The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Little Indians

Chapter 12 – Jane

As Dee suckled at her mother’s breast, there was no barrier between herself and the visions entering her head. She was not wearing the choker charm, and her mother was pure demon. It had been years since Dee’s mind had been free of the choker charm’s strange influence.

Dee began to see into the past, into Jane’s past. Dee felt herself becoming Jane, as if she could see, hear, feel, and even think, everything that had been Jane, but still looking on, a spectator.

Jane had been in Gynt for two years now, and had made many friends, and hoped that their affections would be life-long. She was struggling with her school work, but school work didn’t really matter to her.

One thing that did matter was her boyfriend. Since they had first met at school, she had known that he was the one, a soul-mate to share her life with, a constant companion. Penn knew it, and so did Dee. She had teased them mercilessly when they were making their first, fumbling, attempts at affection, but soon Penn and Jane were together, and the three of them were firm friends.

Jane didn’t know it yet, but she was beautiful. Penn told her this, every day of her life, but she didn’t yet believe him. Jane just knew that she would have him, that he was brilliant, and that she wanted him to ask her to marry him as soon as possible. She knew he could be convinced to give himself to her.

Her mother had told her to shop around a little, to get to know a few boys, to find out what she wanted.

Jane knew better, she had Penn, and he was perfect.

It was the first day of school in Jane’s final year, and the school day had just ended. She had made plans to go around to Penn’s house in the afternoon to borrow some of his books, and she was hoping to get some time alone with him, but she wanted to go home first to change and freshen herself first.

Arriving home at her usual time, she shouted her customary greeting.

The house was silent.

The house was clean, and a lot of things had been taken.

Dee realised that this was to be Jane’s last day on this earth.

The family bible, which usually took pride of place on the mantelpiece, was gone. It was priceless. Inscribed inside the front pages, it contained Jane’s family tree back to the time of the King, and before.

Jane’s parents’ bedroom door was open. Jane felt guilty, but she ventured a peek inside. She had never seen inside this room, it was strictly off limits.

It looked absurdly normal, with a bed made, flowers in a vase, and no sign of either her mother, or her storied father.

Jane began to feel some concern. She made her way to her own room.

Penn’s mother, Magda, was sitting on her bed. She had been waiting, silent, out of view from the door, since Jane arrived home.

“Your parents aren’t here, Jane. I’ll look after you now.”

She patted the bed beside her, indicating that Jane should sit.

Jane knew that something was amiss. Her mother would have said something, unless some disaster had required both her parents to leave the house. What could it possibly be? Why was Penn’s mum here?

However, sit she did.

“Where is my mother?”

Magda didn’t answer. She turned to Jane, and regarded her intensely.

Her eyes were captivating. They were a brilliant blue, and the pupils were black as pitch. No light was reflected from them, and Jane felt herself drawn into them.

“You love my Penn, don’t you, Jane my dear?”

Jane replied, feeling a little rebellious,

“Of course, Magda, and I intend to marry him.”

Magda nodded, it was what she expected.

“Jane, look into my eyes. No harm will come to you, but you must let me help you. It is the only way to save the love you share with him.”

Magda’s voice was enchanting, and Jane felt her alarm begin to dissipate. She did not resist as Magda positioned her on the bed, and never lost eye contact. As Magda unbuttoned Jane’s blouse, leaving her budding breasts exposed, Jane blushed, but didn’t look away. Magda unbuttoned her own blouse then.

Jane could not help but look at Magda’s breasts.

They were beautiful, pink nipples and bounteous curves.

Oh, dear.

Jane awoke from her reverie as if cold water had been splashed on her face.


What on earth was that? Magda was not human!

She was an abomination.

Two glistening suckers opened from beneath her breasts, and mouthed in the air, as if tasting it, questing for something.

Magda put a finger under Jane’s chin, and again lifted her gaze. Jane was recaptured, and held still, panting in panic, and a strange excitement.

“Relax, Jane. Don’t worry about what you see. Don’t turn away. It will be nicer if you don’t struggle.”

Slowly, slowly, Jane was encircled by Magda’s arms, and gently pulled against the suckers. Jane felt them, warm and wet against her ribs, and then, a horrible absence as the mouths opened wide.

“Let them suck you, Jane. It will be easier for me, and nicer for you.”

Jane didn’t have any choice. She was held fast, gazing into the eyes of Penn’s mother, but now seeming like a stranger’s, as she felt the drawing begin.

“I do not want your flesh, Jane, at least not yet. I only want your soul, your spirit, your essence. Let me have it, Jane. It isn’t painful, you know. Let me draw it from you, I can make it the sweetest thing you have ever felt.”

Jane felt a short, sucking sensation as the mouths fastened onto her chest, and an answering burst of pleasure as her pussy began to moisten. Her legs spread themselves, involuntarily, as desire flared within herself. She had never felt physical desire so strongly. Was this rape? How could it be when she wanted it so much? Her soul was about to be taken from her …

The drawing sensation was felt again, and a trickle of moisture appeared down below as she felt the strange magic begin. The mouths pulsed regularly, and Jane pushed herself forward, offering herself up, her body wanting to be taken.

“Good girl, Jane, you are a good, loving girl. You will be so delicious.”

“First, Jane, I will need to take your precious virginity. It is dangerous to you now.”

Jane felt something hard then in the sucking mouths, and was held tight as two fangs slid into her flesh. The sting of their penetration intensified as she felt herself injected with venom, and she felt the warm, burning liquid enter her bloodstream. Jane was held tight for a few minutes more, and felt more venom being injected, pulsing into her flesh. It needed time to do its work.

The initial feeling was a dizziness, and Jane felt her consciousness slip away for a moment.

As awareness returned, Jane realised that she was limp, that she had no control over her muscles.

The venom had spread to her centre, where it seemed to clot into a growing feeling of dull pleasure. As her arousal climbed, she became more liquid, and irritated. It was terrifying, but almost a relief, when her skirt was pushed up, her underwear removed, and she was exposed to the cool air.

Her legs were separated further, her knees pushed to the sides, and they stayed where they were put.

Magda moved gracefully from the bed and efficiently undressed.

Her abdomen was liquid, alive with questing tendrils, red and pink liquid flesh. Between her legs was a crawling awfulness, a hole, big enough to swallow a hand. As Jane watched, the flesh around the hole churned and melded, and a spear of flesh emerged, a liquid, rippling phallus.

“Jane, I know this looks strange. Don’t be concerned, Jane, it is not the end of you. Your life will change, Jane, but you will learn to love it all. You will have Penn, too, in the end. I need him up here for a little while, but you’ll have him to hold soon enough, and you will enjoy the waiting, I promise. You will be inside me, Jane, your soul and your body, suspended in my bliss...”

Jane was covered then, and Magda held her face gently with two hands and remained motionless. Jane was surprised at the beauty of the face regarding her. Her physical arousal was uncomfortable, if only because it was unassuaged, but she soon began to feel the true seduction. Magda was beautiful, and kind, and Jane loved her as a friend, but now Jane found herself falling in love with her, and trusting her, and wanting, wanting so much, to be with her, to become a part of her, to let her do with her what she did will.

Jane did not break eye contact as Penn’s mother bore down within her. She felt her hymen part, but there was no pain, and soon she felt filled completely. Her mouth opened in a silent ‘O’ of pleasure, and she wished that her muscles could strain against the orgasms which enveloped her.

The phallus softened, allowing that hole between Magda’s legs to fasten itself, a hole with lips that rippled as they stuck tight and pressed against her. First it swallowed her virgin’s blood, then the suckers started on her chest, and the three mouths began to draw her into themselves, from her breasts, from her pussy.

It takes a very long time for one’s soul to be eaten, even when it is given freely, and Jane gave herself completely to this lovely creature. Long, sweet hours passed as her soul was drawn out, and devoured, piece by precious piece, coming out in liquid, sweet bursts of ecstasy.

First her hearing faded, leaving her in silence. Then her vision dimmed. Then she was just a loyal soul in her body, coming, coming, coming so sweetly as she was devoured by her lover, each orgasm spending more of herself into those three sucking maws at her breasts, and her pussy, so sweet, so loving, so horrible.

Jane knew that she was in heaven as she joined her flesh to the demon. She watched through Jane’s eyes as the demon allowed its form to return, all pink, formless, flesh. Her emptied body was filled again, and cocooned, and the demon allowed Jane’s flesh to stand up and carry them both away.