Come, slave,” she said gesturing with her foot. “Kiss and suck every inch of my body... starting at my toes.”

“Yes, Mistress,” I replied dully, my body moving to kneel at the edge of the bed before the command had even been fully spoken. And as I began to shamelessly worship my tormentor’s toes, I wondered idly if there was a way out of this. And if so... how much of me would still be left by the time I found it?