The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Master PC – The Protector

By TechnicDragon

Chapter 39: The Meeting

So, they were The Users. The group that asked us to meet them and caused the fear that ran rampantly through my group and me too. I did my best to keep my face calm and bland. All of us remained standing, gathered around the throne apparently intended for me. I wasn’t going to sit until invited to. I’d rather not sit at all, just go home.

The woman across from us held out her hand, indicating the big man to my left. “This is Law.” Law looked from her to me and gave a long bow of his head, eyes closed. I returned the gesture. I didn’t know what was going on and what may construe an insult, so I showed respect until they sprang their trap or gave me no other reason to stay.

We held eye contact for a moment before I noticed the center woman’s movement. She held out her other hand to the other woman. Her blue on blue markings moving excitedly, as if she was getting energized by something and the unnatural pigmentation echoed that energy.

“This is Chaos.”

True, she was chaos, in body, in movement, in sheer distraction. Here clear crystal blue eyes held mine for a moment, and suddenly she winked. I didn’t know if it was just sudden inspiration or planned, but it looked just as luscious as any of my girls could pull off. The blue skin didn’t do it for me, but looking at the shape of her curves, I could tell that she would fit right in with my group. Her breasts were full with dark blue nipples, tummy bunched up to allow the man between her legs to service her. Her thighs looked good with the way the tops of her boots helped to outline her shape. However, all that blue just made me turn away.

Looking back at the brunette, she gave a slight upper body bow in her throne, “And I am Vikkor.”

After I gave a similar bow, she raised and looked pristine as ever in her large cushioned chair. She had spoken only in those short statements but I finally recognized her accent. It was French. I didn’t know if anyone in our group knew any French. It really was too late to ask. Then again, I hadn’t expected to meet anyone from a different country tonight. I felt down the line for Yvonne. She was from Russia. On my other side were the twins. They were of Japanese decent, though they didn’t have broken English or a hint of an accent. They sure looked like they could speak it fluently though.

I had been concentrating on my girls and didn’t notice Vikkor move until I heard her, “Please, have a seat.” She was holding out her hand to indicate the chair/throne I stood next to.

I knew it was meant for me, but I didn’t like demeaning my girls by having them crowd around me on the floor. It dawned on me that they had ended up that way a couple of times over the last two days, but it was their choice, not because someone else thought they should. “There is only the one seat.” I wasn’t about to call it a throne. “Where will my friends sit?”

Vikkor just looked at me. I could have sworn the temperature in the room dropped a notch or two, her stare was so cold. I knew what they had meant by arranging the seating as such, but I was going to make it known that I did not think of my girls like that. She came up with a well timed excuse though. “We were not sure how many you would be bringing and so setup the simplest of arrangements. One chair per Master and their subjects can sit around them.”

“I am not a Master,” I returned.

Her eyes warmed a bit. Either I was amusing her or she couldn’t hold the cold stare for long. “But you have a harem.”

“I don’t care for that term.” My statement was flat, such is fact.

“Concubines?” she asked. Now it was turning into a game.

I shook my head slightly. “Friends,” I offered before she could come up with some other derogatory remark.

A smile played across that lovely face. “Oh, I see. You are still... attached.”

Attached? Yeah, we were attached. No one had stopped touching anyone in my group since we started down the stairs to enter their lair. I nodded.

She looked along our group. “Is it a physical problem? I see all of you still holding hands.”

I glanced to one side and the other. I didn’t have to, but it was good to play up that we couldn’t do anything more than they thought at that point. Looking back at Vikkor I offered, “No. It’s not a problem. Touch helps to keep them calm. It makes everyone comfortable. You can understand, an unknown place, strangers asking us to meet them. It is a bit frightening.”

She tsked us. “I did not mean to frighten.” She looked to Law and then Chaos before offering, “Unfortunately, we do not have enough chairs for everybody.” She had been including their subjects in that statement. It was possible that with my added numbers they were short of chairs. Then question would be: who would have to stand?

Through the links, I could tell everyone was calmer. I got the impression from all of mine that as long as they could remain in contact with me they didn’t mind curling up around me on the offered pillows. I looked back at Vikkor and nodded in agreement to the offered chair. I didn’t like the symbolism but it was the best we were going to get. I sat down and the girls spread around me on both sides. To my left, Erin kept her hand on my wrist and to my right, it was Renée. Through them the rest chained to hold together our collective.

Once everyone was settled, Vikkor began our conversations. “Well, Ral. I can see that you are most certainly a user and have marked yourself as a male others would be jealous of.” The statement was cryptic on so many levels. “How long have you been using the program?”

“Not very long,” I answered. If she wanted to know specifics, she had the wrong person. She was being cryptic and off tempo with me and I could play that game. If she started being open and honest, so could I.

“Well, you seem to have picked up some skill.”

I wasn’t sure what skill she was referring to because my girls were a wide variety of looks and tastes. “I’m a fast learner.”

She seemed to be thinking about something heavily, “Yes. Yes, a fast learner to have understood the subtle looks and body language of your women. Or is there something else passing between you? Something that we cannot see or hear?”

She was sharp, or it was a really good guess. I was betting on intelligent in a detail oriented way. She didn’t care what passed between us; it was the fact that we had shared something. She had probably seen through my half-truth about our touching and wanted to know how it worked, how she could add such a simple concept to her group, or how to bypass it or keep it from happening. She was going to want the code on how it worked and I couldn’t even offer it, because I didn’t know how it worked. Since I couldn’t share it and she probably wouldn’t share anything with me I had to answer in a way to allow me an out whenever any such question rose, “We all have our secrets.” I looked and nodded to Law, who watched the exchange studiously, and Chaos, who seemed to still have eyes for only me. I looked back at Vikkor. “Even me,” and I nodded toward her.

Her smile was knowing, but her eyes betrayed the anger that froze her rather than burned. “Very good.” She answered. “I must admit that I am curious, but I can understand having secrets.” She was eloquent with her words and I knew just as well as she that there were secrets she held that I did not want to know about.

Vikkor didn’t get that bit of information, but there were other things she wanted to know. “So, how long have you been here?”

I wasn’t sure if she already knew. Probably not. I didn’t register on her radar until the sordid events at the mall. Anyone who knew about the program would know that a user would have been the one to get away with such tales and still not be known. She was guessing almost as much as we were. “Only a week.”

“And are you visiting or seeking to integrate into our fair city?”

“Actually, I’m signed up as a full time student to attend the University.”

“Ah,” She feigned surprise, “And what are you studying?” She shifted her legs, uncrossing and crossing them over the other way. Sharon Stone would have been proud.

“Art or Engineering. I haven’t decided yet. This semester is going to be general basics for my freshman year. I like to keep my options open.”

“Very good, it is not wise to remain too strict or fall too far from one’s goals.” I noticed Law adjust he sitting position and Chaos sit back. She had just implied their names if not their actions. This wasn’t just a meeting to get to know me; she was using the opportunity to one-up her allies too.

“I have a question,” I couldn’t stand it any more. They had offered seating and light conversation. A game had started between me and Vikkor, but the true reason we were gathered hadn’t come into play yet. I wanted things to get moving so we could leave. Vikkor may have enjoyed the sort of intrigue that a good mystery would provide, but I didn’t like being the mystery for her to solve. I also didn’t like how the girls were being reduced to so much decoration. None of them were tense or frightened any more, but some were just as anxious as me to get out of there. Vikkor nodded to allow my question. “Why did you ask us here?”

Again, she wore that knowing smile. It curled her lips nicely, but the cold in her eyes would continue to deprive her other features of the natural warm beauty she had. I didn’t know if she used Master PC to make herself look that good or if it was natural, but I wanted to know. Curiosity killed the cat. “We wanted to find out who you are.” Okay it was a stupid question. She continued however, “You see, there are very few users in the Metroplex. In fact, there might only be one or two others outside of ourselves, but we have never been able to make contact. Those we have noticed keep to themselves and cause very little ruckus.”

I knew what she meant. “Unlike my ruckus yesterday.”

“Very good, yes, you stood out very much like the sore thumb.” Her smile was definitely Cheshire cat. “We were also curious, because you are new to us and this area, what else that might mean.”

I didn’t know where she was going with that. When in doubt, repeat the question as your own. “What else might it mean?”

“You have to understand, Ral, this is our home, our territory. We do not wish to be invaded.” Both of us knew that wasn’t the case, but she was being polite and open about it.

“Rest assured this is not an invasion. I came here to attend school, not to take over anything,” I answered.

She held out her hands glancing at my girls, “So these girls did not come with you?”

I shook my head slightly, “No. They were already living here.” Why did she want to know that? I couldn’t even begin to fathom her thoughts much less see where she might have been leading the conversation. Maybe I had invaded her territory and by collecting my girls, Vikkor considered it some kind of act against her. If she was thinking in the old world sense of one country versus another, then she might decide it was. However, this wasn’t a country, it was a city, and she wasn’t the ruler of the city. She might have been the most skilled Master PC user, but she wasn’t anything more. Then again, what more did someone need?

Everyone sat in silence and I glanced at the woman standing to the right of Vikkor. She was the messenger, the same woman who delivered the invitation for the meeting. She was still wearing the same outfit and just as ready to pop free of it. It would have been interesting to see it happen while we masters talked and played our game. I remembered how she had pressed against me and laid those full dark lips against mine. Her short direct action had aroused me, but I had thought she acted as she had because of my Charm.

Wait a second.

I looked around. The girls sitting by Law were whispering to one another. They weren’t interested in the discussions being held by us would-be dictators, and they certainly weren’t looking my way either. I looked back at the tall brunette and she stood rigid, as if at attention. She looked steadily ahead, never at anyone, especially me. I looked over at Chaos. Previously, she had been studying me with a certain interest. At that moment however, she was enamored with her three studs, one drilling her openly, the second rubbing himself against a single breast from the side and the third filling her mouth with his hardness. I felt down the line of my group and none of the girls seemed especially excited for something that might require less clothing. Whatever was going on, my Charm wasn’t attracting the women in the room. It was a relief and worrisome at the same time.

The discussion seemed to wind down. Maybe they didn’t have any more questions. I certainly didn’t. “Well, if there’s nothing else...” I had started to stand, my girls doing the same. We had only been there a few minutes, but it was a few minutes too long in my opinion.

Vikkor looked up from her thoughts. “Oh, yes. We were planning on dinner, and entertainment. Please stay.”

I had felt relief from the girls, but their anxiety was mixed with a different kind of hunger than I usually felt in them. The mention of food caught their attention. Mine too. In all our efforts to get ready for the meeting all of us had forgotten to eat anything first. All of us settled once again and some were even hopeful of something good to eat. Our hosts had been... well, not mean. Eccentric, secretive, even manipulative, but they were not the monsters we had expected.

Then again, the night was young.