The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Light and Shadows II: Light

by J. Darksong


The Miami night life was definitely exciting and wild. After a few minutes strolling down the boardwalk, looking at all the people and their fashion, I was glad Dad had insisted that I carry his credit card with me. I wasn’t a shopoholic or anything... um. Well. Okay, occasionally mom and I had our moments, times when it’s easy to get caught up in the thrill of shopping and get a little carried away. But this wasn’t one of those times! Really! And besides, Jessica was right beside me the entire time, urging me on! Suffice it to say, when we left the shop, I looked much less like a little high school kid on vacation and more like a young woman ready for a night on the town.

I borrowed a page from my brother’s wardrobe choice manual and selected a form fitting midnite sequined dress with matching black heels. Three inches were a bit higher than I was used to, and I’m not exactly the most coordinated person to begin with, but I was trusting on my good luck to keep me from making a fool of myself. A quick side trip to a salon, and I emerged with my blonde hair perfectly coiffed and styled, teased and lifted, and arranged in a manner I would never be able to duplicate myself in a million years. Add in professionally done eyeliner, blush, and lipstick, and I looked ready for the prom again.

“Wow!” Shani said as she and Whitney met us in the hotel lobby. “Nice look, Katie. You look fucking hot! Don’t you think so, Whit?”

Whitney, dressed in a slinky red ensemble, merely glared. “Huh. Not too bad,” she said grudgingly after a moment. “I suppose even a bookish nerd can look like a princess with the right clothes and makeup.”

“Fucking cunt,” Jessica grumbled, turning away in anger. I just smiled. Whitney was jealous of me. Of ME! I’m don’t think I’m a vain person, but for Whitney to get so bent out of shape... Damn! I guess maybe I DID look pretty good after all!

My mom is always telling me that I’ll eventually grown out of my ‘cute’ stage and truly blossom into ‘beautiful’. She says I look just like she did at this age, and I’ve seen pictures of her, but frankly I don’t see it. She is beautiful, I’m just cute. Now, for the first time, I’m daring to hope that maybe she might be right. Maybe I won’t still be getting my cheeks pulled on when I’m sixty-five after all.

The girls convinced me to spring for the limo again for our trip to the club. Sure, it was only a few blocks away, easily within walking distance, but for the club scene, appearance is everything. Or, I assumed, anyway. This was going to be my first time visiting one. As we pulled up, I started to get a bit nervous. Just like in the movies, there was a line of people waiting to get in running nearly half a block, and a not-so-friendly looking guy standing guard outside the door. I glanced at Whitney, who merely shrugged.

“It’ll be fine,” she assured us, though she didn’t look so sure herself. “Ellen told me what to say to get inside, and what to do to get let into the VIP area. That’s what it takes, yanno. With places like this, it’s not what you look like, it’s who you know. From what they were saying earlier, it’s easier to get into The Mansion in a tank top and flip flops than it is to get inside Synch... unless you have an ‘in’.”

“Yeah, well, let’s just hope that lady wasn’t jerking your chain,” Jessica snarked, glancing out at the crowd as the limo pulled to a stop. “Otherwise, it’s going to be a really really long wait.”

Not to worry, though. Every head turned as the driver opened the limousine door, and the four of us stepped out. I could feel the rhythmic thumping of the music from outside, even with the door to the club closed. It was something like that scene on ‘Sex in the City’ when all four women are all decked out, walking straight ahead of the camera in slow motion, except we were all moving normal speed. Having everyone staring at us, seeing the look of awe and envy in their eyes... It was a really strange feeling being the center of everyone’s attention... strange and wonderful. Exhilarating. As we made our way to the main entrance, looking every bit as if we deserved to enter, I thought to myself, This is how it feels to be a star!

I wonder if this is how my cousin Nebby feels when she performs on stage.

The bouncer blinked, then blinked again, as if he’d just now remembered his job. “Um, yeah, um... names please?” he said gruffly, looking down at his clipboard. Whitney smiled, running a scarlet nailed finger along the man’s arm and she leaned forward to whisper into his ear. The man’s eyes widened, then he nodded, smirking. “All right. Step inside, ladies,” he said, opening the door. “Enjoy yourselves. Have a nice time.”

Stepping inside, the music completely overwhelmed us. Multicolored strobe lights and spot lights illuminated the dance floor, where several stylishly dressed couple were shaking to the beat. I was completely out of my depth, but for a change, I didn’t mind. I felt loose, and calm, not even slightly worried. I guess that massage earlier worked out all of my tension. I might have to make that a regular thing.

“So, Whitney,” Jessie yelled, trying to be heard over the music, “what was it you said to the bouncer to get him to let us in?”

“Sorry, trade secret,” she replied with a laugh. “I could tell ya, but then I’d have to kill ya!” Glancing around the place, she smiled. “Let’s head over to the bar and see if we can score some cute guys. If we’re really cool, they might buy us some drinks.”

“Drinks?” I said, the first bit of tension returning once more. “Um, guys, we’re not old enough...”

Whitney’s withering glare cut off my response before it was finished. “Goddammit, Katie! Just when I thought for a moment there might be hope for you... that you MIGHT just be cool after all, you go and turn into a fucking nag all over again! Shit, girl... we’re on vacation a thousand miles from home, in a new city where no one knows who we are, where you can do anything you want—and you’re STILL obsessed with following the rules?” Shaking her head, she and Shani headed off to the bar.

I bristled at her words. I wasn’t a goody-goody. I was a good guy, sure, and yes, I followed the rules... but I knew how to have fun too! Just because I didn’t want to break the law didn’t mean I was a nag!

“C’mon, Katie,” Jess said with a sigh. “She’s just being a bitch. Don’t let her get to you.” She took my hand. “Let’s go too. I’m willing to bet they sell soda and other things besides hard liquor. It’ll be fine.”

She had a point. Just a few moments ago I’d felt great—no need to let Whitney’s sour disposition ruin the night before it even began. Putting a smile back on my face, I followed Jess over to the bar. Whitney and Shani had already found a couple of guys, and were chatting them up, laughing and giggling at some joke. Ignoring them for the moment, we each sat down on stool facing the bar, as the girl tending the bar smiled at us. “Welcome, ladies. What would you like?”

Jess and I glanced at one another. “Um... actually... what do you serve here? Do you... um... have a menu?”

“Menu?” the woman frowned slightly, sliding over a laminated sheet of paper. “Are you girls even old enough to be in here?”

“Of course we are,” Jess answered, taking out her ID. “We just recently graduated and we’re here on vacation from out of town.”

The woman nodded slowly, smirking. “Ah. You’re both from River City, hmmm? Kind of a long way to travel on vacation. Are your parents here as well?”

“Nope, just here with a couple of friends.” I replied, still reading through the menu. I pointed over my shoulder at Whitney and Shani’s table. “We’re here with those guys.”

The woman shrugged. “Well, you both look a little young to be twenty-one, but your ID looks valid, so okay.” I blinked, nearly doing a double-take, but Jessie shook her head, waving a hand at me not to say anything. Oh shit... Jessie! Don’t tell me you brought a fake ID with you! I sighed inwardly. Spending all this time hanging around with Whitney’s crew is starting to rub off on you. “So... what will you have?”

“Um...” Hmm... wait! Iced Tea? Okay, that sounds safe. “How about... an Iced Tea?”

Jess smiled. “Yeah. That sounds good. Make it two.”

The bartender nodded. “Two Long Island Ice Teas coming up! Anything else I can get you ladies? Some pretzels or something to snack on?”

“No thanks, we’ve just come from dinner.”

Our drinks arrived a few minutes later, and I sipped at mine, slightly disappointed at the taste. For the price they charged, I’d expected it to be something special, but if anything, it tasted like store bought Lipton or something. Oh well. It’s probably the purified ocean water. Everything has tasted a bit off since coming here. I guess I should probably just stick with bottled water. I took another sip, then nodded. Still... it’s not too bad... once you get used to it.

A couple of guys stopped by our table, just making idle conversation. I was a bit nervous around strangers, at first, but by the time I’d finished my drink, I was actually feeling rather relaxed. Jess seemed even more relaxed and comfortable than me; she was actually giggling. The two guys... um... Hans and.. something... I couldn’t remember, but they seemed amused by us for some reason, and offered to buy us refills on our drinks.

“Okay,” I said, hiccuping slightly. “But just Iced Tea. No liquor. Neither of us are getting drunk tonight.” I hiccuped again, which made both boys laugh. Halfway through the second round, the conversation turned to where we were from, and when Jess mentioned River City, both guys became excited.

“So, you’re from River City, huh?” the tall blonde one said after a moment. “You must know a lot of super heroes then.”

I giggled loudly, reaching out to grab the table and steady myself. “Oh, yeah, we know lots and lots of them.” Jessica and I glanced at one another and giggled again. These guys had no idea.

“Really?” the shorter blonde said with wide eyes. “We’ve always wanted to meet a real life super up close and personal. Some of them are pretty hot. Have you ever met any of them face to face?”

“Uh huh,” Jessie said, giggling again, as she finished her drink with a burp. “Oh! Excuse me!” she said, giggling again. “Sorry about that. Um... yeah, I’ve met a few of the a couple of times.” She grinned, leaning forward conversationally. “I actually know one of them... really really well. You could say we’re... close friends.” She laughed, nearly falling off her stool, and the tall guy... Hans? Had to catch her.

“Well, ladies, I have to say I’m a bit skeptical. I mean, River City is... what? About the size of Miami, and roughly the same population. That’s about three hundred thousand people. With that many people, the chances of running into a costume wearing hero or heroine have to be pretty slim. My college roommate transferred here from Midas City University, lived there his entire life, and has yet to meet a super face to face.”

“Well, maybe he should get out more,” I quipped, giggling at the joke that... frankly, I didn’t even get myself. Oh well... it sounded funny enough that it set Jess off, which only started me laughing harder. Oh wow. I felt drunk. But... that was silly. I hadn’t drank anything but good ol’ Iced Tea, New York style. Speaking of which...

“Say, would you guys be nice enough to buy us girls another round of drinks?” I said, grabbing the shorter guy’s arm, stroking it as I batted my eyes at him. “All this talking had gotten my throat really dry.”

“Sure thing, sweetness,” the guy said with a grin, standing up. “But first, let’s take a trip to the dance floor. You’re like, totally hot in that dress, and I wanna see what kind of moves you’ve got.”

“Alright,” I agreed, sliding off the stool... nearly ending up on the floor. My head spun for a moment, and I knew I was completely wasted. “Uhhm... whoa. That’s... weird. How’d I... get drunk?”

“Don’t worry about it, baby,” my dance partner said with a grin, taking my hand. “Let’s just go have some fun on the dance floor.”

Alright. I was drunk. Really drunk. The smart thing to do would be to grab Jessica, get out of there, go back to the hotel and give myself a chance to sober up, or sleep it off. Frankly, I wasn’t exactly in a condition to use my best judgment, however, so when Hans, or Kent, or whoever the hell I was with suggested dancing, it seemed like the absolute best idea I’d ever heard. Reaching the dance floor, I let out a squeal as the DJ began playing “Sweat”.

“All right! Yeah! I fucking love this song!” I said with a grin, closing my eyes, letting my hips begin to move to the beat. Drunk off my ass, I was in really good shape. Working out, training with my parents and Aunt Veronica, I had the agility and strength to go completely wild on the dance floor, and the endurance to more than outlast my partner. The crowd around me began cheering as I executed a series of perfectly timed standing cartwheels spring into a three-hundred-and-sixty degree pirouette on one foot during the guitar riff before seamlessly returning to my normal gyrating and swaying as the song moved into the chorus. I was loose, and free, not thinking a damned thing, simply feeling, letting my body move to the music, and sway to the beat. Sweat flew from my skin as I turned and spun, and my breath was coming harder and faster, but I didn’t care. Sylvia had written this song, her voice was singing out, from the depths of her heart and soul, and I was fully caught up in the emotional wake.

It was over way too soon. Too soon. I slid to a halt, panting softly, opening my eyes, only truly aware of the crowd again as they clapped and cheered at my performance. The DJ grinned down at me, and I yelled out, “Play another one,” hoping he had the entire CD with him. And, to my joy, he didn’t disappoint.

* * *

“You have some really nice moves,” a familiar voice said as I finally left the dance floor. I turned to find Richard, the masseur from the hotel, looking at me in appreciation. “Really nice. You must have taken professional dance lessons.”

I blushed hotly, feeling a little weak in the knees at his praise. “No. Not really. But, I, um, do work out. Tai Chi, Jujitsu, Aikido, Yoga and some gymnastics too. Helps you stay limber.” I glanced around, frowning slightly. “Hey, did you see the guy I was dancing with? Blonde guy, black shirt, black jeans, named Hank... or Hans... or Jim... or, um, something. He’s a few inches taller than me, heh... but most people are... um...” I blinked, having lost my train of thought for a second. “So, have you seen him around?”

Richard smirked. “Yeah. He left the dance floor just before the first song ended. I think you were a bit too much for him.” He chuckled softly. “After watching you out there on the floor just now, I can’t say I’m surprised. You really are something else, Katie.”

I beamed at his praise, looking down slightly. “Thanks.” I walked slowly back towards the bar, hoping he’d follow, and he did. “So, is this where you go to blow off steam after working all day giving mind-blowing massages to young ladies?”

“Yeah. Synch is a pretty happening hot spot.” He nodded to the bartender, who wordlessly handed him a small shot glass filled with a white frothy drink with a slight pale green tint to it. “I’m actually kind of surprised to see you here, Katie. I would have figured you and your friends would be hanging out somewhere a bit more... sedate.” He drained his glass in one gulp and put the empty back onto the bar. “This place isn’t as warm and fuzzy as you might think. Yes, it seems like a pretty normal dance club... but you’re only seeing what’s on the surface.”

He gestured to a bright red door behind a roped off area on the far end of the club that I hadn’t noticed before. A tall muscular man about half the size of a dump truck stood beside the door, acting as a bouncer. “That’s the ‘Adult’ section over there,” he said, noticing my gaze. “Its where the REAL Miami nightlife tends to hang out. I hear they cater to all sorts of ‘alternative lifestyles’ back there... if you’re into such things,” he said with a shrug.

I wasn’t quite sure what he meant by that comment, but my attention sharpened as I saw two very familiar faces approaching the red door. “Whitney? Shani? What the heck?” I asked, turning Richard’s attention towards the group talking to the bouncer. “Hey, those two... they’re the friends that came on this vacation with me.” As we watched, the bouncer spoke to both men at length, then turned and opened the door, letting the two obviously tipsy girls and their dates step through.

Richard frowned. “Hmmm. That’s not good. You shouldn’t be able to get through to that section of the club unless you’re at least twenty-one. The guys guarding the doors are usually really strict about that. Not to mention the fact that both girls seemed so wasted they probably didn’t even know where they were.” He shook his head. “What was that guy thinking?”

“Huh... I don’t think it’s his fault,” I said, frowning as well. “I... kinda remember Whitney saying something in the limo about a friend giving her a password to get into the VIP section.” That was Whitney for ya... always one to leap in with both feet and THEN wonder if there was something below to break her fall. “Should I be worried? Should we go and... I dunno... tell someone?”

Richard merely sighed. “Not unless you want her getting into big trouble. It might ruin your vacation if your friends end up getting arrested for entering illegally. Besides, there’s really nothing we can do about it until they come back out again.” He gestured to the bartender, who passed him another shot glass of froth. “Here, drink this.”

I took the glass, draining it without a thought. It tasted... delicious. Kind of like a milk shake, but with lime and pineapple. “I really think we should do something,” I said, then sighed, feeling myself relaxing second by second. “Whitney... Shani... might be in trouble... mmm... need to... to save... them...”

“No, my dear Katie,” Richard said softly as my eyes crossed, “they will be fine on their own. It’s YOU that needs to be saved right now... saved from your own noble heroic tendencies.” He guided my unresisting form to a chair at an empty table, and I sighed contentedly. “Just rest for a moment, dear Katherine,” he said, holding another glass of yummy drink up to my lips, which I obediently drank. “Let all the worry and concern drain out of you, for now. There’s no need to be concerned at all. None. You’re perfectly safe with me. Perfectly safe.”

I sighed once more, my eyes drifting closed, the music of the club fading out into the background as I fell into a warm soft abyss of comfort and safety...