The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Olivia’s Investigations — Our Mutual Friend

An Internet chatroom can look quite the same whether there’s a few people or a whole army in there. As AllyKat finished relating her story, there were more than a few murmurs of interest from the background. People had come in or left quietly while she was telling her tale, but she hadn’t really paid much attention to how many were listening.

“Wow,” CallmeCandy took a while to type a response beyond that single word, but Ally was prepared to wait. She’d started telling the story as a warning to Candy, not to get caught up in things before you know what’s possible. So although the telling had grown quite theraputic, Ally wanted to be sure the newbie wasn’t simply scared away. She thought a lot about her answer, but still quicker than most people could have responded, when Candy continued: “So the girl in the story was you, right? Did you ever find out who the victim was?”

“No, and yes. In that order.” Ally took a second to gather her thoughts, thinking about how much she could say without giving away other people’s identities (always one of the most serious rules in a place like this). “There wasn’t really a victim. Some of the operators here thought that one of the people coming on was a predator.”

“We take that kind of thing very seriously,” Magistique chipped in, with a nod of agreement from Joanna.

“Yeah, so someone I knew had been collecting logs of how he behaved with someone he thought was a hypno-virgin, the evidence they needed to get him kicked off. The victim in those logs was really a skilled hypnotist on here. But they left the logs on a disk that got borrowed because it was convenient, and then borrowed by someone else, and they never bothered to check what was on it. The girl I was telling you about ended up reading it by accident, and it just happened the particular tricks he’d been using in that chat were the strongest kind of suggestions for her.”

“Wait, I thought the girl was you?” a newcomer chipped in. Ally looked over at Cute Librarian, saw that she (or he – you could never be sure) had come in a few minutes earlier. “Maybe I’m confused, though, I didn’t get the whole story.”

“Well, it’s kind of like she’s me. Joanna and Someone already know the story, but if you’re interested in seeing how messed up things can get…

❧ July, the Year Before

Ally woke up, and stared at the tasteless spiral pattern of plaster on the ceiling. She knew she had to speak to Master, let him know it had worked. She felt so proud of that, even though it wasn’t really her achievement. The triumph belonged to… someone else. She could share in the warm glow of success, but she was slowly starting to become aware that she didn’t know whose success it was. Quite possibly the person whose room she was waking up in for the first time, though it would be a lot easier to make an educated guess about that if she could just remember what they had succeeded at, what kind of thing had worked.

It was dark now, but she could see that the walls of this room were painted some particularly vivid shade. She knew it would be pink, though the light this early in the morning cast the room in shades of blue and black. The only real colour was a stark triangle of flickering orange-red from an old and slightly malfunctioning streetlamp that just managed to sneak its rays past the corner of the blind. The walls were relatively plain, though a craft-made shelf of uneven driftwood planks was filled to bursting with the trinkets and oddities gathered on a lifetime’s holidays. This was the home of a girl who didn’t care much for celebrity or pop culture, but treasured the things she’d found. Instead of posters she decorated her space with memories, like a tiny purple candle in the shape of a dolphin, or a lone wooden sandal found halfway down the steps that led up to a famous abbey, or a genuine message in a bottle with its own certificate of authenticity.

She smiled at that. She’d spent weeks wondering what the message said, but known that if she opened it, it wouldn’t be a message in a bottle any more. Much to her amusement, her visiting cousin had somehow managed to get the certificate into the bottle, alongside the original message, without breaking the seal on the cap. It had been a silly novelty from some Portuguese storekeeper looking to get money for nothing from the tourists, but she’d turned it into a story. The wonders of having a conjurer in the family.

A smile crossed Ally’s face as the memory resurfaced, but then a frown took its place just as easily. Because this wasn’t her room, and that wasn’t her memory. It didn’t make sense how she could remember something that had happened to someone else, but that seemed to be exactly what had happened. She was sure this was someone else’s room, but she couldn’t remember who. Her own home was more…


She couldn’t remember anything. She didn’t know where she was, or who this girl must be. She could remember maybe one holiday as a child, one afternoon drinking soda with someone else’s grandpa at a tearoom in the park. She couldn’t remember her school. She knew she’d been a precocious child, sexually mature at a young age, but she couldn’t bring to mind the face of a boy she’d kissed. She couldn’t remember any boys. She didn’t know how she’d got there.

And with that, the urge she’d had on waking became a need. As the panic grew, as she reached for more things in her memory and found only blank space, she knew she had to talk to Master. Master would help her remember, help her understand. Though she could barely remember who she was, she knew for sure that she could trust Master to tell her what she needed to know.

* * *

Master’s name was Morpheus. She knew that, and she knew where to find him on the Internet. For a moment, Ally was worried about sitting in some other girl’s bedroom, using someone else’s computer, to go on a site like that. But she had to know what was going on, she needed to speak to Master now more than she needed to breathe. And as soon as she typed three letters of the address, the computer suggested the rest. Her mysteriously absent host was a sexually liberated hypnofreak too, it seemed. Ally shrugged, and clicked the [connect] button.

Master was waiting for her call, though he said he hadn’t expected to see her quite yet. He explained a few simple truths, but spoke for nearly an hour. It was a long time before Ally understood why she wasn’t permitted to remember the words he used.

There had been a girl, he said, so excited to experience hypnosis, but also nervous and reluctant. Whatever he trained her to feel or to do, the morals she’d picked up from over-conservative parents stopped her from having any fun. It was a constant distraction. That girl had a room decorated all in pink, with vacation trophies on the wall, and wanted to act younger and more innocent than she really was, out of some acquired belief that innocence was the natural state of good girls.

Ally didn’t understand. But she listened anyway, because these were the words her Master was offering, and she knew the answer must be there even if she wasn’t smart enough to understand it. She nodded, and her Master continued. He told her who she was, and how she had come to be there, and who she was going to be. Eventually, it all made sense. He had joked that her existence was to serve him, and that she existed to do his bidding. That was an exaggeration, of course, but it was true he had created her. He had formed the mold into which she was cast, and there could be no greater joy than to serve the Master who had done so much for her.

* * *

“Don’t worry,” Joanna smiled reassuringly at Cute Librarian and CallmeCandy, “That particular abuser has long since been banned from our network. Submission is a gift, and taking someone further than they’re willing to go is very strongly frowned upon here. Once we found out what he’d done to Ally, we dealt with him as quickly as possible.”

“Worth remembering, though,” Magistique cautioned, “make sure you know how much power you’re giving someone. If it’s someone who isn’t one of the regulars around here, it might take a while for the admins to realise anything is wrong.”

“I’m going to stick to stories for now, I think,” Candy replied quickly. “It might be fun to see how this stuff works in the real world, but I think I’d like to get to know people and know who I can trust before I do anything more than just chatting.”

“Good decision,” Joanna said, “And I suspect that knowing you a little better will make it all the more amazing if you someday find you can trust one of us that much. How about you, Cute Librarian? Are you looking to experience trance for real, or just get to know people and find out what’s possible?”

“I already tried it,” Cute Librarian responded so quickly that she must have already been thinking about what to say. “But I’ve got a Master and a beautiful slavegirl in the real world, so I’m mostly just looking to chat on here, mostly.”

“Who’s your Master?” Someone Else said, but before the librarian could complete her reply, Candy finished typing her next question.

“Ally, So what happened? Who was that girl, you got us all wondering now. I mean sorry if you don’t want to talk about it, hope I’m not prying but I’m kinda curious how that girls curiosity got you here.”

“Does everybody else want to know? I think it might be good for me to share, but I don’t want to bore you.”

“If you don’t mind,” Cute Librarian was just one among many people saying yes, “I mean, I hope we’re going to be friends soon enough anyway, and I wouldn’t like to be the person asking you because I’m the only one who doesn’t know in a year or something.”

“OK then. Are you sitting comfortably? I’ve got to talk about my friend now, but she’s not on here. I’ll call her Catharine, even though that’s not her real name, because I don’t really want anybody I’ve met in real life to spot who I am.”

“Do we have to do that?” Librarian asked, “I mean, if we’re talking about people we know in the real world, I mean. Like if I’m talking about something my Master makes me do.”

Magistique gave an elaborate shrug, typing a series of symbol characters which made a picture to convey the gesture quite succinctly, “It’s not a rule of this place. But if there’s other people in your life who might be on here, and you don’t want them to know all the stuff you confide online, it might be a good idea. For your Master, you may as well refer to him by the name he uses on here, or if you don’t know that, just say ‘Master’. I think most of us make up names for our friends if we have any we need to mention.”

“Anyway,” Ally began, suddenly realising just how impatient she was to share her origin story with the world, “I’d just woken up one evening…

❧ Early September, the Year Before

Ally flicked the duvet off her, and sat up with a little effort. She wasn’t in a familiar room, but by now she didn’t let the surprise bother her. She was used to waking up in places she hadn’t gone to sleep. With a little effort – she could practically feel the gears grinding in her mind, but then she’d always had a very fertile imagination – she could picture a friend, Catherine. They needed to be at school early in the morning, for some club activity or other, and Catherine lived a lot closer.

Catherine’s friend, though, had just gone to bed. Though she’d been sleepy after a long and exciting evening, with all the gossip to catch up on, her body wasn’t actually tired yet. So Ally had woken up, and wanted to talk to her Master. She quickly pulled her cellphone from her bag, and checked that she could get the Internet here. She still found it amazing, how easy it could be to speak to Master from wherever she was in the world.

It took just a minute or two to explain why she wasn’t at home. Then: “Master, why did you do this? I mean, I know you love me, but what if my friend sees me, and realises I’m not her.”

“I thought it was the only way,” was his reply. “She was so curious, but she always felt so bad about exploring. It was like she was allergic to her own sexuality, hated herself for having those urges even though she knew that everyone felt the same. The only way I could stop her descending into self loathing was to build a protective wall in her mind; to separate the two halves, so you can indulge your desires—her desires—without anyone having to feel bad about it.”

It all made so much sense. But as she read the text on the tiny screen, Ally realised for the dozenth time that she didn’t really know if what Master told her was true. It felt true, it felt so natural she didn’t even feel the need to question it. Like the things he was telling her were unquestionable facts, but she knew in part of her mind that was exactly how it would feel if he’d simply commanded her not to question him. How could she be sure that wasn’t the case?

She didn’t get time to think about that any further, though she knew already the only answer she could come up with. It was then that Catharine knocked quietly on the door. A few seconds later, there was another knock on the door, and a muffled whisper of the other girl’s name. “Hey, are you awake? I thought I heard you moving!”

She could always get back to bed, pretend to be asleep. But then, Ally wanted to use her voice. As she heard the other girl’s friend whispering, she realised that she’d never spoken aloud. Ally didn’t have any friends, because she wasn’t real, and that hurt more than she would have believed. So she opened the door and muttered a “Hi”. What else could she say, though?

“What’s up with your voice?” Catharine seemed slightly wary, as if she was hearing part of a joke, and starting to wonder if it might be at her expense.

“Oh, this?” Ally tried to imagine her alter-ego’s tone and accent, but realised she’d never really heard the girl’s voice. Well, she could make something up she guessed; and then the whole thing seemed so obvious. “I’m dreaming that I’m a Kiwi, so of course I got a funny accent.”

“But you’re…”

“Oh, I think I’m sleepwalking. It happens sometimes. If I am, I won’t remember any of this in the morning.”

“Fair enough, sleepy girl,” Catharine seemed cheerful enough, but Ally couldn’t be sure if the girl was laughing with her or at her. It didn’t really matter, it was so refreshing for a person to even acknowledge her existence. “I couldn’t sleep either. Would you like to watch a scary movie, or will that give you nightmares?”

That was that. A moment she’d been dreading all her life, resolved in less than a minute of dialogue. They watched a movie, though she didn’t catch much as they chatted all the way through it. Ally fell asleep first, as she always would. She could only come out when the other girl went to sleep, which meant that her body was usually exhausted before she was even conscious.

In the following months, Catharine became a firm friend. She understood that Ally was different from the other one, and was happy to chat with either of them, even though she never really understood that Ally was a real person and not just the other girl’s imaginary friend. A few times, she even encouraged her friend to go to bed early on a sleepover, so that Ally could wake up. Ally quickly realised that friendship was the greatest gift she could imagine. There was only one small fly in the ointment.

* * *

In the Controlspace chatroom, there was a moment’s silence. Everyone waited for AllyKat to continue her story, but after a while it became clear that was all they were going to get.

“I don’t get it,” Cute Librarian was the one to break the silence, “What was wrong?”

“Her master,” Magistique responded quickly, with scorn. “Monster would be a better word. When the girl told him she doesn’t want to be hypnotised any more, said she’d been curious but now she knows it’s not for her. He decided what she wants doesn’t matter, and he split her personality just to get himself an underage sex slave. He made Aly for his own purposes, and the other girl didn’t even know.”

“We’d better not talk about it too much,” Joanna interrupted, muting the conversation for a while, “Ally’s glad to get away from that asshole now, but she still feels some anxiety from his suggestions when she thinks badly of him.”

“I can cope,” she replied, “I’ll be able to tell the whole story some day.”

“Let’s just say that there are bad people everywhere online, but around here there are some pretty slick hackers, too.” Joanna finished up quickly, briefly bowing in thanks to Magistique, “When someone we trust got onto XIV’s laptop in the hope of finding any other victims who needed help, they found a whole load of pictures. Enough to make the local police very interested, and we’re sure he won’t be bothering us again. And that’s the moral of the story: if anyone’s bothering you, don’t just ignore them. We look after our own.”

“But enough about bad things,” Livvy Durden spoke when she was sure the room owner had finished. She’d heard bits of this story before, but wanted to make sure the newcomer Candy knew she’d be taken seriously if she had a problem, “I think Candy here was trying to decide if she wanted to join a real harem…”

“I think I’ll stick to stories for now, thanks. But thanks so much for sharing all that, thanks Ally. Informative and exciting, better than most of the stories out there.”

“…and the Cute Librarian is looking for ideas for what to do with her slave tonight.”

“I’m sure I can help with that,” Someone Else answered with a grin, “What kind of ideas are you looking for?”

It was quite active in the chat room for that time in the morning, even though most people from other time zones weren’t awake yet. Librarian got a few ideas, and found it a lot easier than she’d expected to get to know others in their community. She did have cause to wonder, though, just how many people on the group already knew her, whether in person or through their mutual friends. She wasn’t used to compliments on her clothes from people on the Internet, and all the flattery only aroused her curiosity.

Livvy, on the other hand, was still no closer to finding out which of the names in this room corresponded to her enigmatic housemate. But if she could tempt some of the other regulars to spill their backstories as Ally had, she could maybe start crossing names off some metaphorical list of suspects. It would be like a giant game of Clue, and now everyone was in play the game was truly afoot.