The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Little Indians

Chapter 10 – Dee Discovers

Dee was surprised at how much she was enjoying the hedonistic lifestyle they all led in Mrs Beale’s house. Dee made half a dozen choker charms every day, and Mrs Beale had begun to teach her something of a Healer’s magic.

Dee soon came to believe that Mrs Beale was holding something back. Her memories of her time with Mrs Beale, when her leg was broken, were hazy at best, and Dee was pretty sure that her memories were being suppressed by magical means.

Dee enjoyed suckling Mrs Beale. The strange visions into the lives of others were fascinating, and involving, and the gentle pleasures of those visions were beguiling, and getting stronger. Dee wished that the dreams would stay in her mind, but they seemed to slip away from her when she was awake. Aside from these times of peacefulness, Dee did feel a little lonely, as she knew that she was the odd one out in this household.

Penn and Madeleine enjoyed her company, of course, and they all spent a lot of the expansive time in the house playing games with her and generally horsing around, but she was never sure if Madeleine regarded her as a close friend. Dee felt that she had lost some of the intimacy with Penn which she had cherished since they were both infants.

The three older women, Pamela, Poe and Mrs Beale, seemed to be at the centre of events, either willing assistants of the demon, or hardened warriors fighting back. Dee did not really know, and, frustratingly, could not seem to care.

She had guessed Penn’s involvement with both Madeleine and Tsanja, and, somehow, could see that they were both blooming. Although it was too early for their tummies to start to show, perhaps it was the looseness of the clothes in which they dressed which really gave them away. Dee suspected that Madeleine was blinded by her love for Penn, or by some other means, so that she remained unaware of Penn’s intimacy with Tsanja, his infidelity.

Dee loved her brother, but she didn’t know why he had been so stupid. Oh, this could be so, so awful. If just this one little truth were to come out, Dee would not like to be in Penn’s shoes. If Madeleine reacted as Dee expected, Penn would never be forgiven.

Maybe all boys were so fickle.

Dee was in the habit of leaving the house every day for a walk, and was often gone for several hours. The village was very quiet now, and no smoke emerged from any chimney.

She did not worry too much about being taken. Dee had never perceived any sense of threat, from anywhere, in all the time she had lived in Gynt. In any case, she had internalised this nagging contentment, a lack of worry, which had afflicted everyone in the village. Dee supposed that this had also scuppered any deliberate action against the demon and her children, whoever they were.

The protections offered by the choker charm Mrs Beale had given her as a child seemed absolute. She had never seen any sign of the demon. However, somehow, that protection had some chink in it, some loophole, which nobody could yet tell.

As she walked towards the edge of the village, trying so hard to stare into the unseeable barrier which surrounded it, she had a revelation.

The protection offered by the choker charms prevented one from seeing the Demon, or letting the demon touch you, or seeing any of her enchantments. What if the choker were preventing us all from considering the actions of the demon? What if it was the choker itself that was hiding the memory of all the disappeared people? Surely Madeleine or Tsanja would have considered this single, simple thought!

Dee held onto this idea in the certain knowledge that it would be taken from her, in a wash of calm, leaving her none the wiser.

Her resolve held, and the thought remained.

Dee’s fingers reached up to untie the choker.

Perhaps it would be the death of her, perhaps others had thrown away their defences the same way, but she felt that the idea had come from her own mind. She still did not perceive any danger surrounding her.

Perhaps she could just remove it for a short time, and quickly bring it back if anything near her moved.

Dee untied the choker, but held it closed around her neck, as if it were a lifebuoy, keeping her afloat. She let the ends separate and warily pulled it away from her neck.

Dee knew then that she had been right.

The road was blocked by a wall of moist, pinkish, flesh, extending twenty feet high, forming a barrier around the village as far as the eye could see.

An appalling feeling of emptiness swept through her, and she dropped to her knees, gasping in pain.

All of the suppressed memories of her missing friends returned, and she could see the village as it now was, abandoned, quiet, the inhabitants gone, having been consumed, or worse. Dee felt the loss of her mother like a punch in her heart, all her school mates, her aunty Helen in Toridé, all gone now.

Dee began to single out memories of the disappeared.

Her mother she had not seen since the day before Madeleine and her family arrived in the village. Madeleine had started giving away the choker charms the very day after she had disappeared, so that Penn had never had any time to consider her loss.

Herself, Tsanja, and Mrs Beale already owned chokers before Madeleine had arrived. Perhaps it was only Madeleine’s chokers which had left people so vulnerable?

Most of the disappeared she knew were children from the school. One in particular Dee remembered, with a great sense of loss.


Before Madeleine had come to school, Penn and Jane had been inseparable. The whole village knew that they had been meant for each other. Jane must have been one of the first to disappear, as Penn had started to court Madeleine just as school started. The memory of Jane must have been take from him along with Madeleine’s gift of the first choker charm.

All the memories of her week with Mrs Beale returned, and she began to wonder about that surprising force which had held her leg immobile for a whole week, and the feelings it had engendered in her young body. Quite frankly, that week in bed with Mrs Beale had been her sexual awakening, a time of bliss, even ecstasy, broken leg or no.

She still wanted to feel that way again. When the details of that time had been a closed book to her, her dreams had still been filled with that strange, unearthly, pleasure. No boy had tempted her with anything that even came close to it. Perhaps her failure to form any close relationships was not because of any defect in herself, but because of this early experience. Dee felt ambivalent about missing out on so much when she was growing up. Would it have been better if she had never experienced those feelings with Mrs Beale at such a young age?

Dee turned her attention to the wall of flesh. It was no wonder that nobody had passed in or out of the village for some time, it looked impenetrable. The wall radiated warmth, and she could faintly perceive liquid currents moving behind it.

As she moved closer, it became more than warmth, it was radiant desire, pure, and physical, and it was delicious. It penetrated her limbs, her body, her cunt. Her terror at finally beholding the demon became a kind of respectful awe, like looking up at the Grand Abbey in Solveig, or, the delicious exhilaration she had felt when she looked down at the ground from the heights of a huge tree. Dee knew that if she revealed herself to it, in her nakedness, and pressed herself into that red, living, flesh, she would feel that pleasure she had known with Mrs Beale, but undiluted, magnified a thousand-fold, all-consuming, final. The temptation to do so was almost strong enough to overwhelm all of her caution, all of her fears.

In a way, she felt like she had returned home. The warmth of the wall was the same warmth she had known as Mrs Beale had healed her. She had been healed by a demon! Somehow, Mrs Beale had harnessed the demon, and contained it within herself for years.

Dee moved still closer, almost as a dare to herself. She raised her hand against the wall, as close as she dared, and felt its heat. A fissure appeared in the membrane of the wall then, as if split by her fingers, and Dee stepped back as liquid flesh began to leak out of the crack. No, it was not just leaking. The ooze was pushing itself through the crack, questing, groping for purchase on anything, like a blind worm, like animated entrails.

Dee pulled the choker around her neck again, and, as the two ends of the leather touched, that feeling of calm washed over her again, and she regained her composure. The wall disappeared like mist, unseeable, and she almost found herself turning away, and had to consciously stop herself beginning the walk back to the village.

The strange radiation receded somewhat. She moved still closer to the wall, until all of her vision was obscured by shadow, and again raised her hand, to find out what she could feel while still protected from the Demon. Her hand sank into the shadows, and the feeling of pleasurable warmth increased, caressing her.

Shadows seemed to gather along her arm, and Dee reluctantly began to pull back from the wall. She gave herself a good amount of distance from the wall, and released the choker again.

Dee was surprised by a white hot bolt of pleasure. She was covered in the stuff! As she screamed in sudden, forced, orgasm, she dropped to her knees. Her thighs quivered, and her head was bowed while the thundering pleasure played itself out within her body. For the first time she felt it, she really felt the demon’s flesh, moist, and questing. The diffuse pleasure she had felt while protected by Mrs Beale’s choker charm was nothing compared to the raw, moist, visceral pleasure of being held by that demon flesh, sucking and squirming, against her skin.

It took a few seconds to register that she had dropped the choker.

Dee could not see, she scrabbled around on the ground, searching for her charm. It had disappeared.

The red flesh was still oozing from the fissure, and began to flow towards her, to join that which was caressing her arm. It twined around her, pushed its way into her armpit, into her clothes, under her breasts. Dee, only now recovering from her thunderous orgasm, stumbled backwards, and gave an almighty pull against the ropes of red which held her.

She was surprised as she was released.

A substantial pile of the stuff was pooling on the ground, and the fissure in the wall closed up as the demonic lump pulled itself into a single piece. Dee saw a hand forming in the abominable goo, a face, internal organs, separate, but beginning to move to their prober places.

A whole creature began to emerge, looking newly born. It was human, and it was female. Slick redness covered it in place, but the moisture was soaking into its skin. Formless flesh began to acquire features, and membranous covering became cloth.

Finally, Dee recognised her.


An image of her mother was standing in front of her. The creature turned, and regarded her calmly, without emotion. Awareness seemed to return, and it smiled in the recognition of familiarity.

“Oh, Dee, how I have missed you.”

It was her mothers voice and her mother’s smile. She moved quickly and Dee was soon enfolded in her arms, her hair stroked.

“Oh, Dee, you are so special to me. You are so very special. Come on, give us a hug, it’s been so long ...”

Over the last few months, Dee had been living with a constant undercurrent of horror beneath her shackled mind. For the first time in years, her mind was free. Her mother smelled right, she felt right. It was so nice to hold someone so familiar to her, someone who had always supported her, had always looked after her. Dee’s mother had been sorely missed.

“Shhhh, shhhh, shhhh … Dee, my darling daughter. There is so much that you need to know, Dee. Suckle on me Dee, let me feed you, let me teach you.”

Dee let herself be led to the tree, where her mother sat against the trunk. Her mother’s flesh was warm, but still radiated the demon’s strange desire into her flesh. She had waited for years for this feeling to return, and, without the protection of the choker charm, she was feeling Lilith’s strange pleasure in its purest, undiluted form.

Dee didn’t want to resist, she didn’t care where it led.

Before she allowed her mother to guide her to suckle, she desperately wanted to make some kind of sense of the last few months, and Magda was happy to talk to her daughter.

“Do you remember our last night together, Dee?”

Dee’s memories were still returning.

Aunty Helen had turned up at their house, unannounced, and Helen and her mother had still managed to create a feast. The wine had flowed, and the four of them had had a wonderful time. Penn and Dee felt as if the holidays were starting again.

“Helen told me me your fates, Dee, you and Penn, and I knew that I had to go with her. It was sad to leave you kids, but I knew that you would be quite capable of looking after yourselves. Your father is with me, too.”

It was the day before Dee and Penn had gone back to school.

Dee thought she understood.

“Aunty Helen took you, didn’t she? Aunty Helen was the Lilith Spawn, come to Gynt, to imprison us, to take us all.”

Dee had forgotten her mother immediately she was taken, and remembered having trouble understanding what Penn had been worried about that morning. Penn’s memory faded soon after Madeleine gave him the charm. Helen must have taken Dee’s parents the night she arrived in Gynt.

Magda gave Dee a smile, horrible in its passion,

“Oh, yes, Dee, oh, yes. Helen was so beautiful, so charming. It was no trouble for her, and it still makes me shiver to think back upon it. When your time comes, Dee, just give yourself up to Lilith, just let her take you. She gives immortality, and eternal pleasure. To receive her gifts, all you need to do is offer your eternal obedience, to give up your body, and give her your eternal soul. It is not a matter of choice.”

Dee hesitated. She wasn’t sure if that deal sounded all that attractive, actually.

“Where’s Jane, Mum?”


“Jane, Penn’s girlfriend!”

“Oh, that Jane! Yes, Penn can certainly pick the beauties.

“Jane is a lovely girl, yes, that’s true. But I am sorry, Dee, there is no other way to say this. To put it bluntly, Dee, Jane is as common as muck. She’s the daughter of a long line of farmers and shopkeepers. She’s not a patch on Tsanja or Madeleine, that’s for sure.

“I took care of her straight away.”

Dee was surprised. When Penn and Jane were together, her mother had never shown anything but kindness to her daughter-in-law to be. How could she say something so petty, so cutting? Was this her mother speaking, or Lilith?

Magda smiled at Dee, bored,

“Now, Dee, enough talking.”

Dee was embraced, and held tight. Magda guided her down to a breast, and pushed a nipple into Dee’s mouth.

“It has been far too long since I fed you, Dee. You were a beautiful baby, and you have grown into a beautiful woman. Don’t worry about Jane, she is being looked after. Penn will be joining her soon. You, on the other hand, have your whole life ahead of you. Tsanja, Madeleine, Dee, you’re the ones I have to watch. Wouldn’t it be nice to be a mum, Dee, like Tsanja, and like Madeleine? Those little stones are so beguiling, but they are so very useful. Don’t you feel like you are missing out, haven’t you wondered about the joys of motherhood? Tsanja needs a new sister, Dee. Drink, Dee, drink, and you shall see what became of our friend Jane ...”