The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Obsession-Compulsion, by Mudak

If you’ve made it this far and don’t know about how this is for adults, then that’s your problem. I still appreciate commentary and criticism at .

Chapter Sixty One

FBI Agent Michael Warrington received a text message from Junior Agent Sara Colburn, whose undercover role as a student named Heather McCann. The message was as telling in what it didn’t say, as much as it did. He had sent her a warning to be on the lookout for a possible attack. In response, Colburn had said she’d be “back soon.”

Not that her returning to the office was necessarily a bad thing, but he would have preferred it if there had been a reason behind her desire to return to the office. Fearing the worst, he immediately sent two other agents—Deirdre Gomez and Viktor Karovski—to a safe house and gave them instructions to take down Dr. Gordon Wallingford in three days’ time unless they heard otherwise.

Warrington uneasily paced back and forth throughout the halls of the headquarters. He looked in on a student—Ophelia Quinn—who was now a slave thanks to his works. She looked like she was sleeping comfortably, and he didn’t want to wake her, in spite of his hope that, when she would wake up, she’ll be lucid and able to answer a few questions. Before she had become a slave, she was not in much of a position to answer anything.

He looked in on agent Jim Steubens, who was known to have been infected with the slave virus. Steubens was leaning back in a comfortable chair, watching television. Warrington felt guilty for using Steubens as a slave, but it served two purposes. First, he confirmed the correct password, and second, he hopefully broke Miss Quinn of whatever she was feeling.

Yes, it had been a productive evening. All Warrington had to do now was wait. Wait for Colburn to return. Or, preferably, contact him again. Based upon all practical evidence (which was admittedly somewhat thin) she had been compromised. That may be something he could use to his advantage, but it could also jeopardize the entire mission.

Chapter Sixty Two

Junior Agent Colburn woke up groggily. She quickly assessed her situation: she was sitting, naked, in a chair in a small, well-lit room, with her hands behind her back. It didn’t seem like they were tied together, but at the same time, she wasn’t sure why she couldn’t move them, either.

To her right, she saw Lori Carlton, and to her left, she saw a red-haired male student whom she recognized, but never knew his name. Her neighbors were also naked, and their hands were behind their backs. They seemed to be just as confused as to how they got where they were.

Colburn tried to think. She remembered seeing Lori fall to the approaching slaves. She remembered almost making it to her car, but not quite getting there. But that was about it.

A door directly ahead of the three of them opened. Dr. Gordon Wallingford casually strode through the door, with a wide grin upon his face. Quickly behind Wallingford, Colburn recognized her colleagues, Agents Tanya Brookings and Mark Petersen. Behind Brookings and Peterson, the two slaves “hired” by Colburn under the auspices of shooting a porno movie casually entered. Brad and Katie were still naked. Only Wallingford’s face showed any sign of emotion.

“I’m glad the three of you could be here right now,” Wallingford said, with a slight lilt in his voice.

The boy to Colburn’s left responded in a monotone, “I’m glad to be here, master.”

That answers that question, Colburn thought.

Wallingford stepped forward to address his happy slave. “Am I correct that you, Anthony, brought me the lovely young lady to your right?”

“That is correct, Master.”

“Then you are to be rewarded.” Wallingford pulled a small billfold out of his pocket, opened it, and tapped the palm-sized computer with a stylus. “Well, Anthony, when I tap this button right here, I will send out a message to all female slaves, making it impossible for them to resist you, even when they are not actively under anyone’s control.”

“Thank you, Master. Does this include Brandi Davis?” Anthony had briefly gained control over Brandi and turned her into his girlfriend, until the slaves’ password he had used, was compromised.

“Yes, Anthony.” With a flourish, Wallingford tapped the computer one last time. Colburn felt a brief sensation that was just short of a tickle, in her lower abdomen. As soon as the tickle was over, though, she had forgotten about it.

Wallingford turned to Agent Brookings, who, Colburn now noticed, was holding a syringe. “All right, Tanya. Now you need to provide Anthony with this drug.”

Brookings stepped forward, placed her left hand on Anthony’s shoulder, and plunged the syringe into his bicep. He did not wince as the needle drove a dark-colored liquid into his arm.

“Now, Anthony. The drug I just gave you, will give you the ability to seduce any non-slave female you wish. All you need to do, is look her in the eyes.”

“Thank you, Master.”

“Is this a suitable reward for your actions?”

Anthony paused. A part of his punishment for having allowed his password to be compromised, he was actively aware of both the fact that he was a slave, and the actions he would take while under someone else’s control. He hated this fact, and the fact that he was powerless to do anything about it. He hoped to be no different from any other slaves, blissfully unaware of their status as slaves, unaware of the things they could be compelled to do.


“Well, Master... Have I sufficiently repented for my sin of my roommate finding my password?”

“No, Anthony. You haven’t. But I shall not request anything more of you for the next two weeks, so you are free to fuck anyone you want, anywhere, any time.”

“Thank you, Master.”

“You’re welcome. Thank you for your service.”

Wallingford crossed the room, standing directly in front of Lori. “Miss Carlton. Do you know why you’re here?”

Lori was clearly disconcerted by the conversation she had just observed between her bioethics professor and Anthony. She looked down and shook her head, no.

“Oh, Lori. I’m disappointed. Let me give you a clue. You are my slave.”

Lori straightened up in her chair and asked, “What’s the password?”


“How may I serve you, Master?”

“You may begin by telling me the name of your faculty advisor.”

“It’s Dr. Stanwyck, Master.”

“Dr. Richard Stanwyck?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Very good. Can you please advise when you will see him next?”

“Tomorrow morning.”

“Very well. Will your meeting tomorrow be a one-on-one session, or will it be wider in scope?”

“It will be one-on-one.”

“Very good. When you meet with him tomorrow, you will suddenly find yourself very aroused, very horny. As time moves on, you will feel as though you absolutely need to have sex with him. And you will go out of your way to seduce him. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Very well.” He gestured to Agent Petersen, who threw a bag to the floor in front of Lori. “Lori, please the bag that Mark just threw to you, contains your clothes. Please put them back on.”

While Lori was getting dressed, Dr. Wallingford gave her one last command. “After you are dressed, you will walk out that door and wake up, with absolutely no memory of anything that has happened since you became a slave. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master.”

Lori put her shoes on and walked, casually, out the door. She didn’t make eye contact with anyone else in the room.

“Now, Heather, or should I call you, Sara, do you know what you’re doing here?”

Junior Agent Colburn was silent. She knew that her cover had been blown, and she toyed with the idea of calling out to Agents Brookings and Petersen for help. The blank look on their faces, the slightly cockeyed smiles, and their actions in this room told her that it wasn’t even worth trying.

“I’m going to ask you again, Sara, do you know why you’re here?”

She squinted her eyes and screwed up her face, hoping that if she couldn’t see what was going on, maybe she couldn’t reveal anything.

“Very well, Sara. I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this. You are my slave.”

Her face slackened. “What’s the password?”


“How may I serve you, master?”

“You may begin by telling me who you really work for?”

“I am a junior agent at the FBI.”

“Do you know Agents Brookings and Petersen?”


“What is your current assignment?”

“I am undercover on campus as a student.”

“Did Brookings and Petersen know of this assignment?”


“Why not?”

“I felt that I couldn’t trust them anymore.”

“What gave you that feeling?”

“Something seemed too easy about their story the night they tried to infiltrate your office.”

“I see. Do you know if they were tested for my slave virus?”

“Yes, they were.”

“And what were the results?”


“But you still felt they were infected?”


Dr. Wallingford paused. There was something impressive, both by her answers and how convincing she had been as a student, even in his own class. He decided to shift gears for a moment. “I want you to take a look at the boy to your left.”

She fluidly turned her head to look at Anthony and smiled.

“He is being punished for a violation of my rules. Do you want to know how he is being punished?”

“Yes, master.”

“He knows that he is a slave, even when he is not under my control. He is conscious of his every action, even under my control. And he is completely unable to tell anyone about this. What do you think of this punishment?”

“It’s pretty severe, master.”

“Do you want to know his crime?”

“Yes, master.”

“He had bought a slave password, and someone else found out the password.”

Sara was silent when she heard this.

“If you are an undercover FBI agent, is it safe to assume someone else in your office has learned your password?”

Sara heaved a deep sigh and said, quietly, “Yes.”

“Then I think you know how I shall punish you, don’t you?”

“Yes, master.”

“When I touch your tits, all barriers between your conscious self and your slave self will be removed. You will know that you are a slave. You will not be able to tell anyone that you know you are a slave. You will be completely aware of all of your actions when under my control. Do you understand?”

“Yes, master.”

“Very well.” He reached forward and cupped her breasts with his hands. She shuddered and closed her eyes for a moment. “I will be deactivating your personalized password in twelve hours. I need to keep it active for now, but it will be deactivated shortly.”

Dr. Wallingford turned to Agent Petersen. “The drug, please.”

Agent Petersen handed him a syringe, about half-filled with a reddish liquid.

“Sara, please lift your arm.”

She raised her right arm and he plunged the syringe into her upper arm. “This drug will make it so that, if you are tested for the slave virus in the next forty eight hours, you will not show any signs of infection.”

Wallingford turned to Anthony. “I am going to send Sara back to FBI headquarters, where she will request that Brookings and Petersen be re-tested for the virus. She will confirm that they have been infected. Before I do, Anthony, do you want to fuck her?”

Anthony looked at her and smiled. “That would be great, master!”

“You heard him, Sara.”

“Thank you, master.”

Sara stood up and put her hands on Anthony’s knees. She smiled broadly as he started to grope her breasts. She inched forward and positioned herself directly over his cock, which had been nice and hard ever since their master asked him if he wanted her.

She whipped her hair around and winked at him. She placed her hands on his shoulders and he placed his hands above her hips. He forced her down on top of him.

She trembled at the pleasure that filled her, as she lifted her legs off of the ground. This guy was pure pleasure. Nothing else mattered at this point. If this was what it meant to be a slave, maybe it wasn’t so bad after all.

Chapter Sixty Three

Approximately thirty minutes later, Junior Agent Colburn was in her on-campus apartment. She retrieved both video cameras from the two bedrooms in the apartment and casually walked back to Dr. Wallingford’s office.

When she turned over the two cameras, complete with the videos taken of both Kate and Brad, Agents Petersen and Brookings joined her. It was Master’s desire to reveal that both of her colleagues were slaves.

The three FBI agents quickly returned to Colburn’s car, and in fifteen minutes, all three of them were walking into the Federal building that served as headquarters. Colburn glanced at her watch. 11 pm. She wondered who would be in the office.

The three of them stepped off of the elevator and displayed their identification badges casually past the guard, who motioned them all to pass.

Colburn saw a light on in Agent Warrington’s office and strode forward. “You two stay here.” When she reached her superior’s office, she knocked.

“You may enter.”

“Hello, Michael.”

“Hello, Sara. I’m surprised to see you here.”

“Do you remember our suspicions about Brookings and Petersen?”


“Well, I believe that if we test them, they’ll come back as positives.”

“Do you know where they are now?”

“They came with me. They put up surprisingly little fight.”

“I see. Should we perform the chemical tests, or should we use the password to activate them?”

“Why don’t we do both?”

“I agree. Go out and get them.”

“Yes, sir.”

In a moment, the three enslaved agents walked in a straight line into Warrington’s office. He gestured to Brookings and Petersen to sit down and they did. Colburn remained standing in back of the office.

“Tanya and Mark, I need you to do me a favor.” He handed them each a small glass. “Please spit into this glass.”

They looked at the glasses, each other, and then down at the glass.

Responding to the confused looks on their faces, Warrington assured them. “This is a new policy. We want all of our agents who go out into the field to get tested for the slave virus at least once a month. You too, Sara.” He held out a third glass, which Sara quickly took.

Sara left a small coating of saliva on the bottom of the glass and placed it back on Warrington’s desk. Petersen and Brookings followed.

“Very good. Now, all three of you, if you could please hold these cotton balls inside of your elbow, I’d appreciate it.” They all took the cotton. They knew that these were the two most common tests to confirm that someone is a slave.

When they returned the cotton balls to Warrington, he treated them with a chemical and quickly placed them in a box so that they could not see the results. “Sara, would you like the honors of the final test?”

“That would be great!”

Petersen and Brookings turned to look at each other, their mouths agape. Before either one of them could speak, they saw Warrington nod and and Colburn spoke.

“Petersen and Brookings, you are both my slaves?”

In unison they both spoke. Clearly, calmly. “What’s the password?”


Warrington thought it unusual that she would use the purchased password, rather than the official one, but didn’t question anything.

“How may we serve you, Heather?”

“You will sit here, motionless, and do whatever Agent Warrington asks of you.”

“Yes, Heather.”

Warrington stood up and approached Junior Agent Colburn. He whispered, “You know I have to do this, too, right?”

She nodded.

“You are my slave.”

Colburn, who was still acting on her master’s orders and could not be controlled by two people at once, looked around and let out a slight giggle.

“Looks like you’re clean.”

Colburn wiped her brow. “That’s a relief.”

“I need you to get back to the campus before people start to get suspicious. We’ll keep you updated on matters as things progress.”

“Thank you, sir.” She casually walked out the door and descended the elevator to the main entrance.

Warrington returned to his desk and started to write up his report. Petersen and Brookings were still sitting in the chairs, completely motionless.

Warrington pondered his words carefully as he typed. “Although there is no physical evidence to support the notion that Junior Agent Colburn has been compromised, it is likely prudent to enjoin her from any additional responsibilities in this mission until such time as her true status can be ascertained.”

Chapter Sixty Four

The following day, Lori Carlton stepped into Dr. Richard Stanwyck’s office to discuss her current research project. He glanced over some of the current results of her most recent lab work and started to speak. “Good job, Lori. I think we’re really getting somewhere with this.”

Lori was listening intently to what he was saying, but the more he spoke, the harder it was to understand his words. It sounded like he was saying something she should know, maybe even wanted to hear, but all she could think of was how sexy he was. She started to cross and uncross her legs, but there was a certain discomfort that was preventing her from sitting still for too long. She started to breathe more slowly.

Did he just say something about a chemical reaction? It sure sounded good. Anything with him and chemistry was suddenly really appealing. She grinned broadly.

“Anyway, I think you need to perform a few more tests and—Lori? Lori, are you all right?”

By this time, her hands were starting to squeeze and caress her breasts.

“Lori? Miss Carlton? What? Um, what do you think you’re, uh, doing?”

“What, oh? Sorry.” She realized what she was doing with her hands and quickly stopped, letting her hands fall by her side. What had come over her?

“Anyway, as I was saying, I think you should perform a few more tests and document the findings, complete with a statistical analysis of—Lori? Lori?! MISS CARLTON? WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?”

She really didn’t know. She looked down and saw that her blouse was hanging loosely from her left hand. She looked up at him and smiled. “I just realized, um, how sexy you are.”

Dr. Stanwyck tried to distance himself from his student. This was wrong on too many levels. He’d never had anything like this happened before. He might have had a student or two flirt with him in all-too-transparent hopes of getting a better grade, but Lori Carlton was one of his best students. He nearly tripped as he backed away from her.

He diverted his eyes from Lori long enough to find a safe passage to a place where he wouldn’t have to worry about her advances. When he looked up, he saw that she was wearing nothing but a pair of black panties. He couldn’t not notice this.

As his eyes travelled down her chest and stomach, she smiled. “Do you like what you see, professor?”

“Um, Lori. Would you please, um, cover yourself and get out of my office?”

“But I don’t want to. I want to hear more about your chemistry. Your biology. Surely you won’t deprive me of my willingness to, um, learn, would you?”

He quickly spewed, “I’ve got nothing more to—” but was interrupted when the young woman literally threw herself on him, knocking him back into a table. Before he could turn away, her tongue had found its way into his mouth.

There was a sweet taste in his mouth. Why was he so upset about her advances. She’s a good student, doesn’t she deserve some kind of reprieve from the grinds of constant studies? He loosened his tie and threw it to the ground.

“Let me take care of the rest of that.” There was a lilt in her voice as she started to take off his clothes. He put up no resistance to her advances.

He closed his eyes took in the pleasure of her hand, gently running up and down his chest and down between his legs. He leaned forward and was forcefully pushed back down into his chair.

He took her hand in his, and ran his fingers up her arm, to her shoulder in hopes of finding some article of clothing to take off, but the more he traced his hand over her body, the more he realized that she had already taken off her clothes. He opened his eyes and confirmed this realization.

She licked her lips and he took in her smooth body. “You look good.”

She took his turgid prick in her hands and said “You don’t look bad yourself.”

“Is there something you want, Miss Carlton?”

“You could say that.”

“Well, what’s mine is yours. Help yourself to whatever you want.”

She positioned herself over him and whipped her long hair over his face. He let out a quick gasp and the next thing he knew, he could feel her warm and moist softness over his cock. He bit his lip and let out a low moan.

She started to move rhythmically, panting in synchronicity with her movements towards and away from his hips. He thrust his hips forward and she pushed with greater force back towards him.

He opened his mouth to gasp and but was stifled by her own mouth.

She arched her back away from him and started to scream in pleasure. He sat forward slightly and took her left breast in his hand. Guiding her breast into his mouth, he licked, sucked, and nibbled at her.

She responded with a shudder followed by a scream that made the teacher wonder if anyone outside of his office could hear. Not that he cared. This was just too good.

“You know, Professor, you could—oooh—you can let go too.”

He screwed up his eyes when he heard her say that, and did exactly what he was told.

His heart was still pounding when she stopped moving and backed up, pulling her underwear back on. He closed his eyes and fell gently asleep.

She put her clothes back on and walked out the door; her manner was as casual as any other lab session with her advisor.