The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Office Referral

(mc, md, mf, nc)

Gentle Reader: This is a sequel to my story ”Talked Me Into It.” It probably won’t make very much sense unless you have read that story first.

This story may be distributed via any on-line medium, so long as no one is charged any amount for access to the story, and the above e-mail address and this disclaimer are retained verbatim.

Copyright © 1998 Q. Daphne A.

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“Now, Mrs. and Mr. Gonzales, how long have we been all seeing each other?” Dr. Nancy Erickson asked, looking at the couple on the couch across from her.

“Um, about five months, Dr. Erickson,” volunteered Mr. Gonzales, looking a bit sheepish.

Nancy (she could never break them of the habit of calling her “Dr. Erickson”) nodded, continuing to look at them. Jorge Gonzales was 33, an up and coming young manager of a Mexican firm, living in the US. He was the image of the brash young Hispanic businessman, excellent taste in clothes, handsome, outgoing, a ready smile and a firm handshake. Very American, in his own way.

His wife, Maria, 26, couldn’t have been more different. She was lovely, a true beauty, dusky complexion, huge brown eyes, long dark hair, a very lush figure under her conservative clothes. Gold crucifix around her neck, down-turned eyes. She was from Central Casting, “Cut to barmaid (gorgeous, buxom young Mexican woman),” only with the polish and poise of strict parents and extensive education (Roman Catholic schools, her whole life, of course). Nancy was intensely sympathetic towards her; she knew how traditional Maria was, how much coming to couples therapy, where she was actually expected to talk about things, things between her husband and herself, with a stranger, a gringa at that, was very difficult for her. Talking about sex was like walking over red-hot coals for her. And, yet, once a week for five months, she had done it. She loved her husband very much.

And it wasn’t going anywhere.

Nancy leaned back. The psychologist noticed Jorge’s eyes flick across her own bust-line, which was to be expected, she supposed. Anyway, she couldn’t say she disliked the attention. “In your opinion, Maria, has anything changed since you started coming?” That was brutal, Nancy chided herself, but this has to be done.

Maria looked up, looking ready to burst into tears. “Nnno, Dr. Erickson. I don’t think anything has.” Her head dropped back down. Her English was nearly perfect, even though she didn’t know a word of it when Jorge and she married five years ago. It’s not that she’s not motivated to change, Nancy thought. And she’s no fool. The sooner we get it over with, the happier they’ll both be.

Nancy looked over at Maria’s husband. “Jorge?”

He shook his head, sadly. “No, Dr. Erickson. I don’t blame Maria, of course. Or you.”

Nancy nodded. That was a very productive thing to say, not that he hadn’t said it a million times during the sessions, she thought. “Nor do I think you are at fault. But I have to say that I think I have been as helpful as I am able to be, and we not any closer to an answer to your... concerns. You clearly need another approach to this problem.”

She paused, letting that sink in. “I have a suggestion.”

Maria looked up, her eyes wide with both anticipation and fear. She’s worried what new humiliations lie in store for her, Nancy thought. Jorge also looked up, attempting to act surprised, but not quite achieving it. Nancy glanced at him; bad actor, Jorge, good thing your wife is too traumatized to notice.

“Yes?” Jorge asked, a bit too eagerly.

“I have an associate. Daniel Carver,” Nancy said, talking to Maria. “He sometimes handles cases that I refer to him. I cannot guarantee anything, but he might be able to assist you in ways I cannot.”

“What kind of doctor is Dr. Carver?” Maria asked, eyes huge.

Nancy chuckled. “He isn’t actually a doctor of anything, Maria. He’s a... well, he’s just a very wise man.” Maria’s eyes got wider, if that were possible. “He can explain things in ways that I cannot. Again, I can’t promise anything, but all he is going to do is talk with the two of you. If he cannot do anything for you, no harm done.”

Jorge looked over at Maria, nearly trembling with excitement. “Maria? Could you try? Just once more?”

Maria somehow managed not to burst into tears, although she was clearly leaning that way. “Ah... si, Jorge. For you,” she said, switching back to English as her composure returned.

Nancy handed Jorge a business card, and they all stood. “Thank you, Dr. Erickson,” Maria said, shaking her hand delicately. Jorge gently guided Maria to the door, hand on her back, and let her out. “Maria, wait for me next to the car, please? I need to finish business arraignments with Dr. Erickson,” he said, waiting for a moment and then closing the door to the office. He turned back to Nancy.

“Dr. Erickson, I want to thank you for everything. Including the arrangements you made with Mr. Carver.” He paused. “But are you certain that this will.. this will work? $75,000 is a great deal of money.”

Nancy smiled, a smile full of complex pleasures that Jorge couldn’t understand. “Yes, Mr. Gonzales. It will work.”

Jorge examined her for a moment, curiously, took one last glace at her chest, then nodded, nearly bowing. He let himself out.

Nancy returned to her desk, and sat down, sorting through paperwork. Moments later came a knock at the door, followed by her receptionist’s head looking in. “Come in, Janice,” Nancy said, waving at her. She looked up, and paused; Janice was wearing a very glazed, almost trance-like expression. Ah, thought Nancy. One of those kinds of messages.

“Dr. Erickson, Mr. Carver called while you were in session,” Janice said, her voice soft and lilting, her green eyes unfocused, her fiery red hair undone from the bun she usually kept it in. Nancy looked over her slim form in the light green summer dress for a moment before answering.

“And what did Mr. Carver have to say, Janice?” she asked, an amused smile on her face.

“He asked me to thank you for the referral of the Nicolayson twins,” Janice said, still in a sing-song.

Ah, yes, the twins. Fascinating case. I’m sure he found them interesting. “Be sure to return my thanks when next he calls. Anything else, Janice?” Nancy asked.

“Yes, Doctor. He asked me to give you a reward for the referral,” Janice said, her eyes focusing somewhere in Nancy’s vicinity, but not directly on her.

Nancy raised an eyebrow. “Yes? What’s that?”

Janice reached behind her, and unzipped her dress. It fell to the floor; she was nude down to her stockings and shoes. Her neatly-trimmed red bush matched her hair perfectly, and her skin was creamy and pale. Her breasts, while not particularly large, stood out with a nice curve, topped by small, pink nipples. Already erect, Nancy noticed. The receptionist arched her back, sensually. “Myself, Doctor,” she said, in the same toneless voice.

Nancy smiled, feeling her sex warm from looking at her receptionist standing naked in front of her. I can’t believe I didn’t used to like women; I’m so glad that Daniel... well, I guess “straightened me out” isn’t the term, she thought with a private little laugh.

“That’s very nice of him, Janice,” she said, pushing her chair back from the desk. She pulled up her skirt, carefully, and spread her legs, wide. “Let’s get started.”

“Yes, Doctor,” said Janice, coming around the desk like a sleepwalker, face blank, eyes staring. She kneeled down, running her hands over Nancy’s thighs, leaning into her blonde pussy. As Janice’s tongue made first contact with her clit, Nancy gasped slightly, and slid farther down in the chair. When I have my next date with Daniel, Nancy thought, I’ll have to find a good way of thanking him for this...

“As I’m sure Nancy explained, I’m not a doctor. Not a medical doctor, not a psychiatrist, psychologist, not even a Marriage and Family Counsellor,” Daniel Carver said to Jorge and Maria. They were seated in his office at home, a separate little building he had converted. It wasn’t much: three comfortable chairs around a small round coffee table, a couch, some bookcases, a small desk. A small “waiting” room, really just a converted porch with a couch, out front. A door to a small bathroom.

They both nodded, eyes on him. Daniel smiled back, his winning smile. “But I do occasional see individuals and couples that have some kind of special problems that Nancy, who is a very talented psychologist, can’t seem to get a handle on. Sometimes I refer them back to her, sometimes they see me for a while and are done, and sometimes we conclude that neither of us can do anything.” He watched for a reaction. Seeing none, he continued, “But that last, that is, nothing, rarely happens.”

He sat back, examining them for a moment. “Now, Nancy passed her file onto me, so I know some of the things that you two talked about. But I like to get the story directly from the people who come to me. With your permission, Maria, I’d like to start by asking Jorge some questions.”

Maria nodded, clearly relieved that she wasn’t expected to say anything yet.

Daniel turned to Jorge. In a friendly, confidential tone, he asked, “Jorge, could you describe the situation that caused you to first make an appointment with Nancy? Dr. Erickson, that is?”

Jorge took a deep breath. “Well, it’s... it’s about our sex life. It’s not, well, it’s not quite...” he said, stumbling a bit.

Daniel encouraged him, “Please, continue.”

Jorge slowly started getting his words straight. “We have sex, and it’s nice enough. But it’s so rare, maybe once every other week, maybe less. And it’s always the same. I feel like I’m hurting Maria, maybe even raping her when I do it. I just want her to like it more, I want to be a better lover, or something. Something.”

Daniel looked at Jorge, his head cocked to one side, as if studying him. He waited until it was clear that Jorge wasn’t going to say anything more. He turned to Maria. “Now, Maria, I’m going to ask Jorge some questions. It’s very important that you not react, or say anything, or do anything while I’m talking with him, no matter what he says. OK?”

Maria gave him a very strange look, wide-eyed. ”Si, Señor Carver,” she said, her voice lilting slightly.

Jorge stared at his wife. “Maria, please, in Engl...” But Daniel silenced him with a wave of his hand. “It’s fine, Jorge. Please, let’s continue.”

Daniel stroked his chin. “Jorge, I know that you are being honest, at least to an extent. But I think you are trying to preserve Maria’s feelings with what you are saying. That’s commendable in a husband, and I respect the feelings behind it. But, we’re in therapy here. I think in therapy, absolute honesty is important. Absolute. Honesty. Don’t you agree?”

Jorge found himself nodding. “Yes. Absolute honesty.”

Daniel smiled. “Good. Now, I want you to tell me precisely what it is that you want. In detail. As if Maria wasn’t here at all.”

Jorge looked strangely at Daniel for a moment; he looked down, pursing his lips, then looked up. “You are correct, Mr. Carver. I have not been completely honest with you. Or with Dr. Erickson.”

He took a deep breath. “While my family is from Mexico, I was born an American citizen, and raised in California. I went to American public schools, to an American university. I saw very little of my close family, and they had very little influence over my upbringing.

“I had... well, I had a rather wild time as a young man. I was raised an American, with a very American attitude, I think. I dated many women, and had sex with many more that I did not date. When my father died unexpectedly, I came into a large inheritance, and I was free with my money. I do not wish to boast, but I am not unappealing, and I was quite successful... and when no partner was presenting herself to me willingly, there were always the local whores.

“Then, my grandfather died. And I found myself expected to take over the family business. But I had to marry; an unmarried man would never be accepted as a business leader. And while I was in Mexico City, I met Maria. And I courted her, and I married her, and I swear before God that I do love her, and I am happy to be her husband.”

Jorge paused, his face flushed. “But... I want other things in a woman, too. I have been absolutely faithful to Maria, even though it has not been easy. But I want other things. My father or his father would have told me to find a mistress if I was not content with Maria, but I cannot do that. I wasn’t... raised to find contentment outside of the marriage bed. I want to find what I want within my own bed.”

Daniel examined Jorge. “Jorge, what would you like Maria to be? Not what she is now, or what you think she can or should be, but what would you like her to be? Absolute honesty, now.”

Jorge took another deep breath. His voice seemed drained of tone, as if the effort of talking had emptied him. “I want... a slut. A hot, passionate slut. I want a woman who always wants sex, who obsesses about sex, who talks about sex in filthy language, who is always thinking about having sex with me and thinking of new ways to please me in bed. A whore, but like every man wants a whore to be with him. Who lives to be fucked. By me.”

Jorge glanced briefly over at Maria. Daniel followed his glance; Maria was staring at Jorge, eyes like saucers, but not reacting. At all. Good girl, thought Daniel.

Jorge continued, “I... I remember watching porno movies. I still do, sometimes. The actresses in them... I know that they aren’t really like that, but I want a wife like the characters. Women who think about sex, always. Who never need any seducing, cajoling, persuading, but will just lie down and spread their legs open if you show any interest at all. Who will let me come on their face and breasts, and lick it off afterwards. Who will give me blowjobs, and think that was great sex all by itself. Who will let me... you know, put my cock up their ass. Who will let me do anything I wanted to them in bed, and love it.”

“I want a woman who dresses provocatively, so everyone else knows how passionate and sexual she is. Who flirts with other men, just to tease them, and then gives me all of the passion that flirtation creates. Who everyone knows is a slut in bed and yet is completely devoted to me.”

Jorge sighed, “That, Mr. Carver, is what I want. And that is what Maria cannot be for me. The devotion, yes, but nothing else. She is many things, and they are all delightful, but she is no slut. And never will be.”

Daniel looked at Jorge for a long moment. “Thank you, Mr. Gonzales. Now, please wait outside for a few minutes while I talk to Maria.” He paused, and thought. “It might be longer than a few minutes.”

Jorge blinked, as if noticing Daniel for the first time. “Ah... Yes, of course, Mr. Carver.” He stood, with another long look at Maria, and left, shutting the door behind him.

Daniel looked back at Maria. She was staring at him, still blank-expressioned. “Now, Maria. You heard what your husband said?”

Maria took a deep breath. “Yes, Mr. Carver.”

Daniel said, “Did you understand what he said?”

Maria blinked, and gave a small sob. “Yes, Mr. Carver. Most of it.”

Daniel asked, lightly, cutting her off, “Did you bring a coat with you?”

Maria looked up, confused. Was the session over already? “Yes, Mr. Carver. Why?”

“It will be helpful later,” said Daniel, a smile on his face. “Now, Maria, I’m going to say some things, and I want you to repeat them back to me. You’ll do that, won’t you?”

“Yes... yes, I can do that,” she said, still confused.

“Very good, Maria. Now, let’s get started.” Daniel paused. “You love sex with your husband.”

“I... I love sex with my husband,” Maria repeated, surprised to hear the words coming out of her mouth so easily.

“You love to fuck your husband,” Daniel said, putting emphasis on “fuck.”

“I love to fuck my husband,” Maria said, the forbidden word slipping past her lips.

“You are very sexually aroused. You are wet and horny. You have a wet cunt. You are a cunt,” Daniel said, his eyes meeting Maria’s, boring into her.

“I... I am very sexually aroused. I am wet and horny. I have a wet... a wet... cccunt,” Maria replied, feeling a wave of sensations wash over her, her pussy getting wet by itself for the first time, ever. “I... I am a cunt. Aaaaah...” she moaned, her head tossing back, mouth open, eyes closed.

“You’re doing very well, Maria. Let’s continue,” Daniel said, grinning, watching her nipples start to show through her blouse. He leaned forward in his chair.

Jorge was getting very impatient. Forty-five minutes! What could possibly be going on? What was this about? Still, if it helped, even a little bit. And the promises that Dr. Erickson made about this man Carver!

The door opened. Daniel was standing there, smiling, looking a bit flushed. “Jorge? Please come back in? And please bring Maria’s coat with you.”

Jorge stood up, taking the coat off of the peg on the wall, and quickly followed Daniel back into the office. It was empty except for the two of them. He glanced around in confusion. “Where... where’s Maria?”

Daniel smiled, sitting down. “She’s in the bathroom. She’ll be out in a moment. We’re almost done with the session.”

Jorge nodded, hands tight on the back of the chair. I don’t understand this at all, he thought. First, he makes me tell him all of those secrets, secrets I’ve kept from everyone... and right in front of Maria, who will be hurt the worst! Then, he sends me away and just talks with Maria for nearly an hour. Now, it’s all over. I don’t understand.

Daniel said, “Now, Jorge. I think that you will be pleased with the outcome of my conversation with Maria. The results may be a bit startling, but I’m sure you’ll adapt quickly.”

Jorge studied Daniel. “I... I hope so. The fee that Dr. Erickson collected was quite substantial.”

Daniel nodded, “Yes, I understand, but...”

The sentence died unfinished, since the bathroom door swung open. Maria was standing in the door, one hand up on the door frame, the other on her hips, one leg pulled up. Completely nude, except for a dramatic pair of 4″ heels.

Jorge blinked, his eyes nearly bulging out. “M... Maria? What...” He dropped the coat into a pile on the floor, his hands relaxing involuntarily.

Maria smiled widely, lewdly, showing a row of perfect white teeth. She ran a pink tongue over her lips, her eyes smoldering, half-open. She started walking forward, her heavy breasts swayed with each step, her hips rolling. She had touched up her makeup, her lips bright red, full, inviting... blowjob lips. She tossed her hair as she got closer, her expression full of raw lust. Daniel could see that under her full bushy black triangle she was aroused, wet, and getting wetter. Only the crucifix remained, swaying between her breasts like a hypnotist’s watch.

Jorge opened his mouth, and closed it. And again. She slid up to him, pressed her body against him. “Jorge? I want something,” she said, her voice low, throaty, passionate. The voice of a woman in heat. Her hands ran over his body, lifting a leg to rub softly against his groin.

“Wh.. what?” he said, croaking out a reply.

“I want you to fuck me. I want you to bend me over right here, and fuck my wet pussy. Take me. Use me. I can’t wait, Jorge, please use my cunt,” she said, her eyes half-lidded, biting off each word, relishing the sound, the feel, of the new, wonderful, filthy language in her mouth. “I’m ready, now. I’m your slut, your whore... your cunt. Just fuck me, Jorge, please, fuck me in my hot, wet cunt... I need it, I need it so badly. Now.”

Jorge tore his eyes away from her for moment, and looked at Daniel, “What... what has...”

Daniel waved his hand, again. “Don’t think about it, Jorge. Just take her. She wants it, you want it. Do her. Right here and now. The couch is there for you two,” he said, gesturing. “And I’ll be watching, and seeing how hot your wife is. That’s what you want, isn’t it?” he added, grinning.

Maria broke off, and slowly turned, walking to the couch, her ass swaying invitingly. She kneeled down on it, spreading her legs wide. Her moisture had already wetted her thighs. She tossed her head again, looking back at Jorge, slowly grinding back with her ass, licking her lips. “Well, Jorge? I’m here. You can see how wet I am,” she said, in an utterly incongruous little-girl voice.

Her husband just continued to stare, transfixed by the sight of Maria offering herself up to him. Maria’s voice rose, just a bit, and took on a tone of demand mixed with pleading: “Isn’t this what you want? Por el amor de Dios, Jorge, ¡fóllame!

Jorge shook his head, as if her words had snapped him out of a trance. He stepped forward, undoing his pants. His cock fell out, already fully erect. Maria groaned, arching her back, one hand reaching between her legs and spreading her lips open. “Oooh, yes, please Jorge, ¡métemela en la concha! pleasepleaseplease I need YEESSSSS!” she screamed as his cock slid in. Jorge grabbed her hips, pounding into her, as the cry from her first orgasm split the air.

Daniel leaned back, watching, smiling. I love it when couples work through their problems together, he thought, watching Maria’s large breasts bounce with each thrust.

An hour later, Maria was being helped into her coat by Jorge, after she had washed off of her face what come she didn’t swallow. She insisted that she wear only the coat. “I don’t want to wait when we get home.” She offered to wait in the car while they finished up business. “But please don’t take too long, Jorge. I’m still so horny, I might start... touching myself. Right there in the car.” The rest of her clothes went into a neat bundle, including her old low heels. “Please, keep the new shoes,” Daniel had insisted. “My compliments.”

Daniel stood, and took Jorge’s offered hand. “I trust you found my services satisfactory, Jorge?”

Jorge just shook his head, although he wasn’t disagreeing. “I don’t understand it. But, yes, it was... incredible.”

“You understand that discretion is absolutely essential, of course?”

“Yes. Yes, of course. Not a word to anyone.”

Daniel smiled. “Good. Now that all of the business out of the way, I would like you and Maria to visit us next Friday for dinner. Maria has all the details. Salmon alright? I think you would love to meet Rebecca, my wife... and I would very much like a chance to get to know Maria better.”

Jorge’s eyes flashed for a moment, but he relaxed. “That... that would be fine, Mr. ... uh, Daniel.” He nodded, and walked to the door. “Ah, what should we bring?” he said, standing in the door to the office.

Daniel looked at him very seriously. “A change of clothes. Toothbrushes.” Jorge blinked, and Daniel laughed, waving his hand one last time. “Maria can explain. See you next Friday.”

After the door closed, Daniel walked back to his desk, and pulled out a file folder. He opened it to reveal a picture of two young, well-endowed blonde women, as alike as two people could be, curled around each other on the office couch in an embrace that one could not call merely sisterly. Daniel smiled, picking up the phone. “Rebecca Carver, please.” Pause. “Hi, love. Oh, yes, the appointment today was a great success. Next Friday, right. You’ll like him, he’s your type,” he laughed.

He swiveled around in his chair, looking at the picture. “Are we doing anything tonight? Nope? Up for some company? Great. I’ll set another couple of places for dinner, OK? Yep, the Nicolayson twins. You got the scan I sent? Yeah, Tara and Tawny. Tara’s on the right. Yes, love, they’re both 20, they just look like jailbait. I know, Nancy said they’re not great conversationalists. Who was planning to talk with them for hours? There’s plenty else they could do with their mouths. I’ll get groceries in a bit. Love you too. Ciao. No, you’re right, adios.” Laughing, he set the receiver down, and put the file away.

He tapped the side of his head with a pen. Now, he thought, how am I going to reward Nancy for Mrs. Gonzales?