The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


© by Mesmerr

Chapter Fifteen

‘I’ve been reading the Bible lately,’ I said to Shari’ when we’d stopped to rest beside a small rock pool where I figured the centre of the island approximately was. She sat on her left side hip, with most of the weight off her butt. She looked at me-surprise and disbelief written all over her face. I grinned sheepishly. ‘Out of character, I know,’ I said, ‘but I read it, nevertheless.’

She realised then that I was serious and widened her eyes even further, momentarily forgetting about the pain in her ass.

‘Why?’ She asked quietly then shifted her weight and sat on the opposite hip. I think she almost smiled when she said that, but her body must have reminded her of how sore her butt was because the beginnings of it disappeared in a flash.

‘It’s been a while,’ I said, ‘but I used to read it with you and Bethy when we were little, remember?’

She nodded, although, I remembered then that it was my aunt who read it to us and not us who read it.

‘Why did you read it now?’ She asked quietly, settled now on her opposite hip.

‘To be honest,’ I replied, ‘I don’t know, or, I didn’t know when I began. I just felt as if I should read it again, for some reason.’ Shari’ nodded, but said nothing. The redness had now left her face and the puffiness had gone from beneath her eyes, which had now cleared and were their usual pretty bright white selves again.

‘I came across a few love stories, would you believe?’ I told her, recalling them clearly in my mind. ‘Obviously, things and laws were different then. They had no rules or laws against cousins being together?’ Shari’s eyebrows climbed slowly to the top of her forehead. She looked at me coyly.

‘Really?’ She asked genuinely. She hadn’t known that, as I hadn’t known it before, either.

‘Yes,’ I said. ‘And I didn’t go looking for that information, either. I just came across it. I thought you might find that interesting.’ She nodded.

‘It is,’ she said, shaking her head slowly to one side. Shari’ always did that whenever she was amazed by something that shook her foundation beliefs about something or other.

‘There were no religious creeds against cousin marriages, either,’ I told her, recalling the information that had enlightened me earlier. ‘In fact, there’s more than one account I read of where God especially put cousins together. Isaac married Rebekkah, his first cousin, and in Genesis, 24:12-51, Jacob actually married two of his cousins, Rachel and Leah.’

‘Really, Billy?’ Shari’ asked, amazed still. I hardened my gaze at her. ‘Err, Master?’

She quickly corrected herself.

‘Yes,’ I smiled warmly at her for trying, at least, anyway. She could’ve given up after the spanking. ‘I loved the story in Genesis, chapters 28-29, where Zelophehad’s five orphaned daughters were actually commanded by God to all marry their cousins.’

‘Really? Err... Master?’

‘Don’t keep saying that, Shari’. You sound like a stupid girl again.’

She blushed, but said nothing, only lowered her head and gaze from mine and shifted her weight to the other hip again.

‘I just find it incredible,’ she said quietly when she’d settled. ‘I didn’t know any of that.’

‘Me, neither,’ I admitted. ‘I just came across it, for some reason. I’m not usually a fan of the Bible, not that there’s anything wrong with it as far as it goes. What really got my attention, though, was that Eleazar’s daughters each married their first blood cousins, as they were instructed to.’

‘Billy! No! Really?’ Shari’ gasped, shaking her head with all thoughts of her sore ass now seemingly forgotten, as well as her submissive manners. I glared at her.

‘I’m sorry... but, this is amazing!’ She said then added quickly, ‘Master.’

‘I know,’ I said, softening my glare, ‘I thought so, too. And in Chronicles 23:22, in the eighteenth chapter of Leviticus, the Bible actually provides a lengthy list of forbidden relationships. These laws were the scriptural definition of sexual impurity, and you know what? There wasn’t one mention of cousins, of any degree.’

‘Wow!’ Shari said quietly. ‘I can’t believe it! Really?’

‘Yes,’ I told her with an impatient sigh. She got the message. ‘They’re all Old Testament references, too, so they must be what it was like. And, in the New Testament, I couldn’t find any specific rules of sexual misconduct, either, other than to refer you back to the Old Testament laws, which says it’s okay for cousins to get married, and where God actually says it and tells them to, like I said before.’

‘Wow!’ Shari’ breathed again quietly. ‘I don’t believe it!’

‘I know,’ I said, shaking my head for lots of reasons right then. I still found it hard to believe, actually, too. But, there it was in black and, white, and, in the Bible, of all places.

‘Doesn’t the Bible say anything against cousins getting married?’ She asked in her normal tone of voice then added quickly, ‘Master?’

‘No,’ I answered, ‘doesn’t seem to that I could find, and I looked hard once I got going into the subject.

‘Wow!’ She breathed quietly again. ‘I wonder if mum and dad know this stuff?’

I shrugged.

‘Who knows,’ I said, ‘maybe, maybe not? It seems that Biblical prohibitions of cousin marriages reside only in the minds of the unlearned.’

We were both quiet for long while then, deep in our own thoughts about this new information. I was also wondering and puzzling over what had led me to begun reading the Bible in the first place. I had no intentions of ever marrying Shari’ or Bethy, or anyone, for that matter. I didn’t even get on with them most of the time. And I’d just whupped Shari’s ass, hard, so I wouldn’t expect to be her flavour of the month for a husband, either.

‘But isn’t it illegal in the United States?’ She asked suddenly, quietly.

Her eyes then began to narrow, as if suspecting I was trying to pull the wool over her eyes over the whole thing for my own agenda. I shook my head, knowing what I generally knew about cousins getting married in America from the various assignments I’d done at school.

‘Actually,’ I said, recalling what I’d researched for a school assignment on cousins and family lineage, ‘cousin marriages are legally allowed in quite a lot of the states of America, particularly the larger, more industrial states. Most of the Midwestern states, the agricultural states, do prohibit first cousins from marrying, though, although a few of them will allow you to marry elsewhere then have your marriage recognized as valid when you go back.’

‘Really, Billy?’ Shari asked amazed. I knew she didn’t know that and let her manners go again.

‘Yes,’ I said, ‘but you’d really have to find out what the “foreign marriage policy” is of the state you happen to be in at the time, if you have to marry outside of your home state.’


I nodded with her in her amazement.

‘Those states, which have laws forbidding you to evade state laws by marrying elsewhere,’ I told her, recalling the researched information from school, ‘often have severe penalties, though, which, would you believe, sometimes include large fines or even jail time in some states?’

‘Wow! Billy! This is so awesome! Don’t you think?’

I nodded, but I noticed and let it go again.

‘There are only six states,’ I said, ‘that prohibit marriage between first cousins, once removed.’

Shari’ looked at me, obviously puzzled.

‘What do you mean, “Once removed?"’ She asked.

‘Shari’!’ I snapped. ‘Do you want another fucking whupping?’

‘NO!’ She shrieked, her eyes lighting up when she immediately recalled the pain of her belting. ‘Don’t! Please!’

‘Then remember you fucking manners!’ I snapped.

She instantly nodded and dropped her head to look up at me from beneath her eyebrows. The look itself got her out of trouble and me back on track to answer her query, but I didn’t know if I could, properly, anyway.

‘First cousin marriages are legal in every country in the Western Civilization, it seems,’ I told her, ‘including Canada, Australia, Europe and South America. The only exception, actually, seems to be certain states within America. Most Asian countries allow cousin marriages, too, although some cultural rules might apply.’

‘But what do you mean by “first cousin once removed?"’ She asked again then added quickly, ‘Master?’

‘The term “once removed” means there’s a difference in the generational distance from the cousin to the common ancestor.’ I told her. ‘For example, the relationship between one and the other might be first cousins once removed, because one is one generation removed from the two first cousins.’

Shari’s eyes crossed as she tried to imagine what I was talking about. It wasn’t easy for me, either.

‘The relationship between one and the other,’ I began again, trying to make it simpler to understand in her mind and mine, ‘could be second cousins once removed, because one generation is removed from the two second cousins.’

Shari’s eyes almost remained crossed as she tired to puzzle out what I was saying. So was I.

‘The relationship between one and the other,’ I said again, trying another tack, ‘would be first cousins twice removed, because one would be two generations removed from one of the pair of first cousins.’

She still looked lost. I was beginning to feel that way, too, then.

‘Shari’, take two people,’ I said, ‘who can be an aunt, uncle, great aunt or uncle to any of the generations that follow them, because they would be the only two siblings represented by only those that did follow after them. And remember, we’re talking about it as it relates to the one common ancestor of all of them and his or her direct descendants.’

That made sense to me, at least, a bit. Shari’ nodded for the first time, but I doubted if she understood. I didn’t really, myself.

‘So,’ she said quietly, but seriously, ‘is it safe for cousins to have... babies? Billy, I’ve read some really awful stories that the babies will be deformed or mentally challenged.’

I nodded in agreement. I’d heard and read about them, too.

‘First cousins have a slightly increased risk of having a child with a birth disorder,’ I told her, recalling the assignments I’d done very well at, at school, ‘but only if both cousins carry a recessive gene disorder.’

What’s that?’ She asked.

I shrugged.

‘I’m not a doctor. How would I know?’ I told her. ‘But any couple, whether they’re related or not, carries some risk of having a child with birth disorders. The majority of all birth disorders are called, “dominant gene disorders” or are what’s called “multifactoral."’

‘Wow, Billy! How do you know all this stuff?’

‘Sharon!’ I snapped angrily, using her full name to let her know how close she was to having a definite repeat session with her own fucking belt.

‘Sorry!’ She got out instantly then added, ‘Master? I’m sorry? Honest?’

‘Watch it, you stupid girl!’ I snapped.

She dropped her gaze, huffily while I just gritted my teeth and wondered if she’d make it two spankings before the day was over.

‘I did a few detailed assignments on cousins and brothers and sisters at school. Did well, too,’ I finished. She just nodded.

‘A relatively small percentage of all birth disorders are recessive, I recall,’ I told her, ‘and those are the actual ones for that first cousins have to be concerned about.’

‘Oh?’ She said, quietly.

‘Ye,’ I said. ‘It seems that if there’s a history of a recessive disorder in your family history, they encourage you to seek genetic counselling to find out if you carry that wonky gene. Otherwise, first cousins having babies have no more increased risk than a non-related couple.’

‘Wow!’ She breathed quietly then shifted her weight back to her other hip with a grimace. I glared at her. She dropped her gaze instantly.

‘But Mum’s always said that loving a cousin was immoral,’ she said then. ‘Mum and dad would never understand or agree with all of that, anyway. You know it’s totally against our religion.’

‘Is that the same religion that uses the same Bible in which God says it’s okay for first cousins to marry and have kids?’ I asked her, ‘and in which God actually tells first cousins to marry?’

Shari’ just shook her head, amazed and confused about the whole issue, as I was. But, I was a lot clearer now, I figured, now that I knew what the Bible really said about the matter.

‘Your mum and dad don’t realise, I think,’‘ I said then, ‘that contrary to popular opinion, the Bible is one hundred percent in favour of cousin marriages. Even the Catholic Church hardly ever deny first cousin marriages, and then, only if the previous generations in the direct line of ascent and descent also have first cousin marriages. The Catholic Church doesn’t seem to have any restrictions against marriage between first cousins once removed or more distantly related at all, provided the state laws you live in that apply allow it.’

‘Wow!’ Shari’ gasped. ‘That’s incredible, Billy! It really is!’

‘That’s what I thought when I saw the red stripes across your white bass,’ I said quietly between my teeth.

She dropped her gaze from mine instantly and then looked up after a few seconds from beneath her eyebrows once again. Once again, it was the look that saved her. It wasn’t as if she needed to know what I was telling her. I didn’t even want to know it myself. I just had a feeling that I had to tell her, for some reason. She was getting close, though. She was getting very close. I took a deep breath while she gazed at me in that submissive female way. Then slowly, I exhaled it. It felt good.

‘You might be interested to know, too,’ I said, ‘that almost all Eastern religions also allow first cousin marriages, although some cultural rules apply, according to their customs.’

‘The whole world says that it’s okay? Really Billy? Wow!’ She blurted out.

Stupid girl, I figured, just couldn’t help herself. I hardened my gaze and narrowed my eyes at her and she knew.

‘No! Billy! Please? Don’t!’

‘Get my fucking shorts off!’ I snapped.

That was it. Too much is too much.

‘Then get down here in front of me on your hands and knees! And remember, every word you say is going to double the smacks you were going to get, anyway. Understand that, you stupid girl? If you don’t listen, you must, fucking, feel!’

‘Bil-I mean! -Master? Please don’t? Please?’

‘That’s double, already!’ I hissed at her, getting angrily to my feet. ‘Now, get ‘em off before you get so many you that can’t fucking sit down for a week! I mean it, Shari’ and you know I do! Get ‘em off! Now! Then get down here on your hands and knees facing away from me!’

Slowly, she struggled to her feet, exaggerating the soreness she already felt and looking for sympathy along the way, now that she knew the inevitable. She could only hope for a reduction in sentence. Slowly, she turned around and began to take down her shorts. She then turned back around to directly face me as she did it, no doubt hoping to build some more on her sympathy plight. She wasn’t a stupid girl, at all, my first cousin. She only acted like it most of the time.

Her eyes pleaded submissively at me from beneath her eyebrows as she bent forward and pulled the shorts from her feet. Then, even more slowly, she began to drag down her panties over her hips and thighs, all the time looking directly up at me from beneath her eyebrows as she remained bent over.

Finally, she slipped them all the way down and stepped out of them. Then she straightened up and held my gaze just before I dropped my eyes to her velvet pubic-haired V. My penis thickened immediately. I glanced quickly up at her as my heart began to pound. She was still looking at me that way, but her face was now embarrassed and was as red as a beetroot. It seemed soft, very, very soft. I almost weakened in that moment before I came to my senses.

‘Get down here on your hands and knees facing away from me!’ I snapped angrily, but quietly. ‘Not a fucking word, Shari’! Not one more fucking word!’

Shari’s did as she was told and stepped toward me then knelt down on all fours facing me. I frowned. Immediately, but very slowly, she turned around on her hands and knees like a puppy dog and finally faced away from, showing me her bare white ass with its dark red stripes from top to bottom and mysterious cleft in the middle. My cock jerked again with the increased pace of my heart. I couldn’t help staring between her legs and the cheeks of that striped backside. The black pubic hairs in the deepest centre between legs seemed shiny, as if they glistened, somehow.

‘Oh, god!’ She gasped quietly, embarrassed, as if she knew exactly where I’d been staring. ‘Billy, please!’

I got to my knees and moved toward her, positioning myself beside her left hip.

‘Oh!’ She gasped quietly at the sound of my movement. ‘Billy! No! Don’t! Please?’

I drew back my right hand, then, trembling and with fingers shaking, lifted it upward into the air. Glancing quickly at her overall, my first blood cousin knelt on all fours like a bitch in heat, bare-assed naked from the waist down.

Her head hung low between her shoulders. Her long dark hair flowed outward from it, like a shining dark carpet, beginning at her neck to then fall straight down to the soft leafy ground above which she knelt. My gaze moved to her bare flanks and hips. They trembled slightly. I was glad at that moment that I wasn’t the only one trembling.

I could hear her breathing. It seemed heavy, almost as if she were panting. Then, once again I imaged the picture of the dark glistening pubic hairs that slicked the very centre between her legs. Suddenly, my cock flexed strongly. In an instant response, my hand flashed quickly downward toward her right buttock. I hadn’t chosen the moment. It had been chosen for both Shari’ and I by my cock.


‘Oowww!’ She shrieked loudly as my throbbing right hand landed with a loud slap on her right cheek, about halfway down. Instantly, she stiffened again the pain and straightened her spine, trying to move sideways and away. I reached out quickly with my left hand and gripped the soft flesh of her hip, hard.

‘Billy! No! Pl—!’


‘Ooowwww! Please, nnnooo!’ She wailed put pitifully, begging and struggling and twisting her hips and torso in her futile efforts to get away, after my hand crashed loudly into her left cheek.

Her struggling had now turned her almost end-on to me as I held her by the flesh on her left thigh and hip. I changed to hold her by the other thigh, reaching over her and pulling her hip against me. Now I was staring directly into that deep patch of glistening black pubic hair and my dick as was as hard as a long piece of petrified driftwood. I was mesmerised for a few seconds by the absolutely sensual sight of it, as well as what was going on between my own legs.

‘Billy... please?’ She pleaded, crying genuine real tears.

My right hand throbbed terribly, along with my dick. Her voice brought me back to the here and now when my gaze suddenly registered the bright red handprint now gradually appearing on both of her trembling buttocks. My cock jerked once more. ’

SLAP!’ Crashed my hand again into her twisting right buttock, twice as hard as the others.

‘Oooowwwwww! Billyyyyyy! Nnnooo!’ She screamed blue murder while twisting her hips violently, but I held her, exactly the way I wanted to.

‘SLAP!’ Crashed my hand again, as hard as it could into her left cheek.

‘Aarrrgh!’ She screamed loudly, weeping openly now and twisting like a wildcat.

‘SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP!’ Came the sound of four more, quick and well delivered, very hard slaps on the cheeks of her bare ass. It left her yelling and fighting to get away with the arrival of the first two, but then whimpering and standing her ground, copping them as they came, with the last two.

She had been well spanked and now cried openly her tears of pain and embarrassment, anguish and humiliation. They splashed down into the soft leafy ground, above which she now knelt, defeated while I knelt shakily beside her trembling white ass that now had my deep red handprints all over it.

Incredibly strong, the almost overpowering urge suddenly came upon me to spread those blotchy red and white cheeks wide and see what was waiting there in the trembling dark depths of that mysterious forbidden zone. But, instead, I waited until her crying began to quiet, then until it had almost disappeared, altogether. My heart also had the time to settle, as well, but my right hand throbbed like the devil. Next time, I vowed, it would be the belt again. No need for us both to be in pain for her stupid mistakes.

‘Shari’?’ I said quietly, with a trembling breath, after the last of her sobs and sniffs seemed to have come and gone. ‘Are you going to be a good little submissive female from now on and show me the proper respect?’

After a few moments, I saw her black head of hair nod slowly. Then,

‘Yes... Master,’ she whispered softly, ‘I am.’

I smiled nervously at my victory over her. In spite of her pain and embarrassment, I knew it was all for the best...hers.

‘I’ll do it again, you know that, don’t you?’ I reaffirmed.

Again, her black head of hair hanging low to the ground gently nodded. Then,

‘Yes... Master,’ she almost whispered, ‘I do.’

I took one last look at the glistening wet patch of dark pubic hair in the deepest part between her legs, then up into the dark forbidden crease between her occasionally trembling buttocks and sighed. My dick jerked one last time, and strongly, too.

I released the powerful clench I’d been holding unknowingly on the soft flesh of her inner left upper thigh. I hadn’t even known I had grabbed her there. When I brought my hand away it felt cold immediately. I glanced down at it. It was shiny. It was wet. It glistened from my first cousin’s anger and anguish, humiliation and embarrassment. And it also seemed to glisten from her obvious known or unknown forced sexual arousal. My cock jerked once more and I sighed deeply, wondering if I should be feeling what I definitely was.

Slowly, I got to my feet and looked down at her, all manner of sexual taboo thoughts going through my male mind for the very first time. The information regarding first cousins came rushing back to me in a spread that filed its way across my imagination like a computer printout. I blinked suddenly then came back to the present and the sight of my first cousin kneeling half-naked, like a bitch in heat at my feet in the middle of a rainforest.

‘Get dressed,’ I said to her quietly. ‘Let’s go back to the beach and have a swim. Okay?’

‘Yes... Master,’ she said quietly then slowly struggled to stand up on her feet.

I reached out and took her hand, helping her all the way up. What happened then, I have no idea. She seemed a bit shaky on her feet. I thought she was going to fall. Suddenly, she leaned into me. My arm encircled her without my thinking about it and I grabbed her firmly then held her close. I could smell her sweet breath, her body heat. I felt her left arm then snake around my waist to support herself. Then she half-turned toward me. Her right arm went around the other side of me. She was trembling. I really thought she was about to faint and held her more tightly. She gasped softly and clung a little more tightly.

‘Shari’, are you ok—?’ I bent my head and started to ask, but, at that moment, she suddenly lifted her face upward and looked at me from beneath her eyebrows, such that at those close quarters, our lips were almost touching, eyes only inches apart. I couldn’t see anything, but her eyes, deep, milky and shining with real tears. She breathed up into my face and I breathed my first cousin in to me.

My body reacted involuntarily as I gazed mesmerised down into those glistening eyes. Then, somehow, without me knowing how or when or where or why, she suddenly seemed closer; her face seemed closer; her deep pink moist lips seemed closer, and her sweet smelling breath seemed to be suffocating me with feelings and sensations I had never experienced before or expected to experience in my life. My mind was swooning.

Suddenly, my strong and powerful male mind was spinning crazily as I breathed her in-her breath, her smell, her closeness, her tight grip on me as she held on, and her first cousin-ness. I was lost and I knew it as I gazed into her eyes, only inches away. And then my lips actually touched hers ever so gently, but they touched, like a feather, for the very first time. I was then even more lost than before with the long soft sigh that slowly left her mouth and entered my lungs as I kissed my first blood cousin fully on the mouth and felt her tentative hot tongue touch mine. Then she just seemed to melt right into me and me into her. I was floating. We were floating. It was electric. It was just euphoric. I was lost. I was just plain lost. And I didn’t ever want to be found.

The feathery kiss ended itself just then. I didn’t know how long. I released her a little, but continued to hold on to her. She continued to hold on to me, too, but she shifted back away from me a few inches. I could see her face. She could see mine. We just stood there, then, looking at one another; gazing into one another’s eyes, and again, I was lost, and again, I didn’t want to be found. I just didn’t want to be found.

She was silently crying, but smiling softly at me at the same time. I tried to smile back at her, but only felt the sting, as her gaze seemed to move toward me again; her moist pink lips seemed to move toward me again; her sweet breath and her body and its warm heat seemed to move toward me again. I tried to say her name, but I just couldn’t. I saw her lips form the “B” of my name, but she never said it, either. Then her face seemed to disappear all around me, where all I could see were her eyes, her silently crying eyes. It was all of her that I wanted to see, needed to see, yearned to see-her eyes, and her beautiful wonderful female soul.

Then slowly, as if in slow motion, those magnificent female eyes closed down then her silver tears overflowed and ran slowly down her cheeks. Then my first cousin’s lips met mine for the second time in as many minutes and she sighed into my lungs once again. I breathed her into our second involuntary kiss where time on the tiny tropical island and the entire world seemed to stand perfectly still.

I closed my eyes and was lost again, somewhere, sometime, someplace, but I was lost and never, ever wanted us to be found by anybody, now or in the future. And then her tentative hot tongue touched mine for the second time. It was electric. I was lost again and the touch of her tongue brushing mine was electric. I never wanted either of us to be found again, in this lifetime or any other... ever.