The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Master PC – The Protector

By TechnicDragon

Chapter 60: The Cavalry Arrives

The girls and I quickly got to the corridor that led back to the main room. The far door suddenly looked so much further away. Those foreboding doors that our captor’s women had jumped me from lay between us and that gateway to the rest of the world. With my speed I could make it, but Chloe, Carrie and Tanya would be left behind. I would trust Chloe to no one, not ever, not again. That same rule wouldn’t necessarily apply to the rest of my women, but they would have to convince me to allow them to stay with anyone suspected of having Master PC. Chloe had been used to bait me, though it hadn’t been the same as stories of valor and evil. It wasn’t a story, it was purely survival, and we would survive. However, before we moved forward, the far door opened and two people called out.

“This is the FBI. Put your hands where we can see them.”

“Do as they say,” I told the others and we raised our hands. Better to be arrested and released than fight a pointless struggle.

Just as quickly, the four doors opened and four women stepped forth. This time however, it wasn’t needles with sleeping solutions, they carried. It was handguns. The two agents only had their hands on their weapons, nothing drawn.

That speed that took me to Erin’s rescue returned. Everyone’s movement slowed to a dramatic motion. I first got my girls out of the possible crossfire by pushing them back through the doorway we had come, and then stepped forward. The agents noticed either my movement or the opening doors and were pulling out their weapons and moving to the sides of the doorway. The four women took aim toward them and two shots rang out. I got to the closest two and touched them one at a time, commanding them to sleep. As they fell I took their guns and slid them along the floor toward the agents. Before the further women could turn or take second shots at the agents, I was on them. They too fell to the floor asleep and their guns sliding out to the agents.

My adrenaline rush passed and I stood just inside the doorway that the agents had pulled away from. “It’s all clear here. I’m unarmed and stepping out.”

I held out my hands in front of me so they could see my truth. I had expected them to grab and handcuff me but as I stepped out they were still just getting ready for the gun fight. To my left was the red-headed Agent Davis and to my right a tall man with salt-n-pepper hair and blue eyes. From Davis’s memories, I knew him as agent Marks. He was the higher ranking agent meant to replace her almost two years ago.

“Mr. Setton?” Agent Davis asked.

I looked to her, “Please, call me Ral. You two came just in the nick of time.”

Agent Marks looked me over and then to the floor where I had passed the four handguns. “How did...?”

“The less you know the safer you’ll be,” I answered before he finished his question. I turned and looked down the corridor. Chloe was just peering around the far doorway. I waved her to me and she crept forward. Carrie and Tanya followed her.

“Mr. Setton we need to get you and your friends out of here,” Agent Davis stated.

“Yes,” I answered. “Take them. They don’t need to be here, but you will need my help

Agent Marks shook his head looking up the corridor at the four prone women, “You may have helped us out just now, but this is a federal investigation...”

“That I am involved in,” I interrupted. It was only because Vikkor would probably know the agents had arrived and would try to escape. She would also know that Chloe and I were free. We didn’t have time to argue. “I’m certain the Agent has reported my statement.” I nodded to Joan because I didn’t want to say her name. “Chloe and several other women have entrusted me to protect them from the kidnappers plaguing the school and surrounding area. I don’t care about the investigation but we have the same goal. Do what you need to do and I’ll tag along, helping where I can.”

“Ral, you don’t have the training for this,” Davis offered.

I held out my hand. “I don’t need a gun, just your trust.”

She looked at me sideways, not sure what I wanted. She didn’t want to touch me but it was the only way I could learn how to move with them. I needed her memories of training. Even a graze of our skin touching would suffice. She reached out and shook my hand. The transfer took less than a second, just as it had every other time. I understood ballistics and moving in cover formation. I could stay with them and neither get shot nor put them in harms way. It would also allow me to add to their tactics with my own abilities. I let go of her hand. “Thank you.”

I started to turn to Carrie, Chloe and Tanya to tell them to go wait outside, but movement caught my eye. The door to Chaos’ chamber opened and Law stepped out. He actually had to duck slightly so his head wouldn’t hit the top of the doorway. I watched and the others turned to see the large man as he turned to say something back into the doorway and then closed the door behind him as he started walking in our direction.

“Agents, this is Law,” I introduced him. “He is part owner of the facility and the business above. He may be able to help us with the layout of the facility.”

Law nodded as he stopped in front of us. “Ral. Good to see you again.” He held out his hand to me. I took it and could feel a tension in his grip that sang of either fear or anger. It was a fine tremble. I wasn’t sure what was wrong without trying to find out one way or another. He turned to the agents. “I trust that you are here looking for Vikkor.”

Agent Davis looked at me. “Vikkor?” Marks, even as tall as he was, some six four, had to look up at the massive black man.

“Victoria Lasarge. Vikkor is an alias,” I answered.

The tall agent was the first to answer Law’s question. “No, we got a call saying that the missing women were here. It was anonymous. Is Law your actual name?”

Law looked at me and then back to the agent. “No, it’s short for Lawrence. Lawrence Dossett.” He knew what giving up his real name would mean. If I wanted, I could pull up his profile in Master PC. He trusted me to not violate our pact. Hopefully, I wouldn’t have a reason to.

“Well, Mr. Dossett, who were you speaking with in the other room?” Marks was being suspicious. I didn’t blame him. He didn’t know anyone here.

“I was speaking with Chaos, er... Charlotte Blanchette. She is another part owner of this facility and Viko’s,” Law answered.

“Both of you are partnered with Victoria?” Marks asked.

I interrupted his questioning. “Agent, this is not the time. If Victoria gets away, bad things could happen. You might as well consider her armed and extremely dangerous. She’s willing to do things to people that you couldn’t imagine. You’re looking for the women who were kidnapped and the people responsible. Well then you are looking for Vikkor. She had even threatened to kill me as the one witness that could mess up her plans. I don’t know what else she could have been talking about. I also don’t know what plans she was referring to.”

“Then we need to find her,” he replied.

I nodded and looked at Davis. “Can they go wait in your car?” I thumbed at the girls over my shoulder.

Agent Davis nodded and handed over her keys. “The blue Taurus. Lock yourselves in until we come for you.”

Each of them nodded and looked at me. Chloe asked, “What do we do if you don’t come out?”

“There’s a radio in the car, use it to call dispatch. Tell them “Agents down.” They’ll pinpoint your location and come in force,” Davis answered.

I nodded. “You’re our rescuer if we fail. So go and be safe.” I touched each of them in reassurance. They turned and ran, heading for the other corridor and the stairs. I turned back to the agents. “I know where I saw Victoria last. If we’re quick, we may get to her before she gets away. From my understanding there are several exits from this facility.”

They looked at each other. Marks gave Davis a stern look. He was against my going with them. Davis stood her ground. “He knows where she was last. He comes with us.”

“Fine, but if he gets hurt, it’s your butt on the line.”

“Don’t worry about me. Keep each other safe, and don’t let anyone touch you.” I even looked up at Law when I said it. He nodded at me, taking the advice.

“Then how are we supposed to arrest anyone?” Marks asked.

“They can’t fight if they’re asleep, can they?” I asked.

“What? Like them?” He nodded toward the four women in the corridor.

I just nodded and moved forward, taking point.

“Dammit,” muttered Marks, but he didn’t try to stop me. Both followed and checked the four rooms to make sure they were empty. I waited. It was better than having someone sneak up behind us.

Through the door at the opposite end of that trap was a perpendicular corridor with doors at each end. The girls and I had come from what was now my right. I kept behind the doorway and took a quick peek. There was no one there.

The agents kept up with me as we moved along the wall and I looked through the next doorway. To the left were two more doors, and to the right was a blind corner. That’s when I noticed the cameras. “We may have someone watching us.” I warned. I looked back to the agents who were peering toward the camera. “They may have left already.”

Law pointed to the left. “That door straight ahead is an exit tunnel. The other leads to a control room.”

I pointed to the shutters. “Those shutters are surrounding some kind of experimentation room. We had been tied up in there. I saw Victoria in the control room last.” The fact that Carrie and Tanya hadn’t been tied up wasn’t need-to-know. I only hoped that Vikkor hadn’t taken some vantage point to see the entire complex and used the program to make them do things. Things to Chloe. Things to us.

Agent Davis nodded at me. “You two stay here. Let us check it out.”

I nodded. If there were more women with guns, I didn’t know what I could do besides try and get to them before any bullets started flying. I wasn’t sure what Law could do either. For all I knew, he had found a way to make himself bulletproof. It would be good to know.

“Have you used the program to give yourself any kind of abilities?” I asked him while watching the corridor.

I could almost feel him shake his head, “I’ve been working with local gangs, trying to keep the peace. Me being bulletproof wouldn’t save anyone else if they got shot. So I never saw a point.”

“Yeah, but if you get shot trying to help someone else, you couldn’t help them any more...” I left it at that. Me and logic, really helpful.

The two agents moved down the wide open space. Honestly there wasn’t anything to duck behind if someone did start shooting. I looked toward the blind corner to my right. Something didn’t look right about that corner. Then I noticed moving shadows. Someone was around that corner.

“Get down!” I yelled and began to move forward as those shadows came closer. I got to that corner and pressed to the wall just before three more women came around with something bigger than the handguns with long clips from the handgrips. I didn’t know what I was looking at precisely, but they had lots of bullets and could probably empty them quickly. The woman closest to me was surprised when she saw me standing right there but she never got a shot off as I touched her face and she fell to the floor. The other two were focused on targets down the hall, the agents.

I moved as fast as I could, but shots had already been fired. The women went down and I looked to see the two agents falling. Everything was moving so slow. I got to each one and noticed that none of the bullets had hit their intended marks. Again, they looked shocked by my sudden appearance and the speed at which their aggressors were brought down.

Marks spoke as he regained his feet, “If we had your speed, this would be so much simpler.”

I nodded. “Not a bad idea, but I’m not carrying a gun for a good reason. I don’t want to shoot anyone.”

“Neither do we,” Davis said after getting back up. “Your way is far better.” She looked at Marks. “If we could just touch people and put them to sleep, our jobs would be so much easier.”

Law stepped out from the corner. “Agreed.” I didn’t think he was referring to policing areas, but then again he may have been.

I agreed too. There would be fewer accidental deaths. Police, Feds, and Military units could all benefit greatly if they didn’t have to kill. The whole world would. However, it wasn’t the time for a debate or politics. “Check the control room, I’ve got the corner.” I returned to where I had waited for the last three who were now snoozing. I kicked their guns away, not wanting to even pick them up. All three were dressed in the same corset and thin leather panties and bras as the rest of Vikkor’s subjects. I knelt and touched the closest one, getting her memories. There were more levels to the complex, and Vikkor had already left.

Davis confirmed, “The control room’s clear. Looks like Victoria left these ladies to guard her escape.”

That didn’t bode well. My phone was still in my pocket. I pulled it out and dialed Renée’s number.

“Who are you calling?” Marks asked.

“If Victoria escaped, she may try to get to my friends. She knows where I live and they usually hang out there,” I answered. Renée’s phone went directly to voicemail. “Damn,” I said as I hung up and put the phone away. I didn’t know anyone else’s number and explained that to the agents.

“Then if those women are here, we need to find them,” Marks said as he went around the blind corner. The rest of us followed. He opened the first door and it led to a stairwell. “Do you know what all is down there?” he asked Law.

“I believe only plumbing and electrical breakers. I’ll look to make sure. I’ve never had to go down myself.” He stepped through the door and worked his way down the stairs.

Marks turned to Davis and me. “I’ll check the exit tunnels. If Victoria, or this Vikkor, is trying to herd those women out, I don’t want to give her too much of a head start.”

Davis agreed and he headed for the door that closed in the giant test tube the red-headed guy had been in. I started to say something but remained quiet as he looked inside.

“Holy...” He stood there transfixed.

Davis started to move forward. “Wha...” I grabbed her arm and shook my head when she looked at me.

“You don’t want to know. Vikkor used some men to test a virus she developed. We have to find her,” I finished.

Marks closed the door and I think he gave a silent prayer. Then he moved to the next one and went through. It was one of the exits.

Davis watched him go. Once he was out of sight and earshot she turned to me, “Then let’s get to your place.”

“Don’t you want to find those missing women?” I knew it had been her near fanatical work that brought her this far. Why would she give up on finding them just to go with me?

“Are you saying the anonymous call was right?” Davis asked.

“I wouldn’t be surprised. I haven’t seen them myself, but Vikkor seemed to hint at it. She never said she had them, but it wouldn’t surprise me at this point. If there are as many as my friends have told me, then moving them would be moot. It would take too long.”

She stood there thinking it over. Time was getting short and my sense of urgency was growing. I started to turn to leave.

“You’re not interested in finding those women?” Davis asked.

“It’s not my job. Mine is to protect the women I’ve sworn myself to. Vikkor is a vicious bitch that won’t like losing her studies and labs to the feds. She’ll take whatever vengeance she can on the one source she blames above all else, me.”

I turned to leave but Davis grabbed my hand. I stopped as my mind flooded with thoughts, ideas, memories and desires. Joan was scared for me. She didn’t want me to leave, to try to find Vikkor alone.

I looked back at her, “I have to.”

Another burst of emotions swept through me from her. They was so raw, those feelings, so pure and untainted. It wasn’t my Charm making her feel for me, it was her own loneliness. She had dedicated so much of her life to the FBI that she hadn’t taken the time to date much less start a personal relationship with anyone. Between her emotional solitude and duty to the FBI, it was the perfect reasons for her to hold on and help.

I looked into her eyes. Those dark blue orbs swam with something akin to desire, but not all out lust. She wanted something she wasn’t sure she could have. I could feel the conflict in her, through her hand as she continued to hold mine. Could she just touch me and not know more? What would her superiors think? It was against policy to have even a moment like this with a witness. It could taint my testimony in court. She had felt so drawn to me when she was at my apartment, seeing me in just a simple pair of shorts and a t-shirt. My hair ruffled from sleep. Then touching me when I jerked in my seat gave her a rush. She hadn’t felt like that since college. Leaning in close she wondered what just a kiss would be like; just a simple kiss, nothing more. To feel my lips soft and warm pressed to hers, it had to be a wonderful thing.

Her thoughts were getting to me. She wanted such a simple relationship; just someone to date, to get to know. It wasn’t the hot and dripping need my women felt for me, though Erin and Nadia had derived love from those feelings. No, Joan wasn’t interested in just jumping in the sack. She wanted something based on emotional companionship. Too bad she had discovered what she wanted with me. I would have enjoyed it too. Just to sit at dinner and talk. No feet climbing up shins or hands wondering over thighs. She only wanted a kiss. Just a kiss. It was so simple. Something I could provide and not risk binding her to the unbelievable lifestyle that I had to accept. I could kiss her. Just press my lips to hers... so simple... so soft...

Joan was right. The kiss was nice. I pulled her to me and she accepted. Her arms wrapped behind my neck as I held her waist. She was so warm, so good to hold. I knew she was enjoying the embrace and lingering kiss as well. It had to end soon though or I would start getting excited. Joan could then become victim to my Charm and then all bets would be off. I pulled away from the kiss, but like her I wanted to continue.

“We shouldn’t do this,” I said softly.

She nodded. “I know, but...” She gave in to that simple desire, to be held. She wanted it, and though she knew how young I was, several years younger than her, I was acceptable. I was a man to her. I had taken on a responsibility most men would turn away from. If she knew the details of my relationship with all the women I protected, she would probably leave. I held her though, allowing her to enjoy being held. My problem was I enjoyed holding her. I enjoyed the feel her body so close to mine. Then I felt it, deep in her. In her desire to be held, she wanted more. She wanted to feel a passion unbridled. Yes, she wanted the emotional bonding but with that the physical bonding too. She was human, and just like all humans she want to feel that passion; to feel someone touch them in intimate ways. She wanted me to touch her in such ways.

I looked around expecting Agent Marks or maybe even Law to break up our little moment, but the hallway was gone. The cold tile floors and harsh florescent lighting had disappeared. We were in that soft darkness of dreams, the place where I and all of mine met to enjoy time together. I knew I hadn’t fallen asleep, so how was it possible? If Joan opened her eyes and noticed the lack of detail it would end.

I kissed the lobe of her ear softly and whispered, “Keep your eyes closed. Okay?”

She nodded. She was enjoying the feel of me in her arms, the situation of finding Vikkor momentarily forgotten.

I wasn’t really sure what was happening. Like so many other instances, my genetic gifts had decided to keep on giving to my needs. I needed a way to share the moment with Joan, to give her what she wanted, and my gifts provided it. The only question was what did she really want? “If you had one wish, right now, this very moment, just between the two of us, what would it be?”

“Mmm,” she smiled, “I want to feel you feel me. To feel you with me. To feel you in me. A gentle intertwining of body’s, minds, hearts and souls. I want to feel you love me, so that I can love you.”

That was truly intimate, and quite personal. I was surprised she said as much. For her to simply say, “Just hold me” or “Kiss me again” I expected. But she wanted everything, all at once. I understood it had been a long time for her. She had set aside her personal life for the Bureau for a couple of years. She had never let herself fall for anyone, not even in college. All that build up, all that time, all the tension and only an ongoing frustrating investigation that constantly led to one dead end after another had to lead to some kind of breakdown. A breakdown in her resolve, at least for the moment, could be expected. “Would you want that here and now, even if it were only like a dream?”

Her soft smile widened. “A dream would be nice.”

I pulled her in tight, wrapping her up. “Then dream with me, feel me as you want. It’s only a dream, only a passionate thought let loose to enjoy.”

She turned her head and lightly kissed my neck. Her soft lips danced along my skin, “Feel me too.” Kiss, “let me know that what I want is mutual,” kiss, “that we share this,” kiss, “and it’s not just me that wants what you’re offering.” Her lips met mine and it was more that just lips. Our tongues met one another, encircling, touching, feeling, tasting.

Just as in my dreams with my other women, we were suddenly laying down on a soft surface with the texture of silk and the buoyancy of a supple mattress. Our groping hands found skin to feel rather than clothing. We were both undressed with just the thought of giving in to what we wanted. Her hands ran up and down my back, gliding along the shapes and textures. She liked what she felt and wanted to know more. I held her gently, cradling her head as we continued our oral play. She believed it to be a dream, a highly detailed thought that she could explore and enjoy. I enjoyed it too. The feel of her soft flesh pressed to mine and the knowledge that it wasn’t real was enough to allow me to swell.

Joan’s hands pulled at my butt. She felt me rise and pressed her heat to mine. My hardness touched her and she felt how I grazed her cheeks. “A long and thick lover,” she smiled. “Fill me. Give me everything you have,” she requested as she ground against me.

I nodded and pulled my hips back to press my tip to her entrance. It was only a dream, I knew, so she would be able to enjoy all of me without fear of harm. It was a dream, she knew, and wanted to enjoy the dream I offered. She pulled herself open and accepted me. Her deep, wet, hot opening was a near perfect fit. She was a bit tight, but that was expected.

By the time our hips met, she was arched, clawing at my back and crying out, “Oh Ral, yes. I’ve never felt so full.” She pulled my shoulders down, pressing my chest to her surprisingly full breasts. “You feel so good. Feel me. Have me as I have you.” She said before locking her lips to mine again. I could feel her hips rolling under me, her inner walls groping and adjusting to the girth and depth that penetrated.

I resisted the temptation to just hammer at her like I would any of my women. It was her first time with me and the moment so sweet and gentle. Was that the way it was supposed to be with love? Erin didn’t like it easy and gentle, yet she felt love for me. Nadia inspired an animal in me that insisted on outright fucking, but again, she felt love for me. What was the right answer?

“Ral, don’t hold back. Give me everything. Give me yourself. You fill me up so fantastically, but I want you, all of you. Not just you in me, but the man in me, driving me. Please, give me that man. The man you are.” She hadn’t opened her eyes, but her face pointed at mine as if she could see me. She was asking for nothing less than what my other women had asked for. The sex was great, but Joan, like my other women, wanted me too.

I held myself up on my elbows, elevated enough to not smother her, but low enough so that our lips could find each other with the rocking of my geared up tempo. I didn’t just hammer at her. That would have been fine if just trying to get off, trying to reach a frenzied orgasm. It was supposed to be something sensual yet more than just touch, more than gentle, less than uncontrolled fucking. The rhythm I felt could be maintained for some time before either of us reached a pinnacle. Teasing and yet not. Relentlessly riding, endlessly enjoying. We could share that for a very long time. Touching, holding, kissing and stroking. Warm, happy, content, she was all of that, not wanting anything more, not wanting to let it go.

We could continue that endless waltz. Bodies intertwined, flesh sliding along flesh, hands groping, lips kissing, tongues dancing. When I didn’t think anything could improve on what we shared, Joan asked for that something more, “Join me Ral. I’m ready. I about... about... to... cum with me Ral!”

I could feel how her body tightened up. Her arms clawing at my back, her legs wrapped around me, and her inner walls locking down, squeezing me in a delightful and ultimately sexually stunning way. It brought me off; not only feeling her finish, but knowing she had enjoyed having me have her. I fulfilled her additional request.

I opened my eyes. The hallway was back. We were still fully dressed though I could feel the soggy wetness dribbling down my shorts. Fortunately the new blackness of my shorts would conceal the stain. I wasn’t sure if Joan would be so lucky. She had on tan slacks and a white sleeveless shirt. No problem up top, but the pants wouldn’t help conceal such things.

I started to pull away from Joan, but she held on, her eyes fluttered open. “Wow,” she said softly. The look on her face told me how much she enjoyed the dream. Would she only remember it that way? Without asking questions and possibly having to confess anything about Master PC, I wouldn’t know.

“I have to go. If Vikkor is at my place...”

“I know. I’ll go with you.” I noticed a glow about Joan’s face. She hadn’t looked like that before.

“It might be better if you don’t. I doubt she’ll have any guns...”

“That’ll make my job easier,” she answered, holding up her own weapon.

I nodded. She wasn’t going to let me go alone. Who knows? She could be very helpful. Worst case scenario, none of us would survive, so might as well have backup. That’s when Law returned from the stairwell.

“I’ve found the missing women. They’re all downstairs.” He looked at Agent Davis, “You may want to wait for medical crews. Some of them are in bad condition.”

Joan turned to me. “I’ll get Agent Marks. He’ll be able to mobilize that kind of assistance.” She ran off to the exit door he had followed.

I waited till she was out of site. “Law, does it look like work affected by Master PC?”

He nodded.

“They don’t need to know about the program. We need to make the women down there look like they’ve been heavily drugged rather than some weird science project.”

“Agreed. But how? If Vikkor has password protected them as you suggested for us, then we’ll have to have those passwords.

“I doubt it. She didn’t expect to have her experiments interrupted. Also, she knows how to bypass the passwords, so that’s moot. I can give you the names via memory sharing. Then you and Chaos can work to correct them before the medical crews arrive.”

He nodded and held out his hand. I shook it, passing my knowledge of their names and faces to him. He blinked. “That was fast.”

I grinned. “Nothing like it. Better than trying to explain things at times.” We released our grips just as Agents Davis and Marks returned. Marks had his cell phone out presumably making the request for the medics.

“Mr. Dossett is going to go wait with Miss Blanchette while your medical teams take care of those other women,” I explained as Law left. “If we’re going to get to my apartment, we need to go.”

Joan nodded and looked back at Marks as we started walking away. He was still talking on the phone and nodded at us as we left.

Law would explain what was going on to Chaos. My only real concern was them helping those women before the medics arrived. Fifty plus women was no short order, it would take time. I led the way to the one exit I knew. It was also so we could take Joan’s car, along with Chloe, Carrie and Tanya.

Outside, we found Davis’ blue Taurus, but a window was smashed and girls were no where to be seen. That scared me more, and my fear drove me, pumped my adrenaline. The world around me slowed and I turned to Davis. “Vikkor has them. I can’t wait for a drive. I have to run. Follow as quickly as you can. I’ll meet you there.” I had said it as slow as I dared. The situation was just like Erin’s abduction and I was speeding up according to my fears. This time though, it was all my women in danger. I left Joan in the parking lot, to what I feared was to be a final confrontation with Vikkor.

If she did anything to my girls...