The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Light and Shadows III: Effulgence Rising

by J. Darksong

* * *


Ah. So THIS Is what humiliation feels like.

My cheeks were blushing so hotly by the time I’d restored my costume that they might have turned permanently scarlet red. I hadn’t felt this combination of utterly mortified and royally pissed off since my first time out on patrol when I’d called myself the Light of Justice and the crooks had laughed themselves silly. I was established enough as a heroine in the city now that none of the policemen that found me lying naked and unconscious on the floor actually laughed, but I was pretty sure all sorts of rumors and speculation would spread around the police station on how exactly I ended up that way.

I didn’t want to think about it.

“Alright, Luminaire, I think we have everything we need now,” Lieutenant Steve Grayson replied with a sigh, pocketing his notebook. “Looks like she left most of the vault virtually untouched. All the money is accounted for, to the last red cent; in fact, the only thing taken were the contents of three safe deposit boxes, which we’re told, contained a number of diamonds, sapphires, and other precious stones.”

“That fits,” I said nodding wearily. “She kind of struck me as the ‘high-end merchandise’ type of thief. You might also want to review the employment records for the bank, and check on any recent hires. She was way too familiar with the inside of this building for a first timer.”

“Uh huh. I have a few guys checking on that now. So... other than the brief description you gave earlier, is there anything you can think of that might help us track her down? Any distinguishing features?”

“Afraid not, Lieutenant,” I stated with a shake of my head. “She wore a plastic mask over her entire face. The only thing showing was her hair, and for all I know, she may have been wearing a brunette wig. I never really got a good look at her.”

“Heh. Not like the ‘good look’ we all had of her,” one of the officer’s behind me murmured to his partner, who chuckled softly. Furious, I whirled around to face them, glaring.

“What did you say?” I demanded, fists clenched.

“Oh, nothing, nothing at all,” the officer, Zabinski his name tag read, responded, with a grin. “My partner and I were just commenting about... um... oh that daytime TV show with Barbara Walters. You know... it’s called ‘The View’. I was just saying how much I enjoyed The View earlier. How about you, Reggie? Did you enjoy ‘The View’?”

“Oh yeah, I sure did,” his partner replied, grinning as well. “I definitely enjoyed ‘The View’. It was definitely a memorable episode.” Both men broke into laughter, and I blushed even deeper. I was just starting to power up a Photonic Blast when Lt. Grayson stepped in, pulling me aside, glaring at his officers.

“Zabinski! Hershey!” he barked. “If you two don’t have anything better to do than stand around and talk about TV shows, you can go upstairs and dust around the entry point for prints!”

“Sure thing, Lieutenant,” the two officers replied cheekily, tilting their hats to me in passing. Zabinski hit the button for the elevator, then frowned, hitting it again. “Hey! Lieutenant, what’s wrong with the elevators?”

“Oh? Didn’t I mention earlier that the perp cut the power to the entire building before she made her entry?” Lt. Grayson said with a grin of his own. “The elevators are out of order. Use the stairs.”

“Bu... but Lieutenant!” the second officer, Hershey, protested, “the entry point was on the fifteenth floor!”

“Yes, I know. Now, get climbing,”

The two officers gaped at him for a moment before walking across to the stairwell, and beginning the long trek upwards. I let out a small sigh, smiling at Steve, who placed a hand gently on my shoulder.

“Don’t let ’em get to you, kid,” he said in a low soft voice. “They’re both young and stupid, and too damn green to understand the way the world works. They were trained and hired onto their jobs as policemen. They go out and risk their lives, sure, but they get paid for it. And they’re trained with deal with these situations... and the aftermath when things occasionally go south. You? You’re a civilian. You came here alone, by yourself, without any backup whatsoever. And you weren’t even paid to be here. The only gratification you get is in doing the right thing, the occasional thanks from old guys like me who understand why you do what you do.”

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. I swore to myself the moment I came to, finding myself surrounded by the police decked out in only my birthday suit, that I wasn’t going to cry. I was nineteen years old now, going on twenty in a few weeks. I was officially an adult. And adults don’t break down and cry at the drop of a hat just because they’re embarrassed or scared, or angry. I’d dealt with the humiliation, and the anger, pushing them down, focusing on doing my job, and trying to maintain a professional attitude. I was prepared for the rude jokes, the laughter, and snickers behind my back.

But I wasn’t prepared for sympathy and understanding.

He nodded again, somehow understanding what I was feeling. “Go on home, kid. We’re good here. If you think of anything else that might help, just stop by the station later. For now, go grab yourself a hot shower, and a cup of coffee, maybe a bite to eat. I promise, you’ll feel better for it.”

“Thank you,” I managed, my voice cracking, as I made my way to the front door. Exiting the building, I lifted off high into the sky, rising far above the city streets, until, alone, finally, truly alone, I let the tears fall and the sobs begin.

* * *

“Huh? What are you doing here?” I asked, surprised, as I walked into my bedroom.

“What? I can’t visit my baby sister’s room?” Jimmy Frasier asked, eyebrow raised, as he sat, legs crossed at the ankles, on my bed. “We shared the same room for nine months, I’d think you wouldn’t mind me dropping by your bedroom for a little char now and again.”

Sighing wearily, I sat down at my desk. “I’m not really in the mood, Jimmy. What do you want?”

“Just to talk, sis,” he replied, hands up defensively. “That’s all. And, well... honestly... you kinda seem like you need to talk.”

Well, what could I say to that? I was pretty much a wreck at the moment. My insides felt tied in knots, and my brain was going in twenty different directions at once. I’d just had my first loss in a super villain encounter. I was feeling vulnerable and unsure, and humiliated, and angry, and, and... and there was still the stuff about Miami to deal with, and my feelings for Jess—about Jess, I couldn’t truly say for her yet, even if I had jilled off to her in a mindless daze earlier tonight.

“I...” I began, looking at my brother. My twin brother, identical, though we no longer looked anything alike. A deep seated part of me longed to reach out to him, to snuggle into him and just bawl, let it all out... but it had been so long since we’d shared anything more intimate that an occassional ‘hi’ in passing. Jimmy had become a loner, a virtual stranger from the brother I’d known for the first half of my life. “I... just need to take a shower, that’s all,” I finished lamely, walking over to my closet.

No... he won’t understand, I thought to myself sadly. And I wouldn’t want to burden him with my problems anyway—

«Try me and see, Sis,» I heard him answer inside my head, causing me to whirl around. «You’re my sister, Katie. Nothing you could say or do would ever be a bother to me. Something is eating at you... you need to talk to someone and get it out in the open or it’s just going to make you feel worse than you already do now.» He shrugged. «Believe me. If there’s anyone that knows that particular lesson, it’s me.»

And so.... I told him. Everything. About what happened in Miami, and what happened tonight. Halfway through the telling, without me even noticing, I somehow ended up in his lap, with him cuddling me close, just the way I’d pictured. And it felt good. I felt good. Relaxed. Composed.


“...and then I came home, and found you in my room,” I finished at last, letting out a sigh. “So.... you can see why I’ve been so stressed out lately. I thought maybe getting a little air, going out on patrol, might help clear my head. Instead, I let some cat themed criminal get the better of me and walk out with a fortune in stolen jewels.”

Jimmy nodded. “I think it’s all interconnected, Katie. Our powers are pretty similar, although opposite ends of the spectrum. And mine are definitely affected by my mood, my emotional state. With everything you’ve been through, you certainly haven’t been your usual spunky, happy-go-lucky self. Pun intended.” He nodded emphatically. “Usually your ‘good luck fairies’, or whatever, are always ON, always active, so you never really think about it much. Occassionally you have a mishap, every once in a while something bad might happen, but you’re also well trained, quick, and agile to avoid any unforeseen consequences. So...”

“So, tonight, with my heart all conflicted and my head twisted every which way but loose, my good luck charm didn’t kick in to save me while I was dealing with Manx,” I realized. Come to think of it, I have been feeling like something was... off. I just hadn’t noticed exactly what it was until now. “And basically, as long as I’m in a funk like this, I’m vulnerable? My ‘guardian angel’ won’t protect me when I need it the most?”

“Well... I don’t know about that,” he said with a frown. “It’s a part of you as much as mine is with me. I’ve had to learn to control MY luck causing gremlins over the years, having to focus and concentrate to contain them and keep them from running wild. And recently, I’ve actually started trying to control and direct them, to keep those occurrences from being so completely random. I’d imagine you should be able to do the same. Heck, Katiecat, you should be even better at it than me. After all, you don’t have to worry about collateral damage if your control slips for a minute.”

Katiecat... I can’t help but mewl slightly. An old nickname from when I was a kid... er, well, when I was younger than I am now. Katiecat. Kitty cat. Kitty.... Kitty... With an effort I shake off the feeling, and force my attention back to the other problem I had yet to deal with.

“As for the issues between you and Jessica,” Jimmy continued, knowing my mind and thoughts as well as his own. Not that I should have been surprised, but I was still caught a little off guard. “It seems to me that you two really need to just sit down and talk about it.” He held up a hand before I could comment. “Yes, i know. I make it sound so simple. Well, Sis, it really is that simple. You two have been friends since kindergarten. You’ve seen each other naked a few thousand times growing up, slept in the same bed as kids, and have sat and talked and gossiped about relationships all through school. You’re both relatively intelligent and mature adults. And again, you’re best friends. If you two can’t sit down and talk about what happened between you in Florida, who can?”

“But... I... I don’t know how I feel about her,” I pleaded, willing him to try and understand my fear. “Yes... I’m, well, um... attracted to her... sexually. But what if that’s just an after effect of the mind control? I sure wasn’t attracted to other women before Florida! What if another session with Aunt Eva clears it up and I’m suddenly straight again?”

“What if it doesn’t?” Jimmy countered. “What if what happened to you down there merely unlocked something inside you that was always there? What if it merely forced you to face a truth about yourself that you were afraid to face?” He sighed, shaking his head. “Not that it isn’t in the realm of possibility in this family, anyway...”

Wait. What? No. “I don’t think that’s true. I like boys... or, I used to, anyway...” I shook my head again in frustration. It was so confusing! I mean... I’d dated a couple of guys in junior high and high school. And I liked them. We... never really got beyond a little kissing, certainly nothing as serious as what I’d experienced lately.

«I beg to disagree, sister dear,» Jimmy thought to me, dryly, «but study sessions with classmates and going out for McDonalds a few times do not constitute dating. And the only boy who ever kissed you, kissed you on the cheek. And Dad ran him off!»

I blinked, frowning slightly. «Brian Patterson... you’re right,» I thought back at him. «Wow... I haven’t thought about him in years... So, Jimmy. You’re saying you think things never progressed with those guys because deep down I really wasn’t interested in them to begin with?»

“I think so,” he said aloud. leaning over to kiss my cheek. “It’s just my own personal opinion, of course—I’m no psychic.” He chuckled. “And twin communication doesn’t count. But, well... as you thought earlier, I am kind of a loner... always on the outside, looking in. I see things that others sometimes miss. And I really think that even without Florida, the relationship between you and Jess was heading towards something more intimate.” He closed his eyes, leaning back against the wall. “Go talk to her, Katie. Tell her how you feel. And listen to how she feels. Above all else, keep an open mind. Don’t let yourself get sidetracked thinking about what’s ‘proper’ or how you’re ‘supposed to feel’. Just feel.” He lifted me off his lap and placed me gently back onto the bed.

I was a little stunned. I mean, true, my big bro was a genius... a regular Einstein when it came to science and stuff, but... I never figured him for the introspective philosophical type. What he’d just said was really profound. “Just... feel? Um, okay... I think I can do that.” I smiled at him. “So, Jimmy, when did you become such an expert on romance?”

He turned at me, a sad smile on his face. “Never claimed to be one,” he replied with a sigh. “I just speak from experience. Woody Allen used to say, ‘The heart wants what the heart wants.’ Well, Sis, nothing hurts worse than the heart wanting what it can never have. Say ‘Hi’ to Sylvie when you see her for me, ’kay?”

“Sylvie?” I asked as he left the room. “Wait. What? Sylvie who?” Sighing, I sat back down on the bed. I hated it when he did that... giving advice, acting all Zen-like and inscrutable, the muttering something completely off-the-wall just before leaving. Sylvie? The only ‘Sylvie’ I knew was Sylvia LaSilvas, our cousin from over in Midas City. But... she wasn’t in the area. She wasn’t even in the country! The last I’d heard from my Symphonic Nebula fan club hotline was that the band was out of the country, performing overseas.

Hmm. Still... as annoying as he is, Jimmy’s little predictions always seem to turn out right. Huh. Seeing the future... talking with me telepathically... maybe he IS psychic after all? Smirking to myself, I rose from the bed, dispersed my costume, and headed to the bathroom for that shower I sorely needed.

* * *

Tabitha Coleman unlocked the door to her apartment, and slipped inside, kicking he door closed behind her with a booted foot. She sighed softly, removing the plastic cat mask, tossing it onto the couch across the room with one hand while the other removed her utility belt, leaving it on the floor where it fell. Planting her heels, she toed off her boots one by one, padding barefoot across her thick shag rug, flipping a switch on the wall as she passed by, turning on both the lights and her stereo. As the soft soothing sounds of jazz began to play in the background, she stopped by bar and poured herself a glass of scotch on the rocks, before finally making her way to the couch. Propping her bare feet up on the coffee table, she let out an audible sigh, relaxing back into her comfortable leather back couch, closing her eyes to bask in the warmth of the moment.

And then the cell phone lying in the middle of her coffee table began to ring.

Tabby groaned. So much for taking a moment to myself, she thought grumpily, picking up the cell, already knowing who was calling. “Really, Richard,” she answered, flipping it open, “as much time as we spend on the phone together, people might start to talk. And as much as I can appreciate a good strapping young man like yourself, for things like opening doors or pickle jars, and such, I’d much much rather spend my free time conversing with a cute redhead with tight supple curves and lips like Angelina Jolie.”

“Cute. Very cute, Tabitha,” Richard replied drily. “I’m calling because you were overdue checking in to confirm the drop-off of the jewels—”

“Which I have just returned from depositing with the agreed upon fence,” Tabby replied in a bored tone. “You know the best thing about being an independent contractor, Richard? I’ve give you a hint: it’s the independent part. Independent, as in, NOT accountable or answerable to anyone. As in, I don’t have to come calling like a chastened dog, tail between her legs, just because you whistle for me.” She yawned and stretched, pointing her toes. “That said... it might interest you to know that I managed to put the information you gave me to good use. I ran into an unexpected visitor tonight. Luminaire.”

“You did? Ahhhh.. then that explains why you were so late checking in.” Richard paused, the sound of papers rustling heard in the background. “So, you said my information was useful? And, you acted as instructed?”

Tabby bristled. Though she had been hired by Richard’s mysterious benefactors to obtain the jewels stolen tonight, as well as various other valuable antiquities, she resented the insinuation that she was merely the ‘hired help’. “Yes, I did as you suggested, per our agreement,” she said with a slight edge to her voice. “The Icarus powder worked like a charm. The poor young dear was left disgraced, demoralized, and definitely defeated, but otherwise completely unharmed.”

“Excellent,” Richard replied with approval. “As we stated earlier, a bonus will be added to your pay.”

“Yes, yes, I would assume so. I am curious, though, Richard.” Taking a quick drink of scotch, she asked, “Why was it so important that I humiliate the little light bulb girl, but not hurt her? It seems to me that you’re putting a lot of time and resources into messing with this kid, yet you’re just as concerned with keeping tabs on her, and making sure she is not harmed—”

“That’s none of your concern,” Richard cut in sharply. “We have another job for you lined up, In Midas City. You can leave the matter of Luminaire to us.”

Tabby scowled, bristling again. She hated being ordered around like some servant. And now, now he was brushing her off, saying it was none of her concern? “Well, Richard, that is unfortunate,” she growled softly, “because I just remembered a previous commitment that requires my attention here in River City. So I’m afraid I’ll have to decline your little offer.”

“What? No, you can’t decline this job,” Richard protested. “We need the item procured for us in the next three days! We have a contract—”

“—of which, I now choose to break,” she replied stiffly. “Remember our previous conversation about being an independent contractor? I’m tired of all the undisclosed, secret, cloak-and-dagger bullshit, Richard. I choose who I work for, and when I work. Not you. Not your boss. Not anyone else in creation. As for Midas... why don’t you have one of our other flunkies take care of it? I know very well that I’m not the only thief in your employ.” finishing the last of her drink, she added, “I’ll check in with you in a few days once my business here in River City is completed.”

“Do you honestly think I’ll work with you again after this?” Richard growled, seething. “After leaving us high and dry this way?”

“Yes, actually, I do,” Tabitha replied. “I’m the best cat burglar in the business, as you damn well know. You didn’t chose me because of my winning personality. You chose me because of my skills. And like it or not, when you need those skills again, you’ll call. Until then, I’m calling it a night. I need to catch up on my beauty sleep.” Shutting off the phone, she tossed it aside, and lay back on her couch,

So... it’s none of my concern? she thought to herself, smirking. We’ll see about that. This cute little blonde is important to your plans for some reason, and I intend to find out why. Luminaire, I think a little reunion is in order. And I hope you’re ready, because the next time we meet, the kid gloves are coming off!