The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

“The Odyssey”

by ThatSquickGuy ()

Chapter 2

Part 1: New Horizons

Chloe was still worried about Marybeth and the team. She and Wash had been working on the system scan for over two hours now and it was almost time to start heading back to the planet.

“Anything interesting?” Wash asked again, bored. He’d been asking that what seemed like every five minutes for almost half an hour now. Like a child wanting to know if they were there yet.

“No.” Chloe said, her cheek resting on her left hand. At this point, she’d used up most of her energy and was so tired that she couldn’t even be annoyed at his antics. But nevertheless, she wanted to know how the expedition was going. She still had a bad feeling about the planet. Why was Marybeth always so eager when it came to aliens?

Even though she already knew the answer she still asked, “Can’t we call them?”

“We’re at the edge of this system. If you want to wait 10 hours to hear back, yes. We’d beat our own radio waves when we head back there in a few minutes.” Wash leaned back in his seat with hands behind his head.

“I know you’re right but, still, I can’t wait… Ugh… I hate sitting around like this.” Chloe started anxiously rocking in her seat again.

“Well, that’s all we can do.”

“Why are you always so calm about all this stuff?”

“Years of experience.”

“What years of experience? You mean the two years you were at the Academy before me?” Chloe frowned jokingly.

“Yup. Clearly, you were holding me back. Even when we were kids.” He paused for a second, thinking. “You know, you never did like it when I showed you that virtual flight simulator I built when I was 12.” Wash joked.

Chloe knew he was trying to distract her. He knew how concerned she always was about her friends and how she always took things too personally. She remembered how she was literally worried sick when he’d broken his legs jumping off his parents’ roof testing his latest crazy flying contraption. That was back when they lived down the road from each other on Sirius 3. He was the one who had to cheer her up when she went to visit him. She smiled a little thinking back to that. She played along.

“Yeah, because that thing always shocked me!”

“It’s not my fault you used it wrong and always crashed. You see, this is why I’m the pilot.”

Chloe chuckled a little. He was always good at cheering her up.

“Sooo…” He smiled again. “Anything interesting?”

“No. Again.” Chloe’s console started beeping quietly. “Hang on. I do have something. It’s coming back on the long-range scanner. Something small and metallic.”

“Another asteroid? I thought we passed all those an hour ago?”

“No, this is some kind of manufactured alloy. Move us over there quicker!”

“Okay, captain.” Wash said with a wink.

Chloe rolled her eyes. As she looked at Wash, she noticed something blinking on May’s console. May had left again, something about Captain’s orders, so Chloe and Wash were alone. Chloe ran over and saw that there were some strange signals emanating from the object. She quickly called the Captain and May.

A few minutes later the hunk of metal was floating off the starboard bow within sight of the ship’s cameras.

“It’s definitely off a ship, Ma’am.” Chloe said confidently. “It’s not one of ours, though.”

“Known species or unknown?” Captain Wayman asked.

“The metal composition looks like it could be Dominion, but…”

“The hyperspace signature doesn’t seem like theirs.” May finished.

“We’ve found more, Ma’am. At least twenty different signatures over the last five minutes as the scanner returns information.” Chloe commented.

“Do we have an idea what caused all this damage?”

“We can’t be sure until we get a piece on board and take it apart to scan it closer, but May had an idea.”

“I’ve looked at all the hyperspace jump signatures and it seems like the ships’ jumps were catastrophically interrupted as they entered hyperspace. The ships basically just disintegrated as they fell out of their hyperspace corridors.”

“If we can’t leave by hyperspace it will take us years to get to the next star.” The Captain’s brow furrowed.

“That’s why we want to get a piece on board, Ma’am, so we can tell if the cause came from inside or outside the ship.”

Chloe said. “The crew can look at the wreckage while we hurry back to pick up Marybeth. I mean Ensign Hutchison.”

“Well, we’ve got something of a clean room set up at the entrance to the shuttle bay. Lieutenant Washburne can you get one of those pieces into the shuttle bay?” Captain Wayman asked.

Chloe knew the Captain had been overseeing the construction of the temporary room with Lieutenant Ibanez for the better part of an hour, so she must be confident in their ability to keep any pathogen or alien out of the main body of the ship. That reassured her a little.

“Yes, Ma’am I can do it, but it’ll take a few minutes.”

“Very well, I’ll get Lieutenant Ibanez and her team down to the shuttle bay to prepare. You have the bridge Lieutenant.” Captain Wayman walked off.

“Wish me luck.” Wash said as he cracked his fingers then set to work.

A few minutes and much careful maneuvering later, he had successfully gotten the chunk into the shuttle bay. As he pushed the buttons to close the bay doors and reactivate the grav-plating, he turned around to Chloe. “Look, I know how worried you are about Marybeth. If you want, I’ll get Nancy to finish your shift, so you can rest for a while before we get back to the planet. And then you can see them right away.”

Chloe’s eyes lit up, “Would you, Wash?”

“Hey, what are best friends for? And besides: ‘I have the bridge.’” Wash smiled.

Chloe ran over and hugged him. Her large breasts coving most of his face. “Thank you, thank you!”

“Hore elcome.” Wash mumbled as Chloe squeezed him. May giggled in the background.

Realizing what she was doing, Chloe let go of him and set off for her quarters saying, “Tell Nancy, I’ll make it up to her.”

She heard Wash over the intercom.

“Ensign Bellicec to the bridge.”

Chloe hadn’t really noticed until now how hungry she was, so she decided to grab something quick to eat before she tried to rest. Being in space for a year meant no cooked meals, only boring, packaged, ‘healthy’ junk. As she got into the dining room, if you could call it that, she saw that Evie was up already. Chloe grabbed something (it all tasted the same anyway) and quickly sat down beside her roommate and began to fill her in on the events of the day. Chloe was glad to see her, they didn’t have much time to see each other as Chloe was always assigned to the bridge.

As with most of the crew, Evie and Chloe were on opposite schedules so that their room only had one occupant at any given time. That way the quarters could be made smaller and save weight and room, both precious commodities on a spacecraft.

* * *

Evelyn Carnahan was the ship’s resident doctor and some of the crew did their best to get hurt when she was on shift. And it was easy to see why. At 27, she was a year older than Chloe and was bigger than her in every way counted to guys. Being much taller than Chloe’s rather diminutive stature, and rounder in all the right places.

“Really? We just left them on the planet?” Evie asked after Chloe finished filling her in. “I still can’t believe that the Captain allowed that. She’s always such a stickler for procedure.”

“I kind of had something to do with that.” Chloe admitted. “Now I feel so guilty and I haven’t been able to stop worrying about them.”

“It’s not your fault Ms. DeWitt and Wash joined in on your side. And you know that Marybeth wouldn’t have taken ‘no’ for answer when it comes to aliens.”

“I know. But what if something happens to them? I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”

“Don’t worry yourself to death. I’ll make sure they’re fine when they get back.” She paused for a second. “I’ll have to do a full exam.” Evie was already thinking about all the things she needed to get ready. And, without thinking too much, mused out loud. “But you know I don’t really have half the equipment I need for the procedures I’ll want to do. Who knows what they might pick up down there.” As soon as she said that she wished she hadn’t.

“Now I wish I hadn’t found this place at all.” Chloe whined. “The Captain was right. We should have just logged the location and left. I shouldn’t have pushed to let Marybeth go down there.”

“Like I said, it’s not your fault.” Evie comforted her friend. She knew that Chloe always made friends fast and was devoted to them almost as quickly. Just like she had with her when they first met at the Federation deployment center. It was there that she’d met Chloe’s other close friends: Wash and Marybeth. The four of them stuck tightly together and, using some of his family’s pull, Wash had managed to get them all stationed together. “It would have been found by someone eventually, right? Why not have some of the best people I’ve ever met find it and look at it first? You know Marybeth and the guys. They’ll be able to handle themselves.”

“Thanks, Evie.” Chloe smiled slightly. “You’ve always known just what to say.”

“And if what you said about that alien ship is right it might be a good thing we didn’t try to leave right away.”

“Maybe you’re right.”

“How ’bout this? I’ll let you know right away what I find. Now why don’t you get a little rest. You’ve already been up working over 12 hours, right? As Doctor, I say you need a little shut eye.”

“All right. Promise you’ll let me know?”

“Promise. Now go to sleep.” Evie got up and headed back to her office, or, rather, the cramped room next to the science bay, to get her meager equipment ready for the away team’s arrival.

As she left Chloe alone at the table, looking out though one of the ship’s few viewports, Evie heard Chloe say to no one in particular. “I hope nothing bad has happened down there.”