The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


© by Mesmerr

Chapter Nine

When I opened my eyes, it was morning. At least, I figured it was from the amount of light in the cabin compared to what there had been when I’d last had my eyes open. Staring at my favourite spot on the bottom bunk above my head, I recalled the dream I wasn’t quite sure I’d had or not. It seemed so jumbled and mixed up. I’d been fighting pirates with a sub machine gun when Shari’ had distracted me, giving one of the pirates a golden opportunity to cut my left shoulder completely off my torso. I felt it and was amazed. It was actually sore.

Shaking my head, I figured it must have been one hell of a dream. Then there had been my mother and father somewhere on the old square-rigger, as well. I wasn’t sure, as I thought about the whole thing, just what they’d been doing there, but from what I could recall, I’d been seriously outnumbered and had needed all the friends I could get. And in the middle of it all, I recalled Bethy calling me, “Master.” Then I remembered that Shari’ had said that she and Bethy wanted me to train them to be pirates, just like me, but I’d never trust either of them with a sub machine gun. I knew that. I closed my eyes and it hurt. I needed a little bit more sleep. None of the dream or nightmare made much sense at all, really, but then, dreams often never do, the ones that I always have, anyway. And my shoulder still hurt when I touched it, even gently.

Opening my eyes again, I rolled over and closed them once more then tried to go back to sleep for about fifteen minutes. Finally failing, I decided it was no use. Once I’m awake, I’m awake and that’s that. With a groan and a heavy head, I rolled my feet and legs over the sea rail of my bunk and sat up, hitting my head along the way. I cursed quietly. Then I stretched. It felt good, except for my shoulder, which was definitely tender and my head, which started to throb a little. No two ways about it. I shook my head, hurting again and amazed at the realism of a dream that could manufacture pain in a certain part of your body that you’d dreamed had been cut clean off with a razor sharp pirate’s cutlass.

I could tell by the amount of light in the cabin that the sun had not only just come up, but that it had been up for a lot longer than I’d been so far. I strained my ears to listen for the familiar sounds of the yacht’s business first thing in the morning, but could hear nothing, other than the gentle lapping of the waves against the hull. Other than that, I felt things were a little too quiet. Closing my eyes against the heaviness in my head from lack of sleep, I stood up carefully, holding onto the sea rail of the bunk above mine. When I was upright, I opened my eyes again. My head still felt heavy and still throbbed dully.

After slowly changing into baggy board shorts and a loose cotton shirt, I went searching through to the saloon-not a soul to be seen anywhere. I glanced quickly up toward the master’s cabin in which my uncle and aunt slept at the stern of the yacht. The curtains were open, indicating they were not there. That was their sign to us. If we ever saw the curtains closed, we were not to go in. It was called “Personal Privacy,” they’d told us many times as we’d grown up.

I looked at the clock on the wall-ten past ten then shook my head. It still hurt, even to do that. I couldn’t believe I had slept so long and I couldn’t believe they had let me, let alone me not hearing any sounds from them as they’d moved about, going here and there, which should have woken me up. I’m usually a light sleeper who awakens at any unfamiliar or unexpected noise. But, there wasn’t a sound. It was spooky. I decided to head up on deck, thinking that maybe they were all up sunbaking.

As my head broke the imaginary line of light difference between above and below deck, my eyes slammed shut and the pain in my head surged terribly. I don’t get headaches, but I figured I was about to get the mother of them all. My temples began to pound as I shielded my eyes from the brilliance of the mid-morning glare and grabbed the leading rail to prevent me from falling ass over head, as I climbed up the companionway. I regretted right then in not thinking to put on my sunglasses. The stainless steel rail felt cool against the deliberately gripping grasp of my hand. Slowly, hesitantly, I began to try to open my eyes fully against the glare, shading them with my free hand.


My eyes retreated instantly beneath the cover of my lids, like a crab retreats back under a rock. I needed protection against the sudden shrieking noise behind my head, which began to throb in my temples now, and, very seriously. It was really starting to hurt.

‘Billy!’ Came the unmistakable sound of Bethy’s loud voice behind me again. Her tone was excited, as if she hadn’t seen me ages.

‘Not so loud!’ I snapped loudly, which only served to add fuel to the fire already raging in my head. God, it hurt. I stumbled over to a deck chair and collapsed down into it then lay on my back with my eyes closed against the sun’s glare. My temples throbbed. Something cool and metallic suddenly touched my cheek. My fingers felt for it, touched it then grasped it, grateful to somebody.

‘Try these.’ Came the sound of Shari’s voice as she let go of the sunglasses. I put them on and sighed. Amazingly, the pain behind my eyes began to diminish immediately, along with the throbbing in my temples.

‘Thanks.’ I muttered sincerely. After putting them on, I slowly opened my eyes and saw Bethy lying on her back on the coach-house roof in her bikini. Turning slightly, I saw Shari’ bikini-clad hips and thighs standing beside me. I looked up, or tried to, at least, but the strain hurt my eyes. She knelt down beside my deck chair, grinning. I didn’t return her grin, simply because I couldn’t.

‘We thought we’d let you sleep,’ she said. ‘Mum and dad have gone to the island for the day again. We said we’d keep an eye on you and we’ve tried to be as quiet as we could, just sunbaking up here. Bethy told them you’d had a rough night. They said that was okay.’

I closed my eyes and nodded, grateful to them both, but said nothing. I was enjoying actually watching the colour of the pain behind my eyes get less and less in brilliance. It was now almost tolerable.

‘We’ve been waiting for you to wake up,’ she said. ‘Do you remember?’

I cast my mind like a throwing net, somewhere, but I didn’t know where. I had a job remembering my name right then, let alone whatever she’d just asked me to remember. I drew a blank in the remembrance stakes and shook my head slowly with a quiet groan. I wasn’t yet confident enough to shake it quickly.

‘You know?’ Shari’ said impatiently.

Again, I tried to remember something of significance, but all I could come up with was the nightmare and having my left shoulder cut off my body with a pirate’s cutlass, and, it was Shari’s fault, somehow. I knew that. It was her fault I only had one shoulder now. I felt it gingerly. It still hurt a little to touch. My hand fell limply back down as I groaned softly and shook my head.

‘Billy? You must! Can’t you? Are you sure?’

I couldn’t understand why she seemed to be imploring me. She was obviously exasperated by my sure signs of early dementia or Parkinson’s disease, but I wasn’t ready for actual speech yet. If she kept it up, however, well, desperate times call for desperate measures, even if telling your noisy first cousin to fuck off so early in the morning caused me additional anguish or more pain than I was clearly suffering already, she’d get it.

She could sense that or see it, at least, I figured, so she had it coming if it did. I decided right then that one more exclamation or high-pitched question mark and that’d be it. I’d tell her where to go again. It was starting to become a habit, I half-smiled at that thought and it felt good. The pain in my head subsided a little with the relaxation I received from the short-lived smile, and the silence without her voice was blissful, absolutely blissful.

‘Billy? Please?’ She said again, only this time, more quietly. She was teetering on the edge, right on the edge of being told. She didn’t know just how close to the precipice she actually was. I decided to try actual verbal speech and warn her. I didn’t feel like yelling yet, so I prepared to whisper.

‘Master?’ She added suddenly, in almost a whisper herself.

My intended warning stuck in my throat and stayed there like a lodged fishbone. Suddenly then, and, seemingly all at once, I remembered what she’d wanted me to remember. They both wanted me to train them as submissive females. They’d said so in the night as they’d squatted like a pair of Navajo squaws beside my bunk and breathed their white chocolate breaths in my face at close range. And Bethy had called me, “Master.” I thought it had been in the dream because they hadn’t been there when I’d looked, after she’d said it.

‘Billy?’ Shari’ whispered quietly beside me. Instantly, I liked her other way of addressing me better.

‘Yes?’ I said softly, still a little astounded at their decision.

‘You remember now, I can tell, can’t you?’

‘Yes.’ I answered quietly.

‘Oh, Billy!’ She shrieked excitedly. ‘We thought you’d forgotten!’

‘I had,’ I winced at the loud tone of her voice. My head began to throb instantly.

‘Billy! How could you!’ She demanded in a tone that definitely did not suit my mood.

‘Don’t push it, Shari’,’ I warned her through gritted teeth and a hissing sound that didn’t even sound like my voice. ‘I’ve got a headache.’

‘Oh, sorry,’ she apologised. ‘I didn’t know. Can I get you something?’

‘Yes, a dose of silence,’ I said quietly, although not in the same voice.

‘Oh, err, okay,’ she said quietly. ‘I’ll be on the roof with Bethy when you’re ready.’

‘Fine,’ I muttered, trying to relax my face where it hurt the most. When I was ready for what? I wondered, as the pain subsided not quickly enough. I relaxed my face again in the area of my temples. To my surprise, the awareness of my slow, but steadily rising erection beat me to the thought of what I would or should be ready for, but then I had it-their training to be submissive females. And, with that conscious thought confirming it, my erection wasted no more time with preliminaries. I was as hard as a rock, almost instantaneously.

I smiled and the headache seemed to disappear, as quickly as the blood rush arrived in full throughout the full length and breadth of my cock. In fact, for the same reason, I think I felt a bit light-headed for a few seconds.

My eyes opened more widely without the pain. I could see both Shari’ and Bethy lying on the coach-house roof above the companionway, sunbaking on their bellies, wearing only their bikinis. Shari’s was blue and Bethy’s was red. My gaze rivetted on each of their firm rounded bottoms, one after the other while the rigidity of my penis increased, such that I grabbed it and squeezed, hard, safe in the knowledge that they were both facing away from me. It felt good and I grinned, also hard. Taking a deep breath, I held it for at least thirty seconds before slowly exhaling it. My cock twitched inside my shorts.

‘Shari’!’ I called loudly. ‘Bethy! Get here!’

I smiled as they both sat bolt upright then scurried quickly from the coach-house roof to obey the very first, but certainly not the last command of... their “Master.”