The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Mystania: Crimson Tempest

By Thantos69

Chapter 12


Jerry Aimsworth whipped his shotgun around, only to have it slammed into something solid, the vibrations sent painful shock in his hands that made him drop the weapon. Two seconds later he was screaming as the thing he had been stalking tore out his throat and dug its claws between the spaces of his ribs.

Xavier quickly circled around and ran straight toward the gurgling man and the vampire that was tearing him to pieces. Although he was certain he was being silent, the vampire was still alerted. It turned from its game with a hiss and lunged at Xavier with murderous intent. The distance between the two saved him. He barely had time to aim his magnum at the creature and fire as it descended.

With a huge bang and a strangled grunt from the creature, it was caught in mid-air and went sailing back a few feet. The strong recoil of the weapon almost made Xavier drop it and he had to quickly step back to avoid losing balance. The vampire had a huge hole from its upper chest and neck. If the neck had been hit directly, it might have decapitated the thing. Instead it struggled as its blood attempted to heal. Xavier stepped closer and without thinking about it, pulled the trigger again. This time the top of the creature’s skull disintegrated in a shower of bone and ruined brain matter. The thing was dead, so it didn’t at all mind when Xavier suddenly clutched his own stomach and then threw up on what was left of its face.

Fighting back his queasiness, he hurried over to see if he could help Jerry. He needn’t have bothered, the man’s windpipe had been torn out and it was obvious his lungs had been punctured in several points. The man had been dead before Xavier fired his first shot. He groaned, wiping the crud from his mouth and attempting to clear his throat. He looked around, worried that another one might be stalking him at that moment, but the alley was clear. He turned on his radio.

“Xavier here, we have a man down in Sator Square, his killer has been destroyed.”

“One of them down and one of ours down, not good odds Steve.” Charlie’s voice came over the radio.

“It happened too fast.”

“This is the first time you’ve ever killed something, isn’t it Steve?”

“I’ve been on other missions before.”

“Exorcisms and poltergeists, but not anything where another creatures guts spew all over you, isn’t that right?”

“No.” Xavier sighed.

“And I bet if felt really horrible and nasty, making you sick to the stomach.”


“It doesn’t get any better, but you do learn to pretend that it does.”

“Great, I’m looking forward to that.”

“Keep your eyes open and your mind clear, there’s bound to be more in your area.”

Xavier glanced all around in paranoia.

“Regroup and watch your back.” Charlie ordered. “Oh, and Steve?”


“I’m proud of you.”


But there was no answer; the radio was silent as Charlie had logged off. Xavier felt a feeling of warmth come from those begrudging words. Charlie rarely ever complimented anybody, much less him.

“Whatever old man.”

* * *

Apparently the time for subtly was over, the vampires were coming out in the open, no longer concerned about being discovered by average citizens. They were attacking anything that wasn’t in their ranks. Charlie had already sent two groups toward the local elementary and high school, sure that the high number of students would be a treat. Charlie himself was heading for the hospital, a known nest. As he clicked off his radio, he twisted around and decapitated a femme vamp that thought she was being sneaky with his cane sword.

“Eighteen down, and they all suck, no pun intended.” Charlie muttered to himself. “Normies, inexperienced baby vamps, all bite and no skill. I wonder where all the wizard bloodsuckers are that we were warned about.”

He scowled. That woman, Holly, took great delight at informing them of her plans, especially since she had taken over the enemy army. She seemed to relish telling them where she was planning on sending her troops and why. She literally choked with glee letting them know about the free lancers wandering around and picking off people. She had laughed as she told him the roads had been blocked and that the borders were being patrolled so ordinary citizens would be trapped. The city had quite literally become a battlefield. And throughout her gloating, she let him know that she was following the requirements of her geas to the fullest, and that she fervently hoped that he and the rest of his pathetic troop would die horrible messy deaths despite her warnings.

The woman was right; her commanding style was very loose and allowed a lot of freedom among her ranks. The less she was put into a position of micro-management, the less she would be compelled to save Kevin’s troops from them. She was ruling by a method known as ignorance is gold, not the most effective strategy through history but perfect for her situation.

Charlie had suspected as much and was forced to think around a strategy built around the plans of someone who knew that the enemy was going to get those plans. On top of that was the wild card that represented the strange zombie thing that Holly described, which thankfully, had yet to be seen by his group.

As he was thinking this, he had managed to make it to the hospital. He made no attempt at stealth; instead he burst in as though he were a regular customer. It became very apparent that this particular nest was no longer making any attempt at maintaining its illusion as a place of healing. The first sight he came across was that of a girl who used to be the front receptionist eagerly giving some man a blowjob. The man gave Charlie a smirk as he lazily gazed at him, his fangs showing.

“Do you mind?” He panted, raising his hand.

Charlie was flung backward at the wall as several million volts of electricity shot through the molester’s fingers and into Charlie’s chest. He hit, slid down, and fell over with wide unblinking eyes, his limbs shaking with aftershock.

‘Son of a bitch,” Charlie thought as he smelt burning flesh and fabric drifting from his chest. ‘He ruined my GOOD shirt!’

The molester did not miss a beat as the girl continued to dutifully suck him off. His mouth hung open slack jawed and he panted as he thrust his hips against her mouth. No doubt his undead dong was halfway down her throat.

Charlie reached behind his belt and pulled out one of those small round grenades from its loop. It may not have been designed to be a shrapnel powerhouse like typical grenades, but he needed explosive power. Getting one shot at it, Charlie quickly stood up and tossed. The vampire, still slack jawed, turned in surprise toward the victim he had fried. The grenade plopped in his mouth and got stuck on his lips. Before he could spit it out and get a look at what it was, the grenade went off and his body slumped to the floor as his head disappeared with a rather messy bang.

The dick in the girl’s mouth pulled out at the weight of the body forced it out of her throat. She blinked stupidly at the remains of her dead lover for a few seconds before she registered Charlie staring down at her.

“Nice tits.” Charlie complimented her.

She hissed and leapt at him, coming into contact with his sword at about neck level. Her head went sailing and landed neatly in the lobby’s public trash receptacle. Her body continued forward, slumping up against him, oozing pink blood all over his previously nice shirt, and giving a thrill where her admittedly admirable chest slid down until crumpling at his feet.

“A pity she wasn’t his thrall, what a waste of good tail.” Charlie sighed.

There was a bunch of noise rushing down the corridor, no doubt alerted to the commotion he had caused. Charlie readied his weapon, he about to enjoy himself immensely.

* * *

Sergeant Fisk stood with his deputy Hans at the north exit blockade. He had wanted to be part of the sweeper team at that moment converting the town and gathering cattle. But no, he had to stay and make sure no one left or entered the city. The detour and warning signs several miles out discouraged most would be travelers from coming in. He glared at the rocking van stretched halfway across the road. His other deputy was taking advantage of his thrall in a most distracting manner. Fisk might have said something, but deputy Gris had been more than happy to order the woman to look after their needs as well. Fisk was not about to risk missing his turn screwing the thrall to object, especially since the thrall in question was that ball teasing lieutenant who had loved to throw her authority around when alive. He wondered how much it ate at her to be in thrall to a deputy who whored her around to his superiors?

“Sarge, there is someone coming.”

“It certainly sounds like it.”

“I meant up the road.”

Fisk joined his deputy by the van and pulled out some spyglasses. There were several vehicles heading straight for them. There was a bus, a semi, an armored truck, several vans, and about three or four mobile homes.

“That’s quite a lot at one go, do you think something happened to the detour blocks?”

“I don’t like it, I think we should call it in.” Fisk banged his fist on the rocking van. “Finish up in there, we need to use the radio.”

There were a couple of muffled ‘fuck offs’ that came from the van before it started rocking again. Angry, Fisk grabbed the bottom of the vehicle and overturned it, causing some shrieks and hysterics inside.

“Sarge, they aren’t slowing down.” Hans observed.

“What.” Fisk came around the overturned vehicle and watched the procession bearing down on them. His deputy was right; the caravan wasn’t slowing down, rather, as it saw the roadblock it began to speed up.

“Shit!” Han’s yelled and jumped into a ditch.

Fisk remained frozen in place as the bus plowed through the wooden ‘road closed’ barrier in its path. About 2 seconds later the large vehicle hit him and he felt himself being dragged under the frame. The undercarriage of the bus kept hitting him and smashing him against the ground, bones snapped and muscles tore as he was rudely ran over. After what seemed like forever, the end of the bus came in sight and his left arm snagged against the bumper. He was now being dragged behind the bus. He thought about letting go and allowing himself to heal, but the irrational part of his mind was furious about this mistreatment and that he would give the occupants of the vehicle some payback.

The emergency door in the back of the bus swung open, nearly dislodging his grip. The last thing Fisk saw was a girl dressed all in leather swinging an axe down upon his skull.

Deputy Hans pulled himself out of the ditch as the last vehicle shot by. He chased them for a little bit but gave it up as a lost cause. He noticed the body of his superior officer smeared across the road. It was obvious he had taken some battering by the bus that hit him, but on closer examination it appeared that his skull had been split in two. The whole trail of vehicles running over him and squishing his brains into the pavement didn’t help matters either. He wondered if Fisk would recover if he scooped enough of the gray matter up and glopped it back into the fucked up skull. He found it difficult enough to care about trying. He walked back to the van to report.

* * *

Cynthia prowled the halls of Crowley elementary; a couple of other members of the shadow were doing the same, taking branching paths. Sam was investigating the gym, the music room, and other outdoor buildings. She could hear the droning and muffled movements from inside the classrooms, coming from children oblivious to the danger they were in. As far as the students were concerned, life was on as usual. It kind of gave Cynthia the creeps, this batch of normality in a world that had been sucked through the looking glass.

The vampires had closed off the city, and although the citizens had yet to be aware of this fact, it wouldn’t be long before they were. They needed a quick conversion and harvest of the populace. The schools were of course, prime targets. Holly had taken great glee in informing them that vampire children attacking their families and carting them off as food would be a rather large chunk in the final takeover of the city. She also happily informed them that such vital areas would be converted by Molesters, accompanied by a few locals to show them around.

Cynthia half expected the school to be a chaotic mass of screaming children, trying to get away from their converted brethren. However, there was no sign of panic, no doubt the vampires were attempting to remain subtle as long as possible. That meant there was an organized conversion, no doubt getting the authority figures first and then calling the kids out one by one. The twilight shadows mission was to purge the existing conversion party, hoping that there weren’t any second generation conversions amongst all those already taken, then herd the group into the basement tornado shelter until the problem of the city was fixed.

She gestured to some of the other members of the team, pointing at the principal’s office. Then pointed at herself in response to the direction of the nurse’s station. They nodded, and split up, one member came with her, a pretty young girl with short-cropped hair and a pair of bosoms squeezed uncomfortably in a swath of leather. Cynthia wasn’t sure if she was pleased with the backup or not.

There was a window on the door into the nurses office, which Cynthia took a quick peek through. There was a stretcher cot that was used as a bed for the few patients they had coming in. Lying on it was the nurse, very pale and unmoving, no doubt she had been a snack, it was unclear as to weather she still had any life in her. Nearby, being pushed against the wall, was perhaps one of the female teachers. She was softly moaning as her assailant was manhandling her tits while his teeth were in her throat. She was attempting to rub herself off on his thigh as he drank. Cynthia wasn’t sure if she had been given any blood herself yet, as she was still in the euphoric rapture of the bite.

The whole of the room was not visible just through the window, and there were side rooms for examinations, so Cynthia couldn’t be sure if there were other occupants or not. Still, a risk would have to be taken, so with a brief nod at her backup, she kicked the door in and fired two rounds before it even had the chance to hit the block on its hinges.

He was fast, in fact, very fast. The moment the creature heard the bang on the door he whipped the euphoric woman around and let her take two slugs in the back. Cynthia cursed as the woman let out a couple of grunts as her body jerked from the crossfire. He pushed her aside just as he lobbed a fireball at Cynthia. She took evasive maneuvers, ducking and rolling out of its path, but the ball followed her. In belated horror, she realized that the room offered little in the way of being able to dodge or run and soon she was engulfed in flame. She dropped and screamed. The vampire had already forgotten her and was rushing to meet the other menace.

As Cynthia rolled and screamed from the searing heat of the fire, she began to realize something. The heat wasn’t coming from outside, but from within her own body. She let out one long moan that could have been taken for a death cry, but it had another source entirely. She paused in her panicked writhing long enough to look at her arm. Her whole body seemed to be covered in fire, but on closer examination, the fire was an inch away from her skin. The closer it got to her, it changed into this weird blue energy that seemed to feed off of it before it sunk into her. Cynthia’s mouth hung open as she watched her hand turn a light green.

She recognized the heat that was building in her, it was lust. It wasn’t the typical lust of a horny woman who just wanted to get laid and have done with it. This was a lust that was life, the all natural, all consuming, never ending lust of a nymph. It settled over her like a comforting blanket, as though throughout the last year she had been standing out in the cold with no protection. She nearly wept with how right it felt, like she had finally found what was missing from her life. How could she have gone so long without this wonderful buzz of lust that poured through her like her very lifeblood? The familiar heat of her passion reconnected her mind with every inch of her sensuous body, making it more responsive than she could have imagined. How could she have even thought of going into battle with a dulled weapon? Her mind giggled, she had been so silly!

Cynthia stood, the last of the magical flames were absorbed, making her very horny. It certainly had been awhile since she had let herself go like this. She turned toward her assailant. He had caught the girl who had been assisting her. At first the girl had been screaming, but now that his teeth was in her throat the girl had thrown her legs around his hips and was trying to grind into his manhood. Cynthia let out a throaty chuckle, that was soooo hot!

The man pulled his fangs out of his victim and let his jaw drop as he got a look at Cynthia, as if he couldn’t believe his eyes. He tilted his head to study her.

“I feel very itchy.” Cynthia told him as he continued to stare. She looked down at herself. “Oh my god, what are these nasty things covering my sexy body!”

As though she had absolutely no concerns at all about the mortal danger she was in, Cynthia took the time to peel off the constricting clothing on her body. Unconsciously, with that innate ability that nymphs had to automatically turn everything they did into something sexy, she striped with a slow rhythm, with much moving of curves and jiggly bits. The vampire dropped his prize, which took an effort as she was still clinging to him. Once discarded, the girl rolled into a ball and masturbated feveriously.

“Mmm, much better.” Cynthia sighed as her bra popped off, she shook her perfectly formed breasts, letting her hard nipples breath in the fresh air. The vampire’s eyes locked onto them; his brain began to dry up as all the extra blood went south. She worked on her pants next, which were tight around her hips that had grown out to fulfill the killer curve requirement of her nymphhood. She had to admit though, as uncomfortable and unnatural as the denim felt to her, its tightness made her ass look hot! Maybe if Sam played nice for her, she could bring herself to wear it for him again. She giggled, what a naughty thought.

The last of her clothing slid down her long smooth legs, a thong that Sam had given to her for valentines with which she often liked to surprise him by actually wearing. She enjoyed it since she could signal to him that she was in the mood for some sex without having to say anything to him, just by flashing him a little glimpse. Now though, she knew her mood was such that if she still honored such a signal, the panties would never get a chance to be washed.

“You seem to have a problem.” Cynthia said huskily, stepping toward the vampire with a sway of her hips. She gripped his crotch and felt it jump in her hand. “And what a hard problem it is too, but you let Cynthia solve it for you!” Cynthia smiled as she licked her lips.

“Uh, dur...” The molester gurgled in his drool. He had never sampled a nymph before; he was unused to their raw sexual charm. It was similar to his master’s pet succubus, even more so actually since the nymph did not restrain any of her desires while the succubus attempted to hide her abilities as much as she was able.

The vampire’s back hit the floor as Cynthia shoved him. He could barely acknowledge this fact as the nymph straddled his waist and ground against his erection. Her breasts pressed against his chest, poking him with her nipples. Her mouth grazed up his neck and around his chin and eventually to his ear.

“You randy boy, I’ve got such a surprise for you.” She whispered, her tongue lightly played with his earlobe as she breathed these husky words.


“Oh yeah, and you know what, I’m going to enjoy it the most!” Cynthia giggled, and then with a lightening quick movement, she grabbed the gun she had dropped to the floor and unloaded a round point blank into his face. The top of his head splattered across the tile floor, brains everywhere, and his body jerked sending his erection rubbing against her crotch. Cynthia screamed out in lust and humped back against the involuntary movement, but it went still.

“This is so unfair, I’m so horny and there’s no attention to be had.” She whimpered as the body of the ex-molester slumped lifeless under her. Perhaps she had been a bit hasty in killing him, but her rational mind told her that doing him would have been distasteful. The logical nymph mind in her asked her what was so distasteful about it, he had a COCK!

As she was bemoaning her fate, a pair of soft hands swirled around her and grabbed her breasts, kneading them gently. Cynthia turned her head in time to have a pair of lips latch onto her and a tongue slide nearly into her throat. She moaned, accepting the invader and letting her own tongue do battle with it, this person was a good kisser. It took her a moment to realize that the person making out with her and stroking her body was her partner, who had been left in a bad way when Cynthia had interrupted the feeding. The girl’s shirt was ripped open and her breasts were spilling out from her bra, and her tight pants were haphazardly hanging around mid-thigh.

Cynthia thought about pulling away, as she had never felt lesbian tendencies before, at least as a human. Even in Mystania, she had never experienced woman love as a nymph, although she probably would not have minded. That thought shocked her as she realized that she really didn’t mind, as indicated that she was now playing with the other girl’s exposed breasts. She laughed to herself; she was about to fuck this hot girl in front of her and hadn’t even bothered to learn her name. Of course, why does that matter, her inner nymph asked, introductions just delay the sex!

They rolled off of the corpse and onto the floor, Cynthia’s hand already digging down into the other girl’s panties as the girl whimpered in need. It was obvious that neither of them were going to be able to keep their minds on their mission until they scratched an inch. Ah well, what’s an assault without peppering in a quickie or two.

* * *

Sam burst into the gym and met a scene right out of a roman orgy. Cheerleaders, about a dozen of them, mostly junior high girls with a couple of seniors as trainers, lay about in various states of undress, biting each other in ecstasy. The only man in the room, heavily muscled and tattooed, was shoving a girl’s face into a wound on his shoulder. She was drinking heartily and her body was convulsing with the changes going through her.

“God damn!” One of the two men who were his backup gasped, looking about ready to throw up. “They’re only children, you sick fuck!”

The molester, for his part, did not seem the least bit surprised at their arrival. He was all business in his job.

“Children, no, they are minions. Kill these intruders, my pets, and make it slow.”

The cheerleaders stopped in their efforts of sharing blood and gazed in adoration at their master, happy to receive his will. They turned as one to stare at the men, their eyes burning and their fangs dripping pinkish fluid.

“Ah shit.” The man on Sam’s right groaned.

“SPREAD!” Sam ordered as the girl’s started to charge.

All three of them split up, forcing the girls to divide their attention. Sam wasn’t sure how the other two felt about killing children, but he doubted that they would have an easy time. The hesitation would be the end of them. They had figured the vampires would do a slow conversion of the school, but that killing the converters would reverse the damage. They hadn’t expected to run into a group of recently converted. Sam charged the molester; seeing that destroying him would be the path of the least amount of lost life.

Two girls were in his path, one adolescent and the other barely legal. The younger of the two dived for him, giving him the opportunity that he needed. He jumped, stepping on the girl’s back as she missed him, launching himself upward as he leapt again, this time connected with the surprised mentor’s shoulders, which he rocketed himself over. Before the girls could get their wits, he had landed at a dead run and was only feet from his target.

Somewhere to his left, one of the men let out a pain filled scream, followed by triumphant shrieks from the girls. A gun fired wildly and then stopped. Sam didn’t look, didn’t want to look, and knew it would only serve as a distraction. If he killed the molester quickly, then his man might have a chance to survive if he wasn’t dead already.

He aimed his gun, still at a run, point blank at the creature’s face. The man smiled, waving an arm, and Sam froze in his tracks. He screamed as his hand inexplicably broke, forcing him to drop his gun. The molester gripped him by the throat and lifted him up. Sam was a big man, and the molester was only about average size, yet he was being handled as though he were a pillow.

“You should have let my slaves have their fun, because now I’m going to have mine.” He chuckled.

Sam gasped as tendrils of power slid into his body; his flesh was melting away, coming off in large meaty chunks. The pain was incredible, but he wasn’t passing out, something was invigorating about the assault. The molester seemed to frown a bit, as though there was something amiss about his spell.

“This is taking longer than I expected, you should be completely skinned by now. You are a big fellow.”

Sam howled, feeling his jaw dislocate, as though something inside were too big for his mouth. He glanced at the skin that was peeling away, it was growing back, then peeling again, then growing back, getting hairier with each return. The molester, still holding him by the throat, was now looking at him with a twinge of fear.

It was an opportunity, and that was what the molester was now dreading, and it was what Sam took advantage of. His broken hand, reformed, hairy, callused, huge, and mounted with sharp claws, joined its brother in gripping the molester’s head. One sickening crack later, the head was ripped off its neck and smashed like an overripe pumpkin on the gym floor. Sam let out a howl of rage and triumph as he was released and his wounds healed.

Screams rose from behind him, ones of horror as well as terror. The girls had shaken off the thrall, their fangs gone and their eyes wide with too much clarity. A few were looking at their blood soaked hands, standing over the mutilated body of Sam’s partner, shock beginning to kick in. The other man fared a bit better, managing to dodge the girls longer before they caught him and pulled gouges of skin off. At least he was still alive. Lying still on the ground was one of the junior high girls with a large chunk of her head missing. Sam had not heard the gunfire in his moment of distraction, but it was obvious one of his team had been forced to take a shot.

Throughout all the cries of panic, pain, and horror, Sam noticed that most of their screams were directed at him. Even his remaining team member paused as he looked Sam’s direction, and aimed his gun at him. Sam took note of himself, he had grown bigger, and his uniform had stretched and ripped in places. Everywhere skin showed was a thick mat of fur, his hands still had claws, soaked up in pinkish blood, and his face felt wrong. What had gone wrong, he had thought the spell was gone when that door had sucked the magic out of him and Cynthia?

“Put that down, it won’t do you any good without silver anyway.” Sam barked as the man stepped closer for a better shot. He had trouble getting the words out; his snout and tongue were shaped wrong for easy communication, so it came out as a series of deep slurred growls.

The man did pause at the words, and didn’t start shooting wildly at the strange creature before him, which Sam admired him for, considering the guy’s organization taught him to hunt creatures like Sam. He doubted the guy had ever stumbled upon a real werewolf before though. Sam was just about to shift back into human form and do some explaining when there was a sound from the side door of the gym leading out to the track and football field.

A woman had stepped in, followed by another man, and what looked like the entire boy’s football team. All of them were vampires, apparently the woman had been doing some converting while the molester was doing his thing in the gym. She had brought the boys in to celebrate the ecstasy of blood with the girls. The woman, of course, was shocked with the outcome. The cheerleaders, seeing these new sets of authority, made as if too run toward them for protection, but paused at seeing some of the feral grins on the guys.

Throughout all of this, Sam was in trouble. A wave of black rage was taking over his mind. There was a buried racial hatred for vampires inside his lycan heart, less controlled while in his form of beast. He was unprepared for it, as the only vampire he had seen while a werewolf before was that momentary time with Vlad, and he had been in his human stage then. The hatred burned through him, telling him to kill, tear, shred; that no vampire should be left alive.

The boys sprang forward, the nearest grabbed one of the girls and sank his fangs into her. She screamed only briefly before the euphoria hit her, fangs of her own slid out with an orgasmic cry, the dormant virus that had been shut off through the death of her master reactivated by the proximity of her own kind. She was no longer a thrall, now connected through the link directly to the main master by reactivation.

This snapped the remaining control that Sam had over his murderous impulses. With a howl he leapt into the crowd. All vampires must die, it was right, it was natural, it was what he was born to do. He decapitated both the boy and girl who had rejoined in union in less than a second before heading through the rest of the team. The boys put up a good fight, using their own quickness and strength against him, but they were new to this game and were brought down, taught to understand true fear before their lives were snuffed. Sam felt no remorse, could not feel anything but the hate boiling through his primal brain. He would have continued killing all of them, had it not been for the law that stated trouble came in threes. Just as he was about to reach the adults the gym doors that Sam and his team used broke off of its hinges.

“Caaaaiiiitliiiin!” A loud moaning howl came from the door, sending an icy wave over Sam’s soul that quickly extinguished his racial hatred for the moment.

Something squeezed through the ruined portal. That was all that Sam could think to identify it...something!

The bottom half of it was comprised of a multitude of humanoid extensions, from their torso up, using their hands as a mockery of feet. Their mouths were open in a constant, if silent, wailing of sheer misery, sap-like tears dripping from their eyes and leaving a trail of slime in the creatures wake. The top portion was a big ball of sweat soaked flesh, covered with tentacles. There was a large split face floating in the middle of the mass. The thing looked like something that had just crawled out of a Silent Hill game.

The reactions of all the people in the room took a similar bent; mainly they forgot about each other and focused their entire attention on the creature. Sam’s remaining partner opened fire on it, the adult male vampire shot electricity at it, the girls screamed, the boys began to run away, and Sam was confused. The monster ignored the attacks, as the bullets did no more damage than firing bb’s into a wad of Jell-O. The lightening caused the flesh and slime to sizzle, but did little more than to make its appearance even more disgusting as well as filling the room with a vomit inducing odor.

One of its tentacles shot out and grabbed the nearest cheerleader, who had been scrambling away with her sisters toward the exit. She let out a blood curdling scream as she was yanked by her ankle into the air and was hanging upside down in front of the creature’s critical gaze. The poor junior high student was pissing herself and begging for help.

“Yoooouu nooooo Caaaaiiiitliiiiin!” It accused, and then a large mouth split open in the bulk of its mass and dumped her inside.

The creature paused and shuddered as it consumed her, ignoring the futile attacks of those around it. In the middle of its split face, a lump was starting to grow. Sam watched in fascinated horror as the lump expanded and popped and a parody of the girl that had just been eaten emerged. She was sticking up in the middle of its face, from her torso up, naked but flat chested, her skin the same color as and binding with the flesh of the creature she was stuck to. It was as though the process of digestion had regressed her age by at least five years. The only thing out of place on her was that she had kept her long brown hair, which swirled around her like Medusa’s curls.

“I want to play!” The girl sang, her voice giving out a creepy echo through the gym, it had an otherworldly quality to it.

“Caiiiitliiin!” Its master informed it.

“Will she play with me? Why won’t anybody play with me?”

The monster gurgled.

“No one loves me, no one likes fun. They are meanies, mean people are bad. They must be hurt! Let’s hurt them.” The girl giggled, clapping her hands with innocent glee.

“Caiitliin!” The monster agreed, and advanced on those remaining.

The children, vampire and human alike, had all managed to escape during the distraction their poor fellow student gave them. All that remained was the agent, who was quickly reloading his gun, the molester, his lovely thrall, and Sam still in were form. Sam’s racial hatred had evaporated with the arrival of the beast.

It snagged the agent with its tentacles and tore him in half, causing delighted shrieks to come from the mock child sprouting from its face. It lunged forward, cracking through mounds of ice that the molester was trying to encase it in. It grabbed the woman, tore off her clothes, and shoved an extension of itself into her feminine opening that was much too large for it. The woman suffered and cried, unable to die from the thing ripping her reproductive track apart.

“Oooo, we are being naughty. Naughty, naughty, naughty, so nasty!” The child thing squealed.

“Nooo Caiiitliiiin!” It acknowledged, and twisted the vampire woman’s head off.

“She didn’t want to play with us!” The child said sadly.

Then the child’s hair burst into flames and she screamed in pain. The molester seemed encouraged by this and spread the fire out. The monster, enraged, grabbed one of the grotesque human extensions sticking out of itself, tore it out, and threw it at the molester. The burning girl sank into the creature and then came back out, the fire quenched, but her face blistered and scarred.

“He ruined my flesh, what a bad, bad man, let’s take his!”

The molester just managed to get the corpse thing off of him when the creature’s bulk slammed down on top of him. A tentacle came down and opened up like a suction cup, clamping onto his face. The molester let out muffled yells of agony and jerked spasmodically. Sam saw the man’s skin slough off his body and get sucked up into the creature like a vacuum cleaner from hell. The girl’s skin and hair began to repair.

Sam knew that there was no way he would be able to fight this thing. His regeneration abilities would not help him if he was eaten and absorbed like the creatures other victims. Upon reaching this conclusion, he knew that the children in the school would be vulnerable to the creature’s endless hunger. He was going to have to lead it somewhere safe for bystanders, which meant he was going to have to get it to focus on him and only him. Now he had to think of how to make it angry.

The moment he decided that, an insight and some memories flashed through his head. He knew who this thing was, and that gave him an advantage. He ran over to the ball rack near the exit, grabbed a basketball, and lunged it at the girl extension’s face.

“Owie, that stung.” The girl cried. “Nasty doggie hit me.”

The monster twisted around and its original face glared at Sam.

“Hey Zack!”

The creature froze, it stare becoming more attentive.

“Caitlin doesn’t love you, she despises you. You are nothing more than a pathetic loser who makes her sick to look at. Why would she want something like you? You were ugly and gross and creepy when you were a human, now look at think she would be turned on by that. She would vomit in your face, hell, I’m about to vomit in your face. You slimy, perverted, over obsessive, panty stealing, delusional loser!” Sam yelled, his words surprisingly clear through his growls.

“CAAAAIIIITTTTLLIIIIN!” The creature bellowed, a hole opened in its side, spilling out a river of pus and useless organs. As it slimmed down, it bore down on Sam with murderous intent. Oh yeah, he succeeded in pissing it off.

Sam bolted through the door. A few moments later, Zack followed, tearing off some of his extensions so he would fit. The child squealed in rage and delight of the chase.

“Doggie play tag, doggie play tag, we gonna catch the doggie.”

Sam left the school grounds and ran down the street, taunting him all the way. “Caitlin doesn’t love you, Caitlin doesn’t love you, and she neeeeever will!” He sing songed, aware of how ridiculous and childish it was yet deadly serious.

“Caaaaiiiitliiiin!” Zack roared, focused on nothing but the werewolf.

Zack was going pretty fast for his bulk, and speeding up as he dropped his excess weight in large slimy globs behind him. He wasn’t as fast as a werewolf though, who alternated between running on twos and fours. Sam would run out far ahead, then slow down enough for the creature to renew its vigor, then speed up again.

At one point, he ran right through the crossfire of a street battle between a group of vampires and the Twilight Shadow. They were considering shooting him as he passed through, but then they lowered their weapons and dropped their jaws as Zack slithered through their ranks. When both were out of sight, the TS and vampires could only stare at each other for a few minutes and then they slowly began to withdraw.

Other than getting the monster away from the school, he hadn’t really had a plan. But after running through that fight, he got an idea. The monster was not distinguishing between human or vampire in its murderous rampage, so why not toss it into a nest of vampires. Perhaps the concentrated fire of the wizards would destroy it, and if not, at least one of their problems would take a beating. Sam grinned at this; Zack was about to return to a much more familiar territory.

* * *

Blood dripped from his cane sword, decapitated bodies lay everywhere, guarding the precious bags of blood in medical storage. Charlie sighed, his clothes filthy and in tatters. All of those superhero movies with the impeccably dressed lead were pure bullshit, hero work was messy.

He was on the third floor of five; going from room to room and slaughtering all that put up a resistance. He checked each of the beds that the patients occupied. It seemed that the vampires were not too concerned about converting them, but he did notice that plenty where in that hazy mental state that indicated they were a constant food source. A few of them were dead, unable to cope with their own untreated illnesses as well as the blood draining. The deaths were fairly recent, so the bodies had not been hauled to wherever the vamps dispose of them.

Charlie took a breather as he turned on his cell phone for an update on the battle. The reinforcements had arrived and were spreading around the city in groups taking on gangs of vampires. It wasn’t what he had in mind for an effective use of their firepower, but at least it was keeping the citizens indoors. Steve had managed to safely regroup, which was a relief, since it would have been a shame if the boy died, who would he have to pick on then. As soon as he hung up there, he got a report of a monstrosity chasing what appeared to be a werewolf. Charlie frowned and dialed for Cynthia.

“Giggle, whoops, I answered too soon, please call back, I got it on vibrate.” Cynthia’s voice answered, sounding a bit too bubbly for her. She hung up.

“What the...” Charlie redialed and the phone rang until the voice message option came up. “Oh come on.” He dialed again. About three more tries later, she finally answered.

“Thanks, she got off big on that, what’s up studly wuddly.”

“Uh...studly wu? Oh never mind, your supposed to keep the line open sweet cheeks.”

“That’s not the only thing I’m keeping open Mr. Grey,” More giggles came from the other end, this time from two voices.

“What’s going on over there?”

“Mmmm, why don’t you come over and find out, we could use a good stiff one right about now.”

“You’ve certainly picked a lousy time to finally succumb to my charms honey tits, you’re supposed to be getting the children to safety.”

Cynthia’s tone immediately changed. “Oh my god, you’re right, what have I been thinking. Dammit, this is really distracting.”

“What is?”

“None of your business you weasely little perv...although, if you’ve got a BIG business, I could work you i...shit, there I go again. Just get off the line and we’ll get the kids into the shelter.”


She hung up.

“Okay. That wasn’t too weird.”

Charlie’s thoughts were interrupted by the ding of an elevator across the hall. He had hoped that the vampires wouldn’t be moving between floors before he had a chance to clear each one. Ah well, three out of five without incident was good enough.

As he charged, he wondered how Kevin was doing on his end. It would make things a lot easier if the vampire curse were removed.