The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

More Sleepy Adventures in Crescent City – Part 4 (The Seductive Stimulating Siren Stone Sedation)

Geist watched as The Adherer walked down the long ramp that led into the building. She judged that the villainess was probably far enough away to risk contacting Ampere, and quickly explained the situation to her fellow superheroine. The arrival of another van startled the young woman, and, reflexively, she switched off the communicator. She recognised the laundry van, but couldn’t understand what it was doing so far from its usual routes. Then a figure emerged, carrying a very unconscious and very naked Asian woman, and suddenly it all became clear.

She had not recognised the strange glue-wielding woman with whom she had battled in the museum. But, this man, dressed in surgical garb, was certainly The Anaesthetist. Geist shuddered, pitying the poor woman, who had fallen into his clutches. Whoever she might be, she was in a world of trouble. As the villain carried his captive down the ramp, the young superheroine knew that she had to do something.

Of course, her first order of business was her tattered costume. She gave up on the remnants of her trousers, astonished that they had remained on at all. By tearing them into strips, she was able to fashion a sort of belt. After she had tied this around her waist, the now-backless shirt covered her modesty, at least after a fashion. It was one of the benefits of being invisible, she thought, that no-one would be able to see her sneaking around half-naked.

Geist knew that Ampere’s instruction would be to do nothing until she arrived. But, the idea of leaving this woman to the mercies of The Anaesthetist wasn’t something she could tolerate. Especially now he was armed with The Confectioner’s toys. Ignoring the nagging sense of unease, the young heroine concentrated on her powers. Then, she slipped quietly out of her car, and began to move cautiously towards what she assumed was the villain’s lair.

Without realising, the stealthy heroine slipped effortlessly past the myriad of sensors, which The Gadgeteer used to defend the base. Geist’s powers caused the electronics to ignore her, or interpret her passage as some sort of ‘glitch’. Unfortunately for the plucky heroine, however, The Anaesthetist had not been satisfied with merely relying on technological defences. What might be considered as ‘overkill’ by some, the villain saw as ‘forward planning’.

* * *

Meanwhile, after Geist had suddenly broken contact with her, Ampere was driving as fast as possible. Using her powers to thwart police speed cameras was not difficult, but it did make her feel slightly guilty. She was supposed to uphold the law, not to flaunt it. The heroine had to remind herself that her partner might be in terrible danger. There was no telling what might happen if she arrived too late.

* * *

Geist stepped into a long corridor that sloped gently downward. She had no way of realising that this ‘entrance’ was, in fact, a trap that had been specifically designed to deal with noisy visitors. Just inside the passage, there was a small concealed doorway. It was built into the wall, and led through into the villain’s lair proper. At the far end of the passage lay one of The Anaesthetist’s non-technological defences, and it was toward this that the young heroine was creeping.

She didn’t notice the effects at first, partly because they were subtle, and partly because she was so focussed on what she was doing. However, by the time she had reached the half way mark, she began to realise that something very strange was happening. Since entering the lair, the young woman had been feeling pretty good. She had put it down to the excitement of the moment. But now, that excitement had begun to take on a more erotic tone.

* * *

The Anaesthetist had come across the large gem known as ‘The Siren Stone’ while travelling in the Middle East. The Gadgeteer had said something about ‘sympathetic resonance’ and ‘harmonic frequencies’, but in his heart the villain knew that the jewel’s powers were magical. The energies which emanated from the stone could be blocked, the box in which it had been sealed was fashioned from some strange dense metal. But, when exposed to it unshielded, it had the most remarkable effect; especially it turned out, if you happened to be a woman.

* * *

Geist felt as if her entire body had come alive. The way what little was left of her clothing rubbed against her as she moved, made her gasp. This wasn’t right, she knew, something must be affecting her. Steeling herself, the heroine tried to concentrate on anything except what she was feeling. She knew that she had a mission; there was an innocent woman whom she had to rescue. Clinging to that simple thought, she began to slowly move forward again.

Step by step, fighting to control the rising ardour, Geist crept down the corridor. But as she moved, it became increasingly difficult to stop erotic thoughts from intruding. She knew that she had to save the Asian woman she had seen before. But, when she thought about that, she could only imagine the woman’s nakedness, and the way the sweat had glistened on her helpless body.

The girl shook her head, trying to clear away the visions. It was getting too much, she realised. The end of the corridor was nearly ten paces away, after which it opened into a small chamber. But Geist was struggling, barely able to keep her mind focussed. In fact, she was barely able to concentrate enough to use her powers. Reluctantly, she realised that, even if she reached the chamber, she would be in no fit state to help the victim she had come to rescue.

She tried to turn, but discovered to her horror, that merely staying in place was becoming difficult. She was so hot now, her breathing coming in ragged gasps. It was as if she hovered on the brink of release. Going back now was almost unthinkable. She tried a calming exercise, but intrusive thoughts kept popping into her mind, pushing away the simple mantras. Abruptly, she realised that one hand had descended, seemingly of its own volition, and was even now pushing past the waistband of her panties. Horrified, she snatched her hand away. What was happening to her?

Of course, there were only so many things even a heroine could concentrate on at once. The moment she let her attention wander, Geist had taken another step forward, which increased the sensations yet again. Desperate now, the young woman realised that she needed all her focus, if she was going to break free from the insidious effects of whatever had her snared. All she would concentrate on, was moving away, getting back up the corridor.

Geist let her powers fade, instantly becoming visible, both to mundane and technological sensors. Unchecked, one hand dove to her dripping, needy slit, while the other rubbed viciously over her breasts. The heroine gasped out loud as these new sensations assaulted her. She felt her knees begin to buckle, and to her horror, she took another faltering step forwards. She had dropped her guard now, and her own body rebelled against her, revelling in the feelings and driving her closer to the now inevitable climax.

* * *

Elsewhere in the complex, Geist’s sudden appearance had not gone unnoticed. The Gadgeteer watched in rapt fascination as the heroine slowly stumbled towards the Stone’s chamber. The villainess could remember her brief exposure to ‘The Siren Stone’. Even partially shielded it had almost been too much for her. She could only imagine what the heroine was experiencing. What she did know was that this intruder, whoever she might be, was about to become their prisoner.

* * *

Geist had slumped to the ground at some point. By now she wasn’t fighting the feelings that cascaded through her mind and body at all. Reluctantly she used one arm to pull herself forward, closer to her goal. All the while she continued to pleasure herself. At some point she knew she had orgasmed, and yet still the pleasure grew. Her all-consuming need was to get into the chamber ahead. Nothing else seemed to matter any longer.

To be continued…