The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Author’s note: as with chapter 16, this remains a bit intense. Consider yourself warned!

Mind Games

by Gingerxxx

Chapter 17 — Realisation

Felix and Sam remained silent, staring at each other for a moment. Only the sound of whip against flesh and Jane’s moans filled the room as Layla followed her orders to the letter.

“Please, stop hurting her!” Joe pleaded.

Felix relented, nodding to Layla. “But if I find you’ve been lying to me, and there is no second frequency, neither of you won’t be enjoying your last few moments together. I’ll make sure of it.”

“Check it out for yourself.” Joe urged, the relief on his face clear to see. It wasn’t just to buy time either. He actually wanted them to confirm his suspicions. “I’m still not going anywhere. Also…”

“Also, what?”

“Sam, you didn’t know about the second frequency, right?”


“Bear with me; I haven’t thought this through yet. Sam, you said the frequency is based on the natural frequency of the drug you’re using, right? It vibrates at a specific frequency only, which you use to activate it? 18.5 kilohertz?”

“Yeah, that’s right.” Sam’s eyes widened as he saw where this was going. Felix, on the other hand, still had no idea.

“Well that frequency is a constant. You can’t program it or hack it like you can a computer or even us. It’s the resonance of the molecules: a fundamental property of the material. Basic physics. If the frequency is 18.5 kilohertz you have to use 18.5 kilohertz. If you use another frequency, it doesn’t work.”

“And if the frequency is actually 18.53 kilohertz, our tech would be useless. Only…”

“Only you know what the frequency is. Or at least you think you do.”

Sam started towards the exit, a look of panic clear in his eyes. “I have to check my notes. I have them upstairs on my laptop.”

“What do you mean?” Felix still looked dumbfounded all the technobabble.

“It means,” Sam replied, pausing and turning back towards Felix, “That someone’s already got to us, using our own tech. Somebody, whether it be Joe, Mike or someone else, has convinced us that the frequency is different to what it actually is. Now, I have to check…” Sam made for the exit, clearly distressed by the very idea of it.

Felix turned back to Joe. “Why? If it is Mike, why not just change the encryption or the access codes?”

“I guess he couldn’t. Plus, until this all goes live, you’re useful to him. A minor tweak to your understanding of the system wouldn’t be noticed, especially with the odd suggestion that checking this frequency wouldn’t be needed.”

“Plus, if we’re monitoring the wrong frequency, we’d miss any commands on the real one.” Felix could see it now. “Classic misdirection.”

“Exactly. Or a suggestion, like somebody being a threat to the project. And remember, he’s the one who put the traffic lights on our monitors. Those little icons that told us if we were being programmed.”

Felix grabbed his phone. “Where’s Mike? Get that fucker here now!”

The radio crackled. A voice on the other end responded. “He’s gone, Sir.”

“Understood. Find him. Quickly. Out.” Felix stared into space, before hurling the phone at the stone walls of the dungeon. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

Joe watched Felix pace slowly up and down the room, lost in thought. Felix’s attention was focussed on Felix for the moment, and he had to capitalise on it. “Look. How about letting me go. We can work through this together. We can figure out what Mike’s up to. Just let me loose from this lot.”

“Nice try, mate.” Felix responded with a hint of amusement.

“Well if not me, then, how about Jane? She hasn’t done anything.”

Felix considered for a moment, before nodding to Layla. “Let her go. Keep the ropes on, though.”

“Thanks.” It was a small mercy, but Joe was grateful for even that at the moment.

Jane darted over to Joe as soon as she could, pressing her body against his. Unable to hug him, she nuzzled his neck instead. “Thank you, Master.”

For the first time since waking up, Joe relaxed. The feel of Jane’s warm body against his was almost enough to override the pain, at least for a short moment.

“Don’t worry, mate.” Felix continued, “When I get to the bottom of this, you can have these two back and you can enjoy your last moments together.”

Jane continued grinding herself against Joe, apparently not grasping the ‘last moments’ part.

“What do you mean,” Sam asked, having not missed it. “Last moments?”

Sam re-entered the room, out of breath from running. “It’s true. Everything on my computer says 18.5 kiloHertz, except my handwritten notes that I scanned in. They say 18.53. Whoever it is has changed the files on my computer.”

“What last moments?” Sam demanded. Vindication meant nothing if he was to be killed anyway.”

“Well, I don’t know whether we can trust you right now. I don’t know who’s… what rulebook any of you are playing to. Even if you’re telling us the truth. If Mike has somehow got to you, I’m not sure that, even if we re-programmed you, there wouldn’t be some remnants of Mike’s handiwork still in place. I just don’t know if we can remove all the crap that’s in there. And that’s assuming it is Mike. I’m still not sure yet. That’s not to mention these two,” He slapped Jane and Layla’s ass cheeks again, eliciting mischievous laughter from the pair of them. “There’s no telling what you and/or Mike have put into their heads.”

Silence filled the room once again. Nobody wanted to admit where this was going next.

“Wait!” Joe broke the silence. “Surely you can reprogram me or whatever. You must be able to do something. You don’t have to… you know…”

“We haven’t looked into deprogramming. There was no need for it before now. There have been studies on cult victims and the like, but those weren’t conclusive. Plus those didn’t involve the plasticity enhancer. The short answer is: I don’t know either.”

“Then we have a problem.” Felix declared.

More silence.

“Maybe not.” This time it was Sam’s turn to break the silence. “There might be a way. If we flood his brain with enhancer and increased the frequency amplitude—the RIGHT frequency—we might be able to find out what he’s been programmed with. There’s a risk, though.”

“What kind of risk?”

“We’ve only done one test with enhancer levels that high.”

“Sandra?” Felix interrupted?


“Oh, shit.” Felix looked like he’d been punched in the stomach.

“What? Who’s Sandra?” Joe demanded.

“Sandra was one of our first subjects,” Sam explained, “We had to test dosages. She got a high one. The highest we did. Too much, as it happens.”

“It effectively left her lobotomised,” Felix butted in.

“Almost,” Sam continued, “She could perform very simple tasks on instruction, but you had to tell her everything. And I mean everything. She couldn’t even dress herself without somebody beside her, telling her how.”

“What happened to her?”

“You have to understand. It was the kindest thing to do.”


“We killed her,” Felix replied, “We had to, really. She had no life after that.”


“Plus what?”

“Plus, you would have had to justify how she got like that. Either you keep her locked up and she goes missing, or she turns up at home as a zombie. Questions would have been asked. Doctors would have been involved, and that means tests. They might have found your enhancer chemical. Your scheme would have been in jeopardy.” Joe stared at each of them in turn. “You didn’t put her out of her misery. You put her out of YOUR misery. Let me guess. You made it look like an accident. Like Len?”

Sam remained silent. Felix nodded, “Gas explosion.”

“And you’re considering doing the same to me, aren’t you? Turning me into a fucking vegetable, or a corpse?”

Silence from the pair.

“If we can find out what happened to you, we might not have to.”

“And if not? Did you ever give Sandra a chance? Did you give the effects a chance to wear off?”

“We did, but it only got worse over time. We think traces of the enhancer stayed in her system and continued to work in her brain. Erasing old neural connections and writing its own, almost at random. By the time Felix… we... you know. We were worried about her breathing on her own.”

Joe digested the information, feeling ever more nauseous, “I think I’d rather you just killed me.”

“I understand.” Felix took his gun from the holster and raised it to Joe’s head. “I really am sorry, mate.”

Joe’s mind raced. Felix could be bluffing. One last attempt to pry his secrets. One last chance for Joe to confess everything.


Only Felix’s hand wasn’t curled into a fist. It was holding the gun. No trace of twitching. No evidence of Felix bluffing. This shit was real.

“Please!” Joe closed his eyes, awaiting the inevitable. His life didn’t flash before his eyes, but every bad decision he’d ever made. Every missed opportunity, every poor choice forced their way into his consciousness with the momentum of a steam train.

Regret wasn’t a strong enough word for it.

Then something else forced its way into Joe’s thoughts. A memory, previously unavailable to him. A plan. “Wait!”


“If I am going to die,” Joe’s voice was croaking by this point. ”Can I at least have one more moment with Layla and Jane? Not like this, though. As Layla was … before.”

“I don’t know... You…”

“Come on, aren’t you supposed to give a guy his dying wish?”

“Well,” Felix considered Joe’s request, “Five minutes. Make it good. Layla… Code Eight Six Six Six. Bitch mode off.”

Layla’s demeanor changed instantly. A look of concern appeared on her face, with more than a hint of guilt.

“Thanks,” Joe expressed, his breath slowly coming back to him, “And, perhaps, a little privacy?”

“It’s too risky,” Sam interjected, “We should get it over with.”

“I know, but if you leave the rest of the girls in to stand guard,” Joe replied. Turning to Felix, “One final fling with Jane and Layla, watched by half a dozen girls? If you were going to go, that’s how you’d want it! For old time’s sake? ”

“Mmm.” Felix relented, nodding his agreement, “I warn you, though. I’m leaving these in bitch mode. Any attempt to escape and you’ll wish we’d killed you already. Got it?”

“Got it. Thank you, I mean it,” Joe’s relief was palpable.

* * *

“Oh, Master, I’m sorry!” Layla gushed as soon as the two men had gone. “I couldn’t help myself. I just had to hurt you, and get you to talk for them.”

“I know. Don’t worry about it.”

“Yeah, but how did they make me like it? How did they make me like hurting you?”

“That’s not important right now. What’s important is that you’re here, with me. Come closer, both of you. Actually, Lay, can you untie Jane for me, please?”

Layla freed Jane from her rope, and the pair of them pressed themselves up against him, wrapping their arms tightly around him.

Unable to reciprocate, Joe just enjoyed the feeling of their flesh on his. “I’m so sorry, to both of you. I never thought it would end up like this.”

“What? With you in the chains?” Layla smiled. “I had an inkling.”

“Well, I didn’t quite mean it like that. I don’t imagine they let you keep the key for these things, did they?”

“Afraid not, Master.” Layla responded. “They’re not even my locks. They brought their own with them. Apparently they don’t trust me.”

“Felix doesn’t trust anyone,” Joe explained. “Don’t take it personally.”

“Oh, I didn’t.” Layla smiled, before leaning in and so only he could hear. “But they were right not to. Those chains holding your arms aren’t as solid as they look. There’s a snaplock on each, near the end. Each link’s got a small pin on the inside, in a little groove. Slide that and the link separates. It’s got me out of a few tight scrapes.”

Joe stuck his finger in one of the links, instantly finding the pin. “Another Gunther creation?”

“Of course. In case a client ever tried to get the better of me.”

“Nobody could ever get the better of you, my love.” Joe admitted, “Take it from me. And remind me to get that guy a beer.”

The cogs in his brain started to whirr again. “Tell me,” he whispered again, “Do any of them know about that secret escape hatch of yours? The one with that chain?”

“I don’t think so. I only told them about the basement this afternoon, when they brought you here. The main guy, Felix, was wondering what to do with you. I suggested down here. I couldn’t help myself. But I didn’t mention the other way out.”

Finally, thought Joe, a piece of good luck! “I love you so much!” He declared, before kissing Layla. Not wanting to leave Jane out, he kissed her next. “And you too. I don’t know what I’d do without either of you.”

“Oh, Master.” Jane whispered back, “I don’t know what I’d do without you either.”

Joe’s body was certainly responding to the attention of his two lovers, and he could feel his hardness pressing against Jane’s torso. Strung up like this against the wall, and with Jane in her bare feet he was too tall for her. Jane, however, had a solution. If he couldn’t fuck her, she could suck him instead. She crouched down and took his cock in her mouth. Layla, much taller in her boots, remained standing, exploring the inside of her restored master’s mouth with her tongue.

“Of course, Master,” Jane stood up after finishing him off, “It’s good to know” (another kiss) “That you have at least one weak spot.”


Jane smiled at him. The passion had disappeared from her face, replaced by a look of sheer derision as she rubbed herself up against him. “You might have taken a beating yourself without talking, but you couldn’t stand to see little ol’ me suffer.”

“You… You fucking…” Anger welled up in Joe. The sense of betrayal hurt Joe even more than the residual fire on his skin. The worst thing, though, was the dread in the pit of his stomach. Had she heard any of Layla’s whispers? Did she know about the escape route? Would she tell Felix?

“Surprise!” She said, her face a mixture of triumph and contempt.

“Don’t blame her, Mate.” Felix interrupted, having apparently returned. “Did you think I wouldn’t use everything at my disposal? Even Jane over here? I’ve got to admit, though, she did play her part well. Almost had me fooled for a moment.” He roughly grabbed Jane’s ass, eliciting a giggle of pleasure from her as she left Joe and joined her new master. “Did he say anything? What does he have planned?”

“He whispered something to Layla. I didn’t hear it, though.”

Joe sighed with relief. It was short-lived.

“No matter.” Felix responded, pulling the gun from its holster. “Sorry, mate. It’s time.”

“Wait! Please!” Joe begged, tears in his eyes from both Jane’s treachery and his oncoming demise. “You don’t have to do this! Maybe there’s another way! What if I went away and never came back?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m sure you can find somewhere to put me where I can’t do any harm. Some tropical island in the middle of the Pacific or something. You can have me on guard, anything you want. I’m sure that’s preferable to death or that chemical thing.”

Felix paused for a moment and considered his options.

“No, Felix!” Sam interrupted, “The risk is too great.” He turned to Felix, “What if he escaped? There’s no telling what he could do!”

“Well, make sure I can’t escape then!” Joe could see the doubt in Felix’s eyes, and pressed his advantage. “Make it so I don’t want to escape! Send Layla and Jane with me! Have guards watch over me!”

“You’d get to the guards. You’d think of something. You always do.”

“Well make sure I can’t get to them! Make sure I can’t alter their programming or something. Make it comfortable enough that I don’t want to escape. A tropical island with these lot! Look, I’m trying to give you an out here. I know you don’t want to kill me, and you don’t have to. This is my ‘Get out of death free’ card!”

“Could we do it? Take you completely off the grid?” Felix deliberated, “Geographical isolation, guarded compound, no phone, no internet.”

“Felix, you’re not seriously…”

“Yes, Sam. I am!”

“Guys, guys,” Joe interrupted, “You don’t have to decide now. Take your time. Hell, have a drink while you think about it. Layla’s got a great selection of single malts upstairs. If you kill me now, that’s it. Final! No mind changing. No chance for finding a solution later If you put me on ice, though, you can always change your mind later. Hell, I might even become useful to you again, somewhere down the line!”

Joe looked at Sam, Felix, and then scanned around the other women in the room. Tell-tale signs were beginning to show in some of the women. Instead of being focussed on the job (or prisoner) at hand, their own cross to bear was becoming something of a distraction.

“Are you willing to risk the entire project for him?” Sam turned to Felix, incredulous that his partner was even contemplating such a move.

Silence from Felix. It was the first time Joe had seen him genuinely lost. It was an opportunity not to be squandered.

“Think about it, mate.” Joe pulled on his chains, “I’m not going anywhere, look. They’re all keeping an eye on me. There is an alternative and you can make it work!

More silence from Felix. Joe was getting somewhere. “Just think about it, that’s all I’m asking! You don’t have to kill me, or mush my brain on that plasticiser shit!”

“Quiet! Both of you!” Felix made for the exit. “I need time to think.” He left the room and went upstairs, judging by the sound through the walls.

“Wait! Felix!” Sam went to confront him, before remembering. He turned to the women, “If he tries to escape, stop him. By any means!” Turning back, he chased Felix up the stairs.

Joe scanned the room, looking at each of his female guards in turn. Without exception their distraction from the code-phrase was increasing. Two of them had their eyes closed, pleading their need for release even without a master. Make that three. Four of them were cupping themselves or trying to cross their legs, attempting to hold back the building tide.

Joe thought back to the other morning, when he implanted the Scorpion code in each of the women. If he used it now, he could make it to freedom. But what about Layla? What about Jane? The Scorpion code would affect them too? The thought of causing so much pain to the pair seemed somehow worse than his own death. Shit. Is this what being in love felt like?

Besides, it wasn’t just that. He wanted them with him, but controlled by Felix like this he couldn’t risk it. Or could he? Jane was obviously under control, and even outside of Felix’s ‘Bitch mode’, Felix wouldn’t have relinquished his power over Layla. There would still be some remnants, something that would bite him in the ass somewhere down the line. Joe’s rational side was screaming to leave them here, but his heart (or another, lower part of his anatomy) demanded otherwise.

Either way, he had to decide now. If he left them behind he could always return for them, but delay now meant certain death. He reached for the chains holding is wrists, and found the little levers controlling the chain snaplocks. ‘Here goes nothing,’ he thought to himself. As he breathed in and opened his mouth he made the decision he would have to live with for the rest of his life.

“Scorpion Two Six Eight.”