The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Omega Girl 4

by J. Darksong

(Chapter 7: Aftermath)

“Come on! Fight back! Don’t just lie there like a lump!”

I shook my head to clear it, brushing off the dust and dirt. Dougie’s... or rather Alpha’s, last attack had knocked me for a loop, sending me crashing back into a stone embankment. While it hadn’t hurt any more or less that the beating I’d taken earlier, I still felt weak, dazed, and drained. Dougie...

I was, literally, facing my own past, come back to haunt me.

“What? No pithy comeback? No heroine-to-villain banter?” he taunted me. “But then again, you’re not much of a heroine, are you?”

Another blast of energy struck me fully, battering me back down into the stone wall, cracking it around me, breaking an even deeper impression. I couldn’t move. Hell, I could barely think! Dougie...

Why, of all the people in the world, did I have to face you?

“I get it now,” Alpha said, dropping down to land right in front of me. “You’re not fighting back because you understand. You finally realize your guilt.” He reached out, grabbing me by the throat, glowing with a fierce green light all the while. “YOU are the reason I look like this!” he screamed at me. “YOU did this to me! YOU made me into this... this thing! This monster!”

“I’m... sorry.” It was the only thing I could think of to say.

“Sorry?” Unfortunately, it was the wrong thing to say. A fist hammered into my gut, driving me deeper into the rock. “You’re sorry? Hah. Well, la-de-fucking-da!” He struck me again, and again, battering at me, taking out his full fury on me. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t have if I wanted to... and I wasn’t even sure I wanted to. He was strong, stronger than he used to be, and I think I felt a rib crack on the last punch before he backed away.

“Look at me, Lacie!” he shouted, taking a step back. “Take a good long hard look at me... at your grand work. Some heroine you’ve been, hmmm? All this time, PLAYING at being the big hero, trying to HELP people, trying to save the whole fucking world...” He fired another blast of energy at me for emphasis. “Didn’t save me, though, did you? No... you fucked me up really good and proper, then instead of dealing with the mess, instead of HELPING ME... you tried to sweep the whole thing under the carpet. You turned me in to the military, had me locked away and buried in some deep dark prison cell, hidden away where everyone would forget about me.” I winced, looking down, but he had been watching my face. “Including YOU!” he accused. “You fucking BITCH! You forgot all about me, didn’t you? I bet I haven’t even crossed your mind ONCE since the day they locked me away!”

I could only stand there and take his abuse... because it was true. All true.

Fifteen years ago... it seemed like an entire lifetime ago, and really it was. I was just a teenager, still learning how to control my powers, still learning what I could do. My dad had finally given in to my pleading and whining and let me try my hand at the super hero thing. It was tenth grade, and I still had hopes for maintaining a semblance for a normal life as well as being a heroine. I’d known Dougie since the second grade, had always had a major crush on him, and that year we’d finally started dating. It seemed as if my life was only getting better and better every day.

And then... the night of the prom, everything went to hell. It was the first night Dr. Atoms made an appearance in town, trying to destroy the city in a giant armored robot he’d created. Before him, I’d only cut my teeth nabbing the occasional bank robber or purse snatcher, penny-ante criminals the police could easily have caught themselves. I thought I was ready. I thought I would prove myself to the city, to the entire world. But I was careless, both with my secret identity, and with my powers. During the panic, I’d slipped away, hiding behind the gym, changing into my costume, thinking I was alone, but Dougie, worried about me, had followed me. I got caught, my first mistake, but when he confronted me, instead of dealing with it, I ran off, saying that we’d talk about it, after I stopped Dr. Atoms.

“This is becoming boring,” Alpha said after a while. “If you’re not going to at least TRY to fight back, then my presence here is pointless. You’ve picked a hell of a time to give up.” Glancing around the area, he smirked. “But... I know a way to help rekindle your fighting spirit. If you can’t attack me out of guilt for what you did to me,” he said, turning to face the downed helicopters in the distance, “then maybe you’ll fight me to save the lives of the weak, helpless masses you pretend to care so much about!”

“NO! DOUGIE! WAIT!” I cried out, realizing what he intended, too late. I pulled myself free of the stone just in time to watch him send a glowing orb of nuclear energy at military squad. A small explosion of green light followed by a small familiar mushroom cloud signaled their demise. Wide eyed with shock, I shook my head in denial. It was happening again, all over again... just like before...

* * *

“Hold it right there!” the sixteen-year-old Lacie yelled out loudly, hands snugly at her hip in a defiant pose. “Whoever you are, get out of my city... or there’s gonna be trouble!”

The thirty-foot tall robot lurched to a halt several feet before her, and a small panel in the middle of its chest opened up. A tall, thin, white haired man scowled at her. “Okay... okay. what the HELL is this? I mean, really!” he yelled through a hidden microphone. “Some villains wreak chaos and destruction in a major city only to be stopped by REAL heroes, like Fantastic Woman, or the legendary Blue Fox... or even that new weirdo freak Newton! I, Dr. Atoms, unveil my Atomic Powered Mobile Destruction Engine (APMoDE) to the world, and who shows up to face me? Some teenaged teeny bopper in bright pink long johns!”

Lacie, blushing hotly, scowled back. “HEY! I’m not just some kid, yanno! So... alright, maybe pink’s not my color, but I made the costume myself, and I think it’s pretty good for a first try!”

The doctor merely shook his head. “I don’t have time for this! Get out of my way, girl, or I’ll destroy you with the rest of the city!”

Lifting off the ground to float face to face with him, she smirked. “Go ahead and try it, big boy!”

The doctor blinked. “Gah... you... you really ARE new at this, aren’t you? That’s the WORST hero/villain banter I’ve ever heard!” Pressing a button on his control console, he grinned. “I hope you do better in the next lifetime...” A huge mechanical pincer slid from the machines side, catching her easily, binding her tightly. “Now, little girl, I’m going to crush you like a bug!” The metal claw began to compress, squeezing tighter and tighter. Lacie grit her teeth, gathering her strength, preparing to break free and show this weirdo just who he was dealing with.

“NO! LACIE!” a voice called out from the ground.

Lacie turned, gasping in shock. “Dougie?!?” she exclaimed. “What are you doing here, you idiot? RUN! Get out of... uuugghhhnnn... here!”

Picking up a rock, Doug hurled it with all his strength at the glass dome protecting the robot’s creator. “Let her go!” he yelled furiously.

The rock pinged harmlessly away, doing no damage, but it did get the doctor’s attention. “What? Another one? What is this, Teen Heroes Week or something?” Another metal panel opened up, this time revealing the barrel of a large metal cannon. “No one EVER takes me seriously!” he yelled, powering up the weapon, taking aim at the would-be suitor. “Oh, but you’ll ALL take me seriously when I reduce this city to a black smoking radioactive crater!”

NOOOO! Lacie screamed inwardly, bursting free, shattering the reinforced steel pincer into shards of debris. The laser gun was firing, so she did the only thing she could think of to protect her friend. Diving towards Doug, she fired her Omega Beams at him, intent on forming a protective shield around him, hoping her unique energy signature would deflect the radioactive beam.

The two beams struck, creating a blinding green light. Lacie averted her eyes, crying out as the energy release sent her falling backwards into a small building. The light slowly faded, and shaking her head to clear it, she glanced down to where Doug had been standing. Her eyes widened, and her hand flew up to her mouth in horror, as tears began to fall...

* * *

The dust settled slowly, but I didn’t need to see to know what I’d find. Following his accident, I’d seen all too well the results of Dougie’s newfound power. I could only stand there, numbed in horror at the senseless deaths and destruction he’d just caused. Above the wreckage he floated staring at me, wearing that same look of cocky disdain he’d shown all those years ago. I couldn’t... I just couldn’t wrap my mind around it... I’d known him more than half my life growing up, had crushed on him big-time all through junior high and high school... we’d talked, shared our dreams, our desires, talking about what we wanted to be when we grew up. I KNEW him... or rather, I had known him. I’d never been able to accept the change in him though... and I don’t mean the physical, glowing green skinned change.

Or... no. No. It was the fact that I had CAUSED that change in him that I’d never been able to accept.

In my naiveté, my overconfidence, I’d let Dr. Atoms grab me, hold me down, just so it’d be more impressive when I broke free, shattering his delusions of superiority. I’d wanted to grandstand, to taunt, to gloat at him, when I could have simply battered into the big hulking thing and turned it into scrap metal from the beginning. I hadn’t considered anyone following me, or getting in the way. I hadn’t considered the innocent bystanders at all.

And worse, I was too new to my own powers to know trying to shield him from the blast with a blast of my own wouldn’t work, that instead of deflecting the energy it would transmute it, alter it, and Dougie along with it, mutating him into a deadly radioactive being even more of a menace to the city that a hundred mad scientists in giant killer robots.

“Well?” he asked again, staring at me. “Still nothing to say? Or did I interrupt some inner monologue, or flashback about how you made me into the abomination you see befor—ooof!”

“That’s enough!” I yelled, landing a massive right cross. “Enough! I know what happened in the past! I KNOW that I’m the one that made you like this! I understand that you’re pissed, Doug... but dammit take your anger and hate out on ME! Leave everyone else alone! Your fight is with me!”

Rubbing his jaw, he smirked. “So, not QUITE broken in spirit yet, after all. Good. Because I don’t intend to let you off that easily!” Powering up, he fired a blast of green nuclear fire directly at me, but my Omega Shield nullified it. “It wasn’t so bad, being turned into a FREAK!” he yelled, firing again and again, battering away at my defenses, physically and emotionally, trying to break through. “After all, it made us more alike!” Giving up on that front, he charged at me, fists flying, and again, I matched him, blow for blow. “But the thing that really hurt... that REALLY HURT... was being ABANDONED by you...” he scored a hit to my chest “...watching you walk away as the military dragged me away, kicking and screaming, calling out to you, BEGGING you!” Another direct hit, and I slipped to the ground on one knee.

“I had no choice!” I tried uselessly, knowing my words wouldn’t make any difference, but needing to explain. “You... you were out of control! You KILLED people, Doug!” I ducked a punch and countered with a kick, pushing him back. “I mean, I could see in the beginning, when you found out what had happened to you... anyone would be angry. You couldn’t control your powers, and that explosion was an accident. I get it. But you wouldn’t stop... you went on a rampage! All those people...” I paused, entreating him to understand. “You didn’t give me a choice! You would have destroyed the entire city if I hadn’t stopped you!”

“I still plan to,” Doug replied, straightening up. “After all, its the only thing that you care about that you have left, isn’t it? Your precious ‘teeming masses’. Hah! Not that I understand why you even bother! They all despise you now. When this is all said and done with, you’ll have no where to run. A Heroine? Bah! They’d all as soon as lock you up like they did me!” He laughed evilly. “And the best part of all this is, you’re a bigger threat to the world you’d fought so hard to protect now than I am! The LET ME GO because I’m the only one capable of stopping YOU!”

I knew it. I had known, all along, really. Yeah, I’d hoped otherwise, that he’d broken out to face me, but deep inside I’d known the moment he’d appeared. Still, hearing the words spoken aloud, so bluntly, drove the point home. I was the true menace here now. Everyone in the world believed it. I even half believed it now... did that make it right? If you stare at the sky that you think is blue, but everyone else thinks is red, which is it, blue or red? Does believing in something so strongly make it true?

What did I believe? What was I doing here? What was I even fighting for?

The sounds of machine gun fire broke me from my musings, and I hit the ground, wincing in pain. “OW! SHIT!” I yelled, clutching my bleeding arm. Nth metal bullets. A quick glance skyward showed the culprits, a squad of F-16, with more on the way. I stayed low to the ground, trying not to make an easy target for myself, and had the satisfaction of seeing them turn and fire on Alpha as well, causing him to fall to the ground in agony as well.

“DAMMIT!” he yelled, beginning to glow brightly, no doubt powering up again. “Damned insects, always interfering! You won’t stop me before I finish the Master’s work!”

Master’s work? Before I could question him, Dougie went airborne once more. Four of the fighter jets broke off, moving to try and intercept him, while the other four stayed around me. “Guess they changed their minds about which of us was the bigger threat after all, eh, Dougie?” I said out loud as I took flight once more as well. I moved erratically, zipping left and right, making as hard a target for myself as possible. When the guns couldn’t lock on, they switched to missiles, and while I didn’t think there was enough of that ultra rare Nth metal around to waste it in missile warheads, I also didn’t intend to put it to the test. I took off fast, streaking as fast as I could across the sky, breaking mach two before pulling hard to the side, swinging left then up, before heading back the way I’d come.

The pilots were good, but I was better. My body could take the punishment more than theirs could, and three of them conceded the chase and backed off. The fourth, however, tried to follow, only to stall and spiral out of control towards the ground. Cursing loudly, I turned back, not thinking, just acting, swooping in to grab the jet by the rudders. Looking through the canopy I could see he was out cold. I dropped the jet lightly on the ground, then bent the wings, making sure he couldn’t come after me when he regained consciousness.

“Shit! Where did Dougie get to?” I scanned the sky, looking left and right, but he was long gone. He could have gone anywhere, and if his airspeed was anything like my own, he could easily have traveled a thousand miles in the time it had taken me to shake off my pursuers. I had to find him. I needed to find him... and not from any sense of duty, or guilt.

I needed to find him... because the last words he’d spoken before he’d rushed off had filled me with a strange and savage hope.

You won’t stop me before I finish the Master’s work, he’d said. He hadn’t come here to kill me after all... well, not JUST to kill me, anyway; he had come to do the bidding of his so-called ‘Master’. I’d tried not to pay attention to the various voices whispering in my head these days, voices of doubt, of suspicion, even of insanity... but the loudest voice was always the voice of paranoia. That I hadn’t truly brought all of this down upon myself, that I was had been set up. In more lucid moments, it was easy to push such thoughts aside as simple paranoia, but now, suddenly, all of the small, seemingly innocent and unconnected instances didn’t seem so innocent or unconnected.

Of course, I’d have to catch up to him first if I wanted to beat the answers out of him. The world is a pretty big place, after all, and I had no idea where he was going. I’d assumed, a few minutes after shaking my pursuers, that he’d head back towards where we’d fought before, to finish up where we’d left off, but after five minutes I knew he had something else in mind. “DAMMIT, DOUGIE!!” I yelled out as loud as I could, “WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO! THIS WAS YOUR BIG IDEA! I NEVER THOUGHT YOU’D BE THE TYPE TO RUN HOME TO MOMMY—”

Run home. Home. Oh my God.

Turning Northwest I shot across the sky as fast as I could, making a beeline for home, hoping against hope that I was wrong, that he’d just been spitting venom, that he hadn’t really meant to go back... but the soft glow of neon green lighting the horizon told me all that I needed to know.

* * *

“DOUG!” I called out, reaching him a few minutes later. He stood floating high above Silver City, which, although lightly singed and scorched in a few areas, was, for the most part, still intact. He turned to face me, smiling his twisted little smile, glowing like a small green sun. “You don’t need to do this!” I called out again. “This isn’t about then! It’s about you and me, remember? Just you and me!”

He shook his head. “No. It’s not. You don’t see the big picture, Lacie Ann... but then you never could. I let out a few pot shots, here and there, just to kill time till you arrived... but now that you’re here, it’s the real thing. I’m going to nuke this city, right before your very eyes. Then, I plan to go to River City, and nuke it was well. Then Midas. Then New York. Then D.C., and every major city, until this whole entire world is nothing but a burned out smoking crater!”

“I won’t let you do that, Doug,” I said solemnly, powering up.

“It’s ALPHA, bitch!” he snarled. “Doug Williams died fifteen years ago, thanks to you! Accident, fate, whatever the reason, we are both here now. I am going to destroy EVERYTHING you hold dear. It’s a fact. No one can stop me... no one but you.” His glow brightened again, reaching critical mass. “And the only way you can stop me... is to kill me.”

I froze. Indecision tore at me. He was going to do it, he was going to kill everyone in town, unless I stopped him. But I can’t KILL him! Innocent men and women and children... I can’t... I can’t cross that line! dying horribly, microwaved inside and out Can’t do it, I just can’t! unless I acted. Please! I can’t! Unless I stopped him Please don’t make me once no! and for all... please!

“KISS YOUR HOME TOWN GOODBYE!!” he snarled, as he prepared to rain down his energy upon the helpless city.


“Gaa... gah... aaf...”

“I’m... sorry,” I whispered softly, holding Doug from behind. His body twitched slightly, the last of the nerve impulses firing as his body went limp, his head still bent at the odd angle I’d twisted it to. Tears streamed continuously down my cheeks, as I floated there, holding him, watching as his glow slowly dimmed, the warmth slowly fading from his flesh.

Five minutes ago, I’d been holding on to a tender fragile hope, that somehow, somewhere, in some way, there was a way out of this mess. Five minutes ago, I’d believed that if I could stop Doug, subdue him somehow, I’d know who was behind all of this. I’d deluded myself into believing that eventually, in time, things could go back to the way they were before, that if I found the person behind all of the pain and suffering I’d endure, I could somehow make it right again... that I could fix all this.

But all that was over now. The dream was merely that, a dream, shattered into nothingness by the harsh light of reality. There was no going back now. No matter what happened in the future, I’d crossed THE line, broken the one absolute that I’d made with myself when I first donned the tights of a super heroine.

I’d killed someone.

* * *

“Fancy meeting you here.”

I glanced over my shoulder as I lay Doug’s body carefully on the ground, and felt rage overtake me. “You! YOU CAUSED THIS!” I gathered my energy reserves, preparing to blow this metal armed freak off the face of the planet... but nothing came. My power felt as if it had all been drained away. What the hell?

“Having a little... energy crisis?” Chrome guessed, chuckling. He gestured to another familiar face approaching from an alleyway between the buildings on my right side. “My employer thought you might not be in much of a talkative mood, considering all you’d been through these past few hours. He arranged for an ‘old friend’ to stop by to help with my sales pitch.”

“I was sent to meet you,” Maddy Jeffries said, stepping into view. “I’d assumed you would be expecting someone to show up sooner or later. After all the fireworks up there, I assumed it would be sooner.” Walking over to me, she knelt down to one knee, looking at the body. “Wow. You really did it, huh? I didn’t think you had it in you... not Ms. Goody Two-shoes. Not that I doubted His word or anything, but still...”

Pushing her aside, I rose to my feet, defeated. “Fine. So. What now? Last time we met, you vowed to kill me. In fact, you’ve BOTH made that your goal. Is that why you’re here? To kill me?” I simply shook my head. “Go ahead. I don’t care anymore. You’ve already taken everything I ever cared for, everything I worked so hard to protect... just KILL ME and get it over with!”

“’Fraid not, lamb chop,” Chrome chuckled, walking up behind her, placing a hand on Maddy’s shoulder. “That’s not why we’re here. Besides, I think there’s been enough killing for one day, don’t you think?” He shrugged. “Not that it probably matters at this point, but it just so happens that two of your little costumed friends were down here while Alpha was taking potshots.” He shrugged. “Instead of leaving, they decided to be heroic and try to help the citizens escape... and died along with them. Isn’t that a pity?”

I merely sighed, not having the energy within to feel any more despair. “Just leave me alone, alright. If you’re not going to kill me, then just go away. I don’t want to fight with you. I just want to be left alone.”

Maddy laughed. “Pathetic. I can’t believe I used to obsess over hunting you down to get my revenge on such a pitiful spineless worm as you!”

I nearly laughed myself. “Yes. I know. Really pathetic... almost as pathetic as you, needing to come all the way out here to taunt me when I’m at my lowest point just to make yourselves feel better.”

“Now, now, no need to cop an attitude with us,” Chrome chided. “I gave you MORE than fair warning about what was coming up. I tried to convince you to come with me of your own accord... but you wanted to do this the hard way. Well,” he said, gesturing about, “this is the hard way. You thought at the time that you couldn’t go any lower, that you’d already lost everything left you could possibly lose.” He crossed his arms. “Now you know different.”

I didn’t care. He was right. I should have taken his advice and quit while I was still ahead. Hindsight is always twenty-twenty... blah blah blah. I just didn’t care anymore. About anything.

“Come with me,” he said, holding out a chrome plated hand. Sighing deeply, I took his hand, not even bothering to ask where. “Siphon, dear, be a sport and bring along ol’ Dougie, will you?”

That at least was enough to break though my apathy. “Huh? Why do you want to bring a dead body with you? Can’t you just let him rest in peace?” Did these two have no shame at all?

Chrome smirked. “He’s gone, but not forgotten. And dead or not, he is still of use to my... Employer.” Seeing my expression, he chuckled. “You’ll see soon enough. Now, come with me... and all your questions will be answered. And with everything you’ve gone through, unanswered questions are the only thing you have left.”

In a strange way, he was right. After all, I literally had nothing else to lose but my life, and while not suicidal, I didn’t feel particularly much like fighting for it. He stepped towards what appeared to be shimmering heat waves in the middle of the road and disappeared, and after only a slight hesitation, I followed, stepping through as well.

((end of chapter 7))